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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930017768: NTP system simulation and detailed nuclear engine modeling PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930017768: NTP system simulation and detailed nuclear engine modeling

N93 - 2G 9 NTP SYSTFM giM! IIATION AND DEi'AILED NU(..:I,F,AIt ENGINI". MOI)I'3,1NG gamim Anghaie Innovative Nuclear Space Power and Propulsion Institute Universily of Florida Presemed at Nuclear Propulsion Technical Interchange Meeting (NP-TIM-92) October 20-23, 1992 NASA I_ewis Research Center Plum Brc_)k Station INHPI Univcrs.ily ol" F]olida NTP SYSTEM SIMULATION & DETAILED NUCLEAR ENGINE MODEI,ING Samim Anghaie Innovative Nuclear Space Power & Propulsion Institute University of Florida Gainesville, FL With Technical Contribution from: Gary Chen, University of Florida Jeff Given, University of Florida James White, University of Florida Steven Peery, Pratt & Whitney Harold Garrish, NASA-MSFC James Walton, NASA-LeRC i NTP:Systems Modeling 638 NP-TIM-92 i INSi'[ Ihfivel _hy nf Fin,lda MODELING AND ENGINEERING SIMULATION OF NUCLEAR THERMAl+ ROCKET SYSTEMS Modular Thermal Fluid Solver with Neutronic Feedback Main Component Modules: pip_s,Valves,Mixer NozzleSkirt Pump,Turbine ReflectRoera,ctoCrore Hydrogen (Para- attd Dissocialed) Property Package 10 ST _ 10,000 K .1SP<160bar Models Developed for N'IX-R, NERVA and XNR 2000 CFD and Heat Transfer Models for Main NTR Components Adetailedprogramformodelingoffullsystemnuclearrocket enginesisdeveloped. At present time, the modelfeaturesthe expandercycle. Axialpower dislHbutionin the reactorcore is calculatedusing 2- and 3-D neutronicscomputer codes, Acomplete hydrogenpropertymodelisdevelopedandimplemented.Threenuclearrocketsystemsare analyzed. Thesesystemsare:a75,000IbfNERVAclassengine,a25,000lbfcermetfueled engineand[NSPI'snuclearthermal vaporrocket. INSPI UniversityofFlorida NUCLEAR THERMAL ROCKET SIMULATION SYSTEM _-:_/--- ..... t77 I- I_R$1"S03 _s2____.__.L__':y_.".o.....eI [ "IC_D"HA_lR_£lr_r"trcLLgz"C*CTToORR l -7....°....... 1 IIIt_L_r_i:6 "r_g_¢o0 yI,_.HIC Sll'lG[,g STA_a H_[.A_-I,IKg A,P_.,¥SIS STAll _O'J_-Lllfl[ _¢AF.YIIS I_*O_CYLTg_ • vU__oq_ITR-YTYHIPI_.O.'.C,Mg.E?_OCKg'rtI _[_RV& 10_RIV_gTIV_ _l.OCg[:l' -- ho,_ 7 Thenminprogram links allthecon_ponenl modulesand ileralesto arriveat theuser specifiedthrust chamberpressurea,_dlemp_ralmeandthisls[level. Reactorpowerand propellant flowrateare amongoutputs of thesimulationprngram. FuelPleloenlsinthe coremoduleareprismaticwithvariableflowarearmio. Eachmoduledividestherelative NP-l_M-92 componenitntoNse_cnents. 639 N'n,:Sy,=teo_ Mod¢liag i iNSP[ UniversilyorFio_da INSPI-NTVR Core Axial Flow Profile Tc = 2750K Pc = 750psi F=750001bf _{1000 --- J 0_ • " 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Normalized Length Axial lemperature distribution of'_ fuel surface and propeJl_n! Jnan avera,_e power rod. Reactor power isadjusted to achieve the tltrust chamt)er temperature and presstue of 2750 Kand 750 psi, respectively. [NSP[ UnJverslry o[ RoHda INSPI-NTVR Core Axial Flow Profile Tc = 2750K Pc =750psi F=750001bf 1.6 1.5 t.4 R 13 ! 1.2 1.1 I {).9 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Norm,e!!zed Lellglh Non'_lized axial powcr d|slHhulion in C-C composite fuel motr[x NTVR. c,lculRled hy DOT-2 $,, code. The nJdalpower shape I',etor isan |np-t for the simulalion code. NTP: Systems Modeling _) NP-TIM-92 INSPI tJnlvetrhy of FL fid,_ Specific Impulse vs Chamber Pressure INSPI-NTVR @ 750001bf Thrust 1,OOO 980 960 ....... !..... ;........ !....... '......... _!1lC..h.a.m..b.er3oTe0m0p.K i i '. ' ;_ * 2750K 940 ............................... :......... i/ ' 2500K Q. 920 9OO 68O I 860 600 700 ooo tmo 1,ooo 1,1on 1,2oo Chamber Pressure (psi) i Parame(Hc study of thrusl chaml_r pr_sure and tentp_rature impact onlsp ofNI'VR. At higher pressures [sp is less sensitive to thrust chamber temperalure, INSPI th+ivet_ily of Fl,,lida Turbine Pressure Ratio vs Chamber Pressure INSPI-NTVR @ 750001bf Thrust 1+26 1.24 : : /.vr+ _ i .,+.z i / 1 1,22 1.2 1.18 2,_" i _ ilCh,m_rTemp. 1.16 1.14 ......._..+_.: ........ :........ :....... : : - v--- 2500K h 1,12 .... i .... i .... i .... + , , , i .... 600 700 000 g00 1,00O 1,100 1,200 Chamber Pressure (psi) Ita_.¢t Turbine pressure ratio isserL_iciveto both thrus! chamber pressure and lemperature, For thrust chamber pressure of"i200 psiand temperature of3000 K,the turbine pressure ratio of 1,26 iswell wilhin the range of+available technology. NP-TIM-92 64] NTP: Sy=le.ms Modeling IN_I'I tl.iv,'l_ity c_!ll,,li,l:s NERVA Core Axial Flow Prolile Tc = 2750K Pc = 750psi F=750001bf 3,500 i i .....*i'°" _.......... 3,000 2,500 :_ 2,000 I 1,500 1,(X_O illillllllil 500 0.2 o.4 O.S O.S 1 Normalized Length /_dal leml_rmture profiles forNERVA-75,000 Ibfengine are presented. The maximum fuel temperalure is3490 Kat .7 n_.front ehecore enlrance. INSPI Univr,sity of Florida P&W XNR2000 Core Axial Flow Profile Tc = 2750K Pc = 750psi F=250001bf 3,500 3,000 2.500 i :_,0O0 1,500 E //""./. _.....::....I'....::....,.,..:.',..o..o.1., I..- 1,000 5O0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 | Normalized Length Axial remperalure dislril,ulioel in XNR 2000core ispresenled. XNR 2000 fenlures i Iwo path folded flow core fueled wilh CERMF.T. The maximum fuel temperature is3000 Kat abou! 85% I'romthe enlrance Io the inner core region. NIT': Systems Modeling (542 NP-TIM-92 INSPI-NTVR Core Axial Flow Profile Tc = 2750K Pc = 750psi F=750001bf 3,000 2,500 _" 2,000 ......... L....... _ ....... i.,I .... ,:,.,,su,.,. to 1,500 ...... i', ........ E Fe- 1,111111 i L , , , , I .... i , , , , 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Normalized Length INSPI-NTVR Core Axial Flow Profile Tc = 2750K Pc = 750psi F=750001bf 1.6 1.5 i 1.4 _ 1.1 1.3 1 0.9 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Normalized Length NP-TIM-92 (>43 NTP: SystemsModellng INSPI-NTVR Core Axial Flow Profile Tc = 2750K Pc = 750psi F=750001bf 0.22 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0.2 0.18 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iil/i_i i iiii ._ 0.16 _ 0.14 Z ti o.12 :E 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 .... ; .... i .... = .... i • . . 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Normalized Length INSPI-NTVR Core Axial Flow Profile Tc = 2750K Pc = 750psi F=750001bf 7.6--:--_ .......... ........... i........... :........... 7 ___" ............. Q 5.5 , 5 , , i . . , t .... i .... i .... 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Normalized Length NTP:System=Modeling 044 NP-'I'[M-92 Pump Pressure Rise vs Chamber Pressure INSPI-NTVR @ 750001bf Thrust 2,100 2,000 1,900 O 1,800 P "! 1,700 v) In 0) Chamber Temp. ?,- 1,600 ¢). E ....... j ........ _ 3000K . _" --"-- 2750K l_. 1,5OO y • " 25I00K 1,41111 m • ...|I 1,300 6O0 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 Chamber Pressure (psi) Specific Impulse vs Chamber Pressure INSPI-NTVR @ 750001bf Thrust 1,000 98O Chamber Temp. 960 --,v--- 3000K • "2750K 940 ................. "........................... --,F-- 2500K o. _"-_'_v-_,_v.-_---,_v-,----,,,_,k._,,,. ___._.__ __ 920 ....... ,........ _........ :......... ........ :........ 000 ......................... :................... :........ + : : : 880 ',":v-v ..... _;:v ..... v, v ; + v---- 860 .... ; .... i .... ; .... J .... i .... 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,1O0 1,200 Chamber Pressure (psi) NP-TIM-92 645 NTP: Systems Modeling Core Exit Mach # vs Chamber Pressure INPSI-NTVR @ 750001bf Thrust 0.28 0.26 0.24 'IV 0.22 :(E0 0.2 oO...l.O...l. .... 0.12 .... ' .... J .... _ .... ' .... i .... 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 Chamber Pressure (psi) Turbine Pressure Ratio vs Chamber Pressure INSPI-NTVR @ 750001bf Thrust 1.26 1.18 1.16 ........ ----e--- XP00K I- C--h_a--mber27T5e0m1(p. 1,14 ---v--- 25001( 1.12 .... ; .... i .... i .... i .... i .... I 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 Chamber Pressure (psi) NTIP:SystemsModeling 646 NP-'rgq-92 Turbine Blade Speed vs Chamber Pressure INSPI-NTVR @ 750001bf Thrust 370 i -.......!......I.Y 360 35O 340 (/) "O 330 Chamber Temp. • 3000K 320 * " 275OK !ii:iii '1 --v-- 2500K 310 t- I--!- 300 .... i .... ; .... ; .... i .... ; .... 290 6OO 7oo eoo 9oo 1,000 1,100 1,200 Chamber Pressure (psi) Turbine Blade Diameter vs Chamber Pressure INSPI-NTVR @ 750001bf Thrust 0.235 o,,......i........i i..............,.y.... i 0.225 ................................ 0.215 0.21 ........ i........ i ........ ' ........ !........ Chamber Temp. 0.205t......... :...... _-- ...... !......... 1--*-- 27soK o.,! ::_ ..... il-'-_ i ', : 3000K 0.19 600 700 000 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 ChamberPressure(psi) NP-TIM-92 647 NTP: SystemsModeling

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