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Nanotechnology in a Nutshell: From Simple to Complex Systems PDF

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Christian Ngô Marcel Van de Voorde Nanotechnology in a Nutshell From Simple to Complex Systems Nanotechnology in a Nutshell Christian Ngô Marcel Van de Voorde • Nanotechnology in a Nutshell From Simple to Complex Systems Christian Ngô MarcelVan deVoorde Edmonium Faculty ofApplied Sciences Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse DELFTUniversity ofTechnology France The Netherlands ImageCourtesyH.DAWSON,Ch.ABERG,M.MONOPOLI,UniversityCollegeDublin(Ireland).Thepictureon thecoverpageofthebookrepresent:Nanoparticleproteincoronaengagingwithacellularreceptor. ISBN 978-94-6239-011-9 ISBN 978-94-6239-012-6 (eBook) DOI 10.2991/978-94-6239-012-6 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2013953213 (cid:2)AtlantisPressandtheauthors2014 Thisbook,oranypartsthereof,maynotbereproducedforcommercialpurposesinanyformorbyany means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrievalsystemknownortobeinvented,withoutpriorpermissionfromthePublisher. Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Foreword Science and technology are engines of progress in society. They are also of increasinginteresttothegeneralpublic,consumers,andpolicymakers,inaddition toscientistsandeconomists.NewgroundforsciencepolicywasbrokeninJanuary 2000, when the then President Clinton announced the National Nanotechnology Initiativedrivenbya20-yearvision.Nanotechnologycurrentlyiswellrecognized as a science and technology megatrend for the beginning of the twenty-first cen- tury. This book aims to show where nanotechnology is now––transitioning to complex systems and fundamentally new products—and communicates the soci- etal promise of nanotechnology to specialists and the public. All materials we see around us have a nanostructure that determines their behavior.Becauseofnanotechnology—controlofmatterattheatomic,molecular, andmacromolecularlevelswherespecificphenomenaenablenovelapplications— majorindustriesandmedicinearechanging.Advancesatthenanoscaleareleading to new understanding of nature and manmade things, and an increased ability to restructure matter at the atomic and molecular levels. The multidisciplinary field of nanotechnology has been expanding since 2000 in large public and private programs around the world, reaching an annual global investment in 2012 of approximately $20 billion. Most of what has already made it into the marketplace is in the form of ‘‘First Generation’’ products (passive nanostructures with steady behavior, such as coat- ings,nanoparticles,nanowires,andbulknanostructuredmaterials).Manysmalland large companies have ‘‘Second Generation’’ products (active nanostructures with changing behavior during use, illustrated by transistors, amplifiers, targeted drugs and chemicals, sensors, actuators, and adaptive structures) and embryonic ‘‘Third Generation’’ products (nanosystems, including three-dimensional nanosystems using various synthesis and assembling techniques such as bio-assembling; nanoscalerobotics;networkingatthenanoscaleandmultiscalearchitectures;after 2010) in the pipeline. Concepts for ‘‘Fourth Generation’’ products, including het- erogeneous molecular nanosystems, are only in research. Each generation of new products is expected to include, at least partially as components, products from previousgeneration.Thelaborandmarketsareestimatedtodoubleevery3years, reachinga$3trillionmarketencompassing6millionjobsby2020ifoneassumes thattheratesofincreaseinthelast12yearswouldcontinue.Nanotechnologyhas thepromisetocreateabasicunderstandingandageneralpurposetechnologywith v vi Foreword mass and sustainable use by 2020 (‘‘Nanotechnology Research Directions for SocietalNeeds in2020’’,Springer, 2011, www.wtec.org/nano2/). While expectations from nanotechnology may have been overestimated in the short term, the long-term implications on health care, productivity, and the envi- ronment appear to be underestimated. This volume will stimulate further interest and bring faster societal recognition to nanotechnology and overall to emerging technologies. Mihail C. Roco Senior Advisor for Nanotechnology National Science Foundation Arlington USA Reference M. C. Roco, C. A. Mirkin, and M. C. Hersam, ‘‘Nanotechnology research and directions for societalneedsin2020’’,Springer,2011 Presentation of the Book It is rare for a new technology to transform all aspects of human activity. In history, one can identify agriculture, the industrial revolution, and the advent of personal computing as truly unprecedented advances. In the twenty-first century, nanotechnology is predicted to provide the next revolution. Nanotechnology spans all of our human activity, from agriculture, medicineandfoodtoclothing,fromtransporttoindustrialprocesses.Itisnotjust about the ability to understand and manipulate material at the nanoscale, it is the wayinwhichanewtechnologywillbeusedtochangethewayproductsaremade and to provide a step change in the functionality that they provide. Nanotechnology has been a part of many commonplace products for hundreds of years. Steel, concrete, adhesives, and cosmetics have all used nanoscale mechanisms to achieve their properties, but developments have historically been throughcraftskillsandtrial-and-errorratherthanthroughscienceandengineering. Recent developments in experimental techniques that allow the study and manipulation of materials at the nanoscale, coupled with novel manufacturing techniques, mean that we are poised to be able to realize new properties and functions that previously could not be achieved. Onenanometer(nm)isonemillionthofamillimeter(mm)or/andabillionthof ameter.Asamatterofcomparison,antsrangeinsizefrom2to25mmandared bloodcellhasasizearound6,000–8,000nm.Ultimately,alllivingandinertmatter is made of atoms, which have a dimension well below the nanometer range, typically a diameter between 0.1 and 0.65 nm = 100 and 650 pm (1 pm = picometer).Anatomismadeofelectronssurroundinganucleuswhosediameteris even smaller: its size is about 1.8–15 millionths of a nanometer depending upon theelement(1.8–18fm)!Table 1recallsthedifferentsubunitsusedaswegofrom the visible macroscopic world to the microscopic world. Ananometerisquiteasmalllengthscale.Inordertoimaginea1nmcompared to 1 m ( = 109 nanometers) which is a billion larger, let us consider two large distancesinoursolar system: thedistancefromtheearth tothemoon (*360,000 km) and the distance to the sun (*150 millions of km). If we shrink these distances by a factor of 109 we get 36 cm for the first distance and 150 m for the secondone.Theradiusofthesun(*696,000km)becomes69.6cmandthatofthe earth (6,400 km) becomes equal to 6.4 mm. These comparisons show that a vii viii PresentationoftheBook Table1 Unitsandsubunits Unit Valueinmeter Valueinmeter 1m(meter) 1m 100m 1centimeter(cm) 0.01m 10-2m 1millimeter(mm) 0.001m 10-3m 1micrometerormicron(lm) 0.000001 10-6m 1nanometer(nm) 0.000000001 10-9m 1picometer(pm) 0.000000000001 10-12m 1femtometer(fm) 0.000000000000001 10-15m Fig.1 Dividingacubeinto nanocubesincreasesthetotal surfaceofthesystemalot nanometerdistanceisquiteasmalldistancecomparedtothosewearefacedatthe macroscopic level. Compared with macroscopic systems, surface effects are very important at the nanoscale. The reason for this can be illustrated by considering a cube of side 1 cm, as shown in Fig. 1. The total surface area of this cube is six faces each of dimensions 1 9 1 cm, making a total of 6 cm2. Suppose we divide this cube into small cubes of side 1 nm (Fig. 1). This gives the incredible number of 1021 nanocubeseachwithatinysurfaceareaof6910-14cm2.However,thetotalarea of these nanocubes amounts to 6,000 meters squared! This corresponds to the surface area of 60 houses of 100 m2. This demonstrates the power of surfaces at the nanoscale. Strictly speaking, nanotechnology should concern building objects from the bottom-upusing atoms or molecules. It also makes possiblea top-down approach ofreducingsizeandorganizationfromthemacroscopicscale.Howeverthisvision isextendedtoabroaderdomainwhereitispossibletoobserve,see,detect,move, andmanufacture objectswithdimensionsintherangeof1–100nm.Thisismuch lessrestrictiveandopensawidefieldofapplications,someofthembeingalready on the market. PresentationoftheBook ix Fig. 2 Illustration with objects of different length scale and instruments that can be used to observethem On the other hand, ‘‘nanomaterials’’ is a term used to describe a broad and disparate range of materials containing characteristic features with dimensions below 100nm.Itis thepropertiesofthese individual nanoscalefeaturesandtheir organization both at the nanoscale and up to the macroscale that will define the properties of nanomaterial. These features can be organized in random or well- ordered patterns. Confusingly, a ‘‘nanomaterial’’ can be of macroscopic size containing many nano-objects but it can also be an individual object investigated asamaterialatthenanoscale.Ananomaterialcanbeathinfilm,athinwire,ora collectionofnanoparticles,forexample.Ananomaterialisoftencharacterizedby a dimension linked either to the dimension of the salient nanofeatures making up thematerialortotheirorganization.Whensomeinterestingpropertyofamaterial emergesfromthisorganizationorpattern,thecombinedmaterialmay bereferred to as a ‘‘nanostructure’’ or a ‘‘nanostructured material’’. The term ‘‘nanomaterials’’ is used to describe objects that have at least one of their dimensions below 100 nm. Nanomaterials encompass a very broad and disparate range of natural and artificial materials. In practice, they can have the formofathinfilm,cylinder,orparticle.Neitherasinglehumanhair,whichlooks likeacylinderbuthasadiameterofabout80,000nm,noraredcell,canbecalled nano-objects, even though they look very small. Figure2showsdifferentlengthscales,eachseparatedbyafactorof1,000,with different objects and the instruments that can be used to see details of the object. Forexample,thesizeofmountainsisoftheorderofseveralkilometersand,ifwe are far away, we use binoculars to observe their details. Most humans have a heightbelow2mandwecanseethemjustwithoureyesifwearecloseby.Insects can have a size of a few millimeters or centimeters: they can be observed with a magnifyingglass.Redblood cells have asizeofafewthousands nanometersand can be observed with a light microscope. Finally, silicon wires of an integrated x PresentationoftheBook Fig. 3 Nanotechnology deals with nanoscale dimensions (1–100 nm). It is a domain at the crossroadsbetweenthemacroscopicdomaingovernedbyclassicalphysics,andthemicroscopic domaingovernedbyquantumphysics circuit (IC) with a transversal size of several nanometers can be seen with a scanning tunneling microscope. Indeed, to emphasize how the instruments for observing nanomaterials get large and complicated but are becoming more available, so it will revolutionize the field. Objects withasizegreaterthanabout100nmarecurrentlyobservedandhave been studied for decades. Atoms and molecules with dimensions well below a single nanometer are investigated, but indirectly by means of their interactions withotherobjects.Itisonlyrecentlythatscientistshavehadthetoolstomoveand manufacturenano-objectsintherangeof1–100nm.Theinterestingthingisthatat this length scale, we are at a crossroads between classical and quantum physics (Fig. 3). Compared with macroscopic objects that have a behavior governed mostly by the classical laws of physics, quantum effects can appear at the nanoscaleandareabletocompletelychangesomeofthepropertiesofobjectsthat we are used to. A direct consequence of such a surface increase is that if we paint an object with a coating containingnanoparticles, the opacity is greatly enhanced; meaning that less paint is needed for a given area. This is also good for the environment because it reduces pollution and the quantity of raw materials needed to manufacture paint. The same is also true when pesticides are applied in agriculture, for example. Another feature occurring as the dimension of a system that reaches the nanoscaledomainistheappearanceofquantumeffectsthatchangesomephysical effects. The drawback is that it may happen that the function of a device can no longer be performed as the dimensions of the components are now too small. However, the good thing is an opening up of other fields of applications and functionalities such as electron transistors, Coulomb blockade, and quantum cryptography, with new phenomena. Working with nanomaterials and nanocomponents demands for high expertise and complex and expensive equipment. Figure 4 shows the infrastructure of a nanoelectronics laboratory. The twenty-first century will see huge developments in the nanotechnology domainandalargenumberofapplicationswillbeevidentinthemarketplace.This development is likely to be ongoing, proceeding by steps. Predicted generational steps in the development of nanotechnology are displayed in Fig. 5.

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