In-Situ Materials Processing Systems and Bioregenerative Life Support Systems Interrelationships George V. Mignon and Robert J. Frye Environmental Research Laboratory Abstract This project was to investigate the synergy and linkages between bioregenerative life support systems and the materials produced by in-situ materials processing systems. Such systems produce a broad spectrum of byproducts such as oxygen, hydrogen, processed soil material, ceramics, refractory, and other materials. Some of these materials may be utilized by bioregenerative systemseitherdirectlyorwithminormodifications. The main focusof thisproject was to investigate how these materials can be utilized to assist a bioregenerative life support system. Clearlythe needto providea sustainablebioregenerative lifesupportsystemfor long term human habitation ofspace Issignificant. IV-30 Approach In orderto narrow our investigationwe chose a lunarmissionscenario inwhich a fully functional bioregenerative lifesupport systemwould be fully Implemented at base maturity. There are four basicfunctionsthat anylifesupport systemmust achieve: AtmosDhedc Reaeneratlon The atmosphere ofanylifesupportsystemneedstohavecontaminate gases suchasCO2,CO, HC, etc.., removed and replenished with02. This isaccomplished ina bioregenerative system by the interactionofmicro-organismsandhigherplants. Abioregenerativesystemwillenablethe complete recycling of these gases by utilizationof CO2 and production of 02 by photosynthesis and the removal of contaminant gases by soil microorganisms residing in the substrate used for plant growth. Water Purification Water purificationcan be easilyachieved by physicochemical means, however water recycling is not so easy. Within a bioregenerativesystemwater isrecycled and purifiedby the mechanism of plant evapo-transpiration and condensation on cooling coils. The only lossesInthis cycle would bedue to leakage and export ofwater. Waste Pro_ssin 0 The major waste to be processed is human waste. These wastes are really basic nutrients for growingplantsandwithpropertreatment (composting,etc...) can be readilyIncorporated intoasoil based bioregenerative system.Waste would be stored during base establishment and processed (forpathogen removal)vianon-destructivemethods Thewastematerialwouldthen belatterutilized with lunar regolith to develop a livingsoil system. As organic matter is a limitingcomponent of bloregenerative systemsinspace,allpotentiallyusableforms oforganic matter mustbe conserved for later re-use. The organic matter usedto construct a soil from lunar regolith will provide the necessary cation exchange capacity and nutrient retention characteristics necessary to provide optimal microbial communities andthus higher plantgrowth. Re-use ofhuman and other forms of organic material is a necessary component in closing the cycles of bloregenerative life support systems. The major thrustofour effortshasbeento quantify the available nutrientswhich may be efficientlyrecycled. Food Production and Processinq The fundamental function ofa bioregenerativesystemistofacilitatethe production offood through the support of higher plant growth and development. In the absence of energy and technology IV-31 intensivehydroponic culturing,soilmicroorganisms providethe nutrient regulation mechanism for food production. Underthe proper conditions higherplantsand soilmicroorganisms constitute an integrated system of high reliabilityand stability. The basicelements required byabioregenerative systemare carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The firstfour are relatively abundant in organic matter and through correctly deslgned recyclingsystemscan beconservedandcontinuouslyrecycled.Theothermacro-nutrients required, potassium, magnesium, calcium, andsulfurare availableinlunar regolithand would not belimiting.Micronutrlentssuchasiron,manganese,zinc,copper, boron, molybdenum and chlorine can be supplied initiallythrough terrestrial sources.A mature bioregenerative lifesupport system will maintainthese nutrients Inadequate quantitiesand Inuseable forms. The Moon, asfar aswe know, does not contain adequate quantities of water or nitrogen in any useable form. Thesetwo items may bethe limitingfactors inthe productivity of a bioregenerative life support system. If local sources of water cannot be found or produced then all water must ultimately originate from terrestrial sources. Food production could provide one part of a water reuse system through transpirationand condensation. Nitrogen may ultimately be harvested from the atmosphere usingnitrogenfixing microorganismsthatform symbiotic relationshipswith higher plants. The lunar regolithcontains much ofthe essential materials necessary for a good agricultural soil. The availabilityofthese nutrientswillnot beknown untillivingsoilsystemscan beconstructed from reprocessed human waste, othertransported organic matter and lunarregolith. Conclusion It isvery apparent that some form of bioregenerative lifesupport systemwill be required for long duration space missionssuchasalunarbase. Theextent of closurewillbe determined bydesign tradeoff betweencost ofresupplyandthe firstcostofestablishment ofthe bioregenerative system. For a lunar base scenario itisalso evidentthat there are really onlytwo basic insitu materials of great benefit to abioregeneratlve system;lunar oxygen and lunar soil. A detailed literature study hasbeenconducted andcitationscompiled. Thereport,tabulatesandsummarize therequirements for a bioregenerative lifesupport system on a per person day basis and what materials can be provided bythe proposed insituprocessingschemes. IV-32