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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000055757: A New View of the Origin of the Solar Wind

) A New View of the Origin of the Solar Wind Richard Woo 1and Shadia Rifai Habbal 2 IJet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109 2Harvard-_mithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Abstract. Thispaperuses white-light measurements made by the SOHO LASCO coronagraph and HAO Mauna Loa MkHIK-coronameter to illustrate the new view of solarwind structurededuced originally from radiooccultation mea- surements. Itis shown that the density profile closest to the Sun at 1.15 Ro, representing the imprint of the Sun, is carried essentially radially into interplanetary space by small-scale raylike structures that permeate the solar corona and which have only been observed by radiooccultation measurements. The only exception is the small volume of interplanetary space occupied bythe heliospheric plasma sheet that evolves from coronal streamers within afew solar radiioftbe Sun. The radialpreservation of the density profile also implies thatasignificant fractionof field lines which extend into interplanetary space originate from the quiet Sun, and areindistinguishable in character from those ema- nating from polar coronal holes. The white-light measurements dispel the long-held belief thatthe boundaries of polar coronal holes diverge significantly, and furthersupportthe view originally proposed in(I) that the fast solar wind origi- nates from the quiet Sunaswell as polarcoronal holes. INTRODUCTION full disk and the HAO Mauna Loa Mk III K-coronameter white-light images, Co)the Mauna Loa and the SOHO Our notions and understanding of the origin of the solar LASCO C2 white-light images, and (c) the SOHO LASCO wind stem from remote sensing measurements of the Sun C3 white-light image. We focus attention only onthe north- on the one hand, and direct observations of the solar wind em hemisphere since the supporting pylon of the C2 and by interplanetary spacecraft on the other, with a C3 external occulters isinthe southeast. The northern polar conspicuous absence of definitive measurements of the coronal hole, as projected on the solar disk and defined by outer corona and intervening solar wind. Since high speed the Kitt Peak He I 1083 nm map, is traced in yellow on sh-eams were ftrst related to coronal holes over two decades the Yohkoh soft X-ray image in Figure la. The dashed ago, coronal holes have been thought tobe the sole sources radial yellow lines superimposed on the corona in Fig- of the fast solar wind (2-4). As details of density and ures 1a-c indicate the radial extensions of the He I coro- velocity structure in the outer corona have become nal hole boundaries inthe plane of the sky, which are also available, first from radio occultation (1,5,6), and represented by the black vertical lines on the latitudinal or subsequently from ultraviolet (7) and white-light azimuthal profiles of the white-light intensities in measurements (8), a significantly different view of the Figure 2. source of the solar wind has emerged. A chronicle of the The profiles in Figure 2, comprising measurements observational developments leading to this new view has sampled once per degree of latitude, are displayed on a been presented elsewhere (9), and will not be repeated logarithmic vertical scale in order to show relative change here. Instead, we illustrate the new view with recent results and the limits of instrumental noise. The pB scans of the on density structure from white-light measurements and Mk III K-coronameter at heights of 1.15, 1.35, 1.45, and their implications for the origin of the solar wind. 1.55 Ro displayed in Figure 2a show that their range of variation rises steeply with increasing height -- from a factor of 2-3 nearest the Sun at 1.15 Ro to an order of IMPRINT OF THE SUN ON THE magnitude or higher for heights greater than 1.35 Ro. In SOLAR WIND spite of the steep rise in pB levels outside the coronal hole, Shown in Figure 1are the images of the Sun taken on the shapes of the pB profiles within the coronal hole August 11, 1997 comprising: (a) the Yohkoh soft X-ray remain essentially unchanged with increasing height. (a) CORONAL plumes seen in the corresponding images, measurement HOLE error is smaller than these variations. QUIET QUIET The radial evolution of density structure in the corona SUN SUN is illustrated in Figure 2b. Here, the pB profiles of 1.35 and 1.45 Ro have been shifted so that their coronal hole profiles match that of the 1.15 Ro profile. To these pro- files, we have added the C3 intensity profile, whose verti- cal scale has been adjusted to match its coronal hole pro- file to the others. It is clear that density structure in the coronal hole is preserved with increasing heliocentric dis- tahoe, but that the narrowing of the streamers is accompa- nied by an increase in their brightness relative to that of the coronal hole. The most striking feature of the radial evolution of density structure is the large angular extent over which there is coincidence between the profiles near- est (1.15 Ro) and farthest from the Sun (5.5 Ro), as ob- served in the unshaded portion of the profiles in Figure 2c and also defined by the solid radial yellow lines in Fig- ure 1.Remarkably, the coincidence extends well beyond the radial boundaries of the coronal hole, spanning 110° in latitude (position angles +60 °to -50°). However, it is similar to that found when ranging or total electron con- tent measurements at 20-30 Ro were compared with white-light measurements at 1.15 Ro (10). We have re- produced this result in Figure 3,which shows coincidence over a latitudinal range of 60° in a quadrant of the sky. As evident in Figure I, the latitudinal range over which the density profile at 5.5 Ro is preserved encompasses as much of the quiet Sun as the polar coronal hole, with the east limb also including an active region. At 1.15 Ro, the quiet Sun dominates the density profile, with its corre- sponding pB level showing an increase of a factor of 2-3 over that of the coronal hole. At 5.5 Ro, the tapered coro- nal streamers, whose brightness isnow at least an order of FIGURE 1. White-light observations of August 11, 1997. magnitude higher than that of the coronal hole, dominate (a) Combined images ofYohkoh soft X-ray and Mk III Mauna the preserved profile, which can only be detected and de- Loa K-coronameter pB. The yellow line on the disk traces the coronal hole boundary as defined bythe He I 1083nm maps of fined by measurements with high sensitivity and high dy- theNational Solar Observatory. Co)Combined images of SOHO namic range, as in the case of the LASCO measurements LASCO C2 intensity and Mauna Loa pB. (c) Image of LASCO (11). Early white-light measurements lacked these abili- C3 intensity. The dashed yellow lines superimposed on the ties, and the radial extension of the coronal hole boundary corona (and corresponding to the black vertical lines in Fig- was not detected. Consequently, as illustrated in Figure 4, ure2) indicate the radial extension of the polar coronal hole polar coronal holes were erroneously thought to evolve boundaries as defined bythe He I 1083nm maps; the solid yel- around the edges of the bright streamers and to diverge low lines indicate the region over which there is coincidence significantly (4,12), rather than expand radially as is evi- between the density profiles at 1.15 and 5.5Ro, as defined by dent in the profiles of Figure 2. the unshaded portions of the profiles inFigure 2c. The radially preserved imprint of the Sun at 1.15 Ro could only have reached 5.5 Ro via solar wind flowing However, the noisy profile at 1.55 Ro indicates that the along approximately radial open magnetic field lines origi- measurements are only reliable closer than this distance nating in the quiet Sun as well as coronal holes. These to the Sun or when pB levels exceed 50 x 10-_*Bo. The field lines are associated with the ubiquitous low-density, profile at I. 15 Ro has the strongest signal-to-noise ratio. low-contrast, small-scale (angular size smaller than a de- Since the slight variations superimposed on these back- glee) raylike or filamentary structures that permeate the ground density profiles represent the coronal rays or corona, and which have only been detected by radio " 104 (l) ' " "I ...... '_iI 101 lOm " • :ii!!!!!ji+!!ll 100 ' - 10" 1 I)0 60 30 0 -30 -60 -e0 IlO 60 30 0 -30 -60 -90 g0 60 30 0 -30 -S0 -90 Position Angle (<:leg) Position Angle (deg) Position Angle (deg) FIGURE2. Latitudinalprofilesofpath-integrateddensity.Theblackverticallinescorrespond to thecoronalholeboundaries definedbythe dashedyellowlinesinFigure1. (a)pBobservedbyMkIIIMaunaLoaK-coronameter ataltitudesof 1.15,!.35, 1.45,and 1.55Ro. Co)SuperimposedMkllI pBprofilesat1.15, 1.35,1.45Ro andSOHOC3 intensityprofile at5.5Ro. (d)SOHOC3intensityprofile at5.5RosuperimposedonMkIIIpBprofileat1.15Ro. Theunshadedportionsoftheprofiles arewherethere iscoincidencebetweenthetwo. | Position Angle (deg) structures (14,15). Recent high spatial resolution eclipse 270 25o 24o 22o 2oo 15o measurements reproduced in Figure 5 (16) suggest that ) . . n. , ! , J. .A , .£ .£. ! , _ , ,J. open field lines do indeed emerge from the quiet Sun. A,! " A pBatl.15Ro The observed radial extension of the imprint ofthe Sun 't._ • TotalElectronContent SO00 ,,." _=_'_i. .t:,0-3R0o should not be confused with the impression of coronal +cA+ _., I It ,v,+_ evolution that one gets from afew individual coronal rays 3O0O (also known as plumes) seen in (generally enhanced) J white-light images (17,18). The latter are observed in .g white-light pictures of coronal holes merely because they LUtOO0 • . • • I .... I .... I . . .I . 54 are therays with the highest contrast, yet onlyproduce at 74 69 D_OY 5g most +10% ripples onthe background density profile. On the other hand, the background density profile or the im- FIGURE 3. Time seriesofrangingortotal'electroncontentin print of the Sunvaries by a factor of two across the coro- hexemsor1016electrons/m2inblueandMaunaLoaMkIIIpB nal hole boundary, as isevident inFigure 2. at 1.15Ro inred asa functionof dayof yearDOY in 1995. The latitudinal range of 110-120 ° over which density Positionangleisindicatedatthetopofthefigure.Thetwotime structure is preserved is similar to that over which fast seriesshowgoodagreementexceptintheshadedregionrepre- solar wind was observed inside 3Ro by SOHO UVCS sentingthe evolved coronalstreamer.Adaptedfrom(I0). measurements (7), as well as far from the Sun byUlysses in situ plasma (19). These combined results, therefore, occultation measurements. Thesmallest density structures imply that the fastest wind comes from the polar coronal are at least two orders of magnitude smaller than those holes, while the slightly slower fast wind at lower lati- observed inwhite-light measurements, butarecomparable tudes originates and flows along the open field lines from to the smallest magnetic scales deduced indirectly from the quiet Sun, as discussed previously (1,8, I0). photospheric field measurements (13). While the presence of open magnetic fields inthe quiet Sun appearsto con- SMALL-SCALE RAYLIKE tradictthe long held view that they are restrictedto coro- STRUCTURES nal holes, itisnecessary tounderstandthat coronal mag- netic fields have not been measured directly, andthat the The evidence for the radial extension of the imprint of traditional view is based solely on the impression of di- the Suninboth radio occultation and white-light measure- verging polarcoronal holes fromwhite-light pictures, and ments reinforces the close connection between these two theoretical magnetic field modeling only of large-scale types ofmeasurements (20). Despite significant differences For along time, itwas thought that all small-scale struc- tures that gave rise to radio propagation and scattering phenomena, including phase scintillation, represented convected inhomogeneities as depicted in Figure 6a. Angular broadening measurements near the Sun have exhibited strikingly high anisotropy (24), i.e., radio scat- tering that is higher in one direction than in the other, and an example of these measurements is reproduced in Fig- ure 6b (25). The observed high anisotropy has led to the revised picture as sketched in Figure 6c, showing a co- FIGURE 4. Combined images of Yohkoh softX-ray and Mk rona with high contrast raylike structures in addition to I17Mauna Loa K-coronameter pB of September 5, 1996, with the low contrast inhomogeneities. The angular broaden- yellow lines: (a) following the coronal streamer orapparent po- ing measurement of Figure 6b has been appropriately ori- lar coronal hole boundary, Co)representing the radial extension ented and superimposed on this new picture to show that of the polar coronal hole in(b). Adapted from (8). angular broadening ishigher in the direction transverse to the raylike structures than inthe direction parallel tothem. This illustrates that the anisotropy is caused by the sig- nificantly high contrast (high density fluctuations produc- ing the high radio scattering) across the raylike structures when compared with that inthe radial direction and across the inhomogeneities. Although white-light measurements such as those in Figure 1have much lower spatial resolution, the images are dominated by raylike structures for the very same reason; the raylike structures have asignificantly higher contrast than the convected inhomogeneities. With the outstanding sensitivity of the LASCO measurements, the convected inhomogeneities are now also being observed (26), and their tracking is yielding velocity estimates of the solar wind much in the same manner as IPS has. The angular broadening measurements, therefore, indicate that if the resolution of white-light measurements were to be improved by two orders of magnitude, the corona would still be strikingly dominated by raylike structures, as it is c 2o0 30o in Figure 1. FIGURE 5. Enhanced high spatial resolution white-light im- age of corona during the total solar eclipse of July 11, 1991, CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY showing dark and bright radial threads extending above asmall OF NEW VIEW prominence just above the limb. Reproduced from (16). The unprecedented sensitivity and dynamic range of the LASCO coronagraph (27) have made it possible to detect in spatial resolution, there are also similarities in their and observe faint structures in the outer corona that had observations of small-scale features: raylike structures and not been observed in earlier white-light measurements. inhomogeneities convected along with the solar wind. Global imaging of the corona using measurements by the Intensity scintillation observes only coronal structures LASCO coronagraph and Mk HIK-coronameter illustrates that are smaller than the Fresnel size (21). Since the small- the new view of coronal structure originally obtained from est structures are predominantly inhomogeneities that are radio occultation measurements. The white-light measure- convected along with the solar wind (5) (as illustrated in ments not only reinforce this new view and its implica- Figure 6a), by tracking the scattering from them with tions for the origin and evolution of the fast solar wind, multiple stations, intensity scintillation measurements they also demonstrate how the raylike structures observed (commonly known as IPS for interplanetary scintillation) inwhlte-light measurements are similar to the significantly have served for many years as an invaluable means for smaller raylike structures observed by radio occultation indirectly measuring solar wind velocity (22,23). measurements. {.) the naturalconclusion that the high latitude fast wind ob- served byUlysses insitu plasma measurements all came @ frompolar coronal holes (27,28). The new view isconceptually simple. Two majorcom- V ponents comprising large- and small-scale density struc- tures give rise to the corona observed in white-light im- ages, asdepictedinFigure7a.Thenew view ismost readily revealed inpath-integrated measurements near solar mini- mum when the tilt in the solar magnetic dipole is mini- mum and the heliospheric currentsheet isflat.Inthis con- figuration,the two major components of density structures are most isolated from each other.Coronal streamers, the (b) 416301.1 . - brightest and most dominantfeaturesnearest the Sun,rep- 3_N resentthe large-scale structures summarized inFigure 7b. Evolving into the heliospheric plasma sheet within a few solar radiiof the Sun(29), the narrow and brightstreamer N stalksironically occupyonly asmall volume of interplan- M etary space (30), but carry the slowest solar wind (7). Small-scale raylike structures, which originate from all s2 over the Sun, and pervade the solar corona as pictured in 10 _ 14 . Figure 7c, representthe second major component of den- 10 a_ N.II _lI_,l 14, NAi sitystructure. These low-density, low-contrast, small-scale structures are readily detected in radio occultation mea- RIGHTASCENSION surements butare not observed inwhite-light images. Fast wind flows along these small-scale structures which ex- tend from coronal holes as well as thread their way be- tween/through closed field regions of the quiet Sun (as seen inFigure 7a),and carry the imprint of the Sunessen- tially radially intointerplanetaryspace. Themost conspicu- ousfeature ofthe imprint isthe coronal hole signature, as shown inFigure 7d. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is a pleasure to thank R. Howard (NRL) for many useful discussions about the LASCO measurements and FIGURE 6. (a) Conceptual sketch of the solar corona showing their capabilities. We are also grateful to J.W.Armstrong convected inhomogeneities in the solar wind. (b) Image of an- for discussions, C. Copeland for producing the paper and gular broadened radio source reproduced from (16). (c) Revised the figures, J.Burkepile and H. Higgins of HAO for gen- conceptual sketch of the solar corona showing high contrast erously providing the Mauna Loa Mk III K-coronameter raylike structures in addition to the low contrast convected inho- (operated byNCAR_AO) data. The NSO/Kitt Peak He I mogeneities in the solar wind with radio scattered image in (b) 1083 nm data used here are produced cooperatively by properly oriented and superimposed. NSF/NOAO, NASA/GSFC, and NOAA/SEL. We thank the Yohkoh Data Archive Center for the Yohkoh soft X- Wehave also shown how the fading detectability of the ray images. This paper describes research carried out at low contrastcoronal hole boundary onthe one hand,and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute ofTech- the increasing contrast of the evolving coronal streamer nology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics boundary on the other, combined to produce the errone- and Space Administration. Support for S.R. Habbal was ous conclusion based on early white-light measurements provided byNASA grant NAG5-6215. LASCO was con- that polar coronal holes underwent significant divergence structed and is operated by an international consortium as they extended into interplanetary space. Along with consisting of the Naval Research Laboratory (Washing- magnetic field modeling, this result inturn led tothe idea ton, DC), the Department of Space Research at the Uni- that open field lines existed solely in coronal holes, and versity of Birmingham (Birmingham, United Kingdom), the Max-Planck Institute for Aeronomy (Lindau, Germany) and the Laboratory for Space Astrortomy (Marseilles, France). SOHO is a mission of international cooperation between ESA and NASA. REFERENCES 1.Woo, R., and Habbal, S.R., Geophys. Res. Lett. 24, 1159- I162 (1997). 2. Krieger, A., etai., SolarPhys. 29, 505 (1973). 3. Hundhausen, A., in CoronalHoles andHigh Speed Streams, Colorado Associated University Press, Boulder, 1977, pp. 225-329. 4. Zirker, J'.B., ed., Coronal Holes and High Speed _nd Streams, Colorado Associated University Press, Boulder, 1977. 5. Woo, R., Nature 379, 321-322 (1996). 6. Woo, IL, and Martin, J'.M., Geophys. Res. Left. 24, 2535- 2538 (1997). 7. 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