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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930005120: Near-infrared oxygen airglow from the Venus nightside PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930005120: Near-infrared oxygen airglow from the Venus nightside

LPl Contribulion No. 789 23 The ionization process for themajor neutral species, COzandO. The boundary between the solar wind and ionosphere, called the inthe ionosphere of Venus can be represented by the reactions ionopause, is rather narrow and is located at higher altitudes for unmagnctized ionosphere cases. However, the dayside ionosphere hv + CO2--->CO2" + e isobserved to be permeated by large-scale magnetic fields during _CO+O++e conditions of high solar wind dynamic pressure. In this case, hv + O---_O*+ • elecaical currents flow throughout the ionosphere and both the density structure and the dynamics of the ionosphere are strongly where hvrepresents anultraviolet photon, his Planck's constant and affected bythe solar wind interaction. The ionopause inthis case is vis the photon frequency, hv must exceed the ionization potential located below about 300 km and is ratherbroad. of the molecule for these photochemical reactions mproceed. References: [1] Russelli C. T., ed. (1991) Venus Aeronomy, Apeak electron density intheVenus ionosphere of=6×10scm-3 Kluwer,DordrechL i l was observed onthe dayside bythe Pioneer Venus radio occultation ," -.";:'/ ' i /)"' iN93-14308 experiment, aswell asbytheradio occultation experiments on other missions. The altitude of thepeak islocated atz,, 140kin. The major NEAR-INFRARED OXYGEN MRGLOW FROM THE VE- ion species in the lower ionosphere of Venus was observed by the NUS NIGHTSIDE. D. Crisp t, V. S. Meadows z. D. A. Allen 3. PVO ion mass spectrometer andbythe retarding potential analyzer B. Bezard4. C. DeBergh 4, and J.-P. Maillard s, Uet Propulsion experiments tobe O_ andnot CO2+,even though the abundance of Laboratory, USA, 2University of Sydney, Australia, 3Anglo-Aus- neutral O2in the atmosphere of Venus isnegligible, because of the walian Observatory, 'Observ. Paris-Mcudon, France, SlAP Paris, following rapid ion-neutral reaction France. COt* + O--->O2÷+ CO Groundbased imaging and specwoscopic observations of Venus reveal intense near-infrared oxygen airglow emission from the The O2*ions are removed from the ionosphere by means of the upper atmosphere [1,2] and provide new constraints onthe oxygen following dissociative recombination reaction with ionospheric photochemistry and dynamics near the mesopause (-100 km). electrons Atomic oxygen isproduced bythe photolysis of COzon thedayside of Venus. These atoms are transported by the general circulation, O{+e-->O+O and eventually recombine to form molecular oxygen. Because this recombination reaction isexothermic, many of these molecules are The neuwal oxygen atoms produced by this reaction have energies created in anexcited state known asO2(tA). The airglow isproduced ofafeweVandalethesourceofthehotoxygencorona.Themajor as these molecules emit aphoton and return totheir ground state. ionspeciesobservedbyinstrumentson PVO foraltitudcasbovc Connes etal. [1] found that the airglow intensity iscomparablc on 160km isO÷.Many minorionspecies,includingH÷.CO +.N2+, the dayside (1.5 x 10t2photons/cruZ(cid:0)s) and nightsidc (1.2 x 1012 CO2+,NO ÷.He*.C*.andN+,wereobservedbythePVO ionmass photons/cm2/s) of the planet. They concluded that the Oz(tA) spectrometer. emission isspatially uniform, and that chemical reactions involving Electron and ion temperatures of several thousand degrees were Oz(tA)provide amajor pathway for the recombination of oxygen observed inthe ionosphere of Venus by the PVO electron tempera- atoms in the venusian atmospherc. The intensity and apparent ture probe and by the retarding potential analyzer. Theoretical uniformity of this emission has puzzled atmospheric chemists for models indicate that most of the energy required to heat the more than adccadc because these properties cannot beexplained by ionospheric plasma tothese temperatures, which greatly exceed the cxisting models [3]. neutral temperature, isderived from thesolar wind interaction with New imaging and spectroscopic observations acquired during the ionosphere. the summer and fall of 1991 show uncxpected spatial and temporal The nightside ionosphere of Venus is quite variable, both spa- variations in the Oz(lA)airglow [4.5]. High-resolution (0.4 cm-t) tially and temporally, with peak densities typically observcd tobe spectra of sclcctcd rcgions of the dayside and nightside of Vcnus about 10acm -3,The main source of nightside ionization is thought were obtained with the Fourier Transform Spectrometer on the tobetransport of ions from thedayside tothenightside. O+ions drift Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (Mauna Kea Hawaii) on2"7June upward onthe daysidc, then flow horizontally with speeds of scveral and 1July 1991 (Fig. I). Individual oxygen emission lines of the kilometers per second above 200 kin, and then subside to lower Oz(tA)bandnear 7880 cm-1(1.269 pan)were resolved, allowing us altitudes onthe nightside. Large ion driftspeeds near the terminator to distinguish the airglow emission from the deep-atmosphere of Venus were measured by the PVO retarding potential analyzer. thermal emission peak near 7830 cm4 (1.277 Jam).The intensity of Auroral ionization also contributes to the nightside ionosphere. the nightside Oz(tA )emission increased by afactor of 4 between especially during time periods oflarge solarwind dynamic pressure. 10N to 5S latitude on 27 June. The emission measured near 15S when itis known that the nightsidc ionosphere athigher altitudes latitude on I July was almost six times brighter than that seen four virtually disappears. Avariety of other nlghtsidc ionospheric phe- days earlier, and about three times brighter than that reported by nomena have also been observed, such as tall rays, ionospheric Conncs etal. [1].Comparisons of intensities of individual rotational clouds, and ionospheric holes. transitions inthe Pand Rbranches oftheemission spectrum indicate The solar wind interacts very strongly with the ionosphere of arotational temperature of 186 ± 6K (Fig. 2). Venus. In fact,two types of ionosphere exist: (1)unmagnetizbd and This temperature iscomparable to that derived from the O2(tA) (2) magnetized. The former ionospheric state is observed to be observations made in the mid 1970s [1]. When Pioneer Venus present whenever the solar wind dynamic pressure islow. andinthis arrived in 1978, the Venus mesosphere was characterized by an case large-scale magnetic fields areexcluded from the ionosphere. anomalous thermal structure, withwarm poles and arelatively cool although small-scale magnetic structures called flux ropes were equator. Dynamical models showed that this temperature structure observed tobe present inthe ionosphere bythe PVO magnetometer. was consistent with arapiddecrease in the amplitude of the cloud- 24 International Colloquium on Venus 2(1:39 LI.T. 19 Septemher 1991 O. V5 :E 0.10 "E < < 005 QO0 21:54 U.T. 19 September 1991 711OO 7&$0 79_ 79SO Wo_lnu_bQe (¢_") Fig. L ttigh-reselmion speo.mm of the Venus nighlside taken on 1July 1991 at the C_na_-Fnmee-ttawaii Telesc_e with the Fourier Transfenn Spe_tmme_r. The broad emission peak centered near7830 _a-1 (1.277 I_'n) isthermal emission from the lowest scale height (0-20 lon) of the venusian acrnosphere. The narrow emission lines andthesharpspike Centerednear"/880 cm-1 ate O_z(IA) airglow, which is produced in the upper mesosphem (-94 krn). 21:40 LI.T. 2(I September 1991 • .O, (''_.wRolalional Tern Berotures , -4 "_'_! T = tE_6 I 6K = Fig. 3. Images of theVenus nightside taken atwavelengths inthe bright Q branchof theO2(IA) bandon19and20September 1991. Theintensity of the brightest region changed by about 20%between 20:39 and 21:54 U.T. This 0 200 4t_O 6t}O bright spot completely vanished the following day. Rctoeionol r_, )y, [ (_,,i") Fig, 2. The local kinetic temperatures can beinferred from the rotational energies of transitions inthePand Rbranches of the O2(L't) band. We find and 40N latitude near the dark limb (3 a.m. meridian). The antisolar rotational temperatu_s of 186 :t6K. point was also relatively bright. Within one day, the locations and intensities of the airglow features had changed dramatically. Simi- lar variations in the O2(IA ) emission were seen on 19 and 20 top superrotation at these altitudes 16]. Groundbased millimeter- September 1991 (Fig. 3). This transience and localized structure wave observations indicate that this thermal structure may have was not apparent in the earlier groundbased spec_-oscopic observa- changed dramatically inthe mid 1980s, when low-latitude tempera- tions of O2(tA ) emission [1],but similar features have been seen in tures increased substantially in the upper mesosphere [71. This Pioneer Venus Ultraviolet Spectrometer observations of NO emis- warming may have produced tropical temperatures th atwere warmer sion [8], which isproduced atmuch higher altitudes (- 120 kin). The than those at the poles, disrupting the anomalous thermal structure implications of these observations for the composition and general and allowing the high-speed cloud-top winds to extend throughout circulation ofthe upper venusi an atmosphere are not yet understood, the mesosphere. If that change occurred, our recent O2(tA )observa- but they provide important new constraints on comprehensive tions suggest that the venusian mesosphere has since reverted to dynamical and chemical models of the upper mesosphere and lower conditions like those seen in the late 1970s. thermosphere of Venus. The first images of the Venus night.side atwavelengths within the References: [1] Cormes P, et al. (1979) Astrophys. J., 229, narrow Qbranch of theOz0A)band were obtained with the InfraRed L29. [2] Crisp D. et al. (1991) Science, 253, 1263. [3] Yung Y. L. Imaging Spectrometer (IRIS) on the Anglo-Australian Telescope and Demore W. (1982) Icarus, 51,199. [4] Crisp D. et al. (1991) (Siding Spring Observatory) on 27 and 28 July 1991. Unlike the Bull. AAS, 23, 1194. [5] Allen D. A. et at. (1992) Nature, submitted. almost featureless deep-atmosphere thermal emission at 1.277 _rn, [6] Taylor F. W. et al. (1980) JGR, 85, 7963. [7] Ctancy T. and the Oz(tA) airglow occasion ally has contrasts as large as l0:l on the Muhleman D. (1991) Icarus, 89, 129. [8] Stewart A. I. F. et at. nightside. On 27 July, the brightest feature was centered between 30 (1980) JGR, 85, 7861.

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