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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19980236002: Results of a 24-inch Hybrid Motor Performance Uncertainty Analysis

Jl_' F,_CII L-,Z-:FC3 PPC=G CFC TO NEEK3 D_GE. 002/01 =_ c _,z,,r /_,,/Jc_--" //J--- _--0 AIAA-98-4021 RESULTS OF A 24-INCH HYBRID MOTOR PERFORMANCE UNCERTAINTYANALYSIS Josep h D. Sims Lockheed Martin Astronautics Huntsville, Alabama Hugh W. COleman Propulsion Research Center -. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University ofAlabama in Huntsville Huntsville, Alabama 34th A!AA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference andExhibit I July 12-15, 1998 / Cleveland, Ohio Forpermissiontocopyorrepublish,contacttheAmericanInstituteofAeronauticsand Astr_utlcs (A_AA) 1801Alexander BellDrive,Suite600, Reston,VA 22091 "_ -_]UN _S "-38 L5:_.7 Fg:311LSS_.C3 P_O] OFC TO WEEm5 PAGE, 003.'015 RESULTS OF A 24-_CH HYBRID MOTOR UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS JosephD,Skns' LockheedMarth istronauScs - Huntsville Operations Huntsville,AL35806 , HughW. ColEman* PropulsionReseemh Center DepartmentofMechardcal and Aerospace Engineering UnivemffyofAhbtma inHuntsv/lle Hunt_vi.Ile,AL35899 " Abstract A'; Nozzle throaatrea (i_n) •b: Fittincgonstanftorerosiomnodel The subscsle(II-and24.inch)hybrid B: BiasuacertaMty motorsattheMamhallSpaceFlightCenter(MSFC). Bi: Biernumber havebeenused asversatileand costeffective testbeds C*: _ter_tic velodty (R/see) .for developMg new technology, .Compar_ons c,: Dischargecoefficient' . between motor configursdons, ignition iystema, feed D: Diamet_ (in) systems, fuel formulations, andnozzlematerials have DILl/: Datareduc_onequatio"n beencarried outwithout dotted coneider_bn u to OOX: Ga_e4_oxygen how "good"themotorperformancdea,mwere.For GUI: Graphicaulserinterface the250,000Ibrthrumsottordevelopebdy±e Hybrid h: Perturbation magnitude PrOl_Ision Demonstration Program¢oneortium, h,: Hot gu-side convective heattnmfer shortcoming is: particularly risky because motor coefficient performanoe will likely be used as partof a set of I-IPDP: Hybrid Pro_Islon Demomtn_.'0n Prugram downseleftoriteria tO choosebetween competing Is: Sea.level _e¢_o fml_se (lbf-lef,/Ibat) ignitionandfeed systemsunderdevelolnnent. Iv=: Vacuumspecific _tmpuhe'Obf..-sec/]bm) This analysisdirectly ad_es _hat. JIRAD: Jointhdegcadent Researchend shortcoming by applying UnCErtJttnty analysis DevelopmEnt techniques to.the experimental determination of the k Thermaldonducti,d(tByTU/In-seo-*R) characteristic velocity, theoreti6al oharacterhtie LOX: Liquidoxygen velocity, and characteristicvelocity ef_ciency for a LSSRC$:LL_geSubsoalSeolidRocketMotor 24-inchmotor firing, With the adoptionoffuel-lined CombustioSnimulator headends, flow restrictors,end _ mixing chamben, M: Mess(Ibm) state of the art24-i_oh hybrid motom havebecome MassflowrateOhm/see) very efficient However, impossiblyhighoombustlon Nud • Nmselt numberbescd upon diameter efficiencies(soraecompmedaShighas 108%)have ODE: One-dimensioneaqluilibrium• been measured in SOmEtestswith ll-inch motors. O/F: Oxidizer-tx>r.aftuicol Thisanalysihsasgivennew insighinttoexplaining P: PresmreObtYin_) how theSEeffcie_ies were meatmred tobeso high, Prandtnlumber and intowhich experimental measurementscontribute I',: Precisionuncerte_n,ty themosttothe Overalluncert_ty. F. _ental result R%: Reynoldsz/umbebrasedupondiameter. Nomenclature SHOE: SoftwarfeorHybrid Unceminty Fatimatlon SLOC: SourceHnesofcode English tm: Motor bum time " TEA/TEB: Pyrophoricmixture of a: Initialthroatdiameterforerosion model triethylalumMum and_-iethylborj'de 'PropulsioEnngineerA,dvancedSpaceSystemsM,emberAIAA *EminentScholairnPropulsioanndProfessoAr.,ss_hte FallowAIAA fLi'l 2S "98 1_=:27 "--'_I! I_EEF,Z3 Fc3] CFC TO I.tlEEJ\3 PAGE.CC4 015 UPC: Uncertaintpyercencton_ributlon linedwithfuelorsilicpahenolica,ndintheIfinch Ut: Experimentatlmccrtainty GOX motor,asilicpahenolibcaffliesalsoinserted) Primitivmeeasuredvariable toenhancecombustioenffici_acy andstabilitTyh.is pro-and po_-charnbecronfiguratihoansalso carried Or_k symbols •overinttohe250Kmotor, " ,Anothercommon theme among allthe a: Coefficient of tbermalexpansion(t/_) programs,includinIg-IPDP,is tlmtno detailed AT: Temperaturdeifference (°R) analysihsasbeen done to addressmeasurement ¢: Sum ofO,O:massfractioinnsexhaust uncertaintiesT.he fundamentalquestionthat species uncertainty aitaIDiasttemptsto answeris, "How 'IC. Ratioofspecifhieca_ •good are the data andtheresults calculated from them?"Theactuaplrocesissstraightforwbaurtdt,l_ _c,: Combustionefficiency final productrequires care to be sure all the sources _t: Viscosit(yIbm/in-see) ofuncertainty have beenaccounted for. p: Density (Ibm/R') Inthiseffort, a FORTRAN 90 computer code wM writtetno cs.lculate tmcer_nties for 28 SubscripatnsdSuperscripts different experimental reralts for .the four hybrid motors.The codeuses standaradnalyslts_chniqucs *" Nozzle Throat toestimatepartialderivstive_ andto l_agate those Vap: V_por derivatives,alongwiththeiLruociated meammmnent 0: Chambercondition bias andpr_ision limits, into anoverall expertmentz.l unccr_inty. This overall process ij demousttated introduction _tng hot-fire data fromarecent HPDP 24-1nchmotor test, Lockheed MartinAstronautics('u the Additionally, somerecent 1finch motor test formerGeneralI>#amics,thenMartinMarietta, rcsultashowImposm'blyhigh combustion e_ciencies. • beforemergingto form thecurrenCtorporation) It is asserted in this paper that these impmsible involvemenwtithhybridpropukiondevelopmenatt measurementrsemit from con¢,ept(muaoldeling) theMarshallSpaceFlighCtenterdate, tractko1990, bimmsinthe calculationt_x_. " withtheformulatioanndexecutioonf the gRAD program. Uncertain W An_dyslS - The successfuHlRAD programefforwtas foUowedin1992bytheLSSRC$ programa,concept Onlya brleofverviewofthemethodolo_tro thatusedsubscalehybridmotorsto simulamthe obtaiunncertainetsytimateasndhow they pmp_ga_ combustionprocessandexhaustspecieosfa solid througha givenDRE isgiven here. The readerf_ rocketmotor.Numerouste,tseriewserecompleted referredto Coleman trod Steele'_ for-a detailed thatvalldatethdis COSteffective evaluatipornoce*s. discussioofnuncertainatmytlysistechniqucs. LMA alsosupportetdheHPTLVB program_which The word accuracy is generally tme_t,to starteidn1993. indicatetherelativeclo#enesosfagreementbetween Severalhybridpropalsiondevelopmmt anexperimentally dctcrmincvdalueof a quantityand programs were i.ntegratcd in 1994m form a single, itstruevalue.Errori_thedifferencbeetweenthe focused effortto develop and testa seriesof 250,000- experimentallYdetermined value _:l. the troth; poundthrushtybridmotors(250Kconfiguration), therefore, as error decreases, accuracy is said to Common to allll_e programsarethree increase.Only inmrs instances is the truevalue of a subscalemotorsatthe NASA MarshalSlpace Flight quantity known. Thin, it is neces_y to estimate CenterMSFC). Two eleven-incdhiametermotor _m-or,andthatosttnmteis called an uncertainty, U. configurati(oInIs"caseO,D.)areused,oneforOOX Uncertainctaytimateasremade at some _nfldence andthe otherforLOX. A twentyfour-inch level - a 95% confidencees_mate, for example, configuration (24" case O.D,i that exclusively _e_ means that the truevkl_of the quantity b expected LOX is alsoavailable.The subscalemotor -to bewithinthe -.*iUntervaablout the experimentally configuratihoanvsematuredthroughoutthedifferent dotcmined value95time#outof 100. programs,but all currentlyme a _. Totalerror can be considered tobe vaporizaticohnamber(linedwitheithefreelorsilica compo_d oftwocomponentsa:precl,io(nrandom..) phenolica)ndanaftend mixingchamber(similarly .. compone_n,ta,ndabi_(systematciocm)ponent_,. andwhere8:,t,he 95% confidenceestimatoefthe An errorisclassifiaesdprecisioinfitcontributteos covariancaeppropriaftoerthe bias errorsinX_and thescatteor£thedatao;therwisiet,isabiaserrotA_s X_,isdeterminefdrom anestimatoorf6,a systematiucncertainotrybias limitB,,/sdefined.A 95% conPdenceestimaties (B),.(B),. (7) interpreted as the expvrlment_ being 95%COtLfidcnt thatthetruevalueofthebiaserrori,fknown,would fallWithin4-]3,A usefulapproachtoestimatitnhge wherevariableXs_ andXk shareL identicaeln'ror magnitudeofabiaserroristoassumethatthebias sourcesT.heseterms_count for correlatiboentween error for a given case is a single realization drawn bi_ errorsind_fferentmeasurements. from some statistical parent distributionof possible For theanalysis summari_d in thispaper,it biaser_o_, As anestimatoorfthemagnitudzofthe was assumed that bias uncertainties dominated the precisioernrors,aprecisiounncertainotryprecision overall measurement unc_'taJniy, making precision llmitP,,fora singlereadingisdefined,A 95% uncertaintineesgligibleT.he onlymeasurements confidenceestimatoefP isintsrpretteodmeanthat wherepr_isionuncer_ntie_ amimportant are for the"-PintervaalboutthesinglreeadinogfX_should nozzle throatdiameter measurements and the fuel cowr the (biased) parent population mean,g, 95 weights,As willbe cliscusso.S.ig_nificant ndn. times out of 100. syn_m_'i¢ e_osion typically oceu_. at the throat In nearly all experiments, the mvasurcd region. These nmdom (from a pro-tint prediction " values of different variables m ¢_mbln_l using a standpoinvta).danceisnthe _oa_ dt_me_ m D1LE to form come desh'cgt result A general trea_d mah_ma_cally as precision uncertainty representatoifoanDRE is sourcesb,ut in mdity,area unique chus ofb'm_ uncertainstoyurcestermedfossiltzb.i_ases,This r=r(X,,Xz,.,,,X,) (1) ma_omadcal treatment can befoundin.anysta_tica -_¢xtb,ut the 95%confidence large sampb p_tsion whereristheexperimenrtea_ltdetermlned'fJr"om limitises_a_d as measuredvariableYs_, Each of themeasua'od variablecsontainbsiaserrorsandprecisioenrrors. These errors in the measured values _en propagate through the DILE, thereby gen¢rating th.¢ bias and . (s) precisionsrrors inthe expvrimentalresult,r. If the 'qarge sample assumption" is made_, then the 95% cor_dence expreuion forU,b_comcs 1tape, ion of equation (3) shows a significant effectt_ correlatedbias unccrtaintie_can u;=s; +P: (2) have,, Because of the cova.danceexpression of the laity"haLfoftheright hand aide,andmost especially becausteheh_Mdualpartidaelrlwtiwamu_ (as where the systematic uncertai_ (bias limit) of the result isdefined as oppoaed to _6irsquares)th,ecormhted bias terms e.,aenither_e theoveredluncertain(tiyfthe paxtia_ am of thesame Sign)or clecm_e:I_ ovmdl 2' J-I B,_=_o:_: +2E_e,e,n, (3) uncer_inty(ifthepmhlsa_eofopp0si_sign).Tl_ i=l I-I k,_l factplaysadistinct role inthisanalysis, ' ' i withthebias limit es"timateforeachX_variable asthe .P_r_prmance Calculations rootsum square combination of its elemental systen_tic.uneerta_ntics _suggg£2 C*igonemcas_'eoftheenergycontenitna (4) chemicaplrc;pellcaonmtbinationI.tisdefined c" =P°f-- "(9) m zl_r 25 '38 L5;2.-9 F_,,:,il LSSKC3 V_C_G CFC TO :UEEi',,5 IZAGE.OO6,.OL5 However, instantaneous fuel flow rates in inlet pressRre and temperature. The flow rate was hybrid rocket motors are currently dimeult, if n_t initiallyeadculatcdusing: impossible, tomeasure with anyre.enable certainty, Thereforef,uelusageismeasuredby weighingthe m_o# g = ..Tz).c,.4p(P,. (t2) fuelgrain(sfortheIfinch)ortheloadedmotorcase (forthe24-incahnd250K motorsb)othprea-ndpost-" ' " i ": testa,ndCalculatianngaveragefuelfl0wrate,The However,sventuri foruse inLOX_rvic¢ is resulitsthatC* measurementmsustbebasedupon typically calibrated in a room-temperat_ water expendedvaluesforfueli,gnitoarndinerptropellant facility_. TI_ meansthatdue tothecryogenic andLOX weigIitasv,eragenozzlethroaatrea,anda temperature duringmotor firing, the actual vmturi total pressure integral. In effect, aUthe variables are throat diameteris somewhat smaller - inmx_ing a integrated over the motor bum time, r_alting in a bias into the LOX flow ram meas_ements. One modifiedfromof(9): involved methodfor calculating the actual throat area wouldrequirtheeuseofafiniteelementmodel.An easier method,however, is to dmply_ the 0dr coc_cientofthermal expansion and the teml_'ature. Lt--0t, .J diffez_zoe betweenthe ¢_bration facility and the c_ogenio feedl_ to reduc_ the throat diameter an -- m_ . dt+ jm_ dt appropriate mount, rcsultlng in a slightly modified [=l. la t. Ip formof(19) (10) The denominator of (10)t_sults from accountinfogr allfluids thatare_ated andexpcUed (13) throughthe motor nozzle. This includ¢_, of cou_'se, Equation (D) has two tem_ tluit ate themain LOX and fuel, but also includes the dcpend,entupontheinlettemperature;.namely, p TEMTEB ignitionfluidandni_'og_purge mass_. It should benotedthat the limeintervalused P,_.Thesetwo.q,_mdriaer_ecalculatue_dingGAS# andaWagnerian cm'v_t', r_pco_vely." . . ' Iocalculaetaechavengefactorsoutofequation (10). Two typ¢_ofignitiosnource!am u_edfor Additionally, the integr_:lsin(10) s_ecalculated using thesubs:almeotors.TheIl-incOhOX motorus_ a a trapezoidMael approximationex-ceptfor thefuel smallGOX-hydrogentorch,and all_ LOX totamlass,whichisCalculatbeyddirecftuelweights mot6rtuse_B, apyrophorifclui& Following pro-andpost-test. Theappendixcon_ti_ the gram'el DRE usedtocalculamtoetorC*. apre-scltengtohftime over which the 1etch islit or TEA/T_B is flowing, a gaseott_ nitrogen purge.b Nearly allthe termsinthe DRE showninthe sta_d to keep combustionproductsfromflov_g append/xcan be broken down into constituent backintothe Ignition feed system. There2ore,(12) h components.For example, A* isthesimpleaverage used to calculateTEA/T]_ flow ra_, with the of the pre-md post-fire throat arras. But, to dcmltymodeledasafire.on of mmpemtureonly(a complicate thingsfurther, bothof thediametersused con_eptuMbiss), and with the'vaporpressure inthe average area calculationam themselves dmple assumedtobe zzro', averages Of four (each) pre- and post-fire measurements (see the equationbelow). Nitmgm ismetered using the sameorifice as forthe T_A/_B (or th_OOX-hydrog_ torch). The equationfor sonic gas flow through a dmrp-edged =D O+DA,+D. +D,.. D-'_ (11) orificeiS 4 1"' ramificatioofnequatio(nI1), exploz_cl in gream-dc.m.illater in this paper,is that the throat ar_a isassumed to changeLinearly- i.e., the average throat diameterchanges asa second-order function Of rB,¥,---- ._ time. (14) ": TheLOX mass flow rateis metred" _in$ a cavitativnegnturwi,hich requires the measureme_ of 4 ThenitrogeTnisalsocalculateudsingGASP. investigahtoewd measurementuncer_nt/es affected Thefuelintegraisl asimple weight change themodelingoftheSSMEpowcrb_Imc_. A Similar calculat/on based upon average pre- and post-ffn_ procestsothatusedinColemanandSternwasused weighing: •for theworkrepo_d intltisp@er, thoughno attempt was made to esfima_ the uncertaintiiensthe theoreticcaallculatiotnhsemselvesT.he u_:ertainty in the _oredca] C*, then, results directly from t_ un_n_e_ in_ in_¢ data Historicatlllzyo,micacl' was cdcula_l +M,,+,,M,,).-, )]('> by int_poiatitnagbuia_dvaluesthat"resultferdom thermochc-misr_u'nysoomplet_by a consortium member.ThevaluesweretabulatemdsRm_Jonof D_f_dation of(15)showsclearl_y the ON andchamberpressure. How_v_, tl_v_lu_did pre- andpost-Rr_grainweightmeasweme_tshaw notaccountfortheTEA/_B, theOOX.hydrogen derivativetshatareof o_ositosign.Thisfact, torch 8n_es,the silica phenolic from the aft mixing highlighted in apreviou_sectiohne,lps toroducethe chamberandthebaffle (inthe.It-inOchOX motor) overall measurement uncertainty, Thepro-andpo6t. or thenilrogenpurge. It was felt _11these fluids fire mea_ements have con'elatedbiasuncertainties conuibut_to _ measwed C* pressure iinegnd and because the same load cell (or scale, for thelight_ totheth_orsticdcslctdations,sndthatnotaccounting motor pieces) is usod for both sets ofweights, Since forthem in_'odu_ _ldldonal blasm into tim abiasuncertainitsysys_mtic,themagnim& of the experimentraelsultTsh.ereforteh,isanalysuissedthe uncertainty does not clmnge from pre- to post-t_,t latestreleaseof tl_classiNcASA-Lawls ODE Wdgh_gs. In effect, the bias is "calibra_ out," module writtebnyGordonandMd_& called CF-,A.', re_sult_g in a more ccfmtn wdght difference •longwitha completeinput ofallthe prol_llant_ me_sremcnt than either individual pre- or post-fire expendedduringatest weights. AR _esmm meam_ements. W"m',e.,I.o One additionalpointthat shouldbe noted is forinput to CEA.. Other_um inclu&motor that the chamber pressure integral (and re6ulting propelhnt fOnnul_on - cs[c_latedduring average)w,as originally ba_I uponmeasummenm andcu_xg olx_ions.-md O/i_--c_l_l takerintheheadendofthemotor.A well.known .total .e._ueadedpro_ll_ts via direct weight phenomenonexists insoliadndhybrid rocketmotor_, measurements orintegrated mass flow rates. however,suchthatthere canbe adgn_cantpressure $incea computer cock h now m_ drop down the lengthofthemotorthatiSa oomp!ex calcul_ the theoretical C*, closed form solutionfor function of chamber conditions andflow rn_e. With partialdedvatNes isrendered impo.iblo. Tncrcfore, theaddkionofamixingchamberaftofthef_el grain •they, too, w_e estimatendumerlo_llbyy pertarblng in hybrid motors (whic,hptomo_$ combustion individual measur_entswhichaffected the CEA product _mgnation due to a diffuser-like effect and inputdata amplifietshepressure drop), itwas.fel.tthautsing ho_nd pres_rmm'eeasur_vnenb contn_mted another. conceptualbias tothe p_-formancecalculations. •Overall, the DRE for measured C'*becomes C* efficienicsyameuum ofhow much acomplicateadmalgamofexpressio(n_se al_endix) energyismkas_lbycombustio-n-u gaugedbyee that.&ties closed formpartial derivativecalculations. pmuttm g_era_ - com_u'odto th_ th_or_de_ chemicaplotentieanlergy,totedinthe_t(s), A simpleequatiofnorcombustlone_cie_yis Estimating the uncertainties as_cia_d with a theoretical model isa relativelynew additionto =.C;o, . uncertaintyanalysiasrena. ColemanandSternt'rove Inv_t/ga_eudsinguncertaintetcyhniquestovalidatae CFD code in whichthe vslidation level is set by the Sinceboth the,de_omina_r and the combinatioonfthe uncertah_ies'ia the experimental nume_or arethemselvesfun_ons of numerous dataandthe portioonfthe uncerU_ntlienstheco& thatcanbe estimated,BrownandColeman'also r. primitive variables and inputs, equation (16) is meant only to convey the notion of combustion efficiency. Computer Code Ktt,dam£_ Due to the rcc_ent to integrate mass flow rates and the fact that closed form tolutio_ for partial derivatives were rendered impossible, a computer program was written forthis analysis. It is a Windows'-based, FORTRAN 90 routine that incorporates GASP and CEA. A Vimufl FORTRAN" GUI' was written remake the code assimple touse as possible. Figure 1 shows the opening _ereen for Fig. 2: Typical SHIRE dialog box. SHUE. Once allof the requiredinformationis provided,theuaetis!otisany Oralloftheanalyses that _e required to be performed, This h selected throughthe drop-down m_ms at the top of the" program window, an example of which is shown in Figure 3. " Fig. 1: SI-tUEopening screen. SHUE will be capable of performing 28 s_ar_:.cuncertainty m_lyse_, ran_n_ from mass flowram andtotalimpulseuncertaintiteosC*,I_and Iv= (measured, theoreticaland eff_¢iot_y) uncertainties. Currently, all but the It, and I_. Fig. 3: Selection of an unc_ty tmaID_. analyses are complete and validated. To date, the_e are approximately 25,000 SLOC, of which 8,000 are After selecting which mmlyac_ to Imrform, from GASP and CEA, Once Completed,it is the user then opens the data file for the motor test and estimated SHUE. willcontainmore than 30,000 select_ "Got" under tl_ "Ells" menu. Depending SLOC. upon the analysis, the use_ may be required to It@at The userisrequired to inputwhichmotoris Start- and stop-times for the limits of. int,_do_ being anaiyzed, whichfuelformulation wasused, and Run-timesvary_roma few second_to threehotrod. a test name, as well as pre- and post-test AnalFds results am etm-_tlyout'putto an ASCII text measurements for fuel grain weightsand nozzle file. dimensions. Additional input includes fluid meter parametei's, elemental biaslimit e,tims_, and tim AlaorltSm De_.rintlon data-sampling ram. A typical input dialog appears ii_ Figure 2. Ttm repetitive algorithm used for Sh'UE is atraightforward, but because ofth_du:ar number of calculstlontsh,ealgorithm/squ/tcintricateA.Rc¢ the u3erinpuutherequire&d_ andtimest,hecodel¢op_ Resultsand Discussion throughoverymeasuremem@ressures_,mpe:amr_s, et cetera) to calculate a nominal value of the experimental result. Calculadom for nozzle and weight measurements are completed during user _n order initiate valida_ion of $__, data input, and the integrals are calculated using the fi'om a 24-incthest (I-IP24-503w0e)s used for this trapezoidal rule. Other, more sophisticated schemes analysisa,sthattestwes a closeanalog tothe fornumericalintegratiwoenreini_a_yconsidered, upcoming250KmotortestsO.nce$.HL_iscomplete but were abandonedbcceuse results for the andvalidated) theHP24-5030 testdata will be scaled tr_t)ezoidalrule•were nearly identical and requited -m match expectecdonditiofnosrthe2_0Ktest t_Lng. less CPUtime. The scalinwgillbedone in orderto geta pre-te_t Once the nominalresult iscalculatetdh,e, uncertainptryedictiosno,thatm Understandicnagn partial deriv_ive_ are estimated bysinglyperturbing be derived _ to whichmeasuremems"ate most every measurement used in the nominal calculation importanftorreducintgheuncertainitnythefulslcale by0.5%--hence the name'°jitter '' routine-szzulsing motortests. equatio(n3).Itshouldbe notedthatperturbinag Thereeye23 varisbles ormeasurementtshat single variablienanintegral meansthatacomplete arerequiredto c_culat_C* (mea_ed, theoretical, integral isreded with eachpass through the loop. md ef_cimcy), Factoryspedfi_afiownesrereed for otherwords, if thereare5000pressurdeata poMts, " e_timafing bias limits for pressure transducers; a singlepoint is pert_ed and a new integral with, thermocoupleasn,dload cells. _timates for. tim that shigle perturbed va_tble (along withthe other venmri and orifice cah'brationbiases .were assumed 4999 nombaal &ta points) iJ calculated. This fact basedUpon.ther_ults of an anl_ltshed cal_mtion requiredthatthe codebe writ_-n ruing REAL*8 enalysis for the 2_0K motorventudcompletedby variableg in order to calc:_lattheed"erivatives with •engineerastMSFC. LOX p _d nitroge7nbiases •sufficient accuracy.Thisjitterproce_ was _peated were takenfromthe GASP user's mamml,ass_ed in for every variablethat affected th'e experimental [2]. TheLOX vapor pressurebias estimate was taken ' mmlt. For example, there are 25 typesof as the largest i'eporteerrdoresfimete in[4]. Finally, measuremmtswhich affect motorC*effidencyO,f •weight percentbias estimates for each constituentin those25 types, 9 involve recalcuIa_ng integndfsor •the fuel formulatiwoansbasedupona conservz_ve each of the multiplmeeasurements takenin that e_t/mate (i.e,, larger than is probable) of the bias in (venmri/nlet pressuref,or example)r,esultinign thescaleusedattheoast_ngfadUtydividebdyeach. approximately 12,300partialderlwtivefosratypical const/tu.etnott'awsleightl_rmix.." 20-_cond test. •It shouldbenbted thatthere areonly three Onceeachpartialderivative isc_ou_ed the meau_.,_ents thath_ve the potential for siprLflca_ code pa_sesc,ontrol to the uncertaintypropagation uncertaintiesimrodu_edfi'ompre¢isi0n sourcest:he subroutinew,here the Iz_d d_ivativesare nozzle throatdiameter measurements, the_el combined with the uncertainty estimatesA.nother weights, md theheadendwei_t_; Thenozzle throat pm_'neter is alsocalculateidnthisportionofthe m_ements willbe discussedseperateiy, but code: the UPC, typicalluyy,mmordc erosiooncc_ duringthemotor Most simply, the UPC allows therankingof f_g. These,e,_nnmerle_ are treatedlike precision themost significant uncertaintcyontn'butorb(ys) erron and combinedwith the biaslimit for the tabulating what percent of the overall uncertainty- calipen reed, by us[ug a root-_m-square method. squaredeach type of measurement con_ibute_. Shni1_procedures areused forLhegrain andh_d Equst/on (17) showshow theUPC i_calculatfeodr weights, thoughtheprecision contn'_utlonissmall in eachvariable: bothcases. Table 1summarl_e_ eachmeuamment alongwithitnsominalvah_andbiesllnlit. (17) v; :Li" -5 "-_ L!: !Z ='?'7!! L_-F'_-_--, -':':_-G :3F'7 FAGE. OlO/OIS ParRmctor NominalVslu_ BiasLimit cornponcnts reported for all three c_'perimcnt_l Pet=a-. 380 pgla 5l_si results,Note thalsixmeasurements (F_ v_ P_ 7l_i ,.,., T_,_. _,, LOX Venmri _ y._=,.p_, and N, 3_F OrificCe_)donot_pearinthefollowin_g P_ 15o_mia spsi tables.They each contrt_te le_sthan 0.01% tothe 7L_ 3"F me_urcmcnt uncertaintyforthe three experimental results. 44Ibm/R' I0% R_d_ 1.4447 o.s% R_Kii_ Regt.ilmm Lo×vi_ c, 0.9622 M_memt LOX Venmd 9.6x10_/_ t/PC LOX Ventu_ $1.04% _112% N,Om'lee'c, N,Otiflce D_am_er 19.0a% Wei_l_ .Lms 322Ibm'!...... 25Ibm' 0.86% HeadendWdght 28.4Ibm 0,005Ibml Loss D* 4.6In. O.OLO_ .... Zr,,o_: I_.,# N/A Ixl0_% 5.45% Z.-4Sm. % N/A 6xlO_% N/A lxlO_% . 0.20% Agm'it_White w_% NIA lx!O"_% ,= CnrbdnBlsok _% N/A " 3xi0"% o.u% Ttble 11Biaslimit, forcttohsl_l imtmet_. In general, the C* meamr.ementa art fairly good- C* efficiency had _ :1:9.% uncertainty brad. Table 2 summarizes the results Of the malysb, and compares the old calculation method results with the new method proposed in this paper. The comparison shows that the ctmpges in procedure affeot_ the re¢_It_ 20,82% at a magnitude lower than the overalluncertainty- i.a., the ctmnges, to: all practical purposes, oannot be seen for lack of measurement resolution. However, the "lessons learned" in tl_$ process have more significantrami_cadons fortheIl-inchOOX motor, Old'Value.,, New Vxtue Unccdah_ C*...... 5753"R/ice _,7.7__t_s._C 113PJs_ C*__ 5769 R/s_ _772tt/_¢¢ •l,!9/t_m 0.00% 1%. 99,7% 100% .. _A Tabb _:Overaluluc=tl_W _mtlyslr_multt. The detailed breakdown of uncertaimy contributions/s interesting,and _ probably more informative. Table_ 3 through 5 sunm_trlze UPC values, with uncorrdated aad correlated UPC 'These biaslimits applytoeach individual pro-aad 0,24% po_t-_e measurement and not to the overallweight difference (see Uncerminp_ Analysis for explanation). .' Due to ITAR restrictions, these nom_ values Tablt 3: Detziled U'PCvahumforC_,..=_, cannot be reported, Parar_ttr UPC R_altam pa_ UI)C R_tullant Cor_onen_s) Motsum_ont Compon*mO) Mtmurement U_ i v_c [,, LOXV_lurl C:' ' 7168% 72.6S°/) LOXV_tu_C, 42.90% 42.90% LOXVenmriTe_. 3.00% 3,00% LOX vtm_iI'.,... t.84% I._4% Uncorr_laPt_e._d 0.00% Un_ormlatie,.'.c..l..... +.. CorrelatedP___. 0,19°/o o.19% U_correhted 0.00% 0.00% 0.67% 0._7% Correlated 2.0g% 2.og% : P_mff,a., Uncorrtlated 0.00% 0.00% _Cnyo_rrelated 5.91% 5.91% Correlatmi 4.93% Uncorrclat_eadx 0.00% t'ncorr¢lpa,.t_e,d 0.00% lU, i Correlat0e.d,,_ "0.54% 0.54% Co_Isr_p,, 0.15% • " oAs%... UncorrelatN¢__Orfflcc 0.:)2% Umorrdtt_ N, Orl_¢ o.1o% Diam_-r Cor_lated N, Ortfioo _54% 0.09% Corrolatod N, Ori_o 0.00% o.10%• Dlameter U_orr=latcd: Fuel 1.08% r_ond,at_ Fuel 0.02% mtltuent Conttlt_ Wright% Co,,,..t.,,,t r.,,i ' o.oo% o.02% Co_lar_i Fuel 0,22% •1,29% Constitum-tt _mtitum Wei_t % Weltht% 0.24% Uncorrolatod Pro-F_ 0.00% )_lit_ Pr)-Fim Hudm-,d._W__ht. Uncortt_odPo6t-Fir, 0.00% UmmrrelatMPo,t-Flro ._.29% _d._dw,i#t, : o:reg "....... - _l.m_d _re-FimO' Corr¢l).t_ Pro+Fire • 0.0O% I-lde_t.dWeight 17,orrel_tePdo+'t-F_D* Cormhuod Post.Fire 0.00% f:orr_ Pre- 2.77% 24.91% P_t-FffeD° H_tdend.Weight ...... ,, ,, =, , -- Correlated Pie- and lJmon_lat_l " Pm-Firt 0.00% H_dend Weliht • Port-Fire He.end Weight _Jmormlatod Pen=Fife 0.00% Ua.orrelamt,l P_-_" 274.84% "_dMwenWdd_t ..... C(mterSem'rm_Wolght _ I_-F_ 0,00% Un¢orr_ted Poor-Fire 345.73% CenterSegm_mtWd_tt rmlatod" _on.F_ 0.00% Corrolamd Pro-Fire '"_49.68% dWd#t ton'elatePdro- and -o,oo% 0.00% CenteSregmentWoilkt Po_t-Flr_ l_end _orrelitcd Post-Fire 691.46% Wev_ht Cem_ Stgrn_t WoighL_ Umormlat_dIS'm-F_ 7&_0% •' Coffee,cad Pro- tml -1847.72% I_.9_A Post.Fire . Ctmtor Center_e_nt Wt_t Uneo,ffdst_Po_t-FLm 86.43% Sezmontweight Cm_t__ Wei_tht Tt.ble4:DetailedUFC._ valutfaorC*_,_: Corre_d Pi_-Flte I$7.79_ C_nLerSe_J'nenWt el_/s It shouldbe stressetdhatfor all thr_ cases, Con_lat_l Pelt-Flit 172.86% the most significant contEoutor to tim overall CareerSet,meritWdtht ........... experimental unc_ty is tlm LOX venturi C(. In Corrdat_l Pro- md -494.98% "1.00% addition, the fucl grain and. h©adond weight Poet-Fire. Cert. r measurements are neglig_lecontE0utor_tothe .Sg._W_4)zht - . - overall tmcertain_, Some discussion provi&s some Table$:Detailed_ valu_ _orTlo.. insight as to why thoso measurements once aFpeared •Inspectionof the thr¢,tablesthows a to contribut, significantly. sign/ficant sensitiyity totlmoverall result for etther .

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