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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930017742: Probabilistic structural analysis for nuclear thermal propulsion PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930017742: Probabilistic structural analysis for nuclear thermal propulsion

r 1 Probabilistic Structural Analysis for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Dr. Ashwin Shah Sverdrup Technology (presented by J.R. Stone, LeRCINPO) CERTIFICATION OF SPACE NUCLEAR PROPULSION SYSTEM NOZZLE WITH ASSURED RELIABILITY OBJECTIVE: To develop a metliodology to certify Space Nuclear Propulsion System Nozzle wlth assured relialJility 470 NI' 'ITM 92 SPFICE NUCLERR PRUPULSIUII SYSILPI iiom I . PHI-I IMINWY FE MODEL Certification of Space Nuclear Propulsion System Nozzle with Assured Reliability 47 I N'I'I' Technology ADVANTAGE OF PROBABILISTIC STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS j - - . - 1 Case I . Wider scalier in stress and streriglh I c 11,f ',,*/ , Safety factor .- 6W40 = 1.5 I'IOIO€BNASIBWIL I 1) I / Reliability -= 0.99 II FUNCTION ~ I' Reliability IS small bccausc 1- -L,.2,. I -.I shaded overlapping area ' < fl 40 IO 110 is large due to wider Scatter in strcss w 1 scatter '-* I ' - I shaded overlapping area AI Id; is small due to narrow c Scatter in stress scatter e Space Nuclear Prol)ulsion System Nozzle Uncertainties in thc Random Variables .-.. ... .- . -------L--:- . - - ._-- -. Randoirr Variable Coetficieiit of Variation Distribution IStaiidnrtl Devintiriii ~ _L_ NlI'. 'l'ecillllllopy 472 6% 66.7 70 F re q ti e 11c y (ti Iz ) Probability of the natural frequency being less than 66.7 Hz = 0.999 Therefore, to achieve a reliability of 0.999,t he frequency of exciting force should be larger than 66.7 Hz to avoid resonance. Sensitivity of prirriitive variable uncertainties SNPS nozzle natural frequency Variabes controlling the scatter of natural frequency within 66.7 Hz are thickness, niodulus of elasticity and mass density. Therefore a tighter tolerance for the thickness and material properties are essential. NP 'IZM 92 37 3 N'I'P Technology SNPS Nozzle CDF of Effective Stress in the shell Sensitivity of priniitive variable uncertainties SNPS nozzle - shell stress= x - Geometry Coord 77 '.OO Geometry Z . Coord T~v. Inside surface - Temp. Layer 2 .-A- t j; 0 50 Teriip. Layer 3 C u) Temp. Layer 4 Temp. Outside surface 0 no Modulus of elasticity 0 01 0 339 PI ob,, 1111 II y TO control tlie stresses in the stiell airtl ncliieve Iiiylier reliability. the uricertointies in the inside surface ternr~cratures liould be redtrcetl. Nil'. I'echnology 474 NP-'IlM-92 Work in pregress: 0 Modelling of NERVA base tnodel with coolant tubes 0 Development of pseudo-super eletiient to reduce the size of the gloabal model to achieve computatioiial speed and accuracy 475 N'I'P: lichnology

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