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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19910009864: Multi-dimensional modeling of a thermal energy storage canister. M.S. Thesis - Cleveland State Univ., Dec. 1990 PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19910009864: Multi-dimensional modeling of a thermal energy storage canister. M.S. Thesis - Cleveland State Univ., Dec. 1990

lli-,q o NASA Technical Memorandum 103731 Multi-Dimensional Modeling of a Thermal Energy Storage Canister Thomas W. Kerslake Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio , '-- "i7¢ January 1991 MULTI-DIMENS IONAL MODELING OF A THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE CANISTER Thomas W. Kerslake National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 ABSTRACT The Solar Dynamic Power Module being developed for Space Station Freedom uses a eutectic mixture of LiF-CaF 2 phase change material (PCM) contained in toroidal canisters for thermal energy storage. Presented herein are the results from heat transfer analyses of a PCM containment canister. One- and two-dimensional finite-difference computer models are developed to analyze heat transfer in the canister walls, PCM, void, and heat engine working fluid coolant. The modes of heat transfer considered include conduction in canister walls and solid PCM, conduction and pseudo - free convection in liquid PCM, conduction and radiation across PCM vapor filled void regions and forced convection in the heat engine working fluid. Void shape, location, growth or shrinkage (due to density difference between the solid and liquid PCM phases) are prescribed based on engineering judgement. The PCM phase change process is analyzed using the enthalpy method. The discussion of results focuses on how canister thermal performance is affected by free convection in the liquid PCMand void heat transfer. Characterizing these effects is important for interpreting the relationship between ground-based canister performance (in l-g) and expected on-orbit performance (in micro-g). Void regions accentuate canister hot spots and temperature gradients due to their large thermal resistance. Free convection reduces the extent of PCM superheating and lowers canister temperatures during a portion of the PCM thermal charge period. Surprisingly small differences in canister thermal performance result from operation on the ground and operation on-orbit. This lack of a strong gravity dependency is attributed to the large contribution of container walls in overall canister energy redistribution by conduction. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT i vi NOMENCLATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS x CHAPTER 1 I. SUMMARY 5 II. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Attributes of Canister Heat Transfer 2.1.1 Thermal Loading 2.1.2 Role of Conduction Within Canister Walls 2.1.3 Void Behavior 2.1.4 Void Heat Transfer 2.1.5 PCM Radiant Transmission Characteristics 2.1.6 Convection in the PCM Melt 2.2 Methods For Solving Phase Change Problems 2.3 Literature Review 2.4 Thesis Approach 26 III. PROBLEM FORMULATION 3.1 Problem Statement 3.2 Governing Equations 3.2.1PCM Canister Energy Balance 3.2.2 Constitutive Relationships 3.2.3 Mushy Zone Properties 3.2.4 Void Models One-Dimensional Analyses 3._.4.2 Two-Dimensional Analyses 3.2.5 Liquid PCM Free Convection Models iii 3.2.6 Canister Cooling Fluid Heat Transfer 3.3 Boundary and Initial Conditions 3.4 Thermophysical Properties IV. NUMERICAL APPROACH . 55 4.1 Solution Algorithm 4.2 Stability Requirements 4.3 Grid Selection 4.4 Combined Grid Element Technique 4.5 Computer Resource Requirements V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 63 5.1 Numerical Solution Accuracy 5.2 One-Dimensional Analyses 5.2.1 Semi-infinite PCM Effects of the Void Effects of Boundary Conditions Effects of Free Convection Observations 5.2.2 PCM Slab Canister Void Thermal Resistance Wall 1 Temperatures Effects of Void Distribution and Consequences for One.Dimensional Analyses Effects of Free Convection Ground-Based Testing of Flight Design Hardware 5.3 Two-Dimensional Analyses 5.3.1 Canister Without Void or Free Convection Models Phase Distributions Temperature Distributions Temperature and Heat Transfer Variations Side Wall Heat Transfer Fractions Limiting Effects of a Void 5.3.2 Canister With Void Model Temperature and PCM Phase Distributions Void Heat Transfer iv 5.3.3 Canister With Void and Free Convection Models Temperature and PCM Phase Distributions Effects of Free Convection Free Convection Model Assumptions Free Convection Model With Local Nu Numbers 5.3.4 Performance Comparison Maximum Wall Temperatures Side Wall Heat Transfer Fractions Relationship Between Void Characteristics, Side Wall Fractions, and Wall Temperatures VI. CONCLUSIONS 129 6.1 One-Dimensional Analyses 6.2 Two-Dimensional Analyses 6.3 Future Work BIBLIOGRAPHY . 135 APPENDICES 141 AI. Finite-Difference Equations A2. FORTRAN Program Description and Listing A2.1 Two-Dimensional Analysis Program Listing A2.2 Program Variable Definitions A3. Video Animations NOMENCLATURE c = Specific Heat, J/g-K A = Void Surface Element Area, cm 2 or constant B = Constant C5 = Constant D = Cooling Fluid Tube Inner Diameter, cm div = Divergence Operator e = Specific Enthalpy, J/g F = View Factor g = Gravitational Acceleration, cm/sec 2 h = Film coefficient, W/cm2-K H = PCM Heat of Fusion, J/g He-Xe= Helium-Xenon Gas Mixture i = Grid Element Index iv = Grid Element Which Contains Xv iv" = Combined Grid Element k = Thermal Conductivity, W/cm-K L = Annular Canister Length, cm L" = Slab Canister Thickness, cm LH = Liquid PCM Vertical Layer Height, cm LiF- = Lithium Fluoride-Calcium Fluoride CaF 2 = He/Xe Mass Flow Rate, g/sec MF = Mass Fraction PCM in Element iv MFL = PCM Mass Fraction Liquid NRS = Number of Void Radiating Surface Elements vi n3 = Constant Nu = Nusselt Number PCM = Phase Change Material Pr = Prandtl Number q = Heat flux, W/cm 2 Q = Thermal Power, W r = Radial Coordinate, cm R = Thermal Resistance, cm2-K/W Ra = Rayleigh Number Re = Reynolds number S = Conduction path length, cm St = Stefan Number t = Time, sec T = Temperature, K TES = Thermal Energy Storage U = Velocity of Void-PCM Interface, cm/sec U = Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, W/cm 2-K VVF = Void Volume Fraction W = Liquid PCM Width, cm = One-Dimensional Coordinate, cm X X = Melt or Void Front Position, cm XF = Mushy Zone Liquid PCM Mass Fraction YF = Mushy Zone Liquid PCM Volume Fraction Z = Axial Coordinate, cm = Dot Product V = Gradient Operator vii Greek Symbols = Thermal Diffusivity, cm2/sec = Volumetric Thermal Expansion Coefficient, I/K 6 = Canister Wall Thickness, cm A = Kronecker Delta Function Ar = Radial Grid Spacing, cm At = Time Step, sec AT = Temperature Difference, K Ax = One-Dimensional Grid Spacing, cm Az = Axial Grid Spacing, cm 6 = Emittance = Pi Constant, 2*sin'1(1) P = Density, g/cm 3 0 = Stefan-Boltzmann Constant, 5.67051xi0 -12 W/cm2-K 4 v = Kinematic Viscosity, cm2/sec = Dimensionless Function of Ar and r Subscripts and Superscripts E = Enhanced EFF = Effective f = He-Xe Fluid i = Inner Radius or Grid Element Index J = Void Surface Element k = Void Surface Element L = Liquid PCM m = PCM Melt n = Current Time Step n+l = Future Time Step viii

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