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Preview NASA Langley and NLR Research of Distributed Air/Ground Traffic Management

NASA LANGLEY AND NLR RESEARCH OF DISTRIBUTED AIR/GROUND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Mark G. Ballin NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia Jacco M. Hoekstra National Aerospace Laboratory -NLR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands David J. Wing Gary W. Lohr NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia Abstract Project (AATT) began developing and exploring the concept of Distributed Air/Ground Traffic Distributed Air/Ground Traffic Management (DAG- Management (DAG-TM). NASA experience in TM) is a concept of future air traffic operations that developing airborne and ground-based decision support proposes to distribute information, decision-making systems was used to provide a detailed definition of the authority, and responsibility among flight crews, the air broad vision of free flight. DAG-TM is based on the traffic service provider, and aeronautical operational premise that large improvements in system capacity as control organizations. This paper provides an overview well as flexibility and efficiency for the airspace user and status of DAG-TM research at NASA Langley will be enabled through Research Center and the National Aerospace Laboratory of The Netherlands. Specific objectives of • sharing information related to flight intent, traffic, the research are to evaluate the technical and and the airspace environment, operational feasibility of the autonomous airborne • collaborative decision making among all involved component of DAG-TM, which is founded on the operational paradigm of free flight. The paper includes system participants, and an overview of research approaches, the airborne • distributing decision authority to the most technologies under development, and a summary of appropriate decision maker.2 experimental investigations and findings to date. Although research is not yet complete, these findings Flight crews, the air traffic service provider (ATSP), indicate that free flight is feasible and will significantly and aeronautical operational control organizations enhance system capacity and safety. While free flight interact as both information suppliers and users, cannot alone resolve the complex issues faced by those thereby enabling collaboration and cooperation in all modernizing the global airspace, it should be levels of traffic management decision making. considered an essential part of a comprehensive air Distributing decision-making authority may be the key traffic management modernization activity. enabler in multiplying the capacity of National Airspace System by minimizing the occurrence of Introduction human workload bottlenecks. It offers the potential of a linearly scalable system that accommodates an increase The aviation user community has identified a need for in demand through a proportional increase in significantly increasing airspace capacity and the infrastructure and human decision-making capability, flexibility of aircraft operations. This need and the whereby each additional aircraft contributes actively to introduction of new surveillance concepts have led to a the traffic management solution. System-wide new operational paradigm, _free flight," in which reliability and safety improvements may also result reliance on centralized air traffic management is from the increased redundancy of traffic management reduced in favor of distributed management. In 1995, capability. RTCA Task Force 3 defined free flight as a safe and efficient flight operating capability under instrument Under the sponsorship of AATT, NASA Langley flight rules in which operators have the freedom to Research Center (Langley), NASA Ames Research select their path and speed in real time. 1In 1997, the Center (Ames), and the National Aerospace Laboratory NASA Advanced Air Transportation Technologies of the Netherlands (NLR) have collaborated in research and development to explore the feasibility of DAG- *Associate Fellow-,AIAA TM. Two of the fifteen DAG-TM concept elements -1- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics focusontheoriginavl isionof freeflightasa contradictions may have been the result of distributeadirbornterafficmanagemceonntcepwthere compartmentalized perspectives and expertise, leading theflightcrewhasindependeanutthorittyoperform to uncoordinated assessments and inconsistent use of taskcsurrentlayssociatweidthanairtrafficcontroller. enabling technology. DAG-TMConcepEt lement5 envisionsaircraft operatinagutonomouisnlyconstraineednrouteand To resolve these ambiguities, a balanced research unconstrainetedrminal-arrivaelnvironmentas,nd approach was chosen that focuses primarily on ConceptElement11 envisionsflight crews determining the limits of feasibility and the technology contributinagctivelyin maximizinagirportarrival requirements of the concept elements. Under this throughpwutheninstrumeanpt proachaersein use. approach, the following steps are taken concurrently Bothconcepetlemenatsrebasedonthepremisoef and iteratively: a set of hypotheses is developed, the Referenc1ethatflightcrewsshouldhavecapability future airspace system is modeled in simulation, andauthorittyoself-separafrtoemotheraircrafbty technology prototypes and operational procedures are adjustinthgeirself-selecttreadjectoriethse,rebfyreeing developed, and evaluation is performed. The airtrafficservicperovidertsoconcentraotnetraffic hypothesis set includes nominal operations, rare- flowmanagement. nominal operations (events or conditions that stress the concept or define the limits of feasibility), and failure- Thispapeprrovideasnovervieawndstatuosfongoing mode operations. If feasibility is established for researachtLangleayndtheNLRintheareadsescribed airborne operations, further activities will focus on the bythesetwoconcepetlementSsp.ecifiocbjectiveosf issues involved in integrating the airborne components the researcahreto evaluatethe technicaal nd with ATSP components. Benefits and safety aspects, operationfaelasibilityof theautonomouasirborne while important, have only been characterized at ahigh componeonftDAG-TMandtodeveloapndvalidate level until feasibility is established. High-level benefits theenablinagirbornteechnologaiensdprocedurtehsat assessments are in progress, but are not discussed in willberequireTd.hepapeinrcludeasnovervieowfthe this paper. researcahpproachtehse,airbornteechnologuiensder developmenatn, d a summaryof experimentalBecause decision support automation technology is an investigatioannsdfindingtsodateI.nthepaperth,e integral part of the DAG-TM concept, it is necessary to term"freeflight"isusedtorefertothecapabilitoyf develop prototype technology and procedures to make aircrafttooperataeutonomouasslyacomponeonfta a valid determination of feasibility. Airborne decision largeDr AG-TMconcepratthetrhanasthecomplete support technology is therefore under development. 7'8 conceipntitself. Free flight operations may require flight deck systems that support the flight crew in making trajectory Research and Development Approach management decisions. Requirements may include the Published position statements and pre-existing research capability to collect, fuse, and present relevant provide an ambiguous assessment of free flight information; analyze surveillance and constraint data feasibility. The Task Force 3 report states that, in for potential airspace or traffic conflicts; calculate addition to autonomous airborne capability for conflict resolution options that optimize specified separation, ground-based automation and restrictions parameters, such as fuel burn; provide tactical will be used to resolve tactical conflicts, to manage information for conflict-free maneuvering; and analyze traffic flows in congested airspace, to prevent over-constrained problems for viable solutions. These unauthorized entry into special use airspace, and to and other capabilities that may be critical for free flight assure safety of flight, 1which suggests that feasibility in complex traffic and airspace environments do not and safety depend on ground capabilities. The task exist in current flight deck systems. force stipulated that free flight must be at least as safe While the airborne decision-aiding systems described as today's operations and implied that ground above may improve crew planning capabilities and involvement and restrictions are adequate to provide reduce workload, they may also increase the cost of this. To alleviate concerns, the National Academy of equipping aircraft for free flight operations and be Science's National Research Council coordinated an difficult to retrofit. In addition, they may place an activity to gather expert opinion regarding safety increased burden on the future communication, implications of the task force's vision. The resulting navigation, and surveillance (CNS) infrastructure that opinion stated that the safe distribution of traffic will enable aircraft to exchange needed information. management responsibility is very difficult, if not Both of these factors may delay the transition to future impossible. 3'4 However, other research indicates that free-flight operations. Therefore, it was deemed free flight is not difficult and that it may in fact be safer appropriate to also determine the minimum airborne than ground-based separation assurance. 5'6 These requirements necessary for free flight. -2- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics LangleayndtheNLRhavechosetnocollaboraintea intruder utilizes the same rules, it will maneuver to complemenataprpyroacthhatinvestigattehsisrangeof further increase the separation distance. Using capabilitieLsa.ngleiysprimarilyinvestigatiinsgsues rules rather than coordination messages is called thatconcerandvanceadirbornteechnologays,maybe implicit coordination, and is important in reducing requireodrpreferreindamaturseystemthatintegrates requirements for data exchange between aircraft. autonomoauirscrafatndmanageadircrafitnthesame airspacein,tegratewsithground-basseydstemas,nd • 100% autonomous during cruise flight performlosng-terpmlannintghatmayaidtrafficflow. All aircraft were assumed to have free flight TheNLRis primarilyinvestigatintegchnologaynd procedurtehsatrequireminimumchangetos flight capability, and no active role for the ground was decksystemasndtheCNSinfrastructuTreh.eNLR included in the operational concept. This corresponds to the European concept of resultasrepresentiendthesectiotnhatfollowsa,ndthe segregating free flight operations from managed NASAresultsarepresenteindtheremainintgwo sections. operations into 'free flight airspace' and 'managed airspace.' Tactical Free Flight Operations Conflict Resolution Method Off-line traffic simulations comprising up to 400 One research and development alternative attempts to aircraft were used to validate several methods for determine what is minimally required to enable conflict detection and resolution. These simulated airborne separation assurance. Led by the NLR, the traffic densities are equivalent to ten times today's approach considers a tactical concept that resolves a average western European density. The resolution predicted loss of separation with traffic (referred to as a method that proved to be most effective was based on "conflict"), but does not include a recovery of the the method described in Reference 9. aircraft's flight plan as part of the predetermined resolution maneuver. Since the concept assumes that The conflict resolution algorithm uses the geometry of the separation assurance function can be accomplished the closest point of approach to prevent counteracting independently from strategic functions such as maneuvers. Assuming both aircraft use the same conformance to flow management constraints, this system, both aircraft maneuver cooperatively, which assumption was investigated as part of the research. provides implicit coordination. The calculated positions at the closest point 'repel' each other, similar Operational Concept to the way charged particles repel each other. As As a first step, an operational concept for the shown in Figure 1, the 'repelling force' is converted to experiments was defined. The advanced CNS a displacement of this predicted position in such a way capability assumed available is Automatic Dependent that the minimum distance will be equal to the required Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) or a comparable separation. This avoidance vector is converted into capability that provides, at a minimum, basic aircraft advised heading and speed changes. The same state data at intervals on the order of one second. The principle is used in the vertical plane, resulting in an operational concept has the following characteristics: advised vertical speed and target altitude. • State-based conflict detection When both aircraft are able to maneuver cooperatively, a redundant element is introduced. If both aircraft do Only state data, i.e., position (latitude, longitude and altitude) and velocity (ground speed, track and vertical speed), are exchanged between aircraft. ... • Intruder's Heading Minimum F . The conflict detection function uses no flight plan distance distance _ protectea zone information. This was used as a null hypothesis to determine whether flight plan information would be fundamentally required for concept feasibility. A look-ahead time of five minutes was provided by the detection function. e\ • Cooperative conflict resolution Rules, implemented in the conflict resolution function that advises the pilot, use the geometry of Intruder the detected conflict to determine the direction in which to maneuver. The system does not assume Figure 1. Graphic representation of conflict resolution the intruder aircraft will maneuver, but if the method. -3- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics maneuvethr,econflicatlerwt illdisappewahreneach aircrafhtasexecutepdartofthemaneuveinrd, icating thatno furtheravoidingactionis requiredT.he resultingmaneuvearsretypicallya fewdegreeosf .............................ii.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.i .i.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.ii................. headincghangoerabou2t00ft/minofverticaslpeed changeP.assengceormforitsnotaffectebdythese .......................i.i. .ii.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.ii.i.i.i.ii............................... shallowmaneuvers. Complegxeometriaensdrestrictiownsereusedtotest therobustneosfsthemethodT.hesgeeometriinecslude circularradiaclonflictasndseveratylpesofopposing 100Ni;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;iii;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i; i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i_ wallsofaircraftT.hougthheydonotrepreseancttual trafficconflicstcenariothse,ssecenariwoseredesigned Single Double Tnple todetermintehepowerandlimitsof theconflict resolutiomnethobdyprovidinmgorecompletxraffic constrainthtsanwouldeveorccuirnoperation. Figure 2. Workload assessments of a simulation of en route cruise tactical free flight. It wasfoundthateventhoughtheaircrafftollow independerenstolutioandvisorieasg,lobaslolutiotno Conflict Prevention System theproblemarisesI.n the 'wall' scenariofso,r A conflict prevention system called "Predictive ASAS" exampleso,meaircrafitnthewalldecelerastleightly was also developed. The system prevents short-term whileotherascceleratthee,reboypeninagspacfeoran conflicts as a result of turns and vertical maneuvers. opposinagircraftto fly throughD. istributintghe For safety, a conflict prevention rule was added that cooperatirveesolutioanlgorithmamonagllinvolved forbids flight crews from maneuvering to create a aircrafrtesultisnanefficienatndglobaslolutione,ven conflict. This rule and the Predictive ASAS display for situationwshereno solutionexistedpriorto were hypothesized to be an alternative to the exchange resolutioTnh.ealgorithmprovedcapabolefresolving of flight plan information as a method to prevent conflicstituationfosrwhichaprioritysystemw,hich conflicts. forcesoneaircrafotf apairtoperformtheentire maneuvwero,uldnothaveobtaineadsolution. Because of the simplicity of the architecture and the resolution method, the conflict prevention system was Cruise Human-in-the-loop trials transparent to the crew, allowing a display design as shown in Figure 3. The display shows both ahorizontal The conflict resolution algorithm used in the traffic and vertical resolution advisory to the pilot. Either simulation has been developed further into an airborne advisory will completely resolve the conflict. The separation assurance system (ASAS) for a research conflict prevention system draws amber and red no-go flight simulator at the NLR. The ASAS includes a human-machine interface that has been tested in zones ('conflict prevention bands') on the heading, vertical speed, and speed scales of the displays, even if several flight simulator trials. Airline pilots have been there are no conflicts for the current heading. This exposed to scenarios replicating current densities system was tested in a second human-in-the-loop ('single') up to three times the Western European experiment. It was found that pilots used the density ('triple'). Only a few hours of training was dynamically changing conflict prevention bands as found necessary. precursors to a conflict alert and were able to exploit No significant increase in workload was found during this to lower the number of conflict alerts. This the cruise phase. The acceptability was surprisingly indicates that a conflict prevention system can high and, further, the subjective safety was equal or contribute to the traffic situation awareness of the better than today's situation, l° Figure 2 shows crew. workload assessments for three levels of traffic density. Cruise findings The Rating Scale for Mental Effort (RSME) system of Reference 11 was used as a measure. The total range of None of the studies refuted the feasibility of airborne the RSME measure is 0 to 130. The single density separation during cruise, even under extremely dense session shows a workload rating very close to a rating and constrained traffic situations. The findings indicate of 27 found for a comparable ATe situation. These that decentralizing today's ATM system can results were obtained using no flight plan information, significantly increase the capacity in the en-route explicit coordination procedures, priority rules, or domain, even with minimal flight deck technology. ground-based systems. -4- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Workload for flight phase and procedure 45_ 40i 35 'i.l...........................................................................'....':.i.:.i.:.i.:.i.:.i_..................................................................................... 30!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i_i!i!iii!iiii!iii!iii!iii!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i R ;;;;..;.;.;.;.;..;;.;:.;:.;;.:;.:..;..:..:..;..:.:.;.:;.::.;:.:;.:::.;::.;:.::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:::::;:::[::];:::A::;:::T::_:C::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: []CDTI []FF 5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;;ii;;iii;iii;iii;iiiiiiiiiii;i;i;i;iii;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i; 0 iiiiiiiiiiiiii Cruise Descent Arrival Figure 4. Workload ratings for three flight phases and three levels of airborne capability. the flight crew was responsible for the separation until established on the localizer, and the controller established only the arrival sequence.. At the end of each run, pilots were asked to rate the mental workload of the descent and the arrival Figure 3. Co-planar traffic display as used in the segments. These ratings and the earlier results for study. The symbology indicates a conflict (amber) and cruise are compared in Figure 4. Three categories of the resolution advisory (green). operational procedures were compared: free flight Contrary to what was believed when the project (FF); managed with a CDTI (CDTI); and managed started, there appears to be no fundamental requirement without aCDTI (ATC). for exchanging intent (flight plan or mode control It has often been suggested that a higher workload panel) information, although possible benefits of doing during flae descent might inhibit free flight during flaat so are still acknowledged. phase of operations. As can be seen in the figure, the It was also found that the conflict resolution maneuvers FF descent rating is not significantly different from the had a negligible impact on flight efficiency or the FF cruise rating, at least for the initial traffic scenarios ability of the aircraft to meet a time constraint. When studied. During the FF arrival, the workload was found the crews were trained to nominally use a vertical to be significantly higher than for the other phases of resolution maneuver instead of a horizontal one, there flight, but not high on the absolute scale, which was no noticeable impact. This finding is important in extends to a value of 130. Although flae limits of its establishing a transition procedure from free flight feasibility are not fully established, evidence suggests airspace to managed airspace. Because the planning there is a role for airborne separation assurance in the terminal area. problem and the separation problem appear to be independent, there is no fundamental difference In general, the arrival phase of flight is characterized between this transition and today's hand-over from one by much higher workload than the cruise phase. 12In ground-based controller to another. This alleviates the Figure 4, the workload rating for the CDTI arrival need for complex hand-over procedures that use huge shows a dramatic impact of providing traffic transition zones around entry points. information to the crew. The arrival rating is even lower than the ATC cruise scenario without CDTI. Other flight phases However, during merging maneuvers required in the As anext step, the basic ASAS was tested in a piloted high traffic density terminal area, the crews were simulation experiment for different flight phases that occasionally not able to maintain separation. Some are more constrained than the cruise phase. Each pilots commented flaat more training would be aircraft started in cruise and proceeded through sufficient, but this is not supported by the objective descent, arrival, and approach phases of flight. In half data, which show no training effect of separation the runs, the terminal area was managed airspace with effectiveness during merging. Therefore, the basic a basic hand-over as the transition procedure, and the ASAS retrofit will not be sufficient for complex high- crew was provided with a cockpit display of traffic density terminal airspace. Either more sophisticated information (CDTI) tomonitor traffic. In the other half, tools and procedures are required, or the terminal area -5- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics should remain managed airspace with the addition of For conflict detection and alerting, the approach in the CDTI to reduce crew workload. As described later, strategic free flight is to use the best information approach spacing with limited delegation may also available for determining whether a loss of separation offer solutions for capacity-constrained terminal with another aircraft or an encroachment on hazardous environments. airspace is threatened and whether the flight crew should or should not take action in each particular Strategic Free Flight Operations and Air/Ground situation. Trajectory information on traffic aircraft may Integration include only state data for some aircraft (for instance if that aircraft is currently being maneuvered manually), En-Route Strategic Airborne Operations or it may also include varying degrees of intent ranging Complementary to the tactical airborne operations in from target states to FMS-level intent if the autoflight free flight investigated by the NLR are strategic system is engaged. The determination of which airborne operations investigated by Langley. The main trajectory information is best suited for detecting purpose for a strategic mode in free flight is to allow conflicts relates to several conditions, such as traffic the flight crew to be proactively engaged in the aircraft conformance to its broadcast intent and dynamic airspace operational environment. This may proximity to the ownship. Performing conflict require an increase of the planning horizon beyond detection using both state and intent information has what tactical mode enables and a capability to replan the potential for reducing both false and missed alerts trajectories to gain operational advantage under a while increasing detection accuracy over a larger look- complex set of constraints. For cost effectiveness, ahead time horizon. These effects, in turn, can reduce strategic free flight capabilities would make maximum unnecessary and excessive maneuvering, thereby use of automation systems already present on most freeing the crew to better manage their other tasks. modem aircraft, such as the flight management system (FMS) and the FMS-coupled autoflight system. Just as With the increased look-ahead horizon for conflict these systems assist the crew in managing the strategic detection, strategic free flight allows problems to be intent of the flight, i.e., specifying and enacting higher- solved with strategic solutions. A strategic solution is a level goals than simply aircraft state changes, strategic set of complete resolution maneuvers including return free flight capabilities focus on the use of intent-based to course that can be calculated and evaluated by the trajectories and longer look-ahead time horizons for crew before the first maneuver is initiated. This strategic flight replarming, conflict detection and complete solution can also be integrated into the FMS resolution, and constraint management. flight plan, and the maneuver can be accomplished while remaining in FMS guidance mode during the In addition to that of the tactical mode, a strategic free entire event. An important community benefit of doing flight capability provides functionality in the areas of so is that the modified FMS flight plan is broadcast as information management (gathering and processing), new ownship intent, thereby increasing the conflict detection and alerting, and conflict resolution. predictability of the ownship to other airborne and Each area will be briefly described. ground-based observers. An aircraft that resolves conflicts tactically by exiting FMS guidance mode The objective for information management in strategic would not be as predictable, since the intent of that free flight is aircraft is not shared. An additional benefit to strategic • to gather and integrate sufficient predictive resolutions is the ability to simultaneously incorporate information on the operating environment to all operational constraints into the solution, including enable increased trajectory prediction accuracy those unrelated to the specific conflict. Examples of and replarming time before action is required such constraints are required time of arrival (RTA) flow constraints issued by the ATSP, ownship • to make available more options for solving a given performance limitations, and company-specific flight problem, and optimization strategies. Derived user benefits from • to allow replarmed trajectories to be valid (i.e., incorporating these operational constraints into constraints to be met) over a longer-term portion resolution maneuvers may include improved schedule of the flight. conformance and reduced fuel burn. Information needed to support these goals includes A hypothetical example of strategic free flight problem traffic surveillance with trajectory intent, airspace solving is shown in Figure 5. The trajectories of two system status, weather products, and assigned aircraft are in conflict in en-route airspace. Assuming a operational constraints to facilitate traffic flow priority system is in effect and the aircraft to the right management (TFM). (Aircraft _B') has priority, aircraft CA' must replan its -6- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics the capability for strategic free flight. The development activity involves defining and creating a software prototype of a flight crew decision support tool that facilitates the strategic operations described in the previous section. This tool, referred to as the Autonomous Operations Planner (AOP), provides for management of operational constraints and user preferences. It processes surveillance and airspace status information, and searches for conflicts among several relevant trajectory combinations between ownship and traffic aircraft. These combinations include state and several forms of intent, as well as conflicts with airspace hazards. Crew alerting is provided based on threat priority and required crew action. Strategic and tactical conflict resolution advisories are provided to the crew, with options from Figure 5. Hypothetical example scenario for strategic which to chose. The strategic resolutions are iterated planning. through the FMS to ensure the trajectory recommendations are within aircraft performance trajectory such that separation does not decrease below limits and that operational constraints such as an RTA the accepted regulatory standard for safety (accounting can be met. See reference 7 for a more complete for applicable navigation and surveillance description of AOP capabilities. uncertainties). However, several other constraints on the aircraft 'A' trajectory are also present. The aircraft An example of a highly constrained conflict scenario is approaching the terminal environment, and the with a strategic AOP resolution is shown in Figure 6. ATSP has issued a TFM constraint to aircraft 'A' in the In the scenario, the ownship flight plan passes between form of an RTA crossing restriction at the arrival- two SUA regions flaat constrain the available solution metering fix. An SUA is active to the north of the fix, space. The broadcast intent from a traffic aircraft is in and convective weather cells are forecast for the conflict with the ownship flight plan, and the vicinity. Furthermore, additional crossing traffic below conflicting portion of the flight plan is shown to flae and to the left may impact the decision on whether an pilot. In this example, AOP only considered lateral early descent is advisable. path-stretch solutions to flae conflict. An AOP- generated conflict resolution trajectory involving a Assuming these constraints are input to the flight path-stretch maneuver to the right is shown for pilot crew's decision-aiding automation, the FMS flight plan review. This trajectory has been determined to be free can be modified by computing an RNAV path between of any traffic conflicts, to adhere to the airspace present position and the destination that adheres to constraints, and to be flyable by the aircraft. Note flaat each of these constraints. This computation can be the outboard waypoint is a fly-by waypoint, and flaat initiated as soon as the conflict is identified and given the aircraft's turn radius, flae aircraft itself will provided to the flight crew, either automatically or on not pass into the SUA. Future builds of the AOP request. In the example, a resolution trajectory is software will also consider the vertical and speed calculated that diverts the aircraft to the right and degrees of freedom. behind the conflicting aircraft, and then the return path is calculated to miss the SUA and weather cell while Some aspects of strategic free flight were recently minimizing excess air miles flown. Airspeed and top of evaluated in a human-in-the-loop simulation conducted descent are adjusted as necessary to meet the crossing in the Air Traffic Operations Laboratory at restriction. A diversion to the south is not offered Langley. 13,14 Operations were conducted under because of the size of the weather cell. A climb is not conditions of low and high operational complexity recommended because it would not be consistent with (traffic and airspace hazard density) with operational the impending arrival, and an early descent would constraints including RTA adherence and airspace create a new traffic conflict. The flight crew is able to hazard avoidance. review the strategic plan and modify it if necessary. If Strategic free flight was found to be effective in it is deemed acceptable, the crew activates the route in reducing unnecessary maneuvering during conflict the FMS, and the route is broadcast as new intent. situations where the intruder's intended maneuvers Developing and Evaluating Strategic Free Flight would resolve the conflict. Scenario case studies Researchers at Langley are developing and evaluating illustrated the need for flight restrictions to prevent the -7- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics throughout the airspace. As more aircraft operate in the autonomous mode and exercise the freedom to modify their trajectories as needed, flae need for these aircraft to contribute to system predictability by operating strategically increases, which includes broadcasting intent and making fewer but more strategic intent changes. Strategic free flight also benefits air-ground integration in conflict situations and managed-aircraft trajectory control. For non-segregated operations to be feasible, it is likely that free flight operations (for which the controller is not responsible) must have the appearance to the controllers of occurring largely on a non- interference basis. This has several implications. First, conflicts between autonomous aircraft should generally be resolved before the controller (or monitoring automation) sees the conflict. Second, changes in intent or maneuvers by autonomous aircraft must not create new conflicts with managed aircraft. For both conditions to be met requires autonomous aircraft to Figure 6. Example conflict scenario with a strategic use a longer look-ahead horizon than the controller AOP conflict resolution (on an MD-11 navigation team, which often plans ahead many minutes. The display). second consideration is particularly important in that creation of new conflicts through maneuvering, as the noninterference operations provide some protection discussed in the previous section. The case studies to the controller from the maneuvering activities of have also shown the need for an improved user autonomous aircraft. This protection is likely a key interface design that appropriately focuses the pilot's feasibility requirement because it allows the controller attention on conflict prevention information. Pilot real- to effectively and strategically plan the managed time assessment of maximum workload indicated aircraft trajectories. minimal sensitivity to operational complexity, providing further evidence that pilot workload is not An important aspect of air-ground integration is the limiting factor for feasibility of an en-route handling situations for which an autonomous aircraft distributed traffic management system, even under can no longer operate autonomously and must highly constrained conditions. transition to managed status. Assuming that the need for the transition may occur unexpectedly and possibly Strategic Air-Ground Integration at an inopportune moment for flae receiving controller, The discussion thus far has focused primarily on the the operational concept must allow for a finite and non- characteristics and advantages of strategic free flight instantaneous transition time before the controller can from an airborne perspective. When considering assume responsibility. An analogy would be a VFR integration of the airborne and ground components in aircraft requesting a pop-up IFR clearance; until the air traffic operations, the strategic mode for free flight clearance can be issued, the pilot must continue to provides some additional key benefits. These benefits operate under VFR and provide for its own separation. would be particularly important where autonomous and Strategic free flight can facilitate this transition in that managed aircraft are intermixed rather than segregated the autonomous aircraft, before the failure, would be into 'free flight airspace' and 'managed airspace'. established on a trajectory that was determined to be conflict free potentially for tens of minutes into the As stated earlier, the strategic free flight broadcast of future. The increased look-ahead and traffic-aircraft intent information provides increased predictability of intent information of strategic free flight would provide the operational environment to airborne recipients of a significant amount of protected time to accomplish that information. This predictability is also of great the transition. importance to the ATSP in its role of providing for orderly flow through the airspace and into and out of Feasibility high-demand terminal environments. Metering would The research and development performed thus far be a principal technique for controlling the flow; support the feasibility of strategic autonomous aircraft however the ability to meter may be highly dependent operations. It has been learned that autonomous aircraft on the ability to dynamically predict the demand operations scale well with traffic density. En route -8- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics workloadin nominaslituationiss nota feasibility Increased positioning capability obtained by providing issue,evenin veryhightrafficdensitiesG.iven crews with limited maneuvering authority also results appropriadteecision-suppaourttomatiopni,lotscan in fewer missed arrival slots over time. A further strategicarlelysolvceonflictisncompleexnvironments advantage is the growth potential provided for today's that includeTFM, airspacea,nd performance underutilized airports that will see increased demand in constraints. the future. Because each aircraft brings with it a significant portion of the needed CNS infrastructure Combineudseofstateandintentprovidevsaluable and human-decision-making capability, minimal operationbaelnefitsa,lthoughintentmaynotbea ground infrastructure additions will be required for fundamentraelquiremefnotr feasibilityE. vidence these terminal areas as demand increases. indicatethsatautonomooupserationcasnbereliably performewdithouttheneedforcontrolleinrtervention. As for en route operations, the advanced CNS capability assumed for the terminal area research is Whileadditioncahl allengetosfeasibilitryemainand ADS-B or its equivalent. Additional ADS-B haveyetto befully exploredn,oinsurmountable information content such as planned final approach impedimenhtasveyetbeendiscoverefodrfreeflight speeds, wind data, and intent information may be aircrafotperatioinnsallenvironmeenxtscephtighly- constrainteedrminaalreaMs.oreresearcishneedeodn required depending on the mode of operation. air-grounindtegratiotondetermintheefeasibilitoyf Concept Overview integratinmgixed-equipaogpeerationins thesame Distributed air/ground terminal area operations are airspaceto, studyfailure-modtreansitionbsetween being investigated through the definition of three equipagsetatulsevelsa,ndtoidentifythesensitiviotyf operational modes: tin-trail spacing,' _merging controllewrorkloatdolargeincreasienstrafficdensity. operations,' and _maneuvering.' For all modes, procedures involve limited delegation of specific Capacity-Constrained Terminal Area Operations responsibilities by the ATSP to each participating aircraft. Each of these modes embodies characteristics The inherent dynamic and highly constrained nature of that allow for implementation independent of the terminal area operations requires an approach different others or in combination, depending on the specific from that employed for the en route domain. operational needs of the environment. Figure 7 depicts Operations in the busy terminal area are characterized a general overview of the three operational modes, by: which are defined as follows: • constraints on the volume and configuration of • In-Trail Spacing airspace caused by number and geometry of runways, surface topology, and environmental The in-trail spacing mode is based on the ATSP considerations such as noise providing a spacing interval to the following • dynamically changing operations caused by aircraft and issuing a clearance for the flight crew changes in wind direction, meteorological to adhere to algorithm-generated speed cues to conditions, availability of individual runways, and achieve the spacing. Spacing is time-based to the relative demand for arrival, departure, and account for differing final approach speeds and wind environments. The aircraft follows the same surface operations flight path as the aircraft immediately preceding it, • varying aircraft performance and equipage levels following either a defined route or a flight path The high-density airports in the current system require history (i.e., following the ground track of the lead solutions that will ultimately increase capacity. If aircraft, which is provided on an onboard map maximization of airport throughput dominates other display).. In-trail spacing can be applied at any operational needs, a distributed air/ground traffic point in the terminal area, and should be applied as management approach offers several advantages. far in advance as possible to maximize throughput Increasing airborne responsibility for trajectory benefits. In-trail spacing may also have management can provide increased conformance with applications in the en route and oceanic domains. constraints that maximize throughput. Flight crews are capable of high precision in managing their own • Merging trajectory. Increased precision leads to a reduction in Aircraft arriving on different routes that merge at a spacing buffers and hence higher throughput. A common point are appropriately spaced at that ground-based controller cannot achieve such precision, point, based on an RTA that is either assigned or and he must simultaneously manage numerous aircraft. computed based on the lead aircraft's estimated -9- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ATSP-defined Metering maneuvering boundary corridor Unequ'_iippedAircraft Terminal airspace Figure Z DAG-TM terminal ardval concept element. The investigations began with a complete definition time of arrival at the point. This mode assumes a the concept and procedures, including a checklist for pre-defined route environment where a sufficient the flight crew and phraseologies specific to the new number of routes exist to allow aircraft to be approach spacing operation. The concept includes use scheduled ahead or behind traffic on separate of an airborne decision support tool, which is made routes and arrive properly spaced at the merge up of two components: point. Under a less rigid application, aircraft could pass common boundaries, as opposed to points, • A specialized algorithm, referred to as Advanced with appropriate time separations. Terminal Area Approach Spacing (ATAAS), generates speed guidance to achieve a desired • Maneuvering spacing interval at the runway threshold. To enable a greater spacing dynamic range than is Described in Reference 17, ATAAS has been possible with speed adjustments alone, aircraft are refined through extensive Monte Carlo analysis. given the flexibility to define their own routes • Supporting displays provide a crew interface. within prescribed airspace, provided that system- imposed constraints are met. Although the term A nominal speed profile is provided that reflects 'maneuvering' might suggest last minute changes speeds typically used in arrival operations, and is included as part of a charted arrival procedure. This in heading or speed, it is envisioned that advanced procedure can be used by all arriving aircraft to planning (prior to terminal area entry) would result follow the nominal speed schedule, regardless of in a near-optimized, stable flight path through the terminal area. Assuming an adequate conflict their ability to perform an approach spacing detection and resolution capability is available, operation. Since the ultimate goal is to provide more dynamic maneuvers could potentially also be maximum achievable system throughput in a stable executed. Future research will determine if this is and acceptable manner, the ATAAS speed guidance is limited to +10% of the nominal profile so that feasible and provides benefits. system stability and pilot acceptability are In-Trail Spacing Operations maintained. Langley research of time-based in-trail spacing dates Figure 8 provides an example of some of the display back to the 1970s. The results of several simulator symbology. The Navigation Display provided studies indicated that the potential existed for capacity information on the ATAAS guidance and aircraft increases 15'16although some issues related to displays spacing status. The information included a data block and supporting data links remained to be addressed in containing currently entered ATAAS data and lead the development of an acceptable operation. -10- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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