FRONTIERS OF NANOSCIENCE Series Editor: Richard E. Palmer The Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory, The School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Birmingham, UK Vol. 1 Nanostructured Materials edited by Gerhard Wilde Vol. 2 Atomic and Molecular Manipulation edited by Andrew J. Mayne and Ge´rald Dujardin Vol. 3 Metal Nanoparticles and Nanoalloys edited by Roy L. Johnston and J.P. Wilcoxon Vol. 4 Nanobiotechnology edited by Jesus M. de la Fuente and V. Grazu Elsevier The Boulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UK Radarweg 29,POBox211,1000AEAmsterdam,The Netherlands Copyright#2012Elsevier Ltd.Allrightsreserved Nopart ofthispublicationmaybereproduced,stored inaretrieval system ortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeanselectronic, mechanical,photocopying, recordingorotherwise withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher Permissions maybe soughtdirectly fromElsevier’sScience&TechnologyRights DepartmentinOxford,UK:phone(+44)(0)1865843830;fax(+44)(0)1865853333; visiting theElsevier websiteat, andselecting Obtainingpermission touseElsevier material Notice Noresponsibilityisassumedbythepublisherforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersons orpropertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuse oroperationofanymethods,products,instructionsorideascontainedinthematerial herein. British LibraryCataloguinginPublication Data Acatalogue recordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary Library ofCongressCataloging-in-Publication Data AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress ISSN:1876-2778 ISBN:978-0-12-415769-9 ForinformationonallElsevier publications Printedand boundinGreat Britain 12 13 14 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contributors NumbersinParenthesesindicatethepagesonwhichtheauthor’scontributionsbegin. David Alcantara (269), Center for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Pilar Batalla (247), Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University ofAlcala´, Alcala´ de Henares, Madrid, Spain CatherineC.Berry(159),CentreforCellEngineering,GlasgowUniversity,Glasgow, United Kingdom Susana Carregal-Romero (181), Fachbereich Physik, Philipps Universita¨t Marburg, Marburg, Germany Amparo Casal (443), SOD Medicina del Lavoro, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Carreggi, Florence,Italy Roc´ıo Costo (35), Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, C/Sor Juana Ines delaCruz, Cantoblanco,28049Madrid,Spain PablodelPino(3,309), NanotherapyandNanodiagnosticsGroup(GN2),Institutode NanocienciadeArago´n,UniversidaddeZaragoza,EdificioIþD,MarianoEsquillor s/n, Campus RioEbro, Zaragoza,Spain Pedro M. Enriquez-Navas (233), Bionand-Centro Andaluz de Nanomedicina y Biotecnolog´ıa,ParqueTecnolo´gicodeAndaluc´ıa,Malaga,Spain HeleneFeracci(197),CentredeRecherchePaulPascal,CNRSUPR8641,Universite´ Bordeaux 1,Pessac, France Maria L. Garcia-Martin (233), Bionand-Centro Andaluz de Nanomedicina y Biotecnolog´ıa,ParqueTecnolo´gicodeAndaluc´ıa,Malaga,Spain Isabel Segura Gil (197), Instituto de Nanociencia de Arago´n, Universidad de Zaragoza,EdificioIþD,MarianoEsquillors/n,CampusRioEbro,Zaragoza,Spain Pilar Rivera_Gil (181), Fachbereich Physik, Philipps Universita¨t Marburg, Marburg, Germany IgnasiGispert(487),ResearcherattheInstituteforLawandTechnology(Universitat Auto`noma de Barcelona) and Advisor of the Legal Observatory of the Center for NanoBioSafety and Sustainability (CNBSS) at the Catalan Institute of Nanotech- nology (ICN).Barcelona, Spain A´frica Gonza´lez-Ferna´ndez (443), Immunology, Biomedical Research Centre (CINBIO),UniversityofVigo,CampusLagoasMarcosende,Vigo,Spain xiii xiv Contributors Valeria Grazu´ (337), Nanotherapy and Nanodiagnostics Group (GN2), Instituto de NanocienciadeArago´n,UniversidaddeZaragoza,EdificioIþD,MarianoEsquillor s/n,Campus Rio Ebro,Zaragoza,Spain Berta Saez Gutierrez (197), Instituto de Nanociencia de Arago´n, Universidad de Zaragoza,EdificioIþD,MarianoEsquillors/n,CampusRioEbro,Zaragoza,Spain and Instituto Aragones de Ciencias de la Salud, Avenida de Alcalde Go´mez Laguna,25,Zaragoza, Spain RaimoHartmann(181),FachbereichPhysik,PhilippsUniversita¨tMarburg,Marburg, Germany WilliamHempel(197),BiosystemsInternational,1ruePierreFontaine,Evry,France NikoHildebrandt(291),Universite´ Paris-Sud,Institutd’ElectroniqueFondamentale, Orsay,France Zongwen Jin (291), Universite´ Paris-Sud, Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, Orsay,France Lee Josephson (269), Center for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, Boston, Massachusetts, USA TamaraLozano(443),Immunology,BiomedicalResearchCentre(CINBIO),University ofVigo,CampusLagoasMarcosende,Vigo,Spain Mar´ıadelPuertoMorales(35),InstitutodeCienciasdeMaterialesdeMadrid,CSIC, C/SorJuana Inesde laCruz,Cantoblanco,28049Madrid, Spain Mar´ıa Moros (337), Nanotherapy and Nanodiagnostics Group (GN2), Instituto de NanocienciadeArago´n,UniversidaddeZaragoza,EdificioIþD,MarianoEsquillor s/n,Campus Rio Ebro,Zaragoza,Spain Sergio E. Moya (115), CIC biomaGUNE, Paseo Miramo´n, San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa, Spain Wolfgang J. Parak (181), Fachbereich Physik, Philipps Universita¨t Marburg, Marburg,Germany Beatriz Pelaz (3, 309), Nanotherapy and Nanodiagnostics Group (GN2), Instituto de NanocienciadeArago´n,UniversidaddeZaragoza,EdificioIþD,MarianoEsquillor s/n,Campus Rio Ebro,Zaragoza,Spain Mercedes Peleteiro (443), Immunology, Biomedical Research Centre (CINBIO), Universityof Vigo,Campus LagoasMarcosende, Vigo,Spain Ce´cile Philippot (81), CEA Grenoble, INAC/SPrAM (UMR 5819 CEA-CNRS-UJF)/ LEMOH,Grenoble Cedex,France Ester Polo (247), Nanotherapy and Nanodiagnostics Group (GN2), Instituto de NanocienciadeArago´n,UniversidaddeZaragoza,EdificioIþD,MarianoEsquillor s/n,Campus Rio Ebro,Zaragoza,Spain Sara Puertas (247), Nanotherapy and Nanodiagnostics Group (GN2), Instituto de NanocienciadeArago´n,UniversidaddeZaragoza,EdificioIþD,MarianoEsquillor s/n,Campus Rio Ebro,Zaragoza,Spain Contributors xv PeterReiss(81),CEAGrenoble,INAC/SPrAM(UMR5819CEA-CNRS-UJF)/LEMOH, GrenobleCedex,France Javier Rojo (143), Glycosystems Laboratory, Instituto de Investigaciones Qu´ımicas, CSIC —Universidad deSevilla, Seville, Spain GabrielaRomero(115),CICbiomaGUNE,PaseoMiramo´n,SanSebastian,Gipuzkoa, Spain ChristianSa´nchez-Espinel(337),NanoImmunoTechSL,Pza.FernandoConde,Montero R´ıos9,36201Vigo,Spain MacarenaSa´nchez-Navarro(143),GlycosystemsLaboratory,InstitutodeInvestiga- ciones Qu´ımicas,CSIC —Universidad deSevilla, Seville, Spain Gorka Salas (35), Institutode Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, C/Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain and IMDEA Nanociencia, FacultaddeCiencias,Av.TomasyValiente7,Cantoblanco,28049Madrid,Spain RosanaSimo´n-Va´zquez(443),Immunology,BiomedicalResearchCentre(CINBIO), University ofVigo, CampusLagoas Marcosende,Vigo, Spain Preface During the past 20 years, the number of applications of nano- and microde- vicesinthefieldsofbiotechnologyandbiomedicinehasbeenincreaseddras- tically. Actually it is very common to find products in our laboratories based on nanotechnology for applications such as cell separation, catalysis, sup- ports, labeling, etc. In fact, during the past years, few nanosystems have been approvedbyFDAtotheiruseascontrastagentsordrugdeliverydevices.From allofthesenanodevicesdeveloped,themostpopularandmostusedareproba- bly the nanoparticles. These nanoparticles could be based on organic or in- organic materials or hybrid structures. But, what is the main reason why the research focused in these nanoparticles has been developed so fast? Probably, the main reason is the fast development of characterization techniques during thepastyears.Newelectronicmicroscopes,moreprecise,withbetterresolution, and easier to manipulate, have been developed to improve and simplify the characterization of novel nanoparticles. DLS and Z-potential measurements have been more and more popular during the past years with the availability ofeconomicalandexcellentmachines.Allofthesemakeeasiertheproduction andcharacterizationofthenewnanostructures,gettingabetterunderstandingof the mechanisms that control the growing processes driving their formation. Oncethesynthesisofdifferentsizesandshapesoforganicandinorganicnano- particles has been understood and under control, the number of applications grow very fast, mainly in the field of biotechnology. Whicharethereasonswhythesenanoparticlesareveryinterestingforbio- technological applications? There are a few aspects that we should take into consideration. The first one is that these nanomaterials are in the same size rangescaleasbiomolecules.Forthisreason, theycaninteractquitewellwith them and we can control and intervene in biological processes. We should also take into account the high specific surface that these nanoparticles have. This specific surface allows the accommodation of a high concentration of drugs or required molecules in them. In the case of inorganic nanoparticles, duetotheirnanometricsize,nanoparticleshaveinterestingphysicalproperties such as different fluorescent or magnetic properties. The use of these novel properties has allowed the development of most sensitive and selective bio- sensors, new therapy approaches, and also merge diagnosis and therapy in the same device. Organic and inorganic nanoparticles can also be used as a multifunctional scaffold allowing the incorporation of different biomolecules totheirsurfaceorinsidehollownanoparticles toimprovethecrossingofbio- logical membranes, for example. The increase of solubility or stability of xvii xviii Preface biomolecules or drugs is also other of nanoparticle features most used to develop new drug formulations. For these reasons, we thought it could be interesting to publish a book focused in the last biotechnological applications of nanoparticles. Taking into account the huge differences between organic and inorganic nanoparticles, this book is oriented to describe the differences, advantages, and disadvantages between both types of nanoparticles for their useinbiotechnologicalapplications.Newdrugsanddiagnosistoolsarebeing discovered using nanotechnology as base. Every year hundreds of new ideas using nanomaterials are used for the development of biosensors. More and more new enterprises are also searching for market opportunities using these technologies. Nanomaterials world for biotechnological applications isa very complex field. Thousands of different nanoparticles could be used for these purposes. Some of them are very different; their synthesis, characterization, and potentiality are very diverse. With this book, we have pretended to esta- blish a route guide for nonerudite researchers in the field showing the advantages and disadvantages of the different kind of nanomaterials. Thisbookisdividedinto5partsincluding16chaptersencompassingfrom thesynthesisandcharacterizationoforganicandinorganicnanoparticlestoall different kinds of their applications in biotechnology and medicine. It begins with a part devoted on the synthesis of nanoparticles. Chapter 1 is a revision of the most used methods to prepare gold nanoparticles controlling their size andtheirshape.Chapter2ismainlydevotedinthesynthesisandcharacteriza- tion of magnetic nanoparticles. This chapter presents different methodologies to prepare different size and shape magnetic nanoparticles and also a final sectionorientedtotheconjugationoforganicmoleculestoimprovethecolloi- dal stability of these nanoparticles. To finish with the synthesis of inorganic nanoparticles, Chapter 3 is mainly focused on the synthesis of semiconductor nanocrystals, the so-called quantum dots. Chapters 4 and 5 are up-to-date reviews of literature on advances strategies for the synthesis of liposomes, micelles, vesicles, polymers, and dendrimers searching for biotechnological applications. The next part of the book is oriented to present specific examples of biotechnological applications of inorganic nanoparticles (Chapter 6) and organic nanoparticles (Chapter 8). Both chapters present examples of the useofnanoparticlesforDNAtransfection,organellelabeling,molecularinter- actions,cellular separations,etc.Alltheseapplications aremainlyoriented to cellular or molecular biology laboratories. Chapter 7 presents a practical approachtogetabetterunderstandingofthemechanismsandalsotoquantify the nanoparticle internalization in cells. The next part is divided into four chapters, and it is mainly oriented to reviewthedifferentapplicationsofnanoparticlesfordiagnosisandbiosensing, including in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo experimentation. Two chapters are oriented to present applications of magnetic nanoparticles by means of mag- netic resonance technology. Chapter 9 is mainly focused on the application Preface xix of inorganic nanoparticles, mainly magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic reso- nanceimagingtechniques.Agoodexplanationoftheadvantagesofsuperpar- amagnetic nanoparticles instead Gd-based complexes for this application is presented. Chapter 11, under the scope of diagnostics-biosensing, presents a different approach based on the monitoring of aggregation of magnetic nano- particles due to molecular recognition events to be used as biosensor. This approach is called magnetic resonance switches. Two more chapters oriented to describe different examples of nanoparticles as biosensors for in vitro experimentation are also included. Chapter 10 is mainly focused on metallic and metal oxide nanoparticles and Chapter 12 is mainly oriented to the use of semiconductor nanocrystals. Thelastpartorientedtopresentapplicationsofnanoparticlesisfocusedon therapeutical approaches mainly oriented to cancer treatment. Both chapters includedherearefromtheUniversityofZaragoza,andtheyareverycomplete andupdatedreviewsontheuseofmetallic,metaloxide,andorganicnanopar- ticles’ use of nanoparticles for hyperthermia treatment and drug delivery. Chapter13explainsthephysicalpropertiesofmetaloxideandmetallicnano- particles for their use in magnetic hyperthermia and photothermal ablation. It is a very interesting revision of the recent approaches using this kind of noveltherapystrategytodestroyspecificallytumoralcells.Chapter14consti- tutesaverycompleterevisionofthedifferentapproachestouseinorganicand organic nanoparticles as drug delivery vehicles. The first part of this chapter makes a description of the different features that a nanoparticle should have to be used for biomedical applications. The revision includes several options totriggerthedrugsandwhatitisveryinteresting,severalexamplesofdevices alreadyprobedandalreadyinthemarket.Thereareseveraltableswithallthe most relevant nanosystems in the market for drug delivery. We did notwantto end the book with a part oriented totoxicological and regulatoryaspectsofthisnoveltechnologiesbasedonnanoparticles.Chapters 15 and 16 are mainly focused on these two important aspects. Abooklikethisisimpossiblewithoutthesupportandeffortoftheauthors who have taken time to submit their manuscripts even with their busy sched- ules.We gratefullyacknowledge theofferofProf. R.Palmer toparticipatein this book series and the support from Elsevier, in particular, Derek Coleman and Susan Dennis, who have been working with us to make this book a reality. Jesus M. de la Fuente Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon-ARAID, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain Chapter 1 Synthesis Applications of Gold Nanoparticles Beatriz Pelaz and Pablo del Pino NanotherapyandNanodiagnosticsGroup(GN2),InstitutodeNanocienciadeArago´n,Universidad deZaragoza,EdificioIþD,MarianoEsquillors/n,CampusRioEbro,Zaragoza,Spain 1. INTRODUCTION As bulk materials, the noble metal gold (Au) has been for centuries a verypopularsubjectofstudyinscience.However,thetechnologicaldevelop- mentofnanoscience(nanotechnology)hasrevolutionizedtheimpactofAuin thescientificcommunityand,morerecently,inoursocietyintheformofvery beneficial technological applications in fields such as materials science, energy, and medicine. Currently, the development of new synthetic routes to obtain Au colloids, complex multicomponent materials embedding Au col- loids, and the following novel applications based on these materials are the subjectsofworkformanyscientists;consequently,reportsrelatedtogoldcol- loids, also referred to as Au nanoparticles or nanocrystals (GNPs), have becomeveryprolificintheliterature.Furthermore,thepopularityofsynthetic methods yielding GNPs with on-demand size, shape, structure (solid or hol- low), coating, etc., continues growing exponentially; as the degree of control tofabricatesuchstructuresevolves,newapplicationsbasedonthesematerials can be explored. Photothermal therapy (PTT), photoacoustic (PA) imaging, and surface-enhanced resonance spectroscopy (SERS) are examples of appli- cations where NPs such as nanorods, hollow nanospheres, and nanostars, among others, can act as transducers. Amongmaterialscientists,theinterestingopticalfeaturesofGNPsaretheir keytosuccess;ingeneral,photonscancoupletotheplasmaresonanceofthecon- ductionelectronsatthesurfaceofmetallicNPstoproducetheircollectiveoscil- lation, in a phenomenon usually referred as localized surface plasmon resonance(LSPR).Indeed,theopticalpropertiesofmetallicNPsaremainlydic- tated by surface plasmons. For NPs made of Au (noble metals in general), the LSPRbandliesinthevisible-NIRpartofthespectrum;thepositionoftheLSPR bandisdeterminedbyacombinationofNPattributessuchascomposition,size, andshape,andalsobythedielectricenvironment.Theinteractionoflightwith FrontiersofNanoscience,Vol.4.DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-415769-9.00001-7 #2012ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. 3 4 FrontiersofNanoscience Au nanocube Branched Au Au nanorod Transverse Longitudinal Au nanoprism Au nanoshell Au nanosphere Plasmon energy (eV) 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 400 500 600 1000 3000 9000 SPR wavelength (nm) FIGURE1.1 RangeofsurfaceplasmonresonancesofGNPsasafunctionoftheirshape(repro- ducedfromTreguer-Delapierre).4 surfaceplasmonsatveryconfinedvolumeslikethatofAucolloidsiscurrently beingexploredinfieldssuchasopticsandenergy.1–3 TheabilityfortuningthecolorofcolloidalsolutionsofGNPsbychanging their size has been known for long time. However, in the past decade, a con- sistent body of work has highlighted the fact that shape plays also a crucial role in determining the optical properties of nanomaterials. Ultimately, the energyconfinementofelectrons,holes,excitons,phonons,andplasmonswith respect to the NPs shape is the reason for this observation. Colors can be attributed to changes in surface plasmon resonance, energy at which light couples to the surface plasmons of NPs (Figure 1.1). Inthecontextofbiologyandmedicine,inadditiontothewidelyexplored optical properties, GNPs exhibit two extra value properties which make them the “stars” among a wide variety of NPs for bioapplications, that is, biocom- patibility and ease of surface modification by a wide range of thiolated mol- ecules. In summary, GNPs represent an ideal platform for many applications inverydifferentareas.TheinterestonAuisreflectedbytheincreasingnum- ber of publications related to GNPs in the past years (Figure 1.2A); the most recent interest on anisotropic GNPs such as nanorods, nanoplates, branched nanostructures, nanoprisms, or nanoshells can also be seen in Figure 1.2B. 2. ANCIENT USES OF GNPS Throughouthumanhistory,goldhasbeenvaluedforitsbeautyandforitsresis- tivity against corrosion; also, it was hammered into articles of jewelry. Gold extraction started in the fifth millennium BC However, in contrast to the long