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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19930002754: Mission Control Center enhancement opportunities in the 1990's

N93-11942 Mission Control Center Enhancement Opportunities in the 1990s Wayne Hartman Artificial Intelligence Group Loral Space & Range Systems Sunnyvale, California ABSTRACT . Planning involves translation of mission needs into planned mission activities, vehicle activity The purpose of this paper is to present a framework planning to translate consolidated needs into for understanding the major enhancement vehicle activities, and contact support plan opportunities for Air Force Mission Control generation to define what specific actions will be Centers/Test Support Centers (MCCs/TSCs) in the accomplished during each vehicle contact. 1990s. Much oft'his paper is based on the findings of Stud:¢ 232 and work currently underway in Study , Scheduling involves identifying and requesting 2-6 for the Air Force Systems Command, Space the resources necessary to accomplish MCC Systems Division, Network Program Office. In this activities. Three levels of resources are involved. paper, we will address MCC/TSC enhancement Internal MCC scheduling deals with the needs primarily from the operator perspective, in resources under direct control of the MCC. terms of the increased capabilities required to Personnel scheduling ensures that adequate improve space operations task performance. personnel are available to accomplish scheduled eerations activities. Air Force Satellite Control INTRODUCTION twork (AFSCN) scheduling deals with obtaining needed common user resources Study 232, "Enhancing MCC Operations Using including communication links and remote Automation and Expert Systems Technology, was tracking stations. commissioned as a first step in defining the next generation of enhancements required to support 4, Contact activities include execution of contact MCC operations activities. Advances in technology support plans, tracking, commanding, telemetry (especially in the areas of telemetry servers, monitoring, status monitoring, real-time workstations, displays, graphical user interfaces, telemetry analysis, contingency identification, databases, hypermedia, and expert systems) provide and contingency plan execution. These occur in many new opportunities for building systems and real time while the ground system is in contact capabilities that can greatly enhance the ability of with the space vehicle. operations personnel to accomplish their assigned space operations tasks and activities. . Analysis activities include state assessment, review of contact activities, telemetry analysis The following sections address major operations and trending, orbit analysis and determination, functions and activities; current difficulties, attitude determination, anomaly identification, limitations, and challenges; MCC enhancement anomaly analysis, and anomaly resolution. opportunities; architecture constraints; and a These activities are typically performed off-line. framework for an Integrated Space Operations Support Environment (ISOSE). BASIC NATURE OF OPERATIONS MAJOR OPERATIONS FUNCTIONS AND MCC operations functions and activities are ACTIVITIES performed around-the-clock by military crews, primarily at Falcon Air Force Base (AFB). TSC Time-, resource-, and experience-intensive tasks operations activities are performed around- span the full spectrum of MCC operations functions the-clock by contractor operations teams, primarily and activities from: 1) requirements analysis, 2) to at Onizuka AFB. The major difference between the planning, 3) to scheduling, 4) to contact support, 5) two is the Research and Development (R&D) to post-pass analysis (see Figure 1). emphasis and the accompanying greater need for engineering support for programs operated from the 1. Requirements analysis involves consolidating TSC. Both MCCs and TSCs require use of common program needs from the System Program Office, communications and tracking station equipment mission needs ofvarious users, and vehicle needs that are a part of the AFSCN to contact and track from operations handbooks and directives as well their assigned vehicles. as technical analyst inputs. 142 PLANNING REQUIREMENTS Mission Needs Mission Planning SCHEDULING (Users) Vehicle Activity Internal MCC Vehicle Needs Configuration (OOH, Memograms) AV, A Attitude External AFSCN (TAs) Health Maintenance Personnel Mission Program Needs (SPO) CSPGeneration ANALYSIS CONTACT State Assessment CSPExecution Activity Review TLM Monitoring TLM Analysis Status Monitoring Orbit Analysis Real-Time TLM Analysis TLM = Telemetry OOH = Orbital Operations Anomaly Identification Contingency Identification Handbook Anomaly Analysis Contingency Execution CSP = Contact SupportPlan TA = TechnicalAnalyst Anomaly Resolution SPO = SystemProgramOffice Figure 1. Major Operations FunctionslActivities NEED FOR IMPROVED CAPABII,ITIES MCC ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Extensive interactions with AFSCN MCC and TSC Overcoming the difficulties, limitations, and chal- operational personnel during the conduct of Study lenges identified through discussions with opera- 232 led to the identification of several categories of tional personnel is the primary source for MCC possible enhancements to the capabilities of the enhancement opportunities. Basic automation of existing system. Explicit needs have been docu- time-intensive processes and activities is a crucial mented and appear in Reference 2. These capa- first step. This needs to be followed with tools and bilities would allow the operators to accomplish capabilities that allow operators to accomplish their their typical tasks more quickly an&/or allow operations tasks more effectively, with less training, operators to be more effective with less training and with personnel that have lower technical skill than is currently required. Many of these capa- levels. bilities started appearing on systems designed in the late 1980s. Specific examples of such capabilities On-line documentation, enhanced telemetry server include: capabilities, improved display and user interface capabilities, activity support aids, and decision • Ability to use general-purpose utility and analy- support aids are the key elements needed to provide sis software on mission data without having to MCC operations improvements. Figure 2 maps re-enter data or use totally off-line processing. these elements to the operations functions and activities previously discussed. • Ability to make changes in selected database parameters quickly and easily, without Requirements analysis can be enhanced by requiring any software code recompilation. providing on-line access to needs documentation and decision support aids that assist in needs • Ability to do speed data entry and enhance the prioritization. automated checking and user prompts to ease use for the operator and minimize data entry Planning can be enhanced by providing oniline errors. access to technical data and procedure Informa- tion, activity support aids that help in trans- • Ability to provide context-sensitive help, activity lating needs into corresponding vehicle activity support aids, and decision support aids. and in building Contact Support Plans (CSPs), and support aids that facilitate mission decisions • Ability to do historical and trend analysis. and selection and ordering of specific vehicle activities. • Ability to customize displays readily and add graphical elements, as appropriate, to support Scheduling activities can be enhanced by changing operational needs effectively. providing displays of schedule information, 143 SCHEDULING PLANNING Display REQUIREMENTS Online Documentation Accessto Schedule lnfo OOH, Tech Data Visibilities Online Documentation OOH Procedures Resource Activity Map OOH Memograms Activity Support Activity Support NeedstOActivity Translation PAPGeneration Decision Support CSPBuild Personnel Scheduling Needs Prioritization Decision Support MCC Resource Scheduling Vehicle Activity Selection Decision Support Mission Decisions Internal Deconflict External Deconflict ANALYSIS TLMServer CONTACT Dynamic Limit Checks TLMServer State Flags/Notification Dynamic Limit Checks TLM Filter/Processing State Flags/Notification Display TLM Filter/Processing Levelsof Status Display Block Diagrams Levelsof Status Trends Graphical Data Presentation Online Documentation Online Documentation OOH Tech Data OOH Tech Data OOH Procedures OOH Procedures Activity Support Activity Support TLM = Telemetry SOtrabteit ADneatelrymsiinsation CFounntcintiogneanlcyCmEdxeVceurtiifoicnation OOH = OHrabnitdablooOkperations CSP = Contact Support Plan Decision Support Decision Support PAP = Program Activity Plan State Assessment Contingency _dentification CMD = Command Anomaly Analysis State of Health Assessment Anomaly Resolution Criticality Assessment Impact Assessment Figure 2. MCC Enhancement Opportunities satellite/Remote Tracking Station (RTS) visi- APPLICABLE TECHNOLOGY AREAS bilities, and resource activity maps; activity support aids that assist in Program Activity Plan The technology areas applicable to enhancing MCC (PAP) generation, personnel scheduling, and operations include: MCC resource scheduling; and decision support aids that assist with both internal and external Hypermedia for providing on-line access to resource deconfliction. space vehicle technical information and procedures. Contact activities can be enhanced by providing additional telemetry server functions that Telemetry Servers for providing improved provide better limit checking, pattern telemetry processing and monitoring recognition, and filterlprocessing capabilities; capabilities. displays that provide hierarchical levels of status and more graphical presentation of data and Advanced Workstations for providing environ- procedure information; activity support aids that ments for running enhanced support appli- assist in contingency execution and functional cations. command validation; and decision support aids that assist with contingency identification, state Databases and Database Management for of health assessment, and criticality assessment. providing flexible storage and retrieval of a variety of information types. Analysis activities can be enhanced using the same telemetry server, display, and on-line Expert Systems for providing decision support documentation enhancements identified for capabilities. contact activities, and by providing activity support aids that assist with orbital and attitude Human-Computer Interfaces for providing analysis and determination; and providing improved display and interface capabilities. decision support aids that assist with maneuver planning, state assessment, impact assessment, Support Functions for providing basic anomaly analysis, and anomaly resolution. capabilities such as word processing, spread- 144 sheets, briefing packages, personal information "front end" processing will free the main processors management, and graphics; as well as more from some Central Processing Unit (CPU)-intensive sophisticated analysis tools and training aids functions. The addition of industry standard, such as simulators. high-speed Local Area Networks (LANs) further opens the architecture to decentralization of OPERATIONS CONCEPT ISSUES AND processing. New, high performance workstations ENHANCEMENT DRIVERS enable critical operations enhancements and superior display capabilities, and user interfaces. eCific operations tasks vary widely from MCC to This also frees the mare processors from C, andeven from one program to another within time-intensive display processing. the same MCC. The criticality of the need for a particular enhancement is highly dependent on the Opening the architecture and distributing some of specific nature, complexity, and difficulty of the the processing now performed by the main planning, monitoring, assessment, and analysis processors must not be done in an ad hoc nor activities supported by the enhancement. haphazard way. What is required is the evolutionary development of an integrated space Information overload is rapidly becoming operations support environment. unmanageable. Increasing complexity of space vehicles and increased raw telemetry rates are INTEGRATED SPACE OPERATIONS SUP- forcing MCCs to deal with more complex problems PORT ENVI RONMENT (ISOSE) in smarter ways. Operators need aids that present information to them in a context that conveys The major components of the ISOSE are the meaning quickly and effectively. Raw telemetry Environment Manager, Support Functions, En- must be converted into meaningful vehicIe hanced Display Capabilities, ttypermedia and information that supports the analysis and decision On-line Documentation Capabilities, Enhanced processes. Database Capabilities, Enhanced Telemetry Front- ends, and CCS Interfaces (reference Figure 5). ARCHITECTURE CONSTRAINTS Environment Manager Current MCC Architecture The Environment Manager should provide an The current MCC architecture was designed in the integrated environment for virtually seamless late 1970s. Its chief features include a closed control and access to all applications that are a part architecture with alphanumeric workstations tied to of the ISOSE. The Human Machine Interface should planning and evaluation and contact support be primarily graphical with heavy use of windows, mainframes. Processing is heavily centralized and menus, and icons--in an environment that SUl_ports display capabilities are limited (see Figure 3). an object-oriented, user-tailorable, multiple window desktop metaphor. The environment should allow Transitional Architecture the user to run multiple applications concurrently and provide an easy means for communication There are efforts underway to open the architecture between applications. (see Figure 4). Improved telemetry and command CONTACT l _1 TE, M TRJ SUPPORT v j CSEG -- PROCESSOR S DISK STATION FARM WORK- J'_ I I r PLANNING & EVALUATION IJCOMMCASNEDGING t-- PROCESSOR Figure 3. Baseline CCS System Architecture 145 ::iiiiii! -_ d i ! I °,2,,, III ._ TELCEMSEEGTRY _ CiiROii PRCSOOUCNPEPTSAOSCROTTR lwoRKs,^,,y,,NI :iS: IIZI ICL sE1R__ rR /__1J COMMCASNEDGING I_ S! DISK Ti FARM iRi j:::::::: ::::::::i_:::::::::::::::::::::_ _ A S] I L TAPES :::1!i--'1 PLANNING & ___1 ::::_Ci__E:::_i:= = !Ni _ EVALUATION I : I!::OTHER l iiiiiiii:-x....._:!!!!!!!!!!.!1-_ iGi7_i_ PROCESSJOl.R,W RKI ..................... _ i:i:2:i:i:i:i:i:!:!:i:i:i:K3?3:ii::ii::ii::ii::ii;:ii:.i::.:.:,:_:...:.:.:.:.:.:_:.:.:........_.......:.,:.,:.:::.:,:.:::.:::::::.:>::::_:.::..:..::.::.::.:.;.:.... LEGEND: [Z_ Existing New orUpgraded t ii !X!I_::_:'_I_:-_::_!_ I_T!ON! _ SEpxetceiranlalCoUmsemrss Figure 4. Transitional CCS System Architecture (5 Year Goal) Support Functions_ 5. Activity Support Aids: The major categories of support functions are: 1) a. Activity Translation Support: aid to assist Help, 2) General Aids, 3) Readiness Tools, 4) operators in translating mmsion and vehicle Analysis Tools, 5) Activity Support Aids, 6) and needs into the specific vehicle activities Decision Support Aids. necessary to meet those needs. 1. Help: Contextsensitive help should be avail- b. Contact Support Plan (CSP) Generation: ableatalltimes. This helpshouldbe activated aid to automate the generation of specific and presented in a manner that isconsistent CSPs that implement desired vehicle throughoutallfunctionsand activitiessupported activities. bytheISOSE. c. Program Activity Plan (PAP) Gener- General Aids: General aids include an environ- ation: aid to automate the process involved 2. ment/appl[cations/file manager, word processor, in generating PAPs. Currently, extensive spreadsheet, briefing package, general infor- manual actiwty is required to transform data mation manager, form generator, and an object- through a variety of MCC-speeific forms to oriented database access capability. These aids produce the inputs required for the PAP. This should work together in an integrated manner could be greatly simplified by having the forms generated automatically from user that supports the performance of op.erations tasks. Additional off-the-shelf software ,s antici- inputs, and by having data transcribed from one form to another automatically by the pated, as the capabilities delivered by commer- cial vendors increase. system. Readiness Tools: These include various train- d. Personnel Scheduling: tool to support 3° ing, development, and test tools such as scheduling of MCC personnel. This task is simulators, probes, and database development currently done manually. MCCs typically aids that can assist operators in performing operate around-the-clock, 365 days per year. readiness activities. This requires scheduling four to five crews under a variety of constraints that vary Analysis Aids: These include tools that support significantly depending on the nature of 4. trending, mathematical analysis, and engineer- operations activities to be supported. in_, modeling. These should be easy to use and e. MCC Resource Scheduling: tool to support tailor. Technical analysts should be able to enter their own models without having to write scheduling of MCC resources. Most MCCs computer code. have a variety of equipment that can be used 146 COMMAND, ENHANCED DISPLAYS I ON-LINE DOCUMENTATION CONTROL. AND &STATUS HUMAN/COMPUTER INTERFACE INTERFACES I ENHACNACPEADBILDIATTIEASBASE ENWRONMENT MANA GER ENHANCED SUPPORT Activity Decision TELEMETRY FUNCTIONS Help Support Support Analysis Genera/ Readiness FRONT-ENDS Aids Aids Aids Aids Tools Figure 5. Integrated Space Operations Support Environment to support multiple programs or crews. In guides the operator through the decision process addition, there may be complex dependencies in a way that facilitates making correct between various modes of simultaneous use operations decisions. In some cases, the decisions and the loading or performance of a particular may be straightforward enough that the system resource. These common internal MCC can recommend the specific solution and provide resources need to be scheduled and allocated a rationale for that choice. The following types of appropriately to the missions and contacts decision support aids are needed: that need them. This task is currently performed manually. a. Needs Prioritization: aid to assist operators in prioritizing the various mission, health Contingency Plan Execution: aid to assist and status, and vehicle needs imposed on and guide operators in the execution of them. contingency plans, especially for complex contingency plans. The aid should step the b. Vehicle Activity Selection: aid to assist operator through the plan, informing the operators in selecting particular vehicle operator of the specific actions he is expected activities that can meet various needs, to perform and providing appropriate objectives, and operations constraints. guidance and recommendations. e. Mission Optimization: aid to assist Functional Command Verification: aid to operators in optimizing mission performance g. assist operators in monitoring telemetry and given a current or expected condition, a set of identifying functional command verifi- applicable constraints, and a time limit for cation This aid should operate synchro- coming up with an acceptable solution. nously with the CSP being executed. d. Internal Schedule Deconfliction: aid to h, Orbit Analysis: specific orbit/attitude assist operators in removing conflicts from analysis improvement needs are being the internal MCC schedule. These conflicts addressed in detail by projects currently typically require shifting planned activities, underway. Once these projects are completed, rescheduling, and reallocating resources. The an assessment should be made as to whether deconfliction aid should assist operators in any additional support is needed for orbit finding acceptable solutions that can be analysis activities. achieved without drastic changes to current planned activities. Status Determination: aid to assist operators in quickly, determining the status e. External Schedule Deeonfliction: aid to and configuration of the ground system and of assist operators in removing conflicts from space vehicle subsystems. Various levels of the external AFSCN schedule. These abstraction should be supported in a manner conflicts typically require shifting planned that allows the operator to navigate easily activities, resehedullng, and reallocating through the levels to get to the area of resources. The deconfliction aid should assist interest at the moment. Notifications should operators in finding acceptable solutions that be provided to inform operators of specified can be achieved without drastic changes to conditions. current planned activities. 6. Decision Support Aids: Decision support aids f. Contingency Identification: aid to assist may be implemented in a variety of ways. In operators in categorizing the current most eases, it is enough to provide an aid that operations situation and identifying the 147 appropriate contingency that applies. Space Vehicle Technical Data: Typically, the operator needs to deduce Orbital Operations Handbooks something about the nature of the problem - Memograms before a contingency procedure can be Other Technical Data selected. This deduction is not always obvious from the telemetry indications. Interactive Information: - Procedures State of Health Assessment: aid to assist Contingency Plans g- operators in assessing the state of health of Generic Contact Support Plans the systems for which they are responsible. This aid should automatically monitor Enhanced Database Capabilities appropriate telemetry parameters and notify the operator of any anomalous indications Database capabilities provide the means for storing and what they may mean. This aid should and retrieving a variety of kinds of information. As permit the creation of hierarchies of a minimum, the ISOSE should provide flexible notification that assist the operator in capabilities for operators and applications to identifying and paying attention to what is enerate, modify, and access data from the most critical at the current time. llowing: h, Criticality Assessment: aid to assist Telemetry Databases: operators in assessing the criticality of an Telemetry format database per program anomalous situation. It should help operators Telemetry history database per vehicle to decide what operations options are most Telemetry constraints and checks per vehicle appropriate (fix, diagnose, collect data, mitigate impacts, wait, call experts). Command Databases: Command format database per program i. Impact Assessment: aid to assist operators Command history database per vehicle in assessing the impacts of a current situation Command sequence constraints and checks per or planned course of action. It should help to vehicle identify what risks are involved as well as what benefits and degradations should be Activity Database: expected. Contact support plans per contact Activity log data per contact Anomaly Analysis: aid to help operators Special limit checking and notification data through the analysis process for various Special activity and decision support aid anomalies. It is expected that these aids need definitions to be tailored to the diagnosis and analysis processes required for specific kinds or Display Database: categories of anomalies or for specific kinds of Operator telemetry display definitions vehicle subsystems. Help display definitions Achvity support display definitions k° Anomaly Resolution: aid to help operators Decision support display definitions through the anomaly resolution process. These should work in conjunction with aids Enhanced Telemetry Front-Ends that support the anomaly analysis process. It is expected that these aids need to be tailored Enhanced telemetry front-end capabilities should to the resolution processes required for provide dynamic, user-tailorable limit checking, specific kinds or categories of anomalies or for state flags and notifications, telemetry filtering and specific kinds oi_vehicle subsystems. processing, pattern detection, and dynamic user-selectable monitoring and display of telemetry Enhanced Display Capabilities parameters. Enhanced display capabilities include user Command_ Control, and Status Interface tailorable telemetry displays, graphics capabilities, (C/C/S) and standard window and menu capabilities. These capabilities should allow the operators to generate The ISOSE will have to use current C/C/S links, or custom displays that include text, graphics, and user their equivalents, to get control directives out to interaction. AFSCN communications and RTS equipment; to get commands out to the RTSs for transmission to the space vehicle; and to observe status information media__and On-line Documentation Cap_a: from various AFSCN resources. Hypermedia provides a means for electronically CONCLUSIONS capturing and accessing text, graphics, video, and sound in a flexible and intuitive manner. It permits There is an overwhelming need for a variety of very fast and flexible access to the captured data. MCC/TSC enhancements in the 1990s. Basic Some of the operations data that should be automation of time-intensive manual processes is a accessible electronically includes: crucial first step. This needs to be tollowed with 148 tools and capabilities that allow operators to Most of the MCC/q'SC enhancements identified are accomplish their operations tasks much more well within the state of current technology. The effectively. challenge is to apply these technologies to specific space operations improvement needs in a manner The technology areas most applicable to developing that results in low-risk, cost-effective, new needed MCC/TSC enhancements include hyper- capabilities that can be integrated into the AFSCN media, telemetry servers, advanced workstations, Command and Control System Architecture. database and database management, expert systems, human-computer interfaces, and a variety REFERENCES of support functions. 1, Bannister, J. A., Frazier, Jr., E. R., and Lee, C. The Integrated Space Operations Support A., The Aerospace Corporation, "Guidelines for Environment provides a conceptual architecture the Evolution of the CCS Architecture," Contract that addresses key enhancement requirements. The F04701'88-C-0089, Aerospace Report No. major components of this enhanced operations TOR-0091 (6489-05)-1, Revision 1, El Segundo, environment are an environment manager; California, 4April 1991. enhanced display capabilities; hypermedia and on-line documentation capabilities; enhanced data- 2. Golden, M., Hartman, W., Monosoff, S., and base capabilities; enhanced telemetry front-ends; McDaid, P., Loral Space & Range Systems, enhanced C/C/S interfaces; and a variety of support "Enhancing Mission Control Center Operations functions integrated into the environment. These Using Automation and Expert Systems support functions include help, general aids, Technology," Contract F04690-86-C-001, CDRL readiness tools, analysis aids, activity support aids, 023A2, Loral Report No. CUE-TR-90-135, and decision support aids. Sunnyvale, California, 31 January 1991, (Study 232 Report). 149 SOAR Wed, May 22, 1991 The Real Time Data System (RTDS) project of the Mission Operations Directorate (MOD) of NASA's Johnson Space Center has been developing real-time expert systems to support flight critical decision-making in the Mission Control Center for the past four years. These expert systems provide deterministic and heuristic analysis of Space Shuttle telemetry data and provide the results to flight controller operators st consoles in Mission Control. The prfmary purpose of these expert systems Is fault diagnosis, isolation and recovery. The primary goal of these expert systems is to increase the quality of flight decision making. The initial goal of the RTDS project was to demonstrate the viability of expert systems and advanced automation in a real operations environment. As a technology demonstration project, RTDS has been a clear success for NASA and an indicator that expert systems can and should play an important role in critical operations such as manned spaoe flight. After four years of use as operator assistant tools, these applications are now being transferred to operational status and are becoming main-line items critical to mission success. With the RTDS project, NASA has demonstrated the ability to transfer leading edge technologies from a laboratory environment and place them on line In a mission critical environment at a reasonable cost. 150

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