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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19970010448: Development of a Closed-Loop Strap Down Attitude System for an Ultrahigh Altitude Flight Experiment PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19970010448: Development of a Closed-Loop Strap Down Attitude System for an Ultrahigh Altitude Flight Experiment

NASA Technical Memorandum 4775 Development of a Closed-Loop Strap Down Attitude System for an Ultrahigh Altitude Flight Experiment Stephen A. Whitmore, Mike Fife, and Logan Brashear January1997 NASA Technical Memorandum 4775 Development of a Closed-Loop Strap Down Attitude System for an Ultrahigh Altitude Flight Experiment Stephen A. Whitmore Dryden Flight Research Center Edwards, California Mike Fife Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Logan Brashear University of California Los Angeles, California National Aeronautics and Space Administration Office of Management Scientific and Technical Information Program 1997 I DEVELOPMENT OF A CLOSED-LOOP STRAP DOWN ATTITUDE SYSTEM FOR AN ULTRAHIGH ALTITUDE FLIGHT EXPERIMENT Stephen A. Whitmore NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Edwards, California Mike Fife Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Logan Brashear University of California Los Angeles, California Abstract bank angles. Effects of wind shears were evaluated and, for most cases, can be safely ignored. A low-cost attitude system has been developed for an Nomenclature ultrahigh altitude flight experiment. The experiment uses a remotely piloted sailplane, with the wings modified for flight at altitudes greater than 100,000 ft. Mission a quaternion component 1 requirements deem it necessary to measure the aircraft pitch and bank angles with accuracy better than 1.0°and b quaternion component 2 heading with accuracy better than 5.0°. Vehicle cost c quaternion component 3 restrictions and gross weight limits make installing a commercial inertial navigation system unfeasible, d quaternion component 4 Instead, a low-cost attitude system was developed using E expectation operator strap down components. Monte Carlo analyses verified that two vector measurements, magnetic field and F state equation matrix function, deg velocity, are required to completely stabilize the error airdata error covariance matrix, (ft/sec) 2 equations. In the estimating algorithm, body-axis GUk+l observations of the airspeed vector and the magnetic GVk+I inertial velocity error covariance matrix, field are compared against the inertial velocity vector and (ft/sec) 2 a magnetic-field reference model. Residuals are fed back to stabilize integration of rate gyros. The effectiveness of Gzk + 1 magnetometer error covariance matrix, (micro-Tesla) 2 the estimating algorithm was demonstrated using data from the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Systems H altitude, ft Research Aircraft (SRA) flight tests. The algorithm was I identity matrix applied with good results to a maximum 10° pitch and ume integral of roll rate, deg time integral of pitch rate, deg ume integral of yaw rate, deg "Aerospace Engineer, Senior Member AIAA _Graduate Student, Student Member AIAA K airdata/velocity correction gain matrix *Graduate Student Copyright © 1997 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and k time index Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has a royalty-free license to lat latitude, deg north exercise allrights under the copyright claimed herein for Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner. long longitude, deg west 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics M[.] direction cosine matrix Superz_ripts and subscripts mJ4 i,jthcomponent of direction cosine matrix []_ vertical (+ down) component of Pza state error covariance matrix, previous Earth-axis vector data frame, deg-" []e east component of Earth-axis vector Pk+l,"k predicted state error covariance []_'k state estimate from previous data frame matrix, deg2 []k.1/_ state estimate-based open-loop integration corrected state error covariance e_+l/k+l matrix, deg2 []k+l,k+l state estimate after correction by magnetometer or velocity data P roll rate, deg/sec [1_,,, lateral component of body-axis vector q pitch rate, deg/sec [1/o.8 longitudinal component of Ok+l state equation error covariance body-axis vector matrix, (deg/sec) 2 []. north component of Earth-axis vector O.r quaternion vector [].... normal component of body-axis vector IIQ,II norm of the quaternion vector []r matrix transpose r yaw rate, deg/sec ['] state estimate after magnetometer T magnetic field reference datum, correction micro-tesla ['] time derivative, l/sec t time, sec to initial time, sec Acronyms U airspeed vector, ft/sec ADC airdata computer V inertial velocity vector, ft/sec DFRC Dryden Flight Research Center W wind velocity vector, ft/sec FCS flight control system Z magnetometer measurement, micro-tesla GPS Global Positioning System angle of attack, deg INS inertial navigation system angle of sideslip, deg MOS model output statistics 8 vector error, deg RT-FADS real-time flush airdata sensing At sample interval, sec SRA Systems Research Aircraft n angular velocity matrix, deg/sec Introduction ® attitude vector, deg 0 pitch angle, deg. Interest in ultrahigh altitude aircraft for atmospheric K magnetometer correction gain matrix sampling and remote Earth-sensing is growing, and several aircraft are currently in the process of proving state transition matrix the feasibility of extended duration flight to a maximum bank angle, deg. altitude of 80,000 ft. Requirements for flights as high as an altitude of 120,000 ft have been identified. These yaw angle, deg. flight regimes are difficult to design for, because integrating factor matrix, deg research into low-Reynolds number, high-subsonic aerodynamics has been very limited. Although some (0 angular velocity vector, deg/sec basic airfoils for this flight regime have been analyzed Iloall norm of the angular velocity integral, deg and tested in wind tunnels, 1.2fundamental data on entire vehicle aerodynamics, flight mechanics, and flight V gradient vector performance are lacking. 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics A preliminary design study was undertaken at the high altitudes has been achieved, the rocket pack is NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) recently 3 jettisoned. At launch and during the transition with the objective of finding a satisfactory method for maneuver, accelerations along the vertical axis achieving trimmed flight at an altitude of 100,000 ft. The are substantial. Figure 2 shows a schematic of the study for a high-altitude flight experiment examined mission concept. several possible techniques for achieving this objective. The study examined the feasibility of using a high- The unpowered aircraft will collect airfoil altitude balloon to tow aremotely piloted sailplane to an aerodynamics and vehicle performance data from launch altitude of 100,000 ft, where it would be released and to a lakebed landing at Edwards Air Force Base. The flown back to a lakeside landing on Rogers dry lakebed principal research objectives of the ultrahigh altitude at Edwards Air Force Base, California. flight experiment program are: The preliminary study concluded that the most feasible 1. To validate high-altitude airfoil design approach is to use a commercially available sailplane, methodologies by measuring airfoil and vehicle with the wings modified for the low-Reynolds number, characteristics at low Reynolds numbers and high-subsonic Mach number flight. For the ultrahigh high subsonic Mach numbers in a low-turbulence altitude flight experiment, no propulsive power plant flight environment. exists and this provides a low-noise environment for 2. To establish a test bed aircraft for ultrahigh altitude studying low-Reynolds number transition phenomena. flight research. A portion of the unswept, untapered wing will serve as a test section for examining flow transition physics Onboard measurements include boundary-layer velocity under these conditions. Figure 1 shows the ultrahigh profiles from total pressure rakes at several streamwise altitude vehicle. locations, chordwise pressure distributions, the boundary-layer laminar-to-turbulent transition state, The current mission plan requires a nosedown airfoil section drag (fixed wake rake), and flight balloon release, with booster rockets used to generate mechanics data such as local angle of attack, free-stream pseudolift to turn the vehicle from its nosedown airdata, linear accelerations, angular rates, and the configuration to level flight. After sufficient Mach aircraft attitudes. The experiment will use an onboard number, (approximately Mach 0.65) for free flight at data acquisition system, and data will be telemetered to section 3 78 I Topview in. 78.03 t_t_ in. i Frontview 960644 Figure 1.The ultrahigh altitude vehicle. 3 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics .__Alrcraft release i \ \,..Ascent \ Transitionto _''_',_ _orizontal fligh_1" _ _1 .... __... "_ Testmaneuvers / RocketI)_=="::__-u_rn / r-.__ -------_- ( toachieve _. horizontalflight _ \"- _-_-_-'----_.--.--_J-""\ Rocketpack \ I releaseforrecovery / f J ¢. Bsllo \_ Roger'sDryLake _ ...... Edward'sAFB =_--A_rc_-a;_ndTng 960645 Figure 2. Schematic of mission concept. a ground-based recording station. Flight test maneuvers systems, both gimballed and strap down, 4but the costs of will consist of stabilized turns to achieve higher than 1-g these systems are considered excessive for the ultrahigh trim angles of attack and constant lift coefficient or altitude flight experiment program. Gross vehicle weight Mach-number descents. at high altitudes is of concern, and the extra weight penalty caused by adding a full inertial navigation To accomplish the research objectives of this system (INS) was considered undesirable. Furthermore, experiment, measuring the absolute pitch and roll the desired accuracy requirements will not be met by orientation of the aircraft to better than 1.0° and a open-loop integration of strap-down rate gyros. resolution of 0.5° at the high altitudes is necessary. For pilot navigation, measuring the vehicle heading with an To circumvent this problem, a simple lightweight, absolute accuracy of better than 5.0° with a resolution low-power consumption, strap-down attitude system of 1.0° is desirable. These attitude requirements result concept was developed for this program and is detailed from the narrow speed range allowable along the flight in this paper. In this system concept, body-axis envelope at these extreme altitudes. Flying too fast observations of the airspeed and magnetic-field vectors causes the airfoil to develop shocks, causing potential are compared with the known measured inertial velocity separation and loss of lift. At excessive speeds, a flutter vector and known magnetic-field vectors (in Earth- boundary may also be approached. Flying too slowly relative coordinates) to provide a "virtually inertial" causes the aircraft to approach stall speed. Typically, an reference that is used to infer an attitude error. This error improper attitude will translate into an unacceptable is then fed back to correct and stabilize the rate-gyro speed change within approximately 5-10 sec. This speed integration. The system has the stability of gimballed change either drives the pilot into a "speed-induced" attitude systems, but relies on low-cost strap-down longitudinal oscillation or reduces the pilot's attention to components to gather the required information. The nothing but speed control. For this program the tolerance requirements for the test points are restrictive, and system performance isanalyzed for the launch trajectory using Monte Carlo s error simulations. Effects of precise attitude information is required to ensure that multiple flight conditions can be met simultaneously. instrumentation bias and random errors are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to what type of feedback is The stated requirements for attitude and heading could required to ensure full-loop closure and, hence, be achieved using state-of-the-art inertial navigation algorithm stability. 4 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Dataderivedfrom the NASADrydenSystem Here, 0 is the pitch angle, ¢ is the roll rate or bank ResearcAhircraft(SRA)flighttest6sareusedto angle, and _ is the yaw or heading angle. The angular demonstrattehe effectivenesosf the estimating velocity of the aircraft is typically measured by algorithmT.healgorithmwasappliedtodatafrom gyroscopic instruments fixed to the aircraft body axis. severafllightswithgoodresultsachievefodrupto10° The angular velocity vector (p is the roll rate, q is pitchandrollattitudeR.easonfosrestimatdeegradationthe pitch rate, and ris the yaw rate) expressed in body athighattitudeasrediscusseEdf.fectsofwindshearosn axis, is related to Earth axis by a transformation similar attitudeestimateasreevaluateudsingrawindsondeto equation 1:6 weathebralloonmeasurements. Coordinate Definitions 1 [cosO (sin(l)sinO) cosOsinO = c--osO/ cos¢cosO -sinOcosO i] (2) sin@ cos O Figure 3shows the coordinate definitions used in this report. The Euler angles describe the aircraft body-axis orientation (in longitudinal, lateral and normal Proposed Attitude System coordinates, with respect tothe local tangent plane of the Earth and true north) in north, east, and down coordinates. The direction cosine matrix that allows Equation 3can be directly integrated to give the Euler transformation from Earth axis to body axis, is the angles, given a known initial condition. But because product of three successive rotations: 6 equation 3is neutrally stable, bias or systematic errors in I' 0 01FCoScos_0s0inq/ S0o01 M[O, ¢, _1 = 0 cos¢ sine 1 -sinw cosw 0 0 -sine cos¢_] [_sin0 0 cos0_] 0 0 1 (I) I (cos 0cos q/) (cos 0sinV) -( sin 0) = ](sinCsin0cos_F-cosOsin_) (sin0sin0sinw+ cos¢cos_) (sin0cosO = {mi, j} t.(cos@sin0cos_ + sinCsin_¢) (cosOsin0sinw- sin0cosw) (cos¢cos0 4 -- --/-'J--7" ...... "]'_ ___ -- Horizontal Vertical 960646 Figure 3.Axes and coordinate definitions. 5 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics the rate-gyro measurements cause the integration to drift body-axis observations of the magnetic field with a from the true attitudes as a function of time. Thus, loop magnetic-field datum derived from a mathematical closure is required to get a stable attitude measurement. model 7and the airspeed vector with the inertially sensed For conventional inertial systems, a stable reference is velocity to infer an attitude error. This error signal is fed provided by agimballed platform. Payload limitations of back to stabilize the gyro integration. Because the vehicle and large vertical accelerations at launch closed-loop stability is achieved with strap-down make this approach unfeasible for this ultrahigh altitude components, this system may be referred to as a flight experiment, as described earlier. "virtually inertial" attitude system. Table 1shows the list of required measurements, the data sources, and The system proposed for the ultrahigh altitude vehicle approximate sample rates at which the data will be used uses strap-down components that are low in cost, do not for typical applications. require a stable member to perform the integration, and are insensitive to large accelerations in the vertical axes. Required accuracy for the various sensing components Body-axis angular rates are integrated and stabilized using measurements of airspeed, inertial velocity, and will be developed by the simulation studies to be magnetic-field vectors. As will be shown in the results presented in the results and discussion section. Figure 4 and discussion section, two vector measurements, shows the basic system layout along with the structure magnetic field and velocity, are required to achieve of the estimation algorithm (to be developed in the complete three-attitude stability. The approach compares next section). Table 1. List of required measurements. Measurement Axis system Source Update rate Angular rates, p, q, r body axis Rate gyro, 3-axis 20-50 Hz Magnetic field vector, Z body ax_s 3-axis magnetometer 1 Hz Airdata, U., _, I] body axLs Airdata probe/boom 1-10 Hz Inertial velocity, V,, V,, Vj Earth axLs Global Positioning System (GPS) 1-10 Hz Aircraft lat, long, H Earth ax_s Global Positioning System (GPS) 1Hz Magnetic field datum, T Earth axis Spherical harmonic model 1Hz r Majorframe Rategyro GPS (3-exls[)p] reclever k+l JAt k k+llk +__ k+llk+l + False Magnetometer i (:)-axis) Magnetometer Tn,TeTd LSv] correction I-----] Spherical probe harmonic Zx,Zy,Zz model ,e--Latitude, longitude, altitude _0_7 Figure 4. Schematic of the ultrahigh altitude flight experiment attitude system. 6 American Instituteof Aeronautics andAstronautics

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