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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930017492: Beneficiation of ilmenite from lumar analog

N9 -26681 Beneflclation of Ilmenite from Lunar Analog G. Ramadorai _and R. Dean2 Department of Mining and Geological Engineering The University of Arizona Abstract The results reported here were obtained on a meteoric eucrite sample called "MillbillillieSample #173. Optical microscopy studiesofthe sample showed itto consist of4volume percent ilmenite, 2volume percenttroilite,and94percent transparentgangue. Thetransparent gangue consisted of 46 percent feldspar (anorthite), 38 volume percent pyroxenes, 10volume percent olivines, and 6 percent opaques. Troilitewas presentinminorquantities.The head sample analyzed 15.5 percent total iron, 11.8percentferrous Iron,and0.37 percenttitanium.Screen assayanalyses ofthe30, 100, 200, and 400 US mesh screenfractions showedthat minorconcentration oftitanium occurred in the 200 x400 and -400 meshscreen fractions. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studiesofthe bulksample showed the presence of avariety of ilmenitegrains, rangingfrom 50micrometers _m), down tolessthan 1/_m without any evidence of liberation. Electron Diffractionscans (EDS) confirmed the ratioof Fe toTi inthe ilmenitegrains. Dry magnetic separation ina FrantzIsodynamic Separator wasfound to beeffective only atsizes finer than 150/_m (100US mesh) andmoresoat200 mesh (74/_m).Ineach case, dedusting ofthe sample to remove-400 mesh (-0.037 #m) fines wasrequired. Liberationsizewas determined to be 200 mesh andfiner. The highestgrade concentrate assaying3.45 percent Tiwas produced by magnetic separation of the -200 + 400 mesh screenfraction assaying0.44Ti (froma-30 meshsample) ata currentsetting of 0.35 AMP. This concentrate contained 21.2 percent of the TIvalues inthe screen fraction with 2.72 weight percent offeed to test. The resultscan be projected toa sample stage ground to -200 mesh. Magnetic separation ofthe - 200 + 400 mesh (-0.074 + 0.037 #m) should produce a concentrate accounting for 1.41 weight percent of the feed. This concentrate willanalyze 3.45 percent Ti and contain 10.3 percent ofthe Ti values in the feed. By changing the Frantz Magnetic Separator settings, a lower grade concentrate analyzing 0.98 percent Tican be producedat an increased recovery of 25.4 percent. The concentrate weight will be 11.7 percent of the feed. It must be emphasized that improved grades and recoveries can be obtained withthe -400 mesh fines. However, beneflciation ofthese extremely fine materials isnot possibleIna practical process scheme. 1Adjunct Professor 2Undergraduate Student IA-II2 Severaldrybeneficlation processes weretestedon -10meshand-30meshsamples. These included the following: o Vertical Electrostatic (ES) Free FallSeparator (V-STAT) o Electrostatic (ES) Plate Separator o Rare Earth Drum Magnet Separator (KHD) o High Tension (HT) ESRollSeparator o High IntensityLiftRollMagnet o Magstream GravityConcentrator Themost significantphysicalupgradingwasachieved inaTwo-pass HighTension ElectrostaticRoll Separator. Thefeed to the testconsisted ofthe 200 x 400 mesh fraction ofthe -30 mesh sample. The 200 x 400 mesh fraction constituted 12percent of the sample assayed 0_42percent Ti, and contained 13.3 percent9flthe i"i-val-ues,Theconductor mater'mifrom thefirst_Ss-was retreated ina second stageto produce aconcentrate analyzing2.7-:3percent"l'l_w_:h39 percent i-i recovery; The two-pass conductor retreatproduCt accounted forS.44 weight of feed to thetest, Or 0.67 percent ofthe orlginal-30 mesh sample. Itismost probable that a singlepass ES separation was justaseffectiveasthetwo-pass EStest,sincetheconductorweight percentages for thesinglepass and two-pass testswere comparable. By projecting the above resultsto a -200 mesh grind,a two-pass ES conductor retreat product accounting for 2.88 weight percent ofthe total feed should be possible.This product isexpected to analyze 2.73 percent Ti, with 18.9 percent recovery ofthe T!values inthe total feed sample. The free-fall ES Separator appeared to be effectiveinremovingfines from the coarser sizes inthe sample. This technique could be usefulindedusting lunarsamples. Wet Gravimetrlc-magnettc separationintheMagstream apparatuswas successfulinupgradingthe - 200 + 400 mesh fraction (at an apparent specific gravity of 4.25) from 0.42 percent Ti to 1.06 percent Ti,with52.6 percent recovery inaconcentrate representing 20.7 weight percent offeed to the test. This Includedthe paramagnetic product, whichwas6 weight percent, and contained 19.3 percent ofthe Tivalues, at an assayof 1.37 percent Ti. The above resultscan be projected to a -200 mesh grindsample, containing 51.9 percent as -200 + 400 mesh, and 48 percent of the Ti values. Magstream Separation would produce a heavy concentrate with 10.74 weight percent and27.3 percent recovery at agrade of 1.06 percent Ti. It would be interestingto determine ifES rollseparation of thisheavy fraction would improve grade with minimum recovery losses. Future work along the following lines isrecommended on the Eucrite Sample: Wet Magstream, followed .bydry ES rollseparation of the heavy fraction. Dry Magnetic separation, followed by dryES rollseparation. Test V-Stat separatorfor efficiency ofdedusting. Complete SEM and EDS scans ofconcentrates produced from testswiththe ES two-pass separator, and the Frantz Magnetic Separator. Theadditionaldata to begeneratedon theeucritewilldeterminethe scope ofprocess,engineering, and scientificstudies on the very limitedquantities of lunarmaterial (5 to 10grams) to be made available in 1993. IA-II3 Introduction :-" ...... _.__÷_ The results summarized in this report are a continuation of beneflciation test work reported previouslyinProgress Report Number 1on MUlbillillieSample #173, characterized as an eucrite in the literature. This report summarizes details of Magnetic, Electrostatic, and Magstream testing completed on the Millbillilliesample. Sample The mineralogical makeup ofthe Millbillilliesample was previouslydiscussed inextensivedetail in Progress Report Number 1,andwillnot berepeated here.Sample preparation procedures canalso be found inthe reference cited earlier. The screen-size distribution of the -10 mesh, -30 mesh, and -200 mesh samples used in the Electrostatic, Magstream, and MagneticSeparationtesting isgiven inTables 1and 2. Itisclearthat the titanium analysisis quitelow at0.36 percent Tito 0.39 percent Ti. The analyses for total iron, ferrous iron, and titaniumare inthe range of 13.73 to 15.08 percent, 12.78 to 13.09 percent, and 0.36 to 0.39 percent, respectively. Previous SEM studies showed the presence of a variety of liberated ilmenitegrainsrangingfrom 10micrometers (10/_m) down to lessthan 1#m, aswellas 1#m unliberated and liberated grains. Electrondiffractionscans (EDS) confirmed the ratio of Fe toTi inthe ilmenitegrains. TABLE I Screen Assay Distributionof Samples usedinMagstream Separation Tests US mesh Direct Assays(%) Percent Distribution size Wt. % Tot. Fe Fe*÷ TI Tot. Fe Fe** Ti .................................................................................................. -30 + 100 34.4 16.2 13.8 0.34 38.7 37.8 30.8 -100 + 200 20.2 16.6 14.6 0.35 23.3 23.4 17.9 -200 + 400 17.9 14.4 12.4 0.43 17.9 17,6 20.5 -400 27.5 10.5 9.7 0.44 20.1 21.2 30.8 Calc'd Head 100,0 14.4 12.6 0.39 100.0 100.0 100.0 IA-114 TABLE 2 H_eadAssays andScreen SizeDistribution for Samples ' Used inElectrostaticand Magnetic Separation Tests Millb_illieSample (-30 Mesh Grind) Head Assay 14.2% Tot. Fe' 12.9% Fe+*, 0.36% Ti U. So Direct Assays (%) Percent Distribution Mesh Wt% Size Ret. Tot. Fe Fe++ Ti Tot. Fe Fe++ Ti -30 +200 72.74 14.30 13.50 0.37 75.8 76.8 69.4 200 x 400 11.97 13.31 12.39 0.42 12.6 11.6 13,3 -400 15.29 10.50 9.65 0.44 11.7 11.5 17.3 CalcdHead 100.00 13.73 12.78 0.39 100.0 100.0 100.0 Millbillillie Sample (-200 Mesh Grind) AssayHead 14.4 %Tot. Fe 12.4°/oFe++ 0.43% Ti Head Assay NotAvailable -200 + 400 51.85 17.20 15.50 0.34 59.1 61.4 48.4 -4OO 48.15 12.80 10.50 0.39 40.9 38.6 51.6 Calcd Head 100.0 15.08 13.09 0.36 100.0 100.0 100.0 Millbillillie Sample (10 mesh Head Sample) (after reducing -10 mesh +200 mesh to-200 mesh andscreen) -200 + 400 33.20 15.50 14.58 0.37 7.2 6.9 32.4 -400 56.70 13.95 12.90 0.37 56.2 56.2 56.8 -400 10.10 10.00 8.95 0.43 36.6 36.9 10.8 Calc'd Head 100.00 14.07 13.02 0.37 100.0 100.0 100.0 IA-II5 Maanetic Separation Samples The analyses and screensizedistributionfor the samplestested were described earlier. Equipment, Procedures, and Results DryMagneticseparationwas completedoncampusintheChemicalEngineering Department, using the Frantz Isodynamic Separator at a series of current, forward and side slope settings. Ferromagnetic particleswereremoved byaheadmagnetbeforetheseparation.Thedata from these tests are summadzed inTable 3. The concentrate produced at0.35 AMP is identifiedas the final product.Thedata on thecombined 0.35 x1.25AMP productisalsogivenfor comparison. Thehead assays for all the screen fractions tested are also noted, individual test data are compiled in Appendix 2, andthe analyticalresultsinAppendix3. Discussion of Results An analysis of the data willleadto the followingconclusions: 1. Dry magnetic separationis effectiveonlyat sizesfiner than 100 mesh (150/=m). In each case, dedusting ofthe sample to remove -400 mesh (37 #m) finesisessential. 2. The sample hasto beground to -200 (74#m) mesh for magnetic separation to be effective. 3. The highestgradeconcentrateassaying3.45 percentTiwasproduced by magnetic separationofthe-200 + 400meshscreenfractionatacurrent settingof0.35 AMP. Thisconcentrate contained21.2 percentofthetitaniumvaluesinthescreenfraction and accounted for 2.72 weight percent ofthe sample used inthe test. By changing vibrator feed rate, side slope, and forward slope settings, the Ti recovery can be increased to 52.4 percent, but the grade decreases to 0.98 percent Ti. The concentrate weight percent was 22.6 of the sample used inthe testing. The testresultsdescribed aboveon the -200 + 400 meshfraction of -30mesh sample can beused to project grades and recoveriesofthe sample stage ground to-200 meshasdiscussed below. By stage grinding, a -200 mesh sample can be produced that contains48.4 percent of the titaniumat a grade of0.34 percent, asshown inTable 2. Magnetic separation of the -200 + 400 mesh screen fraction of -200 mesh feed sample should IA-II6 produce aconcentrateaccounting for 1.41weightpercent ofthe feed. Thisconcentrate willanalyze 3.45 percent Ti, and contain 10.3 percent ofthe Tivalues inthe feed. By changing the magnetic separator settings,a lower grade concentrate assaying 0.98 percent Ti can be projected. TheTirecoverywillincreaseto25.4 percent. The concentrate weight will be 11.7 weight percent of the feed. EIQctrostatic,Maastream. and Maanetic SeParator Samples The analyses of samples tested and their screensizedistributionare summarized inTable 2. Test Procedures, Equipment, and Results Two samples of Millbillillie#173 meteoric eucriticmaterialat -10 US mesh and -30 US mesh sizes were tested at the Carpco Laboratories inFlorida,with the principal objective of beneficiating the ilmenite. Processes evaluated includedthe following: o Vertical Electrostatic(ES) free-fall separation o Electrostatic (ES) plateseparation o Rare-earthdrum magnet separation (KHD) 0 High-tension (HT) ES rollseparation o High-intensityliftrollmagnet separation o Magstream gravityconcentration The equipment, flowsheet,and procedures usedinthetestprogram iscontained inCarpo's report, and will not be discussed here. The Carpco report is attached as Appendix 1. All products were returned to the UniversityofArizona for detailedanalyses by the principal investigator. A total oftwelve tests were completed. The flowsheet details ofeach of the tests can be found in Carpco's report inAppendix 1.Allofthe analyticaldata iscompiled inAppendix 3. A summary of the test results ispresented InTable 4. Discussion of Results Based on visual and binocular optical microscopic examinations during the course of the test program and the test resultsgiven inTable 4, thefollowing conclusions are possible: o The -30 mesh sample responded poorly to ES free-fall, ES plate, and rare-earth drum magnet separation processes. Thiswas dueto the lack of liberationwithin the sample, and IA-II7 0 0 O0 0 O0 0 _00 -1- u. cO _ to cO o I_ o o -i _" "1,.o ¢'o _" _'o co _" ",:!" m m CO ¢Xl _- ,,- 0 0 0 0 0 0 "13 0+ 0+ 0+ + 0+ + + 0 4- 4- -t- 0 o o o ¢_ 0.. o o o _ o _ < L_ Oa LO 0 o % _. % % % o % ,e e,-, °I o (.0 o _ o _o > IA-I 18 ] | i 1 o 0 o o o o o o T Q IA-II9 i the presence of fines (Tests 1,2,and 3). The free-fall ES separator appeared to be effective in separating the fines from,,_,thecoarse sizes. Itcould be usefulin..u_.sting._ lunar samples. o A single p_ss ES ofthe -200 + 400 fraction of the -30 mesh sample produced a conductor with 4 weight percent ofthe feed to the test inTest 4. After visual examination of the products underthe microscope, theproductswere recomblnedfor thetwo-pass EStestdescribed below. o The mostsignificantphysicalupgradingwasachieved inaTwo-pass High Tension ElectrostaticRollSeparator. Thefeed tothetestconsistedofthe 200x400 mesh fraction ofthe -30 mesh sample. The 200 x 400 mesh fraction constituted 12 percent of the sample assayed 0.42 percent Ti,and contained 13.3percentoftheTivaluesasshown inTable 2.Theconductor material from the firstpasswas retreatedinasecondstageto produceaconcentrate analyzing 2.73 percent Ti, with39 percent Ti recovery.Thetwo-pass conductor retreat product accounted for 5.44 weight of feed to the test, or 0.67 percent of the ortglnal-30 mesh sample, asshown inTest 5 resultsin Table 4. Itis most probablethat asinglepass ES separationwasjustas effective asthe two-pass EStest, sincethe conductorweight percentages were comparable on both tests. o By projecting the above resultsto a -200 mesh grind, a two-pass ES conductor retreatproduct accountingfor 2.88weight percentofthe totalfeed analyzing 0.39 percent Tishould be possible.This product isexpected toanalyze 2.73 percent Ti,with 18.9 percent recovery ofthe Ti values inthe total feed sample. o Attempts to improveilmeniterecoverybyscavenging ilmenitevalues byusinga ES two-pass non-conductor retreatmethod were not effective, ascan be seenfrom the resultsofTest 8. The Increased Ti recovery of 52 percent was gained at the expense of a lower grade of 0.74 percent Ti. Magstream separation oftheconductors from Test8at anapparent specific gravity (S. G.) of 4.25, upgraded the composite conductor only slightlyfrom 0.60 percent Tito 0.73 percent inthe heavies. o Magstream separation did not improve the grade ofthe ES conductor product in Test 7. O Magnetic separation ofthe ES two-pass conductor retreat product upgraded the Ti only marginallyfrom 0.60 percent Tito 0.74 percent Ti, withsignificantTi recovery losses. o Magstream gravlmetric separation of-30 + 200 screenfraction at an apparent S. G. of 4.25 was not effective inTest 11 in upgrading the heavy fraction, due to the presence of unliberated ilmenitegrainsatthisparticlesize. Bycontrast,the heavyfraction from the -200 + 400 screen fraction (with a significantproportionof liberated ilmenitegrains)was upgraded from 0.42 percent Tito0.94 percentTiwith33.2 percentTirecovery inaconcentrate representing 14.8 weight IA-120 percent ofthefeed tothetest,contained 19.3percent oftheTivalues,withanassayof 1.37 percent Ti. The combined product would be 20.7 weight percent, wtthan analysis of 1.06 percent Ti, and 52.6 percent TI recovery. The metallurgical efficlenciesand recoveries of the combined products would be comparable tothe previous Magstream testdata reported earlierin Reference 1. o The above resultscan be projected to a -200 mesh gdnd sample, containing 51.9 percent as -200 + 400 mesh, and48 percent of the Tivalues. Magstream separation would thus produce a heavy concentrate with 10.74 weight percent, and 27.3 percent recovery at a grade of 1.06 percent Ti. Itwould beinterestingto determine ifES rollseparation of thisheavy fractionwould Improve grade with minimum recovery losses. Conclusions o Dry magnetic separation ina Frantz Isodynamic Separator was effective at 200 mesh and finersizes. Itshould be possibleto produce aconcentrate analyzing between 1percent Ti and 3.5 percent Ti, corresponding to Tirecoveriesbetween 25.4 percent and 10.3 percent. The concentrate weight willbe between 11.7 percentand 1.4weight percent ofthefeed. Thefeed tothe testwas 0.39 percent Ti. o Atwo-pass dryElectrostaticRollSeparator producedaconcentrate analyzing 2.73 percent Ti, with 18.9 percent Ti recovery.The concentrate weight percent was 2.9 percent ofthe feed. o Wet gravimetdc-magnetic separation inthe Magstream apparatus was successful inproducing a concentrate analyzing 1.06 percent Tiwitha concentrate weight of 14.8 percent of feed and Ti recovery of 52.6 percent. o The verticalV-STAT Electrostaticfree-fall separator appeared to hold promise for dedusting samples. Recommendations Future work along the followinglines isrecommended on the Eucrite Sample: o Wet Magstream, followed by dry ESrollseparation ofthe heavy fraction. o Dry Magnetic separation, followed bydry ES rollseparation. o Test V-Star separator for efficiency ofdedusting. o Complete SEM and EDS scans ofconcentrates produced from testswiththe ES two-pass separator, and the FrantzMagnetic Separator. The additionaldata to begenerated on theeucrltewilldeterminethe scope ofprocess engineering, and scientificstudies on the very limitedquantities of lunarmaterial (5 to 10grams) to be made available in 1993. References 1. Ramadorai, G. and R. Dean. Beneficiation of//menite from Lunar Ana/og: Progress Report Number One (June 1, 1991 - June 2, 1992). University of Arizona/NASA Space Engineering Research Center, May 29, 1992. 2. Ramadorai, G. and R. Dean. Beneficiation of Ilmenite from Lunar Analog: Progress Report Number Two(June 1992-October 1992). UniversityofArizona/NASA Space EngineeringResearch Center, October 16, 1992. IA-121

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