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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19980202467: Thermodynamics, Solubility, and Diffusivity of Oxygen in Titanium and Ti-Al Alloys PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19980202467: Thermodynamics, Solubility, and Diffusivity of Oxygen in Titanium and Ti-Al Alloys

ONR-CHICAGO _003 02/02/98 MON 13:50 FAX 3123532094 ,-.--"'-',,,,_w.--¢_ c_ _ i_ -t..._.,,. i _=_ _ __,_5 206763 7/J".2_ c__._- THEP_ODYNAMICS,SOL_ILITY, XNDDIFFUSIVITY OF OXYGEN IN TITANI1]I( ANDTi-A1 ALLOYS o r/7"- Oopal _. _ehrotra Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Wright State University Dayton, Ohio Titanium aluminides and titanium aluminide-based composites are attractive candidate materials for high-temperature structural applications, is these materials may be exposed to oxidizing environments during their use at elevated temperatures, it is essential thz_ they possess a good oxidation resistance. Previous studies (ref. I} have shown that the oxidation resistance of Al-rich alloys in the Ti-Al system is superior to that of the Ti-rich alloys. The scales formed on the surface of the Al-ricb and Ti-rich alloys have been reported (ref. I) to be predominantly AltOs and TiO_, respectively. Since the relative stabilities of the oxides of _i and Ti ar various temperatures and oxygen pressures can be assessed from their thermodynamic data, it is possible, with the help of thermodyua_ic calculations, to determine the compositions o_ the alloys _hich would form scales of AltOs, TiOx or a ternary oxide such as Ti_l_O_ during oxidation at a given temperature. The thermodynamic calculations require reliable activity data for the Ti-AI system. These data have not been determined for the entire composition and temperture range of interest. _sing the da_ avzilabte in the literature, Ita_el and Spencer (re_. 2) recently performed thermodynamic calculations and concluded that the stable oxide changed from TiO to AI_O_ in the existence region of the TiAI phase. In the case of titanium aluminid_based composites, another major concern is the mutual chemical compatibility of the matrix material _ith the reinforcement phase. Fibers of SiC, TiB: and AI_O_ are currently being investigated for reinforcement of titanium aluminide matrices. Recent studies (re_. 3) have shown that SiC is incompatible with TidAl. No detectable reaction h_s been observed between TiB_ and Ti-43 at.Z A1 (a_*7) alloy at 1473_ (ref. 4). 7-TiAI has been repor$ed to be compatible with AI_O_. Eovever, _n a recent study by _isra (ref. 5), a chemical reaction between ll_O_ and titanium aluminides contzznzng less _han 50 at.Z A1 has been observed. _isra (re_. 5) has found that the reaction between a Ti-AI alloy, (wish < 50 at.Z AI) and kl_O_ is tha_ of the dissolution of A1 and atomic oxygen from kl_Oz: AI_O_ = 2AI + 3_ (i) The above reaction results in an increase in the concentration of A1 in :he surface of the Ti-AI alloy. The _ormation of 7-Till phase thus takes place. Diffusion of A1 and atomic oxygen a_ay from the in_erface cruses the reaction to proceed further. For reaction (1) _o be _easible _he product {a_ 0 . a_A1 } (_here a_l is the activity of AI and a0 is the activity of oxygen in the alloy), should be less 0O4 ONR-CHICAGO 02/02/98 M0_ 13:51 PAX 3123532094 than the equilibrium constant, Kt, for reaction (I). At high values of sTi and/or a0 in the alloy, the following reaction may also take place: Z£ + _ = TiO (2) Thus, the feasibility and the extent of reactions between a Ti A1 alloy and Al_Oa are influenced by the thermodynamic activities of various species in the alloy, As there is little information available on the thermodynamics, solubility and diffusivity of oxygen in Ti-Al alloys, it is important to investigate the Ti-AI-O system. The thermodynamics o( the Ti-O system has been studied by Kubaschevski and Dench (ref. 6), and Miyazaki, et. al (ref. 7). The solubility of oxygen at partial pressures of oxygen established by Ca-CaO and Mg-_gO equilibria has also been determined in these studies. The phase diagra_ for the system shows that the maximum solubility of oxygen in fl-Ti is about 8 at.Z and that in o-Ti is 31.9 at.Z. The diffusivity of oxygen in titanium has been estimated from oxidation and internal friction studies. The activzzion energy for the diffusion process has been reported (reg. 8) to be about 203 kJ/mole for a-Ti and about 246 kJ/mole for fl-Ti. It has been reported (ref. 9) that the additions of A1 to Ti result in a decreased solubility of oxygen. However, the information on the thermodynamics, solubility and diffusivity of oxygen in Ti-AI alloys is very limited. Attempts are therefore being made to investigate the thermodynamics, solubility and diffusivity of oxygen in Ti-A1 alloys usin_ electrockemical cells with yttris-doped thoria as a solid electrolyte. H_gh reactivity of these alloys with oxygen is, however, s problem in these measurements. Other approaches, such as oxidation kinetics studies, may also therefore have to be tried to determine the solubility and diffusivity of oxygen in Ti-AI alloys of various compositions. Acknowledgement This project is supported by _ASA Craft No. NAG3-1233. R_ferences I. O. Velsch and A.I. Kehveci: Oxidazion Behavior of Titanittm Aluminum Alloys. Oxidation of High Temperature Intermetallics, T. GrobsSein and J. Doychsk, eds., The Kinerals, Metals and Materials Society, 1989, pp. 207-218. 2. A. RaVel and P.J. Spencer: Thermodynamic Aspects of TiAI and TiSi_ Oxidation: The AI-Ti-O and Si-Ti-O Phase Diagrams. Oxidation of Metals, Vol. 35, Nos. I/2_ 1991, pp. 53-67. 3. J.-N. Yang and _ Jeng: Interracial Reaction Kinetics of SiC Fiber-Reinforced TisAl Matrix Composites. Scripts _et., Yol. 23, 1989, pp. 1559-1564, 4. M. Saqib, I. Weiss, G.X. lehrotra, E. Clevenger, A.O. Jackson, and H.A. Lipsitt: Microstructural and Therm_l Stability of a Ti-43AI Alloy Containing Dispersoids of Titanium Diboride. To appear £n Met. Trans., 1991. 5. j'4_'K. Misra: Reaction of Ti and Ti-Al Alloys _ith Alumina. Met. Trans., Vol. 22A, _srch 1991, pp. 715-721. 6. O. Kubzsche_ski"_'_ V.A. Dench: The _ree _nergy Dia_ra_ o_ the System Titanium-Oxygen. J. Inst. Metals, Vol. 82, 1953-54, pp. S7-91. U_-_u 02102/98 MOE 13:51 PA_ 312353209_ a 1 liyazaki, T. Oishi and K. Ono: Thermodynamic Properties of _;_en in _he Alpha and Beta Titanium-Oxygen Alloys at 800-1200°C: 5th International Conference on Titanium, Sept. I0-14, 1984, Munich. Titanium Science and TechnoioEy, Vol. 4, G. Luetjering, ¥. Zwicker and V. Bunk, eds., Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer _etallkunde, 1984, pp. 2657-2663. C.J. Rosa: Oxygen Diffusion in Alpha and Beta Titanium in the Temperature 1 II_ge of 932o to 1142°C. _et. Trans.. Vol. 1, 1970, pp. 2517-2522. 9. A.W. Cbaze and C. Coddet: Influence of Alloying Elements on the DissoluZiou of Oxygen in the _et_llic Phase during the Oxidation of Titanium Alloys. I. _at. Sci., Vol. 22, 1987, pp. 1206-1214. ONR-CHICAGO _006 02/02/98 MON 13:52 FAX 3123532094 OBJECTIVES - THERMODYNAMIC STUDY OF TI-AL-O ALLOYS - DETERMINE THE SOLUBILITY OF OXYGEN IN TI-AL ALLOYS RATIONALE FOR _ORK Tz-AL-0 - THERMODYNAHIC DATA ON SYSTEH USEFUL ZN PREDICTING THE PHASES FORMED DURING 0XIDATZON - CHEHZCAL COHPATIBILZTY OF AL,0 3 REINFORCEMENT PHASE WITH T_TANZUH ALUHZNZDE MATRICES (MZSRA) ALz0 _ = 2AJ. + 3Q +O=Tz0 APPROACH - ELECTROCHEHICAL HEASUREMENTS USING YTTRIA-DOPED THORIA AS SOLID ELECTROLYTE - 0XIDATZON STUDIES O_R-CHICAGO OO7 02/02/98 M0N 13:52 FAX 3123532094 g00"C "10 . t J -15 I";0.•,AI.,0) i -20 log Po_ ii (bar) -25 , Ti_0:-_AI_ i i "30 I I i ) TiO • AI_O:_ i - 35- "rio i - 4.--J-- AI.,0+-TIAI-, I _ ,ml,-iw,ibip w - _.0- i Ti.T;3AI TiAI.Ti_AI'I_AIoTI3AIAI.TiAI._ , i I - - III I TI 0.2 0._ 0.6 0.B AZ XAI ,,,ira, SIMPLIFIED Tz-AL-0 PHASE DIAGRAM. ISOTHERMAL SECTION AT 1173 K. (FROM RAHMELAND SPENCER) _008 ONR-CHICAGO 02102198 MON 13:52 FAX 312553209_ PHASE DIAGRAM FOR THE SYSTEM Tz-AL-0. ISOTHERMAL SECTION AT 1273 K. (FROM GLAZOVA) ONR-CHICAGO _009 02/02/98 MON 13:52 FAX 3123S32094 SOLUBILITY OF OXYGEN IN TITANIUM 0-31.9 0-4 AL AND SI LOWER THE SOLUBILITY OF OXYGEN (CHAZE AND CODDET) - AT 700°C, ZN THE PRESENCEOF AL, THE SOLUBILITY OF OXYGENDECREASESFROH 31.9 AT_ TO 0.3 AT_ - CR HAS NEGLIGIBLE EFFECT ON THE OXYGEN SOLUBILITY UJ_I.I_ --,,i,.,li Av.. - - 02/02t98 _0_ 13:52 FA% 312353209_ .. i - I LS00 I / 120o ! i.o 2.0 ZN TZTANZUM AS A FUNCTION OF" SOLUBILITY OF OXYGEN PRESSURE. (FROM MZYAZAKZ, ET AL.) TEMPERATURE AND OXYGEN Oll ONR-CHICAGO 02102198 MON 13:53 FAX 3123532094 SOLUBILITY OF OXYGEN IN TITANIUH AS A FUNCTION OF TEHPERATURE AND OXYGEN PARTIAL PRESSURE* T(°C) E(IUZLZBRZUM P0z(ATM) 0 ZN TZ (ATe) POz ESTABLISHED BY 800 CA - CA0 1.2 X 10"sz 0.04 MG - MG0 1.9 x 10"s° 0.16 1000 CA0 - CA0 6.4 X 10 -42 0.05 2.7 0.98 HG - MG0 x 10 "3g 1200 CA - CA0 8.7 X 10-_s 0.08 MG - MG0 3.7 X 10 "31 5.34 TI - TI0 1.7 x 10"z9 36.2 ALPHA: 1/2 LN P0z = LN(_ O) + 10.3 - 70.500 (1150-1340K) T BETA: 1/2 LN P0z = LN(_ Q) + 12.1 - (1150-1600K) T * MIYAZAKI, ET AL. 02/02/98 MON 13:53 FAX 3123532094 OI_'R-CBICAGO _012 F V T OF 0X G N N TZTA U 0UACH-KAHZHURA, ET AL. 0 = 0,45 Exp {-_00 RTKj/MOL_) r D= = 0.778 £xp (932-11420C) I -48,600 CAL/_LS CH:S'_ i RT ROSA I i L DB = 3.3 x 102 ExP (932-1142°C) (-58,800 CAL/HOLER-T ) DECHAMPS DO= 0.408 EXP {-47.040 CAL/MOL, E/ t RT / er ..., _ TRANSZT]:0N AT 882°C QUACH-KAHIHURA ROSA DECHAMPS 700°C 8.Z4 x 10-12 - - 1.11 x 1011 800 8.25 x 1011 - - 1.07 x 10"1° 900 5.58 x 10"_° 6.84 x 10"1° 3.65 x 10.9 1.7Z x 10.9 1000 2.79 x 10.9 3.52 x 10.9 2.65 x 10a 3.4Z X i0 .9

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