N93-26982 Electron Cyclotron Thruster New Modeling Results Preparation for Initial Experiments E. Bickford Hooper Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Presented at Nuclear Propulsion Technical Interchange Meeting NASA-LeRC Plum Brook Station October 20-23, 1992 Whistler-Based ECRH Thruster -- Concept A thruster using ECRH has no electrodes and, Is thus less sensitive to materials problems than arc-based thrusters such as the Magneto-Plasma Dynamic (MPD) arc. • Rear wall bombardment can be minimized, by a large inlrror ratio between the magnetic field resonance and peak field. (The flow across the mirror Is reduced by approximately the mirror ratio from that downfleld.) This: gns is_joction ._LC.10Lr0_[Qn_S.oq._.r_..c......e..... ._ ,_. .... Maximizes efficiency by minimizing energy loss to Wave _. the wall propagation o Maximizes lifetime by minimizing material damage LR Cross-field Coupling In the Helicon Approximation Coupling Is expected to be strongest If the magnetic field has s small gradient• Thus, we consider coupling at the peak of the magnetic mirror, There, coc/oJ,copIoJ) 1. We Illustrate the coupling at o_+I+ = 10, (copJoj)2 = 1000. This IS the helicon regime, with =z o_(os-_ co_O) co_¢mO • The wave characlerlstlcs can be seen from a plot of the squared parallel vs perpendicular Indices of refraction Waves In the upper-rlgh| quadrent are propagating both along z and radially. These are the waves o! Interest There are two such waves at a given ..... +...._ .......... I........................ -t(,oo :+ +6o iooo parallel Index of refraction, but one Is at very large perpendicular Index of 'il ,,) =k),:2/_ refraction and not of Interest In the -10( finite-radius plasma column -15C The finite-radial geometry will plckout particular values of nj. EBH 1/30.3i/92 Wave propagation: Wavequide with helix and plasma column • Several modes with dlfferenl radial structure propagate In the system I i _I_/0. C=tllw 11= i0lle612 em* n. J,6(l ©m m - I 2.0 1+1- -33,00 ° r_- 1,00 bl = 1'_0'."20cm ' ' ll " • -plaml l_Im, l - Ml,l ,_+u b .w_gu_ i_ v-11+11._ i !, ++• , , • • .• t• • . • .. k • • .o \ •fi', " "_Itl •i,/'. • °1, irii -- -- -- ._- •'"+ k '+_ 05 •"" ! i o::'. W ._- ,,,(If"qNellO(l O+U _L ._._¢.._,_1 ..... _. I_ 1_+..+__, +_+i _ ,L+.+.i_ J_L---..J,-. -4....4... -tO Io NI_: Technology 1054 NP-TIM-92 Wave structure: Low Impedance mode • Electric field = solid lines, magnetic field ,= dashed lines • Note Jump In magnetic field corresponding to current flow In helix radial azimuthal axial ' ;'" " _ " + I " _..... ' "" ¢" " " i i++_lk._ ' i J.(r_.) I *, ._z_,) ', m,(L.) .° otirol • .- ill m ........ . i i + • +m +! _. =uB* _ . /r I _.1=l 12': ' i _. LtlR i m_{C_r) I _{C-i) ; _((J) i,,. ILIIIM _* ,\ p !.... ! L, nip • _ ol , o , lhK'- -LI;_ • ' 'I ........ +" " " o+oV,L+ ,,+* k ;_ i' I +t , +; •*o , I- .,'- -_Ilk.+l 1,0 .. :". i • ° o , •, . ': + 0S + . _+ " .t t . ,° , + : . .0 , , _ • ,0 B Wave structure: Hiqh impedance mode • Electric field = solid lines, magnetic field, = dashed lines • Note no Jump In magnetic field corresponding small current flow azimuthal axial radial ••iI_+II _+ :'x: t l._w l.. _lrt.**. =. -LI<+_.*_ 01,.. -I + I '. ,' I I ". I _2 + l I • . ° .u+__ --,.'"'%,+Ip"+--- ,_ I II++4'*=+le,S*_ . • o.+ , _0 ', [ ik.it. ii*I.+i.I 00 -- . +P_- ' +'<,m' } 8 ,O , •4(+.," } , 10 , 4,(ca)' , ,O NP-TIM-92 1055 NEP:Technology System ,Impedance varies with plasma density ELI • The experiment is designed to allow tuning of the microwave system 10(_ E J¢ o 10 _ o u c o '°1 E 10 .... ' .... , • ,' • • , .... O.Oe÷O 5.0e+17 1.0e÷18 1.5e÷18 2.0e+18 Density (m-3) Wave Absorption at the Cyclotron Resonance • As the whistler wave approaches the cyolotror_ resonance, the value of kll becomes very large and the phase velocity becomes small This has two favorable consequences for absorption: o The direction of propagation becomes nearly along the field and at short wavelength so that reflection Is very small o The phase velocity becomes comparable to the thermal velocity of the . particles, so that the Doppler-shifted resonance (_o- =,- k,,vH = O) couples to the bulk electrons • Furthermore, there Is no electromagnetic plasma mode at high density and > mc, sO the wave cannot tunnel through the resonance • Absorption is consequently nearly 100% for the whistler wave at the cyclotron resonance • Absorption at high power will generally generate a nonthermel electron velocity distribution, Calculations are needed to quantify this and Its consequences EBH In0-31 m2 1056 m,-'r_.92 Flow sensitivity to electron distribution functi0q The Isothermal and adiabatic limits Illustrate the sensitivity of the flow to the thermal conductivity and thus to the electron distribution function For ECRH the electron distribution may be ansiotropic and nonthermal in nature, with significant consequences for thermal conductivity, particle and energy flow, plasma recycling at the rear wall, etc. Understanding the distribution resulting from the heating, as a function of plasma density and microwave power, Is thus key to predicting performance. Comoarino isothermal and adiabatic Dlattma flow Magnetic field (loop model) Density / ", ! / \ 8/8.. n/no ! 0,5 ,' \ O.8 / \ o., 0,2 _..X,/_dt/ba_lc 'O.! / t I 0.4 "Q%.2., O.02 Isolhcrmal_ O+Ol -3 -2 -1 ! 2 z/_ 3 -3 -2 -t # ! 2 z/a 3 Flow veloclly Electron temperature (adiabatic) II/C_ I 2 zl t 2 z/= 3 -3 -2 -t l 2 z/,' 3 NP-TIM-q2 1057 NEP: T_xJ_ok_u ECR thruster modelinq: heatin_q and plasma flow • A particle-in-cell code - ICEPIC - has been used to model the thruster plasma heating and motion along the magnetic field • Individual particles are followed In the guiding center approximation o Electrons are heated by rf with velocity-space diffusion In the quaalllnear approximation o For the present cases, the electrons are weakly colllsional o The ion mass Is 10Ome to speed up calculations • Plasma Is injected on the side of a magnetic hill and heated up the hill from the injection point • Two cases are compared Inlected Te In!ected TI ECRH NoECRH 100 eV 5 eV None ECRH 5 eV 5 eV Er! = 320 V/cm Geometry for PIC code model Maanetic field strenaths z(cm) 0 2 3.5 10 B(gauas) 3650 2350 1250 125 B(O)/B 1 1,5 2.9 29 sticky ECRH plasma sticky wall inje,ction wail $ I I g I I ! $ | % ! , .! ,. flxJslPosl#J0n [cm) NEP:Tvchnolofy 1058 i_-'I1M-92 Ele r n " r e°°mom n in thefl w • The electrons are highly anlsotroplc even without ECRH • The electron temperature is highly nonuniform along B • Strong electron heating by ECRH is evident perpendicular to B No ECRH ECRH Parallel Te "t2[ I I_ > .is "2BI • Perp i'_/ Te .aS 1 itxiel Posntlon (cml Den i nd otential are stron I affe t ECRH i_ • Note the rise In potential upfleld of the ECRH. It reduces the flow ol Ions to balance the p.aB/as force on the electrons and maintain quaslneutrallty ECRH No ECRH /I\ I.. °/ Density lgle c: 101g' o I o Potential - I _. -50 " e -10C 0 _ --, _. flxnel pos_l_on (cm] Rxlel Posm'tlon[cml NP-TIM-92 1059 NEP: Tochnology Ele ron ener is conv ed in ion flow ELaJ No ECRH ECRH i.¢f "l Ion ._ .S. s.catter plot -,6 _ t_!6!f_."., f9 ¢_1 (D ¢O ,I =, _'_,'_ .E Ion velocity >^ _, / = " I0 -o! IJ tlxJol Posl?,on (c=l Rxael Pos,'t_0n [ca) fl w h fi I issu r e E RH [_=J • The total energy flow Is proportional to the flux bundle area, which Is a factor of 29 larger at the exit than at the magnetic field peak NO ECRH ECRH • / I! Electron 'r' e. energy flux _ .._.._,, =- _,' _.- _ _. C3 , , n , , , . . _ 2.I C_ •. ,/ : q. Ion energy 22 flux >_I_]6 li, _, :,,' _, _ , _ Rx,al Posil,on loll rlxool Pos=?,on tc_! NEP:Technology 1060 NP-TIM-92 Initial experimental tests: preparation Initial experiments will be conducted at NASA LeRC (tank 7) o Space has been provided; magnets and SCR controller for pulsing microwave power have been sent to LeRC o Microwave components have been delivered to LeRC o Vacuum vessel, helical coupler, and gas box have been constructed and are undergoing final bench tests at LLNL • First experiments will be directed to forming the plasma and making preliminary measurements of density, electron temperature • Subsequent experiments will explore the details of the plasma for comparison with modeling o Electron anlsotropy o Suppression of flow to rear wall o Efficiency • Measurements will also be made of the separation of the plasma plume from the magnetic nozzle