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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19970005122: Subsonic-to-Hypersonic Aerodynamic Characteristics for a Winged, Circular-Body, Single-Stage-to-Orbit Spacecraft Configuration PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19970005122: Subsonic-to-Hypersonic Aerodynamic Characteristics for a Winged, Circular-Body, Single-Stage-to-Orbit Spacecraft Configuration

NASA-TN-111926 AIAA-95-1848 Subsonic-to-Hypersonic Aerodynamic Characteristics for a Winged, Circular-Body, Single-Stage-to-Orbit Spacecraft Configuration W. P. Phillips and W. C. Engelund NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference June 19 - 22,1995 / San Diego, CA Forpermission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024 SUBSONIC-TO-HYPERSONIC AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS FOR A WINGED, CIRCULAR-BODY, SINGLE-STAGE-TO-ORBIT SPACECRAFT CONFIGURATION W. Pelham Phillips*and Walter C. Engelund§ NASA-Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia 23681-0001 ABSTRACT CA axial-force coefficient Experimental aerodynamic character- CD drag coefficient istics were obtained for a generic, winged, circular-body, single-stage-to-orbit spacecraft Ct rolling-moment coefficient configuration. The baseline configuration was longitudinally stable and trimmable at almost all Mach numbers from 0.15 to 10.0--with the dCt/dl 3, per degree exception occurring at low supersonic speeds. Landing speed and subsonic-to-hypersonic Cm pitching-moment coefficient longitudinal stability and control appear to be within design guidelines. Lateral-directional CN normal-force coefficient instabilities found over the entire speed range, however, create a problem area for this config- Cn yawing-moment coefficient uration. Longitudinal aerodynamic predictions made utilizing the Aerodynamic Preliminary CNo_ dCN/d0 _,per degree Analysis System (APAS) were in qualitative, often quantitative agreement with experimental values. dCN/dl 3, per degree Cy side-force coefficient NOMENCLATURE c¥13 dCy/dl 3, per degree b wing span, in. c mean aerodynamic chord, in. L fuselage length, in. L/D or CL/CD lift-to-drag ratio * Aerospace Engineer, Aerothermodynamics M Mach number Branch, Research Technology Group, Associate Fellow, AIAA. RN Reynolds number based on L § Aerospace Engineer, Vehicle Analysis SREF wing reference area, in.2 Branch, Space and Atmospheric Sciences Program Group, Member, AIAA. T temperature, °R Copyright © 1995 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright XCG center of gravity (moment isasserted in the United States under Title 17,U.S. reference center), 67 per- Code. The U.S.Government has royalty-free license cent L toexercise allrights under the copyright claimed herein forGovernment purposes. All other rights are angle of attack, degrees reserved by the copyright owner. angle of sideslip, degrees conditions and finally to compare engineering code-predicted aerodynamics with the ex- 8 control surface deflection perimental results. The present configuration is an "aerodynamically refined version" of a angle, degrees (+ for conceptual lox/hydrogen rocket-powered SSV trailing edge down) which resulted from a preliminary computer- ags.cxim aided vehicle design study (Ref. 3). The configuration of Ref. 3, shown in the upper B/F body flap part of Fig. 1, incorporated a "bubble" canopy and an abruptly faired forebody-fuselage e elevon interface which produced severe flow separations at approach and landing angles of max maximum attack (hence, the nonlinear pitching moment variation--labeled "Original" of Fig. 1). The o minimum flow separation problem was solved by removing the canopy, increasing the forebody t reservoir condition length, and improving the faring of the fuselage-forebody interface as shown in the trim longitudinally trimmed "Modified" model photograph (Fig. 1). This condition produced the significantly more linear pitching- moment curve shown for the configuration with the modified fuselage. Subsequently v tip fins changes in wing location and planform were w model surface; wall incorporated into the present configuration to surface minimize low speed trim penalties in order to reduce projected landing speeds. free-stream condition The purpose of this paper is to present aerodynamic characteristics for the winged, INTRODUCTION circular-body, single-stage-to-orbit spacecraft configuration which evolved experimentally. These results were obtained at Mach numbers Future space transportation systems of 0.15, 1.6, 2.0, 2.3, 2.96, 3.95, 4.63, 6.0 proposed for use in the twenty-first century and 10.0 in air. Tests were conducted in the will, by necessity, be less expensive (in both ViGYAN Research Associates 3 Ft. x 4 Ft. initial and operational costs), provide for Low-Speed Wind Tunnel, the NASA-Langley reduced turn-around time and operate in a more Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel, the Langley 20 efficient manner. These requirements point Inch Mach 6 Tunnel, and the Langley 31 Inch collectively toward a fully reusable, single- Mach 10 Tunnel at Reynolds numbers (based stage-to-orbit vehicle (SSV) system lacking in on model fuselage lengths) from about 0.92 x undue operational complexity as being a leading candidate for satisfying this need (e.g., 106 to 3.42 x 106. Subsonic and supersonic force and moment measurements were obtained the NASA-Access to Space Study recommendations of Ref. 1). The aerodynamic at angles of attack from approximately -4° to study of generic, SSV vehicles began within 20° and fixed sideslip angles of 0° and 5°. the Langley Aerothermodynamics Branch Hypersonic measurements were made over an (formerly the Experimental Hypersonics angle-of-attack range from about 0° to 38° at Branch) in concert with the Advanced Manned fixed sideslip angles of 0° and -2 °. These Launch System (AMLS) study of Ref. 2. The experimental characteristics are compared with objectives of this experimental study were to aerodynamics predicted using the Aerodynamic develop an aerodynamically viable, horizontal- Preliminary Analysis System (APAS) (Ref. 4) landing, single-stage-to-orbit vehicle (SSV), as part of the effort to calibrate the engineering codes. provide an extensive aerodynamic database at subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic flow found in Refs. 6 and 7, respectively. The METHOD ViGYAN tunnel is an atmospheric open-return wind tunnel operating at ambient temperatures Models and a maximum free-stream dynamic pressure of 40 lb./ft. 2 at a Mach number of about 0.15. The Single Stage Vehicle (SSV) models All four tunnels use the pitch-pause technique utilized in the present study are shown for obtaining force and moment data. The schematically in Fig. 2 and in the photographs hypersonic facilities employ model injection of Fig. 3. A 28.00 inch long model (Fig. 2(a)) systems to shelter the model and strain-gage was used in the subsonic investigation while a balance from tunnel starting and stopping 10.00 inch long model (Fig. 2(b)) was tested at loads. Injection also prevents undue heating of supersonic and hypersonic Mach numbers. A the model to reduce thermal conduction effects geometry difference existed in the low-speed on the balance and model components. This model fuselage which had a lower fineness last provision allowed the utilization of an ratio (5.83) than the design fineness ratio of aluminum SSV model in high speed tests of the 6.5. This 10 percent lower fineness ratio is not present study by limiting run times (the time the a significant factor for low speed tests. The model was exposed to the high stagnation high-speed model, however, was computer- temperatures of the hypersonic facilities). The control machined from aluminum and had a angle-of-attack range of the study extended surface tolerance within +--0.003 inch of from about -4° to 20° at subsonic speed, -4° to construction drawing specifications. The 24° supersonically and 0° to about 38° at the (SSV) configuration consists of a circular hypersonic Mach numbers. All tests were run cross-section fuselage, a low-mounted wing at fixed angles of sideslip of 0° and 5° at and vertical tip fins. The fuselage had a subsonic and supersonic speeds and 0° and -2° drooped forebody (positive camber) and a at Mach 10 (sideslip data were not obtained at fineness ratio of 6.5 (5.83 for the low-speed M = 6). Reynolds numbers, based on fuselage model). The wing planform, which was reference length, for the investigation are derived from an earlier space shuttle wing shown in Table I. design study (Ref. 5) had leading-and trailing- edge sweep angles of 45° and- 10% respective- Instrumentation and Setup. ly; modified NACA 0010 stream wise airfoil sections and 7° dihedral. The tip fins had flat The aerodynamic forces and moments plate sections with rounded leading edges. The acting on the models were measured with sting- exposed wings were fitted with partial span mounted, six-component strain gage balance elevons capable of deflections from -20 ° to arrangements. No base or chamber corrections +10 ° in 10° increments. A body flap capable of were applied to the data. Corrections have deflections of -10 ° (low-speed model only), 0° been applied to the angles of attack and sideslip and +10 ° was included in the models. Also, to account for sting and balance deflections the low-speed model wing could be moved aft under aerodynamic loading. All pitching- (0.75 in.) to be representative of a vehicle moment coefficient data are presented about the vehicle's most forward center of gravity, an- having dual (hydrogen and hydrocarbon) fueled rocket engines. Additional model ticipated to be at the XC.G./L = 0.67 fuselage physical dimensions can be found in Fig. 2. station for the baselined hydrogen-fueled configuration. Transition was fixed on the Facilities and Test Conditions. fuselage nose and wing surfaces with appro- priately sized and located grit strips for all tests The wind tunnel test conditions are at Mach numbers below 6.0 using the shown in Table I. Three Langley wind tunnels technique outlined in Ref. 8. and one privately-owned tunnel (ViGYAN 3 Ft. x 4 Ft. Low-Speed Wind Tunnel) were Engineering Code Predictions. used to cover a Mach range from 0.15 to 10. The physical and operational characteristics for The Aerodynamic Preliminary Analysis the supersonic and hypersonic facilities can be System (APAS) was used to predict longitud- Lateral-Directional Characteristics inal aerodynamic characteristics for the high- speed model at supersonic and hypersonic test 23 Low speed aerodynamics Mach numbers. The predictions included est- including adding tip fins. imates of longitudinal control effectiveness. The APAS code (Refs. 4 and 9) is an inter- 24 Super/hypersonic aerodynamics active computer program which allows the user including Mach number effects. to define a geometry model from configuration drawings and to specify the analysis conditions (e.g., wind tunnel test conditions) and the Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics. approach to be used. For example, the present predictions were determined using a combi- The low speed aerodynamic character- nation of tangent-cone, tangent-wedge and istics for the baseline Single Stage Vehicle are Prandlt-Meyer expansion methods to approx- shown in Fig. 4 which also shows the effect of imate pressure distributions over the model varying longitudinal control deflections for surfaces. Empirical techniques were then used trim. Herein are shown the variations of CL to account for the skin friction and base drag and Cm with alpha (Fig. 4(a)), L/D and CD coefficients acting on the model at test Mach versus alpha (Fig. 4(b)) and alpha and Cm numbers and Reynolds numbers. The APAS geometry model was composed of approx- versus CN (Fig. 4(c)). The pitching-mom=nt coefficient data were taken about a moment imately three hundred quadrilateral elements. reference point corresponding to the most forward center of gravity for the hydrogen RESULTS AND DISCUSSION fueled baseline vehicle (Xc.G./L = 0.67). Design goals for the present SSV concept include landing at approximately 200 knots at The experimental aerodynamic results, including the comparison with APAS an angle of attack of 12°. The data of Fig. 4(a) predictions are presented herein as follows: indicate that the configuration can attain a trimmed landing lift coefficient of about 0.42 at 12° angle of attack. Since this configuration's Figure Nofs). Effect(s) estimated landing weight-to-wing area ratio is approximately 50 lb./ft. 2, this lift capability Longitudinal Aerodynamics would imply a landing touchdown at about 205 knots, thereby satisfying the landing speed 4 Low speed trim. requirement for the vehicle. The maximum level of untrimmed lift-to-drag ratio is slightly 5 Low speed (hydrogen vs. dual higher than 6.0. The pitching-moment coeffi- fuel). cient data of Fig. 4(c) are shown as a function 6-11 Supersonic trim. of CN to enable analysis of the trim capability of the baseline configuration for the most aft 12-13 Hypersonic trim. center-of-gravity location (Xc.G./L= 0.693). The diagonal line labeled: (Xc.G./L= 0.693) 14-15 Hypersonic Reynolds number. on the figure indicates a condition of longitudinal trim for this most aft center of 16-21 Comparison APAS predictions gravity location. This figure presentation format is used for other Mach numbers (Figs. with super/hypersonic exper- imental data. 6 to 13) to simplify the experimental data analysis. The low speed pitching-moment 22 Summary aerodynamics coefficient variations of Fig. 4(c) show the baseline configuration to be longitudinally (experiment and APAS stable and wimmable for both the most forward predictions). and aft centers of gravity. 4 An attemptwas madeto determine supersonic Mach numbers (e.g., Figs. 6-9) gross low speed aerodynamic effects where a minimum trimmed angle of attack attributableto moving the wing aftward to capability of about 10° would be a reasonable simulatea dual (hydrogenandhydrocarbon) requirement. This trim problem could possibly fueled,geometricallysimilar SSVconfigura- be alleviated by slight increases in the elevon tion. Themostforwardcenterof gravityfor chord (area increase) coupled with negative suchavehiclewasestimatedtobelocatedatthe deflections of the body flap, which could not vehicle's 69 percentlength station. In an be accomplished for the high-speed model of attempttorepresentthisalternatevehicledesign this study. thewing wasmovedaft 0.75in. (correspon- ding to a movementof 2.68percentmodel At hypersonic speeds (Figs. 12 and 13) length). Theresultingaerodynamiccharacter- the configuration exhibits stable longitudinal isticsfor thetwoconfigurationsarecompared trim in the high angle-of-attack range required inFig.5foreachconfiguration'smostforward for hypersonic reentry. Stable trim conditions center of gravity. As can be observed in the exist for both forward and aft center-of-gravity figure, both configurations trim near a landing conditions at angles of attack in excess of 34°, attitude of 12° for the same elevon and body also a design requirement. Hypersonic flap deflections and exhibit only insignificant (L/D)max levels of approximately 1.4 to 1.6 differences in lift and drag characteristics. are achieved at angles of attack near 20°. Therefore, for similar vehicle volumetric Figures 14 and 15 show some hypersonic requirements and landing wing loadings, one effects of increasing Reynolds number for the might expect the "dual fuel" configuration to configuration with maximum positive long- achieve landing speeds and stable longitudinal itudinal control deflections (Se = _B/F = +10°). stability levels comparable to those for the This determination is important to show the hydrogen fueled SSV configuration. trend of increasing Reynolds numbers toward flight levels on the pitching moment character- Figures 6-11 show the aerodynamic istics for the aft center of gravity. The long- characteristics for the baseline SSV configura- itudinal characteristics obtained for increasing tion at Mach numbers from 1.6 to 4.63 for a Reynolds number from 0.92 x 106 to 3.42 x series of elevon and body flap deflection angles. Several trends are observed as Mach 106 at a Mach number of 6.0 (Fig. 14) and from 0.92 x 106 to 1.83 x 106 at M = 10.0 numbers increase: (L/D)ma x and CNo_(the indicate slight negative, or favorable pitching slope of the normal force coefficient curve) moment shifts. These trends would indicate experience slight reductions; and longitudinal the capability of accommodating further aft stability levels are drastically reduced (from a centers of gravity. Additional effects noted to very stable condition at M = 1.6 to instability at accompany the hypersonic Reynolds number the highest supersonic Mach numbers). A increases are moderate reductions in axial force condition of neutral stability occurs near a coefficient which are indicative of reductions in Mach number of 2.96 and, for higher super- skin friction drag coefficient. sonic Mach numbers (Figs. 10 and 11), the pitching moment curves begin to have the Comparisons of predicted supersonic character typical of hypersonic winged-body and hypersonic aerodynamic characteristics configurations--unstable at low angles with a (APAS) with experimentally obtained values transition to stable levels at high angles of attack. may be found in Figs. 16 - 21. These compar- isons are shown for the outer boundaries of the longitudinal control deflection envelope (e.g., Additionally, elevon and body flap effectiveness levels (to produce CN and Cm) 5e = -20 °, _B/F = 0° tO_Se= 5B/F = +10°). The were reduced with increasing Mach number. APAS trend at the lowest supersonic Mach The most significant longitudinal aerodynamic number (Fig. 16 for M = 1.6) is to over deficiency noted is the inability of the config- predict CNo c and under predict longitudinal uration to achieve longitudinal trim in the low- to-moderate angle-of-attack range at low stability levels (-Cmo t) and the level of axial force coefficients. Surprisingly, thelong- Mach numbers and the APAS predictions are in itudinaltrim pointpredictionfor theforward qualitative agreement. centerof gravity is accurate. The obvious reasonfor disagreementin prediction with Lateral-Directional Characteristics. experimentat low supersonicspeedsis the presentuseof theHypersonicArbitrary Body Subsonic lateral-directional aerody- Programin APAS which is inappropriateat namic characteristics for the configuration are low supersonicspeeds. As Mach numbers shown in Fig. 23 as are the effects of adding increaseto hypersonicspeedsimprovements the tip fins to complete the baseline SSV areseeninthepredictedlevelsofnormalforce configuration. The configuration without tip andpitching-momenctoefficients.Thetrendat fins is directionally unstable over the entire hypersonicMachnumbers(Figs.20and21)is angle-of-attack range. Adding the fins, to underpredictaxial force andthereforeto although producing stabilizing increments, falls overpredict (L/D)max. Predictionsof long- short of providing a directionally stable config- itudinal trim capability appearto matchthe uration. The tip fin addition also provides experimentadlata. favorable lateral stability increments (-Ctl3) which is enough to provide at least neutral Fig. 22 shows summary longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics as a function of lateral stability at landing attitude ((t = 12°!. Mach number for the experimental study and includes predicted data at supersonic and The supersonic and hypersonic lateral- hypersonic Mach numbers. The experimental directional aerodynamic characteristics (Fig. values of CNc t and minimum drag coefficient 24) show the baseline configuration to be directionally unstable at all Mach over the entire (Coo) (Fig. 22(a)) at low supersonic speeds angle-of-attack range. Positive effective are larger than the subsonic levels. As the dihedral is attained only at high angles of attack Mach numbers increase to 10.0, a gradual supersonically. At M = 10.0, the config- decline in the levels is shown. The correspon- uration appears to be laterally stable over the ding APAS predicted values are in reasonable anticipated flight angle-of-attack range. The agreement w_th CDo but the tendency is to over directional instabilities present over the entire predict CN_ particularly at low supersonic Mach number range coupled with marginally stable to unstable lateral characteristics produce Mach numbers. Experimental supersonic and severe aerodynamic control problems for the hypersonic (L/D)max levels (Fig. 22(b)) are configuration if extensive reliance upon substantially lower than the subsonic value of reaction control is to be avoided. The addition about 6.4 (e.g., 2.2 at M = 1.6 and 1.5 at M = to the configuration of a fuselage-mounted 10). Since these untrimmed (L/D)max levels vertical tail would tend to alleviate the subsonic are higher than similarly obtained values for the lateral-directional stability and control space shuttle orbiter (e.g., supporting studies deficiency. of Ref. 10) the present (L/D)max levels appear to be adequate for reentry, descent, approach, and landing flight for this class vehicle. The CONCLUDING REMARKS lower part of Fig. 22(b) shows the trimmed angle of attack capability for the baseline SSV Experimental longitudinal and lateral- configuration over the Mach range investigated. directional aerodynamic characteristics were The constant band on the figure, which extends obtained for a generic hydrogen fueled single- from transonic to high supersonic Mach stage-to-orbit concept herein referred to as the numbers, represents an estimate of the SSV configuration. Tests were conducted at minimum trim angle required (o_ = 10°) during low subsonic speeds, supersonic speeds and transition flight following reentry and hypersonic Mach numbers of 6.0 and 10.0. preceding the subsonic glide to landing. The The baseline SSV configuration was long- experimental results, as mentioned previously, itudinally stable and trimmable at nearly all indicate a trim deficiency at low supersonic study Mach numbers--the exception being supersonic Mach numbers from about 1.6 to 6 2.96 where the control effectivenesswas insufficient totrim thevehicleatanangleof 5. Phillips, W. P.; Decker, J. P.; Rau, T. attackof 10°. Thisdeficiencycouldprobably R. and Glatt, C. R.: "Computer-aided beovercomeby slightlyincreasingtheelevon Space Shuttle Orbiter Wing Design sizeandutilizing anegativelydeflectedbody Study," NASA TN D-7478, May 1974. flap. The configuration'slow speedaerody- namiccharacteristicsindicatethatit meetsthe 6. Jackson, C. M.., Jr.; Corlett, W. A. and design landing speed requirement for a Monta, W.J.: "Description and touchdownspeedof approximately200knots Calibration of the Unitary Plan Wind at an angle of attackof 12°. Untrimmed Tunnel," NASA TP 1905, (L/D)max levelsfoundoverthe flight Mach November 1981. numberrangeareindicativeofsatisfyingflight requirementsforthisclassvehicle. Ingeneral, 7. Miller, C. G., III: "Langley Hypersonic thelongitudinalaerodynamicpredictionsofthe Aerodynamic/Aerothermodynamic Aerodynamic Preliminary Analysis System Testing Capabilities-Present and Future," (APAS) were in qualitative, and often, AIAA Paper 90-1376, 1990. quantitativeagreemenwt ithmeasuremenwt,ith theaccuracyimprovingwith increasingMach 8. Braslow, A. L. and Knox, E. C.: number.Theexperimentallyobtainedlateral- "Simplified Method for Determination of directionalaerodynamiccharacteristicisndicate Critical Height of Distributed Roughness theconfigurationisdirectionallyunstableover Particles for Boundary-Layer Transition theentireMachrange.Thisinstabilitycoupled at Mach Numbers from 0 to 5," NACA withmarginallystable-to-unstablleateralchar- TN 4363, 1958. acteristicsindicatesa needtomodify lateral- directional aerodynamic controls to avoid 9. Cruz, C. I. and Wilhite, A. W.: extensive reliance on the reaction control "Prediction of High Speed Aerodynamic system. Characteristics Using the Aerodynamic Preliminary Analysis System (APAS)," IA Paper 89-2123, 1989. REFERENCES 10. Scallion, W. I. and Phillips, W. P.: ° "Access to Space Study-Summary "Space Shuttle Orbiter Trimmed Center- Report, Office of Space Systems of-Gravity Extension Study," NASA TP Development," NASA Headquarters, 2284, 1985. January 1994. . Freeman, D. C., Jr.; Wilhite, A. W.; and Talay, T. A.: "Advanced Manned Launch System Study Status," IAF Paper 91-193, 1991. ° Stanley, D. O.; Engelund, W. C.; Lepsch, R. A.; McMillin, M.; Wurster, K.E.; Powell, R. W. and Guinta, A. A.: "Rocket-Powered Single-Stage Vehicle Configuration Selection and Design," AIAA Paper 93-1053, 1993. . Bonner, E.; Clever, W. and Dunn, K: "Aerodynamic Preliminary Analysis System II, Part 1-Theory," 1989. TABLE 1-WIND TUNNEL TEST CONDITIONS FACILITY MACH NO. RN x 10-6 Tt,OR Tw/Tt ViGYAN 0.15 2.8 520 UPWT 1.6 - 4.63 1.67 585 20-IN.M6 6 0.92 - 3.42 805 0.6 31-IN.M10 10 0.92- 1.83 1840 0.3 8

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