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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19980021427: Directional Agglomeration Multigrid Techniques for High Reynolds Number Viscous Flow Solvers PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19980021427: Directional Agglomeration Multigrid Techniques for High Reynolds Number Viscous Flow Solvers

AIAA-98-0612 Directional Agglomeration Multigrid Techniques for High Reynolds Number Viscous Flow Solvers D. J. Mavriplis Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE) NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit January 12-15, 1998 / Reno, NV For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, Virginia 20191-4344 DIRECTIONAL AGGLOMERATION MULTIGRID TECHNIQUES FOR HIGH REYNOLDS NUMBER VISCOUS FLOW SOLVERS D. J. Mavriplis Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering MS 403, NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681-0001 1. Abstract efficiently the thin boundary layers and wakes which occur at high Reynolds numbers. Additional stiff- A preconditioned directional-implicit agglomeration ness is induced in regions of low Mach number flow, algorithm is developed for solving two- and three- due to the disparity in eigenvalues corresponding dimensional viscous flows on highly anisotropic un- to the acoustic and convective wave speeds, as the structured meshes of mixed-element types. The Mach number tends to zero. multigrid smoother consists of a pre-conditioned The construction of an efficient solver requires point- or line-implicit solver which operates on simultaneous treatment of these effects. Semi- lines constructed in the unstructured mesh using a coarsening multigrid techniques as wcll as implicit weighted graph algorithm. Directional coarsening or line-solvers can be used effectively on structured agglomeration is achieved using a similar weighted grids to relieve the stiffness associated with highly graph algorithm. A tight coupling of the line con- stretched meshes [2, 3]. The basic semi-coarsening struction and directional agglomeration algorithms strategy consists of constructing coarser multigrid enables the use of aggressive coarsening ratios in levels by coarsening the original grid in the coordi- the multigrid algorithm, which in turn reduces the nate direction normal to the grid stretching, rather cost of a multigrid cycle. Convergence rates which than in all directions simultaneously. When conflict- are independent of the degree of grid stretching are ing stretching directions exist, multiple coarse grids demonstrated in both two and three dimensions. must be constructed, each generated by a coarsen- Further improvement of the three-dimensional con- ing in a particular coordinate direction [4]. However, vergence rates through a GMRES technique is also when a single stretching direction can be identified, demonstrated. only one family of directionally coarsened grids is required [5]. Semi-coarsening techniques can be generalized to 2. Introduction unstructured meshes as directional coarsening meth- ods [6, 7, 8, 9]. Graph algorithms can be constructed The goal of this work is the development of an to remove mesh vertices based on the local degree efficient solver for compressible steady-state high and direction of anisotropy in either the grid or Reynolds number Navier-Stokes flows on unstruc- the discretized equations. This is achieved by bas- tured meshes. The overall strategy is based on a ing point-removal decisions on the values of the dis- multigrid approach. Multigrid methods form the crete stencil coefficients. This is the basis for alge- basis of some of the most efficient available solvers braic multigrid methods [9], which operate on sparse for such problems, both on structured and unstruc- matrices directly, rather than on geometric meshes. tured grids. For inviscid transonic flow problems, These techniques are more general than those avail- multigrid methods can deliver converged solutions able for structured meshes, since they can deal with in under 100 cycles [1]. However, for high-Reynolds multiple regions of anisotropies in conflicting direc- number Navier-Stokes problems, and for flows in- tions. volving large regions of low velocity fluid, multigrid One of the drawbacks of semi- or directional- convergence rates degrade seriously. This degrada- coarsening techniques is that they result in coarse tion is due partly to the stiffness induced by the grids of higher complexity. While a full-coarsening highly stretched grids which are required to resolve approach reduces grid complexity between succes- sively coarser levels by a factor of 4 in 2D, and 8 in Copyright _)1998 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. 3D, semi-coarsening techniques only achieve a grid complexityreductionof2,inboth2Dand3D.This ual of a standard upwind scheme as the sum of a increasethsecostofamultigridV-cyclea,ndmakes convective term and dissipation term: theuseofW-cyclesimpracticalP. erhapms oreim- portantlyfor unstructuredmeshcalculationsth,e amounotfmemoryrequiredtostorethecoarsleevels neighbors 1 isdramaticalliyncreasedp,articularlyin3D. 5(F(wi) + F(wk)).nik -- 1IAikI(WL __WR) (1) An alternativeto semi-coarseniinsgto usean k=l implicitline-solveirn thedirectionnormaltothe gridstretchingcoupledwitharegularfullcoarsen- where the convective fluxes are denoted by F(w), nik ingmultigridalgorithm.Althoughpredetermined represents the normal vector of the control volume gridlinesdonotexistinanunstructuremdeshs,uch face separating the neighboring vertices i and k, and linescanbeconstructebdyidentifyingandgrouping Aik is the flux Jacobian evaluated in the direction togethenreighborinmgeshedgeussingagraphalgo- normal to this face. WL and wR represent extrap- rithm[10,11].Byusingaweightedgraphalgorithm olated flow values at the left and right hand sides with edgeweightswhichreflectthedegreeofcou- of the control volume face respectively. For a first plinginthediscretizatiobnetweenneighboringgrid order-scheme, these are taken as the values at the pointss,etsoflineswhichpropagatienthedirection vertices to the left and right of the control volume ofstronggridcouplingcanbeconstructe[d12]. interface, whereas for a second-order scheme, these Thesolutionstrategydescribedin this paper are extrapolated from the corresponding vertex val- addressethseanisotropy-inducsetdiffnessproblem ues using solution gradients pre-computed at these vertices. throughacombinatioonfimplicitlinesolverscou- pledwithdirectionacloarseninmgultigrid.Thiscou- pledalgorithmpermitsfastecroarseninrgateswhich resultinmoreoptimalcoarsgeridcomplexitiesT.he I low Mach number stiffness problem is addressed us- ing preconditioning techniques [13, 14, 15, 16], which are integrated into the overall directional implicit multigrid algorithm. The combination of these three techniques into a single solver has previously been demonstrated in the context of geometric multigrid for two-dimensional problems [12]. The current work represents an extension of this strategy to the more FIG. 1. Median control-volumes for stretched practical agglomeration or algebraic multigrid ap- quadrilateral and triangular elements proach for unstructured meshes, as well as the ex- tension to three dimensions. In this work, a matrix artificial dissipation is em- ployed. The matrix-based artificial dissipation 3. Discretization scheme is obtained by utilizing the same transfor- mation matrix [Aik[ as the upwind scheme, but The governing equations are discretized using a using this to multiply a difference of blended first finite-volume approach. Flow variables are stored and second differences (i.e. blended Iaplacian and at the vertices of the mesh, and control volumes biharmonic operator) rather than a difference of are formed by the median-dual graph of the origi- reconstructed states at control-volume boundaries. nal mesh, as shown in Figure 1. A control-volume The traditional scalar artificial dissipation scheme flux balance is computed by summing fluxes evalu- [17, 18, 19] is obtained by replacing the four eigen- ated along the control volume faces, using the av- values u, u, u+c, u-c in the IAik[ matrix of the ma- erage values of the flow variables on either side of trix dissipation model by the maximum eigenvalue the face in the flux computation. This construction [u]+ c, where u and c denote local fluid velocity and of the convective terms corresponds to a central dif- speed of sound, respectively. This matrix dissipa- ference scheme which requires additional dissipation tion construction has been found to deliver accuracy terms for stability. These may either be constructed comparable to an upwind scheme, while eliminating explicitly as a blend of a Laplacian and biharmonic the need to compute and store flow gradients at mesh operator, or may be obtained by writing the resid- vertices. Thethin-layerformoftheNavier-Stokeesqua- in efficiency can be obtained by using a Jacobi tionsisemployeidnallcasesa,ndtheviscoutserms preconditioning approach in conjunction with the arediscretizedtosecond-ordaecrcuracybyfinite- multi-stage scheme [22, 23, 24, 25]. The (q + 1)th differenceapproximation.Formultigridcalcula- stage of a Jacobi preconditioned multi-stage scheme tions,afirst-ordedriscretizatioinsemployefdorthe can be written as: convectivteermsonthecoarsegridlevels. Thesingleequationturbulencemodeol fSpalart w (q+l) ----w_°) ÷ [Di] -1 x l_(w (q)) (3) i andAllmaras[20]isutilizedtoaccounftorturbu- lenceeffectsT.hisequationisdiscretizeadndsolved where the scalar time step At from equation (2) is inamannecrompletelaynalogoutostheflowequa- replaced by the matrix time step given by the inverse tions,withtheexceptionthattheconvectivteerms of the matrix areonlydiscretizetdofirst-ordearccuracy. neighbors Thisparticuladriscretizatioinsdesignetdoenable OIL(w) 1]Aik]) (4) theuseofmixedelemenmt esheisntwodimensions [D,]- _ ----( Z k:l (quadrilateraalsndtriangles)andthree-dimensions (tetrahedrap,rismsp, yramidsh,exahedraM).eshes which is a 5 x 5 matrix (4 x 4 in two dimensions) ofdifferingelementtypesarehandledbyemploy- corresponding to the pointwise Jacobian of the resid- ingasingleedge-baseddatastructuretoassemble ual. Note that for a scalar dissipation scheme, this thefluxesacrossallelementtypes[21].In twodi- matrix becomes diagonal, and the scalar time-step mensionqs,uadrilateraellementasreemployeidnthe estimate is recovered, thus reducing the scheme to regionosfhighmeshstretchingw,hiletriangulaerle- the standard explicit multi-stage scheme. mentsareemployeidnisotropicregionosfthemesh. Additional preconditioning of the type described In threedimensionsh,exahedroar prismsareem- in [13, 14, 15, 16] must be implemented in order ployedinregionnsearthewall,whiletetrahedraare to address the stiffness problems induced by re- generallyemployeedlsewhereT.heuseofdifferent gions of low Mach number flows. Traditionally, elementtypesinregionsofhighmeshstretchingen- such preconditioners are described as a matrix mul- ablesamorecompletedecouplinogfthediscretiza- tiplying an explicit updating scheme, and a similar tioninthestretchingandnormaldirectionsa,sdis- matrix-based modification to the dissipation terms, cusseidnsection5. which improves the accuracy at low Mach numbers. Thus, the (q÷ 1)th stage of the standard multi-stage 4. Preconditioned Smoothing scheme (c.f. equation (2)) is rewritten as: Once the governing equations are discretized, they w(q+l) -- (0) +PAti × must be integrated in time to obtain the steady-state neighbors solution. This is achieved using a preconditioned ( (F(wiq)+F(wkq))nik multi-stage time-stepping scheme. An explicit k- k=l stage scheme can be written as: 1p-11pA,kI(WLq--WR q) ) (5) 2 w_°) _-- w._n) In the present work, we wish to implement this type of "preconditioner" in the context of a point-implicit (Jacobi-preconditioned) or line- w(q) = w_°)+ At, ×1%(w(q-l)) i implicit scheme. Since the low Mach number pre- (2) conditioning matrix is a point-wise matrix, its imple- Wi(qTi) = W} 0) ÷ Ati x Ri(w (q)) mentation for point-implicit schemes is similar as for line-implicit, or any implicit scheme. The approach taken, which was originally described in [26, 21], is to modify the dissipation terms in the discretization, as per equation (5) ,and then simply take this mod- where At represents the scalar time step estimate. ification into account in the point-wise linearization While such a scheme is commonly used for scalar ar- that is required for the point-implicit Jacobi scheme. tificial dissipation discretizations, for upwind or ma- Thus, the (q + 1)th stage of the low Mach number trix dissipation discretizations substantial increases preconditioneJdacobmi ulti-stagsechembeecomes: the line length becomes one (i.e. 1 vertex and zero edges), as is the case in isotropic regions of the mesh. w(q+l) _ (0) In summary, the final scheme, which is used as i = w i -F a smoother for multigrid on all levels, results in a point-implicit low-Mach number preconditioned × neighbors - 1 multi-stage scheme in isotropic regions of the mesh, and a line-implicit low-Mach number preconditioned neighbors multi-stage scheme in regions of high mesh stretch- ing. A three-stage multistage scheme with stage k=l ] coefficients optimized for high frequency damping --2P-I[PAikI(WL a- wRq) ) (6) properties [28], and a CFL number of 1.8 is used in all computations. In regionswhere the Maeh number isrelatively large,the low Mach number preconditioningma- 5. Directional Agglomeration trixP becomes the identitymatrix, and effectof and Line Construction the preconditionervanishes.Inthiscase,theabove scheme revertsto the3acobipreconditionedscheme The stiffness due to grid anisotropy is addressed by a ofequations(3).Likewise,forscalardissipationdis- directional agglomeration multigrid strategy coupled cretizations (i.e. when [PAik[ is approximated as with a line-implicit smoother. The combination of a diagonal matrix), this scheme reverts to the low these two strategies into a single algorithm has been Mach number preconditioned schemes characterized found to result in a more robust and efficient solution by equation (5) and described in [13, 14, 16]. The method than the use of either strategy alone [29, 12]. particular form of the preconditioning matrix P em- ployed is that described in [27]. The implementa- tion described therein is attractive because it can In regions of high grid stretching, standard direc- be achieved without any change of variables in the tional agglomeration (i.e. coarsening) results in the original discrctization. removal of one grid point for every retained coarse grid point. This produces a sequence of coarse grid Equation (6) represents the scheme used in levels for which the complexity between successive isotropic regions of the mesh. In regions of large levels decreases by a factor of 2. Isotropic agglom- mesh stretching, this pointwise scheme is replaced eration, on the other hand, produces a coarse grid by a line implicit scheme, operating on grid lines complexity reduction of 4:l in 2D and 8:1 in 3D. The which are pre-constructed in the grid. The im- higher complexity of the directionally coarsened lev- plicit system generated by the set of lines can be els greatly increases memory overheads, particularly viewed as a simplification of the general Jacobian in three dimensions, and makes the use of the multi- obtained from a linearization of a backwards Euler grid W-cycle impractical, since the operation count time discretization, where the Jacobian is that ob- of the W-cycle becomes unbounded in such cases as tained from a first-order discretization, assuming a the number of grid levels is increased. constant Roe matrix in the linearization. For block- diagonal preconditioning, all off-diagonal block en- The implicit-line solver achieves superior smooth- tries are deleted, while in the line-implicit method, ing of error components along the direction of the the block entries corresponding to the edges which implicit lines, as compared to a regular explicit constitute the lines are preserved. The line-implicit scheme. This in-turn permits the use of an ac- solver is introduced into the current solution strat- celerated coarsening schedule by the agglomeration egy as an extension of the Jacobi preconditioner. multigrid algorithm. However, since the implicit At each stage in the multi-stage scheme, the_orr6c- line-solver is only effective at smoothing error com- tions previously obtained by multiplying the resid- ponents along the implicit lines, multigrid coarsen- ual vector by the inverted block-diagonal matrix are ing must proceed precisely along the direction of replaced by corrections obtained by solving the im- these lines. This requires a close coupling between plicit system of bl0ck-tridiagonal matrices generated the directional agglomeration algorithm and the line from the set of lincs. This implementation has the construction algorithm. Both techniques are based desirable feature that it reduces exactly to the block- on weighted graph algorithms, and must employ the diagonal preconditioned multi-stage scheme when same definition of the graph weights. Agglomeratiomnultigridmaybeviewedasasim- thisorderedlististhenpickedasthestartingpoint plifiedalgebraicmultigridstrategy.Coarselevel foraline.Thelineisbuiltbyaddingtotheoriginal gridsareconstructebdyfusingtogetheorragglomer- vertextheneighborinvgertexwhichismoststrongly atingneighborincgontrovlolumetsoformacoarser connectetdothecurrentvertex,providedthisver- setoflargerbutmorecomplexcontrolvolumesI.n texdoesnotalreadybelongtoaline,andprovided thealgebraiicnterpretationofagglomeratiomnulti- theratioofmaximumtominimumedgeweightsfor grid,thecoarselevelsarenolongergeometrigcrids, thecurrentvertexisgreaterthan a, (using a = 4 butrepresengtroupingosffinegridequationwshich in all cases). The line terminates when no addi- aresummetdogethetroformthecoarsegridequa- tional vertex can be found. If the originating vertex tionssets[6,30].Thereforeit,isimportanttobase is not a boundary point, then the procedure must be thedirectionaalgglomeratioanndlineconstruction repeated beginning at the original vertex, and pro- graphweightosnalgebraiqcuantitiessuchasstencil ceeding with the second strongest connection to this coefficientrsa,therthangeometriqcuantitiessuchas point. When the entire line is completed, a new line edgelengthsw, hichmaybeill-definedonthecoarse is initiated by proceeding to the next available vertex levels.Howevera, one-to-onceorrespondenbcee- in the ordered list. Ordering of the initial vertex list tweenstencicloefficientasndgridedgeosnlyexists in this manner ensures that lines originate in regions forscalaerquationasndisnotpossiblfeorsystemosf of maximum anisotropy, and terminate in isotropic equationsF.orthisreasont,heedgeweightsforthe regions of the mesh. The algorithm results in a line-constructioanlgorithmandthedirectionaalg- set of lines of variable length. In isotropic regions, glomeratioanlgorithmaretakenasthestencicloef- lines containing only one point are obtained, and ficientsofascalacronvectioenquationdiscretizeodn the point-implicit or Jacobi pre-conditioned scheme thefinegridusingthefinite-volumaepproachO. n is recovered. thefinelevel,thesecorrespontodthearea-weighted normalsofthecontrolvolumefacesdelimitingtwo The agglomeration algorithm consists of choosing neighborinvgerticesO. nthecoarselervelst,heseare a seed point (i.e. a control-volume) which initiates a local agglomeration, and then agglomerating the constructebdysummingtheconstituenftinelevel facenormals. neighboring control volumes to the seed point. The isotropic version of this algorithm [32, 33, 18] consti- Forhighlystretchedquadrilateraclells,thisre- tutes an unweighted graph algorithm. In this version sultsin largeweightsbeingassociatewdith grid of the algorithm, each time a seed point is chosen, all edgesnormalto thedirectionof stretchinga, nd neighboring points are agglomerated to this point. smalledgeweightsin thedirectionparalletlo the The directional agglomeration algorithm is based on stretchinga,scanbeinferredfromtherelativesizes a weighted graph technique. The edge weights are ofthecontrovlolumefacesinFigure1.Howevefro,r defined in the same manner as for the line construc- stretchedtriangulacrellst,hediagonaglridedgerse- tion algorithm. Once a seed point is chosen, only sultinweightswhichmaybecomparabilnethetwo those neighboring points that are connected to the directions.Thisweakerdecouplinogfthenormal seed point through an edge of weight greater than andstretchingdirectionfsortriangularelementisn /3 × maxweight are agglomerated, where maxweigh_ twodimensioncsanproduceundesirablreesultsin denotes the maximum edge weight incident to the thelineandagglomeratioanlgorithms.Therefore, seed point. Taking j3 -- 0.5 reproduces the isotropic weemployquadrilateraellementinstwodimensions agglomeration algorithm in regions were all edge inregionosfhighmeshstretchinga,ndprismatic(or weights are close in size. Howcver, in regions where hexahedrael)lementisnhighlystretchedregionsfor one edge weight is much larger than the others, a threedimensionamleshesA. n alternateapproach directional coarsening is achieved. This results in wouldbetoemployadifferenctontrovlolumedefi- a 2:1 coarsening ratio in such regions. In order to nition,suchasacontainment-dubaalsedcontrovlol- obtain a 4:1 coarsening ratio, the process must be ume[31],andretainsimpliciaellementisnthesere- repeated. This will result in the agglomeration of gionsa,lthoughthishasnotbeenattemptedtodate. points or control volumes which were not originally neighbors of the initial seed point. This type of ag- Thelineconstructionalgorithmbeginsbypre- gressive coarsening can only be tolerated in regions computintgheratioofmaximumtoaveragaedjacent where the implicit line solver is used as a smoother. edgeweightforeachvertex.Theverticesarethen Therefore, the coarsening process is repeated only sortedaccordingtothisratio. Thefirstvertexin if the agglomerated control volume is joined to the currentseedpointbyanedgewhichispartofan implicitline.Theprocesissrepeateduntilfourcon- trolvolumesareagglomeratetodgethero,runtilno lineedgescanbefound. Fromtheabovedescriptionit,isevidentthatthe lineconstructioanndcoarseninpgrocesasreclosely coupledandmustbecarriedout simultaneously. Theedgeweightso,ncedefinedonthefinestlevel, arecomputedonthefly foreachcoarselrevelas theyarecreatedT. hewholeprocesissperformeidn apreprocessipnhgasea,ndtheoutput,consistinogf setsoflinesforeachlevelandcoarsgeridgroupings, ispassedtotheflowsolver. FIG.3. Directional Implicit Lines Constructed on i,' ._ .... _w_:-,_:-- .-_.,_ ........ _.-_i_-4 1 Grid of Figure 2 by Weighted Graph Algorithm F.,>.>_" -+;_,_1 FIG. 2. Unstructured Grid Used for Computation of Transonic Flow Over RAE _822 Airfoil. Number of Points = 16167, Wall Resolution = 10 -6 chords As an example, the directional implicit agglomer- ation multigrid algorithm has been applied to the FIG. 4. First Agglomerated Multigrid Level Con- grid of Figure 2. The lines created on the finest structed on Grid of Figure 2 Illustrating _:1 Direc- grid level are depicted in Figure 3. The first coarse tional Coarsening in Boundary Layer Region agglomerated level is illustrated in Figure 4, depict- ing the agglomerated cells in the boundary-layer re- gion near the leading edge, where a 4:1 directional coarsening is observed. Table 1 documents the com- plexity of the coarse grid levels using the isotropic agglomeration algorithm of [18], as well as the coarse grid complexity achieved using the current direc- tional agglomeration multigrid algorithm. The re- sulting complexity for a multigrid W-cycle is just 15 % larger for the directionally agglomerated grids than for the isotropically agglomerated grids. '. i ; ,' / '...'\ ', _ / / Regular AMG Directional AMG " i _/ " :: _\ \ k _ / I / " _- \ !:///i : i_'_X\ i I p Mesh Level Nnode Ratio Nnode Ratio _'_:: "it',,:_',/:?/)/;'/.--C"|P"l_\ _ ! _,, i )ri, _......... :-:-:'.-_-_'_ 16167 1 16167 1 4074 3.99 4476 3.61 '- _-',_'k\',"_J / : x 1038 3.92 1383 3.24 --_/:"!} ,.",..._/ ,/ ! "\ ,/ " " : ' ..... ' I ' / 268 3.87 585 2.36 '. 'y :' '\ W-Cycle Complexity 1.89 2.18 FIG. 5. Computed Mach Contours on Grid of Figure 2. Mach= 0.73, Incidence = 2.31 degrees, Re = 6.5 Table 1: Comparison of Coarse Grid Complexity and million Resulting W-cycle Complexity for Regular Isotropic Agglomeration and Directional Agglomeration Multi- grid 6. Two Dimensional Results __ l,e-05 NORMAL SPACING __ _ I.e-06NORMAL SPACING The combined directional-implicit agglomeration ....... !.e-07 NORMAL SPACING multigrid algorithm produces convergence rates in- dependent of the degree of grid anisotropy. This is _1.. EXPLICIT FULL COARSENING MG demonstrated in two dimensions by solving the tran- "__ _::'"--:........................................ sonic flow over an RAE 2822 airfoil on three different grids. All three grids contain the same distribution _. of boundary points, but different resolutions in the direction normal to the boundary and wake regions. _ The first grid contains a normal wall spacing of 10-5 chords, and a total of 12,568 points, while the second grid contains a normal wall spacing of 10 -6 chords, and 16,167 points, and the third grid a normal wall spacing of 10-7 chords, and 19,784 points. The cells in the boundary layer and wake regions are gener- I ' . _ ] "-it, 100 20_ 300 400 _0 6(]0 ated using a geometric progression of 1.2 for all three Number of MG Cycles grids. The second grid, depicted in Figure 2, con- tains what is generally regarded as suitable normal FIG. 6. Comparison of Explicit Isotropic and and streamwise resolution for accurate computation Directional-Implicit Agglomeration Multigrid Algo- of this type of problem, while the first and third grids rithm Convergence Rates on 3 Grids of Varying Nor- mal Resolution are most likely under-resolved and over-resolved in the direction normal to the boundary layer, respec- tively. cretization. The use of more accurate matrix dissi- pation with the explicit full-coarsening multigrid al- __ MACH NUMBER =0.73 gorithm produces slower and less robust convergence ___ MACH NUMBER =0.I rates. The directional implicit agglomeration algo- ....... MACH NUMBER =0.01 rithm operates on the matrix dissipation discretiza- tion and uses a three stage time-stepping scheme _ NON-PRBC_NDIT[ONED IMPLICrr MG with no residual smoothing but with point- or line- preconditioning where the jacobians are evaluated _" 'x .............'...."-:, and inverted only at the first stage of the scheme and then frozen for the remaining stages. Although Fig- .....\_._ .. ......."."............ure 6compares the two schemes in terms of multigrid cycles, the cost per cycle of both schemes is relatively close, the directional implicit agglomeration scheme being about 15% more expensive per cycle, which is mainly due to the added work for the evaluation of the matrix dissipation. The benefits of low Mach-number preconditioning w lOO 2{)0 3OO 4OO 5O0 6OO Number of MG Cycles are demonstrated in Figure 7, where the flow over an RAE 2822 airfoil at varying Mach numbers has FIG. 7. Comparison of Low-Mach Number Precon- been computed on the grid of Figure 2 using the di- ditioned and Unpreeonditioned Directional-Implicit rectional implicit agglomeration algorithm with and Agglomeration Multigrid Algorithm Convergence without the low Mach number preconditioner. For Rates for Various .freestream Mach Numbers the transonic case, the preconditioner is not active, and both cases give identical convergence. However, as the Mach number is lowered, the convergence rate The Mach number for this case is 0.73, the incidence degrades substantially for the cases run with no pre- is 2.31 degrees, and the Reynolds number is 6.5 mil- conditioning, while the preconditioned cases all con- lion. The computed solution on the grid with nor- verge to machine zero in approximately 300 cycles. mal wall spacing of 10-6 chords is depicted in Figure This example demonstrates the importance of em- 5. The flow is transonic and the low Mach number ploying both techniques simultaneously (low-Mach preconditioning matrix reverts to the identity ma- number preconditioning and directional implicit ag- trix for this case. With the effect of this precondi- glomeration) in order to obtain rapid convergence tioning removed, a more direct comparison between rates for subsonic Navier-Stokes flows. the directional implicit multigrid and the previously developed unpreconditioned full coarsening multi- The computation of high-lift flows simultaneously grid method [18, 19] is possible. The convergence involves regions of low velocity fluid and high grid rates of both methods on all three grids are shown anisotropy, therefore providing a good demonstra- in Figure 6. The explicit full coarsening multigrid tion of the current algorithm. Figure 8 depicts an solver produces convcrgcnce rates which decay sub- unstructured grid about a three-element airfoil high- stantially as the grid stretching is increased. In lift configuration. The grid contains a total of 61,104 fact, the asymptotic rate of this scheme for the most points and a normal spacing of 10-6 chords at the highly stretched grid is almost two orders of magni- surface of each airfoil element. The implicit lines tude slower than that achieved on the least stretched generated by the graph algorithm for this case are grid. On the other hand, the directional-implicit depicted in Figure 9, and a qualitative view of the agglomeration scheme produces convergence to ma- solution as a set of Mach contours is given in Fig- chine zero in under 600 cycles and is essentially un- ure 10. The freestream Mach number for this case affected by the degree of grid anisotropy. This com- is 0.2, the incidence is 16 degrees, and the Reynolds parison represents the best possible performance for number is 9 million. The convergence rates of the each scheme. The explicit full-coarsening multigrid directional-implicit agglomeration scheme and the algorithm employs a five stage time-stepping scheme explicit full-coarsening agglomeration scheme are which is augmented with implicit residual smooth- compared on the basis of CPU time in Figure 11. ing and is used to solve a scalar dissipation dis- The explicit full-coarsening scheme employs a five

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