17 8 N 94"..22 476 D F/ Visualizingthe Universe (Part I) M.J. Geller and J.P.Huchra (CfA) These decades arethe firstinwhich we can begin to map the universe. Recent surveys revealpatterns inthe distributionofgalaxies-- patternscoherent on scales of 150 millionlightyearsor more. These patterns contrastwith the smoothness of the radiationbackground measured by the COBE satellite.Together theseobserva- tionschallenge our understanding ofthe originof galaxiesand large-scalestructure in the universe. "Visualizingthe universe" iscrucialforexploring the 3-dimensional maps, for analyzing them, forcomparing the data with simulations,fordesigning instruments to make deeper maps with new largetelescopes,and forsharing the excitement of discovery with the public. 45