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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19940024208: Evaluation of pyrolysis and arc tracking on candidate wire insulation designs for space applications PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19940024208: Evaluation of pyrolysis and arc tracking on candidate wire insulation designs for space applications

EVALUATION OF PYROLYSIS AND ARC TRACKING ON CANDIDATE WIRE INSULATION DESIGNS FOR SPACE APPLICATIONS Thomas J. Stueber N94- 28711 Sverdrup Technology, Inc. Lewis Research Center Group Brook Park, Ohio and Kenneth Hrovat Cleveland State University Cleveland, Ohio NHB B060.10 Comparison Apparatus Sampte Descrlptlon Procedure ResuLts Discussion ConcLusions Future Plans NHB B060.1C (Aprl[ 1991) Flammability, Odor, O??gassin _ and Compatlbltlty Requlremen±s and Test Procedures ?or Haterla[s in Environments thQ± Support Combustion. O??lce oF Sa?ety and Nlssion Quality Section 4.18 Arc Tracking (Test 18) PI_IdDII)ING PAGE BLANK NOT FILMED 131 PURPOSE Determine abltlty oF wlre insulation materials and constructions to resist arc tracking, Assess damage caused by initial arcing and restrike events, TEST CRITERIA; NHB 8060.10 Arc propagatlon on either Inltlal appllcatlon oF power or on reappLlcatlon o? power Is considered a test Failure, Tests conducted on samples o? worst-case use Insulation thickness and wlre gauge, and in the worst-case envlronmen±. Wiring For Space Appllcatlons Programa All candidate space application Insulation constructions arc track, Worst case Insulation, prepyro[Ized polylmlde wire Insulation, Results oF Arc Tracking Initiation, Self Extinguish (Best scenario), - No loss In wire bund[e performance, - Charred Insulation. Conductors Lose Insutatlon (exposed conductors) - Safety h_z_rd. - Short-circuit risks - No loss In wire bundle perForl_clnce. Severed Conductor. - Lost use oF _ wlre palr within the bundle, - No loss In remainder oF wlre bundle performance. - No loss in wlre bundle performance, FL_shover Severs All _/Ires. (_/orst scenario) 132 Best and Worst Case DiF?erences Voltage diFFerence between two conductors. - High enough to break down the dielectric strength oF the charred mnterlo[. - Not high enough to break down the dielectric strength oF the charred material (sew ext.) Curren± Ftow, - High enough, such that Joule heating will con±lnue to pyrotlze neighboring Insulation. - Not high enough, such that Joule heating will continue to pyroUze neighboring Insulation. - Self Extinguish - GLow (Ike a carbon Filament tight bulb (Vacuum case) Proper[y Insulated Wire, (Rated For task requirements) _/ILI not Arc Track due to voltage diFFerence between conductors. _/IU not Arc Track due to typical Joule heating From current In conductors. Be£ectlvely Insulated Wire, May momentarily short-clrcult - Arc generated heat nay char the Insutatlon. - Charred Insulation towers the dielectric strength. n # oF momentary short-circuits before sustaining an arc. _/orst state oF Insulation. - Pyrotlzed to the point oR sustained arc tracking, - Restrlke possible. dielectric strength. 133 Necessary Res±rike MIn. Voltage and MIn Current = EQUALS = Mln. Voltage and Min, Current Necessary to Pyrollze the Insulatlon To The Polnt o? Sus±alned Arc Tracking Arc Tracklng Circul±. [ ] Arc Voltage I] I C°Mputer I It t Arc Current II t; 11 II #C + - I II Power Suppty / Sampte wire, Non-short-clrcult is, => r':Z4_rOi.'.._ 4;;-_ potential between Hax :_P-:or i:- ::it-;- u{_ conductors. Supply Return + Terminal Strlp j Twlsl_rd life p_lr with space =ppUc_tlon ¢_hd_date _suJ.(_tlon A|u_lnu_ cud etec'l=rlc=t blos wire InsuLation ty-wr_ps 2M Of Inlulatlon s_rlpped _ rJ AtueLt_ cup Pl_tfor_ , ol_r_tor _lse _nd |owcr Portion A Position B 134 Insutatlon Construction Descrlp±lon Champ[ore #i 2919 Kap_on (50%rIL)/Ex_ruded XL ETFE Filote× PTFE Extruslon/616 KQpton (50% Mln OL) /PTFE BlspersJon. Thermatics #3 ModiFied PTFE Tape (50% rain OL)/TPT Tape (50% MIn DL)/Mod PTFE Tape (50% rain nL)/PTFE Dispersion. Abl0revi&tions: 2919 Kapton => 0.5 mltFluoroc_rbon (PTFE), 1 ml[ Poiylmlde,0.5 M;[Fluorocarbon (PTFE). GIG Kapton => 0.1mJLFtuoroc_rbon (FEP), I mJt Potylmlde,0.1rollFiuorocorbon (FEP). XL => CrossUnked, ETFE => Ethytene Tetr_Fluoroethylene, ilL => OverLap, PTFE => Poty TetroFtuoroethytene. 1 roll => 25 micrometers. PRDCEDURE: i) Sampte Assembly and Installation, 2) Vacuum or Atmospherlc Air Pressure, 3) Arc Tracking Initiation, 4) Arc Tracking Restrlke, ARC TRACKING INITIATION: Bbjectlve= Manually initiate arc tracklng on the wire sampte, Procedure; Raise and tower platform untlU arc tracking started. Next Stepz Terminate power, Reset power supplies to OV. Test samptes ready For res±rike tests, 135 ARCTRACKINGRESTRIKE Objective, Ascer±aln minimumvoltage to sustain an arc, Procedure, Increment voltage From O. Results: Upon restrlke, terminate arc by removing power. Log Data, Open-Orcult-Voltage, and employed current [Imlter. Calculations: Potential Short-Circuit-Current and, Volt • Amp product, FUTURE INITIATION PLANS Arc tracking did not Inltlateat onset oF First momentary short-clrcult, Number oF momentary arcs necessary to initiate arc tracking may be dependant on the Intenslty o? the arc, QuantiFy the energy necessary to Initiate arc tracking by summing the energy In each arc during Initiation exercises, Use computer to log the data. Thls InFormation may determine which Insulation type is least likely to start arc tracking, FUTURE RESTRIKE PLANS Monitor voltage and current charac±erlstlcs oF an arc. Obtain necessary pyrotysls energy, To determine which Insulation ±ype is [east tlkely to restrlke, 136 Champlain Arc Tracking Restrike AWG 20, Vacuum 36O I ...'" ,. •."" ,....•'" O ..' .•" ,0' 270 6 .0" O :0-- /' 29.4 f_ Ca •." ..,.••'"" N -" .0 ,-" .0"" O • .." O" y .. 180 0o O" 0 21.3 f_ •° _o_o •I 0 ..0""" ......•'"'• ........"'" _° ;oo6 ...•. ¢J °/::" •°_'_'_3':0-.t''1_o"°'"0i"_' O o 0 °I !.'% o, ,....." C__O ..0" 9O , .0 "'_ I O 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Short-Circuit Current (Amperes) Filotex Arc Tracking Restrike AWG 20, Vacuum 360 170.0 0 IIN ..... .....'" ....." 4.t O 270 o.; ..d _ . 29.4 t_ Ca • 0 0 _ ( " ." .._ ..oo ._ . ....• v>wO_. 180 -•' .."_.._ .°1' •.O ° •..." 21.3 f_ ..,v .OU,3 *4N.t 0 °o... 0 ...,..0o"."' oO •_'"''"'" •....•" co 6 .._..._:o_O 0_?.c o °_ o ..o..... _3 90 _ o:_..o ....._" ! ?._._. 7¢_ : _ ....'..::'..'.. ...,','..,.., '" ' O •":.<'d:':'."' 0 _-' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Short-Circuit Current (Amperes) 137 Teledyne Therm. Arc Tracking Restrike AWG 20, Vacuum 360 .°" ,." .. .,, t/J 0 •' I.'° O .0' > 270 • •." ...' 29.4 f) ota0 ..8 # ." .• ..• .°.O" iii .. _ ,P ._ .•,, wlllll .O .. .'" .O""".'.''' "*" 0 ,°, >O 180 (_ /'•." rao".." °•. _. ..'" ."- ,i,•, *•' 21.3 f2 .o _) " .... ._,...0 "'0 ,I--I o 6 ."._ .....o" '°_ o ,...,°* ..,,° ,r1m,)r 9O j.', _....'"" I iiii: ii°i- .... O .'.-'.:;:_'.'... O 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Short-Circuit Current (Amperes) Champlain Arc Tracking Restrike AWG 20, Air 360 t_ O >, 270 29.4 im ee 4.t ,°.,.,°'"" N O 21.3 f_ >, 180 ..,.,-" .,.,. o Pw,q 90 _'"! •- .g ! ..".0._ O O :..k:Si2:..-." 0,_" ..... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Short-Circuit Current (Amperes) 138 Filotex Arc Tracking Restrike AWG 20, Air 360 Bl.Of) 65. 0 .." ... .." .." .. .° .°*' .° 270 , f' i.• 29.4_ .. .' ..." M ." .0 .." 0 .." . . 21.3 C2 180 __. ____.d___ _ ,-' ... T . • ,...'" ... j'" . .... ...I.0' e_ ......,"" 0 °....'" 0""'"" ..0"'I r.) 9O l 0'" I b_I C) _,',:.:-.'o.._ 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Short-Circuit Current (Amperes) Teledyne Therm. Arc Tracking Restrike AWG 20, Air 360 ¢,q 4..,t O 270 29.4 4,.t O 21.3 t_ >, 180 ._..t ¢J r..) 9O ! l:h O 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Short-Circuit Current (Amperes) 139

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