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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930002774: A neuro-collision avoidance strategy for robot manipulators PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930002774: A neuro-collision avoidance strategy for robot manipulators

N93-1! 962 ' A NEURO-COLLISION AVOIDANCE STRATEGY FOR ROBOT MANIPULATORS. Joel P. Onema and Robert A. Maclaunchlan* Department of Electrical Egineering and Computer Science ,Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas 78363 ABSTRACT which can beconsidered as embody by a sensitive skin type sensors [1]. We study the following The area of collision avoidance and path planning in problem: given the position and orientation of the robotics has received much attention in the research manipulator, calculate all possible sets of joint angles community. Our study centers on a combination of an over time,, which could be used to attain a given artificial neural network paradigm with a motion planning strategy that insures safe motion of the Articulated Two-Link object position and orientation. The initial solution Arm with Scissor Hand System relative to an object. to the problem enables the manipulator to attain its Whenever an obstacle is encountered, the arm attempts to goal without a planned strategy (no collision slide along the obstacle surface, thereby avoiding collision by avoidance). The final strategy used combines motion means of the local tangent strategy and its artificial neural planning and artificial neural networks. This network implementation. This combination compensates the strategy is to insure a collision-free motion of the inverse kinematics of a robot manipulator. Simulation results robot manipulator. Simulation results are presented indicate that a neuro-collision avoidance strategy can be and a possible extension to this work is discussed. achieved by means of alearning local tangent method, This paper is an extension to the work reported in [1, 4]. I. INTRODUCTION The problem of collision avoidance in II. AN ADAPTIVE LEARNING APPROACH robotics[8] Bradley, Hollerbach, Johnson and Lozano Perez can be described as follows: given a starting The subject of neural network is hardly and a goal configuration of some object or linked new[14], but there has been much more recent[Ill group of objects in an environment cluttered with progress in developing methods for training more obstacles, find a path of connecting line segments complex configurations of these networks. The from the starting to the goal configuration, such that simplest net is the perceptron [13, 14], whose the object to be moved follows this path without training procedure can be called an error-correcting interfering with any obstacle of the environment. procedure. The weights are revised whenever a mistake is made. Both the output and the correct Traditionally [1], designing a robot control answers are expressed as 0 or 1else an error occurs. system involves two steps first a set of kinematic For the perceptron, once the weighted sum is equations which express the physical constraints of computed, the activation of the output unit is the robot are derived, and second, a computer determine by a threshold logic (0 or 1) depending program model is implemented generatin_ arm whether the threshold value was exceeded. The configuration sequences that move the robot s end- thresholds activation function creates nonlinearity. effector from its current position to a target position. When The Classes of behavior, etc. are linearly While simulation runs works well in a laboratory, separable the perceptron will find a line or a plane they often suffer from serious limitations when that yields no error. It concentrates on reducing applied in realistic environments. Wear and tear on errors, but may perform poorly when classes of mechanical parts changes the kinematics of the robot behavior etc, are not linearly separable. manipulators and sensor characteristics tend to wander with time. V_rhen such changes occur, the In the LMS[12] (Least Mean Square) learning control program must be updated or the robot must system, the correct answers are still express in terms be maintained. The response time slows down when of 0 and 1, however they are not restricted to a the degree of difficulty increases by unpredictable binary values but can have continuous real values. obstacles with different shapes or change of position The goal of the LMS training procedure is to in the workspace. A high degree of autonomous minimize the average (squared) distance from the adaptive learning is the ultimate approach to true answer to the output. The LMS training consider when solving these major impairments. This procedure performs relatively well when classes are paper focuses on solving the inverse kinematics of an not linearly separable, because the best line of articulated two-link arm with a scissor hand system separation is found in terms of the minimum error 272 distance.Tocomputeerrorrates,decisiocnriteria is based upon a simple theoretical robot areneededtodeterminetheclassthatisselected. klnematics[1, 3] as presented in (fig. 1) and the value Forasingleoutputthisistheclassthatisclosestot of the local tangent as presented in[2]. theoutput.Theerrordistancteothecorrecatnswer canbesmall,whileerroneouasnswerms ayhave III. LOCAL TANGENT largerdistanceor beon thewrong sideof the boundaryE.ventuallyL,MStrainingshouldconverge The robot arm attempts to slide along the totheminimumdistanceT.hisiterativetechniquoef obstacle surface as reported in [2] (Fig. 2), whenever minimizatioinsalso an obstacle is encountered. This sliding is called gradient descent[12]. The accomplished by a coordinated move between joints weights are constantly adjusted in the direction of J1 and J2, based on the value of the local tangent the greatest reduction of error, example we expect Fig. 4). The local tangent is obtained from the that we are moving "down bill" in tile direction of ollowing formulas depending on were the obstacle the minimum. The main problems for gradient occurs in the work space. There are three categories descent methods is oscillation and not converging or (Fig. 3). Note: a complete derivation of the following poor convergence rate. The rate of convergence equation can be found in [2] highly depends on the learning rate[11, 12]. The Type I are those obstacles that obstruct link LMS learning system is completely linear. The 1. Since link 2 is irrelevant in this case, then d01=0 weighted sum is directly used to activate the output and d02 # 0. The local tangent for unit; no additional mapping by tile activation function is made. A linear function would not be Type I is vertical [2]. useful, because the overall system would still be linear and would not effectively use the hidden units. Type II consists of the obstacles that obstruct While the thrcshold logic of the activation function link 2. Assume that link 2 is obstructed at point C perceptron is nonlinear, from tbe mathematical view by a type II obstacle, at the distance L,_ from the point, the LMS needs a continuously differentiable joint J2 (Fig. 4). Then, the estimates [2]_of d01,and function. This is not the case for threshold logic. d02 at C can be found as follows: Thus an alternative is activation function which is differentiable is used known as a logistic or sigmoidal cx=L 1COS(0)+LdCOS(01 +02) function. For any real valued numbers, the activation function is a continuous value, this is a x coordinate of C (1) valid range in probability, these functions have been widely used in statistics. cy=LiSIN(01)+LdSlN(01+02) Both the perceptron and the LMS learning y coordinateofC System attempt to derive a linear separator from The expressionforthe localtangentof type IIat labeled data. Perceptron and LMS can be described point C is given by the estimate [2]: as single layer neural networks, where a layer represents a set of output devices. The weights are termed feed forward, because they flow in the = os0_+l (2) forward direction. Starting with the inputs node and weights, no weight cycles back to an input node or Type III are obstacles that obstruct the output node of previous layers. wrist. Sliding of the wrist P along the obstacle corresponds to its moving along the llne segment LM Very few real-world applications are truly (Fig. 4). fl1 is the angle between the line linearly separable this basic discussion is beyond the perpendicular to link 2 and the line from P to the scope this paper. The multilayer neural network can obstacle and flo is the angle between the line LM and be trained as by a generalized version of the LMS the positive x $xis. Then training procedure for a nonlinear logistic outputs 32 = 01+ 82+ fll-X. The expression for the local known as Backpropagation [11]. We consMer this tangent estimate [2] of type III. appears as: paradigm to be the most suited for our needs. It is L flexible and can be easily implemented. It is one dO /_+COS82+SIN02 tan(02+fll)\ the most popular and widely used neural networks 2 2 today. Backpropagation has the ability to learn mappings by example, by a process of learning [1, 3, 5, 9, 10]. It uses a learning procedure that aims to IV. LEARNING STRATEGY minimize the mean squared error between the actual The Neural Network is trained to map the outputs of the network and some desired outputs. Cartesian coordinate to the joint angle coordinate Because of convergence problems that found in the transformation for the three degree of freedom robot LMS and the learning rate constraints as previously arm. The net learns the topology and unknown mentioned we opted for modular[i] approach. It is transformation from presentation of examples such much faster to train several smaller networks than that a solution to the inverse kinematics is found one large one. We kept the number of neuron as and an obstacle can be avoided. First, the network small as possible, since removal of redundant neurons is presented with a set of examples for training, then can make noticeable difference in the training time. tested to generate an output within an acceptable The learning strategy that permits to solve the tolerance. Our study centers on the following inverse kinematics problem [5, 7] and avoid obstacles mapping: given the Cartesian position (x, y), 273 generate the accurate joint angles. Secondly, the results of the neuro-collision avoidance Strategy have net is trained and tested to recognize the obstacle been obtained. Our experiments have indicated that types, (I, II, III). This permits the usage of the a modular approach is the most appropriate. The network was able to learn and mimic a decision local tangent and the generation of a collision avoidance motion, in other words, the arm learns to making strategy by means of the learning tangent slide along the obstacle surface with no contact at approach, thereby allowing the manipulator to the tangential point. A combination of the modules achieve a collision free motion. Real-time described above can be an important tool that can implementation of this experiment will require a carry out the extensive computation and planning parallel architecture that can be of great benefit to needed to achieve an intelligent move, therefore the enhancement of the overall system performance. avoiding an obstacle. Because of the sensor data complexity, in future work the Learning Tangent method could be A possible real-time architecture [2] compensated by a fuzzy logic system [15] that bases implementation of this study is presented in Fig. 10. its decisions on inputs in the form of linguistic Sensitive Skin sensor information and arm position variables, for example smooth, slippery and rough. are passed to the neural planner/ controller that In our case it will be the obstacle types (I, II, III). generates a safe motion of the arm. Our ultimate goal is to enhance the capabilities of the experimental arm/hand system by means of V. SIMULATION RESULTS applicable findings leading to its real-time As already stated, we opted for a modular implementation. Current applications could include approach, since it is much faster to train several the NASA EVA Retriever and related space smaller networks than one large net. Fig. 5 shows operation. In manufacturing, the learning tangent the general network configuration followed by can play an important (safety) role in discerning the subnets configurations. The subnets configurations sudden presence of an operator in the working space are three layer networks ranging from two to five resulting from careless behavior. nodes at the input layer and six to twelve nodes for the middle layer and raging from one to three nodes for the output layer. We have trained and tested the nets for a complete mapping of the kinematic REFERENCES transformation of the experimental arm/hand system [1] Joel P. Oncma, A Motion Planning 3 degree of freedom (dof). In our experiments [1] we StrateEv and _ its focused on training the net by mapping the joint __ for an Articulated angles (shoulder, elbow and wrist) and their joint Two-Link Arm yith _cissor position. Our experiment has indicated an ease in ttand_v___._q_MS Thesis, EE_CS training the wrist, the elbow and shoulder, because of Department Texas A_I University, the modularity and proper data normalization. Our May 1991. first experiment focused on the kinematics [2] Cheung, E and Lumelsky, transformation when there is no obstacle. Maximum V. _ Proximity sensing in and RMS (Root Mean Square) error values for a case Robot Manipulator Motion study of 2 dof (fig. 6a, 6b) illustrate a downward Planning System and Implementation _, IEEE Conference on Robotics and trend, indicating the smoothness of the learning Automation, Vol. 5 No. 6. curves. Fig. 7a shows the expected joint position December 1989. pp. 740-751. results graph from the examples presented to the network by training. Fig, 7b shows a graph [3] Josin, G. , Charney, D. and .depicting the network output when tested. As one might observe the network performance is within Vofhitea,:n: UnknoAwnNeuInravlerse Representation tolerable range when compared to the expeted results Kinematics, Transformation", graph. The second experiment targets the type II Neural Systems Inc. 1989, obstacle using simulated sensor data. Fig. 8a shows Vancouver, B. C. Canada. the expected results graph from examples presented [4] Joel P. Onema, Barbara S, to the network via training and fig. 8b depicts the Schreur, Robert A. network output when tested. The network output is Maclaunchlan, Muhammed an adaptation of the joint angles as the robot Ashtijou, _: A Motion Planning manipulator moves from an initial to final Strategy and its Neural configuration space by sliding along the obstacle Network Implementation surface. As one mi_.ht observe the network for an Articulated Two-Link performance is also within tolerable range when Arm with Scissor Hand System", compared to the expected results graph. IJCNN-91. 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[153 Bart Kosko ,_' Neural Network I and Fuzzy $ystesms _, Prentice hall, Inc. Engelwood Cliff, NJ, 1991. X J, Fig. 4 275 Neural Network configuration Learnlng the Kinematics Transformatlot_ with no Obstacle Corrocted |olnt inglem OUTPUT for a oo|IlllOrl free plth 1.000 ] t I 0.960 I 3 I I I I I 1 I 0,920 0.680 0,840 0.800 0,760 0.720 0,680 0.640 0,600 0,560 O.520 O.+80 iJ) x 0.440 n,* 0.400 t t t t t I t I 1 0.360 0.320 0.280 Arm uncorrected obstacle obstacle o.240 poa|tlon Joint angles location type 0.200 O._eO 0.120 INPUT 0,080 0.040 0,003 I I I J I _ . 0 100 200 300 400 500 BOO700 BDO g001000 MODULAR APPROACH Number of Rerotlon fig. 6a. X Yuncorrected Joint angle. 1,000 0.960 I I I I --I _ I'" I I I 0.920 0.880 0.840 0.800 0.760 ( O.720 0.680 0.840 0.600 ( 0.5_0 O.520 O.480 O.440 corrected Joint 8ngles 0.400 0.360 robot arm position 0.320 O.280 0.2+0 0.'J00 obstacle TyDe 0.160 oo+co0.n120 0,080 0.040 0.000 I I | I 1 I 1 ._l I 0 t00 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 gO0 1000 Number of Iteration fig. 6b. Fig. 5. 276 Expected Output Network Output 0.g95 - 0.g54 I I I I' 0,996 0,g13 0,954 I I I 0.871 0,913 0.8.30 0.871 0.788 0.747 0.8.30 0.705 0.788 '_ 0.6_ 0.747 0.705 0._1 0,664 ,_ 00..564202 0.6Z,?. 0.498 0._$1 " ,457 0.5_ 0.41,5 0.4.98 "'_ 00.,33.7342 0,4.57 0.2gl 0._,15 0.249 0,37,; O.2O8 0.:132 0.166 0.291 0.125 0.249 0,0_ 0.2O8 0,0'1-2 0.166 0.000 I, ,, 0.125 0.0 0.S 1.2 1.S 2.4 3.0 0.0_ 0.042 0.000 0.0 0.8 I._ 1.8 2._ _.0 _me (.¢ond,) 0.Q98 - Rrst UnI¢ t I ...... I" I-....... 0,954 0.913 0.B71 O.83O 0.788 0,g98 ,- I I I ! m_. 0.747 0.954 0.705 0.9t3 '_" 0.664 0.871 0.830 0.5t51 0.788 00..544908 0.747 00..6_272 0.705 0.415 0.664 "_ 0.374 0.622 0.332 0.581 0.291 0.54"0 0.249 0.4.98 0.208 0.4.,57 0.168 0,4.15 0.125 0,374 00..00_42 O.3.32 0.000 I I I | 0.291 0.0 o.s 1.2 I.B 2., _.o 0.249 0.208 "_,_ (_) 0.166 Sec_cmdUnk 0,125 0,O83 0.042 FLg. 7a. 0,000 I I I I 0.0 0.6 1.2 1.B 2.4 3.0 "r;me (seconds) Seeond Unk Fig. 7 b 277 Learnlng the kJne_atlcs transFornatlon For a Type II Ob_tscle 0,1'30 1 I 'I I I I t I 0,096 0,092 0.088 0.084 0081 0.077 0.073 0.069 0.065 _. 0.001 w 0.058 0.054 0.050 robot _olition 0.0¢6 1 0.042 0.038 0.035 0.031 Joint ingle 0.027 oommandl Robot 0.023 Neuroplanrler/ II | Arm 0.019 I,. I I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 80(3 900 1000 Cont roller_ l Number of Iteration 0.98S I I I I I I I I I - 0,950 0.912 0,874 0,836 Sensitiveskin _I 0,798 0,760 0,722 0,684 0,646 0.608 0.570 0.532 0.¢94 Array 00..445188 Proceleor 0.380 0,342 0.304 0.266 0.228 0.190 0.152 Pig . 10. 0.114 O.070 0.038 0,000 I. I I I I L I i I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 gO0 i000 Number of I_ero_Jon Fig. 8. 278 e×pected output Network Output 0.972 I I I I 0.972 f I ! I 0,9.30 0.930 0.900 0.900 0.864 0,864 0,828 0.528 o.792 0.792 0.756 0.756 0,720 0.720 0.684 , 00..6684,_ _" 0.648 o.571 =. 00..651726 ._ 00.,6514:( -- 0.50, "_ 00..554004 00.,446382 0.391 00,3.39860 00.,33621 o 0.324 0.2_ 0.288 0.25: 0.252 0.21 i 0,216 0.18o 0.180 o.144 0.144 0.108 " =,.. 1 0A08 0,072 0,072 I I I I 1 0.036 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 0.0 O.S 1.2 1.8, 2.4 3.0 Time(_conds) for Link 1 Time(_econds) for L_nkI 0,g96 0.972 _- I f I I 0.930 0.g13 I i ] I I I ]- I [ =7] 0.900 0.864 0.830 0.628 0.792 0.756 0.747 0,720 0.684 _' 0.664 '_ 0,581 0.576 -"_"0.498 _ 0,504 _ 00..446362 _' 0.415 00,3.39660 "_ 0.332 0,324 0.288 0.252 0.249 0.216 0.180 0,166 0.144 0.t08 0.083 0,072 0,036 0.000 0._0 I I I I I I I I ,| 0.0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 0.0 0.3 0.6 O.g 1.2 1.5 1.R 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 13me(seconds) for Unk 2 13me(,econd,) Seoond Link Fi_. 8.b Fig. Sa. 279

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