Literary Onomastics Studies Volume 12 Article 9 1985 Names in Handke's Die Angst des Tormanns Russell E. Brown SUNY Stony Brook Follow this and additional works at: Part of theGerman Literature Commons, and theModern Literature Commons Repository Citation Brown, Russell E. (1985) "Names in Handke's Die Angst des Tormanns,"Literary Onomastics Studies: Vol. 12 , Article 9. Available at: This Conference Paper is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @Brockport. It has been accepted for inclusion in Literary Onomastics Studies by an authorized editor of Digital Commons @Brockport. For more information, please [email protected]. 63 LOS NAMES IN HANDKE'S DIE ANGST DES TORIVi.ANNS Russell E. Brown StateU niversitoyf New Yorka t StonyB rook PeterH andke'sD ieAng st des Tormannsbe im Elfmeter (1970h)i,s firsti nternationaslu ccessi,s a good subjecfto ra briefo nanastic study.F ort hea uthor'uss eo f charactearn dp lacen ames confirms hisa cknCMledgedde btt o FranzK afka,f ranw hosef ictioHna ndke derivehsi sh ero's nameJ,o sefB loch, andf romw homH andke'gse neral techniquoef naming/withholdniamnegs is derived.I n addition, Handke'sst orye mploys a surprisinvagr ietoyf naming techniquefso r a smalln umber of named characterrsa,n ging frotmh ed enotative sprechenNdaem e,p airedn ames, andn ames·w ith etymologiicmapll ica- tionst o theu seo f an historicalcloyr rec"tr eal"n ame amon g the fictionaoln es. Therei s alsoa n interesticngl usteorf names, seven mentioneodn a single page,i n theg eneraeln vironmeonft n ames up- pression. The centraclh aractert,h eT ormann,i s naJredJ osephB loch, an allusivneam e, combiningt won ames froDemr Prozess:J osefK . is the heroa nd (RudiB)l ock is theo nlyo thern ameda ccusepde rsoni n the novel.1 i-.osceh aracterasl,t hougnho ta ccuseodf a specificc rime, aree ssentialilny thes ame situatioans theT ormannw hoh as murdered a femalea cquaintanacned i s tryingt o escapec apture,t riala nd by punishment.( Handke'isn teresitn Kafkai s alsos hCMn hisu seo f then ameG regor,s uggestiGngr egor Samsao f DieV erwandlungi,n Die Hornisse(1 965a)n dD ieS tunded erw ahreEmpnf indung (197.5).] Then ames Blocha ndB lock are,o f cour se,i nterchangeaibnl e German; Bloch was originaulsleyd f orJ ews whoUnm igrated to Poland 64 LOS frant he�-e st int hef ourteenctehn tur(yG ottschalDedu:t schNea menskundBee,r lin:1 971)w,h icghi verse levamenatn ingfso rB lock: Klotz, FelsbGleofcakn,g nipsl,umpe r Menscha,l lo fw hicahp pltyo hisf ormerr olea sg oalk eeper,a ndo ne,G efangnitso,h isf uture fatea sa murderer. While theraer en oo thearl lusiovree mbodienda mesf rom Kafka inD ieAng St desT ormannHsa,n dkfeo llows Kafka's pgreancetriacolef thes uppressoifop ne sonarl names. Hisp revionuosv elDe,r Hausierer (1967),contnaoip nesr sonnaamels ata ll.H eret heraer eo nlyt hree namedc haractewrhsoa ctualalpype ari nthe novel:J oseBfl ocht;h e womanh em urderGse,r dTa. ;a ndt hew oman hes eekrse fugew ith, HerthaO.t hern ameasr eme ntionewdi thoutth eibera rersa ppeariinng then ovel.A s witht heH ausierneamer, charactearrseu sualldye sig by nated theiorc cupatioornr ole.T heboy friendo fH erthias always referrteoda s" derS ohnd esG utsbesitzewrhsi)c'rh e call"sd erS ohn desS chlosskastelilnaK nasf"k a'Dsa sS chlosHsa;n dke'sc haracter alsol ivei�n a castl(ep .6 4).J usta sK afkas uppresstehsen ame Schwarzer, preferrdiensgS ch"lSooshsnk astellsaonH sa,n"d kues es ther oleo ro ccupation desiegvneanwt hieonnt hepe rsonanlam e is given; Heirstc haal le"dd ieP achterianl"m ost excluswihvielley , herd aughteirs a lwaycsa lle"dd ieT ochtedre rP achter"i n. Thes uppressoifot nh en ame ofB loch'sv ictimG,e rda, is more logicals,i nchee only lehaerrn namse justbe foremu rderinhge r;a movicea shiesrh,e i sc alle"dD ieK assierertienn"t imesu ntiBll och LOS 65 begintsof ollohwe rh anfer,a wnh icpho inotn s hei sc alle"dd as Madche(nn"i ntei mes).B lochf'osr emains c alleodn l"yd ePro l ier"h;i sf ormer wifaen dh isd aughtearr eo nliyd entifbyi etdh eir relatitoonh ime,v ent hough hsepe akst ot hemo nt het elephone. Otheworrre n Blocmehe tsa rec alle"dd aMsa dche(na"g irhle h as casuasle xw ith{ pp1.1 -12)o)r," dibeei denF riseurmadc(hpepn." 56-60). Noc haracetveerar d dresasneost hcehra racbyt eperr sonanla me int hes toreyv ewnh eint wo uldbe naturaas�i nt hef amilyo f Herthoar,i nB loch'tse lephcoonnev ersatwiiotnhhsi sf ormerf amily, orb etweEnt het wo hairdressWehresnG. e rdsau ppliheesrn ame after hes pentt hen ighwti thhe rwe, read" Blochh attees g arn ichwti ssen wolle(np". 2 0),a ndo nt hew ayt oH erthwe a leartnh aBtl ocohn ly knowsh erf irsntame , althougthh ehya dbe enl overs ea(rpl.3i 0e)r. ThuHsa ndken'asm ingp ractiicnet hes tory reftlheerc etlsu ctaonfc e hisp rotagonitsout s ep ersonnameals inh iss ocialr elatiownhsi,c h confortmost heK afka-lliikmei tpeerds pectiv(ee insinnige Erzahlthuanlg ) • TurninngON to thet wo worren characteGresr,dt ah,e m urdevri c tima,n dH erthtah,e P achtertiown h oBml ocfhl eesa,r el inkebdy similnaarm ese,a chw itthw os yllabltehsee, r -ap atterann,d even relatceodn sonanKtasf.k uas endame pairlsi kGer etaen dG regoirn DieV erwandlaunngda lsbeot weecnh aractenramess' a ndh isow n name, likSea msa--KafTkhae.s imilaroiftGe yr daa nd Herstuhgag estthsa t 66 LOS Blochr elatetso both womeni n thes amew ay,a ndi ndeedo nes ensesa potentiaflo r violentcowea rd Hertha( ando theru nnamewdo meni n the story)j,u sta s wasa ctuallcya rrieodu tt owardB loch'rse alv ictim, Gerda. Gerda'gsi venn ame,a nnouncejdu stbe fore her death,po ssiblya contributinfga ctort o Bloch'dse cisiotno stranglhee r,i s enlarged 71). by latern ewspaperre ports,w hichr efert o hera s GerdaT . (p. Thi!?i s consistenwti thj ournalistic pracitni rceef errintgo victims ands uspects,b uta lsor ecallJso sefK . of Der Prozess. The etymologyo f the women'nsam es maybe mentionedB.o tha re fran Germanic mythology: Gerdaw ast he wifoef theG od Freyerw,h ile Herthai s equivalteon Nte rthust,h eM otherE artho f oldG erman folk lore. It seems likely tthheastea rea ccidentaelc hoes justa s would occurw ith macomnmoy n Germang ivenn ames.M orei nterestiinsg t he allusivqeu alitayt tainefdo rH ertha'nsame by thef actt hatB lochi s a former footballp layer:H erthai s then ame of a well-knowBne rlin team. 'lhuisn a senseB loch regainast leasta nominal proxitmoi ty hiso lds port by travellintgo "Hertha." The mostf amilianra mingd evicei n literaturies thes prechende Name,t het agn ame whichd enoteas qualittyh rougthh en ormamle aning of then ame- word.W hens peakintgo Gerdabe fore the murder, Bloch 20). mentiontsh en ameo f anothefroo tballp layerS,t umm( p. The namei s givena dded importbayn cteh ef actt hatB lochw ritesi t on a newspapewrh ichi s lefti n Gerda'sap artmenatn ds ervesa s a cluei n LOS 67 thes earcfho rt hemurde rer, asr eportedi nn ewspaper(sp .1 07).T he themoef d umbness, inarticulateness,tpehnenbo eradteerts own setting tow hicBhl ochg oes aftehri sd eed.A missiboyng therwhoe isl ater foundd rownebyd Blochh imsel(pf . 6i2s)r eferrteoda s" derst ..l'l'T'Il'e SchUle(rp". 7 2).A schoolc ustodiatne llBsl ocht hata llt he childroefnt hen eighborhooda reh ardlayb let o speakc ompletsee n tences:" 'Eigentlsiicnhda llmee hrod er wenisgperre chbehindert,' sagtdee rS chuldien(epr."8 9)." Sprechbeheirntd,a"s we ll as ";'i su sed about them issiboyng (pp.3 1,1 07).O fc ourse, JoseBfl ochh imselsfh aretsh ev illapgreo bloefmc c:mru nication difficultsoi etsh,a ta ftehri st orturaetdt empttso c onverseh,i s finaell oquenatn alysoifsa goalie's irnoa l geame has been viewed by sane critiacssan acto fl iberatioornro ontalr ecoveryC:h rista K. Dixoinn S prachku3n (s1t9 72H)., 1 ,p p.7 5-9a7n dG ustav ZUr cher inT extu ndK ritiHk 2 4/24(a1 976p)p,. 38-56. In addititoonS t1..IITO"!\,B locahl sor efertso " Viktore inB e .•• kanntevro nm ir"( p.5 9);t hisc ouladl sobe vieweda sa denotative tag-namien thceo nteoxfta sportsc areeorf v ictoriaensdd efeats. Immediatbeefloyr e,in i dentifyhiinmgs etloft het wo Friseur madchenh eh asj usmett , hes tatetsh ath eh asbe en a football goal keeper." Ere ri<Uirted,a ssT orhi.ltlearn geark tisve in konntaelns F eldspiel' rwaa rs chon ziemliaclht ,s'a gte Bloch"( p.5 7).I nc ontratsotS tumamn dV iktorZ,a roc>rai sa n historifciaglu reR:i carZdaomo rap layed internationally for Spain 68 LOS betweetnh ew orlwda rs.O ne otfh ebe st goalieosf the perihode, neverthelseusfsf eredg reaa fta ilurien a gamea gainsEtn glanwdh ere hea lloweds everaela sy goalast t heb eginningT.h ush e wasi n disgraced,i screditwehdi,c whe c ani maginmea yh avebe en thef ateo f Bloch,w hoi su nablteo a ccephti se arlrye tiremenftr om professional sports. Allo ft hes"eo thern"ame s inD ieA ngstd esT ormanns-nameosf personwsh od on ota ppeairn t hes to�are mentioneidn t woc onver- sationwsi thwome n,i nbo th ofw hicBhl ochf eeltsh es ame disorienta- tionbe causeo fh isp artnerwsa'y o fs peakingt:h eiars sumptioofn s sharekdn owledgceo ntrawsitt hh isp edantciocr rectnesIsn.t he firstG,e rdame ntionas "Freddya"n da placet,h e" Stephanskeller," whilhee mentionhsi sf ormers upervistohre" Poliearn"d a "Fussball- 20). spielenra mens St(upm.m " Int hes econcdo nversatiwoint,ht het wo" Friseurmadchen," Bloch mention"sZ amora"( p.5 7)," Viktora"n da "Schiedsrichat er," footbalrle fere(ep .5 9). Inbe tweent het wo girlsp roducea little explosioofn g ossiwph icihs reportiendd irectly. Ausserdem sprsaicevh oenn Dinugnednv ora llem von Per sonend,i ee rn ichkte nnen konanltseo ,b e rs iek ennen mUsstuen de ingeweihste i.M ariah abe Ottod ieK roko dilledertaasucfhd ee nK opfg eschlageDenr. Onkels ei hinuntienrd enK ellegre omkme n,h abe Alfreidn d enH of gejagutn dd iei talilenisKc0chhei nm ite ineBri rkenrute geschlageEnd.u arhda be siea nd erA bzweiguanugs steigen lassens,o d asss iem itteinn d erN achtz uF ussn achH ause gehemnu sstes:i es eid urchd enK indsmorderwgaelgda ngen, damitW alteurn dK arls ien ichatu fd emA uslanderweg 69 LOS gehesna henu,n d hasbec hliessldiicehB allschuahues gezo gen,d iei hrH errF riedrigcehs chenhkatbe . (p.5 8} Thisa pparentrlayn dofmr eea ssociatimoonnt agei nw hich not even thei ndividusapela keri sd istinguishedt-wo- tghier lasr e treateads a unit,l iket hed reiz ummerherirne nK afkDai'esV er wandlung--inse vertheltehsemast icallrye latetdo t hee ventosf t he story.V iolencaend a ggressibevhea vioirn erotic situaetcihoon s thed epictiendc idenitnst hel ifeo fB loch.W hilteh eM aria-otto incideinsto bviousulnyr elatteodt heu ncle'bsr eakiunpgo fa n apparenttr ysbett weenA lfreadn dt heI taliacnoo k, thef ollowing "siew"h oi sp uto uto fE duardc'sa rm ayr efetro o neo ft heF riseur- rnadcheno r,a swo uldbe gramma ticallcyo rrectto,t hel astme n- tioned feminpeirnseo n,t hec ook. Herf oreignnreeslsa tetso the "Aiooricanmo"n eym otifa ndt ot hel ocation Gorfe nzorwhte rte he actioins t akinpgl acea,s wella st ot heg eographidce signation "Auslanderwwheigc"fh o llows.T heo therl ocatiomne ntioned, "Kin dsmorderwalrde·l,a"t etso t he" sumtme SchUler,w"h ow as believetdo habeveen ••rurderTehdel. oc ationasr ea lsol inked phoneticailnlv ya riou\s, Jyass, weret hen amesG erdaa ndH erthat;h e "Krokodilledertasicshl ei"k et he" Ballschuhaen,du t"hBei rkenrute" relatetso " Abzweigunagn"d " Wald." Rathetrh ant ryingt og rastph es equencweh,i chha st hei nner logico f a dream,t her epetitioonfsa modern poem asa wholeB,l och LOS 70 drivetsh er eporteidn cidefnutrst haepra rbyt specifiqcu estions whicihs olatthee s eparaitteems . Endlifcrha gteer ,o bA lfreidh rF reunsde io;b i mmere ine Birkenrauutfde e mS chralnikeg e;o bH erFrr iedriecihn Vertretseeri u;n do bd erA uslandedrewsewegge ns o hiesswee,i elr v ielleiacnhe ti neAru slandersiedlung vorbeifUhr(ep.. 5 9) Ont heo nomastliec veIl a ppliae ndumbe r oft esttso t hes even namesi nt heF riseurmadcsheeqnu encSei.n cEe. M .R ajehca sp ub- lishead c omplestteu doyf K afkan'amess (Namen undi hrBeed eutungen imW erkFer anKza fkasB.e rn: Peter LanIg c,o u1lq9du7 i7c)k ly establtihsahte achn ame,e xcepWta lteocrc,u rreidn o neo ra nother ofK afkawo'rsk s,b uti nn ome aningfupla ttern.( Ofco urseu ncles andc ooks occuri nK afkaas w ell). We seemt oh avaec cidenrteape-l titioonfsc ommo n Germanname s, evetnh ought hee mbodiedn ameo f JoseBfl oclhe aduss t os earcfho ro theKra fknaame allusions. Mariias t hen ame of Handownk e'mso thebru,t h isf athername 's wasB runoa,n dc onnectitooon tsh efri guriensH andkeown' sl ife could ben oets tablishVeadr.i oaunsa graanmd a crostpiact terns coulndo tbe discoverneodrd, � �t heg rouspe em tobe prefiguirned anyh istoricpoalli,t icaolr,l iteranraym see t.A pparently Handke ish eres bnplyu singr ealisntameisc, appropritaott hee s ocialc lass andg eographicsaelt tiongf t hes peakewrist,h oeuxtp loittihnge allusiovred enotatiovpepo rtunity prbyo tvhiidcsel du ster of names ina texott herwise noftoarpb rloepe rn ame avoidance. LOS 71 Onerrci ght sayf inalltyh atH andke'uss eo fp ersonnaamels isn ot verys ystematic.A fewc leaerx ampleosf s ignificnaanmetp laybo,t h allusiavned d enotatiavree,n ots upportebyd otheerx ampless,u ch as thisn ame grouwph ichis purelsye lfc ontainaendd i nwardolryg aniz�d likea dreamo ra poem , withouetx ternraelf erence. Turnintgo t hei dentificaotfil oocna lei nD ieA ngstd esT or mannsi,t m aybe notetdh atn os pecifipcla cnea mes, eitrheearl o r fictionaalr,ep rovidiendt hes tory.T hec ountr(yA ustriias)n ot named,a lthoupglha cewsh erBel och'tse am plaayberdo aldi ket he UniteSdt ateosr B razialr ei ndirectrleyf errteod ( p.8 4).N either thec ityi n whicthh es torbeyg ins( Viennan)o rt hebo rdert own to whicBhl ocfhl eeasf tetrh emu rder( identifbyi ecdr iticass J enners dorfi nB urgenlainsdn )a medi n thet ext.T hisc orrespondtso t he maskinpgr oceduroef K afkaw,h on ever mentiPornasg ueA,u stria Hungaroyr C zechosloviankhi ias f ictioDans; UrteilD,i eV erwandlung andDe r Prozestsa kep lacien a nu pspecifiheodme cityw,h ilKea rl Rossmangnoe s outt oa nA merikaf ullo fe xactc,o rrecptl acnea mes. Handket'wos localaerse n ott reateidn exactltyh es ame way. Fort heo peningc ityma,n y clueasr ep rovidwedh ich miatk cel ear thatwe arei nV iennaa,l thougthh ec ity-namei ss uppressetdh:e Prate(rp .1 6)t,h eN aschmarkt( p.7 ),t heS tephanskel(pl.e2 r0 )a,s wellas thez weiterBe zirk( pp.1 6,2 1,2 3)w herBel ochl ives,clearly reveatlh eV iennelsocea tion.K afknae vegri vewsi dely-knPowrna gue