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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19910015028: Determination of alloy content from plume spectral measurements PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19910015028: Determination of alloy content from plume spectral measurements

NASA Technical Memorandum 104442 AIAA - 91- 2531 Determination of Alloy Content From Plume Spectral Measurements George C. Madzsar Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio Prepared for the 27th Joint Propulsion Conference cosponsored by the AIAA, SAE, ASME, and ASEE Sacramento, California, June 24-27, 1991 NASA DETERMINATION OF ALLOY CONTENT FROM PLUME SPECTRAL MEASUREMENTS George C. Madzsar National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Abstract W weight percentage Z(t) partition function The mathematical derivation for a method to determine the identities and Background amounts of alloys present in a flame where numerous alloys may be present is When a single alloy is present in a described. This method is applicable if flame, the identity of its elemental con- the total number of elemental species stituents, and therefore the alloy from all alloys that may be in the flame itself, can readily be determined using is greater than or equal to the total spectroscopic techniques. If multiple number of alloys. Arranging the atomic alloys are present in the flame, the spectral line emission equations for the identification process is again rela- elemental species as a series of simulta- tively simple if the alloys are composed neous equations enables solution for of different elements. However, many identity and amount of the alloy present alloys contain some of the same elemental in a flame. This technique is intended species, their differences being various for identification and quantification of weight fractions of the elements. If alloy content in the plume of a rocket numerous alloys are present in a flame, engine. Spectroscopic measurements and these alloys contain some of the same reveal the atomic species entrained in elemental constituents, the spectra of the plume. Identification of eroding the individual elements are summed, and a alloys may lead to the identification of direct determination of identity and the eroding component. amount of the alloy cannot be made solely with spectroscopic techniques. Nomenclature The emission spectrum of an alloy is A transition probability the sum of the line emissions from its Av Avogadro's number elemental constituents. Identifying key spectral lines from the various atomic energy species enables identification of the statistical weight elements. Since the radiance of a spec- tral line is related to the number of Planck's constant atoms in the emitting system, atomic con- Boltzmann's constant centration can also be determined. If numerous alloys contain some of the same MW molecular weight elements, the atom population for the radiant power various elements may be due to contribu- tions of the element from numerous T temperature alloys. The resulting spectral radiance V frequency that is measured from an atomic species may be due to contributions of the ele- constituents, weight fraction of their ment from numerous alloys. elemental constituents, spectral charac- teristics of these elements, and the tem- Emission spectroscopy of a rocket perature at the location of the emitting engine exhaust plume is being investigat- system, a series of simultaneous equa- ed to determine if engine degradation can tions may be developed and solved. The be monitored from measurements of mate- solution to these equations yields the rial erosion. 1-4 Knowledge of material amount and identity of the alloy in the erosion from internal components may pro- flame. Current state of the art in vide insight into the engine's current rocket engine diagnostics using plume health and remaining life. In the space spectral measurements enables identifica- shuttle main engines (SSME), it has been tion and quantification of the atomic determined that material does in fact species. Application of the technique erode from internal engine components. presented in this paper to a rocket Eroded particles are carried along with engine enables identification and quant- the hydrogen and oxygen propellants into ification of eroding alloys, which pro- the combustion chamber, where they are vides information that can lead to the burned (dissociated to atomic species), identification of the eroding engine com- thermally excited, and emit their charac- ponent. Note that this technique is not teristic spectrum. Figure 1 displays the specific to rocket engine diagnostics; propellant flow path within the SSME. it may be used in other applications Note that the propellants travel through- requiring alloy identification and out the entire engine, with the ultimate quantification. destination being the combustion chamber. Figure 2 displays a typical SSME emission spectrum. Atomic lines can readily be Theory identified in this figure. Alloys from which the SSME is fabricated are listed Radiance from atomic line emissions in Table 1. This table lists the alloys, is a function of several variables. In their elemental constituents, and the this paper, the general expression for weight fraction of these elemental con- line radiance as a function of atomic stituents. 5 As can be seen from this population densities shall be considered. table, there are numerous alloys in the It is assumed that the collection of engine, many of which contain some of the atoms in the emitting system are in ther- same elements. Table 2 is a list of the mal equilibrium, and that there is a low SSME components in the propellant flow population density of the emitting atoms. path and the alloy from which they are It is also assumed that the radiance of fabricated. Note that the propellants the line is sufficient to enable spectro- and impurities in the propellants are not scopic measurements. The radiant power included in the above tables. of an atomic line is given by the equa- tion:5 This paper presents a technique that -Ei/kT enables determination of the identities Ajihi/jigjne ( I ) and amounts of alloys that are present in a flame. The mathematical derivation, and errors associated with this technique are discussed. Note that the primary where ji represents one of the allowed purpose of this paper is to document the transitions for an atomic species from an mathematics describing this technique, upper energy state j to a lower energy with minimal consideration given to state i and n is the total number of implementation, calibration, and opera- free atoms in the emitting system. tion of this capability. Selection of a particular transition defines the frequency v and therefore From knowledge of which alloys may the wavelength of the emitted photons. be present in the flame, their elemental Numerical values for the transition prob- molecular weight and multiplying by ability, statistical weight and upper Avogadro's number . Therefore, Eq. (5) energy state for the selected transition can be rewritten as: can be found in reference tables. ? The partition function can either be found in Na = xaAv w1 + w2 + ... + wQ (6) reference tables$ or calculated from the mw 11 mw2 mw Q following equation: Z(t) = Ej-0 gje-Ej/kT (2) where Na is the total number of atoms in the amount x of alloy a. Writing The solution to Eq. (1) yields the similar equations for m different radiation at a given wavelength from a alloys yields: collection of atoms at a particular tem- perature. Utilizing emission spectro- wll + 12 lP (7-1) N1 = xlAv + ... + scopy techniques, this radiance can be mWl mw2 MW measured. Therefore, at a known tempera- ture for an allowed transition, Eq. (1) can be solved for the total number of free atoms in the emitting system. The N2 = x2Av w21 + w22 + ... + w2P (7-2) number of atoms for the various elemental mWl mW2 mWp species can be used to determine the amount of the alloy that is present in the flame. To simplify the writing of Eq. (1), the following definition will be made: /kT R = Ajihvjigje- Ej (3) N,n xlnAv wm1 + wm2 + ... + wmP (7—m) mwl mW2 MW where R represents the radiant power where N through N are the number of i from a single atom. Substituting Eq. (3) atoms in alloys 1 A rough m; x into Eq. (1) yields: through xm are the amounts of alloys 1 through m; mw through mw are the 0 = Rn (4) molecular weig^ts of elemental species 1 through p, and wll through w are Consider an unknown amount x, of the weight percentages of the e Mmental alloy a. The alloy consists of Q ele- species in the alloys. Note that the mental constituents, with the weight number of elemental species in Eqs. (7-1) fractions of these elements equal to wl, to (7-m) has changed from Q to p. W2 , w It is assumed that the While Q represents the total number of exact composition and weight fractions elemental species found in a single are known. The total weight w of alloy alloy, p represents the total number of a can be expressed as: different elemental species that can be found in all alloys 1 through m. With Wa = xa(W1 + W2 + ... + WQ ) (5) this type of notation, the weight per- centage of an element in the alloy is set This equation can be expanded to equal to zero if the particular element calculate the total number of atoms in is not present in an alloy. the alloy based on the total number of atoms of each elemental species by divid- By summing vertically down the col- ing the weight of an element by its umns of the above equations, the total 3 number of atoms of each elemental species ages of the elemental species in the var- can be calculated: ious alloys are obtained from metallurgi- cal handbooks, while the elemental molec- nl = Avl (XIW11 + X2W21 + + XmWml) (8-1) ular weights and Avogadro's number are rrlw known. The unknowns are the amounts of the alloys x throughx Therefore, examination of Eqs. (9-1) ^o (9-p) indi- cates that there are p equations with n2 = A Z (X1W12 + X2W22 + + Xmwm2) (8-2) m unknowns. If p is greater than or equal to m, a sufficient number of equa- tions are available to solve for all unknowns. If m is greater than p, the equations cannot be solved. np mAwvP (XlWlP + X2W2p + ... + XmWmP) (8-P) Mathematical Implementation Assuming that there are a sufficient number of equations to solve for the where n through n are the total unknowns, (the total number of different number of atoms of the each elemental elemental species is equal to or greater species contributed from alloys 1 than the number of alloys) the following through m. Substituting these values matrix expression of Eqs. (9-1) to (9-p) into Eq. (4) and calculating a value for can be written: R from Eq. (3) enables radiance calcula- tions of the p elemental species as a function of the amount x of the alloy. RlWll RIW21 R1Wmll [X1 01 With this substitution, the following mWl mWl f N2 series of equations can be written: R2W12 R2W22 R2Wm2 X2 02 R1Av ^l MW (XIWll + X2W21 + ... + XmWml) (9-1) mW2 M2 mW2 (10) A R2Av ^2 = 2 ("12 + X2W22 + ... + Xmwm2) (9-2) MW R1w1pP R1W2PP RIwmP ffrw MW mWp Xm ^p The above matrices can be expressed as [R][X] = [^], where the R matrix R Av contains the R1+Pw1} Av/mwli terms, the 0P = P p(XlWlp + X2W2p + ... + XmW (9-p) m w mP) X matrix contains t4 xl Through x,n terms, and the 0 matrix contains the ^1 through ^P terms. Values for the At this point, consideration must be R matrix are derived by simple calcula- given to the known and unknown variables tions, values for the ^ matrix are in Eqs. (9-1) to (9-p). The radiant measured spectroscopically from the power 0 is measured spectroscopically flame, and the X matrix contains the from the flame, and therefore is known. unknown mass and by definition the iden- It is assumed that the temperature of the tity of a particular alloy. If the emitting system is known, resulting in total number of elemental species is known values for R1 through RP as greater than the number of alloys, (p-m) defined by Eq. (3). The weight percent- equations can be eliminated. After 4 elimination of the excess equations, the alloy content, and the assumption that R matrix is square and can be inverted. all constituents of the alloy wear at a The solution to the X matrix is constant rate. Spectroscopically, the [X] = [R] -1 [^]. The matrix inversion and assumptions that may lead to error subsequent matrix multiplication can be include: (1) the temperature is known performed on a computer. Given that the and uniform throughout the emitting sys- [R] matrix can be inverted, a solution tem, (2) the radiance can be accurately will be produced. The accuracy of the measured regardless of the number of solution is limited by the accuracy of atoms and radiance from the emitting sys- the values in the [R] and [^] tem, and (3) that exact values for the matrices. transition probabilities are known. Met- allurgically, the assumption that the Examination of Table 1 reveals that exact composition and weight percentages there are 17 alloys consisting of 20 ele- of the elements in the alloys are known mental species in the SSME. Therefore, may lead to error. The assumptions that three elemental species do not need to be the various elemental species in the spectroscopically monitored for alloy alloy erode evenly and at the same rate identification and quantification. The is also a potential source of error. selection of which elements to eliminate Following is a discussion of the various is based on the relative abundance and errors that may be caused by the emission intensity of the species. Since assumptions. zirconium, lanthanum, and nitrogen appear in trace quantities in a very limited Temperature dependence of the radi- number of alloys and are relatively weak ance from atomic emissions can be seen in emitters,9 they should be the species Eq. (1). For the SSME, temperatures in that are eliminated. the combustion chamber and Mach disk regions are well established from analyt- 10,11 ical calculations. The assumption Discussion that the emitting atoms are in thermal equilibrium is valid since the tempera- Although the mathematics described tures in the chamber or the Mach disk are above are relatively straightforward, reasonably uniform. Temperature varia- implementation of this technique requires tions occur near the walls of the cham- additional considerations. These consid- ber, and near the edges of the Mach erations include the errors that are structure. If spectral emissions from inherently associated with the technique, the center of the combustion chamber or and the sensitivity, dynamic range, and center of the Mach structure are measured calibration of the instrumentation used and used in the Eq. (9), thermal equilib- to measure the emission spectrum. Fol- rium and uniform temperature is assured. lowing is a discussion of the errors and Note that using a limited field of view instrumentation issues. While there may introduces the assumption that metallic be numerous sources of error, the errors species entrained in the plume are homo- do not appear to be insurmountable indi- geneously mixed within it; and that vidually or collectively. observation of a known percentage of the plume accurately reflects the overall The derivation of this technique is composition of the entire plume. Meas- based on spectroscopic, metallurgical, urements from a limited field of view and mathematical considerations. Errors requires that a scaling factor be incor- associated with the implementation of porated into Eq. (9) to account for the this technique to the analysis of a rock- hot gases and therefore spectral emis- et engine exhaust plume are the result of sions that are not being observed. the limitations and assumptions in spec- troscopic theory and spectroscopic meas- To gain insight into the temperature urement techniques, uncertainties in effects with respect to the SSME, the 5 Boltzmann distribution (temperature the transition probability of the speci- dependent terms in Eq. (1)) were evalu- fic transition that is being monitored. ated at 3000 and 3149 K for chromium and Low transition probability could lead to titanium. Numerical values for the error due to the low overall radiance energy levels, statistical weights, and from the atoms in the emitting system. partition functions were obtained from The uncertainty associated with the vari- Refs. 7 and 8 respectively. It was cal- ous transition probabilities may also culated that for the 5 percent tempera- cause errors. Typically, values for the ture change, the radiant power increased transition probabilities are listed with 46.0 percent for chromium, and an associated uncertainty band. These 83.6 percent for titanium. As seen from uncertainties range from 1 percent up to Eq. (1), the temperature term appears in 50 percent for the various transitions as an exponential, and the significance of seen in Ref. 7. Selection of a transi- this term depends on the slope of the tion with a low uncertainty will minimize exponential at the temperature regime of error; however this may be difficult, the emitting system. For the SSME tem- since not all species have been ade- perature regime, temperature is critical quately studied to generate high accuracy for accurate measurements, and a transition probabilities. 5 percent temperature deviation would yield unusable results for this Sensitivity, signal to noise ratio, technique. dynamic range, and resolution of the spectrometer may limit the accuracy of It is assumed that an adequate num- this technique. The sensitivity and sig- ber of free atoms of the species being nal to noise ratio dictate the minimum spectrally monitored are available within radiance level that can be measured. The the observed region to enable measure- dynamic range limits the maximum radiance ment. A single or very few emitting level that can be measured, assuming the atoms of a particular species will not be spectrometer is optimized for low radi- seen in an environment consisting of many ance levels. Spectrometer resolution free atoms from numerous species due to must be adequate to separate closely either the low radiance from the few spaced spectral lines. It was assumed atoms, poor sensitivity of the detector, that spectral emissions from all elemen- or low transition probability of the tal species that may be in the plume can transition that is being monitored. If be measured. This assumption is correct an extremely large number of atoms of a if the detector is sensitive enough to particular species are present in the measure potentially low radiance levels. flame, the flame is optically thick From Table 1 it can be seen that some rather than optically thin, requiring alloys contain trace amounts of certain that the self absorption terms be elements. It may be extremely difficult included in Eq. (1). 6 Therefore, the to measure spectral emissions from these population of the metallic species must trace amounts unless a large quantity of be sufficient to provide radiance in the alloy is eroding, or the transition excess of that of the background chemi- that is being monitored has a large tran- luminescence from the combustion process, sition probability. Past work has indi- yet not great enough to cause self cated that large amounts of some elements absorption. In the SSME, the population must be present in the plume for observa- of the eroded metallic species from the tion due to low transition probabilities. alloys is much less than the population The worst case scenario is the low weight of the oxygen and hydrogen propellants percentage species that has low transi- (unless_a major failure is occurring). tion probabilities. The lack of sensi- tivity may be overcome with higher Error may result from the transition sensitivity detectors, or by using atomic probabilities and their associated uncer- absorption rather than atomic emission tainties. Radiance emitted from an spectroscopy. excited atom is directly proportional to 6 Spectrometer calibration must also of eroding material from internal compo- be considered since absolute, rather than nents of a rocket engine based on its relative spectral emissions are being plume spectral emissions. Identification measured. Calibration must take into of the eroding alloy may lead to identi- account spectrometer throughput, effi- fication of the eroding component, and ciency of the detector at all observed quantification of erosion may lead to wavelengths, and view angle of the plume. determination of the remaining life of a It may be possible to calibrate the spec- component. trometer at a few spectral lines using calibrated lamps and use these measure- Requirements for implementation of ments as the basis for calibration of the this technique include knowledge of which spectrometer. alloys may be present in the flame, their elemental constituents, weight fraction The assumptions that the composition of the elemental constituents, spectral of the alloy is known exactly and that characteristics of these elements, tem- the elemental constituents of the alloy perature at the location of the emitting are homogeneously mixed may lead to system, and measured radiance values from error.Typically, the composition of an the atomic emissions in the emitting sys- alloy is expressed as the nominal, rather tem. Arranging the atomic emission equa- than exact, weight percentages of its tions for all the elemental species in elemental constituents. The exact per- the alloys as a series of simultaneous centages of the elements are not known equations enables solution for the iden- unless a thorough analysis of the alloy tity and amount of the alloy in the is made. Also, the alloys may contain flame. To enable a mathematical solu- trace impurities. If an element is a tion, the total number of elemental spe- trace impurity in one alloy but a consti- cies from all alloys must be greater than tuent in another alloy, errors may or equal to the number of alloys that are result. For critical applications such found in the engine. An appropriate set as the SSME, it is presumed that the of equations must be generated for the exact composition of the alloys are temperature of the emitting system, and known. that if the temperature changes, a new set of equations must be generated. Note To enable a mathematical solution, that an "alloy" may consist of a single the number of elemental species must be element. greater than or equal to the number of alloys that are found in the engine. The viability of this technique is Examination of Table 1 will verify that limited by the inherent errors and this is the case for the SSME. Note that assumptions that went into its deriva- an appropriate set of equations must be tion. Although there are numerous generated for the temperature of the sources of errors, they do not appear to emitting system. be insurmountable. Critical sources that may lead to the most significant error are the uncertainty and likely Concluding Remarks fluctuation of the temperature in the emitting region, and the uncertainty The mathematical derivation of a associated with the transition technique that enables determination of probabilities. the identities and amounts of alloys present in a flame where numerous alloys It is assumed that an adequate num- may be present has been described. This ber of free atoms of the species being technique is particularly useful when the spectrally monitored are available within same elemental species are found in many the observed region to enable measure- of the different alloys. The intended ment, and that spectral emissions from application of this technique is to all elemental species that may be in the enable identification and quantification plume can be measured. The population of the metallic species must be sufficient 4. 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Richmond and S.T. Wu, eds., NASA CP-3012-VOL-2, 1988, pp. 595-611. Z d 0 J O N 0 0 cn cWQ.D > ^°' Col) Fz- w Q o U v dW O O CD O Cl) CV N N O r r O r O O O O r z cz r co w i ° r i 3 Z Z OD cr) CrD .- + ur; r OJ Q rO LVQ Cr14 COl) -U-n CoD N° do ^J Q w U7 O O O COD N rn V) cn V In O Cfl O OO N O L.^ *-' r C7 C. Cl) O O N 0 Z CD F- r o r o cOn U 0 0 - 0 Cl) 0 0 0 0 CL OUz >> d0 0o6 OO dJ FZ- O cOo UOn NUn CUy) dN ° CO) cO3i Cr*) W W U O O Cl) C) O O O In O O lA O O JW CD O CD T Ncli NC6 N In _J Q 2c rO NO QO^ UOn NO cro UOn cOo NO NO NO CD O O N O O LO O O L-- U Lri r; lr^ 0 Cl) Cl) r r r r Z_ IOn OM V) N NO NO O N CD U) U.) CNT CD N cOo c) N N Un Un cD Un U1) CD N LJLJ CD Un V O Co. N Un O O O O d to ^ ° mQ t\ CD d CQD CQD LO C'') CT •- r ^r N CAD Un F-- O C = m C1 + LE1J W C(3l)) cND O cCCn ccoo `Cv\Dj xO _ mt\_ CNO Wcn Q m C) O OU d UJ mc m fda d m m O ro cn E c_n m Q m E m o o CC N Q c) Q Q Cl) S cn Y Ir c°> Z Q

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