SUMMARY OF RESEARCH GRANT NUMBER: NAG-2-1089 GRANT TITLE: An Evaluation of Collagen Metabolism in Non Human Primates Associated with the Bion 11 Space Program-Markers of Urinary Collagen Turnover and Muscle Connective Tissue. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Arthur C. Vailas, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor for Research and Intellectual Property Management, UH Systems, Vice President for Research, University of Houston Co-Director, Connective Tissue Research Laboratory Tel.'713-743-9104 Fax:713-743-9125 Email: availas INSTITUTION: UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON 4800 Calhoun Blvd Houston, Texas 77204-2162 PERIOD OF REPORT: 07/01/96 TO02/28/99 I (_c. AN EVALUATION OF COLLAGEN METABOLISM IN NON HUMAN PRIMATES ASSOCIATED WITH THE BION 11 SPACE PROGRAM-MARKERS OF URINARY COLLAGEN TURNOVER AND MUSCLE CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Principal Investigator: Arthur C. Vailas, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor for Research and Intellectual Property Management, UH Systems, Vice President for Research, University of Houston Co-Director, Connective Tissue Research Laboratory 4800 Calhoun Blvd E. Cullen Building University of Houston Houston, Texas 77204-2162 Te1:713-743-9104 Fax:713-743-9125 Email: availas Co-Principal Investigator: Daniel A. Martinez, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biology, Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology Co-Director, Connective Tissue Research Laboratory University of Houston Houston, Texas 77204-5513 Tel: 713-743-2662 Fax: 713-743-2636 Email: [email protected] Technical Monitor: Richard E. Grindeland, Ph.D. Chief Scientist Bion Program NASA-Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 Tel: 415-604-5756 NASA-Ames Grant Officer: Beatrice Morales University Affairs Grants Office NASA-Ames Research Center Branch 241-1 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 Tel: 650-604-5811 UH-Research Admin.: Barbara DeHaven, Interim Director Office of Sponsored Programs Rm 316, E. Cullen Building University of Houston Houston, Texas 77204-2 I62 Tel: 713-743-9201 Fax: 713-743-9227 BION 11 FINAL REPORT UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON CONNECTIVE TISSUE PHYSIOLOGY LABORTORY TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 5 METHODS............................................................................................................ 5 RESULTS ............................................................................................................. 6 SUMMARYFINDINGS ................................................................................................ 7 TABLES............................................................................................................... 9 Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Urine BiomarkerAnalyses (Normalized to Creatinine) .................... 10 Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Urine BiomarkerAnalyses (Non-normalized to Creatinine) ............... 11 Urinary Calcium and Osteocalcin Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Analyses ................................. 12 Soleus Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Biopsies Muscle Connective Tissue Analyses ..................... 13 Tibialis Anterior Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Biopsies Muscle Connective Tissue Analyses .......... 14 Medial Gastrocnemius Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Biopsies Muscle Connective Tissue Analyses... 15 FIGURES ............................................................................................................. 16 Urinary Hyp and Hyp/Cr Pre-Flight & Post-Flight Values ............................................... 17 Urinary HiP and HP/Cr Pre-Flight & Post-Hight Values ................................................. 18 Urinary LP and LP/Cr Pre-Flight & Post-Hight Values .................................................. 19 Urinary Total Collagen Cross-links Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Values ................................. 20 Urinary Creatinine Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Values ..................................................... 21 Monthly Hyp Values .......................................................................................... 22 Monthly Hyp/Cr Values ....................................................................................... 23 Monthly I-[P Values ............................................................................................ 24 Monthly HP/Cr Values ........................................................................................ 25 Monthly LP Values ............................................................................................ 26 Monthly LP/Cr Values ........................................................................................ 27 Monthly Total Cross-links (HP+LP/Cr) Values ........................................................... 28 Monthly Creatinine Values .................................................................................... 29 Daily Hyp Values .............................................................................................. 30 Daily Hyp/Cr Values .......................................................................................... 31 Daily HP Values ............................................................................................... 32 Daily HP/Cr Values ............................................................................................ 33 Daily LP Values ................................................................................................ 34 Daily LP/Cr Values ............................................................................................ 35 Daily Total Cross-links (HP+LP/Cr) Values ............................................................... 36 Daily Creatinine Values ....................................................................................... 37 4 INTRODUCTION Patientsexhibitingchangesinconnectivetissueandbonemetabolismalsoshowchangesin urinary by-productsof tissuemetabolism.Furthermore,thechangesin urinaryconnectivetissueandbone metabolitesprecedealterationsatthetissuemacromoleculalrevel. AstronautsandCosmonautshave alsoshownsuggestiveincreasesin urinary by-productsof mineralizedandnon-mineralizedtissue degradation.Thus,theideaofassessingconnectivetissueandboneresponsein spaceflightmonkeys by measuremenotf biomarkersin urine hasmerit. Otherinvestigationsof boneandconnective histology,cytologyandchemistryin theBion 11monkeyswill allow for furthervalidationof the relationship of urinary biomarkers and tissue response. In future flights the non-invasive procedure of urinary analysis may be useful in early detection of changes in these tissues. Purpose: The purpose of this grant investigation was to evaluate mineralized and non-mineralized connective tissue responses of non-human primates to microgravity by the non-invasive analysis of urinary biomarkers. Secondly, we also wanted to assess muscle connective tissue adaptive changes in three weight-bearing skeletal muscles: the soleus, medial gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior by obtaining pre-flight and post-flight small biopsy specimens in collaboration with Dr. V. Reggie Edgerton's laboratory at the University of California at Los Angeles. METHODS Twenty-four hour samples were obtained intermittently before flight and after flight, before and after 1 G simulations of flight, and from vivarium monkeys. Urine volumes were measured and aliquots were frozen for subsequent analysis. Collagen biomarker concentrations of urinary hydroxyproline (Hyp), hydroxylysylpyridinoline (HP cross-links), and lysylpyridinoline (LP cross-links) were assayed by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Urinary creatinine (Cr) was quantitated using a colorimetric assay to measure potential muscle rhabdomyolysis and to normalize the connective tissue and bone mineral bio-marker concentrations. Bonemineralmetabolismwasanalyzedbyassayingpre-andpost-flighturinary calcium (Ca 2+) by atomic absorption. Urinary osteocalcin (Oc), a biomarker for bone formation was analyzed by immunoassay with a polyclonal antibody raised against bovine Oc with tracer and standards derived from purified Macaca mulatta bone Oc. Skeletal muscle hydroxyproline, an index of collagen concentration, and the mature collagen cross- links (HP and LP) were measured on micro-biopsy specimens from the pre-flight and post-flight time periods from all three groups. Statistics: The urine measurements were analyzed using a two factorial repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVA) with the significance set at P<0.05. RESULTS Collagen Biomarkers: Summary Tables (Pre-Flight and Post-Flight) and Graphs (Pre-Post, Monthly and Daily Analyses) can be found in the appropriate sections. Results indicate a high daily variance in the urine concenlxation of collagen metabolic biomarkers. The urinary collagen cross-link content in the postflight urines were significantly greater (P<0.05) in the Flight group compared to the Simulation and Vivarium groups indicating that more mature collagen had been degraded during the initial postflight recovery period in the Flight group. Creatinine analyses showed that in all groups urinary levels were significantly elevated (92%-111%) from preflight and the urinary content of non-reducible collagen cross-links (nM HP+LP/mM Cr) were overall greater during the postflight period (21%-35%). Bone metabolism: Urinary Ca z÷ measures were significantly lower (Flight -72%, Simulation -57%, Vivarium-31%) after flight versus preflight measurements (P<0.05). Oc analyses indicated that Flight (-43%) and Vivarium (-32%) had significantly lower Oc values postflight. Muscle Connective Tissue: In the soleus muscle, the only significant changes observed were in the Vivarium group. The Hyp values were significantly greater post-flight versus preflight values (P<0.05). There was a trend towards decreased LP values post-flight compared to pre-flight values 6 (P<0.09). No significantchangeswerefoundin theFlight or Simulatedsoleusmuscleconnective measurementsIn. thetibialisanterior,theonlysignificantdifferenceswerefoundin theFlightgroup. Post-flightHyp wassignificantlysmallerin theFlight groupin contrastto pre-flightmeasurements (P<0.05).However,HPandTotalCross-linkmeasurement(sHP+LP)tendedtobelargerpost-flight comparedtopreflightmeasurement(sHP:P<0.07) and (HP+LP: P<0.09) respectively. The medial gastrocnemius muscle demonstrated no significant differences in any measurements post-flight versus preflight (P>0.05) SUMMARY FINDINGS Biomarker profiles can be used as a first level non-invasive analyses to determine if connective 1, tissue metabolism has been altered following spaceflight. Initial postflight measurements of collagen and mineral biomarkers, demonstrated in the first days following flight in the Daily Graphs, suggest an increase in mineralized and non-mineralized connective tissue turnover in the Flight group. Elevated urine Hyp, HP+LP cross-link levels together with reduced urine Ca 2÷levels may indicate . new collagen secretion and Ca 2÷ storage, signifying new bone formation during postflight recovery. Biomarker analyses investigating the temporal transitions of whole body collagen and mineral . metabolism would be greatly enhanced if future experiments facilitated daily in-flight sample collection of urine from the primates aboard the unmanned space habitat. Overall, no dramatic muscle connective tissue changes were observed post-flight in the SOL, MG . or TA muscles. However, there was a significant decrease in skeletal muscle collagen in the post- flight TA biopsies in the Flight group with an accompanying increase in muscle collagen cross- linking suggesting that the interstitial collagen is older "more mature" collagen. This findings were not observed in the SOL or MG muscle biopsies. Fourteen days exposure to microgravity may not have been an adequate interval of time to view . changes in skeletal muscle connective tissue protein. However, changes at the molecular level of collagen synthesis (measures of mRNA for COL 1A1, COL 3A1 and Lysyl Oxidase) may be evident when analyzed. The biopsy samples received from Dr. Reggie Edgerton's laboratory were smaller in mass than . what our current molecular biology methodology could quantitate. If our Laboratory receives further funding, we will attempt to optimize our mRNA assays for less than -0.5-2.0 mg tissue wet weight. TABLES _ E oo or_o Ir'_-- oo ÷1 ÷l +l L÷"l-- c÷_l _r oo t"-- I"-,, q c_ t_ t_ r_ c_ c_ L"-- c5 ÷l ÷l ÷l ÷l ÷l L-'-- L"-- I'-,- t_ 0 "'q % t'--- oo ÷l c÷_l o÷ol o÷ol ÷l ÷l _5 _6 oo oo c_ _5 ÷l ÷l -H ÷l ÷l ÷l ! oo er__ _,0 L"-- c_ © Z _0 ow_l Iml c_ c_ 0 r_ 0 °v-._ ÷l t--- _ ! II II °,u L", "_ _ _u oil _ _._ °.