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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19920001908: Analytical study of nozzle performance for nuclear thermal rockets PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19920001908: Analytical study of nozzle performance for nuclear thermal rockets

NASA Technical Memorandum 105251 AIAA-91-3578 Analytical Study of Nozzle Performance for Nuclear Thermal Rockets Kenneth O. Davidian and Kenneth J. Kacynski Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio Prepared for the Conference on Advanced Space Exploration Initiative Technologies cosponsored by AIAA, NASA, and OAI Cleveland, Ohio, September 4-6, 1991 NAFDA ANALYTICAL STUDY OF NOZZLE PERFORMANCE FOR NUCLEAR THERMAL ROCKETS Kenneth O. Davidian and Kenneth J. Kacynski National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135-3191 Abstract Introduction Nuclear propulsion has been identified as Nuclear propulsion has been identified as one of the key technologies needed for human one of the key technologies needed for human exploration of the Moon and Mars. The exploration of the Moon and Mars. Successful , Nuclear Thermal Rocket (N'TR) uses a nuclear application of any mission using an NTR reactor to heat hydrogen to a high temperature depends on high delivered performance, followed by expansion through a conventional because the weight of a nuclear reactor must be convergent-divergent nozzle. A parametric compensated for by reduced propellant require- study of N" IR nozzles was performed using the ments. To date, many different reactor design Rocket Engine Design Expert System and operating conditions have been identified (REDES) at the NASA Lewis Research Center. as a means of satisfying various mission REDES used the JANNAF standard rigorous scenarios. The different reactor operating methodology to determine nozzle performance conditions include both pressure and thrust over a range of chamber temperatures, chamber range variations of nearl two orders of magni- y pressures, thrust levels, and different nozzle tude, and reactor temperatures operating up to configurations. A design condition was set by the melting point of the fuel.2,3 With such a fixing the propulsion system exit radius at five variety of perceived operating conditions, a meters and throat radius was varied to achieve priori knowledge of anticipated nozzle perfor- a target thrust level. An adiabatic wall was mance at a certain reactor operating condition assumed for the nozzle, and its length was is important for design and evaluation assumed to be 80% of a 15° cone. purposes. Likewise, to design the optimum The results of this study conclude that N'TR system, the sensitivity of nozzle perfor- although the performance of the NTTR, based on mance to reactor operating conditions is infinite reaction rates, looks promising at low crucial. chamber pressures, finite rate chemical reac- The purpose of this paper is to investigate tions will cause the actual performance to be the effect of the various operating conditions on considerably lower. Parameters which have a the N" IR nozzle performance in a rigorous major influence on the delivered specific manner, and to identify the major parameters impulse value include the chamber temperature which affect the deliverable performance of an and the chamber pressures in the hi gh thrust NTR nozzle. In order to determine their affect domain. Other parameters, such as two-dimen- on the delivered nozzle performance of an sional and boundary layer effects, kinetic rates N'TR, a variety of operating parameters were - and number of nozzles. affect the deliverable investigated over a wide range of nozzle performance of an N"TR nozzle to a lesser configurations. Chamber pressure (p,), degree. For a single nozzle, maximum perfor- chamber temperature (T,), propulsion system mance of 930 seconds and 1030 seconds occur thrust level (F), and number of nozzles were at chamber temperatures of 2700 and 3100 K, investi ated with four different combinations g respectively. of nozzle performance codes to determine their pyright © 1991 by the American Instigate of Aeronautics and Astronautics, c. No copyreht is asserted in the United States under Tit], ?, U.S. Code. '^e U.S. Goverrunent has a royalry-free iicense to exercise a,, riehts under I copyright claimed herein for Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner. Table 1. Analysis parameters and values. throat radius and area ratio of the nozzle was Parameter: Values allovved to vary to meet the target thrust level constraint. Chamber Pressure: 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000 psia Analysis and Results Chamber Temperature: 2700, 2900, 3100 K Results of the studies which describe the ProQulsion Svstem Thrust Level: Figure 1. Mole fraction of H, for different 10, 30, 100, 300 Klbf chamber pressures at T,=3100 K. Number of Nozzles: 1, 3, 5, 7 J 0.50 1.00 Dotted lines denote first derivative of effect on specific impulse (Isp). Ranges over o 0.40 Mole Fraction curves. ODE 0.95 c which the parameters were varied are given ^ in Table 1. In each case, rocket nozzle s 030 ^- 0.90 JL 300K .^ performance calculations were made to 1001 L L 0.20 OK 0.85 determine the chemical equilibrium perfor- v 10K mance, and the detrimental effects of finite- z 0.10F 0.80 rate chemistry, two-dimensional flow, and N boundary laver growth. A matrix was 2 _...__...._......._.....^ 0.75 5 4 3 2 1 3 4 5 investigated using a computer code which Subsonic Area Ratio Supersonic conforms to the Joint Army-Navy-NASA- Figure la. Chamber pressure = 10 psia Air Force (JANNAF) standardized method- ology for determining chemical liquid 0.5" 1.00 rocket nozzle performance. 7 A nozzle cluster exit radius of 5 meters •= 0.4 0.95 was used throughout the analysis. This ccdc c 0.3 0.90 radius corresponds to the payload bay size s v of the advanced launch vehicles formerly J ^' L' ^- L 0.2 0.85 and currently under consideration for development (e.g., Shuttle-C and ALS).4 z 0.1 0.80 N Using this criteria, the entire nozzle assembly could fit into the cargo bay of 0.00' 1 2_ 2.. ... ^ 50.7 5 4 3 1 4 these vehicles. As will be shove, the use of Subsonic Area Ratio Supersonic this maximum practical nozzle cluster size Figure lb. Chamber pressure = 100 psia as a design criteria corresponds to a nearly maximum performance condition. 0.50- 1.00 In order to generate design study results r 300K `.: 0.40 with fixed exit area and thrust level as a test 100K 30K c matrix parameter, a need existed to over- 10K 0.30 , come the limitation of available codes L Gr which calculate nozzle thrust based on ^-L 0.20 = 0.85 given input parameters. This was accom- plished through the use of the Rocket 0.10- f-^ X0.80 Engine Design Expert System currently i under development at the NASA Lewis 0.00,_ J 0.75 Research Center.' At each data point, the Subsonic Area Ratio Sup( Figure lc. Chamber pressure = 1000 2 recombination of monatomic to diatomic Superimposed on the recombination plots, hydrogen are presented and discussed first, in dotted lines, is the first derivative of the mole since this phenomenon is the prime contributor fraction curves. Where recombination occurs, to the NTTR nozzle's high performance. Next, the derivative is denoted by a non-zero value. the effect of varying the operating parameters Frozen conditions occur when the derivative is on nozzle geometry and performance are given. zero in the supersonic portion of the nozzle. As How performance is affected by utilizing can be seen in Figures la, lb, and lc, the multiple nozzles in a cluster is discussed next. majority of H, recombination and its associated Finally, the uncertainn• of chemical recombina- energy release occurs in the near throat region. tion rates on nozzle performance is given. Nozzle Geometry Hydrogen Recombination A capability of the Rocket Engine Design The energy release which accompanies the Expert System (REDES), called the Thrust recombination of monatomic hydrogen (H) to Dependent Engine Sizing (TDES) function6, diatomic hydrogen (H,) provides the high iterated toward a desired thrust level while performance for which the low pressure N'TR employing the rigorous JANNAF solution concept is known. Understanding the recombi- procedure' to calculate nozzle Lp. A liquid nation process is key to understanding how the rocket nozzle performance evaluation code, NTR performs. Two Dimensional Kinetics (TDK)8, was used Mole fractions of H,, computed using one- for the entirety of this analysis. dimensional infinite and one-dimensional finite Table 1 gives the parameters included in the chemical reaction rates, were plotted as a func- study and their values. Geometric parameters tion of subsonic and supersonic area ratios for which define the contraction and near-throat different thrust levels and pc values (Figure 1). region of the convergent-divergent nozzle are In all cases, the H, mole fraction starts at a given in Table 2. Other assumptions which minimum value in the chamber. The infinite were used to characterize the nozzle shape and finite reaction rate results in this part of the included: chamber are identical because the residence • the nozzle contour was a parabola time of the propellant is much greater than the fitted to connect a tangent point time required for the reactions to reach equilib- on the downstream throat circle rium, thereby allowing the recombination reac- and a specific exit coordinate, tions to reach equilibrium. As the flow • the exit radius of the entire pro- expands. moving in Figure 1 from left to right along the curve toward the throat (where the pulsion system package was set to area ratio equals one), and continuing along the be 5 meters, supersonic portion of the curve, the rise in the • nozzle length was determined by H, mole fraction indicates the recombination of H into H,. In all cases, it is seen that the larger Table 2. Baseline geometric parameters. thrust nozzles are closest to being in chemical Chamber Contraction Ratio = 5.00 equilibrium. This occurs because the larger Nondimensional Throat Upstream Radius of thrust nozzles also correspond to larger throat Curvature = 2.0623 dimensions, and a more gradual fluid accelera- Nondimensional Throat Downstream Radius of tion rate. The more gradual acceleration rates Curvature = 0.1900 allow appreciably more H recombination to Throat Upstream Tangent Angle = 26.25° occur, pushing performance toward the infinite Throat Downstream Tangent Angle = 32.00° reaction rate limit. Nozzle Length = 80rc of a 15* Cone 3 Figure 2. Nozzle area ratio variation as a function of chamber pressure, for T,=3100 K, one nozzle. 105 IOK • 5 m Exit Radius 30K 10' -100K 0 300K 10' Thrust (1bfZ N_ TDK-BLM-TDK 10' Q 10' '0 10' 10' 10' 10^ Chamber Pressure (psia) the TDES function of REDES to • the boundary layer would become be 80% of a 15° cone nozzle with turbulent after the flow Reynold's the same throat radius, down- number based on momentum stream radius of curvature, and thickness achieved a preset value area ratio, and is calculated from of 360. the following equation,9 Because the TDES function within REDES kept the nozzle exit radius constant and varied 1) +RWTD ( seta— 1) the throat radius to arrive at a desired thrust Ln = 0.8 x tan a level, the area ratio of the nozzle varied as a function of chamber pressure and thrust level. where L,; is nozzle length, r1 is the Figure 2 shoes a typical plot of nozzle area ra- throat radius, c is the area ratio, tio versus chamber pressure for all thrust levels Rll'TD is the downstream throat for a chamber temperature of 3100K and the radius of curvature, and a is the single nozzle case. All plots of nozzle area ra- cone half angle (15° in this case), tio as a function of chamber pressure are given and in Appendix. As can be seen in Figure 2, nozzle area ra- • there was no spacing between tios of 60,000:1 result in some instances. This nozzles in the 3, 5, and 7 nozzle is due to the combination of low thrust, high cases. chamber pressure, and the fixed exit area con- Boundary laver assumptions included: straint. In practice, relaxation of the fixed area • an adiabatic wall, constraint would likely occur because of noz- zle weight and performance considerations. • equilibrium chemistry in the Small area ratios, less than 10:1, occur at high boundary laver, thrust, low chamber pressure operating condi- • the standard JA.N-NAF boundary tions. laver loss methodology was used, Figure 3 shows the nozzle length trend for and the same chamber temperature and number of 4 nozzles as Figure 2. All nozzle length plots are However, equilibrium performance of a NTR given in Appendix. Nozzle lengths at low p, nozzle must be decremented by real effects and levels are very sensitive to thrust level. Nozzle performance losses which can be predicted lengths for higher thrust levels are shorter than using the JANNAF methodology, standardized those for lower thrust levels, because of the nozzle performance code, TDK. B TDK calcu- lower area ratios for those nozzles. The differ- lates performance decrements due to chemical ence, however, between the l OKlbf and the kinetics, two-dimensional losses, and boundary 300K1bf nozzle lengths decreases drastically layer growth. Other loss mechanisms, and the nozzle lengths converge toward a sin- including mixing, vaporization and non- gle value as chamber pressure increases. This boundary layer heat losses, were assumed to be is the result of the area ratio increase with negligible, or not applicable to a nuclear chamber pressure, due to the fixed exit area de- thermal rocket nozzle simulation. After sign condition. As area ratio increases, the subtracting these losses from the equilibrium nozzle length equation approaches a value of specific impulse (I.sp) values, the resulting approximately are (shown as the horizontal performance was the delivered Lp. dashed line in Figure 3). For the single nozzle Results including all loss mechanisms were case, values converged toward a length of ap- plotted to show NTR nozzle performance for proximately 590 inches at high chamber pres- the entire range of chamber pressures, chamber sures. In the case of three nozzles, the temperatures, and thrust levels. Figure 5 is a asymptotic length value is roughly 270 inches, representative plot from the total set which for fig ^ nozzles, lengths approach 210 inches, were created over the range of parametric vari- and in the seven nozzle case, lengths converge ables (Table 1). All plots are given in the toward a value of 200 inches. Appendix. To identify the magnitude of each loss Nozzle Performance mechanisms, nozzle performance was Equilibrium performance of a N—FR nozzle computed using each module of the TDK can be predicted to exceed 1200 seconds as program in a sequential fashion. Isp values seen in the case presented in Figure 4. based on one-dimensional infinite chemical Figure 3. Variation of nozzle length as a function of chamber pressure. boc, - F ------------ 10K ---------- _ . _ - 550 Infinite J ' Area Ratio 30K ' Limit 500 •T,--3100 K 100K - •1 Nozzle 450 •5 m Exit Radius •80% of a 15' Cone Nozzle Length N 400 Z 300K 350 10 iu I 30 Chamber Pressure (psia) 5 Figure 4. Theoretical equilibrium chemistry performance of a nuclear thermal rocket nozzle with exit radius of 5 meters. Chamber temperature = 3100 K, thrust level =10,000 Ibf, single nozzle case. 1250 • 5 m Exit Radius U 1200 v7 1150 _E 1100 U ^U 1050 Q 1000 L a 10 I I 10 Chamber Pressure (psia) reaction rates were calculated with the One- the isolated two-dimensional and boundary Dimensional Equilibrium (ODE) subprogram. laver losses can only be considered approxi- Next, the one-dimensional finite chemical reac- mate. Isolated boundary layer losses must be tion rate performance predictions were interpreted carefully since the TDK curves are computed with the One-Dimensional Kinetics plotted from data computed during the first (ODK) subprogram, followed by an inviscid TDK comput.i*inal pass. The subsequent TDK Two-Dimensional Kinetics (TDK) subprogram pass, using a boundary layer displaced geom- calculations. Finally, the Boundary Laver etry, increases the inviscid core performance. Method (BLM) subprogram, with a final TDK To legitimately show the boundary laver drag run, was added to this series. The second pass losses as a function of chamber pressure, of TDK calculated the nozzle performance in another curve would have to be plotted, based the boundary laver-displaced inviscid core. on the ISP calculated during the second pass of Therefore, values were calculated by TDK in the TDK-BLM-TDK computational ISP running the series of ODE, ODK, TDK, and progression. TDK-BLM-TDK codes. When plotted Infinite reaction rate ISP(ODE) specific together, the gaps between the curves labelled impulse start very high at low chamber pres- ODE and ODK, and between ODK and TDK sures and decreases as p, increases. This is due show how chemical kinetic and two-dimen- to the increased levels of dissociated hydrogen sional effects vary as a function of chamber in the chamber at lower chamber pressures, pressure, respectively. The gap between the which contributes directly to the overall perfor- TDK and the TDK-B LM-TDK curves show the mance through the increased energy released variation of boundary laver losses with when recombination occurs, and the perfor- chamber pressure. mance also increases due to the decreased The two-dimensional chemical kinetic and molecular weight of the propellant. As chamber boundary laver losses taken together are accu- pressure increases, the recombination of H into rate. However, due to coupling of the two- H, decreases since the initial amount of disso- dimensional and boundary layer calculations, 6 Figure 5. Specific impulse breakdomm for 3100 K chamber temperature and 10Klbf thrust level, 1 nozzle with exit radius of 5 meters. 1250 n Ideal •5 m Exit Radius ODE .parabolic Wall Contour • 1-D Kinetic rn 1200 -Adiabatic Wall • 2-D Kinetic •80% of a 15° Cone • Boundary Laye 1150 Nozzle Length Kinetic 1100 Effect ODK i TDK EfDfecctt ow ^Ur- 1050 U K-BLM-TDK Q 1000 U) Boundary Laver Effect 950 1L0 104 I IV Chamber Pressure (psia) ciated hydrogen in the chamber is diminished at nozzle. In all other cases, nozzle area ratio was higher chamber pressures. Only in one case a secondary consideration compared to (T,=3100 K, and F=300,000 lbf, one nozzle, hydrogen recombination effects. Figure A-16) does the equilibrium perfonmance As can be seen in Figure 5, the ODE perfor- fail to follow, the trend described above. This is mance results are greater than the ODK values due to the very large throat required to produce at all chamber pressures, although the differ- the desired thrust at the given chamber pres- ence is greatest at lower chamber pressures. sures. A large throat results in a lower area ratio Because of relatively slow chemical recombi- (< 10:1), which reduces the performance of the nation at low chamber pressures, ODK perfor- Figure 6. Decrements to I, due to one-dimensional kinetic effects as a percentage of ODE performance for all operating conditions. 16 Q 14 c F = 10.000 lb, p^ = 10 psis Q F = 30,0001b, 1 o F = 100.000 1b, cr.., 10 c F = 300.000 Ib, O _ 8 v_ G 6 '-^ pC = 100 psia __-- ----- a --- ...,--------- ------- ,, _______________S _________-___-_________-_- -------------------- ------ pc = 1000 psia 2700 :800 290(1 3000 3100 Chamber Temperature (K) Figure 7. Kinetic performance efficiency (I SP(ODK) divided by ISP(ODE)) depicting kinetic losses for all operating conditions. 1.00 U 0.98 G c F = 10,000 1bf 0.96 J c F = 30,000 lb, o F = 100,0001b, 0.94 W o F = 300,000 lb, U 0.92 Z ," T = 2700 K C T,_=_2900 K •gyp 0.90 T = 3100 K O 0.88 0.86 0.84 3 10 1V lU 10 Chamber Pressure, p^ (psia) mance, I,P(ODK), is appreciably less than This trend is reflected in Figure 6 by the kinetic I'P(ODE). Figure 6 depicts the kinetic losses as loss curves moving closer to the horizontal a percentage of equilibrium 4P. As chamber axis, which represents very small kinetic losses. pressure increases, the ODE and ODK values Kinetic losses of 15% occur at low chamber converge in Figure 5, because as chamber pres- pressure and Thrust level, the precise operating sure increases, the amount of H present is conditions where the equilibrium specific minimal and because recombination rates impulse was predicted by ODE to be in excess increase significantly as a function of pressure. of 1200 sec (refer to Figures 4 or 5). This is the Figure 8. Performance efficiency (ISP(TDK-BLM-TDK) divided by ISP(ODE)) depicting kinetic, two-dimensional, and boundary layer losses for all operating conditions. Single nozzle case. 1.00 T 0.98 J r J i^ 0.94 o F = 10,0001b, w 0.92 o F = 30,000 lb, o F = 100,0001b, r 0.90 o F = 300,0001b, •5 m Exit Radius 0.88 T = 2700 K -Parabolic Wall Contour T =_2900 K cG 0.86 -Adiabatic Fall ,_ T = 3100 K -80% of a 15' Cone 0.84 Nozzle Length 0.8, L 10' 10 10 IV Chamber Pressure, p (psia) , 8 major reason why such high nozzle perfor- Lp(ODE), which includes the boundary layer mance cannot be attained at these operating and two-dimensional losses along with the conditions. kinetic losses. This figure indicates that at low Kinetic performance efficiency, defined as pressure, love thrust level, and for an exit radius the ISP(ODK) divided by the ISP(ODE), is shown of 5 meters, a performance efficiency of 0.82 for the entire matrix of p,, T,, and F in Figure 7. can be expected. This lowers the predicted As the extent of dissociated hydrogen present Isp(ODE) of 1230 seconds to a delivered in the chamber increases monatomically with LP(TDK-BLM-TDK) of 1010 seconds. increasing chamber temperature, the overall The actual value of delivered LP at each trend of decreased performance efficiency with point provides the most important glimpse as to increasing chamber temperature would be which parameters most affect the delivered expected, as shown in Figure 7. nozzle performance of an NTR. Delivered ISP as Two-dimensional and boundary laver a function of chamber pressure, for all chamber losses, as computed in the TDK-BLM-TDK temperatures and thrust levels, is shown in sequence of analyses, account for the perfor- Figure 9. From this figure, it can be seen that mance decrement between the curves labelled maximum deliverable LP values range between ODK and TDK-BLM-TDK in Figure 5. 930 seconds for a T, of 2700 K, to 1030 for a T. Combined, the two-dimensional and boundary of 3100 K. layer losses subtract between 1.5 and 3.5% Also from Figure 9, it can be seen that for from the ISP(ODE). Compared to a possible every 200 K increase in T,, a 40 to 50 second 15% loss due to kinetic effects, these losses increase of delivered ISP results. At low seem minor. However, at high chamber pres- chamber pressures, the thrust level can greatly sures where kinetic effects are minimal, the 2% affect the nozzle performance. Figure 9 also two-dimensional/boundary laver losses are the shows that, to get a maximum LP value at low major contributor to performance degradation. chamber pressures, a low thrust level (corre- Figure 8 shows the delivered performance effi- sponding to high area ratios) would be desir- ciency, ISP(TDK-BLM-TDK) divided by able. For low chamber pressures, changing the Figure 9. Delivered nozzle performance. including kinetic, two- dimensional, and boundary laver losses of an NTR. 1050 Chamber U --_-_--_-_--_-________ Temperature U 1000 --- K - 950 - -^ 12900 K - ^, 2700 K 900 J c F = 10.0001b, F = 30,0001b, UU 850 n F = 100.0001b, G c F = 300.0001b, v; goo L 10 I 1V lU^ Chamber Pressure, p,, (psia) 9

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