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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000039430: National General Aviation Design Competition Guidelines 1999-2000 Academic Year PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000039430: National General Aviation Design Competition Guidelines 1999-2000 Academic Year

National General Aviation Design Competition Guidelines 1999-2000 The National Aeronautics and Space The competition is divided into two Administration (NASA), the Federal categories, each with separate Academic Year Aviation Administration (FAA) and guidelines and time lines. The first the Air Force Research Laboratory is the Innovative Design Category are sponsoring a National General (see pages 3-4), under which Aviation Design Competition for individual students or student teams students at U.S. aeronautical and submit paper design projects of engineering universities for the systems, subsystems, components or 1999-2000 academic year. The complete airframes to address competition challenges individuals general aviation revitalization goals. and teams of undergraduates and/ Five cash awards are offered in this or graduate students, working with category, including special awards faculty advisors, to address design for product designs which are challenges for general aviation readily retrofitable to existing aircraft. aircraft and those which make innovative use of Air Force- Now in its sixth year, the developed technologies. The second competition seeks to increase the category, Design It, Build It, Fly It involvement of the academic (see page 5), allows individual community in the revitalization of students or student teams to take the U.S. general aviation industry well-developed design projects to a while providing real-world design proof of concept or demonstration and development experiences for stage. The award for this category students. It allows university includes a cash development grant students to participate in a major and the opportunity to demonstrate national effort to rebuild the U.S. the concept at the Experimental general aviation sector while raising Aircraft Association's (EAA) student awareness of the value of AirVenture held in Oshkosh, general aviation for business and Wisconsin. personal use, and its economic relevance. Faculty and student All design packages will be participants have indicated that the reviewed by a panel of industry, open-ended design challenges university and government experts offered by the competition have and written feedback will be provided the basis for quality provided to the participating teams. educational experiences. BACKGROUND Page 2 General Aviation (GA) includes all flight 1950's to the 1990's; piston propulsion operations except commercial airlines technologies are more than 40 years old. and military. The 192,000 GA aircraft Revitalization efforts encourage newer, in service account for 58 percent of all more efficient, and user friendly U.S. flight hours, 33 percent of all miles technologies. and 76 percent of all departures in the United States. During its peak in 1978, Among the more recent technologies U.S. manufacturers delivered nearly which can be harnessed in revitalization 18,000 new GA aircraft. Between 1979 efforts are new air traffic control and and 1994, production dropped below navigation tools, such as digital datalink 1000 new aircraft per year. Today's GA and satellite navigation. New computer market is showing a steady recovery and display technologies, and new with more than 2,200 new aircraft materials and composites processes are shipped during 1998. just a few of the existing technologies which can be applied to general aviation With the start of the GA industry revitalization. revitalization, universities have begun to recognize general aviation as an area The revitalization initiative seeks to bring for teaching and research. The about increased use of general aviation in government sponsors and their partners the U.S. which will, in turn, increase the developed this competition to create volume of aviation production. Its success this trend and to integrally involve will have a vital and positive economic faculty and students in national efforts impact. Revitalization goals include: to revitalize this important sector of aviation. This competition is an + Expanding the Nation's economy example of the type of new partnerships to "off airways" communities; NASA is forming with academia to + Increasing efficient utilization of capture the bold initiative, innovation, the Nation's airspace; talent and enthusiasm present in our + Creating world-wide demand for Nation's academic community. NASA new, U.S.-built, "owner-operated" and the FAA have shown that this kind small business and personal of competition serves to stimulate aircraft; and, breakthroughs in technology and their ar Creating jobs in airframe, engine, application in the GA market. avionics, airport, and training industries. The revitalization initiative is concerned, in part, with how to make A number of key engineering objectives general aviation more appealing for (see page 6) have been established for the business as well as personal use. revitalization effort. Design teams should Revitalization efforts are making incorporate these objectives into their general aviation flight easier and more selection of design challenge(s) and their convenient. Improvements in air traffic approach. control accessibility, as well as improved safet); comfort, r COMPETITION COORDINATOR • reliability, dependability and performance are needed to Virginia Space Grant Consortium raise user satisfaction. State- Old Dominion University Peninsula Center of-the-art technologies need 2713-D Magruder Boulevard to be applied to training and Hampton, VA 23666 certification to make these goals a reality. Phone: (757) 865-0726 Fax: (757) 865-7965 The average general aviation E-Maih [email protected] aircraft is 27 years old and incorporates technology Questions regarding the competition should be which is generally outdated. provided in writing. At the sponsors" discretion, Current flight deck queries and responses may be made available to technologies range from the all design teams on aperiodic basis. INNOVATIVE DESIGN CATEGORY GUIDELINES Page 3 be primarily judged on their potential Two additional sponsored awards are impact on the marketplace. Emphasis offered in this year's competition. The will be on affordable technologies and AOPA Air Safety Foundation is increased utility in both retrofit and new sponsoring an award for the best retrofit aircraft. See page 4 for design design and the Air Force Research submission requirements. Laboratory is offering an award for the best use of Air Force-developed Teams should address design challenges technologies. The Competition in one or more of the following six Coordinator can assist teams with technical areas: making connections to appropriate Air Force, NASA, or FAA contacts as needed. • Integrated Cockpit Systems • Propulsion, Noise and Emissions + ROF lrerE • Integrated Design and Manufacturing • Aerodynamics A letter of intent to participate in the • Operating Infrastructure Innovative Design category must be • Unconventional Designs submitted by the faculty advisor. The Such as Roadable Aircraft letter of intent should provide full U.S. colleges with at least four-year contact information for the advisor accredited engineering programs may Teams are encouraged to consider more (including fax and e-mail if available) as compete. It is anticipated that this than one of the technology areas in their well as a general description of how the project will be undertaken as part of a design package. It is desirable that design package will be approached. formal undergraduate or graduate interfaces with other systems be Specific course involvement should be engineering course. Student addressed. For example, if an noted, as well as that of student professional societies may also operations concept is developed for an professional societies and industry or participate in the competition, either ice protection system, additional credit other participants. independently or as a partner to an will be given if the design also considers academic course effort. All design the interaction with a cockpit weather Letters must be received no later than projects must be developed under the system for graphical display for January 31, 2000; however, it is in the guidance of a university faculty forecasting icing conditions and /or the team's interest to submit a letter of advisor. Universities are encouraged, design of an operational interface for the intent as early as possible. Individuals but not required, to take a multi- pilot. Retrofit options for existing providing letters of intent will receive departmental approach and/or team aircraft offer great potential for meeting additional general aviation background with other academic organizations. revitalization goals. Some areas where material which will be helpful in the Teams may choose to consult directly innovative designs with near-term design process, as well as additional with industry representatives but are applications are desired include, but information on evaluation criteria and not required to do so. certainly are not limited to: any other competition updates as they become available. For the purposes of the competition, Affordable collision avoidance general aviation aircraft are defined as systems fixed-wing, single-engine, single-pilot Situational awareness aids aircraft for 2-6 passengers, turbine or Single lever piston. The performance specifications power control are 150-400 kts with a range of 800- systems 1,000 miles. User friendly, effective, low For the successful revitalization of fuel warning General Aviation, short term applications systems of AGATE technologies are needed. To Effective alarm support revitalization goals, successful and warning designs should focus on technologies management with most immediate and cost effective options impact. Designs for systems or Improved subsystems with retrofit applications are exterior encouraged; however, whole aircraft lighting designs will be considered. Designs will ENGINEERING OBJECTIVES Page 6 • Emphasis on low-cost, high 5. Develop technique to accurately predict reliability, low incidence of false aileron and elevator loads for large alarms, and reduced emissions control surface deflections. through improved operational 1. Reduce time and cost to learn and control. 6. Design a method for protecting the maintain all-weather safe operations leading edges of laminar-flow surfaces skills by 50 percent (from current level 3. Develop innovative propulsion design from aerodynamic contamination. of >1000 hours). which incorporates alternate fuels, low emission and low noise technologies. 7. Reduce cost for design and manufacture • Achieve integration of weather, of ice protection systems for laminar navigation (moving map), terrain/ obstacle database, traffic situation, flow wings. and wake vortex information into one 8. Reduce cost for design and manufacture multi function display. of ice protection systems for horizontal • Achieve integration of simplified 1. Develop and validate low-cost tailplanes. flight controls with flight guidance manufacturing methods to reduce displays. 9. Develop unconventional designs, such airframe and propeller cost and weight. as roadable aircraft, which consider • Develop integrated computer-based • Achieve reduced cost of manufacture break through technologies for training systems that coordinate the of airframe components by 25 to 40 affordable designs that could capture a use of both on-board and desktop percent. mass market. computers and displays (including virtual reality,). 2. Develop and validate Quality Control/ Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) 2. Reduce dependence on ground methods to reduce airframe cost and controller voice communications for weight, increase quality of production, safe, random access, point-to-point and reduce cost of maintenance. navigation in future air traffic systems. 1. Reduce the operating complexity and • Achieve reduced dependence on costs for airspace and ground systems 3. Implement situational awareness manual inspections through in- infrastructure equipment and procedures technologies and operating systems to process NDE quality control for for both pilots and air traffic managers. reduce accidents and fatalities caused by composite manufacturing processes weather (icing, low visibility; convective and thus reduce time and cost for • Achieve simplified situational weather) as a primary, factor. composite structure design awareness and decision-making validation. between pilots and controllers for • Achieve integration of expert systems "free-flight" or "direct-flight" for flight training, planning, • Develop low-cost inspection capabilities. operations, propulsion system techniques for airframe structure. management decision aiding, icing • Develop design concepts for advanced avoid and exit decision aiding, and 3. Develop and validate advanced crash- Communication / Navigation / worthiness concepts and design Surveillance (CNS) air and ground emergency decision-making. methods to reduce full-scale testing systems based on datalink and 4. Establish requirements for preferred, requirements for certification. satellite navigation technologies to affordable datalink for GA usage. reduce reliance on ground-based • Achieve increased survivability radar and voice communications. through low-cost, energy absorbing 5, Reduce cost of near all-weather flight structural design concepts and systems by 50 to 80 percent. advanced restraint devices. 2. Establish means for increased utility of airports in advanced air traffic management ("free-flight") environment. • Achieve integration of commercial 1. Establish certifiable digital single-lever information systems (rental cars, powerplant control systems. 1. Develop computer-driven configuration accommodations, food services, design optimization code and use to operational services) with flight • Emphasis on reducing costs: improve acurrent production aircraft. information (weather, traffic, extending time between overhauls, procedures, facilities databases) increasing fuel economy, and 2. Develop active noise reduction system systems for all general aviation reducing direct operating costs. for interior use in general aviation airports. • Address safety by reducing pilot aircraft. • Achieve low-cost implementation of workload and increasing engine reliability. 3. Design improved, single-flap high-lift all-weather operational CNS system to reduce noise footprint in capabilities for airports and 2. Develop engine diagnostics and airport vicinity for both takeoff and heliports without precision landing condition monitoring for greater safety, landing phases of operation. capabilities in current instrument efficiency and lower cost. landing systems. • Identify critical in-flight conditions, 4. Develop technique to predict drag in both cruise and takeoff configuration to capture non-critical conditions for within 5% and apply to a production analysis/trending and pre/post- aircraft. flight diagnostics. INNOVATIVE DESIGN CATEGORY GUIDELINES Continued Page 4 Ten sets of the entire design package must be received by the Competition Coordinator no later than May 2, 2000. Reviewable sections listed below are subject to a total page limit of 40 double spaced pages in 12-point type. For evaluation purposes, reviewers will focus on the main body of the design proposal, but will reference the required appendices at their discretion. The six sections and required appendices should be readily identifiable. Appendices A-D are required, but not _DITION_ _ _ ::_;::_ included in the 40-page limit. Main Body q]:the Design Proposal: A.List of complete contact information SI_ONSOI_ED:Aw_ 1. Executive Summary. (use permanent addresses) for all 2. Background on the recent history and advisors and team members. Include The Air Force Research Laboratory status of general aviation in the U.S. e-mail, fax and phone numbers. ........ is offering a $3,000 team This section should broadly address B. Description (approximately one page) issues relating to revitalization and demonstrate that the team has a clear of the university; college, professional _i _ adwesairgdn fororan aaiirrccrraafftt society, industry, or other institutions understanding of the issues. _:_--"qL__¢_/' subsystem design involved in the project. %N_*G/ which meets all criteria 3. A concise statement of the design_ "_ for the National C. Sign-off page for faculty advisor(s) challenge(s) you have chosen to General Aviation Design Competition and department chair(s). address and how these design and includes Air Force-developed challenges relate to U.S. general D.Evaluation of the educational technologies. Background on Air Force aviation revitalization goals. experience provided by the project. technologies is available at http:// www.afrl.af.mil under Technology 4. Description of the team's s_ystems The following appendix iso3_tional: Transfer or through the AFRL Tech engineering approach to the problem. Connect Hotline at (800) 203-6451. The This section should include a E. Other support material: additional design package should identify the description of the team and its overall drawings, computer codes and other applicable Air Force technologies and approach to the problem. design elements as appropriate. document the source. 5. A description of how each of the technical areas is addressed in The AOPA Air drawings, mockups, computer codes, etc., as appropriate to provide Safety Foundation is /'__'_ evidence of a thorough providing a Best An awards ceremony will be held in Retrofit Potential process. August 2000. Awards are anticipated as Award of $500 to a follows: 6. Description of the projected impacts $5,000 Award student design team. of the team's design with a thorough This award will be given for the best discussion of how it meets general to the University Academic technological innovation that can be aviation revitalization goals. This Department of First Place Winner readily adapted to existing aircraft and section should address the $3,000 First Place Award offer acost effective, near-term solution commercial potential for the design, to Design Team to technology upgrades. Special including a description of processes consideration will be given to the that would need to be undertaken to $2,000 Second Place Award practicality of the design, including bring the design to the product stage. to Design Team cost and ease of implementation within Emphasis should be on increased $1,000 Third Place Award the existing fleet. affordability and utility. to Design Team DESIGN IT, BUILD IT, FLY IT- COMPETITION GUIDELINES Page 5 chapters, and other appropriate aviation • sign-off page for faculty advisor(s) organizations. These groups might provide and department chair(s); matching contributions, either cash or in- • letter of institutional commitment to kind. The greatest contributions from such the project signed by the alliances can come from access to experts and individual(s) authorized to make exposure to industry culture/climate and sponsored program commitments for role models for students. The practical the submitting institution(s); and knowledge and enthusiasm of EAA chapter • letters of commitment from industry members would be an asset to participants. or other partners for matching The EAA Technical Counselors and Flight contributions. Advisors could participate by providing consultation in flight test planning and Ten sets of the entire proposal package implementation. Participation by AGATE must be received by the Competition industry experts is also encouraged. A list Coordinator no later than February 4,2000. of AGATE contacts is provided at: http:// agate.larc.nasa.gov. Proposers needing Text should be double-spaced and 12-point The Design It, Build It, Fly It category assistance in connecting with the EAA, type should be used. The narrative portion AGATE industries or contacts at other of the package may not exceed 40 pages in encourages students to take design concepts to a higher level "fight proof-of-concept or sponsoring organizations should contact the length and will be the primary focus for flight concept demonstration phase". Competition Coordinator. evaluators. Drawings, computer codes, video and other appropriate design elements may This competition category is open to The competition particularly welcomes be included as attachments. proposals that can demonstrate completion component design challenges. A few Post Award Requirements: The time frame for of the design phase of a concept with high examples follow, but are only offered to relevance for General Aviation revitalization stimulate thinking on the part of proposers: building and testing of the winning proposal(s) has been expanded to a full goals (see page 6). Such concept flight + concepts that are retrofitable to existing academic year. The winning proposal(s) will demonstrations might include, but are not aircraft be announced by March 17, 2000. The limited to, prototype flight testing, in-flight angle of attack sensors and indicators winning team(s) will then have until May 31, simulation, in-flight software demonstrations, + new fuel quantity sensing systems 2001 to complete their project. The winning radio control models, and other proof of 4- single or multi channel stabilization team(s) must present, exhibit and provide concept flight testing as appropriate. systems demonstrations (as appropriate) at the EAA's Proposals need to demonstrate a thorough + new types of sensors for aircraft AirVenture during summer 2001. design phase and applicability to AGATE propulsion systems Additionally the winning team(s) are engineering goals and objectives. This + altitude hold systems and indicators required to submit a flight test technical competition category fosters the + electro-mechanical trim actuators report summarizing the results of the testing. development of viable concepts while + crash survivable seats Peer review of the technical report from the continuing to meet the educational objectives flight test community is required before of the National General Aviation Design The possibility for flight testing on the EAA's publication and distribution. Asafety review Competition. NOTE: Proposals do NOT have GlaStar aircraft can be explored for will be performed ifrequired by the sponsors. to be derived +flonl previous Nation,ll General appropriate proposals. The GlaStar is a two- Aviation Design Conlpetitiou submissions. place high-wing aircraft with conventional aluminum wings. Ithas acomposite fuselage U.S. universities with at least a four-year covering a steel tube framed cockpit and is accredited engineering program may participate in this category of the powered by a Lycoming engine. The aircraft $10,000 Building Fund is equipped with reconfigurable electronics competition. Student teams or individuals capability and can accommodate avariety of $ 500 Student Prize under the guidance of faculty members flight test equipment. This venue should be should submit proposals, to include budget discussed prior to proposal submission with Government sponsors anticipate making up requirements, for seed funding. The total the Competition's Coordinator. to two awards from a total award pool of award pool is $10,000. Funding will be $10,000, though the entire pool can be given provided to the winning proposal(s) at the Proposals must include the following: to one winning proposal. beginning of the build phase by the government sponsors of the competition. • an executive summary; The proposal should include a design • design overview with support summaDs plans for the demonstration phase, documentation; timeline, and budget for the project. The • plans for the development and proposal must include measurable progress demonstration phase, including points, as well as aplan for providing timely how student teams/or individuals The Experimental Aircraft Association updates to the sponsors. Ties to GA will approach this phase; is sponsoring a $500 per team student revitalization goals must be presented. An • flight safety review process; award. The EAA prize money will be appropriate aviation safety review process • timeline to comply with award awarded at AirVenture following delivery of is required. Matching contributions from requirements; the flight test technical report and exhibit industry are encouraged and should be • plans for development and peer and / or demonstration of the flight article. delineated in the proposal and explained in review of the technical report; Information on the EAA and AirVenture is a budget narrative. Universities are • budget with narrative, including available at http://www.eaa.org. encouraged to involve industry, EAA travel costs to AirVenture;

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