On orbit measurement of response vs. scan angle for the infrared bands on TRMM/VIRS William L. Barnes a,Cheng-Hsuan Lyu b, and Robert A. Barnes c aLaboratory for Hydrospheric Processes, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 bCaelum Research Corporation, Greenbelt, MD 20771 CSAIC General Sciences Corporation, Laurel, MD 20705 ABSTRACT TheVisible and Infrared Scanner on theTropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM/VIRS) isa whiskbroom imaging radiometer with two reflected solar bands and three emissive infrared bands. All five detectors are ona single cooled focal plane. This configuration necessitated the use of apaddlewheel scan mirror toavoid the effects of focal plane rotation that arise when using a scan mirror that isinclined toits axis of rotation. System radiometric requirements led tothe need for protected silver as the mirror surface. Unfortunately, the SiOx coatings currently used toprotect silver from oxidation introduce a change in reflectance with angle of incidence (AOI). This AOI dependence results ina modulation of system level response with scan angle. Measurement of system response vs. scan angle (RVS) was not difficult for the VIRS reflected solar bands, but attaining the required accuracy for the IR bands in the laboratory was not possible without a large vacuum chamber and a considerable amount of custom designed testing apparatus. Therefore, the decision was made toconduct the measurement on-orbit. On three separate occasions, the TRMM spacecraft was rotated about its pitch axis and, after the nadir view passed over the Earth's limb, the VIRS performed several thousand scans while viewing deep space. The resulting data has been analyzed and the RVS curves generated forthe three IRbands are being used inthe VIRS radiometric calibration algorithm. This, toour knowledge, the first time this measurement has been =madeon-orbit. Similar measurements are planned for the EOS-AM and EOS-PM MODIS sensors and are being considered for several systems under development. The VIRS on-orbit results will be compared toVIRS and MODIS system level laboratory measurements, MODIS scan mirror witness sample measurements and modeled data. Keywords: VIRS, on-orbit calibration, spacecraft maneuvers, reflectance, infrared, imaging radiometry GSFC STI PUBLIC DISCLOSURE EXPORT CONTROL CHECKLIST The Export Control Office requests your assistance in assuring that your proposed disclosure of NASA scientific and technical information (STI) complies with the Export Administration Regulations (EAR, 15 CFR 730-774) and the International Traffic InArms Regulations (ITAR, 22 CFR 120-130). The NASA Export Control Program requires that every domestic and intemational presentation/publication of GSFC STI be reviewed through the GSFC Export Control Office in accordance with the NASA Form 1676 NASA Scientific and Technical Document Availability Authorization (DAA) process. Release of NASA information into a public forum may provide countries with interests adverse to the United States with access to NASA technology. Failure to comply with the ITAR regulations and/or the Commerce Department regulations may subject you to fines of up to $1 million and/or up to ten years imprisonment per violation. Completion of this checklist should minimize delays in approving most requests for presentation/publication of NASA STI. Generally, the export of information pertaining to the design, development, production, manufacture, assembly, operation, repair, testing, maintenance or modification of defense articles, i.e., space flight hardware, ground tracking systems, launch vehicles to include sounding rockets and meteorological rockets, radiation hardened hardware and associated hardware and engineering units for these items are controlled by the State Department under the ITAR. A complete listing of items covered by the iTAR can be accessed ,/ at h[tp:..; gst'c-bluenun.sst'c.uasa.8ov/e×?ort/ressitaz.htm. The export of information with respect to ground based sensors, detectors, high-speed computers, and national security and missile technology items are controlled by the U.S. Commerce Department under the EAR. Ifthe information intended for release falls within the above categories but otherwise fits into one or more of the following exemptions, the information may be released. EXEMPTION I Ifyour information is already in the public domain In it's entirety through a non-NASA medium and/or through NASA release previously approved by the Export Control Office, the information is exempt from further review. Ifthe information falls into this category, you may attest that you are using this exemption by signing below. Signature Date EXEMPTION II Ifyour information pertains exclusively to the release of scientific data, i.e. data pertaining to studies of clouds, soil, vegetation, oceans, and planets, without the disclosure of information pertaining to articles controlled by the ITAR or EAR, such as flight instruments, high speed computers, or launch vehicles, the information is exempt from further review. Ifthe informationfalls into this category, you may attest that you are using this exemption bysigning below. Sig_ " /Dat_" / /_ EXEMPTION III Ifyour information falls into the areas of concern as referenced above, but is offered at a general purpose or high level, Le. poster briefs and overviews, where no specific information pertaining to ITAR or EAR controlled items is offered, the information is exempt from further review. Ifthe information falls into this category, you may attest that you are using this exemption by signing below. Signature Date EXEMPTION IV Ifyourinformation isnot satisfied bythe3 exemptions stated above, theinformation may be released using exemption 125.4(b)(13) ofthe ITAR. Use ofthisexemption isafforded onlytoagencies ofthe Federal Government andallows therelease ofITAR controlled information'irlto thepublicdomain_ Butthe GSFC Export Control Office has determined thatuse ofthisexemption will beallowed onlyafter we receive assurance that such release isa responsible action. To thisend, an internal guideline has been established pursuantto theuse ofthisexemption: That theinformation does notofferspecific insight intodesign, design methodology, ordesign processes ofan identified ITAR controlled item insufficient detail (by itself orin conjunction withother publications) toallowa potential adversary toreplicate, exploit and/or defeat controlled U.S. technologies. Allsignatures of approval on NASA Form 1676 expressly indicate concurrence withthe responsible use of Exemption IV when Exemption IV has been cited bythe author. If youdetermine that you have met thiscriteria, you may attestyour determination bysigning below, and the GSFC Export Control Office willoffer favorable consideration toward approving your presentation/publication request under thisspecial exemption. Signature Date Ifyou do not satisfy the above exemptions, please contact the GSFC ExportControl Office for further clarification on the releasability of your information under the ITAR or EAR. I/8/1999 The EO._SPIE Symposium on I_ U I1_ _ I1_'!1"_% _ Remote Sensing SERIES EOS-TheEuropeanOpticalSoclety SPIE-TheInternational SocietyforOpticalEnglneerlng 20-24 September 1999 University of Florence, Italy Symposium Chairs: Hatem Nasr, Baker Hughes, Houston,Texas USA Including: Luca Pantani, CNR-IROE, Florence, Italy - Atmospheric Sen ing Symposium Co-Chair: Enzo Pranzini, University of Florence, Italy F - Earth Surface Sensing Sponsored by - Platforms and Systems University of Florence,Italy - Department of"EarthScience EOS-TheEuropean Optical Society SPIE- TheInternational Society forOptical Engineering CNR- TheNational ResearchCouncil of Italy . , ._ NASA- National Aeronautics and SpaceAdml_istration/_ fJ SIOF- Italian Society of Optics and Photonics /r _- i J Invitation toAttend / } ; _, t / --- few decades ago aerial photography, photogrammetry, and radio ionospheric studies f The Europ.ean" Optical Society (EOS) A gave birth to the field of remote sensing, with some of the most dramatic development.s-- ..,.-._ occurring during World War II. Various national space programs helped evolve the / The purpose of the EOSisto contribute to technology into what it istoday and ma_e_it a viabl_ tool for environmental monitoring and other progress in optics and related sciences _ind very practical applications. Today, rewrote _;ensing is-one of the fastest growing technologie( -: ..... t_opromote" applications at a European a-nlcl around• It isa multibillion dollar industry and remote thematic images are routinely used in a_ international level by bringing togethec_ increasing number of fields. Remclie sensing databasleveh become part of our daily lives. _.:-="_ legal and natural persons act,ve mthese Weather satelhtes are the prii_r_source for weather f'c_r_asting. Satellite data isbeing used ._ disciplines and their applications. It isalso a today for crop for=ecastingTl=ffining and exploration, archeological discoveries, and even real es;late non-profit society. " ................ deve Iopment to name few. This was almost unimag|ned............a couple of decades ago. n the next r• m0 emum, asthe techno ogy continues to evolve, wewdl _w_tn_essan even faster growth of remote sensing applications and commerce. _--_.-_; -: __ _/:_:_.-- .... . ..... ., SPIE - The Intemational Society for Today, there are very few yearly c6"nfere nces on Rei'n'ote Sensing that offer a comprehensive Optical Engineering coverage of scientific topics, applications, sensors, systems and satellite platforms.The EUROPTO® Symposium isone such conference.The EUROPTO®Symposium also brings a unique blend of SPIE isa non-profit society dedicated to • intern atio nal participa nts,where over 20 count ries have been-represented every year.The remote advancing engineering and scientific : sensing community has four main p.._rticipants: ",........ applications of op!ical, electro-optical, and optoelectroni c instrumentation, systems,- • Scientists, who research new sensors, data processing techniques, ph.enomenology ,and ': and technology. Itsmembers are scientists, applications; engineers, and users interested inthe • Industry, which develops new platforms and sensors and engages in the commerce of remote reduction to practice of these technologies. sensing technology; SPIE provides the means for communicating • Users, who employ remote sensing products for their daily needs; new developments and publications to the • Governments, which want to develop the technology to improve and protect their societies scientific, engineering, and user and promote commerce. communities through its publications and symposia..- We nvite participants from all these communities to participate in our next EUROPTO® - Symposium on Remote Sensing in Florence, italy, 20-24 September 1999. This Symposium isthe sixth in this series.We continue to improve on this meeting. Last'year'svery successful Symposium •n Barcelona attracted about 400 part,co °pants, Tha°swd•l be a un"%que forum to g_¢t reformed and debate the state of the art of the technology: sensors, platforms, and applications. Eleven conferences will be held in the framework of the _ymposium. Each conference will include oral presentations and posters. We warmly invite );ou to participate in the EUROPTO®Syml_osium on Remote Sensing. We are working hard to m;_ke it a symposium of the highest quality. Hatem Nasr jk Baker Hughes, Houston, Texas .,Im ,!. Luca Pantanl J CNR- IROE "Nello Carrara', Florence, Italy -J . ,., I .... _ ' "" i_ ' _ -I " ':_'',_i,:. '__ '_. " ConferenCcheairs: U.Schreiber, TU Munich, Conference Chairs: Anton Kohnle, FGAN - Conference Chair: Jacqui Russel, Imperial Koetzing, Germany, Ch.Werner, DLR, Forschungsinstitut f,(irOptik, T_ibingen, FR College, London, United Kingdom Oberpfaffenhof'en, Germany Germany; John D.Gonglewski, Philips Laboratory, Kirkland AFB,New Mexico, USA All aspects of the remote sensing of clouds and Conference Co-Chairs: K.Asai, Tohoku Institute the atmosphere isthe focus of this conference of Technology, Sendal, Japan; P.Ingman, ESA- Conference Co-Chairs: Luc R.Bissonnette, but special emphasis will be placed on: ESTEC,Noordwijk, The Netherlands; RFlamant, Defence Research Establishment, Valcartier, CNRS, Palaiseau, France; M. Huffacker, CTI, Canada; Piero Bruscaglioni, University of High spectral resolution observations Lafayette, CO USA;M. Kavaya, NASA, Huntsville, Florence, Florence, Italy;J.Christopher Dainty, • Polarised measurements and their AL USA;G. Matvienko, IAO,Tomsk, Russia; Imperial College of Science, London, United interpretation N. Sugimoto, NIES,Ibaraki, Japan; I.Prochazka, Kingdom; Adam D.Devir, EORD,Technion, Haifa, Radar and passive microwave measurements TU Prag, Tchech Republic; John Degnan, NASA, Israel;Marc S_chaud, ONERA, Paris,France; • Lidar measurements Greenbelt, MD USA;G.Bianco, ASI,Matera, Italy; Mikhail A.Vorontsov, U.S.Army Research Labs., D.Winker, NASA, Langley, MD USA Adelphi, MD USA Topics will include: The major interest of this conference isfocused The use of satellites and high elevated platforms on Satellite / Lunar Laser Ranging (S/LLR) and for active and passive remote sensing of earth Cloud detection and characterization Atmospheric Lidar.SLR contributed a lot to the and its atmosphere, aswell asfor high • Cirrus earth sciences over the last two decades, resolution imaging of ground-based and • Scattering and absorption by nonspherical enhancing the resolution of the measured airborne objects, isa field of growing interest particles ranges continuously. Nowadays the domain from civilian and military perspectives. Temperature and humidity profiling below one centimetre has been reached. Different sophisticated systems are currently • Lidar, microwave and radar measurements Therefore, the structure of the targets and the used or scheduled for deployment for the Inversion problems and techniques rapidly changing propagation properties of the purpose of covering the spectral regions from Remote sensing of ozone, aerosols, and trace atmosphere and a high level of system stability UV to CM waves.The measurement analysis gases have become relevant. Multiple sensor models, depends crucially on the thorough • Earth radiation budget near real-time data consistency checks in understanding of all optical effects that limit the Sensor systems and requirements for future clustered stations and in situ measurements of sensor performance through an atmosphere satellites atmospheric parameters via remote sensing that acts asan absorbing, scattering, and techniques are becoming keywords of a radiating random medium. mm- level SLRcommunity. High resolution space to ground (or ground to There are a lot of similarities between SLRand space) imaging isvery much dependent on the lidar, beginning from the laser radar technique long path geometries involved, especially due to and ending in the application for atmospheric altitude-dependent atmospheric propagation monitoring or correction.Tomography isa new parameters and different radiating technique that can be applied from ground backgrounds. stations using retro- reflectors in space or from space using hard targets on the ground.There Papers are solicited on the following and related are lidars or laser radars inorbit. Results of these topics: sensors and discussions of planned missions are imaging (band, spectral and hyperspectral) of the goal of the second part of the conference. ground-based and airborne objects from space and vice versa; The conference will be the continuation of the • Techniques for mitigation of atmospheric Europto ®London conference in 1997 and is effects on imaging: adaptive optics, aimed to be a market for ideas.The session deconvolution, sensor fusion, post processing chairs are advised to stimulate the discussion. etc; Therefore the number of accepted papers is Propagation and imaging through limited to relevant new material and one or two inhomogeneous dense media; multiple invited papers. It isplanned to provide time for scattering effects on LIDAR and imager extended discussions (accompanied with wine performance; and cheese) to trade ideas or to present Propagation and imaging through optical problems for discussions. turbulence, including strong turbulence regimes; For the atmospheric propagation conference Propagation models and correction methods again ajoint session isscheduled on the for atmospheric effects in remote sensing; multiple scattering aspect.: Statistics of propagation parameters, statistics of cloud free line of sights, etc. For more information e-mail: Effects of depolarisation, pulse stretching, [email protected] loss of coherence for active (laser) systems; [email protected] Characterisation of the propagation environment: profiles of temperature, humidity, extinction, refractivity, radiance (also non-LTE), optical turbulence; updates of transmission and radiance codes. Aspecial session isplanned to combine this conference with the conference on Laser Radar Techniques.The session will be dedicated to multiple scattering effects with respect to laser propagation and backscattering. [_;_"¢om_-r<:ial R_n_ote'.Se'6_ln_ _.'_1 l EUHOPTU_ 5EHIE5 , C N_E_EN E CALE D" R Conference Chairs: Edward W.Taylor, Air Force Conference chair: Joan Lurie, Datron/Transco, Microelectronic Research Lab, USA, Francis Berghmans, SCK Inc., Hermosa Beach, CA USA CEN,Mol, Belgium Manufacturing Technologies Program Committee: Richard Genet, Marconi 19-21 May 1999 Program Committee: H.Thlenpont, Vrije Integrated Systems (formerly GDE Systems); Universiteit, Brussels, Belgium; Marc Decreton, Gary Gnauck, Datron/Transco; Jacques Caledonian Hotel SCK-CEN, Brussels, Belgium, Marco Van Uffelen, Huyghe, PLAN;Stephen Lutton, Core Software Edinburgh, United Kingdom Roger Greenwell Science Engineering Associates, Technology; Craig Molander, PCI Geomatics; Abstract Due date: 7October 1998 USA;Tracy DoHudson, USArmy Aviation and Timothy Puckorius, Orbimage. Missile Command, USA;Joseph Suter, Johns Manuscript Due date: 12February lC Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, USA;Charles Over the next several years new satellite Barnes, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA;Karl Gill, imaging systems, many launched by commercial CERN, Switzerland; Michael Watson, NASA Optical System Design and companies, will collect remotely sensed data of Marshall Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD USA; differing resolutions in avariety of spectral Production Steven D,Pearson, NASA Marshall Space Flight bands. An unprecedented quantity and quality Center, Greenbelt, MD USA;Marek Osinski, 25-28 May 1999 of data will be commercially available ina very University of New Mexico, USA short time after acquisition. Technical University of Berlin The objective of this conference isto bring The potential utility of the data for solving a Berlin, Germany wide variety of problems isunquestioned but, in together researchers, component developers Abstract Due date: 26 October 1998 and systems designers currently addressing the many cases,the commercial viability is unproven.This data isonly useful (and the Manuscript Due date: 26April 1999 application, functionality, survivability, systems producing it commercially viable) if endurability, and cost effectiveness of photonic technologies in radiation environments. products derived from it can be shown to be readily understandable by the user and lead to Industrial Lasers and The rapid growth and implementation of fiber enhanced profitability.Tools to convert imagery Inspection optics and photonic devices incommercial and to information will be play acrucial role in the military systems has evolved to the stage of commercial marketplace. Equally important will 14-18 June 1999 several recent demonstrations and applications be the ability to store and distribute the data in Munich, Germany in space and enhanced radiation environments. a timely manner. Another issue isthe potential Abstract Due date: 27 November 199 Specific applications of photonics in radiation use of multiple data types (e.g. high resolution environments found in nuclear reactors and panchromatic and multispectral) to solve Manuscript Due date: 17May 1999 those of importance to satellite systems will be problems. the theme and focus of this Conference. New and emerging photonic materials, The object of this conference isto address the Envirosense components and systems that are under study field of commercial remote sensing and help 14-18 June or contemplated near term applications to clarify market issues, commercial utility of improve or replace traditional electronics based remotely sensed data and data products, and Munich, Germany sensors, processors, correlators, data links, associated legal issues. There will be sessions on Abstract Due date: 27 November 199_ trackers, communications and other military and space systems, on ground station technology to Manuscript Due date: 17May 1999 commercial technologies are encouraged for facilitate commercial use of data, on tools and presentation at this Conference. on applications. Abstracts may address awide range of subjects but should focus on the Remote Sensing Photonic systems and components such aslaser commercial aspects. Suggested topics include: diodes, light emitting diodes, vertical cavity 20-24 September 1999 surface emitting lasers, detectors, organic and Satellite systems for commercial remote University of Florence inorganic modulators, integrated optic devices sensing and spatial light modulators, aswell asoptical Tools which facilitate product generation for Florence, Italy couplers, fiber optic amplifiers, optical fibers and the commercial market place Abstract Due date: 8March 1999 other photonic innovations contemplated for Data fusion tools Manuscript Due date: 23 August 199c space and reactor applications must be Archiving and distribution tools understood and quantified for their responses in "Exploitation" tools to extract information the natural space and enhanced radiation from imagery environments. Authors are encouraged to Ground stations - how to adapt to present papers on new applications and commercial customer requirements research directions, advanced component and New stations system developments aswell asexperimentation Upgrades to existing stations and theoretical modeling for understanding Legal issues, licenses, liability radiation induced effects inphotonic materials Commercial Applications - what isthe and components. market and what arethe products? Agriculture Papers are solicited on the following and Communications related example topics: Real Estate planned and proposed photonics and fiber Insurance optics nuclear reactor and space experiments. Forestry Quantification and qualification of photonic systems, materials and component responses in radiation environments modeling of radiation environments-photonic responses MEMS-MOEMS system and component radiation effects studies optical interconnects and optical bus architectures for space systems advances in photonic materials suitable for radiation applications research emphasizing FO components and systems. I SA-R Imag-e Analysis, Mode}ltn_i a i " " -_.',_.:_,_"4,_'._'_'_,'_ .... _,_" "Remol Se sing of tile OCean arid •. ,,_!:Technlques IV (r_6_,,: Conference Chair: Eugenio Zilioli, CNR-IRRS, Conference Chair: Giovanna Cecchi, CNR-IROE, Conference Chair: Francesco Posa, Universit,_ Milan, Italy Florence, Italy Politecnico di Bari, Italy Conference Co-Chair: Magaly Koch, Boston Conference Co-Chairs: Charles Bostater, Florida In recent years there have been many new University, Boston, MA USA institute ofTechnology, Melbourne, FLUSA; developments in the field of SARImage anal) Rosalia Santoleri, IFACNR,Rome, Italy These range from a host of environmental Satellite remote sensing has become a common applications such as the monitoring of tool of the investigation inthe different fields of Remote sensing has proven to avery useful tool deforestation and crop studies to issues Earth science.The progress of the performance for research of oceanic features and seaice.It is involved with military reconnaissance. It isclc capabilities of the optoelectronic devices applied inocean and ice dynamics studies and that there are particular properties of SAR mounted on-board space platforms have further in connection with monitoring of sea ice asdata images that demand fundamentally different improved the capability of instruments to input to numerical modelling. Nevertheless, interpretation techniques from conventional explore inside the structure of the lithosphere there are still anumber of outstanding issues optical imagery. In principal, one wishes to and related resources, and to achieve the and there are good reasons to attempt to derive the scene given the data that isaclassi necessary information for a land-use global improve the accuracy of the retrieval of related ill-conditioned inverse problem.This type of assessment, allowing usto make expanded and geophysical parameters. Inthis context, itis problem isapproached by rigorous exploitati_ more detailed use of the electromagnetic often necessary to integrate data from different of all the information within the image spectrum. Satellite imagery isalso an important sensors aswell asto include the knowledge of combined with realistic prior knowledge abm complementary support in the description of different disciplines. Another important field is the properties of the scene, usually contained spatial distribution of urban areas and the remote sensing of sea-water quality, such as some model.This model may be phenomeno- archaeological sites, being largely dependent on suspended sediments, dissolved organic matter, logical, based on observed properties, or environmental characteristics such aslandform, phytoplankton, vegetation beds, and pollutants. derived from scattering theory. soil fertility, rock type, water proximity, climatic From a remote sensing point of view these data The scattering theory approach iscritically conditions. are mainly extracted by passive (Ocean Colour) dependent on detailed modelling and and active optical sensors, operating either from simulation techniques to describe the forward The present conference will be an occasion to satellite or from airplane or other platforms. problem in terms of different objects of varyin outline how scientists involved inthe Earth size,shape and material. studies can take advantage of new remote The Conference on remote sensing of the ocean sensing techniques, what their needs are,and and sea ice should address the following issues The conference isintended to present an what perspectives arejust around the corner for of application of data from avariety of sensors, updated view of the state-of-the-art technique tomorrow. combined with meteorological, physical, in image interpretation, based on the above biological, chemical, and geological data: models aswell asapplications of these models Particular subjects are: to allareas of remote sensing. Imaging spectrometry and its hyperspectral • Ocean currents and fronts Contributions are sollicited on the following ar dimension Detection of deep water formation related topics: Image texture and spatial analysis and the • Water-quality monitoring Spaceborne and airborne SARand IFSAR 3-D computer vision Seaice classification and sea ice dynamics SARand IFSAR processors:algorithms, Radar interferometric techniques to detect Studies and modelling of microwaves and architectures, dedicated hardware small displacements in relation to optical signatures of seaand ice Use of neural net for automated SARand geodynamic events Studies of shore-fast icewith interferometry IFSAR processing GISfor retrieval of land resource information Multi-satellite, sensor integration, and sensor Multiangle, multipolarisation, Integration between remote sensing and studies multi-frequency SARand IFSAR geophysical prospecting Data fusion Techniques for generating geometrically an Regional and global sea ice monitoring in radiometrically correct SARimages This announcement isan invitation to present climate change research Statistical properties of remote sensed new research results inthese fields of satellite • Operational monitoring systems and their images, including polarisation and remote sensing:applications inthe following requirements wavelength effects and related topics: Phenomenological and theoretical models Structural geology and tectonics for rural and urban scenes Mineral and petroleum exploration Inversion and information extraction Hydrogeology in arid and semi-arid zones techniques: despeckling and segmentation Landform analysis and Quaternary geology Phase unwrapping and super-resolution Lithological classification and mapping Modelling and simulation of ocean waves, Geological hazard and land degradation rural, and urban areas Soil properties and land-use classification Applications to remote sensing-geological Archaeological site identification atmospheric, etc. Paleo-environmental reconstruction • High-speed processing algorithms and Infrastructures and urban areas architectures Validation and information fusion -_,'1118 '( ConferenCcheair: Hiroyuki Fujisada, Science Conference Chairs: Ted Engman, NASA-GSFC, Conference Chair:Sebastiano Serplco, University of Tokyo, Noda, Chiba, Japan Greenbelt, MD USA UniversityofGenoa, Italy Conference Co-Chairs: S.RNeeck, NASA/GSFC, Conference Co-chairs: G.D'Urso, University of ConferenceCo-chairs:J.A.Benediktson, U Greenbelt, MD USA;H.Shimoda, Tokai Univ., Napoli "Federico I1"Napoli, Italy;Jesus Gonzalo iceland,iceland;C.H.Chen, Univ.of Tokyo, Japan; G.Ceruti-Maori, Aerospatiale, de Grado, Ingegnaria yServicios Aerospaciales, Massachussets at Dartmouth, USA;J.Desac Cannes LaBocca, France; R.Meynart, ESTEC, SA,Madrid, Spain, Mario Caetano, Centro Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France; M. Pet Noordwijk, Netherlands; R.Somma, Alenia Nacional de Informacao Geografica, Lisboa, Univ. of Surrey, United Kingdom Aerospaz ioS.p.A., Rome, Italy; E.Sein, Matra Portugal Marconi Space,Toulouse, France; P.N.Slater, Scientific Committee: E.Binaghi, CNR ITIM, University ofArizona, Tucson, AZ USA Remote sensing has been responsible for major Milan, Italy; I.Bloch, ENST,Paris, France; R advances in our understanding and ability to Blonda, CNR IESI,Bari, Italy; L.Bruzzone, Ur Many new remote sensing programs are under manage agriculture, forestry and water Genoa, Italy; M. Datcu, DLR, Oberpfaffenhof way throughout the world, specifically by U.S., resources. In spite of this progress there are still Germany; S.Dellepiane, Univ. of Genoa, Ital: European countries and Japan. NASA's office of many areas where the potential of remote S.Fujimura, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan; I. Earth Science Enterprise (ESE)isdeveloping sensing has not been fully realized and these Kanellopoulos, JRC,Ispra, Italy; D.Landgre: plans for a series of programs including EOS, are areas of active research. Much of the new Purdue University, USA; D.C.Mason, ESSC, Landsat, Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP), research isdirectly related to the development University of Reading, United Kingdom; and New Millenium Earth Orbiting flight. of new sensors and an improved understanding M. Migliaccio, University of Cagliari, Italy; J. Japanese NASDA has a series of ADEOS and of what the sensors are actually measuring as Rasson, FUNDP Univ. Namur, Belgium; P.C.S_ ALOS programs. ESAhas ENVISAT and METOP well as new and improved analysis techniques. JRC,Ispra, Italy programs. Each of these programs is developing a set of remote sensing systems to This session seeks papers on new applications The main goal of this conference isto exam address their science objectives. of remote sensing and recent research results in all aspects of image and signal processing fc agriculture, forestry, and hydrology. remote image analysis and understanding. Papers are solicited on the following and related Contributions using visible, near and far infrared, Papers describing recent and original work : topics: thermal infrared and microwave measurements the following and related research topics ar_ are requested, but special consideration will be welcome: Sensors being developed. given to papers addressing use of satellite data Signal and image enhancement and Satellites being developed. or proposing synergism of different sensors. restoration Technologies required to enable these • Registration techniques sensors and satellites. Papers are requested that address the following Stereoscopic images analysis New design concepts of sensors, systems and and related topics: Shape and texture analysis satellites. Image segmentation and object recognit Hyper spectral sensors in space. Agriculture, including crop yield modeling, Multisensor and multisource techniques Sensor calibration techniques. early warning, disease and insect damage, Data fusion Modeling and simulation techniques for drought effects, crop monitoring at regional and Statistical, structural and hybrid pattern sensor concept development. global scales, radiative transfer modeling of recognition techniques Focal plane assemblies including detectors vegetation canopies, and related topics; Integration of remotely sensed data and and spectral filters. geodata Space cryogenics Ecosystems, including forest management, Neural techniques System precursors including test beds and biomass estimates, LAI/FPAR products, Scene analysis and image understanding airborne simulators. vegetation indices, land cover products, fires, Knowledge-based image understanding Data system being developed. deforestation, urban ecosystems, radiative Expert systems, fuzzy logic, and AI technk New data processing techniques. transfer modeling of ecosystem properties, and related topics; Note:Those wishing to participate in this Sessions on the following topics are being conference should prepare extended 500 w_ planned: Hydrology including parameterization of abstracts on two A4 pages. All other abstrac - ADEOS/ALOS mission and technologies. regional and macro hydrological models, water submission instructions should be followed. ENVISAT/METOP mission and technologies. resource monitoring, estimates of latent and - ESEmission and technology sensible heat, snow, soil moisture, urban - New satellite technologies (navigation, hydrology, water quality, sedimentation, and on-board data processing, cooling system, erosion, and related topics; etc.). - Calibration. - Hyper spectral sensors (mission analysis, design, performance, technologies, airborne sensors, etc.). Preliminary Registration Fees With the introduction ofthe EURO inJanuary 1999. conference feeswill becharged inEuro's. Euros (Ref.only) YOURABSTRACTSHOULD INCLUDE: INSTRUCTIONS FOR Authors : EOS/SPIE Member 325 (-$380) SUBMITTING ABSTRACTS I+SUBMIT TO: Remote Sensing Nonmember 375 (~$439) Conference Title(cid:0)Conference Please choose only one of the following options Chair/Conference Code (rsOI,rs02, etc.} and send by the due date: Attendees : • E-mail each abstract separately to: EOS/SPIE Member 400 (~S468) 2.ABSTRACT TITLE [email protected] in ASCII text (not Nonmember 450 (~$527) n_d d).IMPORTANT: to ensure receipt and 3.AUTHOR LISTING (principal author first) proper processing of your abstract, the Students : First (given) name Last (family) name, affilia- Subject line must include only the following: EOS/SPIE Member 150 (~S176) tion, mailing address, telephone, telefax, and Example: SUBJECT:rs01 (or code listed after Nonmember 200 (~$234) e-mail address. the conference title). Attachments inWord only. Registration fee includes technical sessions, coffee 4.CORRESPONDENCE FOR EACH AUTHOR • or mail three copies ofyour abstract to: breaks, reception, and 1Proceedings volume for all 5.PRESENTATION Remote Sensing but student fees. Boulevard St.Michel 1S Please indicate your preference for either B-1040 Brussels Meeting Venue "Oral Presentation" or "Poster Presentation". Placement issubject to chairs' discretion. Belgium The symposium will be held at: • or fax one copy to +32-2-743 15S0 6.KEYWORDS (3-5) (send each abstract separately). University of Florence Department of Earth Science PUBLISHING POLICY 7.ABSTRACT TEXT one full A4-page typed on Via Giorgio Lapira 4 white paper.The abstract should be divided Manuscript due dates must be strictly 1-50139 Florence into background, materials and methods, observed. Whether the conference volume will Italy results, and discussion. Emphasize the main be published before or after the meeting, late Accommodation contribution ofthe work; the original contri- manuscripts run the riskof not being published bution with respect to the state of the art; inthe Proceedings.The objective ofthis policy is Hotel Accomodations will be handled by the and include references to related papers from to better serve the conference participants and EUROPTO ®,Series staff. More information will be ava the same authors. Report your results in the technical community at large. lable in the Technical Programme. detail. Your cooperation insupporting this objective will be appreciated by all. TheCity ofFlorence 8.BRIEF BIOGRAPHY (principal author only) Approximately 50 to 100 words. PROCEEDINGS Italy isthe holder of40% ofthe world's artistic and historical treasures; 26% of these are inFlorence. itis CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE These meetings will result in published beautiful open skymuseum where magnificient Italia Proceedings available for order through the Renaissance masterpieces can be discovered inever_ • Authors are expected to secure travel and Advance Programme. Manuscripts are required corner, day by day:Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raffaello. accommodation funding, Independent of of all accepted applicants and must be Tiziano, and many others can be admired through a the organisers, through their sponsoring submitted in English by 23 August 1999, short and pleasant walk, afew minutes from the organisations before submitting abstracts. Copyright to the manuscript isexpected to be conference citadel. • Only original material should be submitted. released for publication inthe conference Florence isalso abusy cosmopolitan centre which • Commercial papers, description of papers, Proceedings. Note: Ifan author does not attend offers inevery season ofthe year many traditional with no research content, and papers where the meeting and make apresentation, the chair musical and theatre festivals, historic callas,excellent supporting data oratechnical description may choose not to publish the author's restaurants with international standards aswell as cannot begiven for proprietary reasons will manuscript in the conference volume. Papers typical picturesque"trattorie" serving the best region not beaccepted for presentation inthis published are indexed in leading scientific Italian cuisine. symposium. databases including INSPEC, Compendex Plus, Fascinating excursions take the visitors to beautiful a • Abstracts should contain enough detail to Physics Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, cities ofTuscany suchasPisa,Lucca,and Siena. clearly convey the approach and the results of International Aerospace Abstracts and Index to the research. Scientific and Technical Proceedings. • Government and company clearance to present and publish should be final at the ORAL PRESENTATION time of submittal. Eachauthor isgenerally allowed 1Sminutes • Applicants will be notified of acceptance by plus afive-minute discussion period.The mail no later than 5April 1999. following media equipment isprovided free of PAPER REVIEW charge: 35 mm slide projectors, overhead projectors, and flipcharts.Video and other To ensure ahigh quality conference, allabstracts equipment may be provided upon request. and Proceedings papers will be reviewed bythe conference chairs for technical merit and AUTHOR BENEFITS content. Authors and co-authors are expected to pay a reduced registration fee.Included with afee ORAL OR POSTER PRESENTATION payment isacopy of the Proceedings volume in Instructions for Oral and Poster presentations which the participant's role orpaper appears. will beincluded inyour author kit. All Oral and Poster presentations are included inthe Proceedings and require amanuscript. For further information please contact: EUROPTO ®Series •Remote Sensing •Boulevard St. Michel 15 •B-1040 Brussels • Belgium Phone= +32-2-743 15 73 • Fax: +32-2-743 15 50 •E-mail: [email protected] •http://www.europto.org