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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19910011919: Large liquid rocket engine transient performance simulation system PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19910011919: Large liquid rocket engine transient performance simulation system

LARGE LIQUID ROCKET ENGINE TRANSIENT PERFORMANCE SIMULATION SYSTEM FINAL REPORT Prepared for NASA-George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama 35812 Prepared Under United Technologies Corporation Pratt & Whitney Government Engine Business P.O. Box 109600, West Palm Beach, FL 33410-9600 J. R. Mason R. D. Southwick P&W Program Manager Propulsion Systems Technology Manager FOREWORD Pratt & Whitney, Government Engine Business of United Technologies Corporation conducted this program for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center under contract NAS8-36994. The NASA project manager for this contract was Mr. W.A. Adams, Jr. of the MSFC, mechanical systems control branch. The P&W program manager was Mr. J.R. Mason with technical contributions of Mr. D.L. Baker, Mr. C.R. Byrd, Mr. T.F. Denman, Mr. H. P. Frankl, Mr. S.M. Mericle, Mr. R.W. Parham, Mr. J.W. Park, Mr. J.E. Pollard, Mr. T.J. Roadinger, Mr. RoS. Rosson, Mr. M.H. Sabatella, Mr. D.H.Spear, Mr. J.P. Spinn, and Mr. P.W. McLaughlin of "The Simulation and Modeling Workshop". CONTENTS Paae 1.0 SUMMARY .............................................................. 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 3 3.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .................................................... 7 4.0 TTBE MODEL ............................................................ 27 5.0 SYSTEM TESTING AND VERIFICATION ....................................... 49 6.0 CONTRACT END ITEMS ................................................... 107 7.0 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................... 113 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ........... . ......................................... 115 9.0 REFERENCES ........................................................... 117 APPENDIX A - USER'S MANUAL .................................................. 119 APPENDIX B - EXAMPLE PUMP MODULE ........................................... 151 APPENDIX C - INTERFACED NASA CONTROL MODEL ................................. 163 APPENDIX D - TTBE MODEL CONFIGURATION INPUT ................................. 177 SECTION I SUMMARY A new simulation system, ROCETS, was designed and developed to allow cost-effective computer predictions of liquid rocket engine transient performance. The system allows a user to generate a simulation of any rocket engine configuration using component modules stored in a library thru high-level input commands. The system library currently contains 24 component modules, 57 sub-modules and maps, and 33 system routines and utilities. FORTRAN models from other sources can be operated in the system upon inclusion of interface information on comment cards. Operation of the simulation Is simplified for the user by Run, Execution and Output Processors. The simulation system makes available steady-state trim balance, transient operation, and linear partial generation. The system utilizes a modern equation solver for efficient operation of the simulations. Transient integration methods include integral and differential forms for the trapezoidal, first order Gear, and second order Gear corrector equations. A detailed technology test bed engine (TTBE) model was generated to be used as the acceptance test of the simulation system. The general level of detail of the model was that reflected in the SSME DTM (Reference 2). The model sucessfully obtained stady-state balance in main stage operation and simulated throttle transients including engine start and shutdown. A NASA fortran control model was obtained, ROCETS interface installed in comment cards, and operated with the ]-IBE model in closed-loop transient mode. This page left intentionally blank. 2 SECTION II INTRODUCTION The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Facilities such as the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) require analysis and simulation of pump fed liquid rocket engine transient performance. The types of analysis and simulation include control design and analysis, design parametric studies, research and development, failure investigation, real-time simulation, feasibility studies, and software design, development, and testing. Therefore, multiple simulations representing different engine configurations with various levels of fidelity and transient response ranges are needed to support these studies. An analytical tool to meet these needs in a cost-effective manner is a digital computer simulation system. A computer simulation system named ROCket Engine Transient Simulation (ROCETS) was designed and developed under this program. An engine transient performance simulation normally consists of mathematical representations of the engine components interfaced together to describe the engine system performance. These component-by-component engine simulations (Figure 2-1) require interfacing the component models together in a computer program, with appropriate program controls to interpret user commands, execute the program, and provide outputs to the user. All of this can be accomplished with in-line computer code that is a free-standing simulation. However, a simulation system provides many benefits relative to individual, free-standing simulations. PUMP PRigURNER TURBINE MAIN CHAMIII_ ORIGINAL PAGE IS OF POOR OUALI'W USER ENGINE ROCKET ENGINE SIMULATION COMMANDS PREDICTIONS Figure 2-1. A Rocket Performance Simulation Consist of Component-By-Component Models A simulation system (Figure 2-2) allows generation of simulations representing different engine configurations without expensive new computer code production and verification. The system acts 3 ___.._., IN_NIIr).NAU._T PRECEDiI"IGPAGE BLANK NOT F!LMED as a repository so that the same engineering methodology representing the components is utilized in different simulations to ensure prediction consistency. In addition, the system provides the latest modeling technology of verified numerical techniques and utilities; new advances placed in the system can easily be shared by all simulations operating in the system. A simulation system also provides a common operating base for all users to minimize required operational training after the initial start-up experience is obtained. • Re-Use Of Developed/Verified Model Codes • Repository For Methodology • Advanced Modeling Technology & Techniques Easily Adaptable • Reduces Required User Training /7 MODULES s_ .ONI Figure 2-2. Simulation Systems Are Effective Tools The ROCETS program to design and develop a simulation system consisted of nine (9) technical tasks: 1. Architecture 2. System Requirements 3. Component and Submodel Requirements 4. Submodel Implementation 5. Component Implementation 6. Submodel Testing and Verification 4 7. Subsystem Testing and Verification 8. TTBE Model Data Generation 9. System Testing & Verification The Architecture definition determined there would be five major components of the ROCETS system: 1. Library System 2. Executive programs (or Processors) 3. Simulation Input and Output 4. Documentation 5. Maintenance Procedures The requirements were developed and documented inthe System Requirements Specification (SRS) of P&W FR-20283, 25 November 1988 (Reference 3). The component and submodel implementation and testing/verification is contained inthe System Design Specification (SDS) of P&W FR-20284, 25 July 1990 (Reference 4). The Technology Test Bed Engine (TTBE) Model description and system testing/verification are contained in this report. 5 This page left intent!onally blank.

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