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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19980213327: Wind Streaks on Venus: Clues to Atmospheric Circulation PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19980213327: Wind Streaks on Venus: Clues to Atmospheric Circulation

NASA-CR-205116 SCIENCE Reprint Series 21 January 1994, Volume 263, pp. 358-361 / * / / _" /k- L Wind Streaks on Venus: Clues to Atmospheric Circulation Ronald Greeley,* Gerald Schubert, Daniel Limonadi, Kelly C. Bender, William I. Newman, Peggy E. Thomas, Catherine M. Weitz, and Stephen D. Wall Copyright © 1994 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science Wind Streaks on Venus: Clues to Atmospheric Circulation Ronald Greeley,* Gerald Schubert, Daniel Limonadi, Kelly C. Bender, William I. Newman, Peggy E. Thomas, Catherine M. Weitz, Stephen D. Wall Magellan images reveal surface features on Venus attributed to wind processes. Sand dunes, wind-sculpted hills,and more than 5830 wind streaks have been identified. The streaks serve as local "wind vanes," representing wind direction at the time of streak formation and allowingthe first global mapping of near-surface wind patterns on Venus. Wind streaks are oriented both toward the equator and toward the west. When streaks associated with local transient events, such asimpact cratering, are deleted, thewestward component is mostly lost but the equatorward component remains. This pattern is con- sistent with a Hadley circulation of the lower atmosphere. Earth-based observations, data from flybys, meters per second even at cloud heights and measurements from landed spacecraft (14). Wind speeds at the surface are from reveal that Venus has a rocky surface with 0.3 to 1.0 ms-I (15), well within the range an average temperature of 753 K beneath necessary to move loose surface sand and an acid-laden, predominantly CO2 atmo- dust (16). sphere with a surface pressure of 90 bars. Accordingly, the principal mode of at- Ideas about atmospheric circulation on Ve- mospheric circulation on Venus from just nus are based on cloud motions (at _60 km above the lowest scale height (at =10 km altitude) deduced from ultraviolet images altitude) to _100 km is a zonal retrograde taken by flyby and orbiting spacecraft (1- (westward) superrotation of the atmosphere 5), wind speeds inferred from Doppler (14). However, global circulation models of tracking of Venera (6, 7) and Pioneer the lower atmosphere (especially below = 10 Venus (8) atmospheric probes, radio track- km altitude) have hitherto been mostly un- ing of balloons (at about 50 km altitude) constrained because of the paucity of rele- during the VEGA mission (9, I0), and vant observations. Theoretical models ofthe motions of features (at about 50 km alti- lower atmosphere circulation involve a Had- tude) in infrared images of the planet (11- ley circulation driven by solar energy depo- 13). Zonal winds are westward with speeds sition in the deep atmosphere, preferentially of =100 m s-z at cloud heights (=60 km at low latitudes (17-21). This circulation altitude), decreasing approximately mono- involves equatorward surface winds, upflow tonically with proximity to the surface to over the equator, poleward winds aloft, and speeds of =10 m s-l at a height of 10 km downflow at high latitudes. A similar circu- (14). No eastward winds have ever been lation is expected in both the northern and seen in the atmosphere. Meridional winds southern hemispheres of Venus. are both northward and southward hut with We report here the first observations that speeds generally not exceeding several constrain the global circulation pattern of the lower atmosphere of Venus. These are R.Greely, K.C,Bender, P.E.Thomas, Department of the wind streaks seen in Magellan radardata Geology, Box 871404, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1404, (22, 23) that result from the interaction of G.Schubert, D.Limonadi, W. I.Newman, Department the atmosphere and the surface. These wind ofEarth and Space Sciences, University ofCalifornia, streaks not only reveal the nature of the Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1567. C.M.Weitz and S.D.Wall, JetPropulsion Laboratory, lower atmospheric circulation but also reflect 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA91109, the influence ofthe strong westward winds of *Towhom correspondence should be addressed. the cloud-level atmosphere. 358 SCIENCE " VOL. 263 ° 21 JANUARY 1994 Venusian wind streaks are radar back- in areas of low surface winds. Extremely speed (28). If similar flow patterns on Ve- scatter patterns that contrast with the sur- rough surfaces, such as some lava flows, nus are assumed (29), according to the rounding surface features (23, 24). Both may serve as traps for wind-transported simplest interpretation, radar-dark streaks radar-bright (high radar backscatter, gener- particles. Each of these surfaces would probably consist of particle deposits that ally caused by rough surfaces) and radar- have different radar backscatter properties either absorb radar energy or produce dark (low radar backscatter) wind streaks (24), depending on several considerations smooth surfaces, whereas radar-bright occur (Fig. 1). Although streaks range from including the areal extent and thickness of streaks represent areas where particles were less than 5 km to several hundred kilome- surficial deposits, exposed bedrock and its swept from the surface to expose radar- ters in length, typical streaks are about 20 surface roughness, and possible eolian bed- reflective bedrock. km long. Streaks occur in several shapes, forms such as dunes. Venusian eolian features, including including plume, fan, and long-narrow Many wind streaks on Earth are related wind streaks, require a supply of loose, forms. The most abundant, informally to wind flow patterns over and around small particles and winds of sufficient termed "zebra" streaks, consist of multiple, topographic features such as small hills. strength to move them. Although wind alternating radar-dark and -bright streaks. Flow separation and reattachment, as well streaks occur at all latitudes (Fig. 2A) and Nearly all zebra streaks are associated with as the generation of local vortices, lead to longitudes on Venus, most streaks are lo- deposits inferred to be ejecta from young distinctive zones of surface erosion and cated in association with ejecta deposits impact craters. deposition that are functions of the geom- from craters. In afew areas, material may be Similar to wind streaks on Earth and etry of the topographic feature and the wind weathered from tectonically disrupted ter- Mars (25-27), venusian streaks are thought to be visible on radar images because of differences in the distribution of windblown particles in relation to surface - I ° wind patterns. Wind tunnel experiments simulating conditions on Venus (16) sug- gest that particles moved by the wind are smaller than _-1 cm and that most would be a few hundred micrometers in diame- ter. Depending on the wind shear stress, surfaces may be completely stripped of loose grains (leaving exposed bedrock), covered with large (> 1 cm) particles too massive to be removed by the wind (form- 0 -90-64-53-44-36-30-23-17-11 -5 0 5 11 1723 30 3644 53 64 0 20 40 60 BO100120140160180200220240260280300320340 ing a lag deposit), or blanketed with grains Latitude(degrees) Azimuth(degrees) transported from elsewhere and deposited A B 4110 Fig. 1. (A) Radar-bright streak (top of image, associated with cone-shaped hill) and "zebra" Azimuth(degrees) o 20 40 60 80 10Q120140160180200220 240260260300320340 Azimuth (degrees) streaks at9°N, 67°E, north of Hestia Rupes. The wind is inferred to have blown from north to Fig. 2. (A) Histogram of venusian wind streaks inbands of equal area latitude. (O)Azimuths of all south at the time of streak formation. The larg- wind streaks in the global data base for the northern hemisphere, with north at 0°. (C) Azimuths of est bright streak isabout 35 km long (Magellan allwind streaks inthe global database forthe southern hemisphere, with north at 0°. (D) Distribution F-MIDR 10N065). (B) Radar-dark streaks at of wind streak orientations with respect to local slope, showing that streaks occur randomly with 46°N, 127.1°E, in Northern Niobe Planitia. Part regard to slope. Thedownslope isat 0°and the upslope isat 180°.Angle isthe difference indegrees of Anake Terresa isvisible in the upper portion between downslope azimuth and streak azimuth. (E)Azimuths of subset of database (3666 streaks) of the image. Thewind isinferred to have blown in which Type P wind streaks that may have formed in response to transient events have been from north (top) to south (bottom) at the time of deleted (northern hemisphere). North isat 0°. (F) Azimuths of subset of data with deletion of Type streak formation. The longest streak isabout 40 Pwind streaks that may have formed in response to transient events (southern hemisphere). North km long (Magellan F-MIDR 45N126). isat 0°, SCIENCE • VOL. 263 • 21JANUARY 1994 359 rains (23). Both of these geologic settings er, or in response to transient events such as though the equatorward component re- could supply material appropriate for ero- impact cratering. An assessment of disturb- mains. The predominant trend in the sion and deposition by wind. However, not ances to the atmosphere by cratering pro- southern hemisphere is for streaks to be all impact craters and tectonically disrupted cesses on Venus suggests that turbulent aligned northeastward (average at the _50 ° areas have associated eolian features, sug- winds could be generated near the impact azimuth), with a smaller fraction of streaks gesting that (i) winds sufficiently strong to (31). Wind streaks formed in association aligned westward. In the northern hemi- transport particles may not occur every- with these transient events may not repre- sphere, the streaks are mainly aligned south where on the planet; (ii) some surfaces may sent general atmospheric circulation. We or equatorward (average at the 170° azi- be too rough, preventing particle move- term these "Type P" streaks because they muth), with a smaller fraction of streaks ment by wind; (iii) particles may not form, occur within the ejecta deposits of impact aligned westward. The predominantly are cemented or bonded by some process, or craters defined by Campbell et al. (32) as equatorward orientation of the non-P Type are too cohesive for movement by the wind; having "parabolic halo" ejecta blankets. We streaks in both hemispheres is consistent or (iv) particles may be depleted at some separated Type P streaks in the database in with a classic lower atmosphere Hadley sites of old impact craters because of their the following manner: A rectangular area circulation. The presence of equatorward- removal and redistribution by surface covering the ejecta deposits was defined for oriented streaks in the highest latitude winds. each of the 50 craters identified by Campbell bands of both hemispheres indicates the Little is known about the time of forma- et al. The areas were outlined by the visual possibility of Hadley cell circulation reach- tion of wind streaks and their lifetime. As inspection of potential ejecta deposits and ing to the poles. The Hadley circulation part of this study, analysis of sequential air vary in size. Typical areas exceed 500 by 700 represents an average of the lower atmo- photos of wind streaks in the Mojave Desert km, oriented parallel to the parabola axis. spheric wind patterns over the time period and Bolivia showed little change over a Streaks in each area that have azimuths (unknown) recorded by the wind streaks. 14-year period. On the other hand, martian oriented +-20° radial to the crater were The differences in wind-streak azimuth wind streaks were observed to appear, dis- "tagged" as Type P streaks. distributions between the northern and appear, or change in shape in as little as 38 Most Type P streaks are > 100 km long southern hemispheres suggest differences in days (25). A preliminary search of Magel- and have predominantly westward azimuths, the lower atmospheric circulation regimes lan repetitive images has not revealed any parallel to the parabola axes. Type P streaks of the two hemispheres, hemispheric differ- changes in venusian wind streaks in the = 1 typically are radar-dark or zebra forms, both ences in the supply or transportability of year between observations, although fur- considered to result from the deposition of small particles, or as yet unrecognized geo- ther analysis is in progress. sand and dust. We suggest that these streaks logic or topographic hemispheric influences Regardless of the exact mode of forma- develop by the dynamic interaction of crater on wind streaks. There are no a priori tion of the contrasts in radar backscatter, ejecta particles, the atmospheric response to theoretical reasons to expect hemispheric wind streaks on Earth, Mars, and Venus the impact, and the westward zonal winds. differences in global atmospheric circula- probably represent local wind directions at Streaks may form by the deposition of im- tion patterns on Venus. The northeastward the time of streak formation and provide pact ejecta raised to great heights and trans- trend in the southern hemisphere and the the opportunity to assess regional and glob- ported downwind (westward) by the high slightly east of south trend in the northern al atmospheric circulation patterns (25, altitude, westward superrotation of the at- hemisphere are due to the Coriolis force, 30). To assess potential patterns on Venus, mosphere. The depositional pattern is influ- although the Rossby number (Ro) for Ve- all wind streaks identified on Magellan im- enced by near-surface roll convection cells nus' atmosphere is estimated to be large ages were mapped, measured, and classified generated by either the impact heating of compared with unity (14). The value of Ro with the use of the scheme of Greeley et al. the surface and atmosphere or the impact- is the ratio of the inertial force to the (23). Histograms of streak orientations induced upwelling of magma from beneath Coriolis force, and if Ro > > 1 then Cori- were plotted for the northern and southern the surface and is oriented parallel to the olis effects should be relatively unimpor- hemispheres (Fig. 2, B and C). Orienta- westward atmospheric circulation. This tant. The large estimate of Ro is based on tions are given as azimuths in the down- model is supported by observations that the planetary rotation rate; Ro might be wind direction. In the northern hemisphere there is a decrease in zebra streak length smaller and the Coriolis force might be there is a bimodal distribution of azimuths; down-range from some craters (such as more important if the atmospheric superro- one mode is toward the south-southeast and Stowe crater) and that zebra streaks do not tation rate is a more appropriate measure of the other is toward the west. The azimuths occur in association with craters <30 km in dynamical influences. in the southern hemisphere are also bimo- diameter, suggesting insufficient impact-gen- Type P streaks are associated with impact dal, with one mode toward the north- erated heat or associated magma upflow to craters and are considered to result from the northeast and the second mode toward the induce near-surface atmospheric convec- interaction of crater ejecta, convection cells west. Thus, the global wind directions in- tion. In this model, Type P streaks are not in the atmosphere generated by impact, and ferred from the streaks are generally equa- indicative of present general near-surface westward zonal winds in the upper atmo- torward and toward the west. atmospheric circulation but reflect the west- sphere at the time of impact. The remaining Before the Magellan mission, some pre- ward superrotation of the upper atmosphere 3666 streaks (excluding Type P streaks) have dictions (29) suggested local atmospheric at the time of impact. Therefore, the west- orientations indicative of near-surface Had- circulation involving slope winds. If these ward superrotation of the atmosphere ex- ley cell circulation averaged over the time conditions existed, then wind streaks might tends at least several hundred million years recorded by the streaks. These Hadley cells be more indicative of topography than of into the past, the inferred time of impact. could extend to polar latitudes. general circulation. Histograms of the ori- The database contains 3666 streaks with entation of wind streaks with regard to local the removal of Type P streaks. Histograms REFERENCES AND NOTES slope (Fig. 2D) show random orientations, of streak azimuths in the northern and suggesting that slope is not amajor factor m southern hemispheres (Fig. 2, E and F) 1 M. J Bellon, S Smith, G Schubert, A. D. Del the determination of streak azimuths. show that the strong westward component Genio, J Atmos Sci 33, 1394 (1976) 2 S S Limaye, Icarus 73. 212 (1988) Streaks may form in response to wind seen with the inclusion of Type P streaks is 3....... C Grassottil M J Kuelemeyer, ibid., p circulation patterns over many years or hmg- mostly absent in both hemispheres, al- 193 360 SCIENC'E • VOL. 263 * 21 JANUARY 1994 4. A. D. DeJ GenJo and W. B Rossow, ,,ZAtmos. Sct 21.... Adv Geophys_ 28A, 347 (1986) 47, 293 (1990). 22. R S. Saunders et al., Science 252, 249 (1991). 5. W B Rossow, A. D Del Genio, T. P. Eichler, ibid., 23 R. Greeley et al, J Geophys Res 97, 13319 p. 2053. (1992). 6. M. Marov etal., /bid 30, 1210 (1973). 24 R E. Arvidson et aL, ibid., p. 13303. 7. V.V. Kerzhanovich and M Ya Marov, in Venus, D. 25. C. A. Sagan etaL, Icarus 17,346 (1972) M Hunten, L. Colin, T M. Donahue, V. I. Moroz, 26. P. Thomas, J. Veverka, S Lee, A Bloom, ibid 45, Eds. (Univ of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1983), pp, 124 (1981) 776.-778. 27. R Greeley, P. Christensen, R Carrasco, Geology 8. C. C, Counselman Iit, S. A. Gourevitch, R. W. 17, 665 (1989). King, G. B Loriot, R. G Prinn, Science 205, 85 28. R. Greeley, J. D Iversen, J. B. Pollack, N. Udov- (1979), ich, B. White, Science 183, 847 (1974) 9. J E Blamont etal, ib/d 231, 1422 (1986) 10. R A. Preston etaL, ibid., p, 1414. 29. R S, Saunders, A R Dobrovolskis, R Greeley, S lt. M. J S. Be/ion eta/., tbid. 253, 1531 (1991_. D Wall. Geophys. Res Lett 17, 1365 (1990). 12. D. Crisp et al., ibid., p. 1538. 30. P. Thomas and J Veverka, J. Geophys Res. 84, 13 R W. Carlson etal., ibid., p. 1541. 8131 (1979), 14. G. Schubert, in (7), pp. 681-765 31. P. H. Schultz, ibid. 97, 16183 (1992). 15. V. S. Avduevsky et al., Cosmic Res. 14, 622 32. D B Campbell et al, ibid, p 16249. (1976) 33. We thank R. D Baker and D L. Bindschadler for 16. R.Greeley etal., Icarus 57, 112 (1984). helpful discussions and E. Lo for developing 17. E. K&lnay de Rivas, J. Atmos ScL 30, 763 programs to manipulate the database. Supported (1973). by the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- 18. P. H. Stone, ibid. 31, 1681 (1974). tration through the Magellan Project and the Of- 19. G. Schubert et at, J. Geophys. Res 85, 8007 rice of Planetary Geoscience (1980). 20. W. B. Rossow, J. Atmos. Sci. 40, 273 (1983). 17 August 1993; accepted 18 November 1993 SCIENCE • VOL. 263 • 21 JANUARY 1994 361

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