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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19990041161: Prediction of X-33 Engine Dynamic Environments PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19990041161: Prediction of X-33 Engine Dynamic Environments

Prediction of X-33 engine dynamic environments J l. • "" r ) , Dr. John J. Sbi Boeing- Rockctdyne Division Canog_ Park, California Abstract Introduction Rocket engines normally have two primary The linear aerospike engine is being developed sources of dynamic excitation. The firstsource is by Boeing -Rocketdyne aspart of acooperative the rejector and the combustion chambers that agreementbetweenthe NationalAeronauticsand generar_ wide band random vibration. The SpaceAdmin_on (NASA), Lockheed second sourceis the turbopumps, which produce Martin,Boeing-Rocketdyne,BF Goodrich, lower levels of w/de band random vibration as AlliedSignal,andSverdrupcompaniestodesign andtobuildasubscaleX-33 testvehiclethatwill well as sinusoidal vibration atf_quencies related totherotatinsgpeedandmultiplesthereof. demonstrate_ keytechnologieasndlowercosts Additionallyt.hepressurefluctuationdsue to thataren_ forthenextgenerationof flowturbulence and acousticsrepresent ReusableLaunch Vehicle(RLVs). The secondarysourcesofexcitationD.uringthe differencbeetweenthelinearaerospikeandthe developmentstage,inordertodesign/siztehe conventional rocket engine isthe s_pe of the rocketenginecomponents,thelocaldynamic nozzle. Whereas lhe bell nozzle ofconventional environmentsaswell asdynamicinterface loads engine expands the hot gas on its inside surface, have to bcdefmed. the aerospike nozzle expands the gas on its outsidesurface. And the linear acrospike nozzle The X-33 engineisa linearaerospikerocket is not abell shape atall, but the shape of a "V" engine,butcurrentltyhedynamicenvironments called aramp. This unusual shape enhances databasefromgroundhot-firteests andflight performance andallowsamore opd.mum vehicle measurementsareforrocketengineswitha design.Aerospikenozzlescanbecircularor conventionalbelltypenozzleonly.Moreover, HnearwiththelaRerbeingidealfortheX-33 due to lack of geomeme similar7 between the /RLV application. aerospike andthe belltypenozzleengines, insteadofscalingfromthecxisl_ndgynamic One of the many essential aspects of design is to environments,thedynamic environmentsforthe provide structural adequacy to withstand the X-33 engine components must be derived numerous shock and vibration loading conditions analytically, Besides lack of geomenric ands_ll maintain alight., flighrweight configuration. Therefore, during thedevelopment similarities, the oscillating shocks on the ramp for thelinear aerospikcengineshaveno stage,in order to design/size theen_ne counterpartonthe bcll Dq_cnozzle engine. components,thelocaldynamic environments Therefore, this is another reason that the linear (zonalvibratiocnriteriaa)swelt as dynamic aerospike engine must be evaluazad analytically. interfacleoadshavetobedefine.R isvery For thisend, a finite element model (F_M) for difficulttodynamicallyevaluateadesignwithout the X-33 engine system has been developed. _ving me experience gained in the design and FtLrtherrnore, the sources of dynamic excitation development of similar engines. Unfortunately, during the en_ne operation were predicted this is thecase for the X-33 engine, because no analy_ca]ly andthen used as inputsto excite the linearaerospiketestbedenginevibrationdata is engine system FE2VIin order tocalculate the availableM.oreover,thereareno georr_tric dynamic environmentsforthe enureengine.In similaritibeestweenthelinearaerospikcengine thispaper, themethodologyusedtoderivethe andtheconventionalbellnozzleengines,e.g.the dynamic environmentsat various locationosn the space shulllmeain engine (SSME). In other engine will be presented, and these environment words,the existing dynamic environment predictions will be refined based on test dam database forthe conventional bell nozzle engines obtained during future ground hobfn-e testing, is not applicable for the X-33 engine design. when these databecome available, Instead of scaling from the existing dynamic environments,thedynamicenvironmentsforthe measurements. In this paper, the comparisons X-33 enginemustbederivedanalyticallFyo.r between the tests and the analysis will not be thisend.anintegratefdinimelementmodel presented, becausetest data is not yet available. (FEM) fortheX-33 enginesystemhasbeen developed.Moreover,thesom'ce_ofdynamic Finite Element Model. excitationdsuringtheengineoperatiownere pr_licted/estimatuesdinganalyticamlethods, In the process of developing the X-33 en_ne e.g.CFD models,acousticcoc_s,a_dempirical system FE,M, both structural and non-structural data,e.g.sub-scalethrustetrestsT.heX-33 components were modeled, because in enginecomponentsthatcanproduce/besubjected formulating the su'ucmral dynamic model both to excitation sources are nozzle ramps,fl_us_rs, elastic and inertia properties must be consid_ed. gasgeneratorsn,ozzleendcloseoutt,urbopumps For those components identified as the critical andducts.ItisdepictedgraphicalliynFig.I. loadcarryingstruentmlcomponentsbothelastic andinertiparopertiewseremodeled indetailF.or XdklI_b_ D71_m_ Zal)MFm¢¢le|wlm_llm the non-structurAl components only inertia properties were considered, and these componentsweremodeled aslumpedmasses. •; ( Therefore, the engine system was treated as linear discrete dynamic system. Ideally, a complete representation era linear discrete dynamic system should have three pararnet_rs defined, i,¢m.ass,stiffness and damping. ,1 However, due to technical difficulty in diser¢tizing the damping parameter, no attempt has ever been made to discretize the damping properties for the engine components. This will Flg.lX-33EngineInputForcingFunctions not create any problem, because in general the engine is aHghfly damped system. For a lightly Inordertocalculattehesteady-stadtyenamic damped system the damping will have almost no environmentsfortheentireengine,random effecton thenaturalfrequenciesandthe vibrationanalyseswereperformedbyapplying correspondingmode shapes [I].Therefore, itis allthepotentiaslourcesofexcitatiotnotheX-33 sufficient to model the elastic and the inertia enginesystemFEM, The zonalvibratiocnriteria propertieosf theenginesystem. The damping andrandom vibrationenvironmentsforthe pm-ameterwillbeintroducedasmodaldamping criticaclomponentsweredeterminedbythe factorslaterwhen responseanalysiswillbe engine system f'mite elemcnt model. The performed. predicted vibration environments wereused as component initial design criteria and/or design verification test specification, This is the first time that instead ofscaling fromthe existing vibration data base, analytically predicted dynamic environments were used as rocket en_ne component initial design criteria at Rocketdyne. Four X-33 linear aerospike engines willbe produced byRocketdyne. Two engines will be used for ground hot-Rre tests. Two will be installed in the subscale X-33 vehicle for suborbital flight tests at speeds up to about Mach 10. During both ground and flight tests, special insmxmentation willbeinstalled atcritical locations. The predicted dynamic environments Fig.2 X-33 engine layout will be validated/revised based on the test 80/20"d _0_£2_$B0_ 08 SWOD3731 W7 9T:TT B66T-±T-NON The X-33 engine is acomplex structura/system gcnera_d and induced. The former iscaused by with complicated geometry asshown in Fig. 2. A the operation of the rocket engines (the general purpose finite element code, the propulsion systern), while the la_er arethe STARDYNE code, was employed todevelop the environments that willbeimposed on the engine model. Mo:_over, since each X-33 vehicle will bythevehicleandthesurroundingsD.uringa have an assembly of two engines attached to the mission deI_nding on the missionphase, the aft end of the vehicle, the fmke element model rocketengine will be subjectedtoboth will consist of two engines. The plot for the environments. How w predict those engine model is shown in Fig. 3.The types of environmentsisverycriticatlothesuccessofthe elements used to model the engine system are rocketenginedevelopmentprogram aswellas simple beams, pipes, elbows, isotropic pla_es. the mission,becausethe rocket engine willnotbe onhotropic plates, distributed masses and lumped subjected to theactualflight enviroRn_nt prior to masses.The fullmodel has about13,400 itsfL,st flight. Based onpastexperiences on dynamic degreesof freedom(DDOFs), i.e. various rocket engine programs, the en_nc self- - 4300 nodes. By usingtheStormsequence gcn¢car_! environments usually dominate over check, it was estimated to have about 3000 the induced ones. Thcrefor¢, it isnormally modes below 2000 Hz, In order to perform the sufficient m use the engine serf-generated analysis economically, i.e. especially to eliminate environments to designthe engine structures and insignificant local modes, it was necessaryto components. reducethe model. The Guyan reducdon method {2] was used to re,tact the model. The master Inordertodesign/sizetheX-33 engine de_ees of freedom chosen are the degrees of components,thelocaldynamic environments freedom with large ine_as, e.g. heavy (zonal vibration criteria) in terms of acceleration components modeledaslumpedmasses,aswell PSD's as well as dynamic interface loads must be asthosewithsignificanmtotions,e.g.mid-point defined.Since thelocal dynamicenvironments ofaduct.A totalof 276 nodeswhichwere are related to the responses of the cn#ne at equivalent m 828 DDOF's were sel¢ctcd. In various locations, it is acceptable to scale the order to check the accuracy of the reduction, the existinegnvironments foranew engine, if the Lanczo'smethod was usedtoextractI00modes new engine and the old engines have similar fromthefullmodel The differenceisn design. AS mentioned in the introduction, there frequenciesare<1% forthefast40 modes.The was no gcomcmc similarity between the X-33 mode shapesarcalsomatchedcloselyT.he linearacrospik_engineandthe belltypeengines. model hasb_n thoroughlycheckedbefore itwas Therefore, instead of scaling from the existing usedtoperformstructuradlynamicsanalyses. dynamicenvironments, it was necessaryto performstrucnn'adlynamicanalysistoderive X-33enginelocaldynamicenvironments.The approach is to identify all the po_ntial sources of excitation and then to perform re.sponse analysis on the engine system finite element model to demrrninetheacceleratiornesponsesat various locationsontheengdne. There arc two primary sources of excitation for a rocket engine. The fast source is the aerodynamic,/acoustic noises generated by the t combustion process in the combustion chamber through the nozzle and the second source is the mechanical vibrationgsenerated by the Fig.3 X-33 engine finite clementmodel turbopumps and the other equipmentwith rotating parts. The former generates wide band Input Forcin_oFunctions fluctuating dynamic pressure on the engine walls, e.g. the nozzle ramp. while the latter generates Basically a rocket engine will be subjected to two sinusoidavlibrationat frequencies related to the kindsofdynamicenvironments,i.ee.ngineself- rotating speedandmultiplesthereof. By using CFD mode,ls, acoustic codes and empiricaldam, 3 8_/_0"d bOS_£bS88_ a_ SWODBq3± W3 &_:T_ 866T-LT-OON ° e.g. sub-scale thruster tests, the fluctuating dynamic pressures in term of pressure PSD's Based ontheaboveassumptionstheoldshocks have been defined on various engine s_s. wereestimatedtobe -6 psirms appliedatthe The excitation sources considered in the analysis forwardend oftheramp and spannedabout5"'. 8re Recendy, a series of subscale(I:26) nozzle tests wereperformedattheRocketdynoNozzleTest • Shock-induc_l oscillating pn_ssure Facilit(yRNT_. The tes_setupisshown in and acoustics at the nozzle ramp Fig.4.Pressuresensitivmeaterial (coatingsw)as • Random fluctuating dynamic usedtomeasureTJ_pressuredismbufions. pressure at the thrusm-s and the gas Basedon therestdata,new oscillatinsghock Eenerato/_ profilewserederived.Accordingtothetestdata, • Aco_dc pressureatthenozzle end theshockswere stronglyinfluenced by the closeout pressureratio(PR),i.e.chamber pressure(Pc) • P_ssure fluctuations atpipe b_nds /ambient pressure (Pa). At sea level when the * Tm'bopump unbalances pressure ratios are low. the shocks are stronger (Fig. 5). At higher altitude when the pressure The oscillatinsghocksweredetdvsdanalytically, ratios arehigh, the shocks are weaker (_g.6). i.e.CFD models,aswellassc.alefdromthesub- Comparisonsofthe oscillatinsghocksareshown scaletest data.The acousticpsressurewas inFig. 7. The aft shocks that occur at sea level derivedanalyticallbyyRocketdyne'sin-house only are about 3.5 psi rms. The forward shocks acousticscode. The thrusters andthe GG that exist at sea level gridat altitude are about 0.4 flucnmfing dynamic pressureswc_e scaledfrom psi rms. The common shocks that apply to the the4Ok thrustcelltest data.The fluctuating rest of the nozzle areas are about 0.16 psi rms. pressure at pipe bends arecaused by turbulence The sinusoidal mechanical vibrations due m and were derived scrni-empidcadly, i.e. formula basedonnondimensionalizedexperimental da1& unbalancesat turbopum_s areconsidered to be localized vibrations and an) misted to the :'"....".'_"-rddieisndicaledthat theengine hardware only. In other words, the sinusoidal rcspc.-._wseredominatedbytheoscillating vibration levels measured for a particular pump shocksexermd on the nozzleramps.Therefore, can be used directly without any adjustment. more detailsabout derivationosftheoscillating Since theLOX and the fuel pumps for the X-33 shockswillbepresentedbelow, engine arenearlyidentical to those for the J-2S, the sinusoidal vibration levels were derived from The unsteadyshockoscilla6onscausedby the J-2S and I2 engine test data. boundarylayer and shockinteractioncontribute totherandom oscillatinpgressureexcr_edonthe nozzleramp.The sn'en_J_andthelocationofthe shocks areveryimporter, becausethey will excitetheenginedifferently. At firsttheforcing function(the oldshocks)wasestimated basedon CFD predictionussingthefollowing _ssurnpdons: The rrnsdynamic pressureisapercentageof steady.statse_c pressure3.0% was used. 2. The oscillating pressure acts f_r afew boundarylayerthicknesses infrontand behindthe shock.To determine wherethe shockswere,the dilatation of_he veloci_ field for the sea level X-33 ramp solutions were used.The re_ons _ hadnegative Fig. 4 Liaem- aero_ike test model values ofdilatatioin.e,. compressed,andhad theobliqueshocksupstream,i.¢.theforward endoftheramp,weresalected. ° • Ta 6'I¢_ ! J: g | t Fig. 70_c_atmg shocks Resultsand Discuss ipns All the forcing fimct/ons discussed in the Fig. 5 Oscillating shocks, PR=70 previous section were usod toexcite the 2,£-33 _ngine sysmm f_niteclement model. This resulted ina very complicated respon._ analysis with mor_than _Oinput forcing functions. A_Ithe ...,.a_.rz#.M¢a_tu/e-RampLoa_ TeJt forcing functionsweTe assumed to be "_,ocket NoT, rio T_ F;_u:ility uncorrelatexl, since the sources were relatively ¢_.hl independent The objectives were 1.) To determine the dynamic loads and displacements for the en_ne structural integrity _valuations 2,) To develop engine vibration environments for engine components design and verification/qualifictaetstlon The intc'rnaldynamic loads for the engine pdnm'y structures, i.e. the ribs. the struts, the power pack frame, ¢¢¢., have been cMculated. The dynamicirtceface loads between the veh/cle andtheenginehave alsobeendetermined.Those loadswerecombined withthestadcloadsdueto pressure loads, thermal loads, misMignmcnt, and vehicle g-loads etc., for evguadng structural in_grityand performing li.fc predictions. F_g.60sc/HatMg _o_k_, PR=ZlTa As for the engine random vibration environments, the zonal vibration criteria have been establishzd as a means of describing the vibration environment experienced by various components in different areas of the )£-33 engine. The predicted environments covered the entire engine and are listed below. - Forward ramp - Mid ramp - Aft ramp - Lox pump - Fuel pump - Gas generator - End closcout 4 Base close,out Upper frames Power p_k fral'nes ThrusT._T$ The environments listed above are the primm7 ones. Special environments for particular Fig. 9X-33 EECO finite element model components have also been developed when requested. Besides the random vibration In theprocess of designing the EECO, the thxe¢ ¢nvironn_nts have been evaluatod in order to env/ronmenls, the turbopumps _Iso have had the sinusoidsJ envh'onments defined. have asatisfactory design. By applyingthe predicted x,y andz random vibration environments to the EECO finite element model The predictedenvironmentscouldbeusedas component initial designcriteria directloyras (Fig, 9), the dynamic loads were c_lculated, The inputsforcomponent detaileadna/ysisA.s an fatigue life for the EECO was evaluated by example,thex-_lsrandom vibration combining tbe static and dymunic loads. At high environmentsforthenozzleramp e.n_n_end altitude flight conditions, due to severe thermal closeout(EECO) areshown inFig.g.Three environment the EF_,CO6tanium support brackets differenEtECO random vibratioennvironments were yielded due to high static loads caused by werepredictedT,he firsptrcdi_on isfortheold large deformation of the ramp, When the oscillatinsghocksthatwerepredictedbyCFD titanium brackets were yielded, the dynamic loads due to the old shocks limited the life of the analysisT,he secondandthirdpredictionasre based on oscillating shocks predicted by sub- brackets to few cycles only. At ground, i.e. sea scalenozzle test results. level, due to afavorable thermal environment, the EECO can opcrat_ without life limitations for both the old shocks and the new ground shocks. x,._¢_t l_a_ mm_am_ ¢_#mrraN Fcrthermore, the EF_,COwill have adequate fatigu_ life for the new altitude shocks. Therefore,it was concluded that it is adequate to use titanium brackets, The old shocks wer_ too conservative, because the same levels of shocks were usedfor both the ground and the altitude flight conditions. It was an improvement, when the subscal¢ nozzle test dam was used to derive the shocks for the sea level and the altitude flight conditions, separately. There are twenty thruster support brackets between the X-33 engine and the vehicle thrust francs, The dynamic inteff-_ca loads have been calculateadteachsupportbracketandatthe pump inlets. Two engine models have been used Fig. 8EECO random vibrationenvironments to calculate the dynamic interface loads, The first model represented theen_ mounted on the test stand.Inthis model, the boundary conditions at 6 .. the thruster support brackets were pinned. The FluidDynamics,and Aexothermodynamics second model represented the flight condition proc_,sesatRockctdynefortheir supportin when mounted in the X-33 vehicle. In this model developingthedynamic inputforcingfunctions. the substructures of the vehicle thrust structures and the LOX and fuel feedlines were coupled References with the engine model. The dynamic engine/vehicle interface loads predicted by the I) "Effect of damping on thenatural flight engine modcI are -30 % lower than those frequencies of linear dynamic system", by predicted by rest stand model. T.K. C,aaghey and M. E. O'kelly, The Journal of Acoustic Society of America. Conclusions Vo1.11, No. 11, Nov, 1961, pp 1458-1461 S_rucmraldynamic analyses have bccn "Reductionofstiffnesasndmassmatrices", performed on the X-33 linear aerospike engine. by R. L Guyaa, AIAA Joamal, Vol.3, No. 2, The random vibration environments for the entire Feb. 1965 en_ne andthedynamic vehicle/_agini¢nterface loadshavebeenpredicted.Theenginestructures andcomponentshavebeendesignedwith adeqaate margins based on the predicted dynamicenvironmentsandthedynamicloads. The engine is being fabricated and will be ready forground hot-fire tests at NASA's Stennis Spa_e Center in 1999. Special insmanentation includingstrain gagesandaccelerome_rswillb¢ usedtomonitorthetestsT.he predicteddynamic environmentswill be validated/revised when the tesz data are available. Moreover, since the dynamic vehicle/engine interface loads predicted by the flight engine model arc -30% lower than _ound test loads, engine ground tests will be sufficient to validate the engine design. As the projectissdllongoingthispaper describedthepredicteddynamicenvironments fortheX-33 engineonly.Futureworkwill consistofcomparingthepredictedvalueswith the measured values - subject of afuture paper. The X-33 is a subscale test vehicle that will demonstrate the key technologies for the next generation RLV. Therefore, any lessons learned from the X-33 engine will be applied to the RLV engine design. Acknowledgment This work was performed at Rocketdyne Division, Boeing North American. Inc. The material presented here is based onthe work performedfortheX-33 underNASA contract NCCS-115. The author wishes to acknowledge the supportof RocketdyneandNASA management. The author also wishes to thank the personnel in Trahsient Dynamics, Computational 7

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