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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930007714: Microwave heating of lunar materials. Appendix A

N93-16903 -9/ Appendix A: Microwave Heating '--/4, of Lunar Materials Thomas T. Meek Introduction industrial use (0.915 GHz and 2.45 GHz). However, some work Microwave heating of nonmetallic has recently been carried out at inorganic material has been of 28 GHz* and 60 GHz (Meek et al. interest for many years. Von 1986). At Los Alamos National Hippel in the late 1940s and Laboratory, the work has centered early 1950s investigated how about the fabrication of useful microwave radiation up to 10 GHz engineering components. couples to various insulator materials. Perhaps the most work Table A-1 lists some materials that has been done by Wayne Tinga have been thermally processed at the University of Edmonton using microwave energy and (Alberta, Canada). Most of the some products that have been work to date has been done at the fabricated at both 2.45 GHz and two frequency bands allowed in 60 GHz. *Personal communication with H. D. Kimrey, Fusion Energy Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. TABLE A-1. Some Starting Materials Heated by Microwave Energy at Los Alamos and Resultant Products Material Product Processing Frequency, temperature, GHz oC Owens-Illinois (OI)- 1756C glass Ceramic-glass seal 462 2.45 OI-0038 glass Ceramic-glass seal 735 2.45 1613 glass** Ceramic-glass seal 1450 2.45 Alkali basalt Sintered material 1200 2.45 AI203 Sintered material 1300-1900 2.45, 60 ZrO2 Sintered material 1300-1900 2.45, 60 Ilmenite Sintered material 1350 2.45 Apollo 11 regolith Sintered material 1100 60 SiC whisker-AI203 Composite material 1300-1900 2.45, 60 "1-1igh-temperature glass made at Los Alamos. 307 Usingmicrowaveenergytoprocess semiconductors. To heat traditional lunar material offers a new, oxide materials, such as alpha potentially very efficient way of alumina, we incorporate materials heating these types of materials. that do couple to 2.45 GHz Not only can lunar material be radiation, such as aluminum nitrate. heated with less energy than that These materials cause the oxide required by conventional methods, to heat to a few 100 degrees but the heating is accomplished Celsius, after which the oxide will more uniformly and in much less couple because its ability to absorb time (Meek et al. 1985). electromagnetic energy (its loss tangent) has increased sufficiently. Discussion It is known that most lunar regolith, down to a depth of 3 meters, Many oxide materials are contains at least 106 imperfections transparent to microwave energy at per cubic centimeter from cosmic 2.45 GHz and 0.915 GHz. Oxides rays, solar flares, and the solar that possess impurities, such as wind (see fig. A-l). The defects mobile ions or mobile defects, introduced into this soil over that enhance their electrical millions of years' exposure to these conductivity will, however, couple high-energy particles should to electromagnetic radiation in this increase the loss tangent of this frequency range. Heating will be material and allow it to be heated in primarily electronic. a microwave field without the use of coupling agents. Terrestrial For example, beta alumina contains alkali basalt shows only weak by weight 11 percent sodium, thus coupling initially; however, when enabling it to couple efficiently to the intensity of the electric field is 2.45 GHz microwave radiation. increased, this material heats Beta alumina, when placed in a rapidly. Recently we demonstrated 2.45 GHz microwave field of the ability to heat ilmenite to its 400 watts power can be heated melting temperature using from room temperature to its 2.45 GHz microwave energy. sintering temperature (1850°C)in Since ilmenite is present in just a few seconds (Berteand and abundance on the lunar surface Badot 1976). Materials such as in mare regions, it could act as a cuprous oxide (Cu20), zinc oxide coupling agent to allow the initial (ZnO), and zirconium dioxide heating of those lunar materials that (ZrO2) will also couple efficiently may not couple at ambient because they are defect-controlled temperature. 308 Figure A-1 Tracks ofCosmic Ray Particles and Solar Flare Particles ina Plagioclase Crystal Theplagioclase crystal structure has been severely damaged where these high- energy particles havepenetrated into the crystal. Etching of thecrystal withNaOH has preferentially removed thedamaged material, leaving elongated, rectangular holes or tracks. Such track damage is common inmanylunar regolith crystals. Table A-2 shows observed heating where i- = heating rate in degrees rates for some of the materials Celsius per minute thermally processed using f = frequency in hertz 2.45 GHz and 60 GHz microwave E = electric field intensity in energy. If the proper electric field volts/cm intensity (E) or magnetic field k' = dielectric constant of intensity (H) is used, rapid heating the material of lunar materials will also occur, tan 8 = loss tangent of the The following expression (PL_schner material 1966) shows the relationship p = density of the material between the approximate heating Cp = heat capacity of the rate and the applied electric field material intensity for the heating of an insulator material. Because heating on the Moon will occur in a vacuum, where much "i" -- 8 X 10-12 f E2 k' tan 8 greater electric field intensities can be used, materials that would not p Cp couple on Earth may be heated very easily and quickly. 309 TABLEA-2. Heating Rates Observed for Different Insulator Materials Heated at 2.45 GHz and 60 GHz Material Observed heating rate, Frequency, °C per hour GHz 1613 glass 33 000 2.45 OI-0038 glass 20 000 2.45 OI- !756C glass 12 000 2.45 Aluminum oxide 18000 60 Recommendations Meek, T. T., et al. 1986. Microwave Processing of Much work remains to fully Ceramics. J. Microwave Power characterize some of the & Electromagnetic Energy 21: phenomena observed to date 193-194. with microwave-heated oxide and composite materials. For Meek, Thomas T.; David T. example, diffusion should be Vaniman; Franklin H. Cocks; and modeled, reaction kinetics Robin A. Wright. 1985. Microwave should be studied, and Processing of Lunar Materials: sintering kinetics should be Potential Applications. In Lunar better understood. Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, ed. W. W. Mendell, 479-486. Houston: Lunar & References Planetary Inst. Berteand, A. J., and J. C. Badot. POschner, Herbert. 1966. Heating 1976. High-Temperature with Microwaves: Fundamentals, Microwave Heating in Refractory Components, and Circuit Technique. Materials. J. Microwave Philips Technical Library. New York: Power 11:315-320. Springer-Verlag. 310 TingaW, .R. 1970. Interactions of Tinga, W. R., and W. A. G. Voss. Microwaves with Materials. Proc. 1968, Microwave Power IMPI Short Course for Users of Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 189-194. Microwave Power, pp. 19-29, Nov. New York: Academic Press. Tinga, W. R., and E. M. Edwards. Von Hippel, Arthur R., ed. 1954. 1968. Dielectric Measurement Dielectric Materials and Using Swept Frequency Applications. Cambridge, MA: Techniques. J. Microwave M.I.T. Press. Power 3:144-175. Von Hippel, Arthur Robert. 1954. Tinga, W. R., and S. O. Nelson. Dielectrics and Waves. New York: 1973. Dielectric Properties of John Wiley & Sons. Materials for Microwave Processing--Tabulated. J. Microwave Power 8:23-66. 311

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