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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930017801: GPS system simulation methodology

N93-26990 ' GPSSytemSimulationMethodology J} • Thomas F. Ewlng A_on_ HmeomNt_on_md EnOi_nr_ _ Otv_lon _I_'_,_!_i,_,t___................ _i, $_1 _'1" 1,1 ,, t_l " l' ' ,_1 t:.J,.t.r,).,.I,I T > / / i NNtrlear Prooulxlem "l'erhni¢ed tnlel,¢hang_ Me¢linK NASA.I_ai._ Re_arch C.¢_r (Wlol_er 2_1.21,1992 Talk Outline Background GPS Methodology Overview Graphical User Interface Current models Application to Space Nuclear Power/Propulsion Interfacing requirements Na¢lcu, Prupul.¢um terh,_¢al lmCrt.l_m_e Meeung NASA-Le_i, Researck C_mer O. totw_ 2tl-23.19_2 NEP: Systems Modeling 1134 NP-TIM-92 History • SALT (system analysis language translator) - Early 80's PL/I codc for IBM mainframes Moved to multiple platforms and languages (C, C++) - Batch oriented - translate, compile, run Used model and property libraries Optimizations and system analysis Applied to - Open-cycle and liquid-metal MHD systems Fuel cells Ocean thermal energy conversion - Municipal solid waste processing Fusion - Breeder reactors > Geothermal and solar energy systems N_l_nr Prop_tkeqTPel_lralINlrrc&#nxeMe¢d_ ?V4.¢_.ldNl"_It¢_¢nrckCrntrt (ll:_*t_'_7(_._.pl_2 Next Generation Implementation - GPS • Designed for modern workstation environments • Developed in C++, moved to C for greater portability • Steady-state & dynamic model libraries concept of SALT, but accessed as class objects • Complete, extensible, object-oriented control language with numerous procedures for optimizations, equations solving, system constraints, parametric analysis • Language interpreted, but uses compiled, fully optimized models and math procedures ==> Fast prototyping cycles On-the-fly creation of/interaction with simulations Simulation systems can be interupted, queried and changed, then resumed , NP-TIM-92 1135 NEP: Systems Modeling Simulation(cid:0)Modeling Approach Plolters Equation Solvers ! PROCEDURES Component Models LIBRARIES o,__t,g,_,ym¢lvoamg,i/vo_, _ I_ Ilya_l_ oO Executive ot_ta,n,dhtN_,a,n._,m_a_Jv_.,,_._o)omnm_uaJ llne_. oIMco_po_lles newmodelsw_ _n_ _k>, Wocedums m.ce_s_dam,,_s oblect_(emlo_ i-::_:-__0;,,;i;::i_I •__ I- _' ........ ;J.:?L.T__ work GPS Operators • 86 built-in operators • I/O functions (fopen, printf, sscanf, sprintf) • Ma_h functions (atan2, pow, exp, max, ln, logl0) • Numerical procedures (vary, cons, icons, mini, cliff) • Looping and flow control cond {...}if cond (...} [...} ifelse start inc bound 1...I for count (...I repeat I...} loop -= A i {eondl (...} while ,_ _ m iVW.(eqrpr_Hls_o_f 'f¢l:tmh:(l/ !nWr£_i;,gtc Hc.fti_ NASA._.twLI Relx,¢irch('e_f¢_ (}r_h_r_VJ-._.T, fg_2 NEP: Systems Modeling l ]36 NP-TIM-92 Miscellaneous Operators • Allocate new model class instance - cdef /pumpl {pump:/paraml 12.0/param2 0.495} cdef • Set a debug level (0 thru 5) - debug • Run gps simulation from a input file - run "input.ill" run • Interrupt simulation Lopermit queries/interactions aintrp (followed by resume to continue) N_tle_t propels_ 'le+_knicuiIAtercl_#n_¢M¢¢l|mt NA._A4_'_4_R¢_e,rrcht"eafrtfPcN_ 20.ZI. 1_2 GPS Steady-State Power System Models Basic component models Ba_c Ihermlonic moctels gas • gas flow inilialor rsac - reactor moclel sp + gas flowsplitter It- tharmlonic converter mx- gas flowmixer rad - thermal radiator ht- gas flowheater/cooler sp - power flow splitter hx - gas flowheat exchanger res - electrcat resistor cp - compressor bc - boost converler gt- gas turbine bus - electrical bus pump- pump mass - mass caiculahons ol- diffuser nz - nozzle More sophlsltcated models power - calculate system powers Iherm - Ihermal Ilow initiator hprad- heal pipe radiator tds • thermionic diode subsystem shx - simple, multmode heat exChanger nhx + multinode, general purpose HT model NP-TIM-92 1137 NEP: SyslP.ms Modeling Phi!l!ps Lab Simulation Strateg_ 4 H1-L'/1H -1I. II_ qlI I I I I I,I LJSystem Level _JLower Fidelity _JComponent Level [_Higher Fidelity NP-TIM-92 m,.i+++,_++, +..._<: ._..... +_ +'_+ +++++II_ +}' .... N[++I _ i_:+,F_t_;F'/_a"+*'r'"t_;",. ;_I ,.d, - .,-----. -- ;:,'_-- -- _:_II_._,,_+I:',_ I:L ....................... ':'+ ,, ',:',?.:. .._'_+'_:.t-++.,, t J /meall.lpoludwig:Ip+el (It011 _. l,e._n.Lo.s.I,._SS.:I.ll."r.,_S.,"/.<._.... _ (;J f_+ml Ice:flies (_,ol q. pap + _ + i ii_l, " .... Nm:lc¢_rProI_L_ 7"_ctu,c,d/nwrrllfm_tr Meeti_J_ NASA.I_I R¢._nrch Ce_.'r ()cl_h_ _f)+2.1i1_2 NP-T]M-92 1139 NEP: Syste._s N_li_g DynamicSystemSimulationModel ofaSpaceNuclearPropulsioSnystem e_It.i "ri lelt,¢l_ _ m_glal I 'lllwl Ilrlll la _-. . . / -'7S-- / io i.ii teJ iiJ I4A ill oil iJ IM 11.1 Nil Iij i.I i,I II.I iii,iii_ii _IIl '_J ¢m) (we) Advantages as Integrating Environment Consistent user interlace to models Diverse models can be combined for use in arbitrarily complex systems Suite of gps system analysis capabilities (sweeps, optimizations) and numerical methods/properties available to models Interface definitions external to models ==> - can adapt models developed independent o£gps - can use proprietary models available only as object code models used with gps can still be run in native mode :, '-'I!o"">)=J -- L--__--J\. ;." - ...... . ."/Model rui_s_e4_k_ NEP: SystemmModeling 1140 NP-TIM-92 Interfacing Considerations Component models can be Fortran, C, orother Sun languages which generate linkable object code Standalone codes must be structured as subroutines with argument list of variables/parameters that must be known to GPS system Use of Fortran common blocks prevents (presently) having multiple instances of that model in a system Because models may becycled through numerous convergence iterations with perturbed input flows Models must he true fmwtions of their inputs Models must be reasonably robust l]O routines should be moved outside computation r.utbms Nm:learProp_sJotl'l'eCllll|(iJIl_l¢#rcl_l_eMc_li_lq N,_A-L#wt_R¢$cttr¢llCeqllet (/_ol_rZf_-2J, l_<J2 Converting a standalone code • Two step process: ConverL code to one or more subroutines Create a interface definition file (IDEF) ° GPS uses IDEF to generate small C code to handle interfaces • Model can still be run independently of gps (standalone) by writing a main program to call subroutine ¢, Naetear Prop_fMoa Zcrlm(ct# llm'rclmrlfte Meeltl_g ,vARA,Leu4._ Rcseareh Cenler Or'lc_her2¢l.2.¢ l_2 NP-TIM-92 1141 NEP:SystemsModcliag Interface Specification File Format interface specifications external to models • User-prepared AS(HI file used by GPS preprocessor to generate C stvb code to handle gps interfacing - Model name -Variable types and initial values (arguments + gps I/O) - Entry pn,cedures {name, arguments if Fortran routine, in and out flow variables) - Print variables (used as deihult gps output) E1XItA_MrlvPdLOEl_ I0_4.;nlod_l r_1*t r0.I,C char names( 16lnamessl 161nameml161 n_meboom1161 dot_hle pOW- 1e6 ell. 0.13 r_KIkJghekl_l Sap- 100_ - tO0 Iboonl *adzusrS volrg Ile_ghlrg -0.37 fTloIkwl_ly._plevp_ tCltIkIsCO/eIIt_.qtiltsI11bootll -41 - ISNPTEECRIFFAICCAETION enlry c outflow nY.'.orgm_smrs rnboom fl C-m_s_/siTJng, lhenmloniq componerll OIpower enotuPt/flow _ls i g-waste heal flow prml pew ell radius helghl Nurl_.t Prnpat._ioR '/_¢h_ral I prird r_cJJusr$vowshe_ll[rs S_p .. , .... ,, • _,..... ,_ • ¸1¸¸¸¸.•..,.¸... ,.*-_ ,,*, • _-, ....... _-_'_'*'_" ,=,_" Example Conversion Fortran Standalone code - TDS • 8400 lines of Fortran code (includes TECMDL) • Required 32 line interface definition file • Conversion completed in < 2 hrs. • Same model now runs standalone (called from main) or in gps environment • Both open (once through) and closed systems have been run in gps • Have successfully run problems with 250,000 nonlinear constraints in nested loops /• \ i N_In_r p_pal,_o_ "ICrAni_allnlerr_Rr M¢¢lin/_ NXS4.1._w_s l_e,_crlr_C'ckn_r Oreober 20.23,1992 NP-TIM-92 NF_.PS:ystemsModeling 1142

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