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Nanostructured Materials. Processing, Properties, and Applications PDF

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Contributors Karl T. Aust Yu. Ivanisenko University of Toronto University of Ulm Toronto, Ontario, Canada Ulm, Germany Teruo Bitoh George E. Kim Akita Prefectural University Perpetual Technologies, Inc. Yurihonjo, Japan Quebec, Canada Donald Brenner Carl Koch North Carolina State University North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC, USA Raleigh, NC, USA Gan-Moog Chow Sara Majetich National University of Singapore Carnegie Mellon University Kent Ridge, Singapore Pittsburgh, PA, USA Jürgen Eckert Akihiro Makino IFW Dresden, Institute for Tohoku University Complex Materials Sendai, Japan Dresden, Germany Gino Palumbo Uwe Erb Integran Co. University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada Balaji Prabhu Hans Fecht University of Central Florida University of Ulm Orlando, Florida Ulm, Germany Wolfgang Sprengel Joanna Groza University of Stuttgart University of California, Davis Stuttgart, Germany Davis, CA, USA Cheng-jun Sun Akihisa Inoue National University of Tohoku University Singapore Sendai, Japan Kent Ridge, Singapore xv xvi Contributors C. Suryanarayana Julia Weertman University of Central Florida Northwestern University Orlando, FL, USA Evanston, IL, USA Michel Trudeau Shi Yu Hydro-Quebec Research Institute Singapore-Massachusetts Institute Varennes, Quebec, Canada of Technology Alliance Singapore Raphael Tsu University of North Qi Zhang Carolina—Charlotte Advanced Photonix, Inc. Charlotte, NC, USA Dodgeville, WI, USA Preface to Second Edition Introduction Nanostructure science and technology has become an identifiable, if very broad and multidisciplinary, field of research and emerging applica- tions in recent years. It is one of the most visible and growing research areas in materials science in its broadest sense. Nanostructured materials include atomic clusters, layered (lamellar) films, filamentary structures, and bulk nanostructured materials. The common thread to these various material forms is the nanoscale dimensionality, i.e., at least one dimen- sion less than 100nm, more typically less than 50nm. In many cases, the physics of such nanoscale materials can be very different from the macroscale properties of the same substance. The different, often supe- rior, properties that can then occur are the driving force behind the explo- sion in research interest in these materials. While the use of nanoscale dimensions to optimize properties is not new, as will be outlined below, the present high visibility and definition of the field is mainly attributable to the pioneering work of Gleiter and coworkers in the early 1980s [1]. They synthesized nanoscale grain size materials by the in situ consolida- tion of atomic clusters. The study of clusters preceded this work by researchers such as Uyeda [2]. The International Technology Research Institute, World Technology Division (WTEC), supported a panel study of research and development status and trends in nanoparticles, nanos- tructured materials, and nanodevices between 1996 and 1998. The main results of this study have been published [3] and formed one of the drivers for the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative. This report attempted to cover the very broad field of nanostructure science and technology and included assessments of the areas of synthesis and assembly, dispersions and coatings, high surface area materials, functional nanoscale devices, bulk nanostructured materials and biologically related aspects of nano- particles, nanostructured materials, and nanodevices. Aconclusion of the report is that while many aspects of the field existed well before it was identified as a field in the last decade, three related scientific/technologi- cal advances have made it a coherent area of research. These are: xvii xviii Preface 1. New and improved synthesis methods that allow control of the size and manipulation of the nanoscale “building blocks,” 2. New and improved characterization tools for study at the nanoscale (e.g., spatial resolution, chemical sensitivity), and 3. Better understanding of the relationships between nanos- tructure and properties, and how these can be engineered. With the recent intense interest in the broad field of nanostructure science and technology, a number of books, articles, and conference pro- ceedings have been published on this broad topic. Apartial listing of these publications is given in the bibliography below, starting with the review of Gleiter in 1989. Atwo-fold justification was given for another book in this rapidly advancing field in the preface of the first edition. These were, first that since many areas of the field are moving rapidly with increased understanding from both experiment and simulation studies, it would appear useful to record another “snapshot” of the field. This justification is certainly true for the second edition since in the over four years since the first edition was published, many new advances have occurred and the updated chapters reflect them. The second justification for the first edition was that because this field is so broad, the book has been designed to focus mainly on those areas of synthesis, characterization, and properties rele- vant to application that require bulk, and mainly inorganic materials. An exception was the article by Tsu and Zhang on electronic and optoelec- tronic materials. The exceptions in this second edition are the updated chapter by Tsu and Zhang on the above area, and a new chapter on mag- netic nanoparticles and their applications by Majetich. Before a brief description of the updated chapters, the new chapters, changes in some authorship, and the organization of the book is presented, a historical per- spective will be given to suggest how the field has developed and what new information has been provided by reaching the limit of the nanoscale. Historical Perspective Nanoscale microstructural features are not new, either in the natural world or in materials engineering. There are examples of nanoscale fer- romagnetic particles found in microorganisms, e.g., 50nm Fe O in the 3 4 organism A. magnetotactum [4]. Anumber of examples exist of improve- ment in mechanical properties of structural materials when a fine microstructure was developed. Early in the last century, when Preface xix “microstructures” were revealed primarily with the optical microscope, it was recognized that refined microstructures, for example, small grain sizes, often provide attractive properties such as increased strength and toughness in structural materials. Aclassic example of property enhance- ment due to a refined microstructure—with features too small to resolve with the optical microscope—was age-hardening of aluminum alloys. The phenomenon, discovered by Alfred Wilm in 1906, was essentially explained by Merica, Waltenberg, and Scott in 1919 [5], and the microstrutural features responsible were first inferred by the x-ray studies of Guinier and Preston in 1938 [6]. With the advent of transmission elec- tron microscopy (TEM) and sophisticated x-ray diffraction methods, it is now known that the fine precipitates responsible for age-hardening, in Al-4% Cu alloys, for example, are clusters of Cu atoms—Guinier-Preston (GP) Zones—and the metastable partially coherent Θ′ precipitate [7,8]. Maximum hardness is observed with a mixture of GPII (or Θ″, coarsened GP zones) and Θ′, with the dimensions of the Θ′ plates typically about 10nm in thickness by 100nm in diameter. Therefore, the important microstructural feature of age-hardened aluminum alloys is nanoscale. Critical length scales often determine optimum properties which are structure sensitive. Mechanical properties such as strength and hardness are typical, and as above, microstructural features such as precipitates or dis- persoids are most effective when their dimensions are nanoscale. In ferro- magnetic materials, the coercive force has been found to be a maximum if spherical particles (e.g., Fe C in Fe) which act as domain wall pinners have 3 a diameter about equal to the domain wall thickness, i.e., about 50nm [9]. Similarly, in type II superconductors, it has been found that fluxoid pinning, which determines the magnitude of the critical current density, is most effective when the pinning centers typically have dimensions of the order of the superconducting coherence length for a given material. For the high field superconductors, the coherence length is usually about 10–20nm, and indeed the commercial superconductors have pinning centers that appro- ximate these dimensions. In Nb Sn, the grain boundaries are the major 3 pinning sites and optimum critical current densities are obtained when the grain sizes are about 50nm [10]. Many other examples could be given of the long term use of nanoscale materials in fields such as catalysis. Organization As was done in the first edition of this book, Part I covers the impor- tant synthesis/processing methods for the production of nanocrystalline xx Preface materials. Part II focuses upon selected properties of nanostructured materials. Potential, or existing, applications of nanocrystalline materials are described as appropriate throughout the book. Chapter 1, “Chemical Synthesis of Nanostructured Particles and Films,” by Yu, Sun, and Chow, is an updated version of Ch. 1 of the first edition by Chow and Kurihara. The chemical methods for nanoparticle synthesis described include aqueous, polyol, sonochemical, precursor, organometallic, hydrolysis, solvothermal, and sol-gel methods. The cyto- toxicity of nanoparticles is discussed in this updated chapter. Other methods discussed are host-derived hybrid materials, surfactant mem- brane mediated synthesis, and a variety of films and coatings. Chapter 2, “Synthesis of Nanostructured Materials by Inert-Gas Con- densation Methods,” by Suryanarayana and Prabhu, is new in this edition. It covers the important technique that was used by Gleiter and co-workers that stimulated the present field of nanocrystalline materials. This chapter reviews the principles of the inert-gas condensation method, explains the synthesis of nanophase materials via this technique, and discusses the process parameters that influence the constitution and particle size of the product phase. Chapter 3 by Kim is an updated version of the chapter by Lau and Lavernia now entitled “Thermal Sprayed Nanostructured Coatings: Appli- cations and Development.” Thermal sprayed nanostructured coatings are a prime example of a method that has already matured to the point of application. Thermal sprayed nanostructured oxide coatings in particular have been shown to be practically advantageous for both military and industrial applications. After reviewing the technology of thermal spray a number of applications are described. Chapter 4 by Fecht and Ivanisenko, “Nanostructured Materials and Composites Prepared by Solid State Processing,” is the updated version of the chapter by Fecht in the first edition. The methods described, such as mechanical attrition and other severe plastic deformation methods have become popular methods to produce nanocrystalline materials from the “top-down.” The promise to scale up from laboratory to industrial quan- tities is one of the advantages of these methods. The mechanisms believed responsible for this nanocrystalline synthesis as well as the stability of the nanocrystalline microstructures at elevated temperatures are reviewed. A major problem with nanocrystalline materials made in particulate form is the requirement for consolidation into bulk for most applications. Chapter 5 by Groza is an updated version of her chapter in the first edition. “Nanocrystalline Powder Consolidation Methods” are reviewed and include conventional sintering methods as well as a variety of full-density Preface xxi consolidation techniques. The challenge in processing nanocrystalline powders is to fully densify them without losing the initial metastable fea- tures (nanoscale grain size and, sometimes, metastable phases). The state- of-the-art in consolidation of nanocrystalline powders is presented and the remaining challenges are discussed. While chapters 1, 2, and 4 describe processing methods for nanocrys- talline materials that result in particulates that require subsequent com- paction, i.e. “two-step” processing, there are one-step processing methods available that eliminate the need for compaction with its attendant prob- lems. A notable and commercially attractive one-step method is elec- trodeposition. Pioneers in this field, Erb, Aust, and Palumbo, update their former chapter into chapter 6, “Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Metals, Alloys, and Composites.” This chapter describes the processing methods as well as the structure and properties of the electrodeposited nanostruc- tured materials. Recent breakthroughs in the mechanical and magnetic properties of electrodeposited nanocrystalline materials are presented. A variety of applications for electrodeposited nanocrystalline coatings are reviewed. Computer simulation of nanomaterials comprises “virtual processing” and so was included in Part I of the first edition. The chapter in the first edition was written by Professor Phil Clapp who has subsequently retired. Chapter 7, now entitled “Computer Modeling of Nanostructured Materials,” has been written by Professor Donald Brenner. This chapter describes the various modeling techniques including molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo modeling, atomic potential energies and forces, and mul- tiscale modeling. The modeling of nanoparticle properties, microstructure, sintering and grain growth dynamics, mechanical deformation, and nanoalloys are reviewed. Part II of the book deals with selected properties of nanocrystalline materials. Chapter 8, “Diffusion in Nanocrystalline Materials,” is an updated version of the chapter by Wurschum, Brossmann, and Schaefer in the first edition. This chapter is written by Sprengel, a colleague of the former authors. This chapter reviews the data for diffusion in nanocrys- talline materials. It describes modeling of interface diffusion, diffusion in grain boundaries of metals, and then gives examples of diffusion behav- ior for a variety of nanocrystalline materials including pure metals, soft magnetic materials, hard magnetic materials, ceramics, and diffusion of hydrogen in nanocrystalline metals. Chapter 9, “Nanostructured Materials for Gas Reactive Applications,” is an updated version by Trudeau of his chapter in the first edition which brings in important results since the first chapter was written. This large xxii Preface important field is reviewed with examples from catalysis and electro- catalysis, semiconductor gas sensors, and hydrogen storage materials. Of special interest is the sensitivity to nanocrystalline structure. It is specu- lated that reducing the nanocrystallite size below 10nm may have more dramatic effects on such properties as catalysis. Chapter 10 is a new chapter in this edition. Majetich reviews “Mag- netic Nanoparticles and Their Applications.” After a brief introduction to the phenomenon of ferromagnetism, an in-depth description of the physics of monodomain ferromagnetic particles is given. Applications based upon magnetic nanoparticles are discussed and include such topics as magnetic recording media, spin valve devices, and tunnel junction structures as pos- sible magnetic random access memory. Both current and future applica- tions based on magnetic nanoparticles are described in terms of their basic properties, and the material challenges are identified. Chapter 11 by Inoue, Makino, and Bitoh is an updated and expanded version of the chapter by Inoue and Makino in the first edition. “Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Materials” focuses on the soft magnetic properties of bulk ferromagnetic nanocrystalline alloys prepared by the crystallization of amorphous precursors. The formation of nanogranular bcc and amorphous structures in the Fe—Zr—Nb—B—Cu, Fe—Zr— Nb—B, Fe—Nb—B—P—Cu, and Fe—Hf—O systems are described along with their superior soft magnetic properties and their engineering applications. Chapter 12, “Mechanical Behavior of Nanocrystalline Metals” by Weertman, is an updated review of this dynamic field of research. She brings in the new results from both experimental studies and the simula- tion of mechanical behavior by molecular dynamics calculations. An experimental breakthrough is the observation in some nanocrystalline materials of both high strength and good ductility. Computer simulation has allowed access to the smallest nanocrystalline grain sizes that are difficult to attain experimentally without the introduction of processing artifacts. Chapter 13, “Structure, Formation, and Mechanical Behavior of Two- Phase Nanostructured Materials” by Eckert, is updated from his chapter in the first edition. The methods used to produce bulk two-phase nano- structured materials are described. The mechanical behavior of such materials is then discussed. Of special interest in this updated chapter is the report of research from the author’s laboratory of enhanced plasticity in a Ti-base alloy with a nanocrystalline matrix and micron-scale ductile dendrites. This material exhibited both high strength and good ductility. Preface xxiii The subject of “functional” nanostructured materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications is a large and important area. While this field is not stressed in this book, it was felt that a chapter outlining some of the important features of this area should be included. Tsu and Zhang have updated their chapter from the first edition, entitled “Nanostructured Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials.” Functional nanocrystalline materials, typically thin films or quantum dots, are covered. An in-depth treatment of several topics related to Si semiconductors is given. This includes the physics of nanostructured materials which covers the dielec- tric constant, the capacitance, doping and exiton binding energies of a nanoparticle. Possible devices requiring nanoscale features are described. Such devices are light emitting diodes (LEDs) and quantum field effect transistors (QD-FETs). References 1. Gleiter, H., Progress in Materials Science, 33:223–315 (1989). 2. Uyeda, R., Progress in Materials Science, 35:1–96 (1991). 3. Siegel, R.W., Hu, E., and Roco, M.C., (eds), Nanostructure Science and Tech- nology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1999). 4. Kirschvink, J.L., Koyayashi-Kirschvink, A., and Woodford, B.J., Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci., USA, 89:7683–7687 (1992). 5. Merica, P.D., Waltenburg, R.G., and Scott, H., Bulletin AIME, June: 913 (1919). 6. Guinier, A., Nature, 142:569 (1938); Preston, G.D., ibid, 570. 7. Silcock, J.M., Heal, T.J., and Hardy, H.K., J. Institute of Metals, 82:239 (1953–54). 8. Cohen, J.B., Metall. Trans. A., 23A:2685 (1992). 9. Swisher, J.H., English, A.T., and Stoffers, R.C., Trans. ASM, 62:257 (1969). 10. Scanlan, R.M., Fietz, W.A., and Koch, E.F., J. Appl. Phys., 46:2244 (1975). Bibliography Gleiter, H., Nanocrystalline Materials, Progress in Materials Science, 33:223–315 (1989). Siegel, R.W., Nanostructured Materials-Mind Over Matter, NanoStructured Materials, 3:1 (1993). Hadjipanayis, G.C., and Siegel, R.W., Nanophase Materials: Synthesis- Properties-Applications, Kluwer Press, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1994). Gleiter, H., Nanostructured Materials: State of the Art and Perspectives, Nano- Structured Materials, 6:3 (1995). Edelstein, A.S., and Cammarata, R.C., (eds.), Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Proper- ties, and Applications, Institute of Physics, Bristol (1996). xxiv Preface Suryanarayana, C., and Koch, C.C., Nanostructured Materials, in Non- Equilibrium Processing of Materials, edited C. Suryanarayana, Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK (1999) p. 313. Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, NY(2004). Carl C. Koch October, 2006 Raleigh, North Carolina

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