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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19950012757: Workshop on Particle Capture, Recovery and Velocity/Trajectory Measurement Technologies PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19950012757: Workshop on Particle Capture, Recovery and Velocity/Trajectory Measurement Technologies

WORKSHOP ON PARTICLE CAPTURE, RECOVERY, AND VELOCITY/TRAJECTORY MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES NASA-CR-197592 19950012757 C0 LunarandPlanetaryInstitute 3600BayAreaBoulevard Houston TX 77058-1113 LPITechnicalReportNumber 94-05 LPI/TR--94-05 Im r \ DISPLAY 95N19172/2 95N19172"# ISSUE 5 CATEGORY 90 RPT#: NASA-CR-197592 NAS 1.26:197592 LPI-TR-94-05 CNT#: NASW-4574 94/00/00 113 PAGES UNCLASSIFIED DOCUMENT UTTL: Workshop on Particle Capture, Recovery and Velocity/Trajectory Measurement Technologies TLSP: Abstracts Only AUTH: A/ZOLENSKY, MICHAEL E. PAT: A/ed. CORP: Lunar and Planetary Inst., Houston, TX. SAP: Avail: CASI HC A06/MF A02 CIO: UNITED STATES Workshop held in Houston, TX, 27-28 Sep. 1993 MAJS: /*CONFERENCES/*DETECTION/*DIVERGENCE/*DUST COLLECTORS/*FLYBY MISSIONS/*IN SITU MEASUREMENT/*TRAJECTORIES MINS: / CRATERS/ INFRARED ASTRONOMY SATELLITE/ LOW DENSITY MATERIALS/ PARTICLE TRAJECTORIES/ SIMULATION/ SPACECRAFT INSTRUMENTS ANN: A workshop on particle capture, recovery, and velocity/trajectory measurement technologies was held. The primary areas covered were: (i) parent-daughter orbit divergence; (2) trajectory sensing; (3)capture medium development: laboratory experiments, and (4) future flight opportunities. For individua! titles, see N95-19173 through N95-19197. ENTER: 4B° A =-°PC LINE 24 COL 9 WORKSHOP ON PARTICLE CAPTURE, RECOVERY,AND VELOCITY/TRAJECTORY MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES Editedby M.E.Zolensky Heldat Houston, Texas September27-28, 1993 Sponsoredby LunarandPlanetaryInstitute Lunar andPlanetary Institute 3600BayArea Boulevard HoustonTX 77058-1113 LPITechnicalReport Number94-05 LPI/TR--94-05 [Vqs-/t Compiled in 1994by LUNARANDPLANETARYINS'ITrU'I_ The Instituteisoperated bytheUniversity SpaceResearch AssociationunderContract No.NASW-4574 with the NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministration. Materialinthisvolumemaybe copiedwithoutrestraint forlibrary,abstract service,education,orpersonalresearch purposes;however,republicationofanypaperorportionthereofrequiresthewrittenpermissionoftheauthorsaswell asthe appropriateacknowledgment ofthispublication. Thisreport maybecitedas ZolenskyM.E.,ed.(1994)WorkshoponParticle Capture,Recovery,andVelocitylTrajectoryMeasurement Technolo- gies.LPITech.Rpt. 94-05,Lunar andPlanetary Institute, Houston. 102pp. Thisreport isdistributedby ORDERDEPARTMENT Lunarand Planetary Institute 3600BayAreaBoulevard Houston TX77058-1113 Mail orderrequestors will beinvoicedfor the costofshipping andhandling. Please refertothe LPITechnicalReportnumberwhen ordering. Cover. Tracksboredintolow-densitysilica aerogel(0.04g/cc)byolivinegrainstraveling ata velocity of6.4krn/sinalaboratory simulationexperiment(seeabstractbyZolenskyetal.inthis report). LPITechnicaIReport94-05 iii Program Monday, September 27, 1993 7:30a.m. Registration 8:15a.m. Welcome/OpeninRgemarks/Logistics 8:30a.m.-10:00a.m. PARENT-DAUGHTERORBITDIVERGENCE Chair: H.Zook IRAS ObservationsShowthat theEarth isEmbedded inaSolarRing ofAsteroidal Dust Particlesin Resonant Lockwith thePlanet S.F. Dermott, S.Jayaraman, Y.-L. Xu, andJ.-C.Liou Some ConsiderationsonVelocityVectorAccuracy inDust Trajectory Analysis A.A. Jackson andH. A. Zook VelocityDistributionofEarth-crossingAsteroid Grains J. C.Liou and S.F. Dermott 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon TRAJECTORY SENSING Chair: S.Auer PlasmaProduced byImpacts ofFast DustParticles onaThinFilm S. Auer PVDFFlux/Mass/Velocity/Trajectory Systems andTheirApplications inSpace A.J.Tuzzolino ChargeCollectionDuring Hypervelocity Penetrationsof ThinFoils R.Peterson The Status ofMeasurement Technologies Concerning Micrometer and Submicrometer Space Particulate Matter Capture, Recovery, Velocity, and Trajectory W. M. Alexander, W. G. Tanner, R. A. McDonald, G. E. Schaub, S. L. Stephenson, J. A. M. McDonnell, and C.R. Maag iv WorkshoponIDPCapture 1:30p.m.-5:30 p.m. CAPTURE MEDIUMDEVELOPMENT: LABORATORYEXPERIMENTS Chairs: D.E. Brownlee and M.E.Zolensky Physics of Spacecraft-basedInterplanetaryDust CollectionbyImpactIntoLow-Density Media W.W.AndersonandT.J.Ahrens The Physics of Intact Capture P. Tsou, D. J. Griffiths, and A. L. Albee Laboratory Simulation oflntact Captureof CometaryandAsteroidalDust Particles inISAS A.Fujiwara, A. Nakamura, andT.Kadono High-Purity Aerogel: Manufacture and Verificationof QualityandPerformance D.J. Mendez The Use of Silica Aerogel to Capture Interplanetary Dust in Space M. E. Zolensky, R. A. Barrett, and F. HiSrz TheIntact CaptureofHypervelocityDust Particles Using UnderdenseFoams C.R. Maag,J. Borg, W.G.Tanner, T.J. Stevenson, andJ.-P.Bibring PenetrationofMultipleThinFilmsinMicrometeoriteCaptureCells C.G.Simon CrateringandPenetration Experiments inAluminum and TeflonTargets of WidelyVariableThickness F. HSrz, M. Cintala,R.P. Bernhard, andT.H. See 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. POSTERSESSIONAND RECEPTION Tuesday, September 28, 1993 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon CAPTURE MEDIUM DEVELOPMENT: IN SITU COLLECTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Chairs: C.G. Simon andR. M.Walker Ion Microprobe Studies ofLDEFImpacts on Capture CellsandFlatPlates R.M.Walker LDEFFlux Directionality H. Zook LPITechnicaIReport94-05 v LDEFMineralogy and Composition Summary D.E. Brownlee EURECA: Preliminary Observations W.G.Tanner ShuttleInstruments andObservations P. Tsou Intact CaptureofHypervelocity DustParticles UsingUnderdenseFoams C.R.Maag,J. Borg,W. G.Tanner, T.J. Stevenson,andJ.-P. Bibring CollectionRequirementsfor Trace-ElementAnalyses ofExtraterrestrial Samples G.J. FlynnandS. R.Sutton Shock StabilityofAmino Acids T.Bunch Techniquesfor In Situ CollectionandMeasurement of VolatilesReleased During HypervelocityImpact R.A. Heppner,W. Niu,and C.R. Maag Scientific Objectivesof thePrimitive Body SampleReturnMissions---AnApproachfrom the Light-induced Effect on WaterVapor M.Shimizu 1:00 p.m.--4:00p.m. FUTUREFLIGHTOPPORTUNITIES Chair: F.Hiirz SOCCER: CometComa SampleReturn Mission K.Uesugi SPICE: An Innovative,Flexible Instrument Concept K.Nishioka,D. Cauffman, B.Jurcevich, D.Mendez,andJ.Ryder Future Investigations of theNear-Earth Environment W.H.Kinard MIR Plans K.Nishioka,C.Maag,andF. H6rz DISCUSSION: THE FUTURE OF COSMIC DUSTINSTRUMENTS

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