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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19920005092: A Navier-Stokes Solution of Hull-Ring Wing-Thruster Interaction PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19920005092: A Navier-Stokes Solution of Hull-Ring Wing-Thruster Interaction

I A Navier-Stokes Solution of Hull-Ring Wq-Thruster Interaction C.4. Yang @avid Taylor Research Center, USA) P. Hartwich, P. Sundaram, (NASA Langley Research Center, USA) ABSTRACT action at the given operating conditions and serve as benchmarks for evaluating the present numerical sim- Navier-Stokes simulations of high Reynolds num- ulations* ber flow around an axisymmetric body supported in a water tunnel were made. The numerical method is One important parameter in hull-propulsor inter- based on a fmite-differencing high resolution second- action is the thrust deduction coefficient t,w hich signi- order accurate implicit upwind scheme. Four different fies the drag augmentation due to the interaction. In configurations were investigated, these are, 1'. bare- the past, inviscid methods [1,2] have been successful body, 2'. body with an operating propeller, 3, body in computing the coefficient t. The methods become with a ring wing and 4. body with a ring wing and somewhat inadequate in a situation where the propul- an operating propeller. Pressure and velocity compo- sor unit is imbedded in the stern boundary layer where nents near the stern region were obtained computa- the viscous effect plays a dominating role. Efforts tionally and are shown to compare favorably with the have been made to address the problem; in particular, experimental data. The method correctly predicts the Falck de Campos [3] presented an inviscid approach existence and extent of stern flow separation for the to calculate the flow on the stern with and without barebody and the absence of flow separation for the propulsor based on the Euler equation of motion and three other configurations with ring wing and/or pro- Huang et a1 241 developed a numerical technique to peller. study the interaction between a propeller and unsep- arated viscous stern boundary layer. To further en- I. INTRODUCTION hance the ability to predict the effect of hull-propulsor It has been known in marine propulsion technol- interaction, a Navier-Stokes type viscous analysis is ogy that certain advantages can be achieved by prop- needed. This is particular true when barebody flow erly integrating a ring wing and the propeller. With separation may occur. Previously, Haussling et al [5] a ring wing that xcelerates the flow the efficiency of performed extensive numerical simulations of viscous flow about bodies with appendages using a Navier- the propeller remains more or less at a constant level over a wider range of advance ratios. With a ring Stokes solver. Here a three-dimensional incompress- wing that decelerates the flow, the inception of cav- ible Navier-Stokes solver is used to simulate the flow itation on the propeller can be delayed. In order to around a compound propulsor unit on an axisymmet- take advantage of the ring wing to obtain the desir- ric body supported in a water tunnel with a square able benefit, a clear understanding of the role it plays cross-section. The solver is based on a high resolution is important. Thorough water tunnel experiments and second-order accurate implicit upwind scheme [6,7]. reliable numerical simulations serve as complementary The propeller effect is simulated by imbedding body approaches to gain understanding. forces in a disk located at the propeller plane [8,9]. The experimental data were used to validate the Navier- By combining the body, ring wing and propeller, Stokes solver. appropriate configurations can be generated for water tunnel experiments, and the influence of each individ- 11. DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENTS ual component can be isolated. The configurations studied here are 1. barebody, 2. body with an oper- The test body is axisymmetric with a length of ating propeller, 3. body with a ring wing and 4. body 139.12 cm and a maximum diameter of 24 em. Its with a ring wing and an operating propeller. Data radius offsets, y, as a function of axial length, x, are collected from the water tunnel tests included the ve- given in cm units by: locity components around the afterbody and the pres- sure on the stern. The data show the degree of inter- 687 represents the pressure and velocity components in a for 0.00 5 x 5 24.00 Cartesian coordinate system (x, y, 2). The inviscid flux y = p2.02 - (12.0 - x/2)2]1/2 vectorsE*,F *,G * and the viscous shear flux vectors for 24.00 5 x 5 97.81 E:, F:, G: are given by y = 12 + for 97.81 5 x 5 115.84 E* = (pu,u 2 p,u v,U W ) ~ + y = [42.67' - (z - 97.81)2]1/2- 30.67 F* = (pv,u v,v 2 p,V W ) ~ for 115.84 5 x 5 129.17 G* = (~w,uw,vw+,wP2) ~ y = (133.0 - x) tan25" (2) E: = Re-l(O,~zz,~zy,~zz)T for 129.17 5 z 5 131.93 y = -0.02141 + 4.554 F: = Re-'(O,~y~,~yy,~y~)T for 131.93 5 z 5 139.12 G: = Re-l(O,.r,z,~zy,~zz)T + y = -0.0310~~ 8.1622 - 535.51 The coordinates c,y , z are scaled with an appropriate The ring wing has a NACA 4415 profile section characteristic length scale L. The velocity components with a 5" angle of attack; its chord length is 5.3 cm. u,v , w are nondimensionalized with respect to the free The diameter of ring wing measured at its trailing stream velocity V ,, while the normalized pressure is edge is 16 cm; its trailing edge is located at 129.7 cm defined as p = (P - P,)/pVA. The kinematic vis- from the nose of the body. The propeller has four cosity v is assumed to be covnsta.nt, a nd the Reynolds blades with a diameter of 15.71 cm and was driven number is defined as Re = The artificial com- from behind with a Z-drive propelling device. The de- pressibility parameter /3 monitors the error associated 2 vice consists of a tapered forebody, a cylindrical mid- with the addition of the unsteady pressure term in body and an elliptical afterbody. The length of the the continuity equation which is needed for coupling device is about 85 cm and the diameter of midbody the mass and momentum equations in order to make is about 10 cm. The propeller plane is located at 135 the system hyperbolic. cm from the nose. The water tunnel in which the ex- Equations (1) can be transferred to a curvilinear, periments were conducted has a square cross-section body-fitted coordinates system (c ,t and 7 ) through with round corners and its dimensions are 90 cm x 90 a coordinate transformation of the form cm. The model/tunnel blockage ratio is about 5.6 per- cent. The body was supported from the ceiling of the water tunnel with two struts located at x = 14.0 cm and x = 64.0 cm from the nose. A schematic sketch is shown in Fig. 1.; the propeller drive is not included. The geometric tolerances are less than 0.5 mm. The reference length is chosen to be 133.0 cm. Experiments were conducted at a Reynolds num- with ber of 6 x lo6 (based on reference length 133.0 cm). (E,F , G)* = [TI (E*,F *,G *)* The flow measurements were carried out on lines lying on the horizontal plane and perpendicular to the cen- ter line. The pressures on the body surface were mea- . where sured by means of transducers and all signals could LLZZ ,,,,II be reproduced satisfactorily within 1.0 percent. For 44--55 ccyy cczz the flow measurements, the standard deviation of all [[TTII == EE22 EEYY ttzz signals varied between 0.1 and 2.0 percent. 7777YY and the Jacobian of the coordinate transformation is 111. DESCRIPTION OF NUMERICAL given by PROCEDURE Using Chorin's artificial compressibility formula- tion, the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are The Cartesian derivatives of the shear fluxes are ob- written in conservation law form for three-dimensional tained by expanding them using chain rule expansions flow as [IO] in the C, J,and 7 directions. Qt+(E*-E:),+(F*-F:)y+(G*-G:)z =O (1) Defining computational cells with their centroids at I = & ( 0 is 6, (,or 7) and their cell interfaces where the dependent variable vector at If 1/2, the backward Euler time differencing of the three-dimensional conservation form is Q = (P,uv,, w )* 688 + ation is used in the streamwise direction ( in combina- -A=Q-" [A<(E~+-I E ;+') a t ( ~ "-+ F~;+ ') At tion with approximate factorization in the remaining + A,(G"+' - G;")] two coordinate directions and q. It is used to avoid the At3 spatial splitting error incurred in fully three- (3) dimensional approximate factorization methods. This where At is the time step, AQ" = (2"'' -&" and scheme is unconditionally stable for linear systems and Ai( ) = [( )1+1/2 - ( )~-ip]/A@. S uperscript denotes offers the advantage of being completely vectorizable the time level at which the variables are evaluated. like a conventional three-dimensional approximate fac- torization algorithm. As a result, Eq. (5) becomes Linearizing Eq. (3) about time level n, we obtain + + =z - [Ac(E" - Ft) Ae(F" - F;) A,(Gn - Gt)] (4) where I is the identity matrix. with The left hand side is the implicit part and the right hand side is the explicit part of the formulation. The explicit part is the spatial derivatives in Eq. 2 evaluated at the known time level n ; its value di- and the residual on the RHS indicates the nonlinear minishes as the steady state solution is approached. updating of the residual by using Q"+' whenever it be- Hence , it is also called the residual. The L2 norm of comes availabe while sweeping in the ( direction back the residual is often used as a measure of convergence and forth through the computational domain. of a solution. Letting the flux Jacobians A, B and C For laminar flow computations the coefficient of be defined as follow molecular viscosity p = pl is obtained from Suther- A = -aaE Q" ' B 5 -aaF,QC" E -aaGQ" ' lLaonmd'asx l aawlg. eTburaribcu lteunrbceu lies nscime muloatdeedl[ u1 s2i1n. gF tohre tBurablduwleinn-t flow laminar viscosity coefficients are replaced by discretize the inviscid and viscous fluxes according to + upwind differencing scheme and central differencing P = Pl Pt scheme respectively in (, [ and 7 coordinate direc- tion independently and then assemble them together. The turbulent viscosity coefficient pt is computed by Equation (4) becomes using the isotropic, two-layer Cebeci type algebraic eddy-viscosity model as reported by Baldwin-Lomax. Modifications proposed by Degani and Schiff [13] and Hartwich and Hull [14] were implemented. - - + + + -(A- x),++.A,++ (A+ X),-;A,-t IV. DESCRIPTION OF BODY FORCE + PROPELLER MODEL -(B- +Y),++A,++ (B+ +Y),-+A,-g + + + The principle of the body force model is to in- -(C- Z),++A,++ (C+ Z),-)A,-+]"AQ" troduce the body force terms into the Navier-Stokes = -RES(Q") equation to include the effects of the propeller. The es- (5) sential parameters that define the propeller effects are where i,j, and k are spatial indices associated with the thrust coefficient CT,t he torque coefficient CQ,t he the E, q and C coordinate direction. A',B* and advance coefficient J and the radial circulation distri- C* are flux matrices split from the flux Jacobians bution G(r).T he same parameters were used to define A,B and C according to the signs of their eigenval- the body force for the propeller model. The thrust and ues. The residual RES(&") is evaluated with a TVD torque coefficients are defined as follow: technique together with Roe's [ll]f lux-difference split- ting scheme, the discretization is third-order accurate. Conventional second-order central differencing is ap- plied to obtain the viscous flux matrices X, Y and where T and Q are thrust and torque, respectively. D Z. Equation(5) is solved by an implicit hybrid algo- is the diameter of the propeller. The axial and circum- rithm, where a symmetric planar Gauss-Seidel relax- ferential body force per unit volume are obtained from 689 the following equations: pattern around the propeller disk and the stern region /:' rather accurately [8,9]. CTREG(r) fbx = 4AX G(r)rdr V. GRTD GENERATION CQR ;G(r) Based on the configuration shown in Fig. 1, which fbe = 2rAX G(r)rdr models the experimental setup described in Section I1 above, a 180" sector of the tunnel needs to be mod- where fb, and fbg are the body forces per unit elled in order to resolve the effect on flow due to the volume in the axial and circumferential directions, re- supporting struts. This requires a large amount of spectively, Rh and Rp are the radii of propeller hub grid points and extensive computational resources. Af- and blade tip, respectively, and AX is the thickness ter one computation for the barebody Configuration, of the disk. The computed body forces are then incor- it was found that the struts produced an influence porated into the right hand side of Eq. 5 and form a around and directly behind them with no significant part of the residual. Only a slight modification to the effect on the horizontal plane on which measurements flow solver is needed to accommodate the body force were made. Therefore, the struts were eliminated al- type propeller model and there is no need for special lowing the numerical simulations to be performed ac- gridding. curately in a 90" sector of the tunnel. Also included, due to its proximity to the stern, is the propeller drive. In reality, the blade circulation distribution G(r) depends upon the inflow at the propeller plane which To include the ring wing geometry, two block C - 0 type grids were generated. The grid points were in turn is influenced by the blade circulation. This mu- matched at the branch cut that separated the two tual dependency implies that the body forces f b, and blocks. Computations were performed on a CRAY- fbe which are functions of G(r) should be obtained YMP machine which has eight processors. Compu- by an iterative procedure. To complete this procedure, tational efforts on the two blocks can be performed knowledge of propeller-induced axial and tangential velocities, u, and ut is needed. A propeller program on two processors simultaneously. For the purpose of synchronization between the processors, it is more ef- based on the vortex-lattice lifting-surface method de- veloped by Greeley and Kerwin [15] can be used for ficient if the number of computations is the same for this purpose. The iterative procedure can be described each block. For this reason, each block has the same as follow: number of grid points. The grid system was generated by a transfinite interpolation technique. Several grid 1. Calculate the nominal inflow with the Navier- Stokes solver. systems with different number of grid and distributions had been generated and were used for computations on 2. Obtain the circulation distribution G(r),t he induced-velocities u, and ut, the thrust and torque barebody configuration in order to investigate the re- coefficients CT and CQ by using the calculated nominal lationship between the convergence and grid density inflow as input to the propeller program [15]. and distribution. The grid systems examined include 3. Compute the body forces fb, and fbe 1. a two block 25 x 49 x 110 (r,O,x) grids, 2. a by using the calculated circulation distribution G(r), two block 25 x 25 x 90 grids and 3. a two block thrust and torque coefficients CT and CQ. 25 x 13 x 98 grids. Grid points were clustered near the boundaries such as tunnel wall and body and ring 4. Obtain the total velocities at the propeller wing surfaces where the viscous effect dominates. The plane by using the Navier-Stokes solver with the infor- minimum spacing normal to the body surface for the mation obtained in step 3. . three grid systems mentioned above is 5.0 x ~ O - ~T he 5. Compute the effective wake by subtracting differences between the solutions based on the grid sys- the propeller-induced velocities obtained in step 2 from tem 1 and 3 are about two percent which is within the the total velocities obtained in step 4. reported experimental accuracy. The results presented 6. Obtain an updated circulation distribution, below are based on a two block 25 x 13 x 98 (r,O,x) propeller-induced velocities , and thrust and torque coarse grid system. Convergence is achieved when the coefficients by using the newly computed effective wake Lz normal of all residuals is reduced by three order of as input to the propeller program. magnitude with CFL=10. Computational CPU time 7. Repeat the process from step 1 to step 6 until is 40 psec per node per iteration. For each compu- the total velocities, the body forces and the propeller- tation, over 500 iterations were carried out to ensure induced velocities are unchanged. convergence. It has been shown that this procedure converged VI. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS after two iterations [8]. For the purpose of illustration, the results presented in following are obtained by using On the solid boundaries such as surfaces of tunnel measured thrust and torque without any iteration. In wall, ring wing, body and propeller drive the no-slip spite of its simplicity, it was able to predict the flow condition is applied, in addition, the normal gradient 690 of the pressure is assumed to be zero. Freestream con- with r = (y - yhub)/(Rp- yhub). The propeller was dition is applied as inflow condition. Zero-order ex- located at X/L= 1.015. trapolation is used to obtain the outflow conditions. Figure 6 shows the comparison of predicted and During the computation process, the variables on measured velocity vectors in the stern region. The pre- the branch cut that separates the two blocks are not diction confirms that the separation bubble is removed computated. At the end of each iteration, these vari- due to the propeller suction. Experimental data in- ables are updated by averaging the values at the adja- dicate stronger downward radial velocities at all four cent grid points from each block. The averaging pro- stations. In addition, at axial locations X/L = 0.89 cess is linear. The updated values are then used as and X/L = 0.93 the predicted velocity profiles are less boundary conditions for both blocks for the next iter- full than those that were measured near the body. It is ation. found from computations that the predictions behind VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS the propeller are sensitive to the circulation distribu- tion over the propeller disk and the axial locations at The four configurations that were investigated are which the predictions are made. Figure 7 shows the 1. flow over the barebody, 2. flow over the body with particle traces, indicating that flow contraction takes an operating propeller, 3. flow over the body with a place immediately in front of and behind the propeller ring wing and 4. flow over the body with a ring wing disk. Figure 8 shows the predicted and measured pres- and an operating propeller. Computational results are sure distributions on the surface of the stern. The dif- presented in the form of velocity profiles and pressure ference between the pressures presented in Fig. 8 and Fig. 4 gives the amount of the pressure drag on the contours in the stern region; they are compared with barebody due to propeller action. The added drag con- available experimental data. In addition, to facilitate stitutes the major part of the thrust deduction fraction the flow visualization and discussion, computed par- (t). The agreement between prediction and measure- ticle trace are also included. The length scale was ment is very good. This is an indication that thrust normalized with reference length L = 133crn. deduction (1 - t)c an be predicted correctly with this Case 1. Flow over the Barebody numerical method. Figure 9 shows the pressure con- tours in the stern region; the pressure jump across the In this test case, the configuration is simple but propeller plane is clear. the flow is rather interesting. At a Reynolds num- ber of 6.0 x lo6, flow separation was observed in the Case 3. Flow over the Body with a Ring Wing stern region. Figure 2 shows the velocity vectors in the stern region from both computation and experiment. An intended function of the ring wing was to ac- The correlation is good except at the axial location celerate the flow and produce thrust. It was also ex- X/L = 0.89 where the experiment shows a some- pected that the flow separation over the stern would what fuller profile near the body. Figure 3 shows the be removed once the ring wing was in place. Figure 10 particle traces and clearly depicts the separation bub- shows the velocity vectors in the stern region from both ble. The predicted separation location is about 1.5 cm (1.13 percent of body length) ahead of where it was computation and experiment. In comparison with Fig. 2, it can be seen that the ring wing achieved its func- observed experimentally. Figure 3 also indicates that tion in accelerating the flow and removing the stern the size of the bubble is predicted correctly. Figure 4 separation. The predicted and the measured velocity shows the predicted and measured pressure distribu- vectors are in good agreement. Due to lack of details, tions on the surface of the stern. The surface pressure the experimental data failed to resolve the wake struc- begins to recover as the flow passes the shoulder of the afterbody at X/L = 0.78 . The recovery levels off ture behind the ring wing. Figure 11 shows the parti- cle traces and there is no detectable flow separation on where flow separation takes place. Figure 5 shows the the surface of either the body or the ring wing. Figure pressure contours in the stern region. 12 shows the pressure on the stern surface. Note that Case 2. Flow over the Body with the predicted surface pressure immediately upstream an Operating Propeller of the ring wing's leading edge at X/L = 0.93 is some- what higher than that measured. Figure 13 shows the In this test case, the propeller was operating at pressure contours in the stern region. Clearly shown J = 0.47 and V = 4m/s; CT and CQ were measured as are the locations of the pressure and suction peaks on 2.052 and 0.247, respectively. To apply the body force the ring wing surface. propeller model, the circulation G(r)w as assumed to be distributed over the disk according to: 69 1 Case 4. Flow over the Body with a Ring Wing REFERENCES and an Operating Propeller 1. Wald, Q., “Performance of a Propeller in a Wake and the Interaction of Propeller nad Hull”, Jour- In this test case, the propeller was operating at nal of Ship Research, Vol 9, no. 1, Jun. 1965, J = 0.47 and V = 4m/s; CT and CQ were measured ppl-8. as 2.081 and 0.250, respectively, and are about 2 per- cent higher than those shown in Case 2. Figure 14 2. Beveridge, J.L., “Analytical Prediction of Thrust shows the comparison of predicted and measured ve- Deduction for Submersibles and Surface Ships”, locity vectors in the stern region. The agreement is Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 13, no. 4, Dec. quite good. Figure 15 shows the particle traces. It 1969, pp. 258-271 can be seen that flow is accelerated as it passes the 3. FalcSo de Campos, J.A.C., “On the Calculation ring wing and is contracted as it passes the propeller of Ducted Propeller Performance in Axisymmetric disk. Figure 16 shows the pressure on the stern sur- Flows”, Technical Report 696, Netherlands Ship face. The discrepancy between the predicted and mea- Model Basin, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1983 sured pressure immediately upstream of the ring wing at X/L = 0.93 as discussed in Case 3 is present here 4. Huang, T. T., Wang, H. T., Santelli, N., Groves, also. The difference between the pressures presented N. C., “Propeller/Stern/Boundary Layer Interac- in Fig. 16 and Fig. 12 gives the amount of the pres- tion on Axisymmetric Bodies, Theory and Exper- sure drag on the body due to the propeller action, the iment”, DTRC Report 76-0113, 1976. agreement between the prediction and measurement is 5. Haussling, H. J., Gorski, J.J., Coleman, R., “Com- very good, despite the discrepancy mentioned above. putation of Incompressible Fluid Flow about Bod- Figure 17 shows the pressure contours in the stern re- ies with Appendages”, Presented at International gion. Seminar on Supercomputing in Fluid Flow, Low- ell, Massachusetts, 3-5 Oct. 1989. VIZI. CONCLUSION 6. Hartwich, P.-M., Hsu, C. H., “High Resolu- tion Upwind Schemes for the Three-Dimensional, A numerical method based on a finite-differencing Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations”, AIAA high resolution second-order accurate implicit upwind Journal, Vol. 26, No. 11, Nov. 1988, pp 1321- scheme was used to discretize the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. Simulations of flow over an 1328. axisymmetric body with a compound propulsor sup- 7. Hartwich, P.-M., Hsu, C. H. and Liu, C.H., ported in a square water tunnel were performed. A “Vectorizable Implicit Algorithms for the Flux- body force type propeller model was used to simulate Difference Split, Three-Dimensional, Incompress- the propeller action. Results indicate that this nu- ible Navier-Stokes Equations”, ASME Journal of merical method is effective and accurate. Observed Fluids Engineering, Vol. 110, No. 3, Sept. 1988, flow phenomena such as separation, acceleration and pp 297-305. contraction were realistically predicted. The pressure 8. Stern, F., Kim, H.T., Patel, V.C., Chen, H.C.,“A drags due to propeller action were computed correctly. Viscous Flow Approach to the Computation of A ring wing may affect the circulation distribution on Propeller-Hull Interaction”, Journal of Ship Re- the propeller, depending on its proximity to the pro- search, Vo1.32, No. 4, Dec. 1988, pp 246-262. peller. In order to improve the predictions further, an iterative procedure described in section IV will be 9 Yang, C-I, Hartwich, P.-M., Sundaram, P., “Nu- explored in a future study. merical Simulation of Three- Dimensional Viscous Flow around a Submersible Body”, The Proceed- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ings Fifth International Conference on Numeri- cal Ship Hydrodynamics, Sept. 25-28 1989, Hi- This study was supported by The Office of Naval roshima, Japan. Technology under David Taylor Research Center Work 10. Chorin, A. J., “A Numerical Method for Solving Unit 1-1506-060-40. The computing time of CRAY- Incompressible Viscous Flow Problems”, Journal YMP was provided generously by NASA Ames Numer- of Computational Physics, Vol. 2, No. 1, Aug. ical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Program. The ex- 1967, pp 12-26. perimental data presented in this paper are of foreign origin, obtained via informal correspondance. 11. Roe, P.L., “Approximate Riemann Solvers, Pa- rameter Vectors, and Difference Schemes”, Jour- nal of Computational Physics, Vol. 43, No. 2, Oct. 1981, pp 357-372. 692 12. Baldwin, B.S., Lomax, H.,“Thin Layer Approxi- mation and Algebraic Model for Seperated Tur- PNITIN mCE. bulent Flows”, AIAA Paper 78-257 Jan. 1978. BAREBODY I 13. Degani, D., Schiff, L.B.,“Computation of Tur- *.CY bulent Supersonic Flows around Pointed Bodies Having Crossflow Separation”, Journal of Com- putational Physics, Vol. 66, No. 1, Sept. 1986, pp 173-196. 14. Hartwich, P-M., Hall R.M., “Navier-Stokes So- lutions for Vortical Flows over a Tangent-Ogive Cylinder”, AIAA Paper No. 89-0337, Jan. 1989 15 Greeley, D.S., Kerwin, J.E., “Numerical Meth- ods for Propeller Design and Analysis in Steady I I I I ,A I Flow”, Trans. SNAME, Vol. 90, 1982, pp. 415- 0.80 0.85 0.90 1.00 453. XfL Figure 3. Particle Traces for Case 1 BAREBODY Experimental data Computational results 1 Figure 1. Schematic Sketch of Test Configuration Figure 4. Pressure Distribution on Stern Surface for Case 1 _1 a X x/ L Figure 2. Velocity Vectors in Stern Region for Case 1 Figure 5. Pressure contours in Stern Region for Case 1 693 - .-........... .......... ........... -----. ------a ...... ..... ... -.._.... 2--._..._.._. 1 <.._-.__ _ y \ --z .._. *- -..___ ................ .. -..___ Figure 6. Velocity Vectors in Stern Region for Case 2 Figure 9. Pressure contours in Stern Region for Case 2 PnniicLE mc~s AODY WITH PROPELLER > Erpsrimentol data BODY WIT11 RING WING "1 .-.--.._ _ __,.- ......... ............... - ........ ............ ............ - ........... - *- - - ............ ............ - --------;r. --..._. -.......... I 0.8I 5 0.9I 0 0.95 XI 1, Figure 10. Velocity Vectors in Stern Region for Case 3 Figure 7. Particle Traces for Case 2 BODY WITH RING WING - 0.70 BODY WITII PROPELLER - ow - -om - r 4MI - I I I I -om 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 I XI 1 ' Figure 11. Particle Traces for Case 3 Figure 8. Pressure Distribution on Stern Surface for Case 2 694 om 1 0.m BODY WII'H ILiNC: WING m1aE IIlnCes WING AND PROPELLER 0.W ____2_- 0.50 am - Experimental doto Computational results 020 0.20 I - - / -0.20 , -0.54 -0.70 I r -0.60 I I t t I I I I 0.60 0.85 0.70 0.75 OB0 0.85 0.00 0.0s 1.W 0.86 0.90 0.95 I .no 1.05 X/L Figure 12. Pressure Distribution on Stern Surface XIL for Case 3 Figure 15. Particle Traces for Case 4 01 0.80 1 \ 0.M BODY WITH RING WINO AND PROPEI.I.ER 0.60 am . / om. Experimental data Compuationol results 030. / om I . 010 ri ow ' t - -050 - -OM - -0.70 I Figure 13. Pressure contours in Stern Region Figure 16. Pressure Distribution on Stern Surface for Case 3 for Case 4 - - .... .._.__.-* ..-.-. _____-.,-. .__-~ _ __. ------- ... ._____ , _.-. .2._.. ___, 6s- \\- .-._-..__ _ . -._-._._ . 2.-- ------4 I I I I 8.65 0.7 8.75 0.8 8.81 @.I e.= 1 ,.os X/L Figure 17. Pressure contours in Stern Region Figure 14. Velocity Vectors at Stern Region for Case 4 for Case 4 695 DISCUSSION Philippe Genoux Bassin d’Essais des -, Fmce It is well known that Navier Stokes solvers may have difficulties at high Reynolds numbers. How does your code behave at full scale Reynolds numbers? AUTHORS’ REPLY The differencing scheme presented in this paper is based on hyperbolic formulation, assuming that at high Reynolds numbers the behavior of Navier-Stokes equations becomes hyperbolic-like. At present, the solver has been used to simulate flow at Reynolds number 15 X 106. The agreement between Conmputation and experiment is good. No convergence problem was experienced. DISCUSSION Fred Stern The University of Iowa, USA The results presented display some intmting features for a ducted propulsor; however, it would be of greater interest if the authors would include the propulsor-hull interaction, Le., make hll use of the viscous-flow approach to propufsor-hull interaction and demonstrated in Reference [E]. AUTHORS’R EPLY We appreciateP rof. Stern’s comments and suggestions. We are using the method described in Reference [8] for our fuhm work. 696

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