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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19910021148: Verification of the proteus two-dimensional Navier-Stokes code for flat plate and pipe flows PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19910021148: Verification of the proteus two-dimensional Navier-Stokes code for flat plate and pipe flows

t/d y i NASA Technical Memorandum 105160 ._ ..... 29 AIAA-9!-20!3 ................................... .'w Verification of the Proteus Two-Dimensional . = Navier'Stokes Code for Flat Plate and Pipe Flows Julianne M. Conley Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio and Patrick L. Zeman Arnold Engineering and Development Center Arnold AFB, Tennessee Prepared for the 27th Joint Propulsion Conference " cosponsored by AIAA, SAE, ASME, _d ASEE Sacramento, California, June 24-27,1991 - Ngi-30462 THE _(_!AS A-T'-4-105 L60) V_I_ICATION _ NAV I_R- ST('IKES C F_LE_ PROTEIIS TWO -oIM_NSInNAL FOR FLAT PLATE AN r) PIPE FLOWS (NASA) g P uncl as CSCL 20D 0036902 VERIFICATION OF THE PROTEUS TWO- DIMENSIONAL NAVIER-STOKES CODE FOR FLAT PLATE AND PIPE FLOWS Julianne M. Conley' National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio Patrick L. Zeman Arnold Engineering and Development Center Arnold AFB, Tennesee In order to assess the code's validity for calculating funda- mental fluid flows encountered in most aerospace propulsion The Proteus Navier-Stokes Code is evaluated for two- applications, aseries of validation cases have been rim, using the dimensional/axisymmetric, viscous, incompressible, internal two-dimensional planar/axisymmetric version of the code. and external flows. The particular cases to be discussed are These cases are for both internal and external incompressible laminar and turbulent flows over aflat plate, laminar and turbu- flows. This paper describes validation studies for laminar and lent developing pipe flows and turbulent pipe flow with swirl. turbulent flat plate boundary layers with zero pressure gradient, Results are compared with exact solutions,empirical and for laminar and turbulent developing pipe flows and correlations and experimental data. Adetailed description of the turbulent pipe flow with swirl. Incompressible cases in Proteus code set-up, including boundary conditions, initial conditions, were simulated by running ataMach number between 0.1 and grid size and grid packing is given for each case. 0.3. In the results for both flat plate and pipe flow to be presented, constant total enthalpy was assumed, and the energy Introduction equation was not solved. An effort is underway atthe NASA Lewis Research Center Test Cases to develop atwo and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes code, called Proteus, for aerospace propulsion applications.(1) The Laminar Flat Plate Flow emphasis in this effort is not algorithm development or research on numerical methods, but on the development of the code Incompressible laminar flow over aflat plate with zero pres- itself. The objective is to develop acode that is user-oriented, sure gradient can be compared with the exact solution of easily modified, and well documented. Code readability, Blasius.(8) The results of one such comparison are shown in modularity, and both internal and external documentation have Figures 2-6, plotted with the results of Blasius. For this test been emphasized. case, the freestream Mach number was 0.2 and Rex, the Reynolds number based on x, ranged from 20,000 at the Proteus solves the Reynolds-averaged, unsteady, upstream computational boundary to 100,000 at the downstream compressible Navier-Stokes equations in strong conservation computational boundary. A 201x101 grid was used, with law form. Turbulence is modeled using aBaldwin-Lomax(2) packing in the vertical direction near the plate surface such that based algebraic eddy viscosity model. The governing equations the ratio of the minimum to maximum cell height, defined as the are written in Cartesian coordinates and transformed into packing ratio, was 0.05; the grid was uniform in the x-direction. generalized nonorthogonal body-fitted coordinates. They are The grid extended horizontally from x/L = 0.25 to x/L = 1.25 solved by marching in time using afully-coupled alternating and vertically from y/L = 0.0 to y/L = 0.05, where L is a direction implicit solution procedure with generalized first or reference length used by Proteus to normalize input values. For second order time differencing.(3-4) The boundary conditions this test case, L = 52_nax, where _nax is the maximum ,arealso treated implicitly, and may be steady or unsteady. All boundary layer thickness. Aportion of the grid extending from terms, including the diffusion terms, are linearized using second x/L = 0.25 to x/L = 0.29 is illustrated in Figure I. For the order Taylor series expansions. initial conditions, u, the horizontal x-velocity, and v, the vertical y-velocity, were computed using the Blasius solution. The static Two versions of the Proteus code exist: one for two- pressure, p, was set to p**, the freestream static pressure, dimensional planar and axisymmetric flow, and one for three- everywhere. For the boundary conditions, at the upstream dimensional flow. In addition to solving the full time-averaged boundary, p, u and v were held at the initial condition values. At Navier-Stokes equations, Proteus includes options to solve the the downstream boundary, p = p,,,, and o_2u/o_x2= o')2v/o_x2 = 0. thin-layer or Euler equations, and to eliminate the energy At the surface, bp/Oy = 0, and u = v = 0. At the freestream cquation by assuming constant stagnation enthalpy. Artificial boundary, p = p_, u = u_, and _v/c_y = 0. viscosity is used to minimize the odd-even decoupling resulting from the use of central spatial differencing for the convective The results shown in Figures 2-6 were obtained after 4100 terms, and to control pre- and post-shock oscillations in super- iterations. Figure 2shows the x-velocity profile plotted against sonic flow. Two artificial viscosity models are available -- a the Blasius similarity coordinate, rl, where combination implicit/explicit constant coefficient model (5), and an explicit nonlinear coefficient model designed specifically for r/= yu._'-./vx flows with shock waves.(6-7). At the NASA Lewis Research Center, the code is typically run either on the CRAY X-MP or with v a_ the kinematic viscosity. Here, the Proteus results are the CRAY Y-MP computer, and is highly vectorized. indistinguishable from the Blasius profile, indicating excellent *Aerospace Engineer performance by Proteus. In the y-velocity profile of Figure 3, Member AIAA the Blasius results are also indistinguishable from the Proteus 10 0.05 8 ....... t- 1 Oo 6 I ...................... 0 i__ "e- "_ 4 ---!-- --I ____, t ....... y/L _ 2 ___ PBrlaosteiuuss SRoelustuiolnts i 1 1 1 0 o.0o0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 v/u** Velocity Fig.3. Y-velocityprofileforlaminar flat plate flow. 0.00750 L 0.00625 Proteus Results 0.0 0.29 ---HD--- Blasius Solution 0.25 x/L Fig.1 Aportion ofthegrid usedforlaminarflat plate calculations. "_ 0.00375 10 G 0.00500 L 0.00250 ¢.- 8 Proteus, Rex=40,000 t'-' Proteus. Rex=60,O00 _S Proteus, Rex=80,000 0.00125 t Oo 6 -- _ Blasius Solution O o.ooooo I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I j 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 Ree E 4 Fig.4. Local skinfrictioncoefficientforlaminar flatplate flow. 03 0.0025 _ 2 0.0020 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 u/u_ Velocity 0.0015 Fig.2. X.velocity profiles for laminar flat plate flow. results. Figure 4shows the local skin friction coefficient plotted 0.0010 Proteus Results against Re0, the Reynolds number based on0, the momentum Blaslus Solution thickness. Figure 5shows 0versus xand Figure 6shows the displacement thickness, 5",versus x. Figures 4through 6all 0.0005 exhibit excellent agreement between the Proteus results and the Blasius solution. Thus, Proteus iscapable of accurately calculating incompressible laminar flow over a flat plate. o.oooo I .1 I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 X Fig.5. Momentumthicknessfor laminar flatplate flow. 0.006 A study was done to minimize the number of grid points in the streamwise and normal directions required to accurately compute the above described laminar flow. The results of this study are shown in Figures 7 and 8. In Figures 7a-7d, the 0.005 number of streamwise grid points is decreased from 101 to 13 points, while the number of normal grid points is held constant at 101. The results begin to deviate from the Blasius solution below 26 points, as shown in the deviation of the 13xl0] cu_'e of Figure 7d. This shows that aminimum of 26 streamwise "_o 0.004 grid points are required for an accurate solution. In Figures 8a- 8c, 26 grid points are used in the su'eamwise direction, and the number of grid points in the normal direction is decreased from 101 to 26 points. The results begin to disagree with the Blasius 0.003 curve when fewer than 51 points are used, as seen by the deviation in the 26x26 curve of Figure 8c. Thus, the smallest !O _ BlasiusSolution grid needed to accurately calculate this laminar flow over aflat plate is a26x51 grid. o.oo2 I I I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 X Fig. 6. Displacement lhickness for laminar flat plate flow. 0.00750 7a, 0.00750 7b. 0.00625 BlasiusSolution 0.00625 Blasius Solution + ProteuslOlxlOl Grid t _ Proteus 51x101 Grid 0.00500 l 0.00500 c7 cT 0.00375 "_ 0.00375 O _°9 ..J 0.00250 0.00250 0.00125 0.00125 I I] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 0.00000 0.00000 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 9O 110 130 150 170 190 210 Re e Ree 0.00750 7¢. 0.00750 / 7d. / _ Proteus13xt01 Grid 0.00625 BlasiusSolution 0.00625 + Proteus26x101Grid 0.00500 [ 0.00500 c.7 0.00375 "_ 0,00375 O O q J 0.00250 - _ 0.00250 0.00125 0.00125 0.00000 t I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I o.ooooo I t 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 l I 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 Re o Reo Fig. 7a-d. Variation inthe number of streamwise grid points. 3 " 8a, Turbulent Flat Phtte Flow Results for incompressible turbulent flow over afiat plate 0.00625 are shown in Figures 9-11. For the cases shown, the freestream 0.00750 t "---O---- Proteus 26x101 Grid Math number was 0.2 and Rex ranged from 4,000,000 at the Blasiu¢ Solution upstream computational boundary to 16,000,000 at the 0.00500 t downstream boundary. A lOlx191 grid was used with packing in the vertical direction atthe plate surface such that the packing G ratio was 0.005. Grid packing was also used in the x-direction 0.00375 at the upstream boundary such that the packing ratio was 0.05. O 3 The grid extended from x/L = 0.33 to x/L = 1.33 and from y/L = 0.0 to yfb --0.048, where L _,58_nax. For the initial 0.00250 Conditions, u was determined from an expression developed by Musker(9), with v = 0, and p = poo. The boundary conditions were identical to those for the laminar flat plate case. 0.00125 1.20 1 I I I I I I IJ LL 0,00000 1.08 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 Ree 0.96 Proteus, Rex-7x t06 Proteus, Rex- 10x10e 0.84 -- * -- Proteus. Rex.13x10 e 0.72 O Klebanoff Data 00..0000765205 _ 8b. ---O--- Proteus26x51 Grid 0,60 i ( 0.48 G 0.36 0.00375 O 0.24 0.00500 " "_ 0.12 0.00250 I 0.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 U/U_ Velocity 0.00125 I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I Fig. 9. X-Velocity Follies for turbulent flat plate flow. 0.00000 1 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 Figure 9 shows the x-velocity plotted with y/8, where 5 is Re_ the boundary layer thickness. Note that the Proteus results at the 8C. three different Reynolds numbers shown are each represented by acurve and agree so closely that it is difficult to distinguish them on the plot. This is to be expected since the profiles are 0.00625 plotted with similarity coordinates. The results also show good 0.00750 L -----O---- Proteus 26x26 Grid agreement with the experimental data of Klebanoff.(10) Figure ----O--- Blaslus Solulion 10 shows the same Proteus results plotted on asemi-log graph 0.00500 t with u+ and y+ coordinates, where u+ = u/ux, with u,_equal to G the shear velocity, and y+ = yux/v. These results show good 0.00375 agreement with the law of the wall correlation.(11) Figure 11 3 shows aplot of the local skin friction coefficient, cf, versus Re0, compared with the Karman-Schoenherr correlation(12) and the 0.00250 experimental data of Weighardt.(13) Notice that the Proteus results exhibit adrop in cf at the upstream boundary, where Rex = 4,000,000 or Re0 = 6,500 with the remaining portion of the 0.00125 -- curve in agreement with the data of References 14 and 15. This drop at the upstream boundary is most likely aresult of using an I 1 l 1 1 I 1 I I .1_[ inexact boundary condition at this boundary. Recall that at the 0.00000 upstream boundary, a u-profile was approximated and v was set 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 to zero. Other upstream boundary conditions were also Ree Fig. 8a-c. Variation In the number of normal grid points. 40 Laminar Developinm_ The Proteus calculations for incompressible laminar ProteusRex=7x106 developing pipe flow are shown in Figures 12and 13compared .... ProteusRex=lOxlO6 with the experimental data of Reshotko.(14) For this test case, 3O -- - -- Proteus Rex=13xtO 6 an average Mach number of approximately 0.1 was used, and ReD, the Reynolds number based on the pipe diameter, was 100. The pipe length was set to 10diameters, and a51 axial by 21 radial grid was used. For the initial flow field, u =v = 0 and p = b 2O Pr, where Pr is the reference pressure which was set to standard sea level pressure. For the boundary conditions, the inlet and exit pressure were chosen to achieve apressure drop calculated by pipe design formulas. For the remaining inlet boundary conditions, 632uf_x2 =0 and 3v/3x = 0. The remaining exit 10 conditions were 3u/3x = avf0x = 0. At the pipe wall, 3p/Or = 0 and u = v = 0. The centerline boundary conditions were standard symmetry conditions such that Op/Or = 3u/3r = 0 and v -"_'IIIIIIII I llJJllll I IIIIIIII I lllllll =0. 0 10-0 10"1 10"'2 10"3 10"4 y÷ Fig. I0. X-Velocity profiles for turbulent flat plate flow. o1, 0.0060 0 Proteus Results _o.5._ 0.0050 -- Karman-Schoenherr Correlatior 0 Weighardt Data o 0.0040 -o o 0.2 qb 0.1 0.0030 -- Oo O , 0 O0 - • , - : . , • , ' , • , .J 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 t.O0 1,25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Axial Velocity U/Uo 0.0020 Fig. 12. Axial velocity profiles for laminar developing plpe flow. 0.0010 In Figure 12, the nondimensionalized axial velocity, u/u0, is o.oooo I I I I I plotted against the nondimensionalized radial position, r/R, with 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 u0 equal to the average velocity, requal to the radial position in Re 0 the pipe and R equal to the pipe radius. Results are plotted at various axial locations in the pipe, represented nondimensionally Fig. 11. Localskin friction coefficientforturbulentflat as x/[(R)(ReR)], with ReR equal to the Reynolds number based plate flow. on R. The Proteus results are shown as curves and the experimental data as symbols. As can be seen, the Proteus velocity profiles coincide fairly well with the experimental data and exhibit the distinctive bullet or Poisueille profile. Figure 13 considered, such as using au-profile computed from the represents the axial velocity in the pipe at selected radial Musket expression and v either computed 'from the continuity positions. Again, the Proteus results are shown as curves and equation or extrapolated, or moving the upstream boundary to the experimental data as symbols. Here, the Proteus agreement the leading edge of the plate where u --u=, and v=0. These is also good, but note that in both Figures 12and 13, there is a boundary conditions, however, were not as effective as the slight deviance in the near-wall region where r/R = 0.9. chosen conditions. Overall, Figures 9-11 show that the Proteus Previous work has shown that this might be improved by performance is very good for incompressible, turbulent fiat plate packing more grid points near the wall to better resolve the flow. steep gradients imposed by the no-slip wall boundary conditions. Overall, Proteus performs well for laminar developing pipe flows. 1.25 ' 201 1,20" 161 1.15' 1.61 • t/R.O 4 t.I0 ' o 14" 1.05' >,12" • r/R.O.6 1.00 ooJ -_ t0" _o • r/R=07 • o t • • qp • • 08- - 0 0 r/Fl.O.75 m 0.85 - 0.6" l< t/R=O,8 < 0.80- 0,4' 0.75 - 0.2ooo• o.o5•--T--o.,o- oi.,_• o._o 0.25 " 0,;0 " 0.35 0.40 0.70 xI(R'Re) 0,65 " 10 " _ " 30 ' 40 ' 50 ' 60 70 80 90 100 Fig. 13. Axialvelocityprofilesfor laminar developingplpe Axial Location x/R flow. Fig.15. Axialvelocityprofiles for turbulent developing plpe flow. Tt_rbulent Developing Pipe Flow Swirlinl_ Deveioped PiPeFlow The results for incompressible turbulent developing pipe flow are shown in Figures 14and 15compared with the In this validation case, the Proteus results for swirling experimental data of Barbin. 15 This case had an average Mach incompressible turbulent pipe flow are compared with the number of approximately 0.09 and aRED=388,000. The pipe experimental data of Weske. 16 The Mach number was 0.1 and length was set to 50diameters, and a 101axial by51radial grid RED=30,000. The pipe length was set to50 diameters with a was used with apacking ratio of 0.05 near the wall. The initial 400 axial by50 radial grid, and apacking ratio of 0.1 near the and boundary conditions used were identical tothose of the wall. The initial conditions for uwere calculated using the I/Tth laminar developing pipe flow case. power law, with the boundary layer thickness approximated as 10% of the pipe radius. The initial swirl velocity profile was Figures 14and 15show the Proteus results inamanner linear with the swirl velocity w = 0at the centerline and analogous toFigures 12and 13 for laminar developing pipe increasing toa maximum of w = u0near the wall, where u0is flow. The value of uat the pipe inlet isapproximately equal to the centerline axial velocity for this case. This gives the swirl the average velocity, u0, which would be expected for turbulent number of o = 1.0, where o =Wmax]U0.The remaining initial developing pipe flow. Also, the Proteus results closely agree conditions were p= Pr,and v=0. For the boundary conditions, with the experimental data, with aslight deviation inthe near- the inlet and exit pressure were chosen so that the pressure drop wall region. Thus, Proteus iscapable of calculating turbulent coincided with the design pipe calculation value, ignoring the developing pipe flows• unknown effects of the swirling velocity component. The inlet velocities were held at the initial condition values and at the exit, au/'dx = av/ax = aw/ax =o. At the pipe wall, ap/'0r =0and u= v= w =0. Atthe centerline, ap/_ = au/ar =0and v=w =0. 1.1 • x,.,R,,.3 1.0- _"" " --" +• #xR/R,-.303 1.0 0,9" • #R-81 oo 0,9- 0,8 _ O 4- 'I- 0.7 _ 0.8" 0 + o o.6: 0.7" 0 4- 0 ._0.5- 0.4- o + o _" 0.3: 0.6" 13 4, 0 02 _ 0.5" _" 0.4" I:i + 0 0.1" 0.0 --" o:_ 0.3" 0 .i, o 0,5 0,7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Axial Vel_¢lty U/Uo s 0.2' Fig.14. Axial velocity profiles for turbulent developing pipe 0.1' flow. o 50Diarr_lers 0.0 • i • i _ i • i • i • i • i , i • i 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0,5 0.6 0.7 0.8 09 1.0 Swirl Velocity W/Uo Fig.16. Swirl velocity profiles in apipe. (Inlet swirl number o:1) Figure 16 shows the Proteus swirl velocity profiles as 10. Klebanoff, P.S., "Characteristics of Turbulence in a curves and the experimental data as symbols. The plot shows a Boundary Layer with Zero Pressure Gradient," NACA Report general agreement of the profile shape and swirl decay as the 1247, 1953. flow works its way down the pipe; however, the Proteus curves I1.White, F. M., Viscous Fluid Flow, McGraw-Hill, Inc., do not agree well with the data. The disagreement can be 1974. attributed to the inability of the algebraic eddy viscosity 12. Hopkins, E. J., and Inouye, M, "An Evaluation of turbulence model to handle the anisotropies of this complex Theories for Predicting Turbulent Skin Friction and Heat flow. Yoo et al.(17) describe the problems of computing the Transfer on Flat Plates at Supersonic and Hypersonic Mach turbulence field for asimilar flow. Numbers," AIAA J.Vol. 9, No. 6, June, 1971, pp. 993-1003. 13. Weighardt, K., "Flat Plate Flow. u_,,= 33 nVsec", AFOSR-IFP-Stanford Conference on Computation of Turbulent Boundary Layers-1968", Vol. II, Ed. by Coles, D.E. Concluding Remarks and Hirst, E.A., 1968. Validation cases for both laminar and turbulent 14. Reshotko, E., "Experimental Study of the Stability of Pipe Flow, I. Establishment of an Axially Symmetric Poisueille incompressible flow over a flat plate atzero pressure gradient Flow," Progress Report No. 20-354, Department of the Army showed excellent agreement with exact solutions, empirical Ordinance Corps, October, 1958. correlations and experinaental data. It was also shown that a 15. Barbin, A. R., "Development of Turbulence in the Inlet 26x51 grid with packing near the wall gives sufficient resolution of aSmooth Pipe," Ph.D. Thesis, Purdue Univ., 1961. to calculate laminar flat plate flow. The velocity profiles of both 16. Weske, D. R., "Experimental Study of Turbulent laminar and turbulent developing pipe flow agreed with Swirled Flows in a Cylindrical Tube," Fhdd Mechanics --Soviet experimental data, with slight deviations near the pipe wall. Pipe Research, Vol. 3, No. 1,Jan.-Feb., 1974, pp. 77-82. flow with a swirl number of 1.0 showed the expected profile 17. Yoo, G. J., So, R. M. C., and Hwang, B. C., shape and swirl decay; however, the swirl velocity profiles did "Calculation of Developing Turbulent Flows in aRotating not coincide with experimental data. This is ashortcoming of Pipe," ASME J. ofTurbomachinary, Vol. 113, January 1991, the algebraic eddy viscosity model used in Proteus for pp. 34-41. computing swirling pipe flows. With this exception, Proteus, is proven to be effective for calculating simple internal and external, incompressible, viscous flows. Validation of Proteus is ongoing. Future plans include verification of higher Mach number flows'and flows with heat transfer. References 1. Towne, C. E., Schwab, J. R., Benson, T. J., and Suresh, A., "PROTEUS Two-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Computer Code -- Version 1.0, Vols. 1-3," NASA TM 102551-102553, March, 1990. 2. Baldwin, B. S., and Lomax, H., "Thin Layer Approximation and Algebraic Model for Separated Turbulent Flows," AIAA Paper 78-257, Jan. 1978. 3. Briley, W. R., and McDonald, H., "Solution of the Multidimensional Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations by a Generalized Implicit Methods," J. Comp. Phys., Vol. 24, Aug. 1977, pp. 373-397. 4. Beam, R. M., and Wanning, R. F., "An Implicit Factored Scheme for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA J., Vol. 16, April 1978, pp. 393-402. 5. Steger, J. L., "Implicit Finite-Difference Simulation of Flow about Arbitrary Two-Dimensional Geometries,"AIAA J., VoI. 16, July 1978, pp. 679-686. 6. PuIliam, T.H., "Artificial Dissipation Models for the Euler Equations," AIAA J., Vol. 24, Dec. 1986, pp. 1931-1940. 7. Jameson, A., Schmidt, W., and Turkel, E., "Numerical Solutions of the Euler Equations by Finite Volume Methods Using Runge-Kutta Time-Stepping Schemes," AIAA Paper 81- 1259, 1981. 8. Schlicting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1968. 9. Musker, A. J.,"Explicit Expression for the Smooth Wall Velocity Distribution in aTurbulent Boundary Layer,"AIAA J. Vol. 17, No. 6, June 1979, pp. 655-657. 7 Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No. 0704-0188 Public repodlng burden forthis collection of infon'nation isestimated to avar"ge 1hourpet response, i_:_uding the time for revtewtng instructions0 uatchlng existing data source, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and (x)mptefing and reviewing the coflectton ofinformation. :Send oommenta regat_v_g this burckmestimate or any other aspect ofthis eollection of tnformatiorl, including suggestion8 for reducing this burden, toWashington Heedquadetl Services, O_rec_or|te fortr_orrnation Operations and Reports, 1215 Jofferlon Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Papeework Reduction Project (0704-0188), Washington, DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USEONLY (Leaveblank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE ANDDATES COVERED Technical Memorandum 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE S. FUNDING NUMBERS Verification of the Proteus Two-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Code for Flat Plate and Pipe Flows 6. AUTHOR(S) WU-505- 62-21 Julianne M. Conley and Patrick L. Zeman 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATIC)N NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center E-6449 Cleveland, Ohio 44135 - 3191 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAMES(S) ANDADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING/MONrrORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA TM- 105160 Washington, D.C. 20546- 0001 AIAA-91-2013 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Prepared for the 27th Joint Propulsion Conference cosponsored by AIAA, SAE, ASME, and ASEE, Sacramento, California, June 24-27, 1991. Julianne M. Conley, NASA Lewis Research Center; Patrick L. Zeman, Arnold Engi- neering and Development Center, Arnold AFB, Tennessee. Responsible person, Julianne M. Conley, (216) 433-2188. 12s. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Unclassified -Unlimited Subject Category 34 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) The Proteus Navier-Stokes Code is evaluated for two-dimensional/axisymmetric, viscous, incompressible, internal and external flows. The particular cases to be discussed are laminar and turbulent flows over a flat plate, laminar and turbulent developing pipe flows and turbulent pipe flow with swirl. Results are compared with exact solutions, empirical correlations and experimental data. A detailed description of the code set-up, including boundary conditions, initial conditions, grid size and grid packing is given for each case. 14. SUBJECT TERMS lS. NUMBER OFPAGES 8 Navier-stokes equation; Two-dimensional flow; Axisymmetric flow; Laminar flow; Turbulent flow; Flat plates; Boundary layer flow; Pipe flow; Swirling 16. PRICE CODE A02 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OFTHIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified NaN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Roy. 2-89)

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