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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000025230: Applying Contamination Modelling to Spacecraft Propulsion Systems Designs and Operations PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000025230: Applying Contamination Modelling to Spacecraft Propulsion Systems Designs and Operations

II /,,v -- _o AIAA 2000-0461 Applying Contamination Modeling to Spacecraft Propulsion System Designs and Operations Philip T. Chen and Shaun Thomson NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Michael S. Woronowicz Swales Aerospace Beltsville, Maryland 20705 Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit 38 th 10-13 January 2000 Reno, Nevada im [ li iT ITI For permission to copy or to republish, contact the American Institute otAeronautics and Astronautics, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA, 20191-4344. AIAA-2000-0461 APPLYING CONTAMINATION MODELING TO SPACECRAFT PROPULSION SYSTEM DESIGNS AND OPERATIONS Philip T. Chen °and Shaun Thomson* NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Michael S. Woronowicz * Swales Aerospace, Beltsville, Maryland 20705 Abstract Molecular and particulate contaminants generated from the operations of a propulsion system may impinge on spacecraft critical surfaces. Plume depositions or clouds may hinder the spacecraft and instruments from performing normal operations. Firing thrusters will generate both molecular and particulate contaminants. How to minimize the contamination impact from the plume becomes very critical for a successful mission. The resulting effect from either molecular or particulate contamination of the thruster firing is very distinct. This paper will discuss the interconnection between the functions of spacecraft contamination modeling and propulsion system implementation. The paper will address an innovative contamination engineering approach implemented from the spacecraft concept design, manufacturing, integration and test (I&T), launch, to on- orbit operations. This paper will also summarize the implementation on several successful missions. Despite other contamination sources, only molecular contamination will be considered here. Introduction contaminants can propagate to the receiving surfaces through direct line-of-sight transport One potential source of concern facing the (direct flux), reflections with spacecraft surfaces, instruments of orbiting spacecraft is the effect of and scattering through self-scattering or with the molecular contaminant interaction with sensitive local ambient atmosphere (return flux). The thermal control and optics surfaces. Typically, the efficiency of these transport mechanisms is a sources of these on-orbit contaminants can be complicated function of spacecraft geometry, categorized into five general areas; 1) Material mission/flight operations, and environmental outgassing (water, hydrocarbons, silicones) from effects. materials of construction; 2) Spacecraft and Multiple-Layer Insulation (MLI) venting; 3) Fluid In the past, the purpose of computer leakage from pressurized vessels (e.g. cryogen modeling was concentrated in the assessment of tanks), dumps, and lubricant loss; 4) Exhaust contamination damage during the late design material generated through thruster firings; and 5) phase, I&T, and on-orbit operation. The impact of Extravehicular activity. Ill Once released, modeling on the mission was limited to minor "ChiefTechnicalContaminationEngineer t AerospaceEngineer _:SeniorEngineer,MemberAIAA Copyright©2000bytheAmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics,Inc. NocopyrightisassertedintheUnited Statesunder Title 17,U.S.Code. TheU.S.Governmenthasaroyalty-freelicensetoexerciseallrightsunderthecopyrightclaimedherein for governmentpurposes. Allotherrightsarereservedbythecopyrightowner. 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics design changes (such as vent locations), (TRMM). Modeling efforts for this mission verification (for meeting contamination resulted in several design changes especially in the requirements), and on-orbit operation (such as propulsion system. How contamination modeling operational constraints imposed to avoid aided TRMM propulsion system designs and contamination). operations will be discussed in later sections. Due to increased sensitivity of spacecraft Contamination Concerns of Thrusters components to contamination effects, contamination engineering has begun to play a Most, if not all, spacecraft employ some more notable role inoverall spacecraft kind of attitude control system (ACS) for achieving development. By influencing the early design, cost proper pointing direction and a reaction control savings will be very significant since many system (RCS) for altitude maintenance. Many inefficient contamination avoidance remedies times thrusters are employed for these purposes. established late in the design cycle can be The basic function of any thruster is to expel gas eliminated. This represents the most effective for generating momentum through the production direction of future contamination modeling efforts. of thrust. Thrusters come in many sizes and types, Therefore, at an early mission phase, it iscrucial to too numerous to discuss here. However, for apply modeling techniques to achieve a better purposes of molecular transport modeling, they can spacecraft propulsion system. A better design often be considered to fall in one of two categories: provides more favorable environments for chemical and cold gases. Although varieties of spacecraft operations without sacrificing electric propulsion are increasingly being propulsion capability. Modeling also generates considered to fulfill this task, their use will not be useful information for contamination engineers to discussed here. assess the impact resulting from plume effluents. This information aids contamination engineers in Chemical Thrusters designing protective methods to mitigate plume influences. In addition, parametric modeling The chemical thruster relies on a chemical allows propulsion engineers to optimize propulsion reaction to generate the gas discharge. The system designs and operations. propellant source can either be solid or liquid. The most common liquid propellant in use today is Resolutions resulting from a hydrazine. It is employed either on its own contamination engineering study may include the (monopropellant, N2H4) or with a liquid oxidizer following options: 1)Propellants can be selected to (bipropellant as MMH or UDMH). minimize contaminant generation; 2) Thruster locations can be optimized to avoid direct MonopropelIant hydrazine systems are impingement on surfaces; 3) Modes of thruster most commonly used for unmanned satellites. firings can be arranged to curtail excess Monopropellant hydrazine, when exposed to a contaminants; 4) Sensitive surfaces can be placed catalyst contained within the thruster, produces facing away from the backflow region; 5) Protective high temperature gases by disassociation into plume shields or deployable doors can be installed hydrogen, nitrogen, and ammonia. Usually, the to reduce plume hazards during the thruster firing; purity of NzI-I4is classified according to MIL-P- and 6) Affected surfaces can be prepared to be less 26536. t2t For instance, "monopropellant grade" contamination sensitive. An effective hydrazine allows certain trace levels of impurities contamination engineering approach is to apply such as water ([H20] = 1% by weight) and aniline one option or combination of options for sensible ([C6HTN] = 0.5% by weight). The system can be spacecraft propulsion system designs and made cleaner through the choice of a higher purity operations. fuel (i.e. "high purity hydrazine grade"). In recent years, improved contamination In addition, catalyzation is often not modeling techniques have been used extensively complete, leaving about [NzH4] = 1% by weight in by contamination sensitive projects to improve the exhaust, along with a certain amount of spacecraft and instrument design during the early undecomposed ammonia ([NH3] = 20-35% by stages. One good example is the detailed modeling weight). Depending on the spacecraft application, effort for the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission any or all of these species may be considered AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics contaminanGtse.nerallmy,onopropellsaynsttems contamination assessment. The mathematics arecleanethranbipropellasnytstems. required for modeling the transport of molecular contaminants can be extremely tedious, especially Bipropellahnytdrazinseystemasreused for complicated spacecraft geometries and complex intheShuttleOrbitearsitsprimaryon-orbit environments. A typical modeling case can require maneuverisnygstemB.ipropellahnytdrazine about a dozen inputs as shown in Table 1. systemusseanoxidizerw,hichallowsincreased Basically these inputs describe detailed geometry thrusdturingthecombustiopnrocessW. hile of the model, molecular kinetics, operational advantageoinupserformancbeip,ropellant conditions, and environments. thrustergseneralplyroducmeorecondensable contaminanthtsanthecleane"rburning" Several software tools exist to "automate" monopropellsaynsttemsT.hemainbipropellant the analysis of molecular transport environments. thrustecrontaminaisnMt MH-nitrate. A list of these programs with their capabilities and restriction is shown in Table 2. These programs Cold Gas Thrusters are available through the Public Domain as the result of development efforts under contract with The cold gas system consists simply of a National Aeronautics and Space Administration storage bottle of inert gas, usually nitrogen or (NASA). Program selection for actual modeling argon. The gas is expanded through a nozzle to depends on the nature of the contamination provide propulsion. No chemical reaction is problem to be solved. employed. Because of the lower thrust potential of these systems, they tend to be used only for attitude The Shuttle/Payload Contamination correction. Unless a spacecraft employs extremely Evaluation Program (SPACE II) tslwas created by cold critical surfaces, condensation of these gases Martin Marietta Aerospace under contract with is not a direct problem due to the relatively high NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC). The gas vapor pressure. However, large quantities of package was primarily developed for use as a gas released into the local environment of the contamination modeling tool for Space Shuttle spacecraft can produce temporary increases in local projects, but is generic enough that it can be density. The increased local density can enhance applied to any spacecraft project. molecular scattering effects from other non-thruster sources as well as obstruct instrument observation. Molecular Flux (MOLFLUX) m was developed by Lockheed using the SPACE II code Molecular Contamination Modeling Tools as a basis to predict molecular flow conditions. MOLFLUX was designed to serve as a A complete modeling effort is an iterative contamination modeling tool for Space Station process consisting of model setup, data acquisition, projects. The advantages of SPACE II and model execution, result analysis, and MOLFLUX are short run times and easy to use. Table 1 Molecular Contamination Modeling Inputs INPUTS SOURCE View factors Geometric Model (TRASYS or VIEW) Critical Surfaces Engineering Assessment Emission Rates Experimentation or Database Reemission Rates Experimentation or Database Species & Characteristics Experimentation & Calculation Temperatures Thermal Engineers Source Distribution Functions Calculation, or in case of thrusters, provided Atmospheric Parameters Atmospheric Models (e.g. MSIS) & Calculation Collisional Mechanics Calculation Orbital Characteristics Mission Specified Attitude Parameters Mission Specified 3 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Table 2 Molecular Contamination Modeling Tools Tools Capabilities Restrictions SPACE II • Models direct and return flux transport. • 300 node (or surface) geometry limit • Considers outgassing surfaces and plume (Has been modified to 1000 nodes). expansions by vents, leaks, and thrusters. • Steady-state predictions only. • Permits multiple contaminant sources. • No accounting for the reemission of • Accounts for multiple reflection. deposited mass (i.e. deposited mass is • Short run times. permanently affixed). • Small memory requirements. • Single Ambient-Contaminant and • Internal database of material properties. Contaminant- Contaminant collisions. • User friendly - Command Language • Unattenuated environment. Format. • Ambient is considered a single molecular species. MOLFLUX • Similar to SPACE II • Similar to SPACE II CAP • Models transient contaminant transport. • Direct flux predictions only. • Accounts for reemission. • Requires quantitative values for emission • Considers outgassing surfaces and plume and reemission rate constants and the expansions by vents, leaks, and thrusters. amount of volatile material in the system. • Permits multiple contaminant sources. This may require additional outgassing • Small memory requirements. rate measurements. • Readily accessible code allows tailoring • Long run times are typical. to specific spacecraft application. ISEM • Models direct and return flux transport. • Steady-state predictions only. • Considers an attenuated contaminant • Long run-times are common. density field. • Large memory requirements. • Accounts for surface reemissions. • No user interface - code is essentially • Multi-molecular collisions. augmented with user-written subroutines • Considers multiple ambient species. and recompiled for each case. • Accounts for the shadowing effects • Model size limited only by system caused by physical obstructions. memory. • Considers surfaces, vents, thrusters, and through diffuse leakage. DSMC • Most accurate way to model transport • Requires many parameters and time since it simulates gas flow almost at the consuming to determine. molecular level. • Generally prohibitive long run times. • Provides transient predictions of • Usually iterative requiring specialized contaminant deposition. knowledge and significant user • Can account for reemission. interaction. • Essentially performs direct and return • Requires extensive pre & post processing. flux simultaneously,. The Contamination Analysis Program useful to determine molecular transport within (CAP) ts1was developed for NASA by the Applied instrument enclosures. Mechanics Technology Section of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) as a more The Integrated Spacecraft Environment sophisticated analytical tool for generic spacecraft Model (ISEM) f6Isoftware package was developed applications. CAP is capable of solving large by Science and Engineering Associates, Inc. under multinodal contamination problem in the free contract with NASA's Marshall Space Flight molecular flow environment. CAP is especially Center (MSFC). Although originally designed to 4 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics modeSlpacSetationenvironmentthsi,sprogramis 1997. Five instruments onboard the spacecraft completeglyeneriacndwillmodealnyspacecraft included the Visible/Infrared Scanner (VIRS), application. TRMM Microwave lmager (TMI), Precipitation Radar (PR), Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy DirecSt imulatioMnonteCarlo(DSMCf)7J System (CERES), and Lightning Imaging Sensor isamethoddevelopefodrthegeneraslimulatioonf (LIS). In order to achieve their scientific rarefiegdasflows.Thisisoneofthefew objectives, the instrument exterior cleanliness contaminatitorannspoprtrogramnsotspecifically criterion was established at Level A requirement developefodrmodelintghecontaminatrnatnsport prescribed in MIL-STD-1246. I91Per this ofspacecraefntvironments. The method is a requirement, contamination levels on the exterior departure from the 'continuum' type techniques of surfaces of instruments were not permitted to the models previously discussed, where the exceed 100A at any time during the mission. This flowfield isdetermined by its macroscopic (or requirement formed the total external overt) behavior. DSMC, on the other hand, is more contamination budget for the instruments since it accurately described as a 'particle' (or represented the mission limit for all condensable microscopic) simulator. In this technique, the contaminants from all sources (vents, thrusters, macroscopic flowfield is developed on the outgassing, etc.). interactions of millions of individual simulated particles that behave as molecules do. This TRMM's low altitude (350 km) and three- difference often makes DSMC technique more year operational period made the situation capable than macroscopic models. Although at particularly troublesome since they exposed the present DSMC computational requirements have spacecraft and its components to an environment not yet reached the level for routine satellite that is very accommodating for molecular transport contamination transport modeling, it shows mechanisms. This high density climate has two significant prospects for the future of consequences that effect the level of contamination contamination transport modeling. experienced by the spacecraft. First, a dense ambient atmosphere induces drag forces on the Similar molecular modeling tools, such as spacecraft which must be counterbalanced by an MTK and EWB, have been widely used with increased number of maneuvers performed by the success in the aerospace industry. In addition, spacecraft to maintain a stable orbit. Second, a plume contamination transport models using dense atmospheric environment is conducive to the macroscopic techniques have been derived from prevailing transport phenomenon governing the work of Simons, Boynton, & Chirivella in a contamination of the spacecraft, return flux. These form similar to that used in CONTAM. lsl two outcomes served to transform the normally benign decomposition products of the spacecraft's All of these modeling tools have been twelve 5-pound monopropellant-grade hydrazine extensively applied in current spacecraft design. thrusters into a source of potential concern. In Most of contamination modeling has been response to this potential contamination concern, a performed to either verify or justify current task was initiated to investigate the on-orbit designs. However, model verification using either contamination environment created by TRMM and ground test or on-orbit flight data has been lacking. assess the impact of this environment on various In order to improve the accuracy of the modeling, a contamination sensitive components of the validation program consisting of ground laboratory spacecraft, r_Ol experiments, in concert with a flight monitor validation project should be pursued. ISEM was used to simulate the mass transport environment induced around TRMM Case Studies during thruster operations. ISEM was chosen because of its capability to track individual TRMM molecular species, its consideration of multiple ambient-contaminant collisions and species The TRMM spacecraft, a dedicated dependent scattering mechanisms, and its proper mission to measure tropical rainfall, was launched accounting of surface and ram shadowing effects from Tanegashima Space Center on November 27, on molecular transport mechanisms. 5 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Plumedistributiofnunctionfsormedone GOES N-Q ofthecriticailnputtsothisstudy.Theseequations canbedetermineedithetrhrougehxperimenotarl An article survey and analytical effort was predictivmeethodsU.suallyplume conducted to estimate the effect of stationkeeping characterizatiisoenxtremedlyifficulttodofrom operations on the Solar X-Ray Imager (SXI) experimentatsiooninmosstituationpsurely instrument. In the current design, four 10N analyticamlethodmsusbteemployedT.heplume bipropellant (MMH/NzO4) thrusters are oriented distributiopnrofileforthisstudywasderivedfrom perpendicular to SXI, and there were concerns asimpleSimons-tyfpreee-flowmodealnd about monomethylhydrazinium nitrate (MMH- assume7d7%ammondiaissociatioTnh.eprofile HNO3) deposits accumulating across the SXI wasfoundtobeconsistewntiththeprofilesof5-1b aperture. Analytical results indicated only low thrusterussedonotheprroject(sGalileoand levels of thruster contaminant deposition should be Altair). expected. The plume model was partially validated through comparisons with ground-based Thethrustearnalysiesxamined the role of experiments. It1,12] thruster effluent on 27 contamination critical surfaces. Working in conjunction with the GRACE propulsion engineers, a thruster arrangement was found that minimized contaminant effects. Two The impact of separation maneuvers on recommendations provided below were found to payload deposition was analyzed to define significantly reduce instrument contamination restrictive zones for thruster firing. During this levels: period, the Breeze upper stage vehicle will fire 1.3 kgf and 40 kgf UDMH/NzO4 thrusters at the (a) Changing from Monopropellant Grade GRACE satellites, t_3jProject personnel were to High Purity Grade monopropellant interested in deposition on instrument apertures hydrazine, as specified in MIL-P-26536, will and solar arrays. Model results were found to scale decrease the aniline component of the plume closely with ground-based experimental data. tt41 exhaust by afactor of 100. This reduction should result in a comparable lO0-fold Triana reduction in the deposition incurred by the instruments (approximately). Project personnel analyzed the contamination potential of aniline and ammonia (b) Commanding the CERES sensor head to from N2I'-I4thrusters on instrument apertures, f_51 adopt a more favorable viewing orientation Thruster heat fluxes on a variety of instrument during all drag make-up maneuvers will boom configurations were also rapidly modeled to reduce the amount of condensable material determine an acceptable design, tt61 entering its apertures from 64 _ to less than 4A. Deep Space 4 After nearly two years on-orbit, the Project personnel were interested in TRMM spacecraft and its instrument complement understanding impact of sustained ion engine continue to function nominally. No degradation of operations on contamination of the Champollion any optical component or thermal control surface sample-gathering instrument for a comet lander has been reported. mission. Other Examples Earth Orbiter- l Many recent NASA Goddard Space Flight This spacecraft features an experimental Center (GSFC) space and earth programs have had pulsed plasma thruster (PPT) that uses Teflon ®for particular concerns about thruster operations. The fuel. NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) scenarios have shown considerable variety. These vacuum chamber testing demonstrated no following examples consider thruster-related issues noticeable buildup of Teflon ®related deposits or in 1999. fluorine-induced damage on spacecraft mockup 6 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics containincgharacteristic optical or thermal control been successfully applied in answering many other surfaces. [171 propulsion related contamination problems. Another activity associated with this In contamination modeling development, involvement has been to begin validation of a model verification has always been a weak point. kinetic-based description for rocket plumes by The verification process should include the review comparison with ground tests and flight data with of existing models and verification data. Then, promising results. 1_._2._81The early success of this ground testing, and more importantly, flight model with bipropellant thrusters appears to stem monitors should be developed specifically to from a few physical observations. First, little validate models. The aerospace community should thermal scattering occurs within the plume core go forward with monitor development and flight, relative to its expansion into high vacuum. Second and post-flight data evaluation/comparison. is due to the natural inclusion of species separation effects expected within the plume expansion for References this description. Third, it appears that surface- mediated chemical reactions may explain the lChen, P.T., "Contamination Concerns and presence of certain deposition products. The Mitagative Methods Related to the Space significance of this process is the assumption that Environment," AIAA Paper No. 97-3900, AIAA the plume transports reactants to surfaces rather Defense and Space Programs Conference, than deposition products. Continuation of this Huntsville, AL, September 1997. validation effort is currently underway. 2Performance Specification: Propellant, Conclusions Hydrazine, MIL-PRF-26536E, 24 September 1997. Currently there are numerous 3Shuttle(cid:0)Payload Contamination Evaluation computational modeling tools available for Program User's Manual, NASA JSC Document contamination modeling purposes. Each modeling No. MCR-81-509, Martin Marietta Corp., Denver tool has its own distinct capabilities and Aerospace. restrictions. Contamination engineers usually select a specific modeling tool based upon tl_ 4Molecular Flux, User's Manual, JSC-22496, problems to be solved. These modeling tools allow Revision 1,NASA Lyndon Johnson Space Center, contamination engineers to predict contaminant February 1989. deposition on critical surfaces from various sources, including thrusters. Spacecraft 5Millard, J., Contamination Analysis Program, contamination modeling has sufficient fidelity to Programmer and User Manual, Jet Propulsion provide inputs to propulsion system Laboratory, August 1980. implementation through many mission phases. However, it is most cost effective to implement any 6Gordon, T.D., Integrated Spacecraft design changes at the early mission phase. Environments Model User's Guide, Version 5.1, AST 12.3B, Applied Science Technologies, 1993. Through the modeling effort, an effective contamination engineering approach can protect 7Bird, G.A, Molecular Gas Dynamics and the sensitive thermal control and optics surfaces from Direct Simulation of Gas Flows, Clarendon Press, thruster operations. As a result, spacecraft Oxford, 1994. operations have been improved without sacrificing propulsion capability. In particular, contamination 8Hoffman, R.J., et al., "Plume Contamination modeling work has generated useful information Effects Prediction--The CONTAM Computer for propulsion system designs such as the TRMM Program," AFRPL-TR-71-109, Final Report and spacecraft. After nearly two years on-orbit, User's Manual, December 1971. TRMM flight data indicate that the spacecraft and its instrument complement continue to function 9Military Standard: Product Cleanliness Levels nominally. There is no contamination induced and Contamination Control program, MIL-STD- degradation of any optical component or thermal 1246C, April 1994. control surface. Contamination modeling has also 7 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsand._stronautics ioThomson, S.R., "Effect of Thruster Effluent on the Instruments of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Observatory," EER-248-93- 002, January 1993. IIWoronowicz, M.S., "Experimental Validation Of A Simple Bipropellant Thruster Plume Model," AIAA Paper No. 2000-0598, 38thAIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 2000. t2Woronowicz, M.S., "Alternative Description of MMH-Nitrate Formation Due to Bipropellant Thrusters," AIAA Paper No. 2000-0604, 38thAIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 2000. 13Bettadpur, Srinivas, GRACE Mission Plan Document, No. 327-210, preliminary draft, University of Texas, 3 February 1999. 14Woronowicz, M.S., "Initial Assessment of Breeze Thruster Impact on GRACE," SAI-2103- 589/MSW-2, 21 July 1999. isWoronowicz, M.S., "Initial Triana Thruster Plume Contamination Analyses," SAI-2103- 637/MSW-1, 21 May 1999. t6Woronowicz, M.S., "Option 8Plasma Magnetometer Boom Heating Analysis," SAI- 2103-637/MSW-3, 28 September 1999. 17Arrington, Lynn A., EO-I Pulsed Plasma Thruster Test Report for the Contamination/Life Acceptance Test, NASA Glenn Research Center Verification Test Report, 11 September 1998. t8Woronowicz, M.S., "Initial Molecular Flow Observations On Bipolar Planetary Nebulae Gaskinetics," AIAA Paper No. 2000-0599, 38th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 2000. 8 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics

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