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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19970001868: Factors in Daily Physical Activity Related to Calcaneal Mineral Density in Men

NASA-CR-202_85 ,, Factors in daily physical activity related to calcaneal mineral density in men TERESA M. HUTCHINSON, ROBERT T. WHALEN, TAMMY M. CLEEK, JOHN M. VOGEL, and SARA B. ARNAUD Ltfe Sciences Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000; and University of California Medical School Davis, CA 95616 ABSTRACT weekly exercise (h.wk _), level of participation (mea- HUTCHINSON, T. M., R.T. WItALEN, T. M.CLEEK, J. M.VO- sure of intensity), and aerobic vs anaerobic activity. GEL, andS. B.ARNAUD. Factors indaily physical activityrelated to These methods provide little information about the mus- calcaneal mineraldensity inmen. Med.Sci.SportsExert., Vol.27,No. culoskeletal forces imposed on the skeleton at selected 5, pp. 745-75(i, 1995. To determine the factors in daily physical activity that influence the mineral density of the calcaneus, we re- bone sites. For example, classifying activity on the basis corded walking steps and the type and duration of exercise in 43 of aerobic vs anaerobic (muscle building) activity would healthy 26-to 51-yr-old men. Areal (g-cm 2)calcaneal bone mineral density (CBMD) was measured bysingle energy x-ray densitometry group running, swimming, and cycling together even (SXA, Osteon, Inc.,Wahiawa, HI).Subjects walked amean(_+SD)of though these may develop very different levels of skeletal 7902 ('+_2534)stepsper dayor approximately 3.9(+-1.2) miles daily. loading at different anatomical sites. Eightsubjects reported noexercise activities. The remaining 35sub- jects spent 143 (2-772) (median and range) min.wk _exercising. The objective of this study was to investigate the Twenty-eight men engaged inexercise activities that generate single influence of daily activity on bone density in terms of leg peak vertical ground reaction forces (GRF:_)of 2 or more body weights (high loaders, HL),and 15reportedexercise ordailyactivities estimates of site specific cumulative musculoskeletal thattypically generate GRFLlessthan 1.5bodyweights (low loaders, loading. Toward our goal of developing functional rela- LL). CBMD was 12%higherin HI_,than LL((I.668 + 0.074 g.cm-2 tionships between mechanical loading and bone density, vs (I.597 +_0.062 g.cm -, P < 0.004). In the HL group, CBMD correlated to reported minutes of high load exercise (r = 0.41, P < we quantified daily physical activity in terms of activities 0.03). CBMD wasnotrelated tothe number of dailywalking steps(N that load the calcaneus. We selected the calcaneus for = 43,r = 0.03,NS). Theresults of thisstudy supporttheconcept that bone mineral measurements because of its established the dominant factor indaily physical activity relating tobone mineral density isthe participation insitespecific high loadingactivities, i.e., sensitivity to loss of mineral during inactivity (5) and its for the calcaneus, high calcaneal loads. accessibility to the forces applied to it by individual subjects during activity (21). BONE MINERAL DENSITY, MUSCULOSKELETAL LOADING, At_YI'IVITYLEVEL,ACTIVITY EVALUATION, SINGLE ENERGY X-RAY DENSITOMETER, STEPMETERS METHODS Subjects variety of methods for quantifying daily physi- Fifty three healthy, 26- to 51-yr-old men consented to cal activity level have led to different conclu- participate in a 9-wk study approved by the Human ions regarding the effect of activity level on Research Experiments Review Board (HRERB) at bone density. Questionnaire data and readings from pe- NASA Ames Research Center and in accordance with the dometers, activity meters, and accelerometers are nor- policy statements of the American College of Sports mally converted to estimates of daily energy expenditure. Medicine. Subjects (nonsmokers) were screened for the Other methods of categorizing activity level include fre- study by a medical examination to exclude renal, skeletal, quency of weekly exercise (times per week), duration of gastrointestinal, or cardiac disease. We elected to study only men with shoe sizes between 9 and 10-1/2 to min- imize anthropometric differences in bone structure and Ill95-_1131¢'q5_27tl5 (174553 {lO/q) MEDI('INE AND S('IEN('E IN SP()RIS AND IiXER('IS[',X, biomechanical issues of scaling of size. Subjects were Copyriglnl ,_ 1'-995by the American College of Sports Medicine asked to maintain their usual work and exercise activities Submitted lot puhlicati_m Och_bcr 1t)93 for the duration of the 9-wk study. All subjects completed Accepted for publication September Itlq4. 745 746 OfficialJournaloftheAmericanCollegeof SportsMedicine MEDICINEANDSCIENCEINSPORTSANDEXERCISE TABLE1Medianpercenetrrorinstepmeterwsornby10adultmenwalkingondif- (i.e., sitting, standing, walking, sleeping, sport) was re- ferensturfaceastdifferenstpeeds, corded in 3-h intervals. Number of walking steps for each Distance/Surface Speed Median(Range) 3-h interval was also recorded. O.25-miwlealk/varied Normal 1.0(0.2-26.6) 100feet/levehlard Slow 3.9(0.3-19.0) For the remaining 7 wk a 6" × 5"card, folded to fit into surface a pocket, was given to each subject to record daily Normal 0.7(0.0-4.7) stepmeter values and the type of exercise, duration of Fast 0.3(0.0-4.3) 100feet/levesloftsurface Slow 6.5(0,3-44.3) exercise, and distance, if applicable. To minimize ambi- Normal 1.2(0.3-11.7) guities belween normal daily walking and "walking-like" Fast 0.5(0,0-11.3) exercise, subjects were asked to log any activity they 4flights/upstairs Normal 8.0(0.0-20.8) Fast 4.0(1.3-32.1) considered exercise and to note whether the stepmeter 4flights/downstairs Normal 1.7(0.0-13.0) was worn. All stepmeter recordings were treated as daily Fast 4.7(0.7-25.3) walking steps. Therefore, daily activity was divided into daily walking steps and nonwalking activities or exercise. Cards were turned in each week and an informal inter- the study; however, data from 10 individuals could not be view was conducted to address any problems and assess used because of unreliable records of current activity, i.e., subject compliance. invented or unreadable (N = 4), weight loss exceeding 30 Ibs within 6 months prior to the onset of the study (N = Calcaneal Bone Mineral Density 2), and acknowledged large changes in daily exercise patterns during the study compared with the 6-month and A single energy x-ray densitometer (SXA, Osteon, Inc. 1-yr histories, i.e., completely stopping an exercise pro- Wahiawa, HI) was used to measure areal (g-cm 2) cai- gram (N = 4). caneal bone mineral density (CBMD) (19). The right calcaneus was measured three times (at 1, 5, and 9 wk) Methods for Quantifying Physical Activity and the left twice (at 1and 9 wk). Bone mineral density values were obtained at the central portion of the calca- Past activity history was documented with a modified neus comprising 2.7 cm of its length at a location con- version of The Minnesota Leisure Time Activity Ques- sistently shown to have the lowest mineral density of this tionnaire (17), that excluded determination of average bone (19). The precision of the method was determined daily energy expenditure but included participation in from the three scans of the right calcaneus of 43 subjects high school, college, or intramural sports. Each volunteer assuming CBMD would not change in 9 wk in individ- was interviewed to identify recent changes in physical uals engaged in routine daily activities. The mean coef- condition such as weight loss and to determine the con- ficient of variation (+ SD) in the three measurements was sistency of past and current physical activities. 0.91% (_+{}.60%). Digital stepmeters recording steps (Walkmate, Mi- cronta, Fort Worth, TX) were worn daily, at the waist, Data Analysis during all walking activities. Subjects were instructed to wear the stepmeter at all times during walking related Our purpose in this study was to establish a method of activities such as gardening, golf, exercise walking, etc., quantifying physical activity in terms of daily walking, but not during nonwalking activities, for example, run- nonwalking low-h)ad activity, and nonwalking high-load ning/jogging, cycling, swimming, weightlifting, racquet activity when viewed from the perspective of forces sports, etc. Stepmeters were checked weekly for accuracy exerted on the calcaneus. In this regard, the calcaneus has within _+2% by walking a fixed number of steps on a fewer uncertainties than other bone sites. Separation of level surface. During the study seven stepmeters were activities involving only walking as compared with those replaced due to damage (N = 4) or loss (N = 3). that include some jogging or running forms a natural The performance of stepmeters was checked by deter- method of selecting for "low" vs "high" load activity in mining the error in stepmeters by 10 subjects who were terms of calcancal peak force levels. Because of differ- not part of the study (Table 1). The 10 subjects walked on ences in the mechanisms of walking and jogging, the different surfaces and up or down stairs at two or three peak ground reaction forces while walking range from gait speeds. Except for occasional subject-specific vari- one to 1.5 body weights (BW) (10,23) and from 2 to 3 ability in gait, the results were consistent. The median BW while jogging (9). The low-load (LL) group con- percent error was 1.0% (range = 0.2%-26.6%) for an "all sisted of those who recorded only walking and LL exer- terrain" quarter-mile walk: 9 of the 10 subjects had an cise during the study. The LL group engaged in activities absolute error equal to or less than 3.4%. for which the peak vertical component of the ground A 3" × 5" activity and exercise log book was given to reaction force (GRF_) supported by one leg is normally each subject on the 1st and 9th week of the study to below approximately 1.5 BW, although a few load cycles record all daily activities for 7 consecutive days. Descrip- above this level may occur during a typical day. Exam- tive information on the type and duration of activities pies of LL activities include walking, swimming, cycling, DAILYPHYSICALACTIVITYANDCALCANEALDENSITY OfficialJournaloftheAmericanCollegeofSportsMedicine 747 TABLE2.Anthropometarincdphysiologdicataofallsubject(sN- 43)dividedinto TABLE3,Typesofexercisreecordebdylowandhighcalcanelaoladersduringthe twogroupsbasedontheirparticipatioinnexercistehatimparteadLL(N- 15)or nineweekstudy. aHL(N- 28)onthecalcaneus. Low High - All Low High Type01Exerciser N- 15 N= 28 (N- 43) (N- 15) (N- 28) Jogging *** 21 Age(yr) 38.7_+7.1 39.5_+7.5 38.3-+6.9 Cycling 2 15 Heigh(tcm) 177.9_+60 177,2_+6,3 178,3_+5.8 Weightlifling 2 13 BodyMass(kg) 78.7_+7.8 78.0_+9.2 79.0_+7.1 Swimming 2 6 BodyMassIndex(ht2.kg1) 24.9+23 24.8_+2.3 24.9+_2.3 Volleyball *** 5 RightFootLength(cm) 26.7+0.8 26.3_+0.8 26,9_+0,7 Soccer *** 4 RightHeeTlhickne(scsm)t 5.2+0.3 5.2_+0.3 5,2_+0.3 Hiking 1 4 RightHeeWl idth(cm)tt 4.5+0.3 4.5+0.2 4.6_+0.3 Tennis *** 4 Softball *** 5 Rightcalcanebaolnemineral 0.643_+0.0770.597+0.0620.668_+0.074* Basketball *** 2 density(g.cm2) Raquetball *** 2 Leftcalcaneablonemineral 0.639+0.0800.591_+0.0580666_+0,081" Golf 0 2 density(g.cm;) Aerobics *** 4 Dailywalkingstepsperleg 3951_+1267 3643+1131 4116+_1324 Homeexercise(sLL) 5 11 Minutepserweekofanyexercise167(0-772)§ 31(0-142)§ 216(15-772)§ (NordiTcrack; Valuesaremean-+SD. StairmasteYro;ga; push-upssit,-upse,tc,) 1Anterior/posterio(orbtainedfromscannerninerowaverage). 11Medial/latera(ml easuredwithcalipers). 1Mostsubjectpsarticipateindmorethanonerecreationaacltivity. "P< 0.004;lowvshigh. ***Notapplicable--highloadactivity, §Median(range). were either engineers or worked in engineer or computer related occupations. An additional 21% (N = 9) of our and weightlifting. Weightlifting as a LL exercise may subjects were in various management positions, sales, seem contradictory, but none of the subjects in this study accounting, or other aspects of business. The remaining participated in weightlifling activities that significantly 15 subjects had a variety of occupations including two load the calcaneus. The high-load (HL) group consisted machinists, three students, a minister, and a park ranger. of subjects whose activities imparted single leg peak Thirty-two subjects had occupational activities de- GRF_ of 2 BW or greater such as jogging, volleyball, scribed as "desk" jobs. The remaining 11 had occupa- basketball, and racquetball. We required that the types of tions that may have required periodic increases in phys- activities, i.e., LL and HL recorded during the study be ical activity levels (i.e., restaurant worker and consistent with the subjects' 6-month (taken during week firefighters). During the workday, physical activity was 3) and 1-yr histories (taken during week 1). quantified only in terms of walking steps and, therefore, Data were stored on a personal computer and analyzed did not account for occasional daily GRF z exceeding 1.5 using Primer (6) and Mystat (Systat, Inc., Evanston, IL). BW that may have occurred. All subjects' 6-month and Analyses included standard descriptive statistics (mean, 1-yr histories were consistent with their 9 wk of self- median, standard deviation, and range), analysis of vari- reported activities. ance (ANOVA), and simple linear correlations. We re- quired a P < 0.05 level for significance. Types of Physical Activities RESULTS The LL group was composed of 15 subjects: 8subjects reported no exercise and 7 reported only LL exercise as The anthropometric and physiologic data for the 43 defined previously. Twenty-eight subjects reported HL subjects are presented in Table 2. The main source of activity. Twenty-four of the subjects in the HL group also quantitative data was the 7-d log card. It provided daily recorded some participation in LL activities. Table 3lists walking steps and information on the date, type, and the most common types of exercises performed during duration of exercise activity occurring during the week. the study. Most subjects participated in more than one The cards were preferred to the detailed pocket log book exercise activity with jogging (N = 21), cycling (N = that provided more information than was needed. Subject 17), and weightlifling (N = 15) being the three most compliance, evaluated during weekly interviews, was popular. Only four HL subjects reported participation in remarkably good. Only 4 of 53, or 7.5%, of our subjects only one activity, jogging (N = 3) and tennis (N = 1). turned in unreliable records. Steps or Walking Load Cycles Subject Occupations The subjects walked an average of 7902 _+2534 steps The subjects lived and worked in the area surrounding (mean _ SD) (total of both legs) or approximately equal NASA Ames Research Center which is located a few to 3.9 _+1.2 miles.d- 1,estimated from individual subject miles north of San Jose, CA and 40 miles south of San step length measurements obtained at the beginning of Francisco, CA. Forty-four percent (N = 19) of the group the study during controlled normal walking trials. Steps 748 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE 6" 0,9' 6" 0.8" I- t.) .J 4 0.7" "goo m... •e • • iO, am 0.6 • eO • • O •O r.m1r 3nil oI-- oe o Q 2¸ "T o_ 0.s Z 0 • n- 1 0,4" 0"11 ...... 0 2 3 5 6 DAILY WALKING STEPS PER LEG, thousands DAILY WALKING STEPS PER LEG, thousands Figure l--Frequency distribution of number of daily walking steps (load cycles) per leg. Figure 2--Relationship of right CBMD to daily walking steps (load cycles) per leg in HL (0) and LL (C_) subjecLs (N = 43; r = 0.03, NS). walked per leg per day among all subjects ranged from among subjects reporting some exercise activity (N = 35) 1907 to 7819 steps, a fourfold difference (Fig. 1). There was 199% (± 144%), significantly higher (P < 0.045) was no significant difference in daily walking steps be- than the daily variation computed from a 7-d random tween HL and LL groups (Table 2). The average week- sample (coefficient of variation equal to 140% ± 91%). day steps per leg (3949 _+ 1335 cycles-d ]) and the The mean coefficient of variation computed for weekly average weekend steps (3948 _+ 1353 cycles-d -]) were variation in all exercise activity was reduced to 80% remarkably similar. Individual activity patterns ac- (_+67%). Considering the HL group separately, the mean counted for a coefficient of variation for daily steps of coefficient of variation for daily HL exercise was 229% 35.9% while a 7-d random sample had a daily variation (± 142%). The weekly variation in minutes in HL activity of 39.6%. Week to week (weekly) variation in steps was was 87% (±67%). half the daily variation or 18.0%. The average number of daily steps was not related to time spent in nonwalking Calcaneal Bone Mineral Density physical activities for all subjects (r = 0.13, NS) or in either load group (LL: r = 0.05, NS; HL: r = 0.04, NS). The mcan calcaneal bone mineral density (CBMD) for all 43 subjects was statistically similar on the right and(m the left: 0.643 ± 0.077 and 0.639 _+ (I.080 g.cm -, Duration of Nonwalking Exercise Activities respectivcly. The values are the average of all measure- We elected to express exercise duration in terms of ments taken of each calcaneus. Right CBMD was not minutes rather than load cycles because of the uncertain- related to thc numbcr of daily walking steps (Fig. 2) or ties in converting from exercise minutes to exercise load body weight in any of the groups. As shown in Table 2 cycles. When all 35 subjects (7 LL and 28 HL) engaged the right CBMD was 12% higher in the HL group than in some form of nonwalking cxercise (activities where the LL group (P < 0.004). the stepmeter could not be worn, e.g., running/jogging, No significant correlation was found between CBMD cycling, swimming, weightlifting, racquet sports, etc.) and exercise minutes in the LL group (r = -0.18, NS), are considered together, 143 (2-772) min.wk -j were between CBMD and total exercise minutes in the HL spent exercising in either LL or HL activity. The seven group (r :: 0.33, NS), nor between CBMD and only the men in the LL group who reported some exercise activity LL minutes of excrcise in the HL group (r = 0.08, NS). during the 9-wk study spent 31 (2-142) min.wk l me- HL minutes of exercise in the HL group was related to dian (range) in LL (nonwalking) exercise. The HL group CBMD (r = 0.41, P < 0.03; Fig. 3 and Table 4). spent 216 (15-772) min.wk _1 in all types of exercise. Fifty-one percent of this time, or 11(J min.wk ], was DISCUSSION spent in activities generating high lower body forces (peak GRF_ -->2.0 BW). The results of this study support the concept that the Inconsistency of exercise among subjects accounted dominant factor in daily physical activity relating to bone for a large daily and somewhat smaller weekly variation mineral density is the participation in site specific HL in time spent exercising. The mean coefficient of varia- activities, i.e., for the calcaneus, high calcaneal loads. tion (_SD) for daily minutes of any type of exercise Mean values for CBMD were higher in the 28 subjects DALLY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND CALCANEAL DENSITY Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine "749 0.9- Mazess and Barden (8) also reported no significant rela- tionship between lumbar, femur, radius, or humerus BMD and daily walking distance. In contrast, Zylstra et 0.8 al. (25) found that femoral neck and lumbar spine den- sities increased with estimated daily walking hours. 0.7- Kanders et al. (7) also suggested that walking could d increase spine density by increasing daily energy expen- o; 0.6- diture which they correlated to vertebral bone density in O a group of women. In these studies the investigators did I-,, "r not limit their subject population to just walkers. The 0.5- m subjects were also permitted to participate in daily activ- ities such as jogging that impose significantly higher 0.4 forces on the spine than walking. It is also quite difficult to control subject groups based on spine loading since O.O'qS , common activities such as lifting can exert compressive i i i i O 120 240 360 480 800 forces on the spine 2-4 times greater than during walking (11,14). The calcaneus does not have these same limita- MINUTES OF HIGH LOAD EXERCISE PER WEEK tions because the forces imposed on it are highly corre- Figure 3---Relationship of right CBMD to HL minutes of exercise per lated to the level of the ground reaction force. week in the HL group (N = 28, r = 0.41, P < 0.03). While daily walking duration (steps or load cycles) was not a significant contributor to calcaneal bone den- TABLE4,Correlationcoefficients forthe mineraldensityoftheright calcaneusinall subjects (N 43), LL (N- 15),andHL(N- 28). sity in men during midlife, walking duration and walking "intensity" may contribute to bone density in other sub- All Low High (r) (r) (r) ject populations. As walking becomes the main and often Height(cm) 0.23 0.09 0.31 the only activity with advancing age, differences in walk- Bodymass (kg) 0.18 0.15 0.36 ing intensity, measured in this context in terms of ground Bodymass index(ht2.kg _) 0.03 -0.29 0.17 Rightfootlength (cm) 0.24 0.24 -0.02 reaction force levels, and duration may become more Rightheelthickness(cm)l_ 0.24 0.19 0.28 dominant factors in skeletal loading and musculoskeletal Rightheelwidth(cm)tt 0.004 0.33 -0.23 remodeling (20). Dailywalkingstepsperleg 0,03 -0.18 0.01 MinutesperweekofLLexercise -- -0.18 0.08 In our relatively small group of normal, healthy men MinutesperweekofHLexercise -- -- 0.41* with similar shoe size, we found no relationship between t Anterior/posterior (obtainedfrom scannerninerowaverage). calcaneal bone density and body weight. CBMD is well- '1I"Medial/lateral (measured with calipers), * P< 0.03. known to correlate to body weight in large populations (24) and to a broad range of body weights (12). Other studies that have not found correlations with body weight who reported participation in activities that imparted have suggested that intensity of activity partially masks single leg peak GRF z -> 2 BW than in the 15 subjects the effects of body weight (2,16). who did not. In addition, we found a significant correla- Records of time spent in HL activity of the calcaneus tion of CBMD to time spent in HL activities. CBMD did proved to be the most effective means of associating not correlate to number of daily walking steps in all daily physical activity level with its bone density. While subjects or in either of the two loading groups. our results emphasize the role of HL exercise duration, an Expressed in miles, this population of 43 men (age important point to note is that in most cases the minutes 26-51) averaged approximately 3.9 miles of walking per recorded and plotted in the figures overestimate the ac- day. An individual weekly variation of 18% in walking tual amount of time spent performing HL activity. In steps indicated a rather consistent pattern of week-to- addition, the levels of GRF z generated during exercise week "walking type" activity. Our results are slightly vary according to the individual and the intensity of the lower than the 6 and 5.6 miles.d -I reported by Mazess activity. We elected not to subtract walking and rest and Barden (8) and Kanders et al. (7) in women aged periods from some of the activities engaged in by the 20-39. The lack of relationship between walking steps subjects, e.g., softball and soccer, because of uncertain- and CBMD are more or less consistent with what has ties in accurately estimating the length of these periods. been reported elsewhere, although very few studies have The influence of physical activity on CBMD has been examined only walking in relation to bone density, and of investigated by others. A 9-month training program re- these only one examined calcaneal bone mineral density sulted in small, but significant, increases in CBMD for (4). Cavanaugh and Cann (1) found that a 1-yr brisk consistent runners preparing for a marathon (22). In an- walking program did not prevent the loss of spine ver- other study 2 h.wk ' of combined low and some high tebral bone density in early post menopausal women. load exercise maintained calcaneai bone density in a 750 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine MEDICINE AND SCIENCE iN SPORTS AND EXERCISE population of 70- to 79-yr-olds (13). Cheng et al. (2) apply quantitative models (21) expressing bone density in reported that several measures of activity level correlated terms of daily loading histories, force monitoring instru- positively with CBMD. Women (50-60 yr) who exer- mentation will need to be developed since individuals cised "vigorously" with high and low calcaneal load experience a wide range of GRF_ throughout the day. activities two or more times per week had higher calca- heal volumetric (g.cm -3) bone density. The authors acknowledge the significant contribution of the sub- Our results agree with others who have proposed the jects who participated in this study. We are indebted to D. O'Hara, calcaneus as a relevant bone site for monitoring physical R.N., manager of the Human Research Facility at NASA Ames Research Center, for monitoring and coordinating the 9-wk study activity and skeletal integrity (3,19). With the exception and to Don Wadsworth for the collection of the calcaneal mineral of Ward's triangle, CBMD loss rates with age are higher density data. We would also like to thank K. Jackson, Ph.D., for than any other bone site and CBMD also correlates sig- helpful discussions. This work was funded by grants from the Musculoskeletal Re- nificantly with bone density and fracture risk assessment search Program at NASA Ames Research Center, project numbers of clinically important trabecular regions (15,18). There- 199-26-12-02 and 199-26-12-36. fore, monitoring calcaneal bone density and daily ground This work was presented in part atthe 40th Annual Meeting of the reaction force histories may provide a noninvasive American College of Sports Medicine. Address correspondence to: Teresa Hutchinson, Life Sciences method of investigating the influence of mechanical Division (MS: 239-11), NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, forces on the functional adaptation of bone. However, to CA 94035-1000. REFERENCES 1. CAVANAUGH, D. J. and C. E. CANn. Brisk walking does not stop loads on the lumbar spine when holding weights in standing bone loss in postmenopausal women. Bone 9:2111-204, 1988. postures. Spine 7:390-397, 1982. 2. CHENG, S., H. SUOMINEN, T. RANTANEN, W. 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