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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930018275: Adaptive EAGLE dynamic solution adaptation and grid quality enhancement

ADAPTIVEEAGLE N 9 3 " 2:7 4 G DYNAMIC SOLUTION ADAPTATION AND GRID QUALITY ENHANCEMENT S...3 Phu Vinh Luong Naval Oceanographic Office Stennis Space Center, MS 39529 J. F.Thompson, B. Gatlin, C. W.Mastin, H. J. Kim NSF Engineering Research Center for Computational Field Simulation Mississippi State University Mississippi State, MS 39762 grid isdesired. The CFD code passe, itscurrent solution to this EAGLE routine via ascratch Rle. This structure eliminates the Intheeffort described here, theelliptic gridgeneration proce. needfor compatibility between CFD andgridarrays. One restric. dure inthe EAGLE gridcode hasbeen separated from themain tions isthattheinitial gridmust begenerated bytheEAGLE sys. code intoasubroutine, andanewsubroutine which evaluatel _v- tern,orbeprocessed throughthatsystem. Thisprovides theneces- eral gridquality measm'_ ateach lgidpoint halbeen added. The saryparameters andstructural information tobe readfromfliesby elliptic gridmuline cannowbecalled, either byaCFD code tosen- theadaptive EAGLE routine. eraie anewadaptive gridbased onflowvariables andqualityinca- rares through multiple adaptation, o¢bythe EAGLE main code Inthepresent work, thecontrol function approach istumlas togenerate agridbasedonqualitymeasure variableathroughlitai,, the basicmechanism for theadaptive gridgeneration. The static ic adaptation. Arrays of flowvatinblea can be read into the and multiple adaptive gridgeneration technique_ are investigated EAGLE gridcode foruseinstatic adaptation u welL These major byformudafin8thecontrol functions intermJof either gridquality changes in theEAGLE adaptive gridsystem make iteasier tocon- meamr_ the flow mlution, orboth. vert anyCFD code thatoperates on ablock-slructured grid(or single-block grid) into amultiple adaptive code. Previomwork (2,3)withtheadaptive EAGLE system allowed thegrid toonly adapt to thegradient of avariable. The work de- scribed here hasextended thk adaptive mechanism to also allow IHI_,DD1/ClIDB adaptation to thecurvature of avariable orto the variable itselL Theaystem provides fordifferent weight funcdom ineach coordi- The requirements of accuracy and efficiency for obtaining nate direction. Inaddition, themechanism nowincludes the abil- solutions to PDE's havealway1been aconflic_innumerical meth- itytocalculate theweight functions mweighted averages ofweight odsfor solving field problems. On theone hand, itkwell known functions fi'om several flow variables and/or quality measures. thatincreasing thenumber ofgridpointsimplies de_em_ng thelo- Thisallowstheadaptationtotakeinto accounttheeffectofmany cal truncation error. This, however, results in bng computation of the flowvariable, instead ofjust one. The construction of the timedue tolargenumbers ofgridpoints. Ontheother hand, short- weighted average offlow variables andquality measures, and the ercomputation timecanbeachieved bydecreau i thenumber of grid points, butthe resultisale_ accuratesolution. choice of adaptation togradient, curvature, orvariable, areallcon- trolled iu each coordinate directions through inputparameters. Adaptive gridgeneration techniques areameans forresolving Thequalitymeasures nowavailable intheEAGLE gridsystemare thisconflict. Formanypractical problenm, theinitial gridmay not skewness, aspect ratio, arc length, and smoothnem of the grid. bethe bestmired for aparticular phydcal problem. Fc_ example, These grid qualitymeasures, and theresulting control and weight thelocation of flow features, such mshocks, botmdmy andshear function values, canbeoutput for graphical contouring. layenk andwake regions, arenot known before the gridisgener- ate& Inmultiple adaptive gridgeneration, gridpoints aremoved continually torespond tothese featurel intheflow fieldmthey de. ADAPTIVE MECHANISM velop. Thinadaptation canreduce theoscillatiom umciated with inadequate resolution oflarge gradients, allowing sharper shocks Control Function Annroaeh andbetter repreaentation of bouada_ iayenL Th,,- itiaposthole to achieve both efficiency and high acx:uracyfor numerical mlu. tiom of PDE'L Several basictechnique, involved inadaptive grid The control funcdon approach to adaptation isdeveloped by generation aredik-'u_d inRef. (1). noting thecorreqxmdence between the 1Dform ofthe system, Inthe earlier form ofthe adaptive EAGLE _em (2, 3),the coupling oftheadaptive gridsyutemwithaCFD code required the xw+ ex, - 0 (1) encaplmlation of both theentire gridcode andtheCFD flow code into separate subroutines, and theconstruction of adriverto call each. _ wu inefficient thatitincluded mine mmeceua_ parta of the grid code and required significant umdification, and per- and the differentia] form of the equidism'bution principle, Imp,remmmutng, of theCI:D code.Inparticular, the flow code Wxe = ¢omtant, azr_ and/o¢ thegridcode mTayshadtobemodified tobecompat. l_le inmucture. wxw + w,z, = 0 (2) The convemion procedure il accomplished byadding the el- liplic grid generation subroutine, andcertain other mbroutinel from the EAGLE grid,ystem thatare invoh,ed intheelliptic grid generation protest, totheflowcode. TheCFD code maythencall wherePk thefunction to control thecoordinate line sparing, and the eRiptic gridgeneratiou routine at each lime stepwhen anew Wi, theweight function. From(I)and Grid Oualitv Measures (2)the control function canbedefined interms of the weight function and itsderivative as The objective of tiffspart of the investigation was to develop a means of evaluating grids through the computation of certain gridproperties that arerelated togridqualityand to develop tech. r w, (3) niques for estimating the truncation error. Following Kerlick and Klopfer (Re£ 8), andGatiin, et. al. (Ref. 9), the gridquality mea- sures are taken asskewangle, aspect ratio,gridLaplacian, and_'c This equation can beextended inageneral 3D form as length. Techmques forestimating the truncation error due tothe work of Mastin (ReL I0) are also included. At each grid point in ageneral 3D grid,eachproperty can havethree values associated w,, (4) withthethree directions. The approach taken inthisinvestigation istotreat each surface ofconstant _ separately forease ingraphi- cal interpretation. Thisapproach wassuggested byAnderson (Ref. 4,5),andhasbeen applied with _ for 2D configurations by Johnson and Thompson (ReL6)andfor3D configurations byKimandThomp- sun (Re£ 2) andby'Ihand Thompson (Ref. 3). The minimum skew angle between intersecting grid lines is one ofthe most important measurable gridproperties. This angle The complete generalization of (4)was proposed byEiseman canbe expressed interms of the covariant metric elements as (_f.7) as = E where W_isthe weight function chosen for the _tdirection. This Sincegn - &=, 8n = 8nandsn = 8_, thethree skew angles definition of thecontrol functions provides aconvenient means to associated with each gridpoint ina3D gridare 0t_ 03 and 031' specify three separate control functions, with one ine_ coordi- nate direction. asimaxatlo Inorder topreserve the geome_ characteristics of the ex- isting grid,itispractical toconstruct the control functions inmuch Since aspect ratio isthe ratio of the length of thesidesof agrid amanner thatthe control functiondsefined by(5)areadded tothe cell, itcanbe defined intwo different ways. Forexample, on_: initial setof control functionosbtained from thegeometry, i.e., face ofconstant _, this ratiocan be expressed in terms ofme_c elements 8uand 8_as P_ -(P_; + C_P_. _ = 1,2"3 (6) _ (lOa) A_, l where F (P,). : control function based on geometry or (P_). : control function based Onweight function Inthese equations theweight function Wcan be computed by different formulas for different adaptive mechanisms: Large changes inaspect ratio ofgridsfrom one partof the fieldto Adaptation to another may inhibit the convergence of viscous flow solutions to Var_b/¢ : W = 1 + IV! asteady state. Gradien: : W - ! + IVVI Curvature : W = (I +plgl)Jl + alVVI 2 Ansefid measure ofthe smoothness ofagridisthe Laplacian of the curvilinear system, _, / l 1,2,3, which is simply the (7) rateofchange of gridpoint density inthe grid. Foraperfectly uni- form grid,the gridLap]acian wouldvanisheverywhe_, but ex- where Vcan beeither aflowsolution variable oragridqualitymea- ceedinglylarge values may arise in highly stretched grids. The mathematical representation of the gi'idI..aplacian isdefined in sure. Here aand flare on therange 0-1, and terms of the contravariant metric elements 80,the contravariant basevectors at and theposition vector •as . T'V (s) X" (1 + IVVP)_ isthecurvatureofthevariablVe, Using these definitions of the control functions, the elliptic generation system becomes anadaptivegridgeneration system. This system is then solved iteretlvely inadaptive EAGLE bythe Another important inc.*mareofthegridqualityisthe localrate pointSOR method togenerate the adaptive grid. atwhich gridspacing changes. Onacoordinate surface ofconstant _3,and along acoordinate lineof constant _z thegridspacing can bedefined as Assume that there are twonumerical solutions oforder pac- d, - [(x,.i - x__+ (y,+_- y_ + (-,÷_- .0q½ (12a) curacyfor (13b) thathavebeen computed onafine gridand on a coarse grid,withgridspacing handnh, respectively, ineach coor- dinate direction. Assuming thatthe samepth order method isused Thenormalized rateatwhich gridspacing changes (ARCL) isthen inboth cases, then the relation between the two numerical solu- tions and the actual solution uof the PDE can beestablished as d, - dH (ARCL), = ½(d, + d,-O (12b) u = U. ÷ R(8)' (15a) and The objective of this section isto present heuristic error esti. mates which give order of magnitude appro_dmations for the truncation error and the solution error inthe numerical solution - = u,=+ R(nhy (15b) of theElder equations forcompres_le flowandother systems of conservation laws. Anyconservation lawcanbewritten inagener- alformu From these equations, anextrapolated value ofu canbecomputed as u,+f.+&, + h. = 0 (13a) n,u. - u_ (15c) u = (w,- 1) The transformation ofthis system toanarbitrary curvilinear coor- dinate system is Thus the estimate ofthe error inthenumerical solution computed on the h gridis: U, + F,_ + G,z + HO = 0 (13b) . - u, _ (15d) = (n*- I) where 4"gistheJacobian of the transformation and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The adaptive grid generation system based on the control G -/_ _ + _ + _:h) function approach as described inthe previo_ chapters hasbeen used togenerate static and multiple adaptive grids forseveral ge- ometries(gel 11). Some ofthese results arepresented inthissec- Lethbe the spacing of the fine grid,and nh bethespacing of the tion. Thestatic adaptive gridswere obtained byadapting theinitial coarse grid. Let L,be the difference approximation operator on grids to either gridquality m_ variables or to existing flow thefinegrid,and L., bethe difference approximation operator on solution variables. Themultiple adaptive procedure wastested on the coarse grid. Then the finite difference approximation of the several different configurations with the adaptive MISSE Euler PDE canberepresented on thefine gridas flow code (Re£ 12) fortransoni-"and supersonic flow cases, and with the adaptive INS3D flow code (Reg. 13) for incompressible flow. u, + f, + g, + h, = LdF, G,H) + T(h)" (13c) Ada_ntaflon to Oualit vMeasures Some examples of the grid quality adaptation are shown in andon thecoane gridas Figure 1for adaptation to various quality measures. (In ReL 11, colorcontour plotsof the qualitymeasures andthe other adaptive features aregiven.) Figures 2a-d shows the difference of theav- u,+f= + &,+ h, = L.,(F,G,I'/)+ T(nhy (13d) erage skewangle between theinitial andadaptive grids. The same number of total adaptive iterations were run in each case. The control functJom were updated based onthe geomeUy of the pre- where aisaninteger. vious grid,rather than the initial grid"ateach adaptation. From (13¢:)and (13d), the estimate ofthemmcation error on Comparison ofFigure lb with Figure la shows that adapta- the fine grid canbe computed as tion tothe skewness iseffective inreducing the skewness inone re- gion, while increasing the skewness inother regions of thegrid. A small improvement inaspectratiooccursb,utthe smoothness of the grid isdecreased. T(hF - _ (14) Comparison ofFigure lcwith Figure laindicates that adapta- tiontoaspect ratiodoes improve both aspect ratioand smoothness Aaimilar procedure can beused to compute the error inthe of the grid; the skewnem isincreased, however. Comparison of numerical solution. Such aprocedure haslong been used in the Figure ldwithFigure ia shows that adaptation tosmoothness ira. numerical solution of ordinary different_l equations and is re. prove=the skewness andaspect ratioof thegrideffectively, butthe ferred to as Richardson extrapolation. Even though numerical adaptive gridisnot as smooth asthe initial elliptic grid. solutions must be computed onboth fine andcoarse grids, the er- Figure le shows the beneficial effect of including adaptation rorestimates which result donot havethe largepeaks at solution to aspect ratio, arc length,aad smoothnea, with adaptation to s/nguiarities which can be encountered with the truncation error skewness: the skewness isreduced more bythecombination than computed from difference approximation of higher derivatives. with skewness adaptation alone. Alittle improvement oco.n's in Thus thesolutioenrror estimates may sometimes be more useful aspect ratio; the =moothness of the grid does, however, decrease. in the construction of adaptive grids. Resuflrtosmtheseexampslehsow Theinitialgrid,adaptedtothegradientofthecombination of that the adaptation tothe density and pressure inthe _ direction only isshown inFigure 7e. combination of all gridquality measures, or to each individually, TotalnumberofadaptationswasSwith CI = 0, C2 = 0.9,and can improve some gridproperties while damaging others. For ex- updates were applied to the previous control functions. Pressure ample the adaptation tothe Laplacian of this particular gridcan contours obtained from this adaptive gridareshown inFigure 7£ :educe the skewness, but the resulting adaptive grid is not as smooth as theinitial grid. The choice ofthe adaptive variable for From these figures, the representation of the shocks on the the adaptation very much depends on what property of the grid adapted coarse grid is much sharper and closer to the fine grid needs tobe improved andtheconfigurations of thegrids. solution than the nonadaptive coarse grid.The total C'PUtime for obtalning 300 time steps solution forthe adaptive gridwas approx- imately800 seconds foreach adaptive mechanism, nearly50% sav- Results of multiple adaptation performed with the adaptive ing time compared to thatof the fine grid. MISSE Euler flow code are shown in Figures 3-8. In allthese The adaptation tothe combination ofdensity and pressure in plots, NIT is the total number of time steps, INT indicates the Idirection andtothegradient of thiscombination in_=direction number of time steps atwhich the tint adaptation isperformed, ofFigure 6gives asmoother behavior of the pressure coeff'tcient NCL is the number of time steps between each adaptation, and behind the shock than the adaptation to the gradient of pressure MAXINT indicates the number of time steps at which the last alone ofFigures 7cand7d. The adaptation tothecurvature of Fig- adaptationis performed. Values of weight functions ures 7aand "Togives abetter result, however with alittle overpre- (AWT, AW'/'_ weight coefficients (C1, C_O,adaptive variables diction of the pressure coefficient right behind the shock. The density (RH01, RttO_ pressure (PRE$_, PRE$_) ate given for adaptation to the gradient of the combination of the density and the _ and the _= directions, respectively. For example, __= pressure in]_ direction only inFigures 7e and 7fgives the closest AWT = GRAD, CURV, C, = 0.5, C2 - 0.3, ,t_/O - t,0, solution tothe fine gridsolution. PRE5 = O,Iand a - I, ,8 = I,canbe interpreted asadapta- tion to the density gradient in the _ direction with C_ = 0.5, From the= results,clearly multiple adaptive gridsproduce a m and tothe curvature of the pressure in the _=direction with better representation ofthe shockregions, aswell astheexpansion C= = 0.3 with coefficients of gradient and curvature regions, thanthat of the same nonadaptive grid. Among these a = 1,/3 = l, respectively. adaptive mechanisms, theuse of the better results than theuse of single variable. Another advantage that shouldbe mentioned here | double w_lm_ (mnerxanic Euler) isthe controlling of the direction inwhich adaptation isapplied. = Results obtained fromasupersonic flow atMach- 2overfine As shownabove, the adaptation inonlyone direction (_2) gives the closest solution tothe finegridsolution. Moreover, the gridinthis (121 x41) andcoarse (81x31) double-wedge grids areshown in Figures 3-7. Figure 3shows the pressure contours obtained from adaptive mechanism is not being disturbed as much as by the ! 300time steps ontheinitialandadaptive grids(121x 41). Thegrid adaptation inboth directions. The minimum skew angle for this was adapted tothe density gradient inthe flowdirection (R/-/O= case ishigher compared tothoseof adaptation inboth directions. Ofcoune, thisistrueonly foracertain number ofadaptations and 1,0)with C1 - 0.7 and to the pressure gradient in the normal direction with C2 = 0.5. Atotal of 4adaptations was used for aparticular vahm ofweight coefficients. this case,with control functions updated from the previous grid. wind tunnel (m_rr_nic Euler_ Figure 4shows thepressure coefficients onthelowerwall, and Results fromthe supersonic flowatMach= 2inawind tunnel convergence histories of the two solutions areshown inFigure 5. areshowninFigure 8.These resultswere alsoobtalned in300time InFigure 5,thehigh peaks at each adaptation are due to the use steps. Figure 8aisthe initial grid, Figure 8b isthe adaptive grid of the previous solution onthe newadapted gridwithout integra- adapted tothe error estimation inboth directions, and Figure 8c tion onto the new grid. From these figurer, clearly the adaptive istheadaptive gridadapted togradient of the combination ofden- im gridgivesamuch better representation oftheshock regions aswell sityand pressure in both directions. The number of adaptation astheexpansion region=. Shocksaremuch sharper forthesolution wa= 5 for both cases, with Ct = 0.6, C: = 0.55 for the obtained on the adaptive grid. A record of the CPU time on an adaptation to gradient of the combination. Shocks are much IRIS4D/440VGX machine shows thatthe total CPU timefor the sharper for solutions obtained on the adaptive gridsthan on the initialgrid(121x 41)without adaptation was1481.51 CPU seconds nonadaptive gridsforthisconfiguration insupersonic flow aswell. and for the adaptive grid(121 x41)was 1599.02 CPU seconds, an Results fromthese examples show thatmultiple adaptive grids 8%increase. captured very well major features of the flow field in supersonic Contour plots onthe pressure ofthe initial fine grid(121x4i), flow for these particular configurations. The adaptations to the theinitial coarse grid(81x31),andthe adaptive grid(81x31)are combination ofthe gridqualitymeasures, such asskewness ofthe shown in Figure 6. The coarse gridwas adapted tothe combina- gridand the flow solution, for these particular gridsnot only make the _ more skewed butalsoresulted in poor resolution of the tion ofdensity andpreumre in _tdirection, withweight coefficient major features of thefiowfield. Ontheother handthe adaptation Ct - 0.5, andtothe gradient of thiscombination in_=direction to the error estimation and the use of the weighted average in withweightcoeRicient C= - O.5,(AWT - VAK GP,,4D,RHO = 1,t, PRES= t,1). weight functions computed from several flow variables does, in fact, improve the solutions. Different adaptivemechanisn_appliedtothe coarsegridin The computation oftheweight functions andthechoice ofthe themultiple adaptationprocessareshowninFigure7. FigureTo adaptive solution variable are independent from one direction to showsthepressurecontoursobtainedontheadaptivegridofFig- another thus enabling the usersto havemore freedom inchoosing tare7a. The initial gridwas adapted to the curvature of the com- suitable adaptive mechanism foreach kind of flow. Forexample, bination ofdensity andpressure inbothdirections (AW/"= CURE', in the case of boundary layers and shocks occurring inthe same CURV,RHO = 1,1,PRES = 1,1). The total numberof adaptations flow field, the usenmay choose to adapt the gridto the velocity was4withC| = 0.7. C= " 0.7. Thecoeffldantsofthegradi- magnitude gradient inthe normal direction tocapture thebound- ent and curvature were a = I and fl = 0.5, respectively, and an/layer regions andtothepressure gradient inthe flow direction the updates were from the original control functions. tocapture theshocks. Figure 7¢1show=the pressure contours obtainedonthe adap- l_.t, mtrJL_tdatm_ tive gridofFigure 7c. The adaptative mechanism forthis casewas 0neomnrtsslble Navinr-Stoke_ presmm=gradient inboth directions with Ct " 0.7, C= - 0.7 end total number of adaptations wes 4,(AWT = GRA_ GRAD, Remtts of multiple adaptation performed with the adaptive PJ_O=0,0,pm_s =t,l). INS3D incompressible flow code are du3wu in Figures 9-12. These results areobtained for incompress_le laminar flow for a 2-block backward facing step, (grid size for the firstblock is(21 Figure 16shows thevelocity magnitude contours obtained on x35) and (81x41) for the second block). The Reynolds number the initial andanother adaptive grid. The initial coarse gridwas used in thisinvestigation for the backward facing stepwas 183.32 adapted tothe combination ofvorticity andqualitymeasure aspect for comparison with experimental data. ratioofthegridinthedirection normal totheflowdirection, (AWT = VAR, VAR, VORR ,, 0,1, ASPE = 1). Here The gridconstructed forthe backward facing stepconsidered Cl " 0.3, C2 = 0.5. Figures 17and 18show theskinfriction inthiscase isthe same asthe geometry ofthe experiment. Howev- and pressure coefficients of the inner end outer wails obtained er, the step length downstream of the grid isonly 30 times the from'coarse,fine end adaptive coarse grids. length ofthe stepheight, while the steplength forthe experiment wasmuch larger. Figure 9¢shows thevelocity magnitude contours Figure 17shows that the behavior ofthe skin friction coe_- obtained from 5000time steps ontheinitial gridofFigure 9a, Ve- cient of the outer wall isalmost identical to that of the fine grid. ]ocityvectors areshown inFigure 9b.. Figure 10shows thevelocity The representation oftheskinfrictionoftheinnerwall issmoother magnitude, vorticity contours end velocity vectors obtained from than that of thenonadaptlve gridbutwith alarge change afterthe 5000 time steps ontheadaptive grid. The initial gridwasadapted separation region toward theoutlet of theduct. Figure 18,again at500end I000 timesteps tothe vorticity magnitude inthe direc- indicates that the adaptation did not help in the improvement of tinnnormaito the walls with C_ = 0, Cz - I,(AWT-VAR, the pressure coefficients for thiscase either. FAR,FORR ="0,I). Total number of adaptations was 2for this Arecord of the CPU time on an IRIS 4D/440VGX machine case, andupdates were applied tothe initial control functions. shows thatthe total CPU time for the initial grid (111 x51) was Skinfriction coeffic/ents onthe lower andupper wails (begin- 23870.61 CPU seconds and for the adaptive grid (111 x31) was ning at the step) obtained from initial end adaptive grids are approximately 13800 CPU seconds for each adaptive mechanism. plotted inFigure 1I. Velocity profiles atthe stepandseveral Ioca- FromFtIDtres13andi6,itcan beseen thatinboth adaptations the gridsget finer atthe turn. Correspondingly theskinfriction coeffi- tions downstream (nearest to the experimental data) along with digitized experimental data areshown in Figure12. cinnts obtained from adaptive grids have higher pick at the turn andcapture separation region well, asshown inFigures 14and17. Results from these figures show that the velocity profiles ob- Moreover, the reattachment point obtained from adaptive gridof tained from theadaptive old are closer tothe experimental data Figure 14iscloser to thatof the fine grid than the adaptation of than for thenonadapfive grid. However, there are some wiggles Figure 17end thenon-adaptive grid. oftheskin_ction coefficient obtained from the adaptive gridoc- curringattheseparation regionofthe lower wall. Thismaybedue to the redistn_oution of gr/d spacings inthisregion. Digitized val- ues of the reattachment length from Figure ll areappro_nately The widely-used EAGLE gridgeneration system (Ref. 14) 7.67 for both solution& while theexperimental value was 7.9 for hasbeen extended andenhenced sothatitcan bereadilycoupled this particular Reynolds number. The difference ofthese values with existing PDE solverswhich operate onstructured gridstopro- maybedue tothe difference of the steplength of theexperiment vide aflexible adaptive gridcapability. The adaptive EAGLE grid and thegriddownstream. code canbe used forgenerating notonly algebraic gridsandellip- ticgridsbutstatic adaptive gridsaswell. Inthes_aticadaptation, Arecord oftheCPU time onaCray2machine shows thatthe thegridcanbeadapted toan e_stlng PDE solution ortogridqual- totalCPU timeforthe initial gridwithout adaptation was.25956.26 itymeasuresor toacombination ofboth. The testcases show that CPU seconds andfortheadaptive gridwas26363.74 CPU seconds. some gridproperties can beimproved bythestatic adaptation to Since there isonly2adaptive iterations theincrease intimeforthis gridqualitymeasures. case is 12%. In this study, the weight functions can be formulated as 180 de_m-eeturn around duet weighted average of weight functions from several flow variables (incompressible Navim'.-Stokes) orseveral qualitymeasures orthecombination ofboth. Different weight functions and adaptive variables can be applied in each Most flow solvers for incompreuffole flow require grid lines direction. These operations are controlled through the input pa- which arepacked closely to thewallsinorder toresolve thebotmd- rameters instatic aswell as multiple adaptation mode. arylayerregions. This results inalargenumber ofgridpoints and hence longcomputer times. The multiple adaptation canbeused There are several mccesd_ incoxporationsof the adaptive toreduce thecostofcomputer timebyallowing theuse ofacoarser EAGLE packed subroutines into flow codes, including INS3D grid. Inthe present investigation, afinegrid(111x51)with spacing from NASA Ames andtheMISSE Euler solver developed atMls- offthe wallsof 0.002 andacoarse grid(111x31)with spacing 0.004 siutippi State University. Several configurations are considered off thewalls are considered for the turnaround duct. The result for each of these adaptive flowcodes for the investigation of the of theadaptation onthecoarsegridiscompared withthenonadap- newweight fun_om formulations andgridquality measures in tlve fine grid solution, while the Reynolds number for the turn the multiple adaptation. around ductwas 500. Results obtained from 6000 time steps on Results obtained from the adaptive MISSE Euler flow code fine, coarse and adaptive grids forturnaround duct areshown in show considerable succe_ asmeasured byimprovements inshock Figures 9-18. resolution oncoante gridsinthe eompress_le flows. Some success Figure 13shows thevelocity magnitude contours obtained on hasbeen made incapturing separation regions oncoarse gridsof the initialand adaptive grids. The initial coarse gridwasadapted theadaptive INS3D flowrode inincompreuible flows. Forfurther to the velocity magnitude gradient at 1000, 1500, 2000 and2500 study, the interpolation of the previous solutions to the new adapted gridswouldbe recommended, especially forthe adaptive time steps, inthedirection normal tothe flow direction, (AWT- GRAD, GRAD, VOMA = 0,1). Total number of adaptations was INS3D flow code and the implementation of arbitrary block adaptation in multi-block eonfigurations. 4with CI = O. 1, Cz = 0.5, and the updates were applied to the initial control functions. Figures 14and15show the skinfrlc- tion andpressure coeffi_ents oftheinner and outerwailaobtalned AC_O_E_E_NT frommane, fine and adaptive coarse grids. This work was supported in part by Grant Figure 14shows that thebehavior ofthe skin friction coe_- F08635-89-C-0209 fromtheAirForceArmament Directorate, ctents fortheadaptive gridaremuch closer tothefinegridsoin_on EgfinAFB, (Dr. Lawrence IAjewski,monitor) end inpartbyCon- than the nunadapttve coarse grid.Figure 15showuthat theadapta- tract NA_-36949 from NASA Marshall Space Flight Center tionfor thiscase didaot help significentlyin theimprovement of (Dr.Paul M_mnaughey, monitor). the preumra coefficients, however. [lllptl¢ _ld _| It4 Jrid Its21 i11ttUbt t, ILLo1 6¢ _,,l', _. S,. S, o#I_m, Figure la_ Elliptic Grid Figure le. Adaptation to _ aspect ratio, andLaplacia.n. _t tm grSd ........... AVERAGE SKEW ANGLE N mm ia i 84 Im i" 7,t l|m| Itm_,_ Ta _|. 3,|.$./_1 TO Figure lb. Adaptation toskewness. its #41 • _ (Ulm_i) 44 Is,i) _14 _.I •. 6. 4. .? .I.......O......I0 II lJl IS 14 16 i4 IT 18 |g i Figure 2a. The difference of *ve_e _anitle between initial and adaptive grids. AVERAGE _ ANGLE _yL_ m limit • 21, _ • I u M m ll_Bt |w Irid m , | .... | ............. II I 4 $ • T II • 10il Ul_ll141111tll'f|lllll*NILt ITtt_ll • it, _ • a F_ttre2b. The _1[ of average skew a_le ia the it_er._, |..So 0# Immm adapt,doeto,q)ea ratio. F_,ttre ld. Adaptation to I.,apladsn. O*i'i-l.".,"J"NA,_' PAQE !S : OF POOR QUALITY A_GE SK]_Y A_GLF mu_ va. _ U 711 t" 74 3b HITs3Qil IB 121m41 N PI_SSUm a N • $ • • • 7 • • I0 |1181214161117181g N II Figure2c.Theincreasinogfaverageskewangleinthe adaptationtoLaphc/anofthegrid. AVERkGE _ _GLE 3C NITs_QQ N ................... 1 121N41 _f_HJt N n 71 " _ • i I IB go NI"l'n"lm='% Intstan, ©¥1s20o 0mMtnt :2m 3d m,¢ul.lead, cualll. ?,ft. S, r_ea I. m#itqtmn_ 41 Figure 3. Contour plots of pressure on initial IlO ....... andadap_veSr_ • $ • • I ? • I li |l lJ111411|l IT1111101 BAntl_ pressure Coefficient (Lower wall) Figure 2d. Average skew angle inthe adaptation to all grid I_m-adatptaU_.. Vs.Ji4apt,ll_ quality meuur_ U -4LI [lliptlc I,rld -4.4 -4k4 •_uzta4n) -- &4Sl_lll_4l ) -4.? -4.4 i i , I n t °lg -4 • l IO II i 3a HITs'mn I_lmr41 Figure 4. Adaptation with mw- _ _ PRE$ - 1,1, cw - 0.7, 0.7. ORl_,,i_,qLP;.OZ _S OF POOR QUALITY Convergence History llill#llul grid _et.mmr ap._IL_lO_. I_HZ_O, I.ev_..| |.0 O.6 0.0 "-4.6 -l.0 01x3i 6C *lJ5 N|T=3OOoinlzll_l,cvl: "wl -8.41 \\_, PRFHliRF -ILil -11.0 -SJI -4.0 bdl_d (!111x41) -4A 4J N IN 150 H4 m IIII :200. ill Ixp:rlOo prllss I, 1 _f Fmeathm _b_" il #_ir. 8_o _0. S,O.S. _ I, I Figure 5. Convergence history of the initiLl and Figure 6. Contour plots of the pressure on fine, coarse adaptive grid mlutionL i [|1 igt IC grid /_4g! IH grill w ............... NITiqnn Oix31, i|_ |, I_l|lll. 5 78 121141 NITz_. Intsl_.cgl:_ F_(SSmK PA(SSO_ NI1T2x13N04o1 (_ _lmEucu_r_.IntsI_c.ur_.mf ICUupSuO_,Im7;.,0.7.pi-ag_8I1, I•I (lllptic 0rid N8I1xI3#1_ll/ _i_ NIT830U01.x31 I_l# Inn. ©vl:2g 7C PR(|m Pfl(IIORf Nlt=_ao 6d 7d Nil lists liio, Ol ilqesnO, P¢'INIIII I•I 1111131 m,I =ormd0 grid, ©_ii. 7. O.7 RdIptl_Qrid _l[|p|le Irld llllW_lt _C NiTli_ma, inl |Inn, i:ilil _9 PI_FS_IW NT_C,_Oe 9a 0tl.0S0iletiIS.le:l$3.)2 IRLOC IW aE, r. nimlntsZnn, attlq_lnlI.O rlls=O.1 7f i,¢sgclil.e¢_4hcl_O.O.O.g, rhosa. ! Figure 7. Contour plots o(pz_l;u_ onilc_t.iva grids. ? (lllptl¢ irld NTWiamSII_ 9b . O|t. O_, I_t_5, R_ 113.32 V(L_ I_' n_._ 11Folk Ida 8a Ill/pI ll..IJ Irlld NTIIIIC= 5000 Die, _,ktt.mS. I_tm 113, 32 Figure 9. Contour plots of velocity magnitude, and velocity vectorsoninitiaglrids. i 8b idlpt hm Irld Ildept li.I w'id i sc Figure 8. Contour plota of _ on initial and w'nvmsam, rm. tON lOa Dtm •IS 0Iml_S °o li_tlm •3_ U[I.OCI1_ Y*le_lty pruflle vVrr r r J lilJ!iiilll i i i.... i zJ radium-, uer. c_ll..O.S lob u _I_ Ntll41 _ -_--U =u= u u u L. u, u, u .,.l _,-. w_-. m.ll..II.S |01_ u Fiju:e 10. Contour plots ofvelacity mai_itude and velocity I cut Ill U • ! a_ m.eu..c_m.4J) -.4dl _ u u u IJI LII IJ I.II u 8k_ F-rleUon CoeHl_4mt in BF8 z m A,Wen, 12b UE ldl t_ t.4 t- -4.1m u -4LIII • • 4 41 Ill 10 *n W 14 tl N Figure 11. Sign friction of the lower andupper walls obtained from initial and adaptive pidL 12c

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