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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19970003755: Soot Formation in Hydrocarbon/Air Laminar Jet Diffusion Flames PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19970003755: Soot Formation in Hydrocarbon/Air Laminar Jet Diffusion Flames

r NASA-CR-2025_9 , /: ? SOOT FORMATION IN HYDROCARBON/AIR LAMINAR JET DIFFUSION FLAMES / by P.B. Sunderland and G.M. Facth Department of Aerosp_e..En.gineering The University ot M_c.mgan Ann Arbor, M148109-2118 _. . _ ............. th_ hazards of unwanted fi -, ,-- , affect the durabili_ ml.d pe_'tormanceot_pr°Pnmr_es_an_'t_e - potential for developing computational and partic•ulate ctm•sszons frotmhescoeombouss.uor-vativ,"o.ntsh,isi"n,vestigatiinovnolved anexpeaitmntasltudyofthe combusuon.. Mouvated b.y ...... -_,_--;--o- ;,., diffusion flames, seeking an improved undc_tand_g su'uctur¢aria.sootpro.l__.rt_keso' -_,,_fi_'_) '_tt_ diffusionflames. The pr,scn.tstuay,ex__.n__,ca_n_ •-,t _ tortnataon tgl"Qwut _''_""" " ..... r_l ...t ¢a-w_ttnrmation 111atTC,tyicnedma ta_u_ ,o..,_.- . " " SD:IOK¢ Lt"lL._tsJ m_.L..... , . . work m thislaboratory concermnglamm_ ___. 1_. A.,_-o,+_,/air laminar let dif_uslonflamesfor jet diffusion flames [2], cmphasmng soot formauo, m hy,_, ...... fuels other than acetylene. Past studies of SOOtf_ a_rcreviewed " limited. these summaries indicated that present undcrstanmng uL _ ,-,-_- jet diffusion flamcs az Thus, Sunderland ct al. [2] carried out mcasurtnmnts in acctylcnedair laminar pressures of O.12-0.25 ann, _,_,v---.--_-o . . _ ,__.,. .... t.o,;,_, tma orowtn west sur.ct..smma_, • :$in the ,soot f1_'!]3_11011rc_Olll _ ooMl/,z_za.,a_aaav-- r- the dominant gas spect, .... "--- with nucleati(m exhibiting im a_'v.ation cncrgyof 32 attributed to ftrst-ordcr .ryacUo_ oz,a_._c'_-tivation energyandacomsion e.n_ct.encyot.u.:_:-__ kcal/mmol while wm mvotvcu ,cr, a#t,_y_, ..,,"_......... ,,-,- le to new soot m pretmxea zmm_ .... gro_ ,_ .t..... ,..,,.,,,. ,_,rru.oa xmm_ w"" ,-_,,,_v--b addition, soO: g_wm ,o _,_%_ :'-':_-'r_r--_c,_le_c reactions [3-9]). (which also has been atmvuum us m_,_,,_, -J ofthis status,, om a,jror isstm is dm nature1°,f s°°t f°rmafi°mn f=pmr°cc s socsn in diffusion flam_¢i • lvin h drocarbon fu • ._,. • as s es omer man acc_,_,,c., mvo g Y • • tt on and the mapact ot g pect . dominant gas spectes m the _ fortmU.on ,g_........... ,o of both flame and soot propemes along _ ____'L_:^.. o,,A o-m Thc _ lnv01vcQ mr.._m_u_.,,,_ sthoeoatxniusc,o-f.._la,.n,{,i,'.n.a..r _je,t._dwiftfhus.ion fl4cs at prebs_._sg_ _ 5-1.00 arm., considering ethane, ethylene, propane, propytenc, butane aria t, _-uu,_,_,,.,.,.., ,, Extmrimental Methods. Two test arrangements were used to provide soot volume fractions on order of l pm for the v"_gus fuels: .,_ low press m__brur_oerh_r2_vingh_c3whmm__s_d wl_rts_udy 3hO_y- _¢. " P ed chamber identical to me asr_gcmcm u_ .._.-..t _, . "ct flame having a l0 mm dimamter window ....... ,.,..... • n.25 arm; and acoflowmg _ J ......... k:a_,_ tl;.. sooting pmpyle, nc a_. out.tone t_-_o ,._nent used by Santoro and cowor_ers tcttea m [gj), w,m.,, ,,,,o diameter tU_l IXXt, _ _ u_ _....o_e used for the r_maining fucls at atmospheric pressure. The luminous portion of the test flames was 50 - long. _-aetlnn Wel'_ Iounla oy Occonvutu_r._ ,: .,-_.. ...... 1,_ties were foun(1 oy laser vczu_m_,,,,_, _,. .:__onssg. ,,omnli . and analysis using t=m, S_-- ""7"-';- _. _ m_nns) bY de._nvotute.a _¢rmop_uvm. _r-n.g_ .. _ ..... .,.,4 thcrmocoumcs tsoot--,,,, .-_----. and .- tempcratme.s were forum oy ramauou _,,_,_,- multiline ¢missioa measuretmnts (soot-containing regions), and gas sp_¢s conc,¢ntrauons were found by sampling and gas chromatography. 333 Flam_ Structure. Typical soot and flame properties along the axis arc Ulustrated in Fig. 1 for the propane/ak flame at atmosph_'ic pressure. Many features of the present flames arc similar to the earlier results for acetylene/air flames [2]: significant levels of soot formation Coas_ on increasing values of sootvolume fractions)only artobserved where tempermums exceed 1250K; significantsootformation ends when hydrocarbon concentrationsbecome small,atafuel-equivalenceratioofroughly 1.7;thesoot formation regioninvolvessignificantconcentrationsof 02, C02 and H20, so thatsootformation and oxidation proceed at the same time; and competition between soot nucleation and growth cause primary soot particles to reach their maximum diameter well before the end of the soot growth region. On the other hand, them arc some interesting diffca'ences between the results for acetylene [2] and present results for other fuels: the soot formation region involves significant concentrations of ethylene and methane in addition to acetylene; and soot growth persists outsida the acetylene-containing region so that soot growth re.actions in addition to acetylene, must be present. +_[_..I_. Soot..g_..w_. rateswere found alongtheaxisof thetestflames similaxto[2].As before, soot growth rates ¢xhibned small activation energies; therefore, they were con_lated in terms of the concentrations of potential soot-forming hydrocarbon species. Initial results along these lines are illustrated in Fig. 2 for all the flames, where soot growth is plotted as a function of acetylene concentration. Results for the acetylene/air diffusion flames [2], as well as for premixed flames [3-8], also are shown on the plot. All these results represent gross soot growth rates, uncorrected either for effects of simultaneous soot oxidation or for growth by the direct reaction of hydrocarbons other than acetylene. results ,llustrated in Fig. 2 suggest comparable growth, rates for acetylen.e/air di_ffusion The ........ ,.,. ....... 0, oata n,',mts Ior nrem_xeo i1ai11c3). OlscU surfaceareaforthepremixed fiamcs. In contrast,growth ratesforthepresenthydrocarbon/airflames arcsignificantlyhigher than therest.suggestingthepresenceof sootgrowth channels otherthan the acetylene channel; this behavior is supported by the observation of significant rates of soot growth in regionswhere acetylenewas absent. In ordertoresolveeffectsof paralld .s£_t[growthchannels,theraw g_?a_edatv_cW:_roC°_ra__ for effects o*f-b-oth growoth.[b2y]a,cetylene a-n-a oxaaauon by 02, _.._,'z ,_,-, ,zv ........ . .. evaluated similar to [2]: allowing for oxidation by 02 using me rate exprc_._v- v, ,-,,r,, .... Constable [10], as later confirmed by Park and Appleton [11]; allowing for oxidation by C.O2 and H20 following either Johnstone et al. [12] and Libby and Blake [13] or Bradley ¢t al. [14]; while ignoring soot oxidation by OH, as discussed by Neoh et al. [15], because concentrations of OH should be small in ,. tion re ion due to the presence of hydrocarbo, n spc.cies !16, 17]. Proceeding in this the soot f.orma .... -g----,-,- ,_,- ,.,--,-_ted omwth rate wire meman¢ alone, however, present results manner it is pOSSlOl¢ ID OL)zxeuz_ u_ w,,w _-_ wiLl be Limited to growth by ethylene alone because ethylene provides a more plausible soot growth mechanism. The resulting correlation between soot growth and ethylene concentrations is illustrated in Fig..3. Due to current uncertainties about soot oxidation, estimates, result_ " " " " excess of 60% of the growth rate have been excludexl. I nc resmts oo au, ,,.-,,, ..... ., .v with fuel type and temperature. Assumin.g first-order, grqw._., in e_ylene concentration yields a very the plot. Nevertheless, the collision efficiency of 1.8%; this con-clauon zs luusu-a_ u, plausible ethylene mechanism is only provisional at this stage because uncertainties of the order with respect to ethylene arc rather large. • Soot Nucleation. The nucleation of primary, soo.: pa_i_cles.w_ _a_alYeedlcn_emila_mh2ef_2_teI_ • $OCi_teO ¢/1I/i h'lC p_a_,_._. _* _,_ , was found that nuclcaUon gcn,erally was as .... ,_._ .,:¢r..o;,,,, flames This imr_Lies a first-order • • " din s of 2 _or acety_enc_au ,-,,-_,,,- •. . . ,- • • . were similar m _¢ earLi..ertm g [i 1 .:__ _ tin correlanon _s_Uustrated m F_g. 4. re.action in acetylene wnn a modest acuvauon energy. The resul g 334 A good agreement between present results and those of Sunderland et al. [2] clearly is evident, yielding an activation energy of roughly 32 kcal/gmol. In addition, the results from this laboratory are roughly an order of magnitude smaller than earlier estimates by Leung et al. [18] which also are shown on the plot; this discrepancy is attributed to uncertainties in the optical methods used to estimate soot surface areas by Leung et aL [18]. Attributing soot nucleation to acetylene alone clearly is a massive simplification of a complex process involving large molecules, eventually growing to visible primary soot particles. Nevertheless, acetylene offers a plausible surrogate for these complex gas mixtures because the large molecular weight species can be expressed terms of acetylene through equilibrium constants, while acetylene is a major growth species as the large molecules evolve toward soot. I:tmw.&_ata_. [i] = molar con_ntmtion of i, dv,maean primarysoot particlediameter, f=mixture fraction,fs=s<xX volume fraction,k_=soot nucleati_ _ co__mnt, n_--numberof_soo_t Pha_ir_s per umt volume, T--temperature, u=streamv,ase VelOCity. Vg--SOOt growth VelOCity, wg.--_,,t _ ..... Xi--mole fraction of species i, z=streamwise distance. Acknowled_rtents. This research was supported by NASA Grant No. NAG3-1245 under the technical managen_nt of D.L. Urban of the NASA Lewis Research Center, and the Office of Naval Research Grant No. N00014-93-0321 under the technical management of G.D. Roy. Sunderland, P.B., Mortazavi, S., Faeth, G.M., and Urban, D.L., Combust. Flame 96:97-103 ° (1994). Sunderland, P.B., KOlyll, 0.0., and Facth, G.M., Combust. Flame. in press. . 3. Bockhorn, H., Fetting, F., Wannemacher, G., and Wenz, H.W., Nineteenth Symposium International) on Combustion. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1982, pp. 1413-1420. ockhom, H., Fetting, F., Heddrich, A., and W.arme .reacher, .G.tTwentieth Symposium . (International) on Combustion. The Comb usti.'on Insntute, iAtt__ _1_8_. 19a4, PP-y/_-yoa. Harris, SJ., and Weiner, A.M., Combust. Sea. Tech 31:155-167 ( 9a ). ° 6. Harris, S.J., and Weiner, A.M., Combust Sci. Tech. 32:267-275 (1983). 7. Harris, SJ., and Weiner, A.M., Combust. Sci. Tech. 38:75-87 (1984). 8. Ramer, E.R., Merldin, J.F., Sorensen, C.M., and Taylor, T.W., Combust. Sci. Tech. 48:241-255 (1986). Tesaer, P.A., Combust. Flame 85:279-281 (1991). . 10. Nagle, J., and Stricldand-Constable, R.F., Proceedings of Fifth Carbon Conference 1:154-164 (1962). 11. Park, C., and Appleton, J.P., Combust. Flame 20:369-379 (1973). 12. Johnstone, J.F., Chen, C.Y., and Scott, D.S., Ind. Enm'. Chem. 44:1564-1569 (1952). 13. Libby, P.A., anti Blake, T.R., Combust Flame 36:13-9-169 (1979); ibid., 41:123-147 (1981). 14. Bradley, D., Dixon-Lewis, G., El-Din Itabik, S., and Mushi, E.M.J., Twentieth Symposium NInternational) on Combustion: The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1984, pp. 931-940. 15. eoh, F.G., Howard, J.B., and Sarof'ma, A.F., Particulate Carbon (D.C. Siegla and B.W. Smith, ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 1980, pp. 261-277. 16. Miller, J.W., Honnery, D.R., and Kent, J.H., Twenty-Fourth Symposium (International) on .C,gmlalll_, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1992, pp. 1031-1039. 17. Smyth, K.C., Miller, J.H., Doffman, R.C., Mallard, W.G., and Santoro, RJ., Combust. Flame 62:157-181 (1985). 18. Leung, K.M., LindstedL R.P., and Jones, W.P., Cornbust. Flame 87:289-305 (1991). 335

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