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NanoInnovation: What Every Manager Needs to Know PDF

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N T Michael Tomczyk anoInnovation: What Every Manager Needs to Know is the most comprehensive o book written to-date on innovative technologies and applications in the fi eld of m nanotechnology. Author Michael Tomczyk conducted more than 150 interviews c with nano-insiders to present the inside story of scientifi c discoveries, research z y Nano nnovation breakthroughs, and commercial products and applications that are already k changing our lives, thanks to the remarkable ability to manipulate atoms and molecules at the nanoscale. Michael Tomczyk is one of the world’s leading authorities on nanoinnovation, and an expert on the impact of disruptive innovations on industries and markets. He became interested in nanotechnology while serving as Managing Director of the Emerging Technologies Program and the Mack Institute for Innovation Whaatt Eveeryy Maanaaggeer Neeeeddss ttoo Knoow Management at the Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), where he provided managerial leadership for more than 18 years. He is a founding strategic advisor at the Nanotechnology Research Foundation, and served on the senior leadership of the IEEE/IEC committee that developed standards for the use of nanotechnology in electronics. As a technology pioneer, Michael is best known for his role in the development of the fi rst home computers (at Commodore) in the 1980s. He holds master’s degrees in business (UCLA) and N environmental studies (University of Pennsylvania) and a bachelor of a arts in literature and journalism. Michael has written more than 150 n articles. He retired from the University of Pennsylvania in June 2014 o and is currently Innovator in Residence at Villanova University. n n o v a t i o n www.wiley-vch.de MichaelTomczyk NanoInnovation Related Titles Fecht,H.,Werner,M.,VandeVoorde,M. Allhoff,Fritz/Lin,Patrick/Moore, (eds.) Daniel The Nano-Micro Interface What Is Nanotechnology and BridgingtheMicroandNanoWorlds Why Does It Matter? FromSciencetoEthics Secondedition 2014 2010 PrintISBN:978-3-527-33633-3;alsoavailable ISBN:978-1-4051-7544-9;alsoavailablein indigitalformats digitalformats García-Martínez,Javier(ed.) Cademartiri,Ludovico/Ozin, GeoffreyA. Nanotechnology for the Energy Challenge Concepts of Nanochemistry Secondedition 2009 2013 ISBN:978-3-527-32597-9;alsoavailablein ISBN:978-3-527-33380-6;alsoavailablein digitalformats digitalformats Balzani,V.,Credi,A.,Venturi,M. Vollath,Dieter Molecular Devices and Nanomaterials Machines AnIntroductiontoSynthesis, ConceptsandPerspectivesforthe Properties,andApplications Nanoworld Secondedition Secondedition 2013 2008 ISBN:978-3-527-33379-0;alsoavailablein PrintISBN:978-3-527-31800-1;alsoavailable digitalformats indigitalformats Michael Tomczyk NanoInnovation What Every Manager Needs to Know Author AllbookspublishedbyWiley-VCHarecarefully produced.Nevertheless,authors,editors,andpub- MichaelTomczyk lisherdonotwarranttheinformationcontainedin InnovatorinResidence thesebooks,includingthisbook,tobefreeof VillanovaUniversity errors.Readersareadvisedtokeepinmindthat Villanova,Pennsylvania statements,data,illustrations,proceduraldetailsor UnitedStates otheritemsmayinadvertentlybeinaccurate. LibraryofCongressCardNo.:appliedfor BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData Acataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefrom theBritishLibrary. Bibliographicinformationpublishedbythe DeutscheNationalbibliothek TheDeutscheNationalbibliothekliststhis publicationintheDeutscheNationalbibliografie; detailedbibliographicdataareavailableonthe Internetathttp://dnb.d-nb.de. 2015Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA, Boschstr.12,69469Weinheim,Germany Allrightsreserved(includingthoseoftranslation intootherlanguages).Nopartofthisbookmay bereproducedinanyform–byphotoprinting, microfilm,oranyothermeans–nortransmitted ortranslatedintoamachinelanguagewithout writtenpermissionfromthepublishers.Regis- terednames,trademarks,etc.usedinthisbook, evenwhennotspecificallymarkedassuch,are nottobeconsideredunprotectedbylaw. PrintISBN: 978-3-527-32672-3 ePDFISBN: 978-3-527-65007-1 ePubISBN: 978-3-527-65006-4 MobiISBN: 978-3-527-65005-7 oBookISBN: 978-3-527-65004-0 CoverDesign Grafik-DesignSchulz,Fußgönheim, Germany Typesetting ThomsonDigital,Noida,India PrintingandBinding MarkonoPrintMediaPte Ltd.,Singapore Printedonacid-freepaper Thisbookisdedicatedto FredKavli(1927–2013) FounderandChairman,TheKavliFoundation This book is dedicated to the late Fred Kavli. I was privileged to meet Fred in 2011attheWhartonSchoolwhenhewasbeingpresentedwiththeFranklinInsti- tute’sBowerAwardforBusinessLeadership.Heprovidedthefollowingquotation forthisbook,althoughsadlyhedidnotlivetoseeitpublished: “Wecannotpredictthefutureand foresee alltherevolutionarydevel- opments that nanotechnology will bring us, but it gives us confi- dence that our rate of develop- ment and discovery will follow the logarithmic curve and main- tain an ever-increasing rate of expansionanddiscovery tobring us a future that is so revolution- ary that we cannot even imagine it today anymore that we could imagine the revolution that the transistor would bring when it wasdiscoveredinthe1940’s.” Fred was a Norwegian (and natural- ized American) entrepreneur, inventor, and philanthropist who used his wealth Figure1 FredKavliandMichaelTomczyk. tofundtheKavliFoundation,KavliPrize, and Kavli Institutes, including the Kavli Institute for Bionano Science and Technology at Harvard University. As you can see from this photo, the octogenarian retained his enthusiasm throughout his life andisawonderfulexampleofaworld-classinnovationchampion. VII Contents Preface XI Acknowledgement XV PartI WhatYouKnow(orDon’tKnow)aboutNanoinnovation 1 1 Quick–NameSomething“Nano” 3 YourNanoI.Q 13 2 AQuick-StartGuide:10ThingsYouShouldKnowAbout Nanoinnovation 17 2.1 10ThingsYouShouldKnowaboutNanoinnovation 17 2.1.1 WhatisNanoinnovation? 18 2.1.2 FiveCategoriesofNanoinnovation 20 2.1.3 LearningtheJargonofNanoinnovation 23 2.1.4 HowSmallIsNanoscale? 26 2.1.5 WhatAretheUnique(Quantum)PropertiesofNanotechnology? 28 2.1.6 TheMetricsofNanoinnovation 30 2.1.7 TheNeedtoBecomeNanodextrous 36 2.1.8 WhereAreWeNowintheEvolutionofNanoinnovation? 37 2.1.9 AShortHistoryofModern–andAncient–Nanoinnovation 40 2.1.10 CriticalIssuesforNanoinnovation 51 References 52 PartII TheScienceofNanoinnovation 55 3 WhatNanoscientistsAreWorkingOn 57 3.1 UsingNanosciencetoSolvePuzzlesandUnlockInnovations 58 3.2 SolidSmoke:CatchingtheComet’sTail 60 3.3 TurningDNAintoBoxes,Lattices,andPyramids 62 3.4 HowNanoinnovationIsExtendingMoore’sLaw 67 3.5 InvisibilityCloaks,OpticalTweezers,andNanophotonics 72 VIII Contents 3.6 NanoscienceWildCards:WillTreeLightsReplaceStreetlights? 77 3.7 ScienceGeniusversusCommercialChallenge 84 3.8 NanosciencePioneersAreMappingtheFuture 87 References 89 4 ImagingtheUnseen:ViewingStructuresSmallerthanLightWaves 91 4.1 WhatNanoImagesReveal 91 4.2 UsingElectronsInsteadofLighttoViewNanoscaleStructures 97 4.3 AShortHistoryofNanoscaleImaging 97 4.4 DifferentTypesofNanoscaleMicroscopes 99 4.5 BringingBiologicalNanostructuresintoFocus 102 4.6 UsingOpticalImagingSystemstoViewNanoscaleStructures 104 4.7 ProbingtheFuture 106 4.8 NanoscopesonMars 109 4.9 TheFutureofNanoscaleImaging 111 References 112 5 WhereNanoscienceBecomesNanoart 113 5.1 HolisticNanoattheConvergenceofNanobliss,Nanoform,and Nanofunction 116 5.2 InnovatingattheConvergenceofBiomimetics,Nanoart,and Nanoscience 119 5.3 UsingArttoConceptualizetheFuture 123 Reference 125 PartIII TheBusinessofNanoinnovation 127 6 LessonsfromtheFirstWaveofNanoventures 129 6.1 TheFirstWaveofNanoventures 130 6.2 Zyvex:DivideandConquer 131 6.3 ZyvexPiranha:TheFirstCarbonNanotubeBoat 139 6.4 Nantero:Patent,Fabricate,Outsource 143 6.5 QuantumSphere:CompetitiveCatalysts 147 6.6 InsituTec:FromGradStudentstoCommercialVenture 153 6.7 Nanocomp:TakingNanotubestoJupiterandBeyond 155 6.8 Nanosys:ResurrectionandRedemption 159 6.9 GrapheneFrontiers:CommercializingGraphene 162 6.10 CarbonNanotechnologies:EarlyPromise,NotFulfilled 165 References 165 7 ImplementingYourNanoinnovationStrategy 167 7.1 ASense-MakingFrameworkforNanoinnovators 167 7.2 10StrategicQuestionsthatNanoinnovatorsNeedtoAsk 168 7.2.1 What’stheValueProposition? 169

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