Nanoreactor En gi neer ing for Life Scie nces and Medicine Artech House Series Engi neer ing in Med i cine & Biol ogy Series Edit ors Mar tin L. Yarmush, Har vard Medi cal School Chris top her J. James, Uni vers ity of Southampton Adv anced Metho ds and Tools for ECG Data Analy s is, Gari D. Clif ford, Franc isco Azuaje, and Pat rick E. McSharry, ed i tors Adv ances in Photodynamic Ther apy: Ba sic, Translational, and Clin i cal, Mi chael Hamblin and Pawel Mroz, ed i tors Bi o log i cal Da ta base Mod el ing, JakeChen and Amandeep S. Sidhu, ed i tors Bio med i cal Informaticsin Translational Re search, Hai Hu, Mi chael Liebman, and Richa rd Mur al Bio med i cal Sur faces, Jeremy Ramsden Ge nome Se quenc ing Tech nol ogy and Al go rithms, Sun Kim, Haixu Tang, and Elaine R. Mardis, ed i tors In or ganic Nanoprobes for Bi o log i cal Sens ing and Im ag ing, Hedi Mattoussi and Jinwoo Cheon, edi tors In tel li gent Sys tems Mod el ing and De ci sion Sup port in Bio en gi neer ing, Mahdi Mahfouf Life Sci ence Au to ma tion Fun da men tals and Ap pli ca tions, Mingjun Zhang, Bradley Nels on, and Robin Felder, edi tors Mic ros copic ImageAnalysis for Life Scie nce App lic at ions, Jens Rittscher, Step hen T. C. Wong, and Raghu Machiraju, edi tors Nanoreactor En gi neer ing for Life Sci ences and Medi cine, Agnes Ostafin and Katharina Landfester, ed i tors Next Gen er a tion Ar ti fi cial Vi sion Sys tems: Re verse En gi neer ing the Hu man Vi sual Sys tem, Maria Petrou and Anil Bharath,edi tors Sys tems Bioinformatics: An Eng i neer ing Case-Based App roach, Gil Alterovitz and Marco F. Ramoni, edi tors Sys tems En gi neer ing Ap proach to Med i cal Au to ma tion, Robin Felder. Translational Ap proaches in Tis sue En gi neer ing and Re gen er a tive Med i cine, Jeremy Mao, Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, Antonios G. Mikos, and An thony Atala, edi tors Nanoreactor En gi neer ing for Life Scie nces and Medi c ine Agnes Ostafin Katharina Landfester Ed i tors Li brary of Con gress Cataloging- in- Publication Data A cata log rec ord for this book is avail able from the U. S. Lib rary of Con gress. Brit ish Li brary Cata logu ing in Pub li ca tion Data A cata logue rec ord for this book is avail able from the Briti sh Li brary. ISBN: 978-1-59693-158-9 Cover de sign by Yekatarina Ratner © 2009 AR TECH HOUSE 685 Can ton Street Nor wood, MA 02062 All rights re served. Printed and bound in the United States of Amer ica. No part of this book may be re pro duced or util ized in any form or by any means, elect ronic or mechanical, in - clud ing pho to copy ing, re cord ing, or by any in for ma tion stor age and retrieval sys tem, with - out per mis sion in writi ng from the pub lisher. All terms ment ioned in this book that are known to be trade marks or serv ice marks have been ap pro pri ately capi tal ized. Art ech House can not at test to the acc u racy of this in form a - tion. Use of a term in this book should not be re garded as aff ecti ng the va lid ity of any trade- mark or servi ce mark. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Con tents 1 In tro duc tion to Nanoreactor Tech nol ogy 1 1.1 What is a Nanoreactor? 1 1.2 Ex amp les of Nanoreactor Sys tems 5 1.2.1 Over view 5 1.2.2 Molecu l ar Organic Nanoreactors 7 1.2.3 Macromolecular Nanoreactors 7 1.2.4 Micelle, Vesi c les, and Nano/Micro/Mini Emul sions 15 1.2.5 Porous Mac ro scopic Sol ids 20 1.3 Con clu sions 22 Ref er ences 23 2 Miniemulsion Dropl ets as Nanoreactors 47 2.1 Diff ere nt Kinds of Poly meri za tion in the Nanoreactors 49 2.1.1 Radi c al Polym eri zat ion 49 2.1.2 Con trolled Free-Rad i cal Miniemulsion Poly mer iza tion 53 2.1.3 Anionic Poly mer iza tion 56 2.1.4 Cationic Poly mer iza tion 57 2.1.5 Enzym atic Polym eri zat ion 58 2.1.6 Oxi da tive Poly mer iza tion 58 2.1.7 Cat a lytic Poly mer iza tion 59 v vi Nanoreactor En gin eer ing for Life Scie nces and Med ic ine 2.1.8 Polyaddition Reac tion 60 2.1.9 Polycondensation Reac tion 61 2.1.10 Poly mer ase Chain Reac tion 61 2.2 Form at ion of Nanocapsules 62 2.2.1 Gene ra t ion of Encaps ul ated Inorganics 62 2.2.2 Encap su la tion of Hydro pho bic Mol e cules 64 2.2.3 Direct Gen era t ion of Poly mer Caps ules and Holl ow Part ic les 66 2.2.4 Encaps ul at ion of Hydrop hob ic Liqu ids 67 2.2.5 Encaps ul at ion of Hydrop hilic Liqu ids by Interf ac ial Reac tion 69 2.2.6 Encap su la tion of Hydro philic Com po nents by Nanoprecipitation 70 2.3 Cryst all iz at ion in Miniemulsion Dropl ets 71 2.4 Con clu sion 73 Ref er ences 73 3 Trans port Phe nom ena and Chem i cal Re ac tions in Nanoscale Surfactant Netw orks 81 3.1 Int rod uct ion 81 3.2 Cons truct ion, Shape Transf orm at ions, and Struct ural Mod i fi ca tions of Phospholipid Nanotube-Ves i cle Net works 83 3.2.1 Phospholipid Memb ranes and Vesi c les 83 3.2.2 Self-Assem bly of Vesic u lar Sys tems 84 3.2.3 Lipid Nanotubes 86 3.2.4 Nanotube-Ves i cle Net works, Forced Shape Trans it ions, and Struct ural Self-Organ iz at ion 87 3.2.5 Memb rane Biofunctionalization of Liposomes and Ves i cle-Cell Hybrids 91 3.2.6 Inter nal Vol ume Functionalization and Compartmentalization of Nanotube-Vesi cle Net works 94 3.3 Trans port Phe nom ena in Nanotube-Ves i cle Net works 96 Con tents vii 3.3.1 Mass Transp ort and Mixi ng in Nanotube-Vesi c le Net works 97 3.3.2 Trans port by Dif fu sion 99 3.3.3 Ten sion-Con trolled (Marangoni) Lipid Flow and Intratubular Liq uid Flow in Nanotubes 102 3.3.4 Elec tro pho retic Trans port 104 3.3.5 Solu tion Mixi ng-in Inflated Vesi cles through a Nanotube 105 3.4 Chem i cal Re ac tions in Nanotube-Ves i cle Net works 106 3.4.1 Dif fu sion-Con trolled Reac tions in Con fined Spaces 107 3.4.2 Chemi c al Transf orm at ions in Indiv idu al Vesi c les 112 3.4.3 Enzy matic Reac tions in Nanotube-Ves i cle Net works 114 3.4.4 Con trolled Ini ti a tion of Enzy matic Reac tions 115 3.4.5 Con trol of Enzy matic Reac tions by Netw ork Archit ect ure 117 3.5 Sum mary and Out look 122 Selected Bib li og ra phy 124 4 Or dered Mesoporous Ma te ri als 133 4.1 Int rod uct ion 133 4.2 The Mech an ism of Self-As semb ly of Mesoporous Mat er ia ls 135 4.3 Functionalization of the Pore Walls 139 4.4 Con trol ling the Mesopore Di am e ter 140 4.5 Chara ct eri zat ion 141 4.6 Pro tein Ad sorp tion and En zyme Ac tiv ity 143 4.7 Morphogenesis of Nano- and Microparticles 147 4.8 Drug De liv ery 151 4.9 Bioactive Glasses for Tiss ue En gin eeri ng 154 4.10 Summ ary 155 Ref er ences 157 viii Nanoreactor En gin eer ing for Life Scie nces and Med ic ine 5 A Novel Nanoreactor for Biosensing 161 5.1 Int rod uct ion 161 5.2 Ba sic De sign of a Nanoreactor for ROS Det ec tion 162 5.2.1 Over all Mech a nism 162 5.2.2 Chemiluminescence of Luminol 162 5.2.3 Res o nance Energy Transf er Inside a Nanoreactor 162 5.2.4 A Kinet ics Model of Nanoreactor Chemiluminescence and Flu o res cence 166 5.3 Syn the sis of a Nanoreactor 168 5.3.1 Out line of Nanoreactor Syn thes is 168 5.3.2 Encaps ul at ion of the React ants in Liposomes 169 5.3.3 Self-Assemb ly of Calc ium Phos phate Shells over the Liposomes and Nanoreactor Sta bi li za tion with CEPA 170 5.4 Chara ct eri zat ion of a Synt hes ized Nanoreactor 171 5.4.1 Physi cal Feat ure of a Nanoreactor 171 5.4.2 Inter nal Struct ure of the Cal cium Phosp hate Shell 173 5.4.3 Conc ent rat ions of React ants in Nanoreactors 173 5.5 Det ec tion of ROS with the Nanoreactor 174 5.5.1 Stopped Flow Analy s es of Lumi nes cence 174 5.5.2 Time-Resolved Lumi nes cence of Luminol in Solut ion and Inside Nanoreactors 175 5.5.3 Spec tro pho to met ric Chemiluminescence and Flu o res cence Anal y ses Show That RET Is Sign ifi c antly Enhanced in Nanoreactors 176 5.5.4 The RET Takes Place Inside Nanoreactors 177 5.6 Re ac tive Ox y gen Spe cies (ROS) and Dis eases 178 5.6.1 Sign ifi c ance of ROS in Human Bodi es 178 5.6.2 Con ven tional Metho ds of ROS Detec tion Are Cum ber some and Often Error Rid den Due to the Influ ence of Com pounds Found in the Body 179 5.7 Con clu sions 180 Ref er ences 181 Con tents ix 6 Sur face Nanoreactors for Ef fi cient Ca tal y sis of Hydrolytic Re ac tions 187 6.1 Int rod uct ion 187 6.1.1 Emuls ion-Based Surf ace Nanoreactors 191 6.1.2 Poly mer-Based Surf ace Nanoreactors (Case of Poly mer Aggre gates) 195 6.1.3 Poly mer-Based Surf ace Nanoreactors (Case of Poly mer Glob ules) 199 6.2 Con clu sion 205 Ac knowl edge ments 206 Ref er ences 207 7 Nanoreactors for Enz yme Thera py 209 7.1 En zymes and Dise ase 209 7.2 En zyme Ther apy 210 7.2.1 Intrav en ous Admini st rat ion and Chemi c al Modi f ic at ion of Enzymes for Thera p eut ic Use 212 7.2.2 Antib ody and Viral Vec tor Tar get ing of Enzyme Ther a pies 214 7.2.3 Microreactor Immob il iz at ion of Enzyme Thera p ies 215 7.2.4 Nanoreactor Immob il iz at ion of Enzyme Thera p ies 217 7.3 Summ ary 223 Ref er ences 223 8 Nanoractors in Stem Cell Res earch 229 8.1 Stem Cells Are a Cru cial Cell Popu lat ion in An i mal and Hu man Or gan isms 230 8.2 (Stem) Cells as Nanoreactors 232 8.3 The Con cept of Stem Cells is Born: Defi ni tion of the Hematopoetic Stem Cell 233 8.4 “New” Stem Cell Types 236 8.4.1 Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) 238