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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930018239: Turbulence: The chief outstanding difficulty of our subject

Stewartson Memorial Lecture TURBULENCE: THE CHIEF OUTSTANDING DIFFICULTY OF OUR SUBJECT N93-- PeterBradshaw Mechanical Engineering Dept.,Stanford University Stanford,CA 94305 ':3 // Abstract we can get numerically-accurate complete solutions are usually only about three or four times the lowest at which A review of interesting current topics in turbulence turbulence can exist, and are considerably lower than the research is decorated with examples of popular fallacies Reynolds numbers obtainable in laboratory experiments, about the behaviour of turbulence. Topics include the let alone those found in real life. Therefore, although status of the Law of the Wall, especially in compressible turbulence is starting to become accessible to computers, flow; analogies between the effects of Reynolds number, there is no immediate prospect of the subject going the pressure gradient, unsteadiness and roughness change; the same way as stressanalysisand succumbing almost en- status of Kolmogorov's universal equilibrium theory and tirelyto computation: unlikeelasticity,turbulence isa local isotropy of the small eddies; turbulence modelling, non-linear(strictlyq,uasi-linear)phenomenon and, atleast with reference to universality, pressure-strain modelling athigh Reynolds numbers, isatpresentaccessibleonly to and the dissipation equation; and chaos. Fallacies include experiment. Thus, experimental fluiddynamics willlast the mixing-length concept; the effect of pressure gradient formany years (hopefully,formy working lifetime). on Reynolds shear stress; the separability of time and space derivatives; models of the dissipation equation; and chaos. Of course, turbulence would merely be a laboratory curiosityor acomputational playground ifitwere not for its extreme importance in real life and in all the scien- 1. Introduction tific and engineering disciplines represented here today:- I first met Keith Stewartson in the early 1960's, when in meteorology, aeronautical aerodynamics, shipbuilding, he was a young member of the British Aeronautical Re- oceanography, in all forms of pipeline design and manufac- search Council's Fluid Motion Subcommittee and Iwas its ture, in combustion, in any form of mixing of contaminant, (very) young secretary. Even in those days, I dimly sensed whether of heat or concentration or pollutant - in other that Keith was not particularly fond of turbulence. It is, words in almost all forms of _interssting" fluid motion ex- therefore, a matter of double regret that I should be giv- cept those on an extremely small scale. The cream poured ing, so soon, a lecture in his memory, and should be forced into a cup of coffee goes turbulent, and the flow patterns to choose the subject of turbulence as being my only area look very cloud-like. (The poem on the letter _H_ will be of aerodynamic competence. quoted in the oral lecture.) Those who knew Keith will recall that his strongest I propose to use this Memorial Lecture to try to inject term of scientific condemnation was _unrigorous'. I'm sure a certain amount of rigour into the study of turbulence, he regarded the whole phenomenon of turbulence as being specifically by using the occasion to review some popular unrigorous and probably invented by the Devil on the sev- fallacies about turbulence and the way in which turbu- enth day of Creation (when the Good Lord wasn't look- lent flows behave. Some of these fallacies or illogicalities ing); I am inclined to agree. Keith would certainly have are propagated by popular but outdated textbooks, but approved of the rigour of Horace Lamb's _Hydrodynam- some are at a deeper level of incomprehension, including ics" (Cambridge University Press) - what the reviewer of the preconceptions of workers in statistical mechanics who a later book once called his "awful correctness'. Lamb, think that turbulence must be easy. Naturally, parts of after discussing all the branches of hydrodynamics known the material that I will produce are controversial, in the to him, finally had to deal with turbulence and remarked, sense that some of my professional colleagues may disagree in Article 365, p. 651 of the 1916 edition, "It remains with me. However, I hope that even the controversial sec- to call attention to the chief outstanding difficulty of our tions of the paper will be of interest and may stimulate subject. _ Seventy-odd years have come and gone; difficul- clarifying discussion, either at this meeting or after it. It ties in hydrodynamics have come and gone; but turbulence is of course difficult to group Ulogicalities into any logical still remains as the Uchlef outstanding dit_culty of our sub- order, so I have imbedded them into a study of the more ject'. Another dead friend, Jack Nielsen, Chief Scientist of popular topics of turbulence Xtheory'. I hope the result is NASA Ames, said a few years ago that turbulence model- neither a rag-bag nor a grab-bag. The oral lecture will be ing was the _pacing item" in the use of the NAS computer less specialised than this written version. complex, and I think his comment, like Lamb's, is still true. My favorite definition of turbulence is that it is the general solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. This is In the last ten years or so we have become able to solve the perfect answer by a government servant to an inquiry the complete time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations for by a Congressman or Member of Parliament: it is brief, it turbulent flow. However, the Reynolds numbers at which is entirely true, and it adds nothing to what was known already. Nearly everybody believes, of course, that the Navier-Stokes equations are an adequately exact descrip- OVlOy=(u, C2) tion of turbulence, or indeed of any other nonrelativis- tic motion of a Newton_ian fluid. Even the smallest ed- Here u, ytv is an eddy Reynolds number based on the eddy dies in turbuhnCe in ordinary liquids and gases at earth- velocity and length scales, i.e. the friction velocity and the bound temperatures and pressures are large compared to distance from the surface. At large values of this Reynolds the mean free path between molecular collisions, so the number we expect the effects of viscosity on the turbulence constitutive equation of the fluid is not in doubt. How- to be negligible and therefore Eq. {2) reduces to ever, Sec. 4 of the present paper deals with the influence of fluctuating dilatation divu on turbulence in compress- auioy = (3) ible gas flow, and in this case the uncertain value of the bulk viscosity _ (Goldstein l) may matter. where _ _.0.41 is a constant - Von Karman's constant, of course. The integral of this relationship is the logarithmic Fortunately for professional educators, it is generally law, the additive constant C _.5 being a constant of inte- accepted that the basic phenomena of turbulence are the gration depending on the velocity difference between the same at any Much number - except for some special effects wail and the point at which Eq. (3) becomes valid. to be discussed in Sec. 4- so unless stated otherwise Iwill assume the density to be constant. The advantages of the above analysis over the tradi- tional "overlap_ demonstration are (i) that the only as- 2. The Law of the Wall sumption made about the outer layer is that it doesn't matter, and (ii) that a simple physical argument can be used to simplify Eq. (2) to the so-called mixing-length formula, Eq. (3). One of the main building blocks, or even foundation stones, of the engineering study of turbulence is the _Law The constant of integration C is equal to 5 only on of the Wall'. It derives from the hypothesis / assumption smooth walls: on rough walls, it becomes a function of that, sufficiently close to a solid wall (meaning, for exam- the roughness Reynolds number u,kl_, and of the rough- ple, a distance from the wall an order of magnitude less hess geometry; the uncertainty of the effective origin of than the diameter of a pipe or the thickness of aboundary y on rough wails is a further complication. The constant layer) the flow depends only on the distance from the wall, _, on the other hand, is supposedly universal: it is the on the shear stress at the wall rw, and on fluid properties. same in flows of water and of air on all geometries involv- The characteristics of the outer part of the flow do not ing smooth surfaces, and indeed on all geometries involv- matter except that they determine rw. (In the discussion ing only small roughness; it is the same in the atmospheric below, the term _shear stress" will sometimes be used to boundary layer, inthe depths ofthe ocean and on the sands mean "shear stress / density', for short.) of Mars. Alas t¢and C are not constant within the tur- bulence modelling community - a remarkably wide range Let us consider a boundary layer forsimplicity. The of values is in use. Those quoted are from the painstaking characteristics of the outer part of the flow to be consid- data analysis of Coles2. ered include the free-stream velocity Us and the boundary layer thickness 6. The irrelevance of U,, as such, is a conse- Now there are still textbooks - and even living people quence of Galilean (translational) invariance and does not - that regard the log law as a deduction from the mixing- need much discussion. The irrelevance of 8ismore crucial, length formula, Eq. (3), (which it is) and also regard as it depends on the assumption that the flow close to the the mixing-length formula for the inner layer as correct surface consists of eddies whose length scales (in all direc- (which it is) and also regard Prandtl's original derivation tions) are proportional to y, with negligible contributions of the mixing-length formula by analogy with molecular from eddies whose length scales (in any direction) depend motion ascorrect (which it certainly is not). As the Roman on 8: if this is so, the boundary layer thickness should not Catholic Church quite properly pointed out to Galileo, the appear in any scaling of the inner-layer eddies. We shall success of deductions from a hypothesis does not prove see in $ec. 5 that this hopeful view is not quite correct, its truth. Philosophers call this the fallacy post hoc, ergo but it is certainly acceptable to first order. propter hoc ("a_ter that, therefore because of that _) and it is the basis of witch-doctoring (last time we slaugt_d The consequence of these arguments is,of course, that a white cow, it rained; there is a drought; therefore...). the mean velocity and turbulence near the surface should Quite apart from philosophical questions of falsifiabil- scale on the _friction velocity" u, --- (r,,/p)Z/2, on the ity, it is clear that if a result can be derived by dimen- distance from the surface, y, and onthe kinematic viscosity sional analysis alone, like Eq. (3), then it can be derived v. One ofthe several dimensionally-correct ways of writing by almost any theory , right or wrong, which is dimen- this relationship is sionally correct and uses the right variables. There is a strong suspicion that Prandtl got the idea of the lumps of HI,, = (1) fluid (_Flfissigkeitsballen _) of mixing-length theory from visual studies of turbulent open-channel flows with parti- Another is obtained by differentiating Eq. (1) and hiding cles sprinkled on the surface to show up the motion. Unfor- a factor of u,y/l/inside the function fi, as tunately the boundary condition at a free surface permits only motion tangential to the surface and not normal to it, boundary layers (on fiat plates in zero pressure gradient, so the surface becomes aplane of symmetry with the vor- say) are currently a subject of controversy, but there are ticity vector everywhere normal to it. The only motions certainly no experimental data that reliably invalidate the that can remain are what sailors, hut not landlubherly tur- Van Driest skin-friction formula or the Van Driest trans- bulence researchers, call "eddies _. Try it, and you will see formation. This is probably the best justification for the what Prandtl saw. extension of the law-of-the-wall analysis discussed in Sec. 3, but doubtless does little for the confidence of the deter- 3. Extensions to the law of the wall minedly subsonic. The law of the wall derived in Sec. 2 is valid, or is In low-speed flow, the mean (strearnwise) pressure supposed to be valid, for a shear stress equal to the wall gradient, as such, has almost no effect on turbulence (see shear stress and adensity equal to the wall density. There Sec. 6). In compressible flow, streamwise pressure gradi- issome support foran extended version of Eq. (3), still for ents change the density of fluid elements and can produce u_y/v > 30 approx., in conditions where either the shear large changes in turbulence quantities, especially, ofcourse, stress r _=-p_-_ or the density pvaries with distance from in flows through shock waves (e.g. Selig et al.4). Moreover, the surface. If u, is replaced by (r/p) I/2, we get even pressure fluctuations which are not small compared with the mean pressure can affect turbulence. Specifically, ovta = (4) if the Much number based upon a typical fluctuating ve- The hand-waving argument for Eq. (4) is that, in the orig- locity and the local speed of sound is no Longersmall com- inal analysis leading to Eq. (3), u, isreally being used as pared to unity, there may be significant dissipation of tur- the scale at height 1t,and not as a true surface parameter: bulent energy via dilatation fluctuations di_u, and signif- if rvaries with y then the local value, rather than the wall icant correlations between fluctuations of pressure and of value, is the correct one to use in formulating an eddy ve- dilatation 5'6. Measurements correlated byBirch &Eggers ¢ locity scale. This would be a rigorous argument only if the show that the rate of spread of a turbulent mixing layer typical eddy size were small compared with _, so that the (in zero mean pressure gradient) starts to depend signifi- local shear stress would be closely equal to the right basis cantly on Much number at Mach numbers close to unity. for a velocity scale, namely some kind of weighted-average The more more recent data of Papamoschou & Roshko s shear stress over a y distance equal to atypical eddy size. show even larger Mach-number dependence. This appar- Unfortunately, of course, the eddy size isor'the same order ently contradicts the well-known finding that the behav- asy. ior of compressible boundary layers can be quite well pre- dicted by turbulence models that ignore compressibility All we can claim is that local shear stress gives the effects (except of course that the right mean density must best easily-available velocity scale. Therefore, the exten- be used), at least for Much numbers up to about 5. How- sion of Eq. (3) to Eq. (4) requires an extension of faith in ever, the typical turbulence intensity of amixing layer is the inner-layer hypothesis which by no means all research about five times that in a boundary layer, which implies workers possess. Nevertheless the application of Eq. (4) to that a mixing layer at M=I, where M is based on the flows with suction or injection, where the shear stress varies mean velocity difference across the layer, has the same ra- with distance from the surface according to r -- zw+pUV_ tio of velocity fluctuation to speed of sound (a.k.a. fluctu- is quite well supported by experiment. An operational dif- ating Much number) as a boundary layer at roughly M--5. ficulty is that in typical flows with suction or injection the There is great current interest, stemming from the NASP surface is porous, on a length scale h, Say,which is usually and SCRAM JET projects, in prediction of mixing layers not small compared with the viscous scale _,/u_, so that as the only shock-free turbulent flow for which the data the "roughness _or _porosity _ Reynolds number u,h/l/is show obvious effects of compressibility. important, implying that the additive constant in any in- tegral of Eq. (4) will depend on the surface conditions as 5. "Inactive _ motion well as on the transpiration parameter V,_/u_. The log-law analysis relies on the first-order hypothe- 4. Compressible flow sis that u_, I/and v are the only relevant variables, which cannot be exactly and perfectly true. If the arguments In the inner layer of a boundary layer in compressible that lead to Eq. (3) are applied to the turbulent motion flow, the shear stress is approximately equal to the surface they lead to results for the log-law region like u-_/u_ = value, but the density varies quite rapidly with distance constant, whereas any boundary-layer experiment shows a from the surface (increasing as the temperature decreases decrease with increasing lJ,starting as close to the wall as with distance from the hot wall). The "Van Driest trans- u_F/v = 17 at typical small laboratory Reynolds numbers. formation _ transforms inner-layer velocity profiles to fit This has led some people to regard the whole law-of-the- the incompressible log. law. The transformation is, in wall concept of local scaling as fallacious and its apparent effect, an integral of Eq. (4) with p as a function of 11. success for the mean motion as fortuitous. Fortunately, Here T and hence p come from the assumption of a con- this apparent discrepancy in the log-law analysis can be stunt turbulent Prandtl number: details will not be given used to rescue the basic assumptions, by taking note of here, but can be found in Ref. 3 and elsewhere. The Van the so-called "inactive _ motion _,_0. The concept is sim- Driest skin-friction formula is derived from the Van Driest ple: the motion near the surface, even though it results transformation. Predictions ofskin friction incompressible mainly from eddies actually generated near the surface, is necessarily affected by eddies in the outer part of the In the atmospheric boundary layer, which is of the or- flow (i.e. those whose length scale is of the order of 5). der of I kln thick, the inactive-motion effects on spectra Because the pressure fluctuation at a given point in a tur- measured at the standard height of 10m arevery large, and bulent flow is derived from an integral of the governing in particular the u-component spectrum follows a -5/3 Poisson equation over the whole of the flow, it follows that power law down to very low wave numbers. This phe- the eddies in the outer part of the boundary layer or pipe nomenon, which is present, but less spectacular, in lab- flow can produce pressure fluctuations which extend to- oratory boundary layers, has been the cause of a large wards the surface and cause nominally-irrotational motion amount of confusion, controversy and difficulty, because in the surface layer. An equivalent, alternative, explana- the classical Kolmogorov scaling indicates that the spec- tion is the "splat _ mechanism (the origin of the term will trum should vary as k-S(cid:0) s only for wave numbers large be explained in the oral lecture) in which the large eddies compared to those of the energy-containing eddies. In the in the outer flow are supposed to move towards the surface, context of the atmospheric boundary layer at aheight of i0 to be reduced to rest by the normal-component "imperme- m this means wavelengths much smaller than 10 m. The ability" condition at the wall, and to release their normal- fact that the experimentally-observed spectrum follows the component energy into the two tangential components u -5/3 law down to wave numbers far lower than could be and to. expected from the arguments of inner-layer scaling and the Kohnogorov universal-equilibrium hypothesis isone of the The "splat effect" motions, and the pressure fluctu- most difficult _fallacies _ in turbulent flow: it is of course ations generated in the outer layer, have very long wave- a case of post hoc ergo propter hoc. lengths in the z and z directions compared to the motions generated close to the surface. It follows from the con- In summary, the qualitative idea of _inactive motion" tinuity equation that the v-component velocity produced explains both the apparent failure of inner-layer scaling near the surface by outer-layer pressure fluctuations or and the unexpected success of the -5/3 law. large-eddy intrusions is of the order of y/_ times the u- or w-component velocity, where _ is the z- or z-component 6. "Slip velocity" wavelength. Therefore the contribution of the "inactive" motion to the shear stress -g_'_ is small, of the order of Several difficulties or misconceptions about turbulent y/), - hence the name _inactive". Note that the "inac- flows over walls can be cleared up if we recall that the tive" fluctuations are not entirely irrotational: the bound- very thin viscous wall region u_ll/v < 30 really produces ary condition u -- 0,v = 0 at the surface results in the what might be called a "slip velocity _ between the fully- generation of a Stokes layer (see Sec. 6 on "slip veloc- turbulent flow and the surface. As well as the obvious ity"). Even though _inactive _ u-component fluctuations example of Reynolds-number (and Pecht-number) effects, contribute signifl_..cantly to u2, producing the anomalous _- they include the effects of pressure gradient, unsteadiness dependence of us mentioned above, the effect on the mean and change of surface roughness. law of the wall is very small. (A logarithm is a slowly changing function, so that fluctuations in u_ have very lit- 6.1 Effects of Reynolds number and Peclet number tle effect on the term ln(u_y/v) inthe log. law, and, there- (viscosity and conductivity) fore, the time-average velocity closely follows the log. law If the Reynolds number of a turbulent flow - based written with time-average u_.) The same arguments can on total thickness and, say, the square root of the maxi- be used to support the use of the log. law inunsteady-flow mum shear stress or turbulent energy - is large, classical calculations at not-too-high amplitudes. The unsteady log. (e.g. Kolmogorov) theory suggests that the details of the law must also be limited to not-too-high frequencies of un- turbulent motion should be independent of Reynolds num- steadiness: one would expect it to break down, at given y, ber, except for the very smallest eddies which are responsi- at afrequency which was not small compared to the typical ble for viscous dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy into turbu!enc__e fr_equency u_/y. Very few unsteady-flow exper- thermal internal energy. In this respect at least, classi- iments reach frequencies high enough to disturb the log. cal theory seems to be correct, and there is no significant law - which is acriticism of unsteady-flow experiments in evidence to refute it. If the Reynolds number of a given general. turbulent eddy, made with its typical velocity fluctuation The contribution of the Uinactive _fluctuations to the and its typical length scale, is large, there is no reason why power spectra of u and w at low wave numbers (low fre- viscous effects on the eddy should be significant. (This quencies: wave number -- 2_r/Iwavelength]) is consider- statement should strictly be phrased in statistical terms!) able, resulting in very large differences between the mea- In a pipe flow, half the mean-square u-component inten- sured spectra in typical turbulent flows and those predicted sity near the centre-line comes from wavelengths larger by inner-layer analysis. The latter predicts that the wave- than the pipe diameter, so the _eddy Reynolds number" of the main energy-containing eddies is of the same or- number spectral density should scale on u, and y, and that der as the mean Reynolds number defined at the start of the wave number k should appear as _y (since we have ne- glected v, this applies only for u_y/_, > 30 and at wave the paragraph, and we can use the former for simplicity. The "energy cascade _ process of Kolmogorov theory, at- numbers small compared with the viscous limit, but nei- ther restriction concerns us here). In practice, there is an tributable to random vortex stretching, implies that tur- apparent Reynolds-number effect at given u,y/v: strictly bulent energy is transferred from energetic eddies of low it isa _/$ effect,but _/6 = (u,y/v)/(u,6/v. wave number (i.e. large Reynolds number) to weak ed- dies of high wave number (small Reynolds number), and although back-scatter transfer from small eddies to large flow, therefore, 8P/8_b, where _ is the stream function, can occur intermittently, the time-average transfer of eno is unaffected, and if 8p/Sy is negligible, as required by ergy is from the large eddies to the small and there seems the boundary-layer approximation, a little algebra shows to be no significant _back scatter" of viscous effects. that aU/Sy is unaffected. At the surface, where the total pressure is equal to the static pressure, there/s achange Near a solid surface (y+ > 30) the largest eddies, in P and 8U/Sy, produced of course by viscous stresses. whose wavelength is roughly equal to y, are no longer very The "internal layer", in which the total pressure and mean large compared to the smallest eddies (the smallest-eddy vorticity rise to their unaffected profiles, gradually spreads scale, Kolmogorov's '7orlk, isabout 0.06_/at y÷ = 30), so out from the surface, hut outside this the static-pressure the energy-containing eddies - which also carry the shear gradient has no effect except to reduce the mean velocity stress - start to depend on viscosity. (Also, and slightly and thus thicken the boundary layer. This result applies to differently, the mean velocity gradient becomes so large lazninar or turbulent boundary layers (or other wall flows that viscous shear stress is.asignificant fraction of the to- such as those in tapered ducts). In summary, the initial tal shear stress.) Therefore, viewed from the outer part of effect of pressure gradient isconfined to the "slip velocity" the flow, there isaviscosity-dependent region near the wall at the wall. and so the velocity difference between the surface and, say, y/6 = 0.1, depends on Reynolds number. Viewed from Mean pressuregradientsdo havesome effectosn the the outer part of the flow, there is a Reynolds-number- turbulentmotion.Adversepressuregradientstretcheesd- dependent "slip velocity" at (strictly near) the surface. diesintheI/directionb,ecausetheshearlayerthickens: however,thearea,insideview,ofa giveneddy orfluid In a free shear layer (wake, jet, mixing layer...) there elementisunaltered,and soifwe supposethatthelength is no true viscous effect unless the Reynolds number is scaleofan eddy isjustthesquarerootofitsareainside so low that turbulence can only just exist. However, free view,or thecube rootofitsvolume,thelengthscaleis shear layers can be quite strongly dependent on the ini- unaltered.(Thisisadmittedlya crudeargument.)Of the tial conditions, for long distances downstream, and since termsintheReynolds-strestsransportequationst,heonly the initial conditions frequently do depend on Reynolds onesdirectlayffectedarethey-componentdiffusiotnerms, number there is a "pseudo-viscous" effect. whicharethederivativeosfvarioustripleprodects,etc., withrespecttoy.Ifthetripleproducton agivenstream- A corollary of the negligibility of viscosity as part of lineisunaffectedbutthestreamlinesdivergeinthez - I/ turbulent transport of momentum is the negligibility of conductivity in the transport of heat or mass by turbu- planebecauseoftheadversepressuregradientt,heu-wise derivativiesreduced. lence. Briefly (again) the "turbulent Prandti number _ is independent of the molecular Prandtl number unless the 6.3 Unsteadiness Reynolds number based on eddy velocity scale and eddy length scale, i.e. u,y/u is small. The effect of unsteadiness can be understood in the same way asthat of pressure gradient - of course, unsteadi- 6.2 Effect of pressure gradient ness is usually forced by a streamwise pressure gradient. Another of the standard incompreheusions about tur- In the case of unsteady laminar flow the internal layer is bulent flow isthe effect of (streamwise) mean pressure gra- called a Stokes layer. There are close correspondences in dient on the turbulence as such: recall that we are con- laminar flow between an infinite oscillating plate in still sidering only incompressible flow. It arises partly because air and flow over an infinite stationary surface driven by experimenters tend to normalize their turbulence measure- an oscillating pressure gradient, and the qualitative corre- spondence carries over to turbulent flow. If the pressure ments by the local mean velocity. In adverse pressure gra- dient, say, the mean velocity decreases with increasing z gradient isstrong enough to cause separation (however de- so the normalized turbulence intensities, shear stress etc. fined), the internal layer is carried into the outer part of increase. However it can easily beshown that absolute tur- the flow and the _slip velocity" concept breaks down, as it would in steady separation. buhnce properties on agiven streamline are only slightly affected by pressure gradient. 6.4 Change ofroughness The Reynolds-stress transport equations do not con- Another occasionwhere a change ofboundary con- tain the mean pressure (they contain correlations between ditionaffectstheflowonlyinan "internallayer"isthe the pressure fluctuation and instantaneous rate of strain, flowdownstream ofa change insurfaceroughness.This but pressure fluctuations have no connection whatsoever iscomparativelyrareinaerodynamicsbut an important with the mean pressure). Also, the z-component mean caseinmeteorologywhere,forexample,aircanflowfrom vorticity 8V/az - au/ay is unaffected by pressure gradi- theasmooth" ocean to thelandand undergo a change ent, and if we assume that the boundary layer approxi- of apparent surface roughness. Indeed, the internal-layer mation is valid this means that 8U/ay is unaffected, even concept was first proposed to describe this case. As the though the pressure change leads to a change in veloc- surface boundary condition changes, the additive constant ity all through the shear layer and thus may change 6 C in the logarithmic law for a smooth surface is replaced significantly. Alternatively, recall that a static-pressure by the appropriate value for a rough surface. The effect of gradient does not affect the total pressure P (on a given this change insurface boundary condition spreads outward streamline) directly. In the simple case of two-dimensional from the surface at _ angle of the order of rms u/_/, i.e. of the order of 3 _, so that the rate of contamination of ble definition of agroup (energy-transport) velocity comes outer-layer turbulence by inner-layer changes is no greater from considering the streamwise (say, _wise) _diffusion" than about i or 2 degrees. Since the pressure gradient is of turbulent energy (transport of the turbulent energy by nominally zero there is no streamline divergence above the the turbulence): the energy flux rate, whose z derivative internal layer, although the change invelocity in the inter- appearsi__.nnthe turbulent energy equation, is_-u/p + (u'_+ nal layer produces avertical displacement of the outer flow uv2+ uw2)/2. Rates of energy flux due to pressure fluc- (upwards, in the case of a smooth-to-rough change where tuatious seem to be small - except perhaps near the free- the flow in the internal layer is retarded). stream edge of a turbulent flow where pressure fluctuations drive an "irrotational _ motion which extends outside the T. Spectra and convection velocity vortical region - and are certainly not measurable, which is some._Lstification for neglecting them. Doing this, and Classical turbulence theory aims to predict all the sta- writing q2for _" + _'_+ w'2",(so that the turbulent kinetic tistical properties, not simply the Reynolds stresses. In ene_ is q2/2), th_._a.ebe___e energy flux rate can be written particular it deals with the statistical distribution of eddy as (us + uv2+ uw2)/q 2. We can define the transport ve- sizes. It is usually formulated in terms of wave-number locity of turbulent energy as this flux rate divided by the spectra, wave number being a vector with the direction of turbule__ntenergy. The largest contribution to the numera- wavelength and the magnitude of 2_r/wavelength. (The tor is u_/2 - though the others are not negligible - so the alternative is two-point spatial correlations, which are tess transport velocity is of order v/(q"_)x Su, where Su is the convenient mathematically.) Wave-number spectra arethe skewness of u. Now ,,¢,,lies in the range 4-1 approx, over Fourier transforms of the two-point correlations, but afull most of a boundary layer, so we can finally say that the description requires correlations for all magnitudes and di- x-component transport velocity of turbulent energy is not rections of the distance between the two points, or spectra more than a few times X,/(q'_). Since this is the difference for all magnitudes and directions of the wave number). In between the group velocity of the turbulence and the mean most experiments only frequency spectra, and a few cor- velocity, we see that the difference isa small percentage of relations along the coordinate axes, are measured. the mean velocity in flows with low turbulence intensity, such as boundary layers. This quantitatively justifies the This is the best place to comment on the definition use of Taylor's hypothesis in such flows and ofcourse allows of _frequency" in turbulence. The frequency seen by an an estimate of its inaccuracy in highly-turbulent flows. observer moving with the mean flow is (velocity scale of turbulence) / (length scale of turbulence) - for example Differences between convection velocity and mean ve- u,/y in the inner layer - but the frequency seen by a fixed locity are large near the free-stream edges of mixing layers observer mapproximately (MEAN velocity) / (length scale and jets. In these regions the irrotational motion, induced of turbulence) and is usually much larger. The recipro- by pressure fluctuations generated in the high-intensity re- cal of the moving-observer frequency is sometimes called gion of the flow near the inflexion point(s) in the velocity the _eddy turnover tlme_: this is of course an order-of- profile, is strong compared to the true (vorticity-carrying) magnitude concept. A related difficulty is the status of turbulence, and its convection velocity is necessarily close time derivatives: all transport equations in fluid flow, in- to the mean velocity in the high-intensity region. The ro- cluding the Navier-Stokes equations, have the operator tational motion (vorticity pattern) seems to travel at a speed close to the local mean velocity, as predicted by the c_ a above analysis (intensities near the outer edge of a jet are not large). In terms of the above analysis, the streamwise transport velocity of the vorticity pattern is still domi- on the left-hand side. It is called the substantial deriva- nated by the triple-product terms, while "_/p determines tive, or the transport operator, and it isthe rate of change the transport velocity of irrotational motion. with time seen by a fluid element. The relative size of the temporal and spatial derivatives depends on the velocity The deHavilland Comet Ijet airliner had four engines, of the observer but the sum of the derivatives does not. buried in the wing roots. The designers carefully arranged that the jets themselves would clear the fuselage, but forgot The fixed-observer frequency is used to deduce z-com- the _near field" pressure fluctuations - far more intense ponent wave-number spectra from frequency spectra, using than the jet noise - that drive the irrotational motion. Taylor's hypothesis that the speed at which the turbulence The pressure patterns, travelling at the above-mentioned pattern moves downstream (its "convection velocity _) is convection velocity, produced fluctuating stresses at the closely equal to the mean velocity. It is qualitatively ob- fixed-observer frequency in the aircraft skin, which led to vious that this will only work well if the mean velocity is fatigue of the aluminium. large compared to the velocity scale of turbulence, so that an eddy is carried past the measurement point in a time Later marks of Comet had the engines toed out. very much less than its turnover time. A more precise analysis is possible. Misconceptions about turbulence can be expensive! There are various definitions of the actual "convec- 8. The microscale and the Kolmogorov theory tion velocity" of turbulence: most are in effect phase ve- locities and therefore not ideal for considering convection Frequently, the Taylor "microscale _isused as a length of turbulent kinetic energy or Reynolds stress. A plausi- scale in discussions of wave-number (orfrequency) spectra. The microscaleA isahybrid scaleofturbulence.Itis ably wellwhen adjusted forthe intermittencyfactor"7(the usuallydefinedby fractionof time forwhich the flow at a givenlocationis turbulent). In an intermittentregion,the average ofany = (6) turbulence quantity within the turbulent partof the flow is1/'7times the conventional average over alltime. For (otherdefinitionswith di/_erentchoicesofvelocitycompo- example the conventional-averagespectraldensityand the nent or gradient directionoccasionallyappear). This is dissipation_ must both be multipliedby I/'7.However an equation whose numerator isaproperty ofthe energy- the Kolmogorov "-5/3 _ law for the spectraldensity in containing turbulence,but whose denominator isa prop- the so-calledinertialsubrange containse2/._so that,for- ertyofthe dissipatingeddies (ifthe dissipatingeddiesare mall)',there isa spare factorof"71/_and we certainlydo statisticalliysotropicthe dissipationrateis15u(cgu/0z)2). not expect the Kolmogorov law to hold ifwritten with For this reason itisa misconception to regard the mi- croscaleasthe lengthscaleofany particulargroup ofed- conventional-average quantities.The data analysisofReL dies:itactuallyliescloserto the lengthscaleofthe dis- 11 shows that the Kolmogorov formula stillworks for a sipatingeddiesthan that ofthe energy-containingeddies. wide range ofintermittentflowswhen writtenforthe tur- The Reynolds number based on the microscaleand the bulent part ofthe flow,i.e.taking account of the %pare root-mean-square turbulenceintensity,_"u_)I/2/P,however, factor_,and using the dissipationrate at the localvalue has amore understandable meaning. IftheReynolds num- of y. Since the formula strictlyappliesonly to nearly- ber ishigh enough forthe dissipationtobe equated to homogeneous turbulence,and an intermittentregion,al- the isotropicformula, the microscaleReynolds number is most by definition,containsonlyone largeeddy atatime, proportional to the square root of an "eddy" Reynolds thisresultisa surprisingtestimonialto therobustness of number for the energy-containing motion, based on the theKolmogorov theory.Needless tosay,theusualcautions rms turbulence intensityand the dissipationlengthscale about post hoc apply. =L _ (_)_/_I_. of course, this does not give the mic_cale thestatus ofEddy Length Scale post hoc. 9. Turbulence modelling "=...I.tishnportant tonoticethatthe _dissipati0n"inthe 9.INormal pressuregradients definitionof L isinfactthe rateoftransferofturbulent An incomprehension entirelyunrelatedtoturbulence, kineticenergy from the largeeddiestothesmaller eddies which neverthelesscauses confusion intestsofturbulence whlch'is,by____lprevailin.gt_urbulencetheories,supposed to models, istheeffectofnormal pressuregradienton bound- be a property ofthe largeeddiesratherthan thesmallest ary layersand other shearlayers.Ifthe shearlayerobeys eddies. The smallest eddiessimply rearrange themselves the boundary layerapproximation then,by definition,the todissipatetheenergy handed down tothem. Iftheturbu- pressure gradient in the _/directionisnegligiblysmall. lenceischanging slowlywith time (orstreamwisedistance) However, if in a real flow the normal pressure gradient then, ofcourse,the rateoftransferfrom the largeeddies isnot negligible,therewillbe a velocitygradient OU/Op to the smallest eddies isequal to the rate at which en- even in the external stream (where the totalpressure is ergy isbeing dissipatedby the smallesteddies,but this constant) and thisvelocitygradientwill,inprinciple,lead isnot formally an equalitybecause the "cascade" process toextraproduction ofturbulenceviatheproduct ofmean isnot instantaneous. In rapidly-changingturbulentflows velocitygradientand turbulentshearstress.Of course,the the "equilibrium" arguments fail,and therateoftransfer same effectswould be found within the shearlayery < 6, from theenergy-containingeddiestothedissipatingeddies but would be lesseasilyidentified.Therefore,even ifa isnot equaltothe rateatwhich energyisbeingtransferred turbulence model produces exactly correctpredictionsof from the dissipatingeddiestoheat. the shear stress- given themean velocityprofileasinput This restrictionon Kolmogorov's "universalequilib- - itwillnot giveacceptableresultsinthecasewhere nor- rium" theory,which we used inSec. 6.1,istoo oftenfor- real pressure gradients affect the mean velocity gradient. gotten. (Recall that the boundary-layer momentum equation can be written as dP/dz ----dr/dy.) This is probably a much Another restrictionofthe Kolmogorov theoryisthat, more important reason for inaccuracy of predictions based ofcourse,energy which istransported inthe IIdirection on the boundary layer approximation in rapidly-growing by turbulent "diffusion"willbe generated atsmall y,but flows near separation than the often-quoted presence of dissipatedat largeV where the statisticalpropertiesare significant normal-stress gradients. different.Inparticular,inflowswith afree-strea_bound- arT,energy isgenerated inregionsoflargemean shearand 9.2 Universality then transported inthe positive_/directionto regionsof Perhaps the biggestfallacyabout turbulence isthat zero ornegligiblemean shearbeforebeingdissipated.The itcan be reliablydescribed (statisticallyb)y a system of energy transferthrough theinertialsubrange atthesecond equations which isfareasierto solvethan the fulltime- locationislikelytobeintermediatebetween thedissipation ratesatthe two locations. dependent three-dlmensional Navier-Stokes equations.Of course the question iswhat ismeant by _reliab]y",and Nevertheless resultsfrom a largenumber of experi- even ifone makes generous estimatesofrequiredengineer- ments on turbulent shear layershave recentlybeen anal- Lugaccuracy and requirespredictionsonly oftheReynolds ysed11 to show that Kolmogorov scalingworks remark- stresses,the likelihoodisthat a simplifiedmodel of tur- bulence willbe significantlylessaccurate,orsignificantly Minor fallacies in turbulence modelling abound, but lesswidely applicable,than the Navier-Stokes equations misuse of gradient-transport hypotheses is probably re- _hemse|ves - i.e.itwillnot be "universai_. sponsible for more than its fair share. One of the most spectacular was the use many years ago, by authors I will Irrespectiveofthe use towhich a mode] willbe put, not identify, of the gradient-transport approximation for lack of universalitymay interferewith the calibrationof diffusion of turbulent energy by pressure fluctuations. In a model. For example, itiscustomary to fixone of the terms of classical physics, anything less likely than pres- coefficientsinthe model dlssipation-transportequation so sure diffusion to obey a gradient-transport approximation that the model reproduces the decay ofgrid turbulence could scarcely be imagined. A fallacy which has, in charity, accurately.This involvestheassumption thatthe model is to be regarded as a deliberate approximation, is the use - validingrid turbulence aswellasintheflowsforwhich it even in Reynolds-stress transport models - of the eddy- isintended - presumably shear layers,which have a very diffusivity (gradient-transport) approximation for the tur- differentstructure from gridturbulence. bulent transport terms. It appears that most of the tur- It is becoming more and more probable that really bulent transport of Reynolds stress is provided by triple reliable turbulence models are likely to be so long in devel- products of velocity fluctuations, rather than by the pres- opment that large-eddy simulations (from which, of course, sure diffusion just mentioned, and therefore a gradient- all required statistics can be derived) will arrive at their transport approximation is not so obviously unphysicai. maturity first. (The late Stan Corrsin once described the 9.4 The dissipation-transport equation process of turbulence modelling as a _trek to determi- nacy ".) Certainly, over the last twenty years the rate of Most turbulence models, whether relying on an eddy progress in turbulence modelling has been pretty small viscosity or on the Reynolds-stress transport equations, compared to the rate of progress in development of dig- use the dlssipation-transport equation to provide a length ital computers, and the consequent increase in Reynolds- scale or time scale of the turbulent flow. Strictly, the number range and geometrical complexity attainable by length scale or time scale required is that of the energy- simulations. Until recently, most work has concentrated containing Reynolds-stress-bearing eddies, not that associ- on _complete" simulations, covering the whole range of ated with the dissipating eddies as such, and so two ques- eddy sizes, while large-eddy simulations, which alone of- tions arise. One is whether the rate of dissipation is ade- fer the prospect of predictions at high Reynolds numbers, quately equal to the rate of energy transfer from the large have been somewhat neglected. eddies (which clearly, is the quantity that we really want to model); the other is whether, if we really pretend to 9.3 Eddy viscosity and gradient transport be using the dissipation transport equation - all of whose terms depend on the statistics of the smallest eddies - Turbulence models which invokean eddy viscosity(of whatever type) necessarilyproduce pseudo-laminar solu- we can logically model those terms by using the scales of the larger, energy-containing eddies. I think it is in- tionswith the stressescloselylinkedtothemean-flow gra- escapable that current models of the so-called dissipation dients:they may be well-behaved but they arenot usually very accurate away from the flowsfor which they have transport equation, which certainly do parameterize the been calibrated. Turbulence models based on term-by- terms as functions of the large-eddy scales, start out with term modelling ofthe Reynolds-stresstransportequations the dissipation-transport equation as such and end up with produce solutionswhich may be accurate insome cases, a totally-empirical transport equation for the energy trans- but are liableto failrather badly inothercases:that is, fer rate. In other words, the relation between the _dissipa- they are "ill-behaved* inaway thateddy-viscositymeth- tion" transport models and the exact transport equation ods are not. for turbulent energy dissipation is so tenuous as not to need consideration. Unfortunately, even Reynolds-stress It may be this "reliable inaccuracy _, rather than the transport models usually employ this suspect diasipation- larger computer resources needed for Reynolds-stress trans- transport equation to provide a length scale, and this is port models, which has led to two-equation (e.g. k, _) undoubtedly one of the reasons why Reynolds-stress trans- or even one-equation methods being the industry stan- port models have not outstripped two-equation models. A dard. With all goodwill to my friends Barrett Baldwin less-used alternative to the _ equation is the w equation and Harv. Lomax, the one-equation Baldwin-Lomax tur- (admitted to be totally empirical), w is nominally pro- bulence model has been extended - by others - far beyond portional to e/k where k is the turbulent kinetic energy, its intended domain, simply because it has the virtue of but conversion from one to the other (in either direction) almost never breaking down computationaily! produces the interesting result that the turbulent trans- port terms in the transport equation for the first quantity It has, of course, often been said that it is just as un- (the integral of transport terms over the flow volume be- reliable and unrealistic to define an eddy viscosity entirely ing by definition zero) convert to a transport term plus in terms of turbulence properties (as in the k, emethod) as a %ource _ term in the equation for the second quantity. to define it entirely in terms of mean-flow properties as in There is increasing evidence that using _ to provide a the Baldwin-Lomax method. Eddy viscosity is the ratio of length scale gives better results than using _: if there is a turbulence quantity (i.e. a Reynolds-strees) to a mean- a reason other than more judicious choices of empirical co- flow quantity (i.e. a rate of strain or velocity gradient), so, efficients, it must lie in the above-mentioned source term. like the microscale, it is a hybrid quantity. 0.5 Invariance the way we take averages,and, obviously,the turbulence One of the customary requirements of a turbulence ata given instantdoes not know what the mean flowis. model is that it should be _invariant" (with respect to A highlysymbolic solutionoftheequation is translation or rotation of axes). The boundary layer (thin- P_ = (s) shear layer) equations are not invariant: it is therefore # 8_/az quite unrealistic to expect a shear-layer model to be totally invariant, and it is perfectly realistic to suppose that the where V-_ is a weighted integral over the whole flow vol- direction normal to the shear-layer (y) is a special direc- ume. In other words, the _rapid" pressure at agiven point, tion. There seems to be no reason why a turbulence model and its contribution to the pressure-strain terms at that should not, given an identifiable "speclal direction" in a point, depend on conditions for a distance of several typical shear-layer use that special direction for orientation of its eddy length scales around that point - i.e. they are anon- empirical constants and functions. Even though equations local'. The same non-localityaccounts forthe presence (such as the Navier-Stokes equations or the tlme-average ofirrotationalvelocityfluctuationsoutsidethe turbulent Reynolds equations) may be invarlant, the boundary con- motion. dltions for which they are to be satisfied certainly are not invariant (almost by deBnition). Therefore, the solutions ALmost allcurrentstress-transportturbulencemodels, .of the.exact, or approximate, equations of motion of turbu- with theexceptionofthatofDurbin x2,model thepressure- lent flow cannot be expected to be invariant with respect to strainterms and other pressure-velocitycorrelationsen- translation or rotation. From this it is a rather small step tLrelyasfunctionsofIota/quantities.(Alltheotherterms to argue that the empirical constants or functions in these inthe Reynolds-stress transport equations aregenuinely model equations should, again, be released from invazia_,ce local quantities.) This is equivalent to replacing Eq. (8) requirements. by p,B _U 2av 9.6 Local modelling of pressure-fluctuation terms = -2--V- -- (0) -7 ay az The mean products of fluctuating pressure and fluc- - that is, evaluating aU/Sy at the position where p_ is tuating rates of strain that act as redistribution terms required and volume-integrating only i)v/Oz. in the Reynolds-stress transport equations represent, very crudely speaking, the effect of eddy col!isious in making In Ref. 13, the behavior of existing models for the the principal Reynolds stresses more nearly equal- that pressure-strain terms was analyzed, using simulation data is, making the turbulence more nearly isotropic (statisti- in a duct flow to evaluate the terms directly. The results, cally). The shear stress in isotropic turbulence is zero, so surprisingly, suggest that the difference between the ex- the effect of the pressure-strain terms on the shear stress, act pressure-strain terms, using _/from Eq. (8), and the and their modelling, is of great interest. approximate results, using p,B from Eq. (9), is negligibly small (or, at least, small enough to be hidden in the empir- Pressure fluctuations within a turbulent flow are one ical coefficient in the pressure-strain model) except in the of the Great Unmeasurable.s: they are of the order of viscous wall region. Within the viscous wall region, the- pu: and so, unfortunately, are the pressure fluctuations difference between the true pressure fluctuation _/and the induced on a static-pressureprobe by the velocityfield. approximate pressure fluctuation pts is not only very large That is,the signal-to-noiseratioisofthe orderofone. To but eccentrically behaved. It is not suggested that viscous say that signalscannot be educed even with S/N --O(1) effects, arising from the v = 0 boundary condition at the isitselfafallacy,but inthiscasethe attempts made todo surface, are directly to blame: it is much more likely that so have not met with general acceptance. Pressure fluc- the effects of the v -- 0 boundary condition are mainly re- tuationscan be extracted from simulations, but these are spousible,but itissurprisingthat theseeffectsshould be confined to low Reynolds number. small outside the viscouswall region. A finalpossibility isthat the changes inturbulencestructurewith a,y/u in An equation for the pressure (mean and fluctuating) the viscous wall regionare so largeas to invalidatelocal can be obtained by taking the divergence of the Navier- models. Stokes equations. It is a Poisson equation, and it is nec- essary in turbulence modelling to consider the different This suggests not only that standard pressure-strain terms on the right-handsideseparately,by writingaPois- models are grossly inaccurate in the viscous wall region, son equation foreach and adding the solutionsto getthe but also that any extension of astandard turbulence model pressure. One such isthe equation forthe grapid_ pres- into the viscous wall region will be similarly inaccurate. sure,which fora two-dimensional boundary-layer flow is This inaccuracy can be camouflaged by the insertion of "low-Reynolds-number" functions, nominally functions of V2p aU Ov 'T-= (7) thewall distance1,.y/u. Obviously,ifthereal fiow scales with u,l//u,thissimple procedure suffices,but iftheflow approaches, or goes beyond, separationthen inner-layer The "rapid_ pressureissocalledbecause itresponds ira- scaling- and presumably alow-Reynolds-number" models mediately to achange inthemean flow,as representedby -break down.,even ifa,y/u isreplacedby theguaranteed- aU/ay. To regardthisapparently-surprisingfactas phys- real quantity kl/2y/_,. icallymeaningful isa misconception: itisjust a resultof I0. Chaos questions of turbulence theory to the important practical question of the reliability of turbulence models, and then "What kept you?" you may ask. Chaos has been ended in chaos. The fallacies that we have discussed do not one of the buzzwords in applied mathematics in recent necessarily form a coherent story, but I think it can be said years, and turbulence isoftencited as the supreme ex- that most of them fall into the general category of wishful ample. The complication of turbulent motion, with its thinking - the hope of finding simple solutions to a difficult broad spectrum ofwavelengths,isfargreaterthan that of problem. I will end with one of my favorite quotations, the "chaotic"solutionsofsome low-order systems ofcou- from H. L. Mencken, _to every difficult question there is a pledordinarydifferentiaelquations.Analysisofsimulation simple answer- which is wrong'. datat4suggests that the dimension ofthe turbulence at- tractor(roughly,the number ofmodes or "degreesoffree- References dom" needed torepresentthe turbulentmotion) isseveral hundreds atleast,even atthelowestReynolds number at t Goldstein, S., "The Navier-Stokes Equations and the which turbulence can exist.The upper bound on the di- Bulk Viscosity of Simple Gases', J. Math. and Phys. mension is,roughly,the number oftotally-arbitrarymodes Sci., University of Madras, vol. 6, 1972, pp. 225-261. (say,Fouriermodes orfinite-differenfcoermulae) needed to represent the motion. Now sincedirect-simulationcalcu- 2 Coles, D., _I'he Young Person's Guide to the Data", lationsneed, typically,128s _ 2 x 106 Fourier or Rnite-- Computation of Turbulent Boundary Layers - 1968 AFOSR-IFP-Staaford Conference, vol. II (D.E. Coles differencepoints forflows at a very modest laboratory- and E.A. Hirst, Eds.), Thermosciences Division, Stan- scaleReynolds number, we can take the upper bound of ford University, 1969, pp. 1-45. the attractordimension as being of thisorder: for the barely-turbulentflow ofRef. 13,32s _ 30000 might do. s Bradshaw, P., and Cebeci, T., Physical and Com- Large-eddy simulationsneed fewer points:128smight do putational Aspects of Aerodynamic Flows, Springer- forany Reynolds number, atleastiftheviscouswallregion Verlag, New York, 1984. did not have to be resolved. These are allimpracticably largeestimates ofthe attractordimension. 4 Selig, M., Andreopoulos, J., Muck, K., Dussauge, J. and Smits, A.J., "Turbulence Structure in a Shock However, severalauthorshave based theirwork on the Wave/Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction", AIAA classicallyincorrectsyllogism"Solutionsofsome equations J., Vol. 27, 1989, pp. 862-869. with few degrees offreedom yieldcomplicated behavior: turbulencehas complicated behavior: thereforeturbulence s Sarkar, S., Erlebacher, G., Hussah!i, M.Y., and Kreiss, may be representedby thesolutionofequations with few H.O., _The Analysis and Modeling of Dilatationai degrees offreedom'. The lasthypothesis ofcourse stood Terms in Compressible Turbulence', J. Fluid Mech., by itselfformany yearsB.C' (beforechaos),and a great Vol. 227, 1991, pp. 473-493. deal ofbrainpower has been appliedto prove it- i.e.to produce ausablysmallsetofmodes todescribeturbulence e Zeman, O., "Dilatation Dissipation - the Concept and - but without greatsuccess: the most ambitious efforts Application in Modeling Compressible Mixing Lay- era", Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 2, 1990, pp. 178-188. requirean amount ofcomputing time which isnot much lessthan that ofalarge-eddysimulation. 7 Birch, S.F., and Eggers, J.M., "A Critical Review of the Experimental Data for Developed Free Turbulent The concepts ofchaos theory may ofcourse be quali- Shear Layers", NASA SP-321, 1973, pp. 11-37. tativelyusefulinturbulencestudies.One isthe concept of predictability.Qualitativearguments about thenon-linear a Papamoschou, D., and Roshko, A., "The Compress- Navier-Stokes equations suggestthat iftwo almost identi- ible Turbulent Shear Layer - an Experimental Study _, cal turbulence fieldswith the same boundary conditions J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 197, 1989, pp. 453-477. aresetup attime t--0,then thetwo instantaneous veloc- Townsend, A.A., "Equilibrium Layers and Wall Tur- ityand pressurefieldswillbecome more and more different bulence', J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 11, 1961, pp. 97-116. attime goes on, even though the statisticalpropertiesof the two fieldswillstillbe (nearly)equal. To a worker lO Bradshaw, P., " 'Inactive' Motion and Pressure Fluc- inturbulence,particularlyan experimenter, thisdoes not tations in Turbulent Boundary Layers', J. Fluid Mech., seem odd - but theissueofinstantaneous versusstatisti- Vol. 30, 1967, pp. 241-258. calpredictabilityhas attracteda lotofattentioninchaos II studies,and perhaps our intuitionabout the Navier-Stokes Kuznetsov, V.R., Praskovsky, A.A., and Sabelnikov, equations may be put on a firmerfooting. Deiaslertsre- V.A., "Intermittency and Fine-Scaie Turbulence Struc- views applications of chaos studies in fluid dynamics; for ture in Shear Flows", presented at Eighth Symposium a popular introduction to chaos studies in general, see the on Turbulent Shear Flows, Munchen, 1991. book by Gleickl6; and see also, of course, the new inter- 12 Durbin, P.A.,_Near Wall Turbulence Closure Model- disciplinary journai "Chaos'. z ling Without 'Dumping Functions' ", NASA Ames- Stanford Center for Turbulence Research Manuscript 11. Conclusions 112, 1990. In this paper, we have gone all the way from very basic Is Br_lshaw, P., Mansour, N.N., and Piomelli, U., _On

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