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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19940009444: Interactions between spacecraft and their environments

#7--_ NASA Technical Memorandum 106115 I:P-, AIAA-93--0705 Interactions Between Spacecraft and Their Environments Dr. Dale C. Ferguson Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio Prepared for the 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Reno, Nevada, January 11-14, 1993 (NASA-IM-IO6115) INTERACTIONS N94-13917 BETWEEN SPACECRAFT AND THEIR ENVIRONMENTS (NASA) 12 p Unclas N/_A G3/IB 0185025 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN SPACECRAFT AND THEIR ENVIRONMENTS Dr. Dale C. Ferguson" NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio Abstract radiation environment. Solar cells for space ap- Spacecraft inevitably interact with their plications are routinely covered with coverslips to environments. Besides the interactions one im- reduce radiation damage. mediately thinks of in space (zero-g, solar heating, atmospheric drag, expansion into vacuum con- More recently, high voltage spacecraft in ditions, etc.) other interactions are also important. the low Earth orbit (LEO) environment have Those of interest to spacecraft designers so far may experienced significant interactions with their be grouped under several headings; plasma interac- environment. The Upper Atmospheric Research tions and spacecraft charging, impacts of debris and Satellite (LIARS), with a power system providing micrometeoroids, chemical reactions with neutral 100 V when coming out of eclipse was seen to species, radiation degradation, etc. Researchers charge to 90 V negative of its surrounding plasma have made great progress in defining and evaluating because of plasma interactions with its solar arrays3. the interactions of spacecraft with their expected This has made data interpretation from some of its ambient environments near Earth and in instruments difficult. Became Space Station • interplanetary space. Here we discuss some of Freedom would float (it has been estimated) 140 V these interactions with an eye toward expanding our negative of its surrounding plasma, and thus would knowledgeinto new environmentss,uchasmay be be liable for sputtering and arcing damage, a plasma foundatthemoon and Mars,thatwillinteracitn contactor to control its floating potential has been new and differenwtays withexploringspacecraft baselined4_ andspacefarers. Other spacecraft alsowillinteract with their environments, and this must be considered in desig- I. Introduction and Overview ning payloads, missions, etc. The types of interac- tioustheywillundergodependon theenvironments Interactions of spacecraft with their en- tobe encounteredintheirmissions.Many good vironments have traditionally been important in papershavebeenwrittenaboutspacecrafetnviron- terms of reliability. The Van Allen radiation belts mentalinteractionisn differenrtegimes,so this were discovered from saturation (temporary shut- paperwilldealonlyingeneralities. down) of a Geiger counter I on Explorer I. Anomalies in spacecraft operation in In the GEO (Geosynchronous Earth Orbit) geosynchronous orbit have often been traced to environment, the major interaction of concern is spacecraft charging and arcing during solar differential charging of different parts of a substorm events. The Marecs-A spacecraft ex- spacecraft, leading to high electric fields and arcing perienced a power loss on part of its solar arrays between spacecraft components s. In GEO, the due to such a malfunction 2. Spacecraft encountering ambient plasma thermal current densities are the powerful radiation belts of Jupiter have under- insufficient to discharge spacecraft surfaces rapidly. gone single event upsets (SEUs) due to their hard Although there are many sources of charging (i.e., the photoelectric effect, secondary electron emis- 'Physicist, Space Environment Ellects Brunch. sion, etc.) most arcs are the result of charging during solar substorm events, when the Earth's Copyright • 1993 by the Ameriema Instgute of Aeronautics and geomagnetic tail, laden with part.ides from a sudden Astrona_cs, Inc. No copyright isasserted inthe United States'under "Vale17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has arcyalty-free license to solar wind transient, undergoes field line breakage exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein for Government and reconnection, accelerating electrons to purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner. thousands of electron volts. These electrons charge at a negative potential higher than the dielectric insulating spacecraft surfaces, increasing electric breakdown strength of the coating _°. Arc currents fields to adjacent conductors beyond a breakdown may flow out into the surrounding plasma, with the level, leading to arcing6. The resultant arc currents, return currents distributed over wide areas of other travelling through spacecraft conductors, can upset spacecraft surfaces. Arcs alsocan occur through electronic components, induce spurious signals, etc. the plasma between closely spaced conductors at A common design solution for GEO is to coat all differing voltages _. Conducting surfaces highly outside spacecraft surfaces with conducting negative of the plasma will attract high energy ions, materials, to eliminate the possibility of differential and will be liable to sputtering 1°. Nearby surfaces charging'. may acquire a sputtered conducting coating, chan- ging their electrical, optical, and thermal properties. In LEO, absolute charging of spacecraft At high positive potentials (if they occur), electrons surfaces with respect to the surrounding plasma is will be collected, leading to localized heating and of great concern. Bemuse LEO thermal plasma significant power drains12.Conductors may become current densities are high, surfaces do not ordinarily exposed by micrometeoroid and/or debris impact, differentially charge, and total absolute potentials dielectric breakdown, etc. are bled off rapidly by collected plasma currents. However, some spacecraft impose differential The neutral spacecraft environment isalso charging on themselves by using distn"outed high important. Chemically active species, such as the voltages. Efficient power distn_oution requires predominating atomic oxygen of LEO, can oxidize either high voltages or massive conducting cables8, and damage surfaces, especially in the ram direc- and most designers have chosen the former option. tion, where the spacecraft ram velocity simulates a Spacecraft surfaces float at potentials that result in high energy beam. Volatile oxidation products may no net current collection from the plasma. If be lost, leaving a surface denuded of its protective conductors at different voltages are not exposed to coverings. Chemically active ions may be attracted the space plasma, all spacecraft surfaces will float by charged spacecraft surfaces, and their reaction within a few volts of the surrounding plasma poten- rates increase with energy. Such considerations tied. If conductors of similar area but at different are important mainly for low planetary orbits such voltages are exposed to the plasma, a rule of thumb as LEO, but also may be important in low Mars isthat the most negative surfaces will float negative orbit. of the plasma about 90% of the total voltage dif- ference between the surfaces. This is true, for InLEO, radiation from the Van Allen belts instance of solar arrays, where interconnects bet- may damage electronics and lower the output of ween solar cells or cell edges are exposed to the solar cells with prolonged exposure. In addition, plasma, yet operation of the array depends on the micrometeoroid and debris impacts may puncture voltage distn2)ution. Even some spacecraft designs insulators, pressure vessels and manned com- without solar arrays place different surfaces at dif- partments unless they are accounted for in ferent potentials. For instance, a payload of the spacecraft design. proposed SP-100 space nuclear power system will likely float about 100 V negative of a LEO plasma In low pressure neutral atmospheres, such (see Figure 1, from Ref. 9) because the structure as on the Martian surface and areas surrounding ground is discontinuous between power supply and lunar bases, other interactions such as Paschen payload. Locally, insulating surfaces will charge breakdown of atmospheric gases and arcing from only afew volts negative of the surrounding plasma, dusty surfaces may be important u. however. In thispaper, Space Station Freedom (SSF) Arcs in LEO can occur from conductor- and the SP-100 power system wit[ be used as insulator junctions (including holes in cable in- examples of spacecraft now nearing the end of their sulation) when the conductor is highly negative of design phase and how they may interact with their the surrounding plasma,orfrom anodizedorother environments when completed. dielectric surfaces when the underlying conductor is 2 II. Grounding Schemes and Surface Potentials geometries and materials in the UIM region, to prevent arcing at conductor-insulator junctions in The electrical grounding scheme of LEO. In particular, conductors known to have a spacecraft isimportant indetermining the spacecraft plasma arcing threshold higher than 100 V must be structure's potential, relative to the surrounding used. - plasma. Because Space Station Freedom has the structure ground point at the potential of the most Materialscommonly used in solarcells, negative end of its solar arrays, which are producing suchassilvercoatedinterconnectasnd silicond,o a 160 V distributed voltage, SSF would float about notarcatvoltagelsessthaneabout200V. Copper, 140V negativeofitssurroundingIs°.To controlits on theotherhand,hasbeeninferred(fromground floatingpotentiala,plasma contactorhas been plasmatests)toarcata much lowervoltage(pos- baselinedt,okeepallpointsofthestructurweithin s_ly 11as low as 40 V). Arcing thresholds for other 40 V ofthesurroundings.For a largespacecraft materials have not yet been determined. There is suchas SSF,evenitsvelocittyhroughtheEarth's some evidence that arc rates are higher for magneticfieldinducessignificapnottentialosn its materials that absorb and/or adsorb water or other structure.Itmay be calculatedf,orinstancet,hat volatile materials Such materials (including some TM. theremay be a20V potentiadlifferencree,lativteo types of adhesives and polymeric materials) should thesurroundingplasma,fromoneendofSSFtothe be avoided at conductor-insulator junctions. other.SSF liesatoneextreme;alargesolararray Geometry can influence plasma arcing as well, and poweredspacecraft. geometries that help prevent ions from entering the conductor-insulator region are preferred. The At the other extreme lies the SP-100 power SPEAR-I rocket flight avoided arcing with voltages system. Because it is nuclear powered, no high much higher than 100 V by clever exclusion of distributed potentials must contact the plasma in the plasma ions from conductor-insulator junctions _7. SP-100 design. Also, it is small, compared to SSF. Designsto do thisrequire extensive computer Therefore, one would expect SP-100 to "float" near calculations of particle orbits in the anticipated to the surrounding plasma potential. However, SP- geometries and electric fields using codes such as 100 power module has a 200 V total system voltage, NASCAP]LEO. divided into two halves, with the structure ground in the middle zs.At the User Interface Module (UIM), the payload is connected to the power system. The III. Floatin_ Potentials payload sees a full 200 V difference, and is grounded to the negative end of the power supply. While in general, spacecraft will take on Drawings show a connection between the SP-100 floating potentials to maintain collected zero net structure ground and the payload structure ground current to exposed surfaces, NASCAP/LEO and through a resistance (see Figure 2, adapted from EPSAT computer models have shown that payloads Ref. 15). As presently configured, to prevent a very or structures on some spacecraft will float highly large power loss in the resistor, the resistor's value negative of the LEO plasma 9. In the case of the must be high enough that the payload structure SP-100 power system, the payload floats highly ground be 100 V negative of the SP-100 structure negative because of the large amount of exposed ground. In the UIM, where the structures are conductor in the power system, which will effectively attached, there thus will be a 100 V difference in ground the power system to the surrounding plas- the structure potentials. Attached structures must ma, and the peculiar grounding scheme used on SP- be connected with an insulating material of suf- 100, which places the payload 100 V negative of the ficient thickness to stand off the 100 V difference. power system. The small payload area then must However, the surrounding plasma also will have a collect a current of sluggish ions to balance the small region of high electric fields (a sheath). The current of mobile electrons easily collected by the NASCAP/q__O and POLAR computer codes have large power system area. The power system will shown that local electric fields at and near the User float near the plasma potential, pushing the payload Interface Module will be high9. Thus, for the SP- far negative. 100 design, particular attention must be paid to 3 Onsolararraypoweredspacecrasfutch as aluminum exposed to space is often of insufficient SSF, a low voltage system will float near the plasma strength to stand off 100 V in a plasma. Still, potential. A high voltage positively grounded power thickening the coating usually influences its thermal system will have parts of the solar arrays at high properties, so a thicker coating may not be a good negative potentials, but the structure will float near answer. Snifuric acid anodized coatings have the plasma potential. Again, this isbecause of the greater dielectric strengths, but very different large conducting surface area available to collect the thermal properties. For LEO missions, it isrecom- more mobile electrons. A negatively grounded mended that sulfuric acid anodization be used in power system, on the other hand, will make the regions where thermal control is not an overriding structure work to collect the sluggish ions, and even concern, and that AO protected aluminized kapton the large surface area may only shift the floating blankets (kapton surface on the outside) of 1000 V potential away from the most negative system dielectric strength be used in all other exposed high voltage by a few volts. On the face of it, then, high voltage surfaces. voltage solar array powered spacecraft for use in LEO may control their floating potentials by using a positively grounded power system. However, V. Micrometeoroids and Debris space qualified high voltage electronics of this polarity are scarce, slow, and may be prohibitively The micrometeoroid and debris environ- expensive. ment must be considered when designing pres- surized vessels, fluid systems, etc. Studies of the For LEO missions, structure and payload expected flux of debris and micrometeoroids of a surfaces at high negative potentials should avoid certain size are uncertain, due to the uncertainties exposed conductors, or at least exposed conductor- in the amount of spacecraft debris that will be insulator junctions, to avoid the same sort of arcing produced, models of its collision and breakup into considered above for the SP-IO0 UIM joint. For smaller fragments, and models of the atmospheric GEO missions, fully conductive surfaces should be drag that will eventually remove it from orbit TM. used everywhere to avoid differential charging7. While SP-100 had enough redundancy built in to survive collisions with cm size debris particles, SSF requires a meteoroid and debris shield to guarantee IV. Dielectric Bre_kd0wn the lifetimes of its pressurized manned modules against impacting debris particles up to i cm in size. Ground tests and modeling done for the Space Station Freedom Electrical Grounding Tiger Team effort found that dielectric coatings often VI. RadiatiQn break down at -100 V in a LEO plasma xs. Rated dielectric strengths and strengths measured in an The radiation environment includes both atmosphere were not consistently reached before ionizing electromagnetic radiation from the sun breakdown in the plasma. It is suspected that this (UV, X-rays, etc.) and energetic charged particles isdue to a porosity of the coatings, allowing plasma from solar flares and the solar wind, the Van Alien ions to reach much closer to the underlying conduc- belts_'_, and cosmic rays. Solar UV may cause tor than the nominal dielectric coating thicknesses. color changes in paints and breakdown of polymers. Even coatings with rated dielectric strengths of Charged particle bombardment in the Van Allen much more than 100 V seemed porous enough to belts has led most spacecraft designers to shun the plasma ions to have real dielectric strengths of orbits within the belts, but even in LEO and GEO, less than 100 V. Thus, for surfaces that must be spacecraft must be designed to withstand the exposed at high negative potentials, it is important radiation environment. Of course, one of the main that dielectric coatings used on its outer surfaces be concerns of manned missions to Mars and el- strong enough to stand off the fur system voltage in sewhere in the solar system is the possib'dity of a plasma. Care must be used in selecting surface irradiation by a strong solar flare. In LEO, SSF will coatings of high dielectric strength. In particular, be protected from the direct effects of solar flares the chromic add anodlzafion commonly used on and most cosmic rays by the Earth's magnetic field. 4 Neverthelesits,must use coverslides to protect its creased by ion focusing onto the pinhole u. Under- solar cells from degradation, and non-yellowing lying conductors must be of sufficient thickness to paints and surface coatings. SP-100 creates its own withstand puncture at accelerated sputtering rates radiation hazard, and its payloads must be shielded (see Figure 3, adapted from Ref. 25). Materials of from its nuclear reactor and placed at a distance low sputtering rate aiso may be used, if they satisfy from the power source. On the Moon and Mars, thermal, atomic oxygen, and other requirements. the radiation environment is usually similar to that Optical, thermal, or other specialized coatings inthe in interplanetary space, with no strong magnetic line of sight to the sputtering pinhole will become fields for shielding, and no dense atmosphere to coated with the sputtered material over a long block solar UV and X-rays. period oftime. Itis desirable to place such surfaces so they have no direct line of sight to surfaces that might undergo sputtering. VII. Spu_efin_ Sputtering may also be a concern for long VIII. Parasitic Pgwfr Drain duration missions in LEO with surfaces at high negative voltages. A complicating factor is that in Wherever biased exposed conductors exist, LEO, the sputtering species is atomic oxygen, for plasma currents will be collected. Parasitic power which little information is known, and for which losses dueto plasma current collected from pinholes chemical effects may coutn'bute to sputtering rates. or coating defects have been quantified and shown Much work hasbeen done on asputtering model to to be small in ground plasma chamber testing at help evaluate surface material loss rates in LEOz2. LeRC. In particular, Grier and Domitz _ tested Measurements of low energy sputtering by atomic several candidate cable insulating materials, and oxygen have been made by Eck and others at showed that below a few hundred volts positive, CWRU. Out of these measurements has come a collected currents remained negligible. At voltages theory of low energy sputtering which better agrees of 200 V and above, insulation pinholes showed with the measurements than previous theories". snapover effects. If conductors are at high positive One distinguishing characteristic of the theory is potentials relative to the plasma, snapover may that there is no absolute threshold for sputtering, greatly increase the electron currents collected, and but the rate at low energies is determined by the the resulting power drain. Still, regardless of thermal tail of the surface material atom velocity spacecraft grounding scheme, it is unlikely that distribution. spacecraft conductors will be at potentials greater than 100V above the plasma potential, so snapover Sputtering rates are astrong function of the is unlikely to occur. An exception is SSF. Here, surface voltage. Because the voltages on spacecraft the plasma contactor that will keep the structure are usually not in the kV range (which would imply close to plasma potential willpush the most positive highsputtering rates) sputtering will only be impor- end of the solar arrays more than 100 V positive, tant for mission times as long as years in a high and the solar cell edges will collect more current density plasma, such as that in LEO or low Mars than otherwise, essentially increasing the power orbit. Sputtering may also be a long-term problem drainand demanding ahigh current capacity for the in the lunar environment, if locally produced en- plasma contactor. vironmental plasmas have a high enough density. Whenever long life is required in a high density For other spacecraft, such asSP-IO0, NAS- plasma environment, surfaces should be insulated to CAP/LEO modeling has shown the power loss from prevent direct contact of high potential conductors currents to other surfaces is small compared to the with the plasma. total delivered current, and thus the percentage efficiency loss is also smaLP. A rule of thumb is The SSF Electrical Grounding Tiger Team that for every square meter of exposed conductor in showed that where micrometeoroids, debris, or LEO a parasitic structure current of about 1 mA manRfacturing defects produce small pinholes in may be expected. Thus, for a payload of about 100 insulators, the sputtering rate will be greatly in- square meters surface area (on SP-100, for instance) 5 only 100 mA of structure current may be extracted including AO degradation and arcing to the plasma. from the power supply capacity, compared to the The present LEO environmental interactions 500 A that the SP-100 power source may deliver at investigations will be very relevant to these issues. 200 V and 100 kW. On the surfaces of the moon and Mars, new issues arise, such as Paschen breakdown in low pressure neutral environments, chemical and electrical IX. Atomic Oxygen Dural_ility interactions with dust, etc. A workshop report has been published, giving a first evaluation of impor- Materials exposed to atomic oxygen (AO), tant interactions 1'. the predominant species in LEO, will be subject to rapid oxidation. In contrast to sputtering by ions in LEO, where the sputtering rate per incident particle XI. Summary and Recommend_ti0ns may be 0.1 and the flux of sputtering particles on the order of 10_2per square centimeter per second, Wherever there are discontinuous structure atomic oxygen reaction rates may be 1.0 and the potentials of more than 100 V on spacecraft, they ram flux 101' per square centimeter per second z_. must be connected with an insulating material of Thus, instead of a timescale of 10 years for sput- sufficient thickness to stand off the potential dif- tering, we might expect a degradation timescale of ference. afew days for atomic oxygen. Indeed, in LEO, only a few weeks are required to destroy a i rail layer of Particular attention must be paid to a highly reactive material like Kapton". However, geometries and materials where there are exposed not all materials are reactive in atomic oxygen. For conductor-insulator junctions inLEO. In particuhr, missions with LEO orbit times of more than a few conductors known tohave aplasma arcing threshold days, surface materials that are non-reactive must higher than the conductor potential relative to the be used. surrounding plasma must be used. Plasma testing to identify such materials is suggested. Eck and his associates at CWRU _, as well as the author _, Banks_, and others have measured There is some evidence that arc rates are AO reaction rates and kinetics for a variety of higher for materials that adsorb water and/or other spacecraft materials. Atomic oxygen durability of volatile materials. Such materials should be avoided materials and coatings continues to be investigated near conductor-insulator junctions, such as the SP- in ground tests and the recent EOIM-3 Shuttle 100 UIM joint or solar cell edges on solar powered flight experiment. EOIM-3 evaluated a host of spacecraft. Geometry can influence plasma arcing spacecraft surface materials for atomic oxygen as well, and geometries that help prevent ions from durability in LEO in midyear, 1992. A list of entering the conductor-lnsnlator region are materials flown as part ofthe SP-100 program alone preferred. is given in Table I. EOIM-3 samples are now undergoing mass loss and surface property tests to For LEO missions, spacecraft surfaces determine their reactivity in LEO conditions. should avoid exposed conductors, or at least ex- posed conductor-insulator junctions, to avoid arcing. For GEO missions, fully conductive surfaces should X. Lunar and Planetary Interactions be used everywhere to avoid differential charging. Finally, evaluation of the interactions of For LEO missions, it isrecommended that spacecraft and their power systems with lunar and sulfuric acid anodization be used as an insulating planetary environments has started. A Workshop surface in regions where thermal control is not an on Chemical and Electrical Interactions on Mars overriding concern, and that AO protected was held at NASA LeRC on November 19and 20, aluminized kapton blankets (kapton surface on the 1991. Many of the primary interactions were iden- outside) of 1000 V dielectric strength be used in all tiffed. In Low Mars Orbit, many of the concerns other outside surfaces of a high voltage spacecraft. now being addressed for LEO will be important, Whenever long life is required in a high J. (1989), "Assessment of Electrostatic Charging of plasma density environment such as low planetary Satellites in the Geostationary Environment', ESA orbits, surfaces should be insulated to prevent Vol. 13, p. 91. sputtering of high potential conductors in the plasma. NClnn;ngham, D. (1992), SouthWest Research Institute, Private Communication. Where micrometeoroids, debris, or manufacturing defects produce small pinholes in 4Moorehead, R. (1992), NASA SSF Program Office, insulators, the sputtering rate will be greatly en- Private Communication. hanced by ion focusing onto the pinhole. Under- lying conductors must be of sul_cient thickness to _l-Ierr, Jl,. (1991), "A Charting Study of ACTS withstand puncture at accelerated sputtering rates. Using NASCAP', NASA CR-187088. Materials of low sputtering rate also may be used_ if they satisfy thermal, atomic oxygen, and other re- 6Ferguson, D.C. (1986), "The Voltage Threshold for quirements. Optical, thermal, or other specialized Arcing for Solar Cells inLEO - Flight and Ground coatings inthe line of sight to the sputtering pinhole Test Results', NASA TM-87259. wiU be coated with the sputtered material, over a long period of time. It is desirable to place such 71'urvls, C.K., Garrett, H.B., Whittlesey, A., and surfaces so they have no direct line of sight to Stevens, NJ. (1984), "Design Guidelines for A_ses- surfaces that might undergo sputtering. sing and Controlling Spacecraft Char_n__ Effects', NASA TP-2361. For missions with LEO orbit times ofmore than a few days, surface materials that are non- _Ferguson, D.C. (1989), "Solar Array Arcing in reactive with high energy atomic oxygen must be Plasmas',in the Proceedings of the Third Annual used. Designs must also take account of debris Workshop on Space Operations, Automation and impacts andradiation damage. Robotics (SOAR '89), S. GriYan, ed., NASA CP- 3059, p. 509. In Low Mars Orbit, many of the concerns now being addressed for LEO will be important, 9Jongeward, G.A., Katz, I., Kuharsld, R.A., and including AO degradation and arcing to the plasma. Lilley, J.R., Jr. (1990), "Analysi_ of $P-100 Environ- The present LEO environmental interactions inves- ment Interactions II', S-Cubed Div. of Maxwell tigations will be very relevant to these issues. On Labs., Contract Report SSS-DTR-90-11284, W/O the surface of Mars, new issues arise, such as 11259, under NASA LeRC Contract NAS3-23881. Paschen breakdown in low pressure neutral en- vironments, chemical and electrical interactions with S°Ferguson, D.C., Snyder, D.B., and Carruth, R. dust, etc. Similar issues may also arise on the (1990), "Findin_ of the Joint Workshop on Moon. For such missions, new environmental Evaluation of Impacts of Space Station Freedom interactions concerns must be addressed as they are Ground Configurations', NASA TM-103717. studied further. l_Snyder, D.B. (1991), NASA LeRC, Private Com- munication. XII. References nSteveng NJ. (1978), "Interactions Between 1Vampola, A.L. (1980), "Radiation Effects on Space Spacecrafatnd the Charged Particle Environment', Systems and Their Modeling', in Space S_tems and inSpacecraft Char_ing Technolo_ 1978, NASA CP- Their Interactions with Earth'_ Space Environment, 2071,pp. 268-294. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 71, New York: AIAA, H.B. Garrett and C.P. Pike, eds., '_Ferguson, D.C. (1990), "Atomic Oxygen Effects on p. 339. Refractory Materials', in Materials Degradation in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), Warrendale, Pa: TMS, V. ZFrezet, M., Daly, EJ., Granger, J.P., and Hamelin, Srinivasan and B.A. Banks, eds., p. 100. 7 UKolecki, J.C., and Hillard, G.B. (1992), "_Eck, T.G. (1993), to be published. Proceed_n__s of the Electrical and Chemical In_erac60n_ at Mars Workshop, Nov. 19-20, 1991, 2*Herr, J.L. and Snyder, D.B. (1993), NASA CP-I0093. Sheath Effects on Ion Collection by a Pinhole'. presented at the 31st AIAA Aerospace Sciences -LSBrewer,R. (1988), "System Design and Perfor- Mtgr,Reno, NV, Jan. 11-14, 1.993. mance Characteristics', in SP-100 Reference Flight S_tem System Design Review. Volume 1. S_tems, 2SSnyder, D.B. and Herr, J.L. (1991), in the 17-19May 1988,GeneralElectricp,.1.8-31. Proceedln_ of the Fifth Annual Workshop on Space Ooerations. Applications and Research t_Upschulte, B.L, Weyl, G.M., Mariueni, W.J., (SOAR "91).If,K.rishen, ed., NASA CP-3127, p. After, E. Hastings, D., and Snyder, D. (1991), 694. "Significant Reduction in Arc Frequency of Negatively Biased Solar C£.11s:Observations, Diag- aeGrier, N.T. and Domkz, S. (1989), "Measured nosficrb and Mitigation Technique(s), in the Current Collection for High Temperature and High Pr_ceeclin_ 9fth¢ Space Photovoltaic Research and Volta_e Power Cables Used in Earth Orbit', TeehnQlo_ Conference 1991 (SPRAT '913.NASA presented at the Aerospace Sciences Meeting of the CP-3121, p. 32-1. AIAA, Reno, Nevada, January. l_qatz, I. (1989), U.S. Patent # 4835341 issued to Z_Tennyson,R.C.,and Morison,W.D. (1990),in Maxwell Laboratories. MaterialsDemradationinLow EarthOrbit(LEO). Warrendale, Pa: TMS, V. Srinlvasan and B.A. _Grier, N.T. and Domitz, S. (1991), in the Banks, eds., p. 59. Proceedin2s of the F'_h Annuid Workshop on Svace Operations. Applications and Research a_-Iorton, C.C., Eclg T.G., and Hoffman, R.W. (SOAR "917. K. Krishen, cA., NASA CP-312"7,p. (1989), "Pulsed Ion Beam Investigation of the 703. Kinetics ofSurface Reactions', J.V_c. $ci. Techn01. A. 7, pp. 2143-2146. _Kessler, DJ. (1988), "Orbital Debris Environment and Data Requirements', in NASA/SDIO Space 2_Fergason, D.C. (1984), "The Energy Dependence Envir0nm¢nt_l Effect_ Qn Materials Workshop. and Surface Morphology of Kapton Degradafon NASA CP-3035, pp. 281-300. Under Atomic Oxygen Bombardment', in PrQfeedings of the 13th Space Simulation Con- _¢ampola, A.L. (1988), "The Space Particle En- feren_. NASA CP-2340, p. 205. vironment', in NASA/SDIO Space Environmental Effects 0n Matcrial_ Workshop, NASA CP-3035, pp. _Banks, B.A., Auer, B.M., and DiFilippo, F. (1990), 367-382. "Atomic Oxygen Undercutting of Defects on SiO2 Protected Polyimide Solar Array Blankets', in zXSlemp, W.S. (1988), "Ultraviolet Radiation Ef- MateriaL_Degradation in Low Earth Orb.it (LEO). fects', inNASA/SDIO Space Environmental Effects Warrondale, Pa: TMS, V. Srinivasanand B.A. on Materials Workshoo. NASA CP-3035, pp. 425- Banks,eds.,p. 15. 446. Z_Eck, T.G., Chert, L.-Y., and Hoffman, R.W. (1991), "Sputtering of Ions from Cu and Al by Low Energy Oxygen Ion Bombardment', in the Pr0ceedin_ of the Fifth Annual Workshop on Space Operations. Applications and Research (SOAR "91_.IC Krishen, ed., NASA CP-3127, p. 716. 8

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