NASA-CR-204695 SdENCE i Reprint Series 17January 1997, Volume 275, pp. 375-377 Depletion of the Outer Asteroid Belt Jer-Chyi Liou* and Renu Malhotra Copyright © 1997 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science Depletion of the Outer Asteroid Belt Jer-Chyi Liou* and Renu Malhotra During the early history of the solar system, it islikely that the outer planets changed their distance from the sun, and hence, their influence on the asteroid belt evolved with time. The gravitational influence of Jupiter and Saturn on the orbital evolution of asteroids in the outer asteroid belt was calculated. The results show that the sweeping of mean motion resonances associated with planetary migration efficiently destabilizes orbits in the outer asteroid belt on a time scale of 10 million years. This mechanism provides an explanation for the observed depletion of asteroids in that region. Asteroids are small, rocky bodies less than major axes, of 7100 numbered asteroids (1) 1000 km in diameter that lie between the (Fig. 1) show four major features: (i) a lack orbits of Mars and Jupiter in the region of asteroids in the 1:2 interior mean morion traditionally called the asteroid belt. The resonance (MMR) (2) with Jupiter cen- outer asteroid belt, from 3 to 5astronomical tered at 3.28 AU, (ii) a lack of asteroids units (AU) from the sun, is nonuniform and between 3.5 and 3.9 AU, (iii) aconcentra- depleted of asteroids. The orbital eccentric- tion of asteroids in the 2:3 interior MMR ities and inclinations, as functions of semi- with Jupiter centered at 3.97 AU, and (iv) a lack of asteroids beyond the 2:3 interior J.-C. Liou, SN3, NASAJohnson Space Center, Houston, MMR. TX77058, USA. The "gravitational hypothesis" (3) pos- R. Malhotra, Lunar and Plan_a_ Institute, Houston, TX 77058, USA. tulates that the gravitational forces of the planets are responsible for shaping the as- •To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] teroid belt. This hypothesis has explained SCIENCE • VOL. 275 • 17 JANUARY 1997 875 gaps at the l:_, and 1:2 interior MMR ter with a0.2-AU inward migration and Sat- ets produced an efficient depletion in the locations and the depletion beyond the 2:3 urn with a 0.8-AU outward migration. We region between 3.5 and 3.9 AU on millikan- interior MMR (4-6). However, recent nu- used two migration schemes: (i) a linear mi- year time scales (Fig. 2, C through E). Th_ merical simulations of the solar system for a gration, wherein the p[anetar3' semimajor axes linear and exponential migration silnula- period of l billion years based on this hy- changed linearly with time, and (ii) an expo- tions gave similar results. They also indicate pothesis have failed to reproduce the ob- nential migration, wherein the rates of change that the slower the planets migrate, tht served lack of asteroids between 3.5 and L9 of planetary semimajor axes decayed expo- more efficient the depletion is. AU, prompting the conjecture that this nentially with time, with migration time Planet migration increased the efficienc_ feature may be related to the distribution of scales ranging from 1 million to 10 million of depletion of asteroids in this particula_ asteroids at the end t)f planetary formation years. The total integration times ranged from region because the depletion was caused b_ or to other nongravitational processes (7, 1 million to 100 million years. Hundreds of the sweeping of MlVlRs through the region a_ 8). Here we consider the planet migrati_m test asteroids were initially placed between 3.2 Jupiter migrated inward. It has been showr hypothesis that has been invoked for sever- and 4.2 AU. Their initial orbital eccentrici- recently that, in the current planetary c,n a[ outer solar system problems (9, 10). ties and inclinations were randomly chosen figuration, asteroid._ at the 4:7, 3:5, and 5:_" [)tiring the earb; history of the solar sys- between 0 and 0.1 and between 0° and 6°, interior MMRs with Jupiter (located al tem, it is likely that gravitational scattering of respectively. Their initial longitudes of as- 3.58, 3.70, and 3.80 AU, respectively) art planetesimals by giant planets caused the or- cending node, longitudes of pericenter, and unstable over million-year time scales (8 bits of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune to nil- mean longitudes were all randomly chosen 15). The orbit of an asteroid in one of thost grate ot,tward and the orbit of Jupiter to mi- between 0° and 360°. Once the initial condi- three resonances is highb/chaotic: An ini grate inward (l 1). This dynamical process, if tions of test asteroids and planets were set up, tially circular orbit at these resonances wil it occurred, would explain the peculiar orbit their equations of motion were numerically have its orbital eccentricity pumped up in ;_ of Pluto and the capture of Kuiper Belt objects integrated. In our calculations, the planets short period of time; eventually its orbi_ in MMRs with Neptune (9, I0). The migra- fidly interacted with each other and acted on crosses that of Jupiter, and close encounter- tion of the giant planets would also have test asteroids, whereas the test asteroids did with the planet relnove it from that region affected the evolution of the main belt aster- not affect the motions of planets. It is these three NtMRs that provide th_ oids and may have been responsible for some Our simulation with no planet migration 50°8, depletion ¢_fasteroids from the oute, of the hitherto unsolved mysteries of the ob- (Fig. 2B) is consistent with previous work: served structure of the asteroid belt (9). We (i) most asteroids at the 1:2 interior MMR 1:2 4:7 3:5 5:8 2:3 numerically calculated the orbital evolution were depleted (5), (ii) asteroids at the 2:3 of 200 test asteroids initialh/in near-circular, interior MMR were maintained in stable low-inclination orbits m the outer asteroid resonance, (iii) asteroids outside 4 AU were belt under the perturbing forces of Jupiter and removed by close encounters with Jupiter Saturn--when the planets are in their current (6), and (ix,) the depletion of asteroids be- orbits and when they are in radial migra- tween 3.5 and 3.9 AU was only about 50% tion-to determine hmv planetary migration (7). The latter depletion fraction did not ....... would have affected the asteroid distribution. increase even with a 10-fold longer integra- "_ 0 ' We used two numerical integration meth- tion of 1 billion years (8). On the other ods: an implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with a hand, in our simulations with planetary mi- self-adjusting step-size control (RADAU) gration, the orbital migration of giant plan- (12) and a modified mixed-variable quasi- symplectic mapping (13). RAI)AU handles " ............ 1 close encounters between a test asteroid and a planet accurately, but its slow calculation rl_ _ .... 1_21 r T 2_? .... A 1!1 : speed makes it impractical for a systematic study of the ew4ution of a large number of '°I.... ' ' ...... 1 asteroids over 10 million years. The mapping method is at least one order of magnitude 03.0 i 3.5 4.0 i 4.! faster than RADAU, so it issuitable fi)r study- Semimajoraxis(AU) ing the long-term evolution of test asteroids; Fig. 2. (A)Distribution of the observed numbere however, it is not accurate for close encoun- asteroids. Thelocations of the 1:2, 4:7, 3:5, 5:_ ters, so we terminated the integration of any and 2:3 interior MMRs arelabeled bythe bold lin asteroid that had a close encounter with any segments at thetop. (B)Distributionof 200 testa_ planet (14) and presumed that it had been teroidsafter1O0millionyearsofnumerical simulatio removed from the asteroid population. We ina sun-Jupiter-Saturn-asteroids system [adapte, from (16)].Jupiter and Saturn are interacting 'wit: compared the results of simulations using both ......... _L eachother with no radialmigration. Thedotted lit integrators fi)r integration times less than 10 3 4 5 indicates the initialdistribution ofthe test asteroid: million years and found that, statistically, Semimajoraxis(AU) The1:2 gapwasformed after10millionyears.AboL both integrators gave the same results. For Fig. 1. Distribution ofthe observed asteroids be- 50%ofthe originalasteroids stillremained betwee, integrations longer than 10 million years, we tween 2 and 5.4 AU on the basis of their orbital 3.5and 3.9AUatthe endofthe simulation.(C),(D used only the mapping integrator. eccentricities (A)and inclinations(B)asfunctions and (Elshow results fromthree different numeric, i We modeled the migration of a planet by ofsemimalor axes. The gaps and concentrations simulationsofsun-Jupiter-Saturn-asteroids systerr : applying a fi_rce opposite to (or along) its ofasteroids areassociated with the mean motion in which Jupiter migrated inward while Saturn IT orbital velocity vector such that it migrated resonances with Jupiter. The locations of four of grated outward linearly with time for 1, 2, and : radially inward (or outward) over time. We them--l:3, 1:2, 2:3, and 1:l--are shown by million years, respectively. Simulations with exp_ included two planets in our simulations: Jupi- dashed linesin(A). nentialmigration gavesimilarresults. 376 SCIENCE • VOL. 275 ° 17JANUARY 1997 beltintheclassiccaalse(noplanemt igra- in Fig. 2B. We conclude that the asteroids at del, Boston, 1985), pp. 185-202. tion).Whenthemigratioonfgianptlanetsthe 1:2 interior MMR were removed by the 13. R. Malhotra, Celestial Mech. Dyn. Astron. 60, 373 isincludeodr,morespecificalwlyh,enthe (1994). long-term perturbations of the planets after inwardmigrationofJupiterisincluded, 14. Integration of a test asteroid was stopped, and the planet migration ceased (17). asteroid was presumed to have been removed from thosethreeresonancsewseetphrougthhe the population, ifitcame within 1Hill radius rHof a regionbetwee3n.5and3.9AU.Asteroids REFERENCES AND NOTES planet. Once an object isless than 1rHfrom aplanet, originallnyotinanyresonanceenscounter the dominant perturber isthe planet, not the sun. The Hill radii of Jupiter and Saturn are 0.36 and 0.44 AU, thoseMMRsandgetcaptureadn, dtheir 1. E. Bowell, Asteroid Orbital Elements Database (Low- respectively. orbitsbecomcehaotic(Fig.3).It isthis ellObservatory, Flagstaff, AZ, 1996). 15. M. J. Holman and N. W. Murray, Astron. J. 112, 2. S. F. Dermott and C. D. Murray, Nature 301, 201 resonance-sweempeincghanistmhatde- 1278 (1996). (1983). AMMR occurs when the orbital period of an pleteassteroidfrsomtheoutebrelt. asteroid is asimple multiple of Jupiter's orbital pe- 16. R. Malhotra, unpublished material. Wealsoconsidertehdeeffectofthis riod. Inaddition to 1:2 and 2:3, interior MMRs are 17. Because of the geometric locations of the 4:7, 3:5, and 5:8 interior MMRs, Jupiter has to migrate in- also associated with other gaps in the asteroid belt. mechaniosnmotheprartosftheasterobidelt. ward, by about 0.2 AU, to remove asteroids in the 3. R.Greenberg and H.Scholl, inAsteroids, T. Gehrels, Asteroiodustsid4eAUwerreemovewdh,ere- Ed. (Univ. ofArizona Press, Tucson, 1979), pp. 310- 3.5- to 3.9-AU region. However, the migration time asasteroiwdseremaintainiendthe2:3inte- 333; A. M. Nobili, in Asteroids //, R. P. Binzel, T. scale and the migration scheme (linear, exponential, or other) are less constrained on the basis of the riorMMRat3.97AU(Fig.2),consistent Gehrels, M S. Matthews, Eds. (Univ. of Arizona population of asteroids in this region. The long-term Press, Tucson, 1989), pp. 862-879. withtheobservaesdterodidistributioHno.w- dynamics of the asteroids at 2:3 and 1:2 interior 4. J. Wisdom, Icarus 72, 241 (1987). MMRs after the planet migration ceased may provicle everi,noursimulationass,teroiwdserecap- 5. F. A. Franklin, Astron. J. 112, 1247 (1996}; A. Mor- more insight into these questions. turedandmaintaineindthe1:2interior bidelli, ibid. 111,2453 (1996). 18. We thank H.Zook for enthusiastic discussions. This MMRat3.28AU,contrartoytheobserved6. B. Gladman and M. Duncan, ibid. 100, 1680 (1990). research was performed while J.-C.L. held aNation- gapatthislocationA.plausibelexplanation87.. MM. LDeucnacr,an,F. FirnanCkilrinc,umsPt.ellSaorper, DIcuasrtusDis9k6s, 2a3n4d(1P99la2n)e.t aRlesReeasrecharchAssCocoiuantecsilh-NipASA andJRoh.Mns.onwasSpaacsetaff Csecnietenr- forthisdeficienicsythetimescaloefinsta- Formation, R. Ferlet and A. VidaI-Madjar, Eds. (Edi- tist atthe Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), which is bilityforasteroiidnsthatresonanIcnet.he tions Frontieres, Gif-sur-Yvette, 1994), pp. 245-255. operated by the Universities Space Research Asso- classiccaals(enoplanemt igrationth),etime 9. R.Malhotra, Nature 365, 819 (1993). ciation under contract NASW-4574 with NASA. 10.... Astron. J. 110, 420 (1995). Support was also provided by NASA's Origins of scalteocleatrhe1:2gapisontheordeorf10 11. J.A. Fern&ndez and W.-H. Ip, Icarus 58, 109 (1984); Solar Systems Research Program under grant 4474. millionyear(s5, Planet. Space ScL 44, 431 (1996). This paper is LPI contribution 905. 16). A hint of this long-term 12. E.Everhart, inDynamics ofComets: Their Origin and effect isevident in Fig. 2E and ismore obvious Evolution, A. Darusi and G. B. Valsecchi, Eds. (Rei- 4 September 1996; accepted 15 November 1996 A _ - 58 0.72 .:_; .:_a " ,,so.7o_,_-- . 121111i_ °6sL.... _ , ..... l__,'::J 1.0:lla_ . _ .h=. 00.6"8i v=_,: "-'=1 : 0.4_ • 0.2_ _,._....'_,'-:_ t C •-8 1oF_, _%-_ > Oo 0.5 1.0 1.5 zo Time (10syears) Fig. 3. Evolution of an asteroid in a sun-Jupiter- Saturn-asteroid system. The planetary migration time is2 million years. (A)Semimajor axis of the test asteroid normalized to the semimajor axis of Jupiter. Three horizontal linesshow the locations ofthe 5:8,3:5, and4:7 interior MMRs. AsJupiter migrated inward, the relativesemimajor axisofthe asteroid increased, This test asteroid was initially not inanyMMR with Jupiter; however, the inward motion ofJupiter caused the 3:5 interior MMR to sweep by and capture this asteroid into reso- nance at1.1 millionyears,Theeccentricity (B)and inclination (C) of the asteroid varied irregularly when itwas inresonance, Finally, itseccentricity increased to such an extent that itbegan to cross the orbit of Jupiter, and subsequent close en- counters with the giant planetfinally made itsorbit hyperbolic and removed it from the outer belt. SCIENCE . VOL. 275 , 17JANUARY 1997 817