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Nanomaterials: An Introduction to Synthesis, Properties and Applications PDF

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Dieter Vollath Nanomaterials An Introduction to Synthesis, Properties, and Applications Second Edition DieterVollath Nanomaterials RelatedTitles Manasreh,O. Cademartiri,L.,Ozin,G.A. IntroductiontoNanomaterials ConceptsofNanochemistry andDevices 2009 PrintISBN978-3-527-32597-9 2012 PrintISBN978-0-470-92707-6 Wolf,E.L. Wolf,E.L.,Medikonda,M. QuantumNanoelectronics Understanding the AnIntroductiontoElectronic NanotechnologyandQuantum NanotechnologyRevolution Computing 2012 2009 PrintISBN978-3-527-41109-2 PrintISBN978-3-527-40749-1 Kumar,C.S. Gubin,S.P. NanomaterialsfortheLife MagneticNanoparticles Sciences 2009 10VolumeSet PrintISBN978-3-527-40790-3 2011 PrintISBN978-3-527-32261-9 Schmid,G. Nanoparticles FromTheorytoApplication 2Edition 2010 PrintISBN978-3-527-32589-4 Dieter Vollath Nanomaterials AnIntroductiontoSynthesis,PropertiesandApplications SecondEdition The Author All books published by Wiley-VCH are carefully produced . Neverthel ess, authors, editors, and publisher do not warrant the information contained P r of. D r. D i et er V o lla th in these books, inclu ding this book, to be free of N a noCon s ulti ng errors. Rea ders are advised to keep in mind that Primelweg 3 statemen ts, data, illust rations, procedural details or 76 297 Stut en see other items may inadver tently be inaccurate . Ge rm a n y Library of Congress Car d No.: applied for British Library Catalogu ing-in-Publica tion Dat a The c over picture is base d on an A catalogu e record for this book is av ailable from the image from w ww.picto rello.de; British Library. with kind p ermissio n fro m Bibliog raphic inform ation publ ished by the Deutsche Mi chael Herrm an n, Erlang en. Nation albibliothek The D eutsche Na tionalbibliothe k lists this publicationintheDeutscheNationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographicdataareavailableonthe Internet at < http:// dnb.d-nb.d e> . #2013Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA, Boschstr.12,69469Weinheim,Germany Allrightsreserved(includingthoseoftranslationinto otherlanguages).Nopartofthisbookmaybe reproducedinanyform–byphotoprinting, microfilm,oranyothermeans–nortransmittedor translatedintoamachinelanguagewithoutwritten permissionfromthepublishers.Registerednames, trademarks,etc.usedinthisbook,evenwhennot specificallymarkedassuch,arenottobeconsidered unprotectedbylaw. PrintISBN: 978-3-527-33379-0 ePDFISBN: 978-3-527-67187-8 ePubISBN: 978-3-527-67186-1 mobiISBN: 978-3-527-67185-4 CoverDesign SchulzGrafik-Design,Fußgönheim Typesetting ThomsonDigital,Noida,India PrintingandBinding StraussGmbH,Mörlenbach Printedonacid-freepaper PrintedintheFederalRepublicofGermany j V Contents Preface IX 1 Nanomaterials:AnIntroduction 1 2 NanomaterialsandNanocomposites 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 ElementaryConsequencesofSmallParticleSize 12 2.2.1 SurfaceofNanoparticles 12 2.2.2 ThermalPhenomena 13 2.2.3 DiffusionScalingLaw 14 2.2.4 ScalingofVibrations 20 References 22 3 SurfacesinNanomaterials 23 3.1 GeneralConsiderations 23 3.2 SurfaceEnergy 25 3.3 SomeTechnicalConsequencesofSurfaceEnergy 36 References 42 4 Gas-PhaseSynthesisofNanoparticles 45 4.1 FundamentalConsiderations 45 4.2 InertGasCondensationProcess 56 4.3 PhysicalandChemicalVaporSynthesisProcesses 57 4.4 LaserAblationProcess 60 4.5 Radio-andMicrowavePlasmaProcesses 64 4.6 FlameAerosolProcess 72 4.7 SynthesisofCoatedParticles 82 References 87 5 Nanotubes,Nanorods,andNanoplates 89 5.1 GeneralConsiderations 89 5.1.1 ConditionsfortheFormationofRodsandPlates 93 5.1.2 LayeredStructures 94 j VI Contents 5.1.3 One-DimensionalCrystals 95 5.2 NanostructuresRelatedtoCompoundswithLayeredStructures 98 5.2.1 CarbonNanotubesandGraphene 98 5.2.2 NanotubesandNanorodsfromMaterialsotherthanCarbon 109 5.2.3 SynthesisofNanotubesandNanorods 113 References 120 6 Nanofluids 123 6.1 Definition 123 6.2 NanofluidsforImprovedHeatTransfer 123 6.3 Ferrofluids 127 6.3.1 GeneralConsiderations 127 6.3.2 PropertiesofFerrofluids 127 6.3.3 ApplicationsofFerrofluids 129 References 133 7 PhaseTransformationsofNanoparticles 135 7.1 ThermodynamicsofNanoparticles 135 7.2 HeatCapacityofNanoparticles 136 7.3 PhaseTransformationsofNanoparticles 139 7.4 PhaseTransformationandCoagulation 148 7.5 StructuresofNanoparticles 149 7.6 ACloserLookatNanoparticleMelting 153 7.7 StructuralFluctuations 159 References 165 8 MagneticPropertiesofNanoparticles 167 8.1 MagneticMaterials 167 8.2 SuperparamagneticMaterials 171 8.3 SusceptibilityandRelatedPhenomenainSuperparamagnets 184 8.4 ApplicationsofSuperparamagneticMaterials 191 8.5 Exchange-CoupledMagneticNanoparticles 196 References 203 9 OpticalPropertiesofNanoparticles 205 9.1 GeneralRemarks 205 9.2 AdjustmentoftheIndexofRefraction 205 9.3 OpticalPropertiesRelatedtoQuantumConfinement 209 9.4 QuantumDotsandOtherLumophores 223 9.5 MetallicandSemiconductingNanoparticlesIsolatedandin TransparentMatrices 231 9.6 SpecialLuminescentNanocomposites 243 9.7 Electroluminescence 250 9.8 PhotochromicandElectrochromicMaterials 257 9.8.1 GeneralConsiderations 257 j Contents VII 9.8.2 PhotochromicMaterials 257 9.8.3 ElectrochromicMaterials 259 9.9 MaterialsforCombinedMagneticandOpticApplications 261 References 267 10 ElectricalPropertiesofNanoparticles 269 10.1 FundamentalsofElectricalConductivityinNanotubesand Nanorods 269 10.2 Nanotubes 278 10.3 PhotoconductivityofNanorods 284 10.4 ElectricalConductivityofNanocomposites 288 References 296 11 MechanicalPropertiesofNanoparticles 299 11.1 GeneralConsiderations 299 11.2 BulkMetallicandCeramicMaterials 302 11.2.1 InfluenceofPorosity 302 11.2.2 InfluenceofGrainSize 304 11.2.3 Superplasticity 317 11.3 FilledPolymerComposites 319 11.3.1 Particle-FilledPolymers 319 11.3.2 Polymer-BasedNanocompositesFilledwithPlatelets 323 11.3.3 CarbonNanotube-andGraphene-BasedComposites 329 References 333 12 CharacterizationofNanomaterials 335 12.1 GeneralRemarks 335 12.2 GlobalMethodsforCharacterization 335 12.2.1 SpecificSurfaceArea 335 12.3 X-RayandElectronDiffraction 341 12.4 ElectronMicroscopy 349 12.4.1 GeneralConsiderations 349 12.4.2 InteractionoftheElectronBeamandSpecimen 353 12.4.3 LocalizedChemicalAnalysisintheElectronMicroscope 358 12.4.4 ScanningTransmissionElectronMicroscopyUsingaHigh-Angle AnnularDark-FieldDetector 365 References 367 Index 369

Successor of the highly acclaimed, first full-color introduction to nanomaterials - now including graphenes and carbon nanotubesThis full-colored introduction to nanomaterials and nanotechnology in particular addresses the needs of engineers who need to know the special phenomena and potentials, wit
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