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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19980021431: Relationship Between Cirrus Particle Size and Cloud Top Temperature PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19980021431: Relationship Between Cirrus Particle Size and Cloud Top Temperature

207280 Relationship between Cirrus Particle Size and Cloud Top Temperature u_.); _ :' QingyuanHan,JoyceChou,andRonaldM. Welch Institute of Atmospheric Sciences South Dakota School of Mines and Technology 501 E. Saint 1oseph Street Rapid Cily, SD 57701-3995 Phone: (605) 394-2291; Fax (605) 394-6061 email: [email protected], edu pammeterize the ice crystal size as Heymsfield and Platt [6] Abstract-The relationshibpetweencirrusparticlesizeand suggested. While these data supply valuable information cloudtoptemperatureissurveyedon a near-globalscale. about this relationship, they are all regional measurements The cirrusparticlseizeisretrieveadssumingicecrystalasre during a short time period for mostly thick cirrus clouds. hexagonalcolumns and thecloudtoptemperatureand the radiacesinchannelIand 3 ofAVHRR usedtoretrieviece This study investigates this relationship based on the paniclesizesarcfromISCCP product.The resultsshow that cirrus particle size data retrieved from ISCCP CX data. We forthickcloudsoverNorth America,therelationbetween found that for thick clouds (x _>I0), similar to those found by cirrusparticlesizeand cloudtoptemperatureisconsistent aircraft measurements, most of the regions over the globe with a summary of thisrelationshipbased on aircraft show positive relationships between cloud temperature and measurement overthatregionforthickclouds.However, cirrus ice crystal sizes. However, ffrelatively thin clouds are thisrelationshiipsnotun/versalforotherregionsespecially included ((-_ >_3), this correlation becomes negative for fortropicalzone,which has been found by otherin situ tropical areas but remains mostly positive for midlatitudes. measurements. RETRIEVAL OF ICE CRYSTAL PARTICLE SIZE INTRODUCTION The detailed methodology of retrieving ice crystal size is Cloud microphysical parameterizatious have attracted a presented in another paper [12]. In that paper, the method great deal of attention in recent years due to their effect on for retrieving cirrus particle size information on a near- cloud radiative properties [1] and cloud-related hydrological global scale (50°S to 50°N) using currently available satellite processes in large-scale models [21 The parameterization of data from ISCCP is described. To retrieve cirrus particle cirrus panicle size has been demonstrated as an indispens- size, we use a radiative transfer model that includes all major able component in the climate feedback analysis [3]. In absorbing gases and cloud scattering / absorption to compute parameterization schemes, relationships between cloud synthetic radiances as a function of satellite viewing temperatures/optical thickness and cirrus ice crystal sizes are geometry. Ice clouds are determined by cloud top of critical importance because the microphysics of cirrus temperatue T, < 240K. Shapes and orientations of ice clouds modifies the relationship between cloud optical depth crystals are assumed to be hexagonal columns and plates and cloud ice/liquid water path. Climate models not randomly oriented in the atmosphere. Although ice crystals accounting for this relationship cannot correctly predict the may have complicated shapes such as bullets, rosettes, temperature dependence of infrared emittance of cirrus aggregates, irregular and quasi-spherical particles and show clouds [4] and thus arrive at wrong conclusions about preferred orientations, it is difficult to determine which climate change. Many efforts have been made to investigate shape and/or orientation is dominant in a specific clouds by the cloud temperature-cirrus crystal size relationship and current remote sensing instruments. On one hand, we controversial conclusions have been reached. For example, realize the possible effect of non-hexagonal particles and twenty flights of aircraft measurements over North America preferred orientations. On the other hand, we also notice during winter times [5,6] show that the cloud-panicle mode that the difference of phase functions between hexagon and radius increases with temperature. Similar results were other irregular shapes is much smaller than that of non- found by in situ measurement during CEPEX at tropics [7] spherical and spherical particles [13]. Therefore, we adopt and by surface lidar observations [8]. However, the phase functions for hexagonal columns in the retrieval investigations using radar measurements [9], Doppler radar and estimate the possible effect of non-hexagonal and preferred orientation by comparing the retrieved particle and IR radiometry [10], and millimeter-wave radar [11] sizes with in situ measurements. Ray tracing techniques are found a negative correlation between ice crystal size and used to calculate phase fianctions for different size temperature and conclude that temperature cannot be used to distributions. Five different size distributions from Acknowledgement. We wishtothankDr.Ou andTakano forsupplyingphasefunctionsusedinthisstudy.Thisresearchwas supportedbyNASA GrantNos. NAGW-3922, NAGW-3798; was partial[y funded by DOE through the NIGEC Great Plains Regional Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (DOE CooperAtive Agreement No. DEFC03-90ER61010). Financial support does not constitute an endorsement by DOE of the views expressed in this paper. This research was also supported bythe NASA Climate Program managed byDr. Bob Curran. 0-7803-3836-7/97/$10.00 ©1997IEEE 1760 4O 20 0 3 --60 --1 80 --1 40 --100 --60 --20 20 60 100 14-O 180 Longitude -1. -0.6 -0.2 0.2 0.6 1.0 Fig. 1 Correlation (De, To) for Ice Cloud (I; >= 10; 8701 NOM-£) 40 2O --20 20 60 1O0 14-0 180 Longitude -I. -0.6 -0.2 0.2 0.6 1.0 Fig. 2 Correlation (De, Tc) for Ice Cloud (1; >= 3; 8701 NOAA-9) 1761 cirrus (D,=47.6 IJ.m), -400C cirrus (D,=64.1 I.tm), Nov. 1 [3] Ou, S. C., and K. N. Liou, 1995: Ice rrdcrophysics and cirrus (Dc=75.1 lam) and Cirrus uncinus (Dc=123.6 Ism). climate temperature feedback. Atmos. Res., 35, 127- Phase functions of these five size distributions for channels 1 138. and 3of AVHRR are applied in the model for calculations of [4] Platt, C. M. R., 1989: The role of cloud microphysics multiple scattering.The model results have been validated in high-cloud feedback effects on climate change. against clear sky observations and are consistent with the Nature 341,428-429. observed radiance range under cloudy conditions. [5] Heymsfield, A. J., 1977: Precipitation development in stratiform ice clouds: A microphysical and dynamical The results of this near-global survey show that the peak study. 3".Atmos. Sci. 34, 367-381. frequency of cirrus crystal effective diameter Dc for hexagons [6] Heymsfield, A. J., and Platt, C. M. R., 1984: A is about 60 _tm, the mean value corresponding to a 30 _tm parameterization of the particle size spectrum of ice radius for an equivalent sphere. The survey also reveals that clouds in terms of the ambient temperature and the ice about 15% of the small crystal sizes are less than 23 p.m in water content. ,1.Atmos. Sci. 41,846-855. effective diameter. The geographical distribution of small [7] McFarquhar, G. M., and A. J. Heymsfield, 1996: crystal sizes is consistent with the results of Prabhakara et al. Microphysical characteristics of three cirrus anvils [14]. There are no significant differences between particle sampled during the Central Equatorial Pacific sizes of continental and maritime cirrus. Experiment. J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 2401-2423. [8] Platt, C. M. R., J. C. Scott, and A. C. Dilley, 1987: RELATION BETWEEN ICE CRYSTAL SIZE Remote sounding of high clouds. VI, Optical AND TEMPERATURE properties of midlatitude and tropical cirrus, J'. Atmos. Sci., 44, 729-747. Figure 1 shows the distribution of correlation [9] Atlas, D., S. Y. Matrosov, A. L He_sfield, M. D. coefficients between ice cloud crystal size and cloud top Chou, and D. B. Wolff, 1995: Radar and radiation temperature for thick clouds (x > 10). Ice clouds over most properties of ice clouds. ,k.Appl. 2v[eteor., 34, 2329- of the regions show positive relation between ice crystal size 2345. and cloud top temperature, consistent with the results of [101 Matrosov, S.Y., D. Atlas, A.J. Heymsfield, and ILA. Heymsfield and Platt (1984). However, this relation changes Kropfli, 1995: Variations of cirrus cloud particle sizes when thin clouds are included into the statistics. Figure 2 with temperture: Results of remote sensing and direct shows that for ice clouds with (x _ 3, most ice clouds over measurements. Preprints, Cloud Physics Conf., tropical and sub-tropical regions show negative relation Dallas, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 55-58. between ice particle sizes and cloud top temperature. The [11] Brown, P. R. A., A. L Illingworth, A. J'. Heymsfield, possible explanation includes different cirrus systems over G. M. McFarquhar, K. A. Browning, and M. Gosset, tropics and midlatitudes. The strong convective motion in 1995: The role of space borne millimeter-wave radar tropics brought large ice crystal particles up to very high and in global monitoring of ice cloud. J. Appl. Meteor., cold regions and spread out to form vast and relatively thin 34, 2346-2366. anvils. Further information about the underlying mechanism [12] Han, Q.Y., W.B. Rossow, L Chou, and R.M. Welch, and possible explanations are under investigation. 1997: A near-global survey of ice cloud properties using ISCCP, Part I: Methodology. [Submitted to J. Climate, Accepted] REFERENCES [13] Mishchenko, M.I., W.B. Rossow, A. Macke, and A.A. [1] Stephens, G. L., 1984: The parameterization of Lacis, 1996: Sensitivity of cirrus cloud albedo, radiation for numerical weather prediction and climate bidirectional reflectance and optical thickness models. Mon. Wea. Rev. 112, 826-867. retrieval accuracy to ice panicle shape. Jr. Geophys. [2] Fowler, L. D., and D. A. 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