Nanometer CMOS ICs Nanometer CMOS ICs From basics to ASICs Harry Veendrick ~ Springer the languag of sci nee mybusinessmedia Nanometer CMOS ICs Author: Dr. Ir. H.J.M.Veendrick NXP Semiconductors-Research E-mail: [email protected] Cover design: Bram Veendrick Photographs used in cover: NXP Semiconductors Typesetting and layout: Harold Benten and Dre van den Elshout Illustrations: Kim Veendrick and Henny Alblas First English edition: 2008 This book is based on various previous publications. The first original 1990 pub lication (Delta Press b.v.) was in the Dutch language. In 1992 a revised, updated and translated English edition of that book was jointly published by VCR Verlags gesellschaft (Weinheim, Germany) and VCR Publishers Inc. (NY, USA). The third book, entitled Deep-Submicron CMOS ICs: from Basics to ASICs, was a joint pub lication of Ten Ragen en Starn, Deventer, The Netherlands, and Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA) and published in two editions (1998and 2000). This new book covers the same subjects, but then they are completely revised and updated with the most recent state-of-the-art material. It coversallsubjects,related to nanometer CMOS ICs: physics,technologies,design, testing,packagingand failure analysis. The contents have increased by almost one third, leading to a much more detailed and complete description of most ofthe subjects. This new book is almost full colour. ISBN 978-1-4020-8332-7 NUR 950 © 2008 Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo Mybusinessmedia, Deventer, The Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced,stored in a database or retrievalsystem,or published, inany formor inany way,electronically,mechanically, by print,photo print,microfilm or anyother means without prior written permission from the publisher. Information published in this work, in any form,may be subject to patent rights and is intended for study purposes and private useonly. Although this book and its contents were produced with great care, neither the au thor nor the publisher can guarantee that the information contained therein is free from errors. Readers are advised to keep in mind that statements, data, illustra tions, proceduraldetailsor other items may inadvertently contain inaccuracies. This book contains many sources and references of text, photographs and illustrations. Although the author has given a lot of attention to carefully refer to the source of related material, he already apologizes for the one or few individual occasions that this has slipped his final review. Foreword CMOS scaling isnowenteringthe deca-nanometerera. This enablesthe design of systems-on-a-chip containing more than 10 billion transistors. However, nanometer level device physics also causes a plethora of new challenges that percolate all the way up to the system level. Therefore system-on-a-chip design is essentially teamwork requiring a close dialogue between system designers, software engineers, chip architects, intel lectual property providers, and process and device engineers. This is hardly possible without a common understanding of the nanometer CMOS medium, its terminology, its future opportunities and possible pitfalls. This iswhat this book provides. It is a greatly extended and revised version ofthe previous edition that was addressing deep-submicron CMOS systems. So besides the excellent coverage ofall basicaspectsofMOS devices,circuitsand systems it leads the reader into the novelintricacies resulting from scaling CMOS down to the deca-nanometer level. New in this edition is the attention to the issues of increased leakage power and its mitigation, to strain induced mobility enhancement and to sub 45nm lithographic techniques. Immersion and double patterning litho the use of high index fluids as well as of extreme UV and other alternative litho ap proaches for sub 32nm are extensively discussed together with their impact on circuit layout. The design section now also extensively covers design tech niques for improved robustness, yield and manufacturing in view of increased device variability, soft errors and decreased reliability when reaching atomic dimensions. In the packaging section attention is paid to rapidly emerging 3D integrationtechniques. Finallytheauthorshareshisthoughts onthe challenges of further scaling when approaching the end of the CMOS roadmap by 2015. This book isunique in that it coversina very comprehensivewayallaspects ofthe trajectory from process technology to thedesign and packaging ofrobust and testable systems in nanometer scale CMOS. It is the reflection of the author's own research in this domain but also of almost 30years experience in interactiveteachingofCMOS design to NXP and PHILIPS system designers and process engineers alike. It providescontext and perspective to both sides. I strongly recommend this book to all engineers involved in the design and manufacturingoffuture systems-on-silicon as wellas to engineeringundergrad uates who want to understand the basics that make electronics systems work. Leuven, February 2008 Hugo De Man Professor Emeritus K.U. Leuven Senior FellowIMEC Leuven Belgium v Preface An integrated circuit (IC) isa pieceofsemiconductor material,on which a number of electronic components are interconnected. These intercon nected 'chip' components implement a specific function. The semicon ductor material is usually silicon but alternatives include gallium ar senide. ICs are essentialinmost modern electronic products. Thefirst IC was created by Jack Kilby in 1959. Photographs of this device and the in ventor are shown in figure 3. Figure 1illustrates thesubsequent progress in IC complexity. This figure shows the numbers of components for ad vanced ICs and the year in which these ICs were first presented. This doubling in complexity every two years was predicted by Moore (Intel 1964), who's law is still valid today for the number of logic transistors on a chip. However, due to reaching the limits ofscaling, the complexity doubling of certain memories now happens at a three-year cycle. This is shown by the complexity growth line which is slowly saturating. Figure 2 shows the relative semiconductor revenue per IC category. CMOS ICs take about 75%of the total semiconductor market. Today's digital ICs may contain several hundreds of millions to more than a billion transistors on one single 1cm2 chip. They can be subdivided into three categories: logic, microprocessors and memories. About 10% of the CMOS ICs are of an analog nature. Figures 4 to 7 illustrate the evolution in IC technology. Figure 4 shows a discrete BCI07 transistor. The digital filter shown in figure 5 comprises a fewthousand transistors whilethe Digital Audio Broadcast ing (DAB) chip in figure 6 contains more than six million transistors. The Intel Pentium4 Xeon dual-core processor in figure 7.25 (section 7.6), contains 1.3billion transistors. Figure 7showsan 8Gb 63nm multi-level NAND-flash memory chip. Figure 8 illustrates the sizes of various semiconductor components, such as a silicon atom, a single transistor and an integrated circuit, in perspective. The sizes of an individual MaS transistor are approaching the details of a virus. vi ? 2T II lie......· • 156IGT cvpcctcdcapa"-II) ....A:>'..i;;,(ibn ,J:J'/>4(;~II 64G (:)' 16G Gbil 4G .0'; Gbil IG 0~56Mbil ...... 256~I •• :... :~::.. 64M •••0 64Mbil /:J ~ 16.\1 16Mbil ::: 4~l .04Mbil :~:: I~I .0" Mbil ~ ::. 156k t:1'15bLbil ~ Mk .664kbil 'C'-'' 16k ....0 II>-kbilMO ·DRA t H .,.6 Il I·kbilMO ·DRAM Ii" 156 4·bilITl-coonlcr 64 /fJ dualflip-flop 16 :f!) RTl gale 4 I-f,-=""-,...L--''-=+---=:::;----L,.--...:\.U;:rl'---,-- .,.---,r--r- -.-- .,.---,r--r- 1959 1965 1970 1975 19S0 19S5 19'10 1995 2000 2005 2010 1015 2020 1025 year Figure 1: Growth in the number ofcomponents per IC Compound Analog Di crete :::.1.% MO :::9% 1 :::15.0% Bipolare 7% Integrated MO Circuits :::92%ofthe Digital :::85%of integraded :::91%of theTotal ircuit MOS larket Market Figure 2: Relative semiconductor revenue by IC category (Source: IC Insights) Vll This book provides an insight into allaspectsassociated with CMOS ICs. The topics presented include relevant fundamental physics. Technology, design and implementation aspects are also explained and applications are discussed. CAD tools used for the realisation of ICs are described while current and expected developments also receive attention. The contents of this book are based on the CMOS section of an industry-oriented course entitled 'An introduction to IC techniques'. Thecourse has been givenalmost threedecades,formerly in Philips,cur rently in NXP Semiconductors. Continuous revision and expansion of thecourse material ensures that this book ishighly relevant to the IC in dustry. The levelofthe discussions makes this book a suitable introduc tion for designers, technologists, CAD developers, test engineers, failure analysis engineers, reliability engineers, technical-commercial personnel and IC applicants. The text is also suitable for both graduates and undergraduates in related engineering courses. Considerable effort has been made to enhance the readability of this book and only essential formulae are included. The large number of di agrams and photographs should reinforce the explanations. The design and application examples are mainly digital. This reflects the fact that more than 90% of all modern CMOS ICs are digital circuits. However, the material presented willalso provide the analogue designer with a ba sic understanding ofthe physics, manufacture and operation ofnanome ter CMOS circuits. Thechapters are summarisedbelow. Foreducational purposes the first four chapters each start with a discussion on nMOS physics, nMOS transistor operation, nMOS circuit behaviour, nMOS manufacturing process, etc. Because the pMOS transistor operation is fully complementary to that of the nMOS transistor, it is then easier to understand the operation and fabrication of complementary MOS (CMOS) circuits. The subjects per chapter are chosen in a very organ ised and logical sequence so as to gradually built the knowledge, from Basics to ASICs. The knowledge gathered from each chapter is required to understand the information presented in the next chapter(s). Each chapterends with a reference list and exercises. The exercisessummarise the important topics of the chapter and form an important part of the complete learning process. Chapter 1 contains detailed discussions of the basic principles and fundamental physics of the MOS transistor. The derivation of simple current-voltage equations for MOS devices and the explanation of their characteristics illustrates the relationship between process parameters Vlll and circuit performance. The continuous reduction of transistor dimensions leads to increased deviation between the performance predicted by the simple MOS for mulae and actual transistor behaviour. The effects of temperature and the impact of the continuous scaling of the geometry on this behaviour are explained in chapter 2. In addition to their influence on transistor and circuit performance,theseeffectscan also reducedevice lifetimeand reliability. The various technologiesfor themanufactureofCMOS ICs areexam ined in chapter 3. After a summary on the available different substrates (wafers) used as starting material, an explanation ofthe most important associated photolithographic and processing steps is provided. This pre cedes a discussion of an advanced nanometer CMOS technology for the manufacture of modern VLSI circuits. The design of CMOS circuits is treated in chapter 4. An introduc tion to the performance aspects of nMOS circuits provides an extremely useful background for the explanation of the CMOS design and layout procedures. MOS technologies and their derivatives are used to realise the spe cial devices discussed in chapter 5. Charge-coupled devices (CCDs), CMOS imagers and MOS power transistors are among the special de vices. Chapter 5concludes thepresentation ofthefundamental concepts behind BICMOS circuit operation. Stand-alone memories currently represent about 25% of the total semiconductor market revenue. However, also in logic and microproces sor les embedded memoriesrepresent closeto 80%ofthetotal transistor count. So, of all transistors produced in the world, today, about 90% end up in either a stand-alone, or in an embedded memory. This share isexpected to stay at this level or to increase. The majority ofavailable memory types are therefore examined in chapter 6. The basic struc tures and the operating principles of the various types are explained. In addition, the relationships between their respective properties and application areas is made clear. Developments in IC technology now facilitate the integration ofcom plete systems on a chip, which contain several hundreds of millions to more than a billion of transistors. The various IC design and realisation techniques used for these VLSI ICs are presented in chapter 7. The ad vantages and disadvantages of the techniques and the associated CAD tools are examined. Various modern technologies are used to realise a IX separate class ofVLSI ICs, which are specified by applicants rather than manufacturers. These application-specific ICs (ASICs) are examined in this chapter as well. Motives for their use are also discussed. As a result of the continuous increase of power consumption, the maximum level that can be sustained by cheap plastic packages has been reached. Therefore, all CMOS designers must have a 'less-power attitude'. Chapter 8 presents a complete overview of less-power and less-leakage options for CMOS technologies, as well as for the different levels of design hierarchy. Increased VLSI design complexities, combined with higher frequen ciescreate a higher sensitivity to physical effects. Theseeffects dominate the reliability and signal integrity of nanometer CMOS ICs. Chapter 9 discusses these effects and the design measures to be taken to maintain both reliability and signal integrity at a sufficiently high level. Finally, testing, yield, packaging, debug and failure analysis are im portant factors that contributeto the ultimatecosts ofan IC.Chapter 10 presents an overview ofthe state-of-the-art techniques that support test ing, debugging and failure analysis. It also includes a rather detailed summary on available packaging technologies and gives an insight into their future trends. Essential factors related to IC production are also examined; these factors include quality and reliability. The continuous reduction of transistor dimensions associated with successive process generations is the subject of the final chapter (chap ter 11). This scaling has various consequences for transistor behaviour and IC performance. The resulting increase of physical effects and the associated effects on reliability and signal integrity are important topics of attention. The expected consequences of and road blocks for further miniaturisation are described. This provides an insight into the chal lenges facing the IC industry in the race towards nanometer devices. Not all data in this book is completely sprout from my mind. A lot of books and papers contributed to make the presented material state of-the-art. Considerable effort has been made to make the reference list complete and correct. I apologize for possible imperfections. Acknowledgements I wish to express my gratitude to all those who contributed to the reali sation of this book; it is impossible to include all their names. I greatly value my professional environment: Philips Research labs, of which the semiconductorresearchdepartment isnowpart ofNXP Semiconductors. x It offered me the opportunity to work with many internationally highly valued colleagues who are all real specialists in their fieldofsemiconduc tor expertise. Their contributions included fruitful discussions, relevant texts and manuscript reviews. I would like to make an exception, here, for my colleagues Marcel Pelgrom and Maarten Vertregt, who greatly contributed to the discussions held on trends in MOS transistor cur rents and variability matters throughout this book and Roger Cuppens and Roelof Salters forthe discussions on non-volatile and random-access memories, respectively. I would especially like to thank Andries Scholten and Ronald van Langevelde for reviewing chapter 2 and for the discussions on leak age mechanisms in this chapter, Casper Juffermans and Johannes van Wingerden for their inputs to and Ewoud vreugdenhil (ASM Lithog raphy) for his review of the lithography section in chapter 3. I would also like to sincerely thank Robert Lander for his detailed review of the section on CMOS process technologies and future trends in CMOS devices and Gerben Doornbos for the correct sizes and doping levels used in the manufacture ofstate-of-the-art CMOS devices. I appreciate the many circuit simulations that Octavio Santana has done to create the tapering-factor table in chapter 4. I am grateful for the review of chapter 5 on special circuits and devices based on MOS transistor op eration: Albert Theuwissen (Harvest Imaging) for the section on CCD and image sensors, Johan Donkers and Erwin Hijzen for the BICMOS section and Jan Sonsky for the high voltage section. I also appreciate their willingness to supply me with great photographic material. Toby Doorn and Ewoud Vreugdenhil are thanked for their review ofthe mem ory chapter (chapter 6). I appreciate Paul Wielage's work on statistical simulations with respect to memory yield loss. I thank Ad Peeters for information on and reviewing the part on asynchronous design in the low-power chapter (chapter 8). Reliability is an important part ofchap ter 9, which discusses the robustness of ICs. In this respect I want to thank Andrea Scarpa for reviewing the hot-carrier and NBTI subjects, Theo Smedes for the ESD and latch-up subjects and Yuang Li for the part on electromigration. I also greatly value the work of Bram Kruse man, Henk Thoonen and Frank Zachariasse for reviewing the sections on testing, packaging and failure analysis, respectively. I also like to express them my appreciation forsupplying me with a lot offigures and photographs, which support and enrich the discussions on these subjects in chapter 10. Finally, I want to thank Chris Wyland and John Janssen, xi