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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19990018601: An Experimental and Numerical Study of Icing Effects on the Performance and Controllability of a Twin Engine Aircraft PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19990018601: An Experimental and Numerical Study of Icing Effects on the Performance and Controllability of a Twin Engine Aircraft

ICOMP-99-02 NASA / TMn1999-208896 AIAA-99-0374 I_lICOMP I_,, An Experimental and Numerical Study of Icing Effects on the Performance and Controllability of a Twin Engine Aircraft A. Reehorst Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio J. Chung Institute for Computational Mechanics in Propulsion, Cleveland, Ohio M. Potapczuk and Y. Choo Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio W. Wright and T. Langhals Dynacs Engineering Company, Inc., Brook Park, Ohio Prepared for the 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Reno, Nevada, January 11-14, 1999 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center January 1999 Available from NASA Center for Aerospace Information National Technical Information Service 7121 Standard Drive 5285 Port Royal Road Hanover, MD 21076 Springfield, VA 22100 Price Code: A03 Price Code: A03 AIAA 99-0374 AN EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY OF ICING EFFECTS ON THE PERFORMANCE AND CONTROLLABILITY OF A TWIN ENGINE AIRCRAFT A. Reehorst Icing Branch National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio J. Chung Institute for Computational Mechanics in Propulsion NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio M. Potapczuk and Y. Choo Icing Branch National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio W. Wright and T. l_zmghals Dvnacs Engineering Company, Inc. Brook Park, Ohio Abstract Using a two-dimensional Navier-Stokes code, the flow field and resultant lilt and drag were In September 1997 the National Transportation calculated for the wing section with various ice Safety Board (NTSB) requested assistance from shapes accreted in the IRT test. Before the final the NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC) Icing calculations could be performed extensive Branch in the investigation of an aircraft accident examinations of geometry smoothing and that was suspected of being caused by ice turbulence modeling were conducted. contamination. In response to the request NASA agreed to perform an experimental and The most significant finding of this effort is that computational study. several of the five-minute ice accretions generated in the IRT were found by the Navier- The main activities that NASA performed were Stokes analysis to produce severe lift and drag LeRC Icing Research Tunnel (IRT) testing to degradation. The inlormation generated by this define ice shapes and 2-D Navier-Stokes analysis study suggests a possible scenario for the kind of to determine the performance degradation that control upset recorded in the accident. those ice shapes would have caused. Secondary findings were that the ice shapes accreted in the IRT were mostly limited to the An IRT test was conducted in January 1998. protected pneumatic boot region of the wing and Most conditions for the test were based upon raw that during testing, activation of the pneumatic and derived data from the Flight Data Recorder boots cleared most of the ice. (FDR) recovered from the accident and upon the current understanding of the meteorological conditions near the accident. "'Copyright © 1999bythe American Institute of Aeronautics andAstronautics, Inc.No copyright isasserted inthe United States under Title 17,U.S. Code. The U.S.Government has aroyalty-free license toexercise allrights under the copyright claimed herein for Governmental Purposes. Allother fights are reserved bythe copyright owner." I American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Background The c(,ntaminated airfoil geometries measured during the IRT test were then analyzed with a In early 1997, a twin-engine commuter aircraft two-dimensional (2-D) Navier-Stokes code to (Figure 1)crashed during a rapid descent after an predict their degraded aeroperformance. Due to uncommanded roll excursion. There were no the time constraints of this project, the icing survivors. The ground impact forces and post wind tunnel test concentrated on measuring the accident fire destroyed the aircraft. Instrument ice accretion shapes, with all aerodynamic meteorological conditions prevailed at the time analysis performed computationally. of the accident 1. During the investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) To verify that the 2-D analysis was producing contacted the Icing Branch at NASA Lewis realistc results (that no significant thrce- Research Center. The NTSB requested NASA's dimenfional (3-D) flow effects were present), a participation since ice contamination was limited 3-D Navier-Stokes analysis was suspected as being a factor. NASA offered to conducted. The 3-D analysis was focused on pursuc a study that included experimental and assuring that no significant span-wise lqow was computational elements to identify the broad present that would invalidate the chord-wise nature of possible ice contamination and the flow assumption required by the 2-D Navier- likely associated performance degradation. Stokes analysis. Project Methodology IRT Test The primary goal of the NASA activity The Icing Research Tunnel (Figure 2) is a supporting the NTSB investigation was to closed-loop atmospheric tunnel with a test attempt to identify a mechanism explaining the section that is 6ft high, 9ft wide, and 20 fl long. stability and control upset that preceded the It ise(iuipped to support testing at airspeeds from accident. The methodology that was adopted to 50 to z,30 mph in a temperature and water- satisfy this goal was a multistep process that drople environment that simulates natural icing included both computational and experimental conditions 2. Temperature is controllable tasks. betwet;n -20 and +33"F. Clouds can be produced in a controlled manner with droplet The first step was to perform initial ice accretion mean volumetric diameter (MVD) between 9.5 predictions with the NASA LEWICE program to and 270 lam. define the impingement limits and total mass of ice to be expected. Since the specific For this test an existing model was utilized. The mctcorological conditions at the time of the model was a modified piece of wing from the accident are unknown, the LEWlCE calculations subjec aircraft centered on the inboard region of allowcd the generation of ice shapes over the the aiL'ron. The model had a 6-foot span and range of possible conditions. was m3unted vertically in the IRT (Figure 3). The wing had a modified trailing edge and Thc LEWICE calculations were followed by a pneumatic boot. The trailing edge was faired test in the NASA Lewis Research Center's Icing behind the aft spar to avoid the mechanical Research Tunnel (IRT). The IRT testing was compl,;xity of the aileron. The pneumatic boot considered necessary since LEWICE, as with all was m)dified for its original test to allow the ice accretion codes, does not model all of the incorp )ration of thermal measurements. This physics of the accretion process. The complex featurt was not utilized for this subject testing, movement of liquid water on the airfoil prior to howe'ver, the modification resulted inthe boot its freezing is currently modeled by simplified extending further aft on the lower surface than a relationships inall ice accretion codes. Due to production boot for this wing. This extended this limitation and other assumptions required by boot surface acted as an enhanced ice accretion ice accretion codes, the ice shapes predicted at Iocaticn that isevident when reviewing the test temperatures near freezing are not always as ice sh_pe tracings. Except for the cases when the accurate as those predicted for lower pneumatic boot was activated, the manufacturers temperatures. recom nended level of vacuum was applied to 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics thebootthroughotuhtetestingtoprevenatuto- uncertainties in the FDR measured values of inflationT.oensurtehattheairtemperatuinre angle-of-attack and temperature, additional series thetesstectiownasaccuraatetthedesirendear- were added tothe matrix that examined higher freezincgonditiona,nauxiliartyemperature and lower angle-of-attack than the baseline value probewasmountendeatrhemodealndisvisible and higher and lower temperatures than that inFigure3. baseline value. An additional series with longer accretion time was also added since the ice accretion time was inferred information and not Test Environment Conditigns directly measured. A series of supercooled large droplet (SLD) conditions was added during the Based upon the findings of the investigation's testing at the request of the NTSB to ensure the meteorological team 3,the accretion time, the completeness of the database. To add to the maximum liquid water content (LWC), and the level of confidence in the IRT results, all primary cloud droplet's median volumetric diameter conditions were repeated at least once. (MVD) were estimated fbr this test. The accretion time was estimated at 5minutes. This was the length of time required by the accident Test Procedure aircraft to transit an area of low reflectivity evident on regional weather radar. This time The IRT test was conducted over two weeks in also agrees with estimates based upon a January 1998. The conditions described in Table measurable drag increase calculated by the I were used for this test and the most significant investigation's performance team from flight conditions were repeated at least once, as seen in data recorder (FDR) information 4. The Table 2. The normal process used during this maximum LWC was estimated to be 0.8 g/m_ test was to cool the IRT to the desired based upon microwave radiometer measurements temperature and set the airspeed. When the of the same airmass following the accident. The temperature and airspeed were stable at the maximum MVD of the cloud droplets was desired test conditions, the spray was activated estimated to be no greater than 70 to 80 lain. for the length of time at air and water pressures This droplet-sizing estimate was considered defined by the test matrix to simulate a natural reasonable since the aircraft was known to have icing cloud. When the spray was shut off, been in the clouds, and droplets larger than that several wake survey probe traverses were made are normally associated with below-cloud behind the model. These wake probe traverses drizzle 5. were used to calculate an uncorrected tunnel centerline section drag. Due to project time The remaining test parameters were defined constraints, further correction, analysis, and based upon a combination of the accident comparisons of this data have not been meteorological data and the FDR inlormation. completed. Following the wake probe traverses, The times that defined the assumed icing period the tunnel fan was stopped so that test personnel from the meteorological report were used to could enter the test section. Upon entering the access the pertinent information from the FDR. test section, the test engineers would first Representative airspeed, aircraft angle-of-attack photograph the model. Both digital and film and air temperature values were calculated by cameras were utilized for this test, with the film averaging over the assumed ice accretion period photos typically being used lor close-up detailed (total air temperature was derived from static air shots and the digital photos tor overview shots temperature measurements and corrected for (Figures 4 and 5). When the photographs were altitude and airspeed, and wing angle-of-attack completed, the leading edge ice accretion was was calculated by adding the wing incident angle sliced with a hot knife, then traced onto a to the aircraft body angle-of-attack). cardboard template (Figure 6). These tracings were made at 30, 36, and 42 inches from the The combination of the assumed cloud wind tunnel floor (the 36 inch location is the conditions and the measured flight environment vertical center of the test section). The ice data was used to define the IRT test matrix shapes originally traced onto cardboard are then (Table I). Four conditions were considered the later digitized and stored electronically. All baseline series inthe matrix. Due to tracings presented here are digitized data 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Figur7e).Threechanneolsfvideowerealso The lower temperature series (at 28 degrees recordelodreachiceaccretionT.hevideo F threnheit total temperature instead of 30 cameracsaptureudppearndlowerleadinegdge degrees) produced slightly more total ice viewsalongwithabroadmodevliew.Thevideo v,._lume than the baselines series and more signalwsererecordetodSVHSlormattapes. importantly started to exhibit some ridge fc,rmation for the 40 and 70 lainMVD cases (Figure 15and 16). Resultant Ice Accretions Tile second lower temperature series (at 26 Repeatability was good for all cases, with the degrees Fahrenheit total temperature instead volume of ice, impingement limits, and horn or of 30 degrees) exhibited an ice ridge for all ridge location closely matched for repeat cases. femurconditions (Figures 17to 20). The The majority of the ice shapes accreted during ri_tges apparent in these accretions are this test fell into two categories. The first was a different from a standard horn formation in thin ice shape with arough surface made up of that they are surrounded by only a thin layer small bumps of varying size and sharpness ot ice, where a standard horn is part of a (Figure 8). The second category of ice shape had more substantial ice accretion. The ridge the same general volume of ice with similar w asmost prominent for the two cases with roughness elements as the first category, but also LWC=0.8 g/m _(matrix numbers 26 and 27, a prominent ridge (Figure 9). This ridge was Figure 17and 18). For the two cases with approximately 0.5 inches high. c_mstant LWC, the ridge moved aft with increasing MVD. For the two cases with The following is a description of the trends cc_nstant MVD, the ridge moved all with apparent in the test data: increasing LWC. The baseline series (see Table I) resulted in In the longer time series (with an accretion thin ice accretions with distributed time of 10minutes instead of 5), self- roughness and no ridge Ibrmation lbr all shedding occurred in matrix number 32 four of the series conditions (Figures 10 to (Figure 21). For the remaining cases in this 13). series the ice mass was greater than in the baseline series, as would be expected. Compared to the baseline series, the higher These shapes also exhibited aridge angle-of-attack series (at 7degrees instead lo'mation (Figures 22 to 24). However of 5degrees) produced ice shapes that were th:;sc ridge formations appeared to be much shifted towards the lower surface, as would m_)re like a standard horn lbrmation. These be expected with this change of angle-of- ice shapes were in general larger and attack (Figure 14). Since the upper rougher than those seen in the baseline impingement limit moved forward, the series. overall ice thickness of these shapes was somewhat greater than that seen in the Tt_e additional supercooled large droplet baseline series. se ies (which extended the MVD up to 270 I.ttifrom the baseline maximum of 70) The lower angle-of-attack series cases (at 3 sh _wed no significant difference in the degrees instead of 5degrees) were not leading edge ice accretion over those significantly different than the baseline exaibited in the baseline series, except that series. the 175and 270 lam cases self-shed. The higher temperature series cases (31 Tte pneumatic boot was operated for several degrees Fahrenheit total temperature instead ca ;es in the de-ice series. It was operated for of 30 degrees_ were not significantly th, matrix number 3, 26, and 27 conditions. different than the baseline series, but may Depending on the case, the pneumatic boot have had a very slight decrease in the total w_s either activated at spray-off only volume of ice accreted. (Figure 25), at two minutes into a five- minute spray (Figures 26 and 27), or at 4 American Institute of Aeronautics an, IAstronautics twominuteasndatspray-o(fFf igure2s8 exhibited a thin ice accretion with many small and29)•Inallcasewshenthepneumatic roughness elements. Matrix number 3was also boowt asoperateadttheendoftheicing selected since itexhibited larger, sharper sprayth, eleadinegdgeiceshedverywell. roughness elements than did matrix number 2. Forthetwocasewshentheboowt as Matrix number 9was selected because it activateadttwominuteisntoafive-minute exhibited the roughness of matrix number 2, but sprayin, onecaseitpreventethde also had a larger accretion on the upper surface. developmoefnatridgeformatioann,dinthe Finally, the resultant ice shape lorm matrix othecraseitdidnot.Whethethreridgewas number 26 was selected since itexhibited a suppressoerdnotwasprobabdlyependant significant ridge formation. onhowwellthebooctlearetdheiceatthe two-minuatectivationIt.shoulbdenoted For the 2-D calculations, a significant effort was thatthepneumabticootusedduringthistest undertaken to determine the best level of ice wasnotaproductiobnooat ndithadnever tracing point smoothing and optimal grid point experienctehdeoperationeanlvironment. resolution 7s. The calculated lift curves of the Howevenro,speciasltepwseretakento four ice shapes examined compared to that of the enhanctheeboopt erformanscuec,hasthe clean airlbil are presented in Figure 30. As applicatioonfIce-Xa, nditwasoperateadt expected, when ice was added to the airfoil, the thesamepressuraessaflightsystemT•he calculated lilt was degraded. The matrix 2shape boopt erformanince the deicing tests is had the least degradation since it had the lowest therefore considered to be broadly level of roughness of the shapes examined, representative of that of a flight system. followed by the matrix 3shape, which had larger, rougher roughness elements. When the The physics involved in the development of the ice thickness increased, as in matrix number 9, ice ridges observed during this test are not well the lift degradation was further increased. The understood. It isvery possible that the ridges are surprising result was the level of degradation a result of the damming of surface runback water when aridged ice shape was examined. The by ice leathers. The ridges appear to have major difference between the ice shape from formed at the aft edge of the primary ice matrix number 2 and that from matrix number 26 accretion where ice leathers begin. Ice damming was the ice ridge. The roughness levels observed by ice feathers has been observed by close-up in the two cases were very close. When the ice videography% and may explain this form of ice ridge was present, a45 percent reduction of growth. More research is required into the maximum lift coefficient (C_.... )was predicted lbrmation of the ice ridges seen in this test and, in comparison to the clean airfoil. Since the more generally, into the movement of liquid ridged ice shape caused the greatest lift water on developing ice accretions. degradation, it was selected for all further computational analysis. Computational Analysis Of equal significance compared to the lift degradation caused by the ice contamination is The computational analysis performed as part of the effect of aileron deflection for contaminated this eflbrt isdescribed in two AIAA reports airfoils. Navier-Stokes calculations were TM. The computational analysis consisted of both 2- perlbrmed for the wing in the configuration at D and 3-D NavJe•r-Stokes 9computations. As the moment of the control upset. The moment of described above, the performance of the ice- control upset was defined for this activity as the contaminated wing was calculated via point when the aircraft's roll no longer tracked computational techniques instead of by the aileron input. The roll angle and aileron experiment inorder to complete the analysis in a (control wheel) position were recorded on the timely manner Ior the NTSB investigation. FDR (Figure 31.). The configuration of the aircraft with regards to bank and aileron position Four cases of the IRT ice shapes were selected is shown in Figure 32. It should be noted that lbr computational analysis based upon their the aircraft flight variables of interest here varying nature• The ice shape from test matrix (airspeed, angle-of-attack, altitude, and condition number 2 was selected since it temperature) are different from those used to 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics simulattehepossiblieceshapeinstheIRT,since Illinoi: at Urbana/Champaign _'_.While the theaccretioonficeandthecontroulpset airfoil used for the experiment was different than occurreadtdifferenttimesandspatiaplosition. that used for this computational activity, the ice ridged shape was similar. The experimental stall Whentheailerondeflectioenffecwt asaddedto angle is greater than that predicted by the NASA thedegradaticoanusebdytheridgediceshape 2-D effort, but occurs due to trailing edge flow theliftcurveisnFigure33resultedT.heclean separation. The nature of the flow results appear leftwing(CleaLnW)linerepresenthtselift to be similar to the NASA results, but as stated curvefortheairfoiwl iththeailerodneflected before more research will be required before the downat2.56degreesT.hecleanrightwing compt:tational results can be utilized (CleanRW)linerepresenthtseliftcurvelbrthe independently with complete confidence. aidbilwiththeailerondeflecteudpat2.74 degreeTs.heleftwinggeneratmesoreliftthan theright:therelbrtheeaircrafwtillrollright. Summa_ of Significant Experimental and Thiswastheintentioonfthepilotwhenthese Computational Findings controilnputwseremadeH. owevewr,iththe ridgediceshapceontaminatioonnthewings, The ice shapes accreted during the IRT test boththeIcedLWandIcedRWlinesshowhow largel_ fell into two categories. The first was a theleftandrightairfoilliftcurvewsere thin iczshape with arough surface made up of degradeAd.sangle-of-attaincckreasethse small romps of varying size and sharpness. The differentialifltdecreasaensdatanangle-of- second category of ice shape had the same attacakroundIIdegreethsedifferencinelift gener_:l volume of ice with similar roughness betweethnetwowingsgoetsozero.This eleme_lts as the first category, but also a degraderodllcontroaluthoritiysapossible promi_lent ridge. This ridge was approximately answearstowhytheaircrafctontinuetodrollto 0.5 in_hes high. theleftwhentheaileroninputwsere commandianrgightroll. In all ,:ases when the pneumatic boot was operal_d at the end of the icing spray, the leading Atthecompletioonfthe2-Danalysaislimited edge i:e shed very well. 3-Danalyswisasundertak8e.nTheleftwing geometriyn,cludinagilerondeflectiobnutminus Of the four ice shapes analyzed with the Navier- enginneacellew,asapplietdoa3-Dstructured Stokes code, the degraded C_.maxfrom the ice grid.Developinaggridthataccurateclyaptured shape with the lowest level of roughness, matrix thcwinggeometaryndalsoallowetdheNavier- number 2, was about 75 percent of the clean Stokecsodetoconvergtoeokagreadteaolf airfoil The C_.m_xfrom the ice shape with larger, effort.Toallowtheconvergence of the Navier- sharpt r roughness elements, matrix 3, was about Stokes code in a timely manner the grid 68 pel cent of the clean airloil. The C_.... from resolution used was relaxed. The resultant 3-D the ro lgh shape with more ice accretion on the flowfield demonstrates a chord-wise flow over upper surface of matrix number 9 was about 60 the wing. The trailing edge stall mechanism is percent of the clean airfoil. And the C_.... from also similar to that seen in the 2-D analysis, the ice ridge case, matrix 26, was about 53 however, the stall occurred much more abruptly percent of the clean airfoil. in 3-D than it did in 2-D. In 3-D the separation started right belbre the stall, but lor 2-D the With Theaileron effects added to the lift separation started several degrees before the degra, lation caused by the ridged ice shape, the stall. The angle-of-attack for stall in the 3-D result:mr lift curves for the left and right wing analysis is also higher than that for the 2-D airtbil sdisplay that little or no lift difference analysis. These differences may be caused by the may I-ave been present and therefore roll control relaxed grid resolution utilized for the 3-D autho 'ity may have been significantly degraded. calculations. While explainable, the difference between the 2-D and 3-D results does warrant While 3-D computational and experimental further investigation. A preliminary result;do not directly confirm the 2-D Navier- experimental comparison has also been made Stoke ;results, they do confirm the general flow with results generated by the University Of chara,_teristics, and stall mechanism. And 6 American Institute of Aeronautics a _dAstronautics enougdhifferenceexsisbtetweethne2-Dand3- guidelines that suggested waiting until Dgridsandthecomputationaanldexperimental significant accretions existed belore activating geometriteosaccounfotrthedifferenciens the pneumatic ice protection systems may have results. been a fatal error. Due to the limited information recorded, we will never be completely sure of the cause of this accident and can surely never know Concluding Remarks the level of awareness and intentions of the flight crew. However, based upon a review of the There are many lessons to be learned by this NASA results from this study along with the activity. The NASA Icing Branch has gained a group consensus at a recent workshop __,two significant amount of experience in measuring operational suggestions become apparent: wind tunnel generated ice shapes and determining the aerodynamic perlbrmance for a • Even ice accretions that may appear small contaminated wing. Along with this added and benign can be truly hazardous. Treat all knowledge have come more questions. What are icing conditions and resultant ice accretions the physical processes that led to the generation as threats to your aircraft. of the ridged ice shapes'? How do varying ridge • Unless otherwise instructed by the aircraft locations and heights influence airfoil and wing flight manual, activate the ice protection performance? How well do the Navier-Stokes systems at first indication of ice accretion: codes compare to experimental aeroperformance do not wait until a significant accretion has data, and how can the agreement be improved'? formed. And, what is the best way of using the 2-D and 3-D codes together? There isa significant amount of work that needs to be accomplished References before these question are answered and before we have a good understanding and confidence in I.) National Transportation Safety Board all the methodologies. Aviation Accident Report, In-Flight Icing Encounter and Uncontrolled Collision with The authors therefore recommend that the Terrain, Comair Flight 3272, Embraer following activities be pursued: EMB-120T, N265CA, Monroe, Michigan, January 9, 1997, NTSB Accident # • Additional testing be conducted to gain an DCA97MA017. understanding of the ice ridge formation process. 2.) Soeder, Ronald H., Sheldon. David W., • More analysis and testing be conducted to Andracchio, Charles R., Ide, Robert F., understand the criticality of the ice ridge in Spera, David A., and Lalli, Nick M.,"NASA regards to airfoil performance. This needs Lewis Icing Research Tunnel User Manual", to include both ridge location and height. NASA TM-107159, June, 1996. • Compare the computational results from 2-D and 3-D Navier-Stokes code utilized to other 3.) The Meteorological Group Chairman's Navier-Stokes codes using the same Factual Report, NTSB Accident # geometry and conditions. DCA97MA017. • Aeroperlormance testing and comparison to the Navier-Stokes solutions. 4.) The Group Chairman's Aircraft Performance Study, NTSB Accident # DCA97MA017. The other lessons learned through this activity relate to the operation of aircraft in icing 5.) Personal communication with Marcia conditions. Based upon the cockpit voice Politovitch and Ben Bernstein of the recorder from the accident aircraft, it appears National Center for Atmospheric Research that the flight crew was unaware of the potential (NCAR), December 1997. hazard of their flight situation. While the total ice accretion was probably quite small, the 6.) Hansman, R.J., et al.,'Close-up Analysis of aerodynamic effects appear to have been severe. Aircraft Ice Accretion", AIAA-93-0029, For this incident, relying on past experiences and NASA TM- 105952, January 1993. 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 7.) Chung, J., Reehorst, A., Choo, Y., and 10.) Bragg, M.B., Loth, E., Dunn, T., Lee, S., Potapczuk, M.,"Effect of Airfoil Ice Shape and Kumar, S.,'EMBI20 airfoil with Ice Smoothing on the Aerodynamic E_periment and Computation (preliminary Performances", AIAA 98-3242, July 1998. results)", FAA/NASA briefing, October 1998. 8.) Chung, J., Choo, Y., Reehorst, A., Potapczuk, M., and Slater, J.,"Navier-Stokes Analysis 113 Joint NASA/FAA Airplane Deicing Boot of the Flowfield Characteristics of an Ice Ice Bridging Workshop held at NASA Contaminated Aircraft Wing", AIAA 99- Lewis Research Center, November 1997. 0375, January 1999. 9.) "NPARC Version 3.0 User's Manual", NPARC Alliance, September 1996. 8 American Institute of Aeronautics a Id Astronautics

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