WEIGHTED MINMAX ALGORITHM FOR COLOR IMAGE QUANTIZATION Paula J. Reitan Computer Science Department United States Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland, United States [email protected] Abstract however, the same has made the need for efficient ways to represent images more The maximum intercluster distance and the important. Color quantization is a useful maximum quantization error that are minimized method for obtaining high-quality compressed by the MinMax algorithm are shown to be images for storage and subsequent distribution inappropriate error measures for color image via the World Wide Web. For a survey of some quantization. A fast and effective (improves of the more popular color quantization image quality) method for generalizing activity techniques see [2, 3, 4, 5]. weighting to any histogram-based color quantization algorithm is presented. A new The remainder of the paper is organized as non-hierarchical color quantization technique follows. Section 2 briefly describes the MinMax called weighted MinMax that is a hybrid algorithm. A fast and effective method for between the MinMax and Linde-Buzo-Gray generalizing activity weighting to any (LBG) algorithms is also described. The histogram-based color quantization algorithm is weighted MinMax algorithm incorporates presented in Section 3. Section 4 presents a new activity weighting and seeks to minimize non-hierarchical technique called weighted WRMSE, whereby obtaining high quality MinMax that incorporates activity weighing and quantized images with significantly less visual is a hybrid between the MinMax and Linde- distortion than the MinMax algorithm. Buzo-Gray (LBG) algorithms. Section 5 shows that the quality of quantized images produced Key words and phrases: color image using the weighted MinMax algorithm is quantization, minimizing maximum intercluster superior to the best version of Xiang's MinMax distance, nonhierarchical clustering, image algorithm. compression. 2. THE MINMAX ALGORITHM 1 1. INTRODUCTION In 1985, Gonzalez [6] proposed an In color quantization a truecolor image is approximation algorithm that seeks to minimize irreversibly transformed into a color-mapped the maximum intercluster distance. One of the image consisting of K carefully selected interesting aspects of the MinMax algorithm is representative colors. When Heckbert proposed that Gonzalez [6] proved it constructs a K-split the color quantization problem in his seminal whose maximum intercluser distance is less than SIGGRAPH paper [1], most graphic or equal to two times optimal solution value. workstations had CRT monitors with an 8-bit The application of Gonzalez's general purpose frame buffer, capable of displaying only K = 28 MinMax clustering algorithm to color image = 256 colors at a time. With the advent of the Internet and multimedia eras, 24-bit frame buffers have become more commonplace; 1This algorithm iscommonly referred to as either the MaxMin or MinMax algorithm; this paper shall use the latter, Input: C The set of N unique RGB colors in image I K The numbers of colors to be selected. Assumption: N > K. Output: RK Selected representative RGB colors for image I SK K-split for C // Step Ig Initialization 1 So*--C ={cl, c2..... cN}cRGB 2 ro _--Cl // Step 2: Iterative Creation of New Clusters 3 for k <-- 1 upto K-1 !;!_:_:l_:_ . :_::-::_:_i_::_:""-_::-_.:_' "............._..,.'._..'_.:_:'_ .:_.:........... __i_::__i!!::_i::_ ::__:_-!_::_,__ _ 5 c _ one of the colors whose distance toits representative is 6 move c to Sk 7 r_ _---c // Step 3" Reassignment of Colors to New Cluster 8 for each j _ 0 upto k-I 9 for each C• sJ .......................... Ii move c tos_ __ _'_ '_':____ __::__::_:____'____:_'_ _i_:_ii_:_::::_i:_'_:_::!"::__i:_:_'__ _ _;_ _i_ °__!°__%i°_ _'_i'__'__::_:_::i:I:_ii_!__i_::i_ _ ii_i_!_i__.i__::::_i!_::__ii 14 return Rx and Sx Figure 1: PSEUDOCODE FOR XIANG'S BEST VERSION OF THE MINMAX ALGORITHM. The shaded lines indicate changes from the original MinMax. quantization has been studied and enhanced by compensate for the nonuniform nature of the several researchers [7, 8, 9 and 10]. RGB color space: Pseudocode for the best version of Xiang's d_(x,y) = 4(o.5(.,,._-_,._)+)_(,._-y._)_+(o._s(._._-y.n)_). MinMax algorithm [10] is provided in Figure 1. The basic steps of the original MinMax Neither of these modifications invalidates algorithm are as follows. Initially all of the Gonzalez's theorem that the K-split produced by colors in the image are in the same cluster, So, the MinMax algorithm has a maximum and its representative color, r0, is arbitrarily intercluser distance that is less than or equal to chosen. A new cluster is created in each of the two times optimal solution value. K-1 iterations of the primary for loop. A color that is furthest away from its representative color 3. SPATIAL ACTIVITY WEIGHTING becomes the representative color of the new cluster. Every other color that is closer to the new cluster's representative color than to its The MinMax algorithm produces quantized current representative color is moved to the new images with considerable contouring because it cluster. Xiang's modifications to the original treats all colors equally, whereas higher quality MinMax algorithm are summarized below: quantization techniques use a histogram to weight each color proportional to its frequency. (i) the centroid of each of the K clusters In histogram-based, non-activity weighted produced in the for loop in lines 3-11 of algorithms, the importance of a color is based Figure 1become the representative colors for solely upon its frequency. That is, colors that each of the K clusters (lines 12-13), and occur more often in the image are given greater precedence. Various methods for weighting the (ii) the distance function is scaled based on their importance of a pixel based on the spatial relative contribution to luminance to partially activity of the area of the image where the pixel Hw: RGB _ [_ (3) occurs have been incorporated into color where Hw(c) is the total activity weighting of the quantization algorithms [5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, pixels in I with color c. By simply substituting 16, 17]. This section describes a fast and the weighted histogram for the histogram, any effective method for generalizing activity histogram-based algorithm becomes activity weighting to any histogram-based color weighted. Thus, a non-activity weighted, quantization algorithm [5]. histogram-based algorithm may be viewed as an activity weighted, histogram-based algorithm in The importance of a color is based upon its which all pixels are equally weighted as one. frequency and the activity level of the locations Activity weighting in this manner has been where the pixels occur by summing the activity shown to be a fast and effective way to enhance weightings of pixels with the same color. The the quality of images produced by histogram- activity level of a pixel is calculated in a manner based color image quantization techniques [5]. similar to Balasubramanian et al. [13]. The activity level a(x,y) of a pixel at row x, column y of a truecolor image I is measured by the 4. THE WEIGHTED MINMAX magnitude of the luminance gradient of the pixel ALGORITHM given by: a(x,y) = IY(l(x,y)) - Y(l(x-l,y)) l+ The weighted MinMax algorithm uses the IY(I(x,y)) - Y(l(x,y+l))I, (1) weighted histogram described in the previous section to incorporate activity weighting into the where Y is the luminance of the pixel, and MinMax algorithm, whereby favoring colors assuming x > 0 and y < H- 1. When x is 0, the with higher total activity weightings. first term of Equation 1is IY(l(x,y)- Y(l(x+l,y) I Pseudocode for the proposed weighted MinMax and when y is H- 1, the second term of Equation algorithm is provided in Figure 2. The author's 1 is IY(I(x,y)- Y(I(x,y-1) I. The activity modifications to Xiang's best version of the weighting w(x,y) of a pixel at row x, column y is MinMax algorithm given in Figure 1 are calculated from its activity level using: summarized below: 1/4 if a(x,y) =0 (i) the centroid is selected as the representative l/3 if a(x, y) = 1 color for the initial cluster in line 2, in line 4 w(x,y)=tl/a(x,y ) , I<a(x,y)<12 . (2) the distance from each color, c, to its 1/a(x,y) I'_ 12<a(x,y)<16 representative is weighted by Hw(c), and [1 / 16t25 if a(x, y) > 16 (ii) the representative color of each cluster is set The author conducted a considerable amount to its centroid at the end of each iteration of of experimentation with various exponents and the primary for loop (lines 3-1 1) as in the cut-off values to derive Equation 2. When the LBG algorithm. activity level is extremely low (0 or 1) the pixel is considered to be part of a flat region; Gonzalez's theorem that the K-split therefore, it is considered less important than produced by the MinMax algorithm has a maximum intercluser distance that is less than or when its activity level is low (2). When the activity level is greater than 16, the pixel is equal to two times optimal solution does not considered to be part of an edge. Thus to apply to the weighted MinMax algorithm for the prevent the blurring of edges, the activity following reasons: weighting of a pixel is never less than 1/16125 (i) the weighted distance used in line 4 of The weighted histogram Hw of a truecolor Figure 2 does not satisfy the triangle image I is defined as a total function: inequality, and Input: C The set of N unique colors in I K The numbers of colors to be selected. Assuml?tion: N > K. Output: RK Selected representatives for 1 Sx K-split for C // Step 1: Initialization So _--C ={el, c2..... c_}_RGB // Step 2: Iterative Creation of New Clusters 3 for k _ I upto K-I 5 c +-- one of the colors whose distance to its representative is 6 6 move c to st 7 r_ _--c // Step 3: Reassignment of Colors to New Cluster 8 for each j _- 0 upto k-I 9 for each ce s_ I0 if ds(c, r_) < ds(c, rj) Ii move c to sk 14 return RK and Sx Figure 2: PSEUDOCODE FOR THE WEIGHTED MINMAX ALGORITHM. The shaded lines indicate changes from the Xiang's version of the MinMax algorithm given in Figure 1. • isolated colors which force color shifting, (ii) the cluster representatives may change at the and end of each iteration of for loop in lines 3-11 • high frequency regions where sharpness of Figure 2. may be deteriorated. 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Image quality is difficult to quantify; however, the following distortion metrics are used: RMSE, WRMSE, MaxDiam, and This section compares the effectiveness of the MaxError. WRMSE weights the distance from weighted MinMax algorithm to the MinMax each pixel in the quantized image to its algorithm in terms of both running time 2 and corresponding pixel in the original image by the images quality. Twenty-five color images were pixel's activity weighting. The diameter of a used as an "in practice average-case" test set. cluster produced by either the MinMax or The test set contains both natural and computer weighted MinMax algorithm is defined to be the generated images, and contains a wide variety in maximum distance between any two colors in both spatial and color resolution. In addition, the cluster. MaxDiam is defined to be the the images in the test set exhibit many of the maximum diameter of all K clusters. MaxError characteristics commonly found in color digital is the maximum distance between any pixel in imagery: the quantized image and its corresponding pixel in the original image. All of these error metrics • low frequency (smoothly varying) regions use the Euclidean distance function, not the where false contours are more noticeable, scaled distance function, ds. 2The algorithms were executed on a SUN Ultra I running Solaris 2.6 with 256 MB of RAM when the machine was otherwise idle. Time (s) RMSE WRMSE i MaxDiam i MaxError Max 198.35 11.86 10.34 36.40 93.11 _in 6.52 2.50 2.46 13.34 28.09 55.04 7.17 6.80 27.08 63.46 12;01 Io.37 I 9_;65 [ i.i6i_,9l,, : :.1....8.2,•5 1 41:98 : 88,46 6.47 5 09 56.04 11=4.94 Table h EMPIRICAL DATA FOR MINMAX AND WEIGHTED MINMAX. K=256, 24 bits of precision. The weighted MinMax data is shaded. Figure 3: MINMAX (A-B) AND WEIGHTED MINMAX (C-D) QUANTIZATION OF SOLIDS AND LENA. 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