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Preview NASA I Aeronautical Engineering Aen ering Aeronautical Engineer)™ igineerjng Aeronautical ...

https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19790024981 2018-11-15T12:56:29+00:00Z NASA Aeronautical NASA SP-7037 Engineering September 1979 A Continuing Bibliography with Indexes National Aeronautics and Space Administration CASE | F I Aeronautical Engineering Aen ering Aeronautical Engineer)™ igineerjng Aeronautical Engine cal Engineering Aeronautical E nautical Engineering Aeronaut Aeronautical Engineering Aerc sring Aeronautical Engineering gineering Aeronautical Engine ^al Engineering Aeronautical E lautical Engineering Aeronaut! Aeronautical Engineering Aero ring Aeronautical Engineering ACCESSION NUMBER RANGES Accession numbers cited in this Supplement fall within the following ranges. STAR (N-10000 Series) N79-23888 - N79-26008 IAA (A-10000 Series) A79-35927 A79-39974 This bibliography was prepared by the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Facility operated for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration by Informatics Information Systems Company. NASA SP-7037(113) AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING A Continuing Bibliography Supplement 113 A selection of annotated references to unclas- sified reports and journal articles that were introduced into the NASA scientific and tech- nical information system and announced in August 1979 in • Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) • International Aerospace Abstracts (IAA) Scientific and Technical Information Branch 1979 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, DC This Supplement is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia 22161, at the price code E02 ($475 domestic: $9 50 foreign) INTRODUCTION Under the terms of an interagency agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration this publication has been prepared by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the joint use of both agencies and the scientific and technical community concerned with the field of aeronautical engineering The first issue of this bibliography was published in September 1970 and the first supplement in January 1971 Since that time, monthly supplements have been issued This supplement to Aeronautical Engineering - A Continuing Bibliography (NASA SP-7037) lists 436 reports, journal articles, and other documents originally announced in August 1979 in Scientijic and Technical-Aerospace Reports (STAR) or in- International Aerospace Abstracts (I A A) The coverage includes documents on the engineering and theoretical aspects of design, construction, evaluation, testing, operation, and performance of aircraft (including aircraft engines) and associated components, equipment, and systems It also includes research and development in aerodynamics, aeronautics, and ground support equipment for aeronautical vehicles. Each entry in the bibliography consists of a standard bibliographic citation accompanied in most cases by an abstract. The listing of the entries is arranged in two major sections, IAA Entries and STAR Entries, in that order. The citations, and abstracts when available, are reproduced exactly as they appeared originally in IAA and STAR, including the original accession numbers from the respective announcement journals. This procedure, which saves time and money, accounts for the slight variation in citation appearances. Three indexes ~ subject, personal author, and contract number ~ are included An annual cumulative index will be published GENERAL AVAILABILITY All publications abstracted in this bibliography are available to the public through the sources as indicated in the STAR Entries and IAA Entries sections It is suggested that the bibliography user contact his own library or other local libraries prior to ordering any publication inasmuch as many of the documents have been widely distributed by the issuing agencies, especially NASA A listing of public collections of NASA documents is included on the inside back cover SUBSCRIPTION AVAILABILITY This publication is available on subscription from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) The annual subscription rate for the monthly supplements is $45 00 domestic. $75 00 foreign All questions relating to the subscriptions should be referred to NTIS, Ann Subscrip- tions. 5285 Port Royal Road. Springfield Virginia 22161 ADDRESSES OF ORGANIZATIONS American Institute of Aeronautics Pendragon House. Inc and Astronautics 899 Broadway Avenue Technical Information Service Redwood City. California 94063 555 West 57th Street. 12th Floor New York. New York 10019 Superintendent of Documents U S Government Printing Office British Library Lending Division Washington. D C 20402 Boston Spa. Wetherby, Yorkshire, England University Microfilms Commissioner of Patents and A Xerox Company Trademarks 300 North Zeeb Road U S Patent and Trademark Office Ann Arbor. Michigan 48106 Washington, D C 20231 Department of Energy University Microfilms. Ltd Technical Information Center Tylers Green P 0 Box 62 London. England Oak Ridge. Tennessee 37830 U S Geological Survey ESA-lnformation Retrieval Service 1033 General Services Administration ESRIN Building Via Galileo Galilei Washington, D C 20242 00044 Frascati (Rome) Italy Her Majesty s Stationery Office U S Geological Survey PO Box 569. SE 1 601 E Cedar Avenue London, England Flagstaff. Arizona 86002 NASA Scientific and Technical Information U S Geological Survey Facility 345 Middlefield Road PO Box 8757 Menlo Park, California 94025 B W I Airport, Maryland 21240 National Aeronautics and Space U S Geological Survey Administration Bldg 25, Denver Federal Center Scientific and Technical Information Denver, Colorado 80225 Branch (NST-41) Washington. D C 20546 Fachmformationszentrum Energie, Physik, National Technical Information Service Mathematik GMBH 5285 Port Royal Road 7514 Eggenstem Leopoldshafen Springfield. Virginia 22161 Federal Republic of Germany VII NTIS PRICE SCHEDULES Schedule A STANDARD PAPER COPY PRICE SCHEDULE (EffectiM OctotMt 1 1977) Pa«. tang. Fomion Cod* Price A01 Microfiche t 300 $ 450 A02 001-025 400 800 A03 026-050 450 9OO AIM 051-075 525 10 SO ACS 076 1OO 600 12 OO A06 101 125 650 1300 A07 126-150 725 1450 A08 151-175 800 16 OO A09 1762OO 900 1800 AID 201-225 925 1850 A11 226 2SO 950 19 OO A12 251 275 1075 21 50 A13 276 3OO 11 OO 2200 A14 301-325 11 75 2350 A15 326 350 1200 24 OO A16 351-375 1250 25 OO A17 376-4OO 13 OO 26 OO AIB 401-425 1325 2650 A19 426 450 14OO 2800 A20 451-475 1450 29 OO A21 476 5OO 1500 30 OO A22 501 525 1525 3050 A23 526-550 1550 31 OO A24 551-575 1625 3250 A2S 576 6OO 1650 3300 A99 601 -up 1/ Add S2 50 for each additional 1OO paga increment from 601 pagaa up 2/ Add $500 (or aach additional 1OO paga incramant from 601 pagaa up Schedule E EXCEPTION PRICE SCHEDULE Paper Copy & Microfiche foe. Nonh Amntent Cod. Price E01 S 325 650 E02 475 950 E03 625 12 SO EO4 750 1500 E05 900 1800 EO6 1050 21 00 E07 1250 2500 £08 1500 30 OO EO9 1750 35 OO E10 2000 4000 E11 2250 45 OO E12 2500 5000 E13 28 OO 5600 E14 3100 6200 E15 3400 6800 E16 3700 7400 E17 4000 8000 618 4500 90 OO E19 50 00 1OOOO E20 6000 120 OO E99 Wnte for quote N01 TABLE OF CONTENTS IAA Entries 447 STAR Entries 479 Subject Index A-1 Personal Author Index B-1 Contract Number Index C-1 TYPICAL CITATION AND ABSTRACT FROM STAR NASA SPONSORED DOCUMENT .AVAILABLE ON MICROFICHE NASA ACCESSION •N79-10024*1 Northrop Corp Hawthorne Calif Aircraft NUMBjER- Group .STUDY OF AERODYNAMIC TECHNOLOGY FOR VSTOL CORPORATE FIGHTER/ATTACK AIRCRAFT HORIZONTAL ATTITUDE SOURCE CONCEPT Final Report ^ -S H Brown May 1978 242 p refs Sponsored in part by TITLE the David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md PUBLICATION -(Contract NAS2-9771) DATE AUTHOR — -(NASA-CR-152130 NOR78-54) Avail NTIS • HC A11/MF A01 CSCL 01A -« A horizontal attitude VSTOL (HAVSTOL) supersonic fighter AVAILABILITY CONTRACT attack aircraft powered by RALS turbofan propulsion system is SOURCE OR GRANT -1 analyzed Reaction control for subaerodynamic flight is obtained in pitch and yaw from the RALS and roll from wingtip jets powered by bleed air from the RALS duct Emphasis is placed REPORT on the development of aerodynamic characteristics and the COSATI NUMBERS identification of aerodynamic uncertainties A wind tunnel program CODE is shown to resolve some of the uncertainties Aerodynamic data developed are static characteristics about all axes control effectiveness drag propulsion induced effects and reaction control characteristics G Y TYPICAL CITATION AND ABSTRACT FROM IAA NASA SPONSORED. u AVAILABLE ON MICROFICHE [—•• A79-10266 * # __, An experimental study of three-dimensional AIAA ACCESSION NUMBER J I turbulent boundary layer and turbulence characteristics inside a turbo machinery rotor passage A K Anand and B Lakshmmarayana -»- AUTHORS (Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa }. (American TITLE Society of Mechanical Engineers, Gas Turbine Conference and Products Show. London. England, Apr 9-13. 1978, Paper AUTHOR'S TITLE OF 78-GT-114) ASME, Transactions, Journal of Engineering for Power, AFFILIATION PERIODICAL • ~"voi100, Qct J978, p 676-687rDiscussion, p 688-690 19 refs Grant No NGL^39 009-007 | -PUBLICATION Three-dimensional boundary layer and turbulence measurements DATE of flow inside a rotating helical channel of a turbomachmery rotor are described The rotor is a four bladed axial flow inducer operated at large axial pressure gradient The mean velocity profiles, turbu- lence intensities and shear stresses, and limiting stream-line angles are measured at various radial and chordwise locations, using rotating triaxial hot-wire and conventional probes The radial fldws in the rotor channel are found to be higher compared to those at zero or small axial pressure gradient The radial component of turbulence intensity is found to be higher than the streamwise component due to the effect of rotation Flow near the annulus wall is found to be highly complex due to the interaction of the blade boundary layers and the annulus wall resulting in an appreciable radial inward flow and a large defect in the mainstream velocity Increased level of turbulence intensity and shear stresses near the midpassage are also observed near this radial location (Author) AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING A Continuing Bibliography (Suppl. 113) SEPTEMBER 1979 IAA ENTRIES A79-36065 Evaluation of GPS performance for low-cost general aviation A N Joglekar (Mitre Corp , Metrek Div , McLean, Va ) In PLANS 1978, Position Location and Navigation Sympo- A79-35927 * Second approximation in theory of a finite- sium, San Diego, Calif, November 6-9, 1978, Record span thin wing in a hypersonic gas flow (Vtoroe priblizheme v teorn New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics tonkogo kryla konechnogo razmakha, obtekaemogo giperzvukovym Engineers, Inc , 1978, p 7-12 potokom gaza) V I Bogatko, A A Gnb, and G A Kolton This paper presents preliminary results of a simulation effort to Leningradskii Universitet, Vestnik, Matematika, Astronomiia, Jan evaluate requirements and feasibility of GPS as a civil navigation 1979, p 88-95 8 refs In Russian system The paper focuses on evaluation of GPS requirements, from The uniform hypersonic flow of an inviscid gas on the windward operational considerations, such as application to nonprecision side of a thin wing of finite span is studied Thin boundary layer approaches The conceptual low-cost GPS receiver simulated here theory is applied to obtain corrections to the mam Newtonian flow does not correct for the ionospheric or tropospheric delay, is The shock is assumed to be attached to the leading edge at at least sequential in nature, tracks only four satellites, and is not mecha- two points The special case of a symmetric conical wing with nized to make independent range rate measurements based on the rectilinear leading edge is considered P T H. Doppler shift of the GPS carrier frequency The proposed GPS system has significantly different performance characteristics from A79-35928 // Construction of an initial approximation for the presently used VOR/DME system The GPS is a low signal level the solution of the integral equation of a lifting surface (O postroenii system and may have a relatively slow data rate due to the low cost nachal'nogo priblizhenna dlia reshenna integral'nogo uravnemia sequential receiver design The results indicate that although the nesushchei poverkhnosti) O F Mel'mkova and N N Poliakhov conceptual low-cost GPS receiver/navigator is potentially more Leningradskii Universitet, Vestnik, Matematika, Astronomiia, Jan accurate than a VOR, the accuracy may degrade during aircraft turns 1979,p 104-110 6refs In Russian and satellite shielding periods (Author) Weissmger's hypothesis is used to obtain in a simple manner an analytic expression for an initial approximation to the solution of the integral equation for a lifting surface It is proved that the A79-36069 ff Internationalization of OMEGA D T Haishp approximate solution obtained in this way satisfies the boundary (US Coast Guard, Washington, DC) In PLANS 1978, Position conditions of the problem and the requirement for practical Location and Navigation Symposium, San Diego, Calif, November convergence of the iterations P T H 6-9, 1978, Record New York, Institute of A79-36003 X-ray determination of internal stress states Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc , 1978, p 37-39 due to surf ace treatment of TiAI6V4and TiAI6V6Sn2 (Rontgenogra- The OMEGA system of radionavigation is a Very Low Fre- phische Er mitt lung der bei der Oberflachenbearbeitung von TiAI6V4 quency (VLF) system operating in the internationally allocated radio und TiAI6V6Sn2 entstehenden Eigenspannungszustande) H E frequency band of 10 to 13 kHz Navigators using the OMEGA Franz (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Internationale Konferenz uber system will be able to obtain positional data on a worldwide and expenmentelle Spannungsanalyse, 6th, Munich, West Germany, Sept nearly continuous basis when the system is in full operation with 18-22, 1978) VDI-Benchte. no 313, 1978, p 453-462 14 refs In eight transmitting stations Experimental stations commenced opera- German ting in 1966 in support of system evaluation and testing These A report is given on the states of internal stress occurring near experimental stations provided coverage over most of the North the surface on the surface finishing of two titanium alloys (TiAI6V4 Atlantic Ocean, North American Continent, and eastern portions of and TiAI6V6Sn2) The finishing methods investigated comprise the North Pacific Ocean This coverage provided the fundamental milling, grinding, milling plus grinding, turning, turning plus grinding, basis for initial operational evaluation and further development of rolling and shot peening The results are compared with those the system intended to be available to the users of all nations, both relating to steel It is pointed out that taking internal stresses due to ships and aircraft This paper will review the growth, current status finishing into account in aircraft construction may perhaps lead to and future plans for management of this international radio- reductions in weight and thus to lower costs of operation (Author) navigation system (Author) A79-36024 Application of advanced data reduction meth- ods to gas turbine dynamic analysis P B Juhl (Verein Deutscher A79-36070 Hyperbolic positioning per se is passe R R Ingenieure, Internationale Konferenz uber expenmentelle Spannungs- Hatch (Magnavox Government and Industrial Electronics Co , Ft analyse, 6th, Munich, West Germany, Sept 18-22, 1978) VDI Wayne, Ind ) In PLANS 1978, Position Location and Navigation Berichte.no 313, 1978, p 637-642 Symposium, San Diego, Calif, November 6-9, 1978, Record This paper discusses the application of advanced data reduction New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics methods to the evaluation of dynamic data from gas turbines and Engineers, Inc , 1978, p 51-58 7 refs turbine components. The use of the Fast Fourier Transform and of Hyperbolic navigation schemes, originally instituted to limit real-time spectrum analyzers is discussed The use of power spectral computational time, no longer have justification in positioning density and probability density functions for analyzing random data systems that use microprocessors Instead of differencing raw is discussed Examples of the application of these modern techniques measurements, the computational process for navigation systems to gas turbine testing are presented The use of the computer to should use raw, biased range measurements The integrated Doppler automate the data reduction procedures is discussed (Author) count in the Transit navigation system is intrinsically hyperbolic, but 447

from wingtip jets powered by bleed air from the RALS duct Emphasis is placed . approaches The conceptual low-cost GPS receiver simulated here does not correct for the ionospheric or tropospheric delay, is sequential in . master-slave hierarchical interconnection The issues of accuracy, cost, and
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